Chapter 08 - AC Elements
Chapter 08 - AC Elements
Chapter 08 - AC Elements
PowerStation 4.0
User Guide
Copyright 2001
Operation Technology, Inc.
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AC Elements
This chapter addresses editors for all AC elements in the One-Line Diagram. Except for the element IDs,
bus connections, and status, all other data that appear in the editors are considered engineering properties,
which are subject to Base & Revision Data. The following table lists all the AC elements in PowerStation
as seen from the AC toolbar.
Fuse Contactor
High Voltage Breaker Low Voltage Circuit Breaker
Protective Devices
Single Throw Switch Double Throw Switch
Instrumentation Ground Grid
8.1 Bus
The properties associated with AC buses (nodes) of the electrical distribution system can be entered in
this data editor.
The PowerStation Bus Editor helps to model different types of buses in an electrical system. The data
entered in the Bus Editor is used when running all types of system studies. Note that specifying bus
generation or loading is not done from the Bus Editor. Generators, motors, and static loads are elements
and can be connected to any desired bus. From the Bus Editor, PowerStation can display all loads,
generators, and utilities that are directly connected to the bus. Note that protective devices are ignored
when PowerStation determines connections to buses.
A bus is defined as a point (node) where one or more branches are connected. A branch could be a cable,
transformer, etc. The minimum amount of data required to define a bus is the bus nominal kV which can
be entered in the Info Page of the Bus Editor. Once entered, this value is defined as a unique bus in the
system model, which can be connected, to other buses/nodes by placing branches between them.
Buses have two types of graphical presentation, i.e., Bus or Node. You can change a bus to a node vice
versa at any time. This option gives you the flexibility to display annotation of buses and nodes
Unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each bus. The assigned IDs consist of the default bus
ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of buses increase. The
default bus ID (Bus) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
• Every piece of major equipment, such as switchgear, switchrack, and motor control centers (MCCs).
• On the primary side of transformers when the primary line/cable feeder is more than:
250 feet for high voltage cables
100 feet for medium voltage cables
50 feet for low voltage cables
• Utility and generator terminals when the cable is more than:
250 feet for high voltage cables
100 feet for medium voltage cables
50 feet for low voltage cables
• Induction and synchronous motors do not need buses assigned at their terminals since motors can
include equipment cables.
Nominal kV
Enter the nominal voltage of the bus in kilovolts (kV). This is a required input entry, which is used by
PowerStation to convert the final bus voltages to the actual values for graphical display and output
reports, i.e., bus nominal kV is used as the base kV for the reported percent voltages.
Note that the nominal voltage and actual base voltage of a bus can be different values. Actual base
voltages of buses are calculated internally by PowerStation, starting from a swing bus. The rest of the
base values are calculated using the transformer turn ratios. A swing bus is defined as a bus that has a
power grid and/or generator (in swing mode) connected to it.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a bus can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service
option. The properties of an Out of Service bus can be edited like an In Service bus. However, an Out of
Service bus will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an Out of
Service bus automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads and branches that are
energized solely through an Out of Service bus will also be de-energized and become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a bus to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of Service in
a Revision Data.
Initial Voltage
Enter the magnitude of the bus voltage in percent of the bus nominal kV. This value is used as the initial
bus voltage for load flow studies including motor starting, harmonics and transient stability studies. For
unregulated buses which do not have any utility or generator connected to them, the operating voltage is
calculated during load flow analysis using the value entered here as a first guess or initial value. For
regulated buses, which have a utility or generator (in swing or voltage control mode) connected to them,
this value is not used. Voltage magnitude defaults to 100%.
If you select the Update Initial Bus Voltage option from the Load Flow Study Case Editor, this value
reflects the operating voltage of the bus after you run a load flow study.
For ANSI short-circuit studies, this value is used as the prefault bus voltage if you select the Vmag X
Nominal kV option from the Short-Circuit Study Case Editor, Standard Page.
Enter the phase angle of the bus voltage in degrees. For non-swing buses (buses which do not have any
utility or generator in swing mode connected to them), voltage angles are calculated during load flow
analysis using the values entered here as a first guess. This value is ignored for swing type buses. Voltage
Angle default is 0.0.
Operating Voltage
After you run load flow studies, the operating voltage magnitude and phase angle of the bus are displayed
The phase connection for the bus can be defined by selecting 3 Phase, 1 Phase 2W, or 1 Phase 3W. The
default connection is 3 Phase and can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the
Project View.
The phase connection must be specified before connecting the bus to any device. Once the bus is
connected to a device, the phase connection selections will become display only (gray). To change the
connection type, you need to disconnect the bus from all devices.
3 Phase
Select to define the bus as a three-phase bus. Three-phase and single-phase loads can be connected to this
bus. Single-phase branches must be connected through a phase adapter before connecting to a three-
phase bus.
1 Phase 2W
Select to define the bus as single-phase two-wire bus. Only single-phase devices can be connected to this
1 Phase 3W
Select to define the bus as single-phase three-wire bus. Only single-phase devices can be connected to
this bus.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the zone where the bus is located or click on the counter arrows to change the values.
Enter the area where the bus is located or click on the counter arrows to change the values.
Bus Type
Note that bus type is different than the bus symbol displayed graphically. A normal bus symbol is a bar
that can be stretched from both ends. You can change the bus to a node, which is displayed as a small
circle. Nodes are provided so you can place them at locations where you do not want to emphasize a bus
and do not want to display the current or power flow from or into it.
Continuous Amp
Enter the continuous amp rating of the selected bus.
Harmonic Limit
From the dropdown list select the appropriate designation. Available choices are General, Special,
Designated, PCC, and Other. This field specifies the bus harmonic limit category.
VTHD Limit
Choose a value from the dropdown list or enter a value from 0 to 999 here. This field specifies the bus
voltage Total Harmonic Distortion limit. The specified value will be compared with the calculated
VTHD from the Harmonic Load Flow calculation and any violation of this limit will result in a flag in the
output report.
VIHD Limit
Choose a value from the dropdown list or enter a value from 0 to 999 here. This field specifies the bus
voltage Individual Harmonic Distortion. The specified value will be compared with the calculated VIHD
from the Harmonic Load Flow calculation and any violation of this limit will result in a flag in the output
Reliability Parameters
It is defined as the Active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated
with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the
failed component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are reclosed. This leads to
service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the failed
component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) could be
restored to service only after repair or replacement.
Mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR
(µ = 8760/MTTR).
Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA (MTTF = 1.0/λA).
Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
Check this box to enable rP
Replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare.
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a switching operation is
requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Library Button
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Displays the Source Name of the library data selected
Displays the type name of the library data selected
Displays the class of the library data selected
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
The 2-Winding Transformer Editor includes the following eight pages of properties, as well as
information regarding the use of load tap changers (LTC).
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each transformer. The assigned IDs consist of the
default ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of transformers
increase. The default transformer ID (T) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from
the Project View.
For 3 Phase Transformers only 3 Phase buses will be displayed in the drop down lists. For 1 Phase
transformers only 1 Phase buses will be displayed. For the Primary field, only 1 Phase 2W will be
displayed. For the Secondary, if the transformer has center tap selected in the connection section, then
only 1 Phase 3W will be displayed in the drop down list, otherwise only 1 Phase 2W will be displayed.
Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the transformer resides, i.e.,
you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
Next to the primary and secondary bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
Single Phase Transformers can also be connected to Phase Adapters. If the transformer is connected as
such, then the Phase Adapter ID will show in the Primary or Secondary field.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a transformer can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch;
however, an Out of Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads
and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
The phase connection for a 2-Winding Transformer can be defined by selecting 3 Phase, 1 Phase with
center tap or without center tap. The default connection is 3 Phase and can be changed from the Defaults
Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
The phase connection must be specified before connecting the 2-Winding Transformer to any bus or
phase adapter. Once the transformer is connected, the phase connection selections will become display
only (gray). To change the connection type, you need to disconnect the transformer.
3 Phase
Select to define the transformer as three-phase. This transformer can only be connected to three-phase
1 Phase
Select to define the transformer as single-phase. This transformer can only be connected to single-phase
buses and phase adapter. In the adjacent field, it will display the input connection type. The primary side
of the Transformer is always 1 Phase 2 Wire.
Enter the 2-winding transformer manufacturer’s name.
Select the transformer type from the list box. The following transformer types are available:
Cast-Coil Sealed-Dry
Gas-Fill-Dry Vent-Dry
Liquid-Fill Other
Non-Vent-Dry (non-vented dry type)
Select the transformer class from the list box. The following transformer classes are available:
Select the transformer operating temperature (in degrees C) from the list box. The following transformer
operating temperatures are available:
55 115
60 130
65 150
Select the transformer basic impulse level (BIL) in kV from the list box. The following transformer basic
impulse levels are available:
30 110
45 125
60 150
95 200
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
If there are parallel transformers in a system that has different voltage ratios, change the voltage ratio of
one of the transformers to make their voltage ratios equal. At the same time, a fictitious tap setting is
required, using the new voltage ratio to correct its turn ratio. A logical choice would be the transformer
winding with the less common kV rating in the system. Note that circulating currents are expected in this
As an example, consider the two parallel transformers in the following diagram. To model the
transformers in PowerStation, set the tap of the second transformer in such a way that the resulting turn
ratio is equal to the other transformer. If one transformer is rated 13.8-4.16 kV and the second transformer
is rated 13.2-4.16 kV, then both transformer data should be entered as 13.8-4.16 kV (same turn ratios). In
order to correct for the second transformer turn ratio, simply specify a tap setting which is equal to the
actual kV rating divided by the new kV rating as shown below.
This transformer should be modeled with a negative tap setting of 4.35% on the primary side.
Remember that a positive tap setting tends to lower the operating voltage of the secondary bus, while a
negative tap raises it. In this case, the transformer turns ratio modeled in PowerStation is larger than the
actual turn ratio, without the introduced tap setting. As the secondary bus would operate at a voltage, use
a negative tap to raise the voltage at the secondary bus. Use this rule to determine whether the tap
correction should be positive or negative.
Note that if this transformer has an actual tap setting of 2.5%, this value should be added to the off-
nominal tap of -4.35%, i.e., -4.35% + 2.5% = -1.85%.
MVA Rating
This value is used as the base MVA for the transformer impedance. For example, the nameplate
transformer impedance given at the OA 55°C rating should be specified as the MVA rating for a
transformer, which has OA 55°C/FA 65°C ratings.
This value is also used as a base for the transformer flow constraint in the optimal power flow studies.
Display the primary winding and secondary winding full load amperes.
Connected Bus
Display the bus nominal kVs of the connected primary and secondary terminals.
PowerStation models the transformers in the system using the positive and zero sequence impedances.
PowerStation takes the voltage of the swing bus (a bus with a connected swing machine) as the base
voltage. It then calculates the system base voltages using the transformer turn ratio. If the transformer turn
ratio matches the ratio of the base kVs of the buses between which it is connected, but the actual numbers
are not the same (e.g., the primary bus base kV is 13.8 and the secondary bus is 4.349 kV, while the
transformer kV ratings are 13.2-4.16 kV), PowerStation adjusts the nameplate impedance to a new base
with the following formula:
In some cases, when you have parallel transformers with different voltage ratings, introduce a fictitious
tap setting so that the calculated base voltage at the load side of the transformers will be the same value
(refer to 2-Winding Transformer kV rating).
X/R Ratio
Enter the transformer X/R ratio. This value is used in PowerStation to calculate the transformer winding
resistances and reactances from given percent impedances.
The Industrial Power System Handbook by Beeman (page 96) specifies typical data for transformers that
has rating not larger than 500 kVA and primary voltage not higher than 12.47 kV.
Group 1 * Group2+
Rating %Z X/R %Z X/R
kVA ≤ 5 2.3 0.88 2.8 0.77
5< kVA ≤ 25 2.3 1.13 2.3 1.00
25< kVA ≤ 50 2.6 1.69 2.4 1.54
50< kVA ≤ 100 2.6 1.92 3.7 2.92
100< kVA ≤ 167 4.0 3.45 3.7 3.60
167< kVA ≤ 500 4.8 4.70 5.2 5.10
* Group 1: Transformers with high voltage windings of less than or equal to 8.32 kV
+ Group 2: Transformers with high voltages of greater than 8.32 kV and less than or equal to 12.47 kV
American National Standard C57.12.10 specifies impedance values for transformers larger than 500 kVA.
Z Variation
Enter transformer impedance variations with respect to the tap settings. If these values are not zero, then
the final 2-winding transformer impedance will be calculated based on the nominal tap impedance values
(entered for Positive and Zero Sequence Impedances, %Z fields), transformer primary and secondary
winding tap positions (from both the fixed tap and the LTC tap settings), and impedance variation at –5%
tap and +5% tap. A linear interpolation is used to calculate the final transformer impedance.
Zt at –5% Tap = (Zt at Nominal Tap) * (100 + % Variation @ –5% Tap) / 100
Zt at +5% Tap = (Zt at Nominal Tap) * (100 + % Variation @ +5% Tap) / 100
Z Tolerance
Enter the transformer impedance tolerance as a percentage of the nominal value. This value should be
zero for an existing transformer with a known impedance value. For a new transformer with a designated
impedance value this should be the impedance tolerance range specified by the manufacturer. The value
of the tolerance must be entered as a positive value and PowerStation will automatically use the positive
or negative value, which will result in the most conservative solution.
Negative Positive
Load Flow X
Short-Circuit X
Motor Starting X
Transient Stability X
Harmonics X
Optimal Power Flow X
For instance, if 7.5% tolerance is specified, PowerStation will use +7.5% tolerance for load flow, motor
starting, dynamic stability, and harmonic calculations, while using -7.5% for short-circuit calculations.
% Tap / kV Tap
Enter the transformer tap setting in percent, while the button is set on % Tap, or click on the Tap button
for kV tap selection and enter the transformer tap setting in kV. Note that in either case, PowerStation
calculates the equivalent value for the other tap setting entry format.
PowerStation allows modeling of an off-load tap (fixed tap) changer on either side or both sides of
transformers. Standard off-load tap changer transformers typically have ± 5.0% settings available, with
two steps above and two steps below the nominal tap setting. For these transformers, the value of (n) may
be set at -5.0, -2.5, 0, 2.5, or 5.0.
For transformers without voltage taps or where the tap is set at nominal value (n = 0), the transformer is
treated as a simple circuit impedance. PowerStation uses the following Pi circuit representation to model
transformer tap settings:
Yt = 1 / Zt Transformer admittance in per unit
N = 1 + n / 100 Turn ratio in per unit
n = 100 ( N - 1 ) Tap setting in percent
Positive (+) tap setting on the primary side (P), decreases the voltage on the secondary side (Vs).
Negative (-) tap setting on the primary side (P), increases the voltage on the secondary side (Vs).
As this model indicates, placing +10% tap setting (n=+10%, or N=1.1) at the primary side is not
equivalent to -10% tap at the secondary side. PowerStation will correctly model a transformer with a tap
setting, as long as the tap setting is indicated in the proper field (corresponding to the winding that has the
tap changer). To increase the voltage at the other side of the transformer, use a negative tap value. Note,
however, that this will only work if current flows from the tap changer bus to the bus where the voltage is
being corrected.
These entries specify the transformer connection, type, and current rating of the grounding device.
Grounding can be placed on either or both sides of Y-Y connected transformers. All transformers are
assumed to be Y-Y or Delta-Delta for Load Flow, Motor Starting, and Transient Stability Analysis if the
“Apply XFMR Phase Shift” is not checked in the Study Case Editor, i.e., no transformer phase shift will
occur as a result of a Delta-Y or Y-Delta connection.
For Wye-connected windings, choose from the four grounding types provided in the list box:
For resistor or reactor grounded windings, enter the resistor or reactor rating in amperes.
Where the line-to-neutral voltage is the rated voltage of the transformer winding divided by √3. This entry
is skipped for Delta connected windings and for Wye solidly grounded with open-neutral.
For windings that are resistor or reactor grounded, this field displays the resistance / reactance value of
the grounding resistor / reactor in ohms.
Check this box to activate automatic control action of the Load Tap Changer (LTC) for the primary
winding, i.e., if checked LTC is in automatic mode, else it is in manual mode.
Check this box to activate automatic control action of the Load Tap Changer (LTC) for the secondary
winding, i.e., if checked LTC is in automatic mode, else it is in manual mode.
LTC Button
When the associated check box is selected, the LTC button is enabled. Click on this button to enter LTC
Here you can enter the LTC tap positions for the LTC manual mode or as the initial position for the LTC
automatic mode.
The LTC tap positions get updated from load flow studies providing the option for Update Transformer
LTCs is checked in the Load Flow Study Case Editor.
Note that, the tap settings entered here are added to the fixed tap setting for all studies. If LTC is in
automatic mode, this calculated value (fixed tap + LTC Tap Position) is used as the initial value.
On-Line Scanned
When in On-Line monitoring mode, PSMS will display the Scanned Tap Position value for this
transformer in this field.
Phase Shift
This section allows the user to specify phase-shift associated with the transformer. The phase-shift angle
is displayed in the Sec field, which is the secondary voltage angle with respect to primary voltage angle.
For example, a value of –30 indicates that the secondary voltage leads the primary voltage by –30 degree,
or equivalently it actually lags the primary voltage by 30 degrees.
When this radio button is checked, the Sec. Field becomes enabled and you can specify the phase shift in
this edit box. Please note that the value your entered is the angle at which the secondary with respect to
the primary.
When one of the first two options is selected, this field is for display only and it shows the angle at which
the secondary winding with respect the primary winding. When the third option is selected, you can enter
the phase-shift in the field.
Regulated Bus
Bus ID
Select the bus ID of an existing bus for which the LTC will be regulating or controlling the voltage. The
default bus is the secondary bus. Note: the load flow routine may not be able to regulate the voltages of
the buses that are not affected by the LTC action. In such cases, the LTC may reach its limit before the
desired voltage is reached for the controlled bus. Possible examples of this are when the regulated bus is
not downstream of the transformer, or there is a voltage-controlled bus in between the two components.
When this occurs, the LTC cannot control the voltage of the regulated bus.
Voltage Control
Enter the desired voltage of the regulated bus in percent of the bus nominal voltage, i.e., the regulated bus
voltage. In the load flow type analysis; PowerStation will adjust the LTC setting until the voltage of the
regulated bus is within the upper or lower bands of the desired voltage.
Upper Band
Enter the upper band value above the desired voltage.
Lower Band
Enter the lower band value below the desired voltage.
The upper band and lower band together define the dead band for the LTC. As shown in the diagram,
when the voltage of the regulated bus falls within the dead band (gray area), the LTC will not move; if the
voltage of the regulated bus is higher than the (Desired Voltage + Upper Band) or less than (Desired
Voltage – Lower Band), the LTC will make a step adjustment to control the bus voltage close to its
desired value.
In order for the LTC to work properly, PowerStation forces the sum of the upper and lower bands to be
larger than or equal to the LTC step.
U p p er B and
D esired V o ltage
L o w er B and
% Tap / kV Tap
Enter the transformer LTC tap setting in percent while the button is set on % Tap, or click on the Tap
button for kV Tap selection and enter the transformer LTC tap setting in kV. Note that in either case
PowerStation calculates the equivalent value for the other tap setting entry format.
Enter the lower limit (range) of the LTC tap setting in kV or % of the winding kV rating. If the % Tap is
selected, enter –10.0 for a ± 10% range (-15 for ± 15% range). If the kV Tap is selected, enter the kV
value of the lower range of the LTC setting.
Enter the upper limit (range) of the LTC tap setting in kV or % of the winding kV rating. If the % Tap is
selected, enter 10.0 for a ± 10% range (15 for ± 15% range). If the kV Tap is selected, enter the kV value
of the upper range of the LTC setting.
Enter the LTC step size in kV or % of the winding kV rating. If the % Tap is selected, enter 0.625 for a
± 10% range with 33 steps (sixteen steps on each side plus the nominal setting). If the kV Tap is
selected, enter the step size of the LTC in kV.
kV Tap
These three fields will display the corresponding kV values for LTC Min. tap, Max. Tap, and Step.
# of Taps
This value is automatically calculated and displayed according to the following formula:
Time Delay
Enter the LTC initial time delay in seconds.
Enter the LTC operating time delay in seconds.
Displays the harmonic source type.
Displays the selected manufacturer names from the harmonic library.
Displays the selected model names for the selected manufacturer from the harmonic
Wave Form
Displays one cycle of the current waveform of the selected harmonic library in time domain.
Displays the harmonic spectrum of the selected harmonic library.
Print (Spectrum)
Prints the harmonic spectrum.
Harmonic Library
Click on the Library button to bring up the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor. Note that only current
harmonic sources can be added to transformers.
From the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor, pick a manufacturer name and a model name (Current
Source harmonic type).
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) could be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year. The passive failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and therefore does not
have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed component will
restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent opening of breakers.
Enter the total forced failure rate in f/yr per unit length. The passive failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and therefore does not
have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed component
restores service. Examples are open circuits and inadvertent opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Info Page
Rating Page
Tap Page
LTC Dialog Box
Harmonic Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each transformer. The assigned IDs consist of the
default transformer ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
transformers increase. The default transformer ID (T) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the
menu bar or from the Project View.
Displays the transformer phase connection type. Currently 3 Winding Transformers are 3 Phase only.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a transformer can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch;
however, an Out of Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads
and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the 3-winding transformer manufacturer name.
Select the transformer type from the list box. The following transformer types are available:
Cast-Coil Sealed-Dry
Gas-Fill-Dry Vent-Dry
Liquid-Fill Other
Non-Vent-Dry (non-vented dry type)
Select the transformer class from the list box. The following transformer classes are available:
Select the transformer operating temperature from the list box. The following transformer operating
temperatures are available:
55 115
60 130
65 150
Select the transformer basic impulse level (BIL) in kV from the list box. The following transformer basic
impulse levels are available:
30 110
45 125
60 150
95 200
This value is also used as a base for the transformer flow constraint in the optimal power flow studies.
Display the FLA of the primary, secondary, and tertiary windings in amperes.
Connected Bus
Display the nominal kVs of the connected buses to the primary, secondary,
and tertiary windings.
Zps = Leakage Z between the Primary and Secondary windings with the Tertiary winding open
= Rps + j Xps = Rp + Rs + j ( Xp + Xs ) % (base MVA = MVAp)
Zpt = Leakage Z between the Primary and Tertiary windings with the Secondary winding open
= Rpt + j Xpt = Rp + Rt + j ( Xp + Xt ) % (base MVA = MVAp)
Zst = Leakage Z between the Secondary and Tertiary windings with the Primary winding open
= Rst + j Xst = Rs + Rt + j ( Xs + Xt ) % (base MVA = MVAp)
These are the nameplate impedances of the transformer; no further calculations are needed to extract the
impedances of the 3-winding representation, as PowerStation already does this internally. The following
example is provided to indicate how the impedance parameters of a three-winding transformer must be
entered in PowerStation.
30 / 25 / 5 MVA
230 / 13.8 / 4.16 kV
PowerStation models the transformers in the system using the positive and zero sequence impedances.
PowerStation takes the voltage of the swing bus (a bus with a connected swing machine) as the base
voltage. It then calculates the system base voltages using the transformer turn ratio. If the transformer turn
ratio matches the ratio of the base kVs of the buses between which it is connected, but the actual numbers
are not the same (e.g., the primary bus base kV is 13.8 and the secondary bus is 4.349 kV, while the
transformer kV ratings are 13.2-4.16 kV), PowerStation adjusts the nameplate impedance to a new base
with the following formula:
In some cases, parallel transformers with different voltage ratings are present. If this happens, a fictitious
tap setting is required. To calculate this setting, refer to 2-Winding Transformer kV rating.
X/R Ratio
Enter the transformer X/R ratios. For 3-winding transformers, three X/R values are needed, corresponding
to the three winding impedances Zps, Zpt, and Zst.
These ratios are used in PowerStation to calculate the transformer winding resistances and reactances
from given percent impedances.
Z Variation
Enter transformer impedance variations with respect to the tap settings. If these values are not zero, then
the final transformer impedance will be calculated based on the nominal tap impedance values (entered
for Positive and Zero Sequence Impedances, %Z fields), transformer primary, secondary, and tertiary
winding tap positions (from both the fixed tap and the LTC tap settings), and impedance variation at –5%
tap and +5% tap. A linear interpolation is used to calculate the final transformer impedance.
Zt at –5% Tap = (Zt at Nominal Tap) * (100 + % Variation @ –5% Tap) / 100
Zt at +5% Tap = (Zt at Nominal Tap) * (100 + % Variation @ +5% Tap) / 100
Z Tolerance
Enter the transformer impedance tolerance as a percentage of the nominal value. This value should be
zero for an existing transformer with a known impedance value. For a new transformer with a designated
impedance value this should be the impedance tolerance range specified by the manufacturer. The value
of the tolerance must be entered as a positive value and PowerStation will automatically use the positive
or negative value, which will result in the most conservative solution.
Negative Positive
Load Flow X
Short-Circuit X
Motor Starting X
Transient Stability X
Harmonics X
Optimal Power Flow X
For instance, if 7.5% tolerance is specified, PowerStation will use +7.5% tolerance for load flow, motor
starting, dynamic stability, and harmonic calculations, while using -7.5% for short-circuit calculations.
Fixed Taps
% Tap / kV Tap
Enter the transformer tap setting in percent while the button is set on % Tap, or click on the Tap button
for kV tap selection and enter the transformer tap setting in percent or kV. Note that in either case
PowerStation calculates the equivalent value for the other tap setting entry format.
PowerStation allows modeling a tap off-load (fixed tap) changer on all three sides of the transformer.
Standard off-load tap changer transformers typically have ± 5.0% settings available, with two steps above
and two steps below the nominal tap setting. For these transformers, the value of (n) may be set at -5.0, -
2.5, 0, 2.5, or 5.0.
For transformers without voltage taps or where the tap is set at a nominal value (n = 0), the transformer is
treated as a simple circuit impedance.
Placing a +10% tap setting (n=+10%, or N=1.1) at the primary side is not equivalent to -10% tap at the
secondary side. PowerStation will correctly model a transformer with a tap setting as long as the tap
setting is indicated in the proper field (corresponding to the winding that has the tap changer). To increase
the voltage at the other side of the transformer, use a negative tap value. Note: this will only work if
current flows from the tap changer bus to the bus where the voltage is being corrected.
These entries specify the transformer connection, type, and rating of the grounding device in amperes.
Grounding can be placed on any transformer winding.
For Wye-connected windings, choose from these four grounding types provided in the list box:
For Wye-connected, resistor or reactor grounded windings, enter the resistor or reactor rating in amperes.
Display the grounding resistor resistance / reactor reactance in ohms.
Check this box to activate automatic control action of the Load Tap Changer (LTC) for the primary
winding, i.e., if checked LTC is in automatic mode, else it is in manual mode.
Check this box to activate automatic control action of the Load Tap Changer (LTC) for the secondary
winding, i.e., if checked LTC is in automatic mode, else it is in manual mode.
Check this box to activate automatic control action of the Load Tap Changer (LTC) for the tertiary
winding, i.e., if checked LTC is in automatic mode, else it is in manual mode.
LTC Button
When the associated check box is selected, the LTC button is enabled. Click on this button to enter LTC
Here you can enter the LTC tap positions for the LTC manual mode or as the initial position for the LTC
automatic mode.
The LTC tap positions get updated from load flow studies providing the option for Update Transformer
LTCs is checked in the Load Flow Study Case Editor.
Note that, the tap settings entered here are added to the fixed tap setting for all studies. If LTC is in
automatic mode, this calculated value (fixed tap + LTC Tap Position) is used as the initial value.
OnLine Scanned
If in the On-Line Monitoring mode, PSMS will display the scanned Tap Position in this field.
Phase Shift
This section allows the user to specify phase-shift associated with the transformer. Phase-shift for a
three-winding transformer can be uniquely defined by two values. ETAP PowerStation uses Sec. and Ter.
to describe phase-shift of a three-winding transformer. The value displayed in the Sec. field is the
secondary voltage angle with respect to primary voltage angle and the value displayed in the Ter. field is
the tertiary voltage angle with respect to primary voltage angle. For example, a value of –30 in the Ter.
field indicates that the tertiary voltage leads the primary voltage by –30 degree, or equivalently it actually
lags the primary voltage by 30 degrees. The phase-shift between the secondary and the tertiary windings
can be calculated from the values in the Sec. and Ter. fields.
When this radio button is checked, the Sec. and Ter. fields become enabled and you can specify the
phase-shift in these two edit boxes.
When one of the first two options is selected, this field is for display only and it shows the angle at which
the secondary winding with respect the primary winding. When the third option is selected, you can enter
the phase-shift in the field.
When one of the first two options is selected, this field is for display only and it shows the angle at which
the tertiary winding with respect the primary winding. When the third option is selected, you can enter the
phase-shift in the field.
Regulated Bus
Bus ID
Select the bus ID of an existing bus for which the LTC will be regulating or controlling the voltage. The
default bus is the secondary bus. Note: the load flow routine may not be able to regulate the voltages of
the buses that are not affected by the LTC action. In such cases, the LTC may reach its limit before the
desired voltage is reached for the controlled bus. Possible examples of this are when the regulated bus is
not downstream of the transformer, or there is a voltage-controlled bus in between the two components.
When this occurs, the LTC cannot control the voltage of the regulated bus.
Voltage Control
Enter the desired voltage of the regulated bus in percent of the bus nominal voltage, i.e., the regulated bus
voltage. In the load flow type analysis; PowerStation will adjust the LTC setting until the voltage of the
regulated bus is within the upper or lower bands of the desired voltage.
Upper Band
Enter the upper band value above the desired voltage.
Lower Band
Enter the lower band value below the desired voltage.
The upper band and lower band together define the dead band for the LTC. As shown in the diagram
below, when the voltage of the regulated bus falls within the dead band (gray area), the LTC will not
move; otherwise, if the voltage of the regulated bus is higher than the (Desired Voltage + Upper Band) or
less than (Desired Voltage – Lower Band), the LTC will make a step adjustment to control the bus
voltage close to its desired value
Upper Band
Desired Voltage
Lower Band
% Tap / kV Tap
Enter the transformer LTC tap setting in percent while the button is set on % Tap, or click on the Tap
button for kV Tap selection and enter the transformer LTC tap setting in kV. Note that in either case
PowerStation calculates the equivalent value for the other tap setting entry format.
Enter the lower limit (range) of the LTC tap setting in kV or % of the winding kV rating. If the % Tap is
selected, enter –10.0 for a ± 10% range (-15 for ± 15% range). If the kV Tap is selected, enter the kV
value of the lower range of the LTC setting.
Enter the upper limit (range) of the LTC tap setting in kV or % of the winding kV rating. If the % Tap is
selected, enter 10.0 for a ± 10% range (15 for ± 15% range). If the kV Tap is selected, enter the kV value
of the upper range of the LTC setting.
Enter the LTC step size in kV or % of the winding kV rating. If the % Tap is selected, enter 0.625 for a
± 10% range with 33 steps (sixteen steps on each side plus the nominal setting). If the kV Tap is
selected, enter the step size of the LTC in kV.
kV Tap
These three fields will display the corresponding kV values for LTC Min. tap, Max. tap, and Step.
# of Taps
This value is automatically calculated and displayed according to the following formula:
Time Delay
Enter the LTC initial time delay in seconds.
Enter the LTC operating time delay in seconds.
Displays the harmonic source type.
Displays the selected manufacturer names from the harmonic library.
Displays the selected model names for the selected manufacturer from the harmonic library.
Wave Form
Displays one cycle of the current waveform of the selected harmonic library in time domain.
Displays the harmonic spectrum of the selected harmonic library.
Print (Spectrum)
Prints the harmonic spectrum.
Harmonic Library
Click on the Library button to bring up the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor. Note that only current
harmonic sources can be added to transformers.
From the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor, pick a manufacturer name and a model name (Current
Source harmonic type).
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) could
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year. The passive failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and therefore does not
have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed component will
restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent opening of breakers.
Enter the total forced failure rate in f/yr per unit length. The passive failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and therefore does not
have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed component
restores service. Examples are open circuits and inadvertent opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Enter any extra data or comments regarding condition, maintenance, tests, or studies, associated with this
element. This field can be up to 64kb with a default size of 4kb. To increase the size of this field, refer to
the entries in the ETAPS.INI file.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.4 Cable
The properties associated with cables of the electrical distribution system one-line diagram can be entered
in this data editor.
PowerStation allows you to place cables in the one-line diagram to connect two elements (two buses, a
motor to a bus, or a static load to a bus) and place the same cable in a cable raceway. However, you can
add cables to the one-line diagram without placing them in a cable raceway, or add cables to the raceway
without adding them to the one-line diagram. To explain this further, here are the definitions of the four
types of cables in PowerStation.
1. One-Line Cable appears as a graphical element on the one-line diagram. This is a cable that you add
to the one-line diagram to connect buses, but has not been previously routed through any cable
raceway, i.e., does not exist in any raceway.
2. Equipment Cable can be attached to equipment such as motors and static loads, but do not appear
graphically as a separate element on the one-line diagram. This is a cable that you add to equipment
from the equipment editor, and has not been placed in any raceway.
3. Raceway Cable is used exclusively within the cable raceway system only. This is a cable, which is
routed through a raceway such as an underground cable system, but does not exist in the one-line
diagram or as an equipment cable.
4. Compound Cable represents a cable that is included in the cable raceway system as well as the one-
line diagram (either as a one-line or equipment cable). This cable is added to the one-line diagram as
a one-line or equipment cable, and then is placed inside a raceway (graphically or from Cable or
Raceway Editors). Or, conversely, the cable is added as a raceway cable, and then is placed in the
one-line diagram as a one-line cable.
Compound Cables
The following shows three different methods of changing a one-line or equipment cable to a compound
cable (routing an existing cable through a raceway):
From the underground raceway presentation, click on the Existing Cable button on the Edit Toolbar and
place the cable in the desired location. Then select the desired one-line or equipment cable from the
selection box provided.
From the Cable Editor, Routing Page, route the cable through any raceway that exists in the system.
These cables are attached or associated with the raceways without being placed in a specific location
inside the raceway. From the underground raceway system, you can then graphically move the cable to
the desired location.
To graphically place a one-line cable inside a cable raceway, select the cable from the one-line diagram
and press <Ctrl><Shift>+Click (holding the mouse button down). The cursor will now have an X over it
indicating that you can only drop it in an underground cable system. Hold the mouse button down until
you have moved the cursor from the one-line view to the UGS view, place the cursor on top of a conduit
or the desired location in a raceway, and then release the mouse button. Since an equipment cable is not
displayed graphically in the one-line diagram, you can only use the first two methods explained above for
routing an equipment cable.
Note: a raceway cable cannot be changed to an equipment cable. However, an equipment cable can be
changed to a compound cable.
You can add a raceway cable to the one-line diagram and make it a compound cable in two ways:
1. First select the cable from the raceway and cut it to the Dumpster. Now you can add it back to the
same raceway as an existing cable while a copy of it stay in the Dumpster. To add this cable to the
one-line diagram, use the “Move From Dumpster” command.
2. Select the cable from the raceway and then press <Ctrl><Shift>+Click (holding the mouse button
down). The cursor will change to a cable shape with an X over it. Hold the mouse button down until
you have moved the cursor from the UGS view to the desired location on the one-line view, and then
release the mouse button.
Cable Type
This information is displayed on top of every page of the Cable Editor to reflect the cable type and size
selected from the Cable Library. This is a partial list of the library header which includes the library
source name (ICEA, NEC), rated voltage (0.6, 5, 15 kV), voltage class (100%, 133%), # of conductors
per cable (1/C, 3/C), conductor type (CU, AL), insulation type (Rubber, XLPE), installation type
(Magnetic/Non-Mag.), and cable size (350 kcmil, 180 mm2). The unit for cable sizes will be in
AWG/kcmil for English unit cables and mm2 for Metric unit cables. Note that PowerStation provides list
of all available cable sizes from the selected library for quick selection.
If you change the cable size, all library data will be substituted from the cable library into the Cable
Editor. To indicate a conflict between the editor and library data, the color of Cable Type will change to
blue if you modify any data, which was substituted from the library.
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each cable. The assigned IDs consist of the default
cable ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of cables increase.
The default cable ID (Cable) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a cable branch are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal of
a branch (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. To connect or
reconnect a branch to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show
the new connection after you click OK. Note: you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view
where the branch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another
composite network.
For 3 Phase Cables, only 3 Phase buses will be displayed in the drop down lists. For Single Phase Cables
only single phase buses will be displayed.
If a branch is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the branch to a
new bus from the editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown here
where Branch X is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
Single Phase Cable can also be connected to Phase Adapters. If the Cable is connected as such, then the
Phase Adapter ID will show in the Primary or Secondary field.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a cable can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service
options. The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch. However, an
Out of Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an
Out of Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads and branches
energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become dimmed.
Note: the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the configuration
status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of Service in the
Revision Data.
Cables can be defined as 3 Phase or 1 Phase cable by selecting any of the following selections:
3 Phase
Define the cable as a three-phase cable. This cable can be connected only to three-phase buses.
1 Phase
Define the cable as a single-phase cable.
Library Button
To select cables from the Cable Library, click on the Library button and the Cable Library Quick Pick
will appear. From the Library Quick Pick select the Cable Library type and size at the same time. Note:
after the selected Cable Library type, size, and parameters are transferred to the Cable Editor, the cable
size can be changed directly from the Cable Editor and the cable parameters are refreshed from the
library. Therefore, the most important action is to select the correct Cable Library type from the Cable
Library Quick Pick. When data are transferred from the Cable Library, PowerStation automatically
corrects the cable reactances for the system frequency.
Link to Library
A library link is also available in order to use Cable Library data instead of the stored cable impedance
and dimension parameters that are displayed in the Cable Editor. Note: Link to Library is only used at the
time of execution of studies. For example, when you run a load flow study, PowerStation uses the cable
library type and size as an identifier to extract data from the Cable Library. This option is provided so
that you can globally update the cable parameters by changing the library data only.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the length of the cable and select the unit from the list box. The units of length available are: feet,
miles, meters, and kilometers. Note that every cable in the system can have a different unit.
Select impedance units as ohms per unit length or ohms. With the selection of ohms per unit length, a
length should also be designated, including a unit from the list box. Units available are: feet, miles,
meters, and kilometers.
Cable Temperature
Base Temperature
Enter the conductor base temperature (in degrees Celsius) at which the cable resistances are entered.
Temperature Limit
Min Max
Load Flow X
Short-Circuit X
Motor Starting X
Transient Stability X
If this correction is not wanted, set both minimum and maximum temperature limits equal to the base
temperature. PowerStation uses the following equations for temperature corrections:
R = Resistance at base temperature Tb
R’ = Resistance at operating temperature Tc
Tb = Conductor base temperature in °C
Tc = Conductor temperature limit in °C
If the conductor type is not known (no cable library is selected), PowerStation defaults to copper as a
conductor type.
The physical properties of cables entered in this page are only used for calculating engineering data
needed for cable ampacity derating studies (U/G Raceway Systems). These parameters are not used for
load flow, short-circuit, or motor starting studies.
Rdc (25°C)
DC resistance of the cable in micro ohm at 25 degrees C
Insulator Thickness
Thickness of conductor insulation in mil or mm
Sheath Thickness
Thickness of cable sheath or armor in mil or mm. This value becomes zero if the Sheath/Armor option is
set to None.
Jacket Thickness
Thickness of outer cable jacket in mil or mm
Conductor Construction
Conductor construction is used for determining ks and kp parameters which are used for calculating the ac
to dc ratio parameters. Several available choices of conductor construction are:
Coating is tin or alloy. The term Treated implies a completed conductor, which has been subjected to a
drying and impregnating process similar to that employed on paper power cables.
Choose shielded or not shielded.
Sheath/Armor Type
Several choices of sheath/armor type are available.
Jacket Type
Several choices of jacket type are available.
This is a list of raceways through which this cable is routed. When you add a raceway to this list (by
using the insert or add buttons), the cable is placed in a container attached to the raceway without being
placed in any specific conduit or location.
When you bring up the graphical editor for the underground systems, you will see the cables in a
container of cables assigned to this raceway but are not assigned to a specific conduit. This container is
attached to the raceway and will disappear when it is empty. You will need to graphically move the cable
from the unassigned cable container to the desired location.
This is a list of all existing available raceways in this project, i.e., raceways that this cable can be routed
through. Note that since you cannot route a cable twice through a raceway, this list does not include the
raceways listed under Routed Raceways.
Insert: Route this cable through the selected raceway from the available raceway list,
i.e., insert the selected raceway to the list of routed raceways.
Add: Route this cable through the selected raceway from the available raceway list,
i.e., add the selected raceway to the list of routed raceways.
# Time Current
1 0.0 230
2 3.5 560
3 7.3 400
4 0.0 0.0 (all data from this point are
ignored since time = 0.0)
In this example, the cable loading is changed from the steady-state (initial value) to 230 amperes at time
zero, to 560 amps at time 3.5 hours, and finally to 400 amps after 7.3 hours. The steady-state or initial
value can either be 230 amps (value entered at the first time slot) or it can be set equal to the cable
operating load. You can set the option for the initial/steady-state value from the Cable Derating Study
Case Editor.
Time Units
Select the time units for the load profile.
Operating Load
The operating load is specified in amps. This value is used for steady-state temperature calculation or as
the initial value of the cable load profile for the transient temperature calculation. The operating load can
be updated with the results from load flow studies. You can do this by selecting Update Cable Operating
Load option from the Load Flow Study Toolbar.
Load Variation
Load Factor
The load factor is the ratio of average load to peak load in percent. Use the following equation to
calculate the load factor:
i = Interval of time when the load is non-zero
kWi = Load at interval i
Ti = Number of hours of interval i
kWp = Peak load
Tt = Ton + Toff
Ton = Total hours when the load is on
Toff = Total hours when the load is off
E = Energy (kWh) consumed by load over the interval
If the cable carries load (current) at every interval, then the equation can be simplified to the percentage
of time that the cable will be carrying the current:
Projection MF
The Projection Multiplying Factor (MF) must be specified in percent. This value is used to indicate
future load projection (load reduction or growth). From the Cable Ampacity Derating Study Case, you
can select the option to use this Projection Multiplying Factor for cable temperature calculations.
Sheath/Armor Current
The sheath/armor current can be specified as a percent of cable load current. This value indicates the
amount of neutral or ground current that is carried by sheath or armor.
Fixed Current
If this box is checked, the cable current will remain unchanged for the ampacity calculations (Uniform
Temperature and Uniform Ampacity). Use this flag for cables that do not require ampacity optimization.
Fixed Size
If this box is checked, the cable size will remain fixed for the cable sizing calculations.
Five raceway installation types are available to choose from.
Each type uses a variety of conditions to determine its overall characteristics and determine the derated
ampacity of the cable installed under the specified raceway conditions.
Application MF
This Multiplication Factor (MF) is determined by the application type selected from the drop-down list
provided. You can modify the values of Application MF by selecting Project, Settings, and Cable
Ampacity MF from the Menu Bar. This Application MF is used to calculate the required cable ampacity
(MF times operating or full load current).
Ampacity ratings are displayed for easy comparison of base, derated and, required (I x MF) ampacities.
The method used here is based on a concept of a derating factor that is applied against a base ampacity to
calculate the derated ampacity.
Id = F x Ib
Allowable Ampacity
PowerStation provides a user-defined field to enter the maximum allowable ampacity for one-line and
raceway cables. This field is not provided for equipment cables. The maximum allowable ampacity is
used in the load flow output reports to indicate the percent of cable overloading. This value is also used
as a base for the cable flow constraint in the optimal power flow studies.
I x MF
Current is calculated by multiplying the operating current (or the full load current for equipment cables)
and the Application Multiplication Factor (App. MF) for the specified application type. This value is
displayed so it can be compared with the derated ampacity.
U/G Duct
Underground duct banks encased in concrete.
The thermal resistivity of the soil in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt.
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil for underground
installations. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity
for U/G cables are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. This order is usually given at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the ampacity, the number of
rows and columns of the duct bank must be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on 7.5 inches center-to-center spacing. For more details
see the IEEE Brown Book.
U/G Buried
Directly buried underground ducts.
The thermal resistivity of the soil is in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W)
Ambient temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil where the cable is
installed. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity for
U/G cables are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the cable locations must be specified to determine a cable grouping
adjustment factor. The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on a 7.5 inch center-to-center
spacing. For more details see the IEEE Brown Book.
A/G Trays
Above ground cable trays. The free air base ampacity from the libraries are used for cables installed in
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
If chosen, NEC methods of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. NEC does not
provide ampacity derating due to bottom cover or correction of the ampacity multiplying factors due to
the cumulative effects of combinations of tray covers and fire proofing. In general, cable sizes of 2/0
AWG and smaller are installed in cable trays in a randomly filled manner, with a maximum of two cables
Base ampacity of randomly filled trays are based on installations at a uniform depth up to the maximum
of 30% fill for 3 or 4-inch tray depths. The method applied here corresponds to a maximum fill condition
and does not consider fill conditions exceeding the nominal depths.
If chosen, an ICEA P-54-440 method of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. The
actual values of tray depth, width, and % fill entries will be taken into account.
Top Cover
Select top cover if there is a removable top cover on the cable tray.
Bottom Cover
Select bottom cover if there is a bottom cover on the cable tray, whether it is removable or solid, of more
than 6 feet.
Maintained Spacing
If cable spacing is maintained within the tray, then the effects of top cover, bottom cover and fire wrap
are ignored. For 3-phase cables larger than 2/0 AWG in a single layer, the arrangement requires spacing
of 1/4 of overall effective diameter of the grouped circuit.
Cumulative Effect
Cumulative effect applies correction factors for combinations of barriers, fire coatings, and covers on
cable trays.
The following items are displayed only when ICEA method is selected under the Tray section.
Height of cable tray specified in inches or centimeters
Width of cable tray specified in inches or centimeters
% Fill
The total amount of cable tray cross-sectional area used by cables placed in the tray
Depth of cable mess calculated in inches or centimeters using (Height x %Fill)/100. If the calculated
depth is smaller than the cable diameter, an “*” sign will show up on the right of Depth and above
Derated, and the cable diameter will be treated as the depth for derating calculation.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries from which to choose various fire protection devices. Each of
the three libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the
cable tray. The fire protection data is used to further derate cables based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity. For maintained
spacing trays, if the fire retardant coating results in a reduction of the spacing between adjacent cables or
groups to less than the required values, the cable shall be considered to be non-maintained spacing. On
the other hand, if remaining space in a randomly filled tray is used up by cable coating and no other cable
can be installed in the tray; credit may be taken for reduction in cable % fill below nominal value.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables in
tray routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. This ACF must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
A/G Conduit
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius. It is the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is to be installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from
the library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Ampacity Adjustment
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of conduit installed next to each other, as well as the total number of
conductors per location (this conduit), can be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
# of conductors per location = (# of conductors per cable) x (# of cables per location)
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection method. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the conduit. The
fire protection data is used to further derate the cable ampacities based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations from which to choose. Each configuration
has an ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire retardant coating is not a standard procedure for A/G conduits.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for conduits
routed through fire stops. Note: there may not be any reason to derate the cable for fire stops since typical
fire stops are constructed with expanded foam depth of 4 inches or less. This is considered to be
insufficient to cause an increase in cable temperature.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Air Drop
Cables suspended without the use of trays or conduits. No cable grouping for air drop cables are
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature. The temperature of the air surrounding the area where the tray is
to be installed is in degrees Celsius. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is 40 degrees Celsius.
For cables in direct sun, the air temperature may be increased by a typical value of 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection devices. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the airdrop
cables. The fire protection data is used to further derate the cable based on the fire protection
specifications selected from PowerStation library is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire
Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables
routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. The ACF must be applied whenever the cable is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
You can select one or both requirements for determining the recommended size of cable.
If ampacity is selected as one of the requirements, sizing will be based on the cable installation and
ambient conditions specified in the Ampacity Page.
Using the selected cable type from the library, PowerStation recommends an optimal cable size along
with the number of conductors per phase that meets the specified requirements. Additionally,
PowerStation provides one cable size smaller than the optimal size for your selection. Note that the
required ampacity and percent voltage drop are displayed for your reference.
Cable Loading
Operating Current
The operating load current specified for this cable in the Loading Page will be used if this option is
Use this option to enter any value for the cable current.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, and the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) could be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is Enter the passive failure rate in number of failures per year f/yr per unit length. The passive failure
rate is associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection
breakers and therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or
replacing the failed component will restores service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits
and inadvertent opening of breakers.
Select the length unit for failure rate length unit from the list box. The units of length available are: feet,
miles, meters, and kilometers.
It is Enter the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component
outage and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
Calculate and display the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based
on MTTR (µ = 8760/MTTR) in Repair/yr.
Calculate and display the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP of (
MTTF = 1.0/(λA+λP) in yr for unit length automatically).
Calculate and display the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability), calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP
(FOR = MTTR/(MTTR+8760/(λA+λP)) for unit length automatically.
Switching Time
Enter the Switching time (the time in hours for isolating a failure) in hr. It is the period starting from the
time a switching operation is required requested due to a forced outage until that the switching operation
is performed completed.
Check this box to enable rP
Alternative Supply
It is the replacement time in hours by for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
The Transmission Line Editor includes seven pages of properties plus two additional characteristics
Info Page
Configuration Page
Grounding Page
Impedance Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Line Type
Transmission line type is not active for this release.
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters. PowerStation automatically assigns a unique
ID to each transmission line. The assigned IDs consist of the default line ID plus an integer, starting with
the number one and increasing as the number of lines increase. The default line ID (Line) can be changed
from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a transmission line are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal
of a branch, From or To, is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. To connect
or reconnect a branch to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to
show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in
the same view where the branch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or
in another composite network.
For 3 Phase Transmission Lines, only 3 Phase buses will be displayed in the drop down lists. For Single
Transmission Lines only single-phase buses will be displayed.
If a branch is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the branch to a
new bus from the editors will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown below
where Branch X is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Single Phase Transmission lines can also be connected to Phase Adapters. If the Cable is connected as
such, then the Phase Adapter ID will show in the Primary or Secondary field.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
In/Out of Service
Operating condition of a transmission line can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch;
however, an Out of Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads
and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Transmission Lines can be defined as 3 Phase or 1 Phase lines by selecting any of the following
3 Phase
Define the line as a three-phase line. This line can be connected only to three-phase buses.
1 Phase
Define the line as a single-phase line.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the length of the transmission line and select the unit from the list box. The units of length
available are: feet, miles, meters, and kilometers.
Configuration Type
Several types of physical configurations are available for transmission lines in order to accommodate
most setups. Available options for transmission line placement are:
Specify the distance between the phase conductors as three sets of pairs of conductors ( AB, BC, CA) in
feet or meters. This provides the ability to configure the wires to almost any shape. For parallel circuit,
you need to specify the distance between two circuits. PowerStation treats the triangular and parallel
configurations symmetrically; that is, AB = BC and CA<(AB+BC).
Click on the Characteristics button to provide a dialog box where you can enter the number of conductors,
conductor type, transmission line resistance, GMR (geometric mean radius), and diameter. The line
resistance can be entered in either ohms or ohms/unit length. Unit length includes feet, miles, meters, and
kilometers. The base temperature for the resistance is specified in the Impedance Page of this editor.
Number of Conductors
The number of bundled conductors can be specified here. The maximum number of conductors is set to 4
in PowerStation.
Conductor Type
Conductor type (material). PowerStation uses Aluminum/ACSR as the default material for phase
Enter resistance of the phase conductor in ohms per unit length, per conductor. The base temperature of
the resistance is specified in the Impedance Page of this editor.
Specify conductor Geometric Mean Radius in inches or cm. GMR must be less than or equal to the
conductor radius. For bundled conductors, PowerStation calculates the equivalent GMR using the
following formulas:
Where GMR is for a single conductor and S is the separation between bundled conductors in inches or
Diameter (d)
Specify conductor diameter in inches or cm. For bundled conductors, PowerStation calculates the
equivalent diameter of the bundled conductors (d’) by using following the formulas:
where d is a single conductor diameter in inches and S is the separation between conductors in inches or
Earth Resistivity
Specify the earth resistivity in ohms/meter3. PowerStation uses an average value of 100 ohms/meter3 as
the default value.
G-G Spacing
The distance between ground wires in feet or meters. This field is active if you have more than one
ground wire.
C-G Spacing
The distance between the ground wires and a phase conductor closest to the ground wire, in feet or
meters. The value of C-G can be negative if ground wires are located under the phase conductors.
Enter the height of the transmission line from the earth in feet or meters.
Click on the Characteristics button to provide a dialog box where you can enter the number of ground
wires and specification of grounding wire resistance, GMR (geometric mean radius), and diameter. The
ground wire resistance can be entered in either ohms or ohms/unit length. Unit length includes feet,
miles, meters, and kilometers. The base temperature for this resistance is specified in the Impedance Page
of this editor.
Number of Conductors
The number of bundled ground wires can be specified here. The maximum number of bundled wires is set
to 4 in PowerStation. Note that if you have two ground wires and each has two wires bundled together,
you will have a total of four wires.
Specify the distance between conductors in inches or cm. This field is active if you have more than two
bundled wires.
Enter the resistance of the ground wires in ohms per unit length, per conductor. The base temperature of
the ground wire is the same as the phase conductor, as specified in the Impedance Page.
Some configurations (two-dimensional cross-section) of three-phase conductors and two grounding wires
with respect to the earth are illustrated below.
Specify the conductor Geometric Mean Radius in inches or cm. GMR must be less than or equal to the
conductor radius. For bundled conductors, PowerStation calculates the equivalent GMR’ using the
following formulas:
where GMR is for a single conductor and S is the separation between bundled ground wires in inches.
Diameter (d)
Specify the conductor diameter in inches or cm. For bundled conductors, PowerStation calculates the
equivalent diameter of the bundled wires (d’) by using the following formulas:
where d is a single wire diameter in inches or cm and S is the separation between wires in inches or cm.
Select impedance units as ohms per unit length or ohms. Select a unit for unit length from the list box.
Units available are: feet, miles, meters, and kilometers. If you select ohms, the impedances calculated or
entered represent the total impedance of the line. PowerStation uses ohms per mile as the unit of
impedance calculation.
Base Temperature
Enter the conductor base temperature (in degrees Celsius) at which the phase conductor and ground wire
resistances are entered.
Temperature Limit
Min. Max.
Load Flow X
Short-Circuit X
Motor Starting X
Transient Stability X
If this correction is not wanted, set both minimum and maximum temperature limits equal to the base
temperature. PowerStation uses the following equations for temperature corrections:
R = Resistance at base temperature Tb
R’ = Resistance at operating temperature Tc
Tb = Conductor base temperature in C
Tc = Conductor temperature limit in C
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, and the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) could be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restores service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
Select the length unit for failure rate length unit from the list box. The units of length available are: feet,
miles, meters, and kilometers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
Calculate and display the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based
on MTTR (µ = 8760/MTTR) in Repair/yr automatically.
Calculate and display the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP of (
MTTF = 1.0/(λA+λP) in yr for unit length automatically).
Calculate and display the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) of calculated based on MTTR, λA and
λP (FOR = MTTR/(MTTR+8760/(λA+λP)) for unit length automatically.
Switching Time
It is the period starting from the time a switching operation is required requested due to a forced outage
until that the switching operation is performed completed.
Check this box to enable rP
Alternative Supply
It is the replacement time in hours by for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.6 Reactor
The properties associated with current-limiting reactors of the electrical distribution systems can be
entered in this editor.
Info Page
Rating Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each current-limiting reactor. The assigned IDs
consist of the default reactor ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the
number of reactors increase. The default reactor ID (X) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the
menu bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a reactor branch are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal
of a branch (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. To connect
or reconnect a branch to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to
show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in
the same view where the branch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or
in another composite network.
If a branch is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the branch to a
new bus from the editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown below
where Branch X is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
For 3 Phase Reactors, only 3 Phase buses will be displayed in the drop down lists. For single-phase
Reactors only single-phase buses will be displayed.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
Single-phase reactor can also be connected to Phase Adapters. If the Reactor is connected as such, then
the Phase Adapter ID is displayed in the Primary or Secondary field.
In/Out of Service
Operating condition of a reactor branch can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch;
however, an Out of Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads
and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Reactors can be defined as 3 Phase or 1 Phase by selecting any of the following selections:
3 Phase
Define the reactor as a 3 Phase. This reactor can be connected only to 3 phase buses.
1 Phase
Define the reactor as single-phase.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the continuous current rating of the current-limiting reactor in amperes.
This value is also used as a base for the reactor flow constraint in the optimal power flow studies.
Enter the rated voltage of the current-limiting reactor in kV.
This is the tolerance of the nominal value of the positive and zero sequence reactance, in percent. This
value should be zero for an existing reactor with a known reactance. For a new reactor with a design
impedance value, this should be the tolerance range for the reactance specified by the manufacturer.
PowerStation will automatically select the positive or negative tolerance value, which will result in the
most conservative solution. A negative value is used for short-circuit studies and a positive value for all
other studies.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) could be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year. The passive failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and therefore does not
have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed component will
restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent opening of breakers.
Enter the total forced failure rate in f/yr per unit length. The passive failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and therefore does not
have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed component
restores service. Examples are open circuits and inadvertent opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
Alternative Supply
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.7 Impedance
The properties associated with impedances of your electrical distribution system can be entered in this
editor. Impedance branches are used to specify circuit elements in per unit values. Impedance branches
can be used to represent lines and current-limiting reactors.
Info Page
Rating Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each impedance branch. The assigned IDs consist of
the default impedance ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
impedances increase. The default impedance ID (Z) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu
bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of an impedance branch are designated as From and To buses. If a
terminal of a branch, From or To, is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. To
connect or reconnect a branch to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be
updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that
reside in the same view where the branch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the
Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a branch is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the branch to a
new bus from the editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown here
where Branch X is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
Select the connection type of the impedance.
3 Phase
Select to setup impedance as three-phase.
1 Phase
Select to setup impedance as single-phase
In/Out of Service
Operating conditions of an impedance branch can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch.
However, an Out of Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads
and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are reclosed. This leads to
service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the failed
component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) could be
restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a switching operation is
requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Library Button
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Displays the Source Name of the library data selected
Displays the type name of the library data selected
Displays the class of the library data selected
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Info Page
Rating Page
Harmonic Page
Reliability Page
Energy Cost Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each power grid. The assigned IDs consist of the
default power grid ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
power grids increase. The default power grid ID (PG) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the
menu bar or from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the power grid. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a blank
entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect a power grid to a bus, select a bus from the
list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK.
Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the power grid resides, i.e.,
you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a power grid is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the power
grid to a new bus from the editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as
shown below where Gen1 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
Operating condition of a bus can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service options.
The properties of an Out of Service bus can be edited like an In Service bus; however, an Out of Service
bus will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an Out of Service
bus automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads and branches energized solely
through an Out of Service bus will also be de-energized and become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a bus to be In Service for the base data and Out of Service in
revision data.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
The power grid mode of operation and its ratings are displayed on the top of the editor for your reference.
For load flow studies, a swing power grid will take up the slack of the power flows in the system, i.e., the
voltage magnitude and angle of the power grid terminals will remain at the specified operating values.
For motor acceleration and transient stability studies, an initial load flow study is conducted to determine
initial conditions. For the initial load flow, a swing power grid is represented as an infinite source. At
time 0+, the power grid is modeled as a voltage source behind its short-circuit impedance.
For transient stability studies, one of the swing machines (power grids or generators) is selected as the
reference machine for the entire system.
There must be at least one swing machine (power grid or synchronous generator) connected to any
isolated subsystem in the one-line diagram. You can have multiple swing machines connected to any bus
in the system.
Any element that is connected to a swing machine is displayed as an energized element in the one-line
diagram and will be included in for studies. Also, the rated voltage (kV) of a swing machine is used as
the base kV of the connected bus. The base kVs of the rest of the system are then calculated using
transformer turn ratios. For transient stability studies, a swing power grid becomes the reference machine
for the system, i.e., the angle of the internal voltage source of the power grid is set to zero and the voltage
angle of all of the synchronous machines in the system will be relative to this reference machine.
Voltage Control
A power grid can be selected as a voltage control (regulated) system, which means that the power grid
will adjust its Mvar output to control the voltage. Therefore, the terminal voltage magnitude, operating
real power (MW), and minimum and maximum allowable reactive power supply (Max Q and Min Q)
must be entered for voltage control power grids. A voltage control power grid means that the power grid
is base loaded (fixed MW) with an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) controlling the terminal voltage
to a constant value. During load flow studies, if the calculated Mvar falls outside the Mvar capability
limits (Max Q or Min Q limit), the value of the Mvar will be set equal to the limit and the power grid
mode is changed to Mvar control.
Mvar Control
With this option you can specify the amount of fixed MW and Mvar generation in the Rating Page of the
Power grid Editor. An Mvar control power grid means that the power grid is base loaded (fixed MW)
with a fixed Mvar generation (no AVR action).
Nominal kV
Enter the nominal voltage of the power grid in kilovolts (kV). This entry is used by PowerStation to
convert the utility short-circuit MVA to percent short-circuit. This value is also used as the power grid
base kV. Base voltages are calculated by PowerStation beginning with the swing systems (swing power
grids and/or swing generators) and continuing for the rest of the system using the rated kV of the
transformer windings.
Design Setting
% V (Voltage Magnitude)
Enter the magnitude of the power grid voltage as a percentage of the power grid nominal kV. This %
operating voltage is used as the control (regulated) value for swing and voltage control modes. For Mvar
control power grids, this value is used as an initial operating voltage.
Enter the megawatt/kilowatt generation (real power supply) from the power grid. This field is provided
for voltage controlled and Mvar controlled power grids. This value will be held fixed for load flow
Enter the megavar generation (reactive power supply) from the power grid. This field is provided for
Mvar controlled power grid types only. This value will be held fixed for load flow solutions.
Based on the latest load flow run, the operating voltage magnitude, voltage angle, MW and Mvar are
displayed here.
The connection of the power grid can be selected by clicking on the connection buttons until the desired
connection is displayed. The available connections are Wye and Delta.
SC Rating
Specify the short-circuit MVA for three-phase and single-phase (line-to-ground) faults. As you enter or
modify MVAsc or X/R, PowerStation recalculates the corresponding short-circuit impedance values.
The short-circuit MVA for three-phase and single-phase (line-to-ground) fault currents are calculated
from the following equations:
MVA3P = √3 * kV * I3P
MVA1P = √3 * kV * I1P
Where I3P and I1P are three-phase and single-phase short-circuit currents (kAsc). These values are
calculated and displayed.
Enter the X/R ratios for the positive and zero sequence impedances.
Power Grid (Utility) can be modeled as a voltage harmonic source if it contains significant voltage
harmonic distortion. To model a Power Grid as a voltage harmonic source, a harmonic library needs to be
defined here.
Harmonic Library
Click on Library button to bring up Harmonic Library Quick Pick editor. Note that only voltage
harmonic source can be added to power grids.
From the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor, select a manufacturer name and a model name (Voltage
Source harmonic type).
Displays the harmonic source type.
Displays Manufacturer name of the selected harmonic library.
Displays the model name of the selected harmonic library.
Wave Form
Displays one cycle of the voltage or current waveform of the selected harmonic library in time domain.
Displays the harmonic spectrum of the selected harmonic library.
Print (Spectrum)
Prints the harmonic spectrum.
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated, and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) could
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Enter the switching time (or the time for isolating failure) in hr. It is the period from the time a switch
operation is required due to a forced outage until that switching operation is performed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Model Type
Model for power grid energy cost curve. Since most utilities bill customers in a fixed price for segment
of electricity usage, a Piecewise model is provided.
Min MW
Enter the minimum MW imported from the power grid. Note that this number can be negative, in which
case, the system is exporting power into the power grid.
Max MW
Enter the maximum MW imported from the power grid.
Model Parameter
Enter and change points in the list to specify an energy cost curve. The data points are specified in pairs:
a MW value and the price of per MW up to this value. For the example shown in the graph, from 0 MW
up to 1,000 MW, the price is $50 per MW.
Click on this button to add a blank new data point pair at the end of list.
Click on this button to insert a blank new point pair before the highlighted data point pair.
Click on this button to delete the highlighted data point pair.
Price Curve
Displays the curve from the data points entered.
Click on this button to print a hard copy of the price curve.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.9 Generator
The properties associated with synchronous generators of the electrical distribution system can be entered
in this editor. Synchronous generator kV rating, MW rating, and operating mode are displayed on top of
each page for your information.
Entering a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each synchronous generator. The assigned generator
IDs consist of the default generator ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the
number of generators increase. The default generator ID (Bus) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in
the menu bar or from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the synchronous generator. If the terminal is not connected to any
bus, a blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect a synchronous generator to a
bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection
after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the
synchronous generator resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another
composite network.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
Operating conditions of a bus can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service options.
The properties of an Out of Service bus can be edited like an In Service bus; however, an Out of Service
bus will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an Out of Service
bus automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads and branches energized solely
through an Out of Service bus will also be de-energized and become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a bus to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of Service in
Revision Data.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
The generator mode of operation and its ratings are displayed on the top of the editor for your reference.
For load flow studies, a swing generator will take up the slack of the power flows in the system, i.e., the
voltage magnitude and angle of the generator terminals will remain at the specified operating values.
For motor acceleration studies, an initial load flow study is conducted to determine initial conditions. For
the initial load flow, a swing generator is represented as an infinite source. At time 0+, the generator is
modeled as a voltage source behind its direct-axis transient impedance.
For transient stability studies, all generators are modeled dynamically from time 0+. One of the swing
machines (power grids or generators) is selected as the reference machine for the entire system.
There must be at least one swing machine (power grid or synchronous generator) connected to any
isolated subsystem in the one-line diagram. You can have multiple swing machines connected to any bus
in the system.
Any element that is connected to a swing machine is displayed as an energized element in the one-line
diagram and will be included in studies. Also, the rated voltage (kV) of a swing generator is used as the
base kV of the bus that the generator is connected to. The base kVs of the rest of the system are then
calculated using transformer turn ratios. For transient stability studies, a swing generator becomes the
reference machine for the system, i.e., the angle of the internal voltage source of the generator is set to
zero and the voltage angle of all of the synchronous machines in the system will be relative to this
reference machine.
Voltage Control
A generator can be selected as a voltage control (regulated) system, which means that the generator will
adjust its var output to control the voltage. Therefore, the generator’s terminal voltage magnitude,
operating real power (MW), and minimum and maximum allowable reactive power supply (Max Q and
Min Q) must be entered for voltage control generators. A voltage control generator means that the
generator is base loaded (droop mode with fixed MW) with an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
controlling the field excitation for a constant voltage operation. During load flow studies, if the
calculated generator Mvar falls outside the generator Mvar capability limits (Max Q or Min Q limit), the
value of the Mvar will be set equal to the limit and the generator mode is changed to Mvar control.
Mvar Control
With this option you can specify the amount of fixed MW and Mvar generation in the Rating Page of the
Synchronous Generator Editor. An Mvar control generator means that the generator is base loaded (droop
mode with fixed MW) with a fixed field excitation (no AVR action).
SC Designation
The short-circuit designation of the generator is used for ANSI/IEEE and IEC Standard
Gen. Type
The generator type is used only for determining the generator reactance for ANSI/IEEE short-circuit
calculations as shown in the following table.
For generator exciter types specified as the terminal fed type, there is no generator contribution to the
steady-state short-circuit current.
kW / MW
Enter the rated real power of the synchronous generator in MW or kW. Choose from the two options by
clicking on the MW/kW button.
Enter the rated voltage of the synchronous generator in kV. This entry is used by PowerStation to convert
the ohmic values of the circuit elements to per unit values for calculations. This value is also used to
convert the final synchronous generator voltage to the actual values for output reports. Base voltages are
calculated by PowerStation, beginning with the swing systems (swing power grids and/or swing
generators) and continuing for the rest of the system using the rated kV of the transformer windings.
% PF
Enter the rated power factor of the synchronous generator in percent.
Enter the rated power of the synchronous generator in kVA or MVA.
% Eff
Enter the rated efficiency of the synchronous generator in percent.
Enter the number of poles for the synchronous generator.
The generator full load current is calculated and displayed here in amperes.
PowerStation displays the rated RPM (synchronous speed) of the synchronous generator based on the
system frequency and the number of poles entered (Ws=120 freq/pole).
Design Setting
% V (Voltage Magnitude)
Enter the voltage magnitude setting of the regulated bus at the synchronous generator terminal as a
percentage of the bus nominal kV. This % operating voltage is used as the control (regulated) value for
swing and voltage control modes. For Mvar controlled power grids, this value is used as an initial
operating voltage.
Enter the operating megawatt generation (real power supply) of the synchronous generator. This field is
provided for voltage controlled and Mvar controlled synchronous generator types. This value will be held
fixed for load flow solutions.
Enter the megavar generation (reactive power supply) of the synchronous generator. This field is
provided for Mvar controlled synchronous generator types only. This value will be held fixed for load
flow solutions.
var Limits
The results of the latest load flow run are displayed here.
Short-Circuit Z (Impedance)
Direct-axis subtransient reactance in percent (machine base)
Direct-axis transient reactance in percent (machine base). It is used for 30 cycle fault analysis and motor
starting studies
Armature X/R ratio (X”/Ra). For ANSI short-circuit studies, this value is used for both ½ cycle and 1½-4
cycle networks
Zero sequence reactance in percent (machine base). This value is used for unbalanced faults under ANSI
short-circuit studies
Harmonic Z
Negative sequence reactance in percent (machine base), this value is used for harmonic analysis only and
is not used for short-circuit studies.
These entries specify the synchronous generator grounding connections, type, and rating.
The generator grounding connection can be selected by clicking on the connection buttons until the
desired connection is displayed. The available connections are Wye and Delta.
For Wye-connected windings, choose from the four grounding types provided in the list box:
For resistor or reactor grounded generators, enter the resistor or reactor rating in amperes
where the line-to-neutral voltage is the bus nominal voltage of the machine divided by 3 ½.
Dynamic Model
Select equivalent, transient, or subtransient model type for the synchronous generator. All of the
parameters listed under Dynamic Model are used only for Transient Stability studies. Full descriptions of
these variables are found in Chapter 10, Dynamic Models.
Model Type
Equivalent A model uses an internal voltage source behind the armature resistance
and quadrature-axis reactance.
Transient A more comprehensive model than Equivalent model,
including machine’s saliency.
Subtransient A comprehensive representation of general type synchronous machine,
including both transient and subtransient parameters.
Machine Type
Round-Rotor For machines that are made of round-rotor.
Salient-Pole For machines that are made of salient-pole.
Direct-axis synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Armature leakage reactance in percent (machine base)
Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Quadrature-axis transient synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Quadrature-axis subtransient synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant in seconds
Direct-axis subtransient open circuit-time constant in seconds
Quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant in seconds
Quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant in seconds
Per unit of terminal voltage at which the generator saturation curve skews from the air-gap line
Saturation factor at 100% terminal voltage
Saturation factor at 120% terminal voltage
Saturation factors S100 and S120 are calculated from the following equations:
S100 = If100 / If
S120 = If120 / 1.2If
If = Field current corresponding to 100% terminal voltage on the air gap line (no saturation)
If100 = Field current corresponding to 100% terminal voltage on the open circuit saturation curve
If120 = Field current corresponding to 120% terminal voltage on the open circuit saturation curve
Shaft mechanical damping term in percent MW change due to 1 Hz deviation in speed ( % MW / Hz).
Typical values range from 2% (short shaft) to 10% (long shaft).
Total inertia of the generator shaft including the prime mover & coupling gear in MW-Sec/MVA. The
inertia constant H is related to the shaft moment of inertia, square of generator synchronous speed in
RPM, and the generator rated MVA.
H = 2.31 * 10-10 * WR2 * RPM2 / MVA (for WR2 = Moment of inertia in lb-ft2 )
H = 5.48 * 10-9 * WR2 * RPM2 / MVA (for WR2 = Moment of inertia in kg-m2 )
The excitation and AVR systems for synchronous generators can be sophisticated. Complete modeling of
these systems is usually necessary for Transient Stability studies. The equivalent transfer functions used
for the excitation and AVR systems and their variable/parameter names are either provided by exciter
manufactures or in accordance with the IEEE recommended types as found from the following references:
IEEE Working Group Report, "Computer Representation of Excitation Systems", IEEE Transaction on
Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-87, No. 6, June 1968, pp.1460/1464
IEEE Committee Report, "Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies", IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, No. 2, February 1981, pp.494/509
IEEE Std 421.5-1992, “IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System
Stability Studies”, IEEE Power Engineering Society, 1992
In general, exciter manufacturers should be contacted to determine the applicability of the IEEE-type
representations to their excitation systems.
Excitation/AVR Type
You can specify the excitation/AVR type by selecting one of the following models from the list box.
Refer to the chapter on Dynamic Models for details.
Type Description
1 = Continuously Acting Regulator With Rotating Exciter System
2 = Rotating Rectifier Exciter With Static Regulator System
3 = Static System With Terminal Potential and Current Supplies
1S = Controlled Rectifier System with Terminal Voltage
DC1 = DC Commutator Exciter with Continuous Voltage Regulation
DC2 = DC Commutator Exciter with Continuous Voltage Regulation and Supplies from
Terminal Voltage
DC3 = DC Commutator Exciter with Non-Continuous Voltage Regulation
ST1 = Potential-Source Controlled-Rectifier Exciter
ST2 = Static System with Terminal Potential and Current Supplies
ST3 = Compound Source-Controlled Rectifier Exciter
AC1 = Alternator-Rectifier Exciter System with Non-Controlled Rectifiers and
Field Current Feedback
AC2 = High-Initial-Response Alternator-Rectifier Exciter System with Non-Controlled
Rectifiers and Field Current Feedback
AC3 = Field-Controlled Alternator-Rectifier Exciter
AC4 = High-Initial-Response Alternator-Supplied Controlled Rectifier Exciter
AC5A = Simplified Rotating Rectifier Exciter
SR8F = Basler SR8F and SR125A Exciter
HPC = HPC 840 AVR/Exciter Model
JEUM = Jeumont Industrie Excitation / AVR System
ST1D = Static System with Terminal Potential & Current Supplies
Fixed = Constant Excitation (i.e., no regulator action). This can be used for generators with
constant excitation or when the machine voltage regulator is operating under PF or Mvar
UDM = User Defined Dynamic Model
Some exciter types require that you select a control bus from the dropdown list that appears when they are
Sample Data
The Sample Data button can be used for each type of exciter to provide a set of sample data for the
selected exciter and AVR type.
Compile UDM
PowerStation allows you to model your own Exciter through UDM (User Defined Models). If you
selected any of the UDM models, this button will appear. By pressing this button, you will be taken to
the UDM Compiler Editor.
You will compile your model and come back to this window. PowerStation will use this Exciter model
for its calculations.
See the chapter on User Defined Dynamic Models, Chapter 20, for more information.
Governor/Turbine Type
You can specify the governor/turbine type by selecting one of the following models from the list box.
Refer to the chapter on Dynamic Models for details.
Type Description
ST = Steam-Turbine Governor System
ST1 = Single-Reheat Steam Turbine
ST2 = Tandem-Compound, Single-Reheat Steam Turbine
ST3 = Tandem-Compound, Double-Reheat Steam Turbine
STM = IEEE General Steam-Turbine Representation
GT = Gas-Turbine Governor System
GTF = Gas Turbine including Fuel System
GP = General Purpose Governor-Turbine System
DT = Diesel Engine Governor
505 = Woodward 505E PID Governor for Extraction Steam Turbine
UG8 = Woodward Governor
2301 = Woodward 2301A Governor for Diesel Unit
GTH = GE Heavy Duty Gas Turbine Model
GTS = GE Simplified Single Shaft Gas Turbine Model
MARS = Solar Turbine MARS Governor Set
GHH = GHH Brosig Steam Turbine Governor
DDEC = Detroit Diesel DDEC Governor Turbine
HYDR = Woodward Hydraulic Governor & Turbine
SGT = IEEE Gas-Turbine
PL-A = Power Logic Governor & Turbine Model A
ST60 = Solar Taurus 60 Solonox Gas Fuel Turbine-Governor
ST70 = Solar Taurus 70 Solonox Gas Fuel Turbine-Governor
GT-2 = Gas-Turbine Governor System
GT-3 = Gas-Turbine Governor System (Non wind-up limit)
CT251 = Combustion Turbine Governor Model
None = No Governor action, i.e., the mechanical power (Pm) is kept constant throughout
the time simulation studies.
Droop or isoch mode of operation.
From the dropdown list
Sample Data
The Sample Data button can be used for each type of exciter to provide a set of sample data for the
selected governor/turbine type.
Compile UDM
PowerStation allows you to model your own Exciter through UDM (User Defined Models). If you
selected any of the UDM models, this button will appear. By pressing this button, you will be taken to
the UDM Compiler Editor.
You will compile your model and come back to this window. PowerStation will use this Exciter model
for its calculations.
See the chapter on User Defined Dynamic Models, Chapter 20, for more information.
Sample Data
The Sample Data button can be used for each type of PSS to provide a set of sample data for the selected
stabilizer type.
Compile UDM
PowerStation allows you to model your own Exciter through UDM (User Defined Models). If you
selected any of the UDM models, this button will appear. By pressing this button, you will be taken to
the UDM Compiler Editor.
You will compile your model and come back to this window. PowerStation will use this Exciter model
for its calculations.
See the chapter on User Defined Dynamic Models, Chapter 20, for more information.
Harmonic Library
Synchronous Generator can be modeled as a voltage harmonic source if it contains significant voltage
harmonic distortion. To model a Synchronous Generator as a voltage harmonic source, a harmonic
library needs to be defined here.
Click on the Library button to bring up Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor. Note that only voltage
harmonic source can be added to generators.
From the Harmonic Library Quick Pick Editor, select a manufacturer name and a model name (Voltage
Source harmonic type).
Displays the harmonic source type.
Displays Manufacturer name of the selected harmonic library.
Displays the model name of the selected harmonic library.
Wave Form
Displays one cycle of the voltage or current waveform of the selected harmonic library in time domain.
Displays the harmonic spectrum of the selected harmonic library.
Print (Spectrum)
Prints the harmonic spectrum.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated, and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) could
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
Enter the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
Alternative Supply
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Model Type
Model for power grid energy cost curve. Four models are available:
Piecewise Linear
Piecewise Quadratic
Quadratic plus Exp.
“V” Curve
Piecewise Liner
For this model, data points for series of MW values and the fuel cost for generating the corresponding
MW are specified in pairs.
Piecewise Quadratic
For this model, data points for series of MW values and the incremental fuel cost for generating the
corresponding MW are specified in pairs. Note that for Piecewise Quadratic curve, fuel cost at 0 MW
needs to be specified, which is entered into Initial Cost field.
“V” Curve
For this model, a desired MW generation point MidPoint is entered in MW and the slope of fuel cost
curve is entered in Weight.
Min MW
Enter the minimum MW imported from the generator.
Max MW
Enter the maximum MW imported from the generator.
Model Parameter
Enter and change model parameters based on the selected model type.
Click on this button to add a blank new data point pair at the end of model parameter list. Available with
the Piecewise Linear and Piecewise Quadratic models.
Click on this button to insert a blank new point pair before the highlighted data point pair. Available with
the Piecewise Linear and Piecewise Quadratic models.
Click on this button to delete the highlighted data point pair. Available with the Piecewise Linear and
Piecewise Quadratic models.
Cost Curve
Displays the curve from the data points entered.
Click on this button to print a hard copy of the cost curve.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each induction machine. The assigned IDs consist of
the default induction machine ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the
number of induction machines increase. The default induction machine ID (Mtr) can be changed from the
Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the induction machine. If the terminal is not connected to any bus,
a blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect an induction machine to a bus, select
a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click
on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the induction
machine resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite
If an induction machine is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the
induction machine to a new bus in this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new
bus, as shown below where Mtr3 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of an induction machine can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out
of Service options. The properties of an Out of Service machine can be edited like an In Service machine;
however, an Out of Service machine will not be included in any system studies. When the continuity
check is activated, an Out of Service machine automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Select the operating status of the induction machine(s) for the selected configuration status from the list
box. Options for operating status include:
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the machine is
determined for load flow and machine starting studies.
Note that status is not a part of the machine engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown, indicating the machine status under the specific configuration, i.e., you can
have a different operating status under each configuration. In the following example, status of a machine
is shown to be Continuous under Normal configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
This is the phase connection of the induction machine. Select the phase connection type from the list box.
Options for phase connection include:
Enter the quantity (number) of induction machines for this machine ID. This allows you to group
identical machines together without a need for graphical presentation in the one-line diagram.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as estimate,
typical, vendor, final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect the
source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types and you can change their name from the
Project Menu under Settings and Data Type.
Select the load priority of this machine from the list box. This field can be used for load priority,
operating priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from.
Priorities may be chosen from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
App. Type
Select the application type for this induction machine, i.e., motor or generator type.
Demand factor
Modify the demand factors for Continuous, Intermittent, and Spare status in the provided entry fields.
Demand factor is the amount of time the induction machine is actually operating. Demand factor affects
the following calculations:
Where the PF & RF (power factor and reactive factor) are calculated based on the specified % loading
from the power factors specified at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading.
Demand factors for Continuous, Intermittent, and Spare status have a range from 0% to 100%. Since
demand factors are a part of engineering properties, PowerStation uses the same factors for all
Enter the machine output (shaft) rating in horsepower (HP) or kW. You can choose from these two
options by clicking on the HP/kW button. PowerStation uses the following equations for the nameplate
where the PF and Eff are at full load condition ( 100% loading).
You can choose from these two options by clicking on the MVA/kVA button to display the machine
rating in MVA or kVA and the machine operating load and feeder losses in (MW + j Mvar) or
(kW + j kvar).
Enter the rated voltage of the machine in kV. This is a line-to-line voltage for three-phase machines.
This is the rated full load current of the machine in amperes. This is the current the machine would pull
from the system when it is fully loaded, i.e., when the system is operating at the rated HP (or kW), rated
kV, and rated frequency. When you modify FLA, the machine efficiency at 100% loading is recalculated.
PowerStation limits the entry of FLA in such a way that the efficiency at 100% loading cannot exceed
100% or be below 10%.
% PF
Enter the machine power factor in percent at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading. The power factor at 100%
loading is the rated power factor and is used for calculating the rated values, i.e., when you change the
power factor at 100% loading, the machine full load current is recalculated. All three values of the power
factors are used for determining the operating power factor of the machine under different percent
loading, i.e., when you change any one of the power factors, the operating load and feeder losses for all
loading categories are recalculated.
The sign of a power factor determines whether it is lagging or leading. Since induction machines always
take reactive power (kvars) from the system, they have a lagging power factor, which must be entered as a
positive value.
% Eff
This is the efficiency of the machine, in percent, at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading. Efficiency cannot
exceed 100%. The efficiency at 100% loading is the rated efficiency and is used for calculating the rated
values, i.e., when you change the efficiency at 100% loading, the machine full load current is
recalculated. All three values of the efficiencies are used for determining the machine efficiency under
different percent loading, i.e., when you change the value of any one of the efficiencies, the operating
load and feeder losses for all loading categories are recalculated.
Service factor is the permissible power loading in per unit. Service factor is not used for calculation of
loading or feeder losses. PowerStation gives you the option to use the service factor for voltage drop
calculations of the machine feeder.
Enter the number of poles. As the number of poles is changed, the synchronous speed of the machine is
recalculated and displayed in RPM (revolutions per minute).
Access Motor Nameplate Library data by clicking on the Library button and opening the Library Quick
Pick - Motor. Motor Nameplate data can be obtained and substituted from the library by highlighting and
double-clicking on the selection. Library data includes motor ratings such as HP/kW, kV, FLA, PF, Eff,
& Pole (transferred to the Nameplate Page) and motor parameters such as LRC, LR PF, X”, X’, X, X2,
X0, X/R, & Td’ (transferred to the Model Page).
This section is used to assign a percent loading to each one of the ten loading categories for this machine,
i.e., each machine can be set to have a different operating loading (generator) level for each loading
category. To edit the values of the percent loading, click on any one of the edit fields under the %
Loading column. Note that you can select any of these loading categories when conducting load flow and
motor starting studies.
PowerStation uses the specified percent loading of each loading category to calculate the operating power
factor and efficiency from the values specified at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading. This is accomplished by
using a curve fitting technique with a maximum of 100% for power factor and efficiency. The calculated
power factor and efficiency are then used to calculate and display the operating kW and kvar loading, as
well as the feeder losses, if an equipment cable with a non-zero length is specified for this load. Note that
although the demand factor is used for calculating the operating load and feeder losses, the value of the
demand factor is not used in determining the operating power factor and efficiency.
To edit the loading category names, select Loading Category from the Project Menu.
Operating Load
Operating Load can be updated from the Load Flow Study Case Editor. The operating load option is
available if your ETAP key has the online (PowerStation Management System) feature.
When the operating load box is checked in the load flow study case editor, the calculation results are
updated to sources, loads, and buses, so that they can be utilized as input for later studies. If your ETAP
key does not have the online feature, you can see the operating P and Q data in the element editor;
however, this data cannot be used in a later study.
This is the machine locked-rotor current (at motor rated kV) in percent of the rated full load current of the
% PF
Enter the locked-rotor power factor in percent.
ANSI Short-Circuit Z
Std MF / Xsc
If you select Std MF, PowerStation uses the following ANSI Multiplying Factors for calculating the
positive sequence short-circuit impedances. If you select the Xsc option, you can directly enter the short-
circuit impedances in percent with motor ratings as the base. Note that the IEC short-circuit method does
not use these impedances.
Xsc Xsc
Motor Size RPM ½ Cycle Network 1.5-4 Cycle Network
> 1000 HP ≤1800 1.0 / LRC 1.5 / LRC
> 250 HP 3600 1.0 / LRC 1.5 / LRC
≥ 50 HP other 1.2 / LRC 3.0 / LRC
< 50 HP 1.67 / LRC Infinity
Z Parameters
Zero sequence reactance in percent (machine base); used for calculating short-circuit currents for
unbalanced faults.
Negative sequence reactance in percent (machine base); used for harmonic analysis.
Motor steady-state reactance in percent (machine base).
Induction motor’s X/R ratio (Xsc/Ra)
Induction motor transient time constant in seconds. This value is used in the IEC 363 method.
These entries specify grounding connection, type, and rating of the motor.
The motor grounding connection can be selected by clicking on the connection buttons until the desired
connection is displayed. The available connections are Wye and Delta.
For Wye-connected motors, choose from these four grounding types provided in the list box:
Amp Rating
For resistor or reactor grounded motors, enter the resistor or reactor rating in amperes.
Amp Rating = (Line-to-Neutral Voltage) / (Resistor Ohmic Value)
where the line-to-neutral voltage is the rated voltage of the machine divided by √3.
After you select a new model, if you click on OK to leave the Motor Editor, select another editor page, or
navigate to another motor, PowerStation prompts you with the following message to update (modify)
some of the nameplate parameters which do not match the calculated values using the selected model.
After you select new Characteristic Library data, if you click on OK to leave the Motor Editor, select
another editor page, or navigate to another motor, PowerStation prompts you with the message shown
above to update (modify) some of the nameplate parameters which do not match the values from the
selected library.
Prints the torque, current & power factor characteristic curves of the machine for the selected model
(CKT or characteristic).
Starting Device
Select the starting device type from the list box. PowerStation provides the following starting device
For reduced voltage starters, enter the percent tap for auto-transformers, resistors, and reactor types.
For switched capacitor type applications, enter the capacitor size in kvar. Note that the capacitor is
assumed to have a rated voltage equal to the bus nominal kV.
Switching Off
When a motor that uses a starting device reaches a certain speed, the starting device is removed and the
motor is placed directly on-line. Depending on what option you select, enter the switching time for
PowerStation to remove the starting device in either percent of the synchronous speed or actual time in
seconds. Time is measured from the instant the motor is accelerated.
In the static motor starting calculation, if the switch-off time specified for a starting device is larger than
the acceleration time specified for the motor, the switch-off time will be set equal to the acceleration time.
This means that for static motor starting, a starting device is switched off either at the switch-off time or
the acceleration time, whichever is smaller.
However, for the dynamic motor acceleration calculation, since the acceleration time is unknown before
the calculation, a starting device is switched off at the time specified by the user, regardless of whether it
is larger or smaller than the acceleration time.
Load Torque
This is the mechanical load connected to the motor shaft. The mechanical load is modeled as a third order
polynomial of the motor speed.
T = A0 + A1ω + A2ω2 + A3ω3
Prints the motor and load torque/slip characteristic curves of the machine.
Enter the total inertia of the motor shaft including the load and coupling gear in MW-Sec/MVA. The
inertia constant H is related to the shaft moment of inertia, square of motor synchronous speed in RPM,
and the motor rated MVA.
Enter WR2 for the motor, coupling gear, and load in lb-ft2 or kg-m2 based on the system unit. As you
enter WR2, PowerStation calculates the inertia constant H.
Acceleration Time
Enter No Load and Full Load motor acceleration time in seconds. These values along with the motor
percent loading are used to calculate the acceleration time for static motor stating, i.e., the motor will
carry the full LRC for the entire acceleration time. For dynamic motor starting, the motor model, load
model, and inertia are used to dynamically accelerate the motor.
The % loading for the first starting category is used for transient stability studies.
This section provides capabilities for adding, deleting, or editing the equipment cable for this motor.
Partial cable information such as the cable ID, Type, #/Phase, Size, Length, and unit are provided here for
editing and displaying.
Cable ID
To add a cable to a motor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library on this page.
This button will bring up the equipment Cable Editor.
To add an equipment cable to a motor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library.
Size Cable
For automatic sizing of the equipment cable, click on this button to bring up the Sizing Page of the
equipment Cable Editor.
Delete Cable
Click on this button to delete the equipment cable associated with this load.
Overload Heater
Select an overload heater manufacturer and model from the Quick Pick Editor.
Enter the resistance of the overload heater in ohms or modify the value obtained from the library.
Voltage Drop
The total voltage drop (Vd) across the equipment cable and overload heater along with motor terminal
voltage (Vt) and starting voltage (Vst) are calculated and displayed here for all loading categories. Vd, Vt,
and Vst are displayed in percent values with a base kV equal to the bus nominal kV.
Vst represents the motor terminal voltage during starting conditions with the bus voltage fixed, i.e., it
includes voltage drop across the equipment cable only.
The operating voltage of the connected bus (the bus which this load is connected to, if any) is displayed
here for reference.
Vd Calculation
Use App MF
By selecting this option, the cable ampacity Application Multiplying Factor (App MF) is used for voltage
drop calculations.
Use SF
By selecting this option, the motor Service Factor (SF) is used for voltage drop calculations.
Installation Type
Five raceway installation types are available to choose from.
Each type uses a variety of conditions to determine its overall characteristics and determine the derated
ampacity of the cable installed under the specified raceway conditions.
Cable Application MF
This Multiplication Factor (MF) is determined by the application type selected from the drop-down list
provided. You can modify the values of Application MF by selecting Project, Settings, and Cable
Ampacity MF from the Menu Bar. This Application MF is used to calculate the required cable ampacity
(MF times operating or full load current).
Ampacity ratings are displayed for easy comparison of base, derated and, required (I x MF) ampacities.
The method used here is based on a concept of a derating factor that is applied against a base ampacity to
calculate the derated ampacity.
Id = F Ib
Allowable Ampacity
PowerStation provides a user-defined field to enter the maximum allowable ampacity for one-line and
raceway cables. This field is not provided for equipment cables. The maximum allowable ampacity is
used in the load flow output reports to indicate the percent of cable overloading.
I x MF
Current is calculated by multiplying the operating current (or the full load current for equipment cables)
and the Application Multiplication Factor (App. MF) for the specified application type. This value is
displayed so it can be compared with the derated ampacity.
U/G Duct
Underground duct banks encased in concrete.
The thermal resistivity of the soil in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W).
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil for underground
installations. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity
for UG systems are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. This order is usually given at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the duct bank must be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment
The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on 7.5 inches center-to-center spacing. For more details
see the IEEE Brown Book.
U/G Buried
Directly buried underground ducts.
The thermal resistivity of the soil is in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt.
Ambient temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil where the cable is
installed. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is
usually specified at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the cable locations must be specified to determine a cable grouping
adjustment factor. The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on a 7.5 inch center-to-center
spacing. For more details see the IEEE Brown Book.
A/G Trays
Above ground cable trays. The free air base ampacity from the libraries are used for cables installed in
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Tray Specification
If chosen, NEC methods of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. NEC does not
provide ampacity derating due to bottom cover or correction of the ampacity multiplying factors due to
the cumulative effects of combinations of tray covers and fireproofing.
Top Cover
Select top cover if there is a removable top cover on the cable tray.
Bottom Cover
Select bottom cover if there is a bottom cover on the cable tray, whether it is removable or solid, of more
than 6 feet.
Maintained Spacing
If cable spacing is maintained within the tray, then the effects of top cover, bottom cover and fire wrap
are ignored. For 3-phase cables larger than 2/0 AWG in a single layer, the arrangement requires spacing
of 1/4 of overall effective diameter of the grouped circuit.
Cumulative Effect
Cumulative effect applies correction factors for combinations of barriers, fire coatings, and covers on
cable trays.
In general, cable sizes of 2/0 AWG and smaller are installed in cable trays in a randomly filled manner,
with a maximum of two cables high. Base ampacity of randomly filled trays are based on installations at a
uniform depth up to the maximum of 30% fill for 3 or 4-inch tray depths. The method applied here
corresponds to a maximum fill condition and does not consider fill conditions exceeding the nominal
depths. Therefore, the actual values of tray depth, width, and % fill entries are for display only.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries from which to choose various fire protection devices. Each of
the three libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the
cable tray. The fire protection data is used to further derate cables based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity. For maintained
spacing trays, if the fire retardant coating results in a reduction of the spacing between adjacent cables or
groups to less than the required values, the cable shall be considered to be non-maintained spacing. On
the other hand, if remaining space in a randomly filled tray is used up by cable coating and no other cable
can be installed in the tray, credit may be taken for reduction in cable % fill below nominal value.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables in
tray routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. This ACF must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
A/G Conduit
Above ground cable conduit
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius. The temperature of the air surrounding the
area where the tray is to be installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Ampacity Adjustment
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of conduit installed next to each other, as well as the total number of
conductors per location (this conduit), can be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection method. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the conduit. The
fire protection data is used to further derate the cable ampacities based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations from which to choose. Each configuration
has an ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire retardant coating is not a standard procedure for A/G conduits.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for conduits
routed through fire stops. Note: there may not be any reason to derate the cable for fire stops since typical
fire stops are constructed with expanded foam depth of 4 inches or less. This is considered to be
insufficient to cause an increase in cable temperature.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Air Drop
Cables suspended without the use of trays or conduits. No cable grouping for air drop cables are
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature. The temperature of the air surrounding the area where the tray is
to be installed is in degrees Celsius. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is 40 degrees Celsius.
For cables in direct sun, the air temperature may be increased by a typical value of 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection devices. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the air drop
cables. The fire protection data is used to further derate the cable based on the fire protection
specifications selected from PowerStation library is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire
Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables
routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. The ACF must be applied whenever the cable is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector
Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the user sector
information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate Expected
Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each synchronous motor. The assigned IDs consist of
the default synchronous motor ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the
number of synchronous motors increase. The default synchronous motor ID (Syn) can be changed from
the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the synchronous motor. If the terminal is not connected to any
bus, a blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect a synchronous motor to a bus,
select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you
click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the synchronous
motor resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite
If a synchronous motor is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the
synchronous motor to a new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the
new bus, as shown below where Syn3 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a synchronous motor can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out
of Service options. The properties of an Out of Service motor can be edited like an In Service breaker.
However, an Out of Service motor will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service motor automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Select the operating status of the synchronous motor(s) for the selected configuration status from the list
• Continuous Continuously operating load
• Intermittent Intermittently operating load
• Spare Spare load (no short-circuit contribution)
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the motor is
determined for load flow and motor starting studies.
Note that status is not a part of the motor engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown, indicating the motor status under the specific configuration, i.e., you can
have a different operating status under each configuration. In the following example, status of a motor is
shown to be Continuous under Normal configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Select the load priority of this motor from the list box. This field can be used for load priority, operating
priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from. Names of the
priorities can be specified from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as estimate,
typical, vendor, final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect
the source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types and you can change their name from the
Project Menu under Settings and Data Type.
App. Type
Select the application type for this synchronous motor.
This is the phase connection of this synchronous motor. Select the phase connection type from the list
box. Options for phase connection include:
Enter the quantity (number) of synchronous motors for this motor ID. This allows you to group identical
motors together without the need for graphical representation on the one-line diagram.
Demand Factor
Modify the demand factors for Continuous, Intermittent, and Spare status in the provided entry fields.
Demand factor is the amount of time the load is actually operating. Demand factor affects the following
Where the PF & RF (power factor and reactive factor) are calculated based on the specified % Loading
from the power factors specified at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading.
Demand factors for Continuous, Intermittent, and Spare status have a range from 0% to 100%. Since
demand factors are a part of engineering properties, PowerStation uses the same factors for all
Enter the motor output (shaft) rating in horsepower (HP) or kW. You can choose from these two options
by clicking on the HP/kW button. PowerStation uses the following equations for the nameplate
where the PF and Eff are at the full load condition (100% loading).
You can choose from these two options by clicking on the MVA/kVA button to display the motor rating
in MVA or kVA, and the motor operating load and feeder losses in (MW + j Mvar) or (kW + j kvar).
Enter the rated voltage of the motor in kV. This is a line-to-line voltage for three-phase motors.
This is the rated full load current of the motor in amperes. This is the current the motor would pull from
the system when it is fully loaded, i.e., operating at the rated HP (or kW), rated kV, and rated frequency.
When you modify FLA, the motor efficiency at 100% loading is recalculated. PowerStation limits the
entry of FLA so that the efficiency at 100% loading cannot exceed 100% or be below 10%.
% PF
Enter the motor power factor, in percent, at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading. The power factor at 100%
loading is the rated power factor and is used for calculating the rated values, i.e., when you change the
power factor at 100% loading, the motor full load current is recalculated. All three values of the power
factors are used for determining the operating power factor of the motor under different percent loading,
i.e., when you change any one of the power factors, the operating load and feeder losses for all loading
categories are recalculated.
% Eff
This is the efficiency of the motor, in percent, at 100%, 75%, and 50% loading. Efficiency cannot exceed
100%. The efficiency at 100% loading is the rated efficiency and is used for calculating the rated values,
i.e., when you change the efficiency at 100% loading, the motor full load current is recalculated. All
three values of the efficiencies are used for determining the motor efficiency under different percent
loading, i.e., when you change the value of any one of the efficiencies, the operating load and feeder
losses for all loading categories are recalculated.
Service factor is the permissible power loading in per unit. Service factor is not used for calculation of
loading or feeder losses. PowerStation gives you option to use the service factor for voltage drop
calculations of the motor feeder.
Enter the number of poles. As the number of poles is changed, the synchronous speed of the motor is
recalculated and displayed in RPM (revolutions per minute).
This section is used to assign a percent loading to each one of the ten loading categories for this motor,
i.e., each motor can be set to have a different operating loading level for each loading category. To edit
the values of percent loading, click on any one of the edit fields under the % Loading column. Note that
you can select any of these loading categories when conducting load flow and motor starting studies.
PowerStation uses the specified percent loading of each loading category to calculate the operating power
factor and efficiency from the values of power factor and efficiency specified at 100%, 75%, and 50%
loading. This is accomplished by using a curve fitting technique with a maximum of 100% for power
factor and efficiency. The calculated power factor and efficiency are then used to calculate and display
the operating kW and kvar loading as well as the feeder losses if an equipment cable with a non-zero
length is specified for this load. Note that although the demand factor is used for calculating the
operating load and feeder losses, the value of the demand factor is not used in determining the operating
power factor and efficiency.
To edit the loading category names, select Loading Category from the Project Menu on the menu bar.
Operating Load
Operating Load can be updated from the Load Flow Study Case Editor. The operating load option is
available if your ETAP key has the online (PowerStation Management System) feature. When the
operating load box is checked in the load flow study case editor, the calculation results are updated to
sources, loads, and buses, so that they can be utilized as input for later studies. If your ETAP key does not
have the online feature, you can see the operating P and Q data in the element editor; however, this data
cannot be used in a later study.
Short-Circuit Z (Impedance)
Direct-axis subtransient reactance in percent (machine base); this reactance is used for ANSI short-circuit
Armature X/R ratio (X”/Ra). For ANSI short-circuit studies, this value is used for both ½ cycle and 1½-4
cycle networks.
Zero sequence reactance in percent (machine base); this value is used for unbalanced faults under ANSI
short-circuit studies.
Harmonic Z
Negative sequence reactance in percent (machine base); this value is used for harmonic analysis only and
is not used for short-circuit studies.
Dynamic Model
Select equivalent, transient, or subtransient model type for the synchronous machines. Except for Xd,
Tdo’, which are also shared by IEC 363 Short-Circuit calculation, all of the parameters listed under
Dynamic Model are used only for Transient Stability studies. Full descriptions of these variables are
found in Chapter 13, Dynamic Models.
Machine Type
Round-Rotor – For machines that are made of round-rotor
Salient-Pole – For machines that are made of salient-pole
Direct-axis synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Direct-axis transient synchronous reactance in percent (machine base); used for both motor starting and
transient stability studies.
Armature leakage reactance in percent (machine base)
Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Quadrature-axis transient synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Quadrature-axis subtransient synchronous reactance in percent (machine base)
Direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant in seconds
Direct-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant in seconds
Quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant in seconds; this parameter is not used for the
equivalent model.
Quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant in seconds; this parameter is not used for the
equivalent model.
Saturation factor at 100% terminal voltage
Saturation factor at 120% terminal voltage
S100 = If100 / If
S120 = If120 / 1.2 If
If = Field current corresponding to 100% terminal voltage on the air gap line (no saturation)
If100 = Field current corresponding to 100% terminal voltage on the open circuit saturation curve
If120 = Field current corresponding to 120% terminal voltage on the open circuit saturation curve
Shaft mechanical damping term, in percent, MW change due to 1 Hz deviation in speed ( % MW / Hz).
Typical values range from 2% (short shaft) to 10% (long shaft).
This is the locked-rotor current in percent of the rated full load current of the motor, as specified in the
Nameplate Page.
% PF
Enter the locked-rotor power factor in percent.
These entries specify grounding connection, type, and rating of the motor.
The motor grounding connection can be selected by clicking on the connection buttons until the desired
connection is displayed. The available connections are Wye and Delta.
For Wye-connected motors, choose from the four grounding types provided in the list box:
Where the line-to-neutral voltage is the bus nominal voltage of the motor divided by (3)1/2.
LR Model (Starting)
The locked-rotor (LR) model is used only for the purpose of starting (accelerating) synchronous motors.
This model is not used for transient stability studies.
LR Model Library
Access Motor Model Library data by selecting the CKT model and clicking on the Lib button to open the
Library Quick-Pick - Motor Model. Motor locked-rotor model data from the library can be obtained and
transferred to the Motor Editor by selecting the Model Type (Single1, Single2, DBL1, or DBL2) and then
highlighting a design class and a model ID. The LR Model is only used for the dynamic starting of a
synchronous motor.
After you select a new model, if you click on OK to leave the Motor Editor, select another editor page, or
navigate to another motor, PowerStation prompts you with the following message to update (modify)
some of the nameplate parameters which do not match the calculated values using the selected model.
After you select new Characteristic Library data, if you click on OK to leave the Motor Editor, select
another editor page, or navigate to another motor, PowerStation prompts you with the message shown
above to update (modify) some of the nameplate parameters which do not match the values from the
selected library.
Prints the torque, current & power factor characteristic curves of the machine for the selected model
(CKT or characteristic).
Starting Device
Select the starting device type from the list box. PowerStation provides the following starting device
For reduced voltage starters, enter the percent tap for auto-transformer, resistor, and reactor types.
For switched capacitor type applications, enter the capacitor size in kvar. Note that the capacitor is
assumed to have a rated voltage equal to the bus nominal kV.
Switching Off
When a motor that uses a starting device reaches a certain speed, the starting device is removed and the
motor is placed directly on-line. Depending on what option you select, enter the switching time for
PowerStation to remove the starting device in either percent of the synchronous speed or actual time in
seconds. Time is measured from the instant the motor is accelerated.
In the static motor starting calculation, if the switch-off time specified for a starting device is larger than
the acceleration time specified for the motor, the switch-off time will be set equal to the acceleration time.
This means that for static motor starting, a starting device is switched off either at the switch-off time or
the acceleration time, whichever is smaller.
However, for the dynamic motor acceleration calculation, since the acceleration time is unknown before
the calculation, a starting device is switched off at the time specified by the user, regardless of whether it
is larger or smaller than the acceleration time.
Load Torque
This is the mechanical load connected to the motor shaft. The mechanical load is modeled as a third order
polynominal of the motor speed.
Prints the motor and load torque/slip characteristic curves of the machine.
Total inertia of the motor shaft including the load & coupling gear in MW-Sec/MVA. The inertia
constant H is related to the shaft moment of inertia, square of motor synchronous speed in RPM, and the
motor rated MVA.
Enter WR2 for the motor, coupling gear, and load in lb-ft2 or kg-m2 based on the system unit. As you
enter WR2, PowerStation calculates the inertia constant H.
Acceleration Time
Enter No Load and Full Load motor acceleration time in seconds. These values, with the motor percent
loading, are used to calculate the acceleration time for static motor starting, i.e., the motor will carry the
full LRC for the entire acceleration time. For dynamic motor starting, the motor model, load model, and
inertia are used to dynamically accelerate the motor.
Equipment Cable
This section provides capabilities for adding, deleting or editing the equipment cable for this motor.
Partial cable information such as the cable ID, Type, #/Phase, Size, Length, and unit are provided here for
editing and displaying.
Cable ID
To add a cable to a motor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library on this page.
Cable Editor
This button brings up the equipment Cable Editor.
Cable Library
To add an equipment cable to a motor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library.
For automatic sizing of the equipment cable, click on this button to bring up the Sizing Page of the
equipment cable Editor.
Click on this button to delete the equipment cable associated with this load.
Overload Heater
Select an overload heater manufacturer and model from the Quick Pick Editor.
Enter the resistance of the overload heater in ohms or modify the value obtained from the library.
Voltage Drop
The total voltage drop (Vd) across the equipment cable and overload heater along with motor terminal
voltage (Vt) and starting voltage (Vst) are calculated and displayed here for all loading categories. Vd, Vt,
and Vst are displayed in percent values with a base kV equal to the bus nominal kV.
The operating voltage of the connected bus (the bus this load is connected to, if any) is displayed here for
Vd Calculation
Use App MF
By selecting this option, the cable ampacity Application Multiplying Factor (App MF) is used for voltage
drop calculations.
Use SF
By selecting this option, the motor Service Factor (SF) is used for voltage drop calculations.
Five raceway installation types are available to choose from.
U/G Duct Bank
U/G Direct Buried
A/G Tray
A/G Conduit
Air Drop
Each type uses a variety of conditions to determine its overall characteristics and determine the derated
ampacity of the cable installed under the specified raceway conditions.
Application MF
This Multiplication Factor (MF) is determined by the application type selected from the drop-down list
provided. You can modify the values of Application MF by selecting Project, Settings, and Cable
Ampacity MF from the Menu Bar. This Application MF is used to calculate the required cable ampacity
(MF times operating or full load current).
Ampacity ratings are displayed for easy comparison of base, derated and, required (I x MF) ampacities.
The method used here is based on a concept of a derating factor that is applied against a base ampacity to
calculate the derated ampacity.
Id = F x Ib
Allowable Ampacity
PowerStation provides a user-defined field to enter the maximum allowable ampacity for one-line and
raceway cables. This field is not provided for equipment cables. The maximum allowable ampacity is
used in the load flow output reports to indicate the percent of cable overloading.
I x MF
U/G Duct
Underground duct banks encased in concrete.
The thermal resistivity of the soil in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W).
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil for underground
installations. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity
for UG systems are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. This order is usually given at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the duct bank must be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment
The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on 7.5 inches center-to-center spacing. For more details
see the IEEE Brown Book.
U/G Buried
Directly buried underground ducts.
The thermal resistivity of the soil is in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W)
Ambient temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil where the cable is
installed. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is
usually specified at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the cable locations must be specified to determine a cable grouping
adjustment factor. The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on a 7.5 inch center-to-center
spacing. For more details see the IEEE Brown Book.
A/G Trays
Above ground cable trays. The free air base ampacity from the libraries are used for cables installed in
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Tray Specification
If chosen, NEC methods of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. NEC does not
provide ampacity derating due to bottom cover or correction of the ampacity multiplying factors due to
the cumulative effects of combinations of tray covers and fireproofing.
Top Cover
Select top cover if there is a removable top cover on the cable tray.
Bottom Cover
Select bottom cover if there is a bottom cover on the cable tray, whether it is removable or solid, of more
than 6 feet.
Maintained Spacing
If cable spacing is maintained within the tray, then the effects of top cover, bottom cover and fire wrap
are ignored. For 3-phase cables larger than 2/0 AWG in a single layer, the arrangement requires spacing
of 1/4 of overall effective diameter of the grouped circuit.
Cumulative Effect
Cumulative effect applies correction factors for combinations of barriers, fire coatings, and covers on
cable trays.
In general, cable sizes of 2/0 AWG and smaller are installed in cable trays in a randomly filled manner,
with a maximum of two cables high. Base ampacity of randomly-filled trays are based on installations at a
uniform depth up to the maximum of 30% fill for 3 or 4 inch tray depths. The method applied here
corresponds to a maximum fill condition and does not consider fill conditions exceeding the nominal
depths. Therefore, the actual values of tray depth, width, and % fill entries are for display only.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries from which to choose various fire protection devices. Each of
the three libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the
cable tray. The fire protection data is used to further derate cables based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it which is applied against the base ampacity. For maintained
spacing trays, if the fire retardant coating results in a reduction of the spacing between adjacent cables or
groups to less than the required values, the cable shall be considered to be non-maintained spacing. On
the other hand, if remaining space in a randomly filled tray is used up by cable coating and no other cable
can be installed in the tray, credit may be taken for reduction in cable % fill below nominal value.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables in
tray routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. This ACF must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
A/G Conduit
Above ground cable conduit.
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius. The temperature of the air surrounding the
area where the tray is to be installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Ampacity Adjustment
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of conduit installed next to each other, as well as the total number of
conductors per location (this conduit), can be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection method. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the conduit. The
fire protection data is used to further derate the cable ampacities based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations from which to choose. Each configuration
has an ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire retardant coating is not a standard procedure for A/G conduits.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for conduits
routed through fire stops. Note: there may not be any reason to derate the cable for fire stops since typical
fire stops are constructed with expanded foam depth of 4 inches or less. This is considered to be
insufficient to cause an increase in cable temperature.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Air Drop
Cables suspended without the use of trays or conduits. No cable grouping for air drop cables is
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature. The temperature of the air surrounding the area where the tray is
to be installed is in degrees Celsius. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is 40 degrees Celsius.
For cables in direct sun, the air temperature may be increased by a typical value of 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection devices. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the air drop
cables. The fire protection data is used to further derate the cable based on the fire protection
specifications selected from PowerStation library is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire
Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables
routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. The ACF must be applied whenever the cable is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector
Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the user sector
information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate Expected
Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Info Page
Nameplate Page
Short-Circuit Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each lumped load. The assigned IDs consist of the
default lumped load ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
lumped loads increase. The default lumped load ID (Lump) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in
the menu bar or from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the lumped load. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a
blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect a lumped load to a bus, select a bus
from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on
OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the lumped load resides,
i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a lumped load can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service load can be edited like an In Service branch;
however, an Out of Service load will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service load automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Select the operating status of the lumped load for the selected configuration status from the list box.
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the lumped load
is determined for load flow and motor starting studies.
Note that status is not a part of the lumped load engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown above the status of the lumped load to indicate that this is the lumped load
status under the specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different
configurations. In the following example, status of a lumped load is shown to be Continuous under
Normal configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Select the load priority of this lumped load from the list box. This field can be used for load priority,
operating priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from. Names
of the priorities can be specified from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as Estimate,
Typical, Vendor, Final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect
the source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types, which can be specified from the Project
Menu under Settings and Data Type.
This is the phase connection of this lumped load. Select the phase connection type from the list box.
Options for phase connection include:
Demand Factor
Modify the demand factors for the continuous, intermittent, and spare status in the provided entry fields.
Demand factor is the amount of time the load is actually operating. Demand factor affects the following
Demand factors for continuous, intermittent, and spare status have a range from 0% to 100%. Since
demand factors are a part of engineering properties, PowerStation uses the same factors for all
Click on the MVA/kVA button to choose from MVA and kVA units for entering and displaying
MVA/kVA, MW/kW, and Mvar/kvar data.
PowerStation uses the following equations to calculate kVA, kW, kvar, PF, Amps, and kV when one of
the variables is changed:
kVA = kW 2 + k var 2
PF = kW kVA Negative PF means leading PF
Enter the rated voltage of the lumped load in kV.
Enter the lumped load rated current in amperes.
This is the power factor of the lumped load in percent with a range from -100% to +100%. The sign of the
power factor determines whether it is a lagging or leading power factor, e.g., +80% indicates lagging and
-80% indicates leading.
Motor/Static load
Select the percent motor and static loading of the lumped load by shifting the slider position.
This section is used to assign a percent loading to each one of the ten loading categories for this lumped
load, i.e., each lumped load can be set to have a different operating loading level for each loading
category. To edit the values of the percent loading, click on any one of the edit fields under the %
Loading column. Note that you can select any of these loading categories when conducting load flow and
motor starting studies.
To edit the loading category names, select Loading Category from the Project Menu.
Operating Load
Operating Load can be updated from the Load Flow Study Case Editor. The operating load option is
available if your ETAP key has the online (PowerStation Management System) feature. When the
operating load box is checked in the load flow study case editor, the calculation results are updated to
sources, loads, and buses, so that they can be utilized as input for later studies. If your ETAP key does not
have the online feature, you can see the operating P and Q data in the element editor; however, this data
cannot be used in a later study.
Short-Circuit Contribution
This is the locked-rotor current in percent of the motor load share of the lumped load current. For
example, a lumped load with 120 amperes at 80% motor loading will have a motor current of 96 amperes;
therefore, at 600% LRC, the actual LRC will be 576 amperes (600% * 96 A).
Short-circuit contribution levels are defined individually for ANSI and IEC methods.
ANSI method short-circuit contributions are categorized per the following table:
IEC method short-circuit contribution are categorized per the following table.
These entries specify grounding connection, type, and rating of the lumped motor.
The grounding connection can be selected by clicking on the connection buttons until the desired
connection is displayed. The available connections are Wye and Delta.
For Wye-connected lumped motors, choose from these four grounding types provided in the list box:
Amp Rating
For resistor or reactor grounded lumped motor, enter the resistor or reactor rating in amperes.
where the line-to-neutral voltage is the bus nominal voltage of the motor divided by √3.
X/R Ratio
Lumped motor’s X/R ratio (Xsc/Ra)
If Typical is selected, typical X/R value will be substituted in the X/R field.
ANSI Short-Circuit
Std MF / Xsc
If you select Std MF, PowerStation uses the following ANSI Multiplying Factors for calculating the
positive sequence short-circuit impedances. If you select the Xsc option, you can directly enter the short-
circuit impedances in percent with motor ratings as the base. Note that the IEC short-circuit method does
not use these impedances.
IEC Short-Circuit
Motor subtransient reactance in percent (machine base)
m factor
Motor transient reactance in percent (machine base); used in the short-circuit calculations, IEC 363
Motor steady-state reactance in percent (machine base); used in the short-circuit calculations, IEC 363
Motor transient time constant in seconds; this value is used in the IEC 363 method.
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
No of Loads
It is the number of loads (customers) represented by a lump load. This number is used to calculate number
of customer interrupted under a fault.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector
Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the user sector
information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate Expected
Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Info Page
Nameplate Page
Loading Page
Start Cat Page
Cable/Vd Page
Cable Ampacity Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each MOV. The assigned IDs consist of the default
MOV ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of MOVs increase.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the MOV. Connection for MOV is identical to that of induction
motors. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To
connect or reconnect an MOV to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be
updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that
reside in the same view where the MOV resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the
Dumpster or in another composite network.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a MOV can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service
options. The properties of an Out of Service load can be edited like an In Service load; however, an Out
of Service load will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an Out of
Service load automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Initial Status
Select the initial status of the MOV for the selected configuration from the list box.
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the MOV is
determined for load flow and motor starting studies.
Note that status is not a part of the MOV engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown, indicating the MOV status under a specific configuration, i.e., you can have
a different operating status under each configuration. In the following example, the status of an MOV is
shown to be continuous under Normal configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Select the load priority of this MOV from the list box. This field can be used for load priority, operating
priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from. Priorities may be
chosen from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as estimate,
typical, vendor, final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect the
source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types where you can change their name from the
Project Menu under Settings and Data Type.
This is the phase connection of this MOV. Select the phase connection type from the list box. Options for
phase connection include:
Enter the quantity (number) of MOVs for this MOV ID. This allows you to group identical MOVs
together without the need for graphical representation in the one-line diagram.
Demand Factor
Modify the demand factors for continuous, intermittent, and spare status in the entry fields. Demand
factor is the amount of time the load is actually operating. Demand factor affects these calculations:
Enter the MOV rating in horsepower (HP) or kW. You can choose from these two options by clicking on
the HP/kW button. PowerStation uses the following equations for the nameplate parameters:
where the PF and Eff are at full load condition (100% loading).
Enter the rated voltage of the MOV in kV. This is the line-to-line voltage for three-phase motors.
This is the rated full load current of the MOV in amperes. This is the current, which the MOV would pull
from the system when it is fully loaded, i.e., when the system is operating at the rated HP (or kW), rated
kV, and rated frequency. When you modify FLA, the efficiency at 100% loading is recalculated.
PowerStation limits the entry of FLA in such a way that the efficiency at 100% loading cannot exceed
100% or be below 10%.
% PF
Enter the MOV rated power factor in percent at full loading.
% Eff
This is the efficiency of the MOV in percent at full loading.
Enter the number of poles. As the number of poles is changed, the synchronous speed of the MOV is
recalculated and displayed in RPM (revolutions per minute).
Rated T
Enter the MOV rated torque (optional) in lb.-ft. or N-M.
Access Motor Library data by clicking on the Library button and opening the Library Quick Pick -
Motor. MOV nameplate data can be obtained and substituted from the library by highlighting and double-
clicking on the selection. Library data includes MOV ratings such as HP/kW, kV, FLA, PF, Eff, & Pole
(transferred to the Nameplate Page).
Hammer Blow
Check this box if the MOV is provided with the hammer blow feature. If hammer blow feature is
unchecked, the full speed stage (no load) stage is skipped (tnl = 0.)
Micro Switch
Check this box if a micro switch is used to control the operation of the MOV. The limit switch controls
the MOV by interrupting power to the motor contactor when the valve actuator has completed its preset
number of revolutions. If the micro switch feature is selected, the stall stage is skipped. For each
operating stage, the corresponding current, PF, and time should be specified.
% Current / Current
Toggle between %Current (percent of the rated current) or Current (in amperes). You can choose from
these two options by clicking on this button. Enter the corresponding value for each specified operating
% PF
Enter the MOV power factor in percent for the specified operating stage.
Enter the time duration in seconds for the specified operating stage.
The characteristics of the MOV are defined in terms of the various operating stages of the valve. The
following operating stages are provided based on the MOV’s initial status (open, close, throttle, and
spare) and selected features (micro switch and/or hammer blow).
• Start
• Full Speed
• Travel
• Seated or Unseated
• Stall
MOVs which are initially in the Open status travel the following stages based on the selected features.
Note that without the hammer blow feature the no-load time (tnl) is set to zero value. Also, if micro
switch is used, the stall time (tsl) stage is set to a zero value.
For MOVs with throttle control, only the travel stage is displayed.
To edit the loading category names, select Loading Category from the Project Menu.
%Voltage Limit
Enter the MOV voltage limit for normal operation, in percent of the MOV rated kV.
To add a cable to a motor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library on this page.
This button will bring up the equipment Cable Editor.
To add an equipment cable to a motor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library.
Size Cable
For automatic sizing of the equipment cable, click on this button to bring up the Sizing Page of the
equipment Cable Editor.
Delete Cable
Click on this button to delete the equipment cable associated with this load.
Overload Heater
Enter the resistance of the overload heater in ohms. The Library button for selecting and retrieving
overload heaters from the Overload Heater Library is not active for this version.
Voltage Drop
The total voltage drop (Vd) across the equipment cable and overload heater along with motor terminal
voltage (Vt) and starting voltage (Vst) are calculated and displayed here for all loading categories. Vd, Vt,
and Vst are displayed in percent values with a base kV equal to the bus nominal kV.
Vst represents the motor terminal voltage during starting conditions with the bus voltage fixed, i.e., it
includes voltage drop across the equipment cable only.
The operating voltage of the connected bus (the bus which this load is connected to, if any) is displayed
here for reference.
Vd Calculation
Use App MF
By selecting this option, the cable ampacity Application Multiplying Factor (App MF) is used for voltage
drop calculations.
Five raceway installation types are available to choose from.
Each type uses a variety of conditions to determine its overall characteristics and determine the derated
ampacity of the cable installed under the specified raceway conditions.
Application MF
This Multiplication Factor (MF) is determined by the application type selected from the drop-down list
provided. You can modify the values of Application MF by selecting Project, Settings, and Cable
Ampacity MF from the Menu Bar. This Application MF is used to calculate the required cable ampacity
(MF times operating or full load current).
Ampacity ratings are displayed for easy comparison of base, derated and, required (I x MF) ampacities.
The method used here is based on a concept of a derating factor that is applied against a base ampacity to
calculate the derated ampacity.
Id = F Ib
I x MF
Current is calculated by multiplying the operating current (or the full load current for equipment cables)
and the Application Multiplication Factor (App. MF) for the specified application type. This value is
displayed so it can be compared with the derated ampacity.
U/G Duct
Underground duct banks encased in concrete.
The thermal resistivity of the soil in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W).
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil for underground
installations. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity
for UG systems are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. This order is usually given at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the duct bank must be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment
The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on 7.5 inches center-to-center spacing. For more details
see the IEEE Brown Book.
U/G Buried
Directly buried underground ducts.
The thermal resistivity of the soil is in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W)
Ambient temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil where the cable is
installed. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is
usually specified at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the cable locations must be specified to determine a cable grouping
adjustment factor. The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on a 7.5 inch center-to-center
spacing. For more details see the IEEE Brown Book.
A/G Trays
Above ground cable trays. The free air base ampacity from the libraries are used for cables installed in
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Tray Specification
If chosen, NEC methods of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. NEC does not
provide ampacity derating due to bottom cover or correction of the ampacity multiplying factors due to
the cumulative effects of combinations of tray covers and fire proofing.
Top Cover
Select top cover if there is a removable top cover on the cable tray.
Bottom Cover
Select bottom cover if there is a bottom cover on the cable tray, whether it is removable or solid, of more
than 6 feet.
Maintained Spacing
If cable spacing is maintained within the tray, then the effects of top cover, bottom cover and fire wrap
are ignored. For 3-phase cables larger than 2/0 AWG in a single layer, the arrangement requires spacing
of 1/4 of overall effective diameter of the grouped circuit.
Cumulative Effect
Cumulative effect applies correction factors for combinations of barriers, fire coatings, and covers on
cable trays.
In general, cable sizes of 2/0 AWG and smaller are installed in cable trays in a randomly filled manner,
with a maximum of two cables high. Base ampacity of randomly-filled trays are based on installations at a
uniform depth up to the maximum of 30% fill for 3 or 4 inch tray depths. The method applied here
corresponds to a maximum fill condition and does not consider fill conditions exceeding the nominal
depths. Therefore, the actual values of tray depth, width, and % fill entries are for display only.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries from which to choose various fire protection devices. Each of
the three libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the
cable tray. The fire protection data is used to further derate cables based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it which is applied against the base ampacity. For maintained
spacing trays, if the fire retardant coating results in a reduction of the spacing between adjacent cables or
groups to less than the required values, the cable shall be considered to be non-maintained spacing. On
the other hand, if remaining space in a randomly filled tray is used up by cable coating and no other cable
can be installed in the tray, credit may be taken for reduction in cable % fill below nominal value.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables in
tray routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. This ACF must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
A/G Conduit
Above ground cable conduit.
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius. The temperature of the air surrounding the
area where the tray is to be installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Ampacity Adjustment
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of conduit installed next to each other, as well as the total number of
conductors per location (this conduit), can be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection method. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the conduit. The
fire protection data is used to further derate the cable ampacities based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations from which to choose. Each configuration
has an ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire retardant coating is not a standard procedure for A/G conduits.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for conduits
routed through fire stops. Note: there may not be any reason to derate the cable for fire stops since typical
fire stops are constructed with expanded foam depth of 4 inches or less. This is considered to be
insufficient to cause an increase in cable temperature.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Air Drop
Cables suspended without the use of trays or conduits. No cable grouping for air drop cables are
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature. The temperature of the air surrounding the area where the tray is
to be installed is in degrees Celsius. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is 40 degrees Celsius.
For cables in direct sun, the air temperature may be increased by a typical value of 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection devices. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the air drop
cables. The fire protection data is used to further derate the cable based on the fire protection
specifications selected from PowerStation library is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire
Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables
routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. The ACF must be applied whenever the cable is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector
Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the user sector
information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate Expected
Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Info Page
Loading Page
Cable/Vd Page
Cable Amp Page
Harmonic Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each static load. The assigned IDs consist of the
default static load ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of static
loads increase. The default static load ID (Load) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar
or from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the static load. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a blank
entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect a static load to a bus, select a bus from the
list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note
that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the static load resides, i.e., you
cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a static load is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the static
load to a new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as
shown below where Load1 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a static load can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service load can be edited like an In Service load. However,
an Out of Service load will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an
Out of Service load automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Select the operating status of the static load for the selected configuration status from the list box. Options
for operating status include:
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the motor is
determined for load flow and motor starting studies.
Note that status is not a part of the static load engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown above the status of the static load to indicate that this is the static load status
under the specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different
configurations. In the following example, status of a static load is shown to be Continuous under Normal
configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as Estimate,
Typical, Vendor, Final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect
the source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types which can be specified from the Project
Menu under Settings and Data Type.
Select the load priority of the static load from the list box. This field can be used for load priority,
operating priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from. Names
of the priorities can be specified from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
This is the phase connection of the static load. Select the phase connection type from the list box. Options
for phase connection include:
Enter the quantity (number) of static loads for this element. This allows you to group identical loads
together without a need for graphical presentation in the one-line diagram.
Demand Factor
Modify the demand factors for the continuous, intermittent, and spare status in the provided entry fields.
Demand factor is the amount of time the load is actually operating. Demand factor affects the following
Demand factors for continuous, intermittent, and spare status have a range from 0% to 100%. Since
demand factors are a part of engineering properties, PowerStation uses the same factors for all
Enter the rated voltage of the static load in kV. If this static load is a three-phase load, kV is the line-to-
line voltage. For single-phase loads, kV load rated voltage must be consistent with the way this load is
connected to the system, i.e., if the bus nominal kV is 4.16 and this load is connected between phase A
and neutral, then the rated voltage of the load must be in the neighborhood of 2.4 kV (4.16/1.73). If the
bus nominal kV is 4.16 and this load is connected between phase A and phase B, then the rated voltage of
the load must be in the neighborhood of 4.16 kV.
MVA/kVA Button
Click on the MVA/kVA button to choose from MVA and kVA units for entering and displaying
MVA/kVA, MW/kW, and Mvar/kvar data.
PowerStation uses the following equations to calculate kVA, kW, kvar, PF, Amps, and kV when one of
the variables is changed:
kVA = kW 2 + kvar 2
Enter the rated apparent power of the static load in MVA or kVA.
Enter the rated real power of the static load in MW or kW.
Enter the rated reactive power of the static load in Mvar or kvar. To specify a capacitor, enter 0.0 for
MW and a negative value for the Mvar field.
This is the power factor of the static load in percent with a range from -100% to +100%. The sign of the
power factor determines whether it is a lagging or leading power factor, e.g., +80% indicates lagging and
-80% indicates leading.
Enter the static load rated current in amperes.
PowerStation Power Calculator is set up to calculate complex power, power factor, and current. The
following equations are used to calculate these variables:
kVA = kW 2 + kvar 2
To use the calculator, select the variable units as kVA or MVA, and change one of the variables. For
example, if kW is changed and the value of the kvar is changed, new values of kVA, %PF, and Amp (if
kV is specified) will be calculated. If the value of PF is changed, new values of kvar and kVA are
This section is used to assign a percent loading to each of the ten loading categories for this static load,
i.e., each static load can have a different operating loading level for each loading category. To edit the
values of percent loading, click on any one of the edit fields under the % Loading column. Note that you
can select any of these loading categories when conducting load flow and motor starting studies.
PowerStation uses the specified percent loading of each loading category to calculate the operating power
factor and efficiency from the values of power factor and efficiency specified at 100%, 75%, and 50%
loading. This is accomplished by using a curve fitting technique with a maximum of 100% for power
factor and efficiency. The calculated power factor and efficiency are then used to calculate and display
the operating kW and kvar loading as well as the feeder losses, if an equipment cable with a non-zero
length is specified for this load. Note that although the demand factor is used for calculating the
operating load and feeder losses, the value of the demand factor is not used in determining the operating
power factor and efficiency.
This section provides capabilities for adding, deleting or editing the equipment cable for this load. Partial
cable information such as the cable ID, Type, #/Phase, Size, Length, and Unit are provided here for
editing and displaying.
Cable ID
To add a cable to a static load, select and retrieve the cable from the Cable Library on this page.
Cable Editor
This button brings up the equipment cable Editor.
Cable Library
To add an equipment cable to a static load, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library.
Size Cable
For automatic sizing of the equipment cable, click on this button to bring up the Sizing Page of the
equipment Cable Editor.
Delete Cable
Click on this button to delete the equipment cable associated with this load.
Overload Heater
Enter the resistance of the overload heater in ohms. The Library button for selecting and retrieving
overload heaters from the Overload Heater Library is not active for this version.
Voltage Drop
The total voltage drop (Vd) across the equipment cable and overload heater along with static load
terminal voltage (Vt), are calculated and displayed here for all loading categories. Both Vd and Vt are
displayed in percent values with a base kV equal to the bus nominal kV.
The operating voltage of the connected bus (the bus which this load is connected to, if any) is displayed
here for reference.
Vd Calculation
By selecting this option, the Application Multiplying Factor (App MF) for cable ampacity is used for
voltage drop calculations.
Five raceway installation types are available to choose from.
Each type uses a variety of conditions to determine its overall characteristics and determine the derated
ampacity of the cable installed under the specified raceway conditions.
Application MF
This Multiplication Factor (MF) is determined by the application type selected from the drop-down list
provided. You can modify the values of Application MF by selecting Project, Settings, and Cable
Ampacity MF from the Menu Bar. This Application MF is used to calculate the required cable ampacity
(MF times operating or full load current).
Ampacity ratings are displayed for easy comparison of base, derated and, required (I x MF) ampacities.
The method used here is based on a concept of a derating factor that is applied against a base ampacity to
calculate the derated ampacity.
Id = F Ib
Allowable Ampacity
PowerStation provides a user-defined field to enter the maximum allowable ampacity for one-line and
raceway cables. This field is not provided for equipment cables. The maximum allowable ampacity is
used in the load flow output reports to indicate the percent of cable overloading.
I x MF
Current is calculated by multiplying the operating current (or the full load current for equipment cables)
and the Application Multiplication Factor (App. MF) for the specified application type. This value is
displayed so it can be compared with the derated ampacity.
U/G Duct
Underground duct banks encased in concrete.
The thermal resistivity of the soil in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W).
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil for underground
installations. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity
for UG systems are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. This order is usually given at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the duct bank must be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment
The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on 7.5 inches center-to-center spacing. For more details
see the IEEE Brown Book.
U/G Buried
Directly buried underground ducts.
The thermal resistivity of the soil is in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W)
Ambient temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil where the cable is
installed. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is
usually specified at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the cable locations must be specified to determine a cable grouping
adjustment factor. The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on a 7.5 inch center-to-center
spacing. For more details see the IEEE Brown Book.
A/G Trays
Above ground cable trays. The free air base ampacity from the libraries is used for cables installed in
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Tray Specification
If chosen, NEC methods of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. NEC does not
provide ampacity derating due to bottom cover or correction of the ampacity multiplying factors due to
the cumulative effects of combinations of tray covers and fireproofing.
Top Cover
Select top cover if there is a removable top cover on the cable tray.
Bottom Cover
Select bottom cover if there is a bottom cover on the cable tray, whether it is removable or solid, of more
than 6 feet.
Maintained Spacing
If cable spacing is maintained within the tray, then the effects of top cover, bottom cover and fire wrap
are ignored. For 3-phase cables larger than 2/0 AWG in a single layer, the arrangement requires spacing
of 1/4 of overall effective diameter of the grouped circuit.
Cumulative Effect
Cumulative effect applies correction factors for combinations of barriers, fire coatings, and covers on
cable trays.
In general, cable sizes of 2/0 AWG and smaller are installed in cable trays in a randomly filled manner,
with a maximum of two cables high. Base ampacity of randomly-filled trays are based on installations at a
uniform depth up to the maximum of 30% fill for 3 or 4 inch tray depths. The method applied here
corresponds to a maximum fill condition and does not consider fill conditions exceeding the nominal
depths. Therefore, the actual values of tray depth, width, and % fill entries are for display only.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries from which to choose various fire protection devices. Each of
the three libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the
cable tray. The fire protection data is used to further derate cables based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it which is applied against the base ampacity. For maintained
spacing trays, if the fire retardant coating results in a reduction of the spacing between adjacent cables or
groups to less than the required values, the cable shall be considered to be non-maintained spacing. On
the other hand, if remaining space in a randomly filled tray is used up by cable coating and no other cable
can be installed in the tray, credit may be taken for reduction in cable % fill below nominal value.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables in
tray routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. This ACF must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
A/G Conduit
Above ground cable conduit
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius. The temperature of the air surrounding the
area where the tray is to be installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Ampacity Adjustment
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of conduit installed next to each other, as well as the total number of
conductors per location (this conduit), can be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection method. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the conduit. The
fire protection data is used to further derate the cable ampacities based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations from which to choose. Each configuration
has an ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire retardant coating is not a standard procedure for A/G conduits.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for conduits
routed through fire stops. Note: there may not be any reason to derate the cable for fire stops since typical
fire stops are constructed with expanded foam depth of 4 inches or less. This is considered to be
insufficient to cause an increase in cable temperature.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Air Drop
Cables suspended without the use of trays or conduits. No cable grouping for air drop cables are
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature. The temperature of the air surrounding the area where the tray is
to be installed is in degrees Celsius. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is 40 degrees Celsius.
For cables in direct sun, the air temperature may be increased by a typical value of 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection devices. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the airdrop
cables. The fire protection data is used to further derate the cable based on the fire protection
specifications selected from PowerStation library is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire
Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables
routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. The ACF must be applied whenever the cable is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Harmonic Library
Click on Library button to bring up Harmonic Library Quick Pick editor.
From the Harmonic Library Quick Pick editor, specify a harmonic type: Current Source or Voltage
Source, a manufacturer name and a model name.
Displays the selected harmonic source type.
Displays Manufacturer name of the selected harmonic library.
Displays the model name of the selected harmonic library.
Wave Form
Displays one cycle of the voltage or current waveform of the selected harmonic library in time domain.
Displays the harmonic spectrum of the selected harmonic library.
Print (Spectrum)
Print harmonic spectrum.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector
Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the user sector
information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate Expected
Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.15 Capacitor
The properties associated with a shunt capacitor can be entered in this editor.
Info Page
Rating Page
Cable/Vd Page
Cable Amp Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each capacitor. The assigned IDs consist of the default
capacitor ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of capacitors
increase. The default capacitor ID (CAP) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or
from the Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the capacitor. Connection for capacitors is identical to that of
static loads. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To
connect or reconnect a capacitor to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be
updated to show the new connection after you click on OK.
Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the capacitor resides, i.e., you
cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
Next to the bus ID, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the bus for your convenience.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a capacitor can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service
options. The properties of an Out of Service capacitor can be edited like an In Service capacitor;
however, an Out of Service capacitor will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check
is activated, an Out of Service capacitor automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Select the operating status of the capacitor for the selected configuration status from the list box.
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the capacitor is
determined for load flow and motor starting studies.
Note that status is not a part of the capacitor engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown above the status of the capacitor to indicate that this is the device status
under the specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different
configurations. In the following example, status of a capacitor is shown to be Continuous under Normal
configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as Estimate,
Typical, Vendor, Final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect
the source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types which can be specified from the Project
Menu under Settings and Data Type.
Select the load priority of the capacitor from the list box. This field can be used for load priority,
operating priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from. Names
of the priorities can be specified from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
This is the phase connection of the capacitor. Select the phase connection type from the list box. Options
for phase connection include:
Demand factor
Modify the demand factors for the continuous, intermittent, and spare status in the provided entry fields.
Demand factor is the amount of time the load is actually operating. Demand factor affects the following
Demand factors for continuous, intermittent and spare status have a range from 0% to 100%. Since
demand factors are a part of engineering properties, PowerStation uses the same factors for all
Enter the rated voltage of the capacitor in kV. If this capacitor load is a three-phase load, kV is the line-
to-line voltage. For a single-phase capacitor, kV rated voltage must be consistent with the way this
capacitor is connected to the system, i.e., if the bus nominal kV is 4.16 and this capacitor is connected
between phase A and neutral, then the rated voltage of the capacitor must be in the neighborhood of 2.4
kV (4.16/1.73). If the bus nominal kV is 4.16 and this capacitor is connected between phase A and phase
B (AB), then the rated voltage of the capacitor must be in the neighborhood of 4.16 kV.
Max. kV
Enter the maximum rated voltage of the capacitor in kV.
Enter the capacitor reactive power per bank. This reactive power is the capacitive var to the system.
# of Banks
Enter the number of capacitor banks. PowerStation automatically calculates the total kvar based on the
kvar/bank and # of banks.
Mvar/kvar Button
Click on the Mvar/kvar button to choose from Mvar and kvar units for entering and displaying
Mvar/kvar data.
PowerStation calculates and displays the amps and capacitor reactance as well as the capacitor size in
microfarads. The following equations are used to calculate these variables:
Amps =
3 × kV Three-Phase
Amps = Single-Phase
kV 2
Xc = 103 × kvar Ohms
microfarad =
Xc × 2πf
This section is used to assign a percent loading to each of the ten loading categories for the capacitor, i.e.,
each capacitor can have a different operating loading level for each loading category. To edit the values of
the percent loading, click on any one of the edit fields under the % Loading column. Note that you can
select any of these loading categories when conducting load flow and motor starting studies.
This section provides capabilities for adding, deleting or editing the equipment cable for this capacitor.
Partial cable information such as the cable ID, Type, #/Phase, Size, Length, and Unit are provided here
for editing and displaying.
Cable ID
To add a cable to a capacitor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library on this page.
Cable Editor
This button brings up the equipment Cable Editor.
Cable Library
To add an equipment cable to a capacitor, select and retrieve a cable from the Cable Library.
Size Cable
For automatic sizing of the equipment cable, click on this button to bring up the Sizing Page of the
equipment Cable Editor.
Delete Cable
Click on this button to delete the equipment cable associated with this capacitor.
Voltage Drop
The total voltage drop (Vd) across the equipment cable, along with capacitor terminal voltage (Vt) are
calculated and displayed here for all loading categories. Both Vd and Vt are displayed in percent values
with a base kV equal to the rated kV of the capacitor.
The operating voltage of the connected bus (the bus which this capacitor is connected to, if any) is
displayed here for reference.
Vd Calculation
By selecting this option, the Application Multiplying Factor (App MF) for cable ampacity is used for
voltage drop calculations.
Five raceway installation types are available to choose from.
Each type uses a variety of conditions to determine its overall characteristics and determine the derated
ampacity of the cable installed under the specified raceway conditions.
Application MF
This Multiplication Factor (MF) is determined by the application type selected from the drop-down list
provided. You can modify the values of Application MF by selecting Project, Settings, and Cable
Ampacity MF from the Menu Bar. This Application MF is used to calculate the required cable ampacity
(MF times operating or full load current).
Ampacity ratings are displayed for easy comparison of base, derated and, required (I x MF) ampacities.
The method used here is based on a concept of a derating factor that is applied against a base ampacity to
calculate the derated ampacity.
Id = F x Ib
Allowable Ampacity
PowerStation provides a user-defined field to enter the maximum allowable ampacity for one-line and
raceway cables. This field is not provided for equipment cables. The maximum allowable ampacity is
used in the load flow output reports to indicate the percent of cable overloading.
I x MF
Current is calculated by multiplying the operating current (or the full load current for equipment cables)
and the Application Multiplication Factor (App. MF) for the specified application type. This value is
displayed so it can be compared with the derated ampacity.
U/G Duct
Underground duct banks encased in concrete.
The thermal resistivity of the soil in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W)
Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil for underground
installations. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. Base ampacity
for UG systems are usually given at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. This order is usually given at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the duct bank must be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment
The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on 7.5 inches center-to-center spacing. For more details
see the IEEE Brown Book.
U/G Buried
Directly buried underground ducts.
The thermal resistivity of the soil is in degrees Celsius centimeters per Watt (°C cm/W)
Ambient temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the surrounding soil where the cable is
installed. Ambient soil temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is
usually specified at 20 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of the cable locations must be specified to determine a cable grouping
adjustment factor. The cable ampacity adjustment factors are based on a 7.5 inch center-to-center
spacing. For more details see the IEEE Brown Book.
A/G Trays
Above ground cable trays. The free air base ampacity from the libraries are used for cables installed in
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius, i.e., the temperature of the air surrounding
the area where the tray is installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Tray Specification
If chosen, NEC methods of calculating derating factors for cable trays will be used. NEC does not
provide ampacity derating due to bottom cover or correction of the ampacity multiplying factors due to
the cumulative effects of combinations of tray covers and fire proofing.
Top Cover
Select top cover if there is a removable top cover on the cable tray.
Bottom Cover
Select bottom cover if there is a bottom cover on the cable tray, whether it is removable or solid, of more
than 6 feet.
Maintained Spacing
If cable spacing is maintained within the tray, then the effects of top cover, bottom cover and fire wrap
are ignored. For 3-phase cables larger than 2/0 AWG in a single layer, the arrangement requires spacing
of 1/4 of overall effective diameter of the grouped circuit.
Cumulative Effect
Cumulative effect applies correction factors for combinations of barriers, fire coatings, and covers on
cable trays.
In general, cable sizes of 2/0 AWG and smaller are installed in cable trays in a randomly filled manner,
with a maximum of two cables high. Base ampacity of randomly-filled trays are based on installations at a
uniform depth up to the maximum of 30% fill for 3 or 4 inch tray depths. The method applied here
corresponds to a maximum fill condition and does not consider fill conditions exceeding the nominal
depths. Therefore, the actual values of tray depth, width, and % fill entries are for display only.
• Depth Depth of cable tray specified in inches or centimeters
• Width Width of cable tray specified in inches or centimeters
• % fill The total amount of cable tray cross-sectional area used by cables placed in the tray
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries from which to choose various fire protection devices. Each of
the three libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the
cable tray. The fire protection data is used to further derate cables based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity. For maintained
spacing trays, if the fire retardant coating results in a reduction of the spacing between adjacent cables or
groups to less than the required values, the cable shall be considered to be non-maintained spacing. On
the other hand, if remaining space in a randomly filled tray is used up by cable coating and no other cable
can be installed in the tray, credit may be taken for reduction in cable % fill below nominal value.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables in
tray routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. This ACF must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
A/G Conduit
Above ground cable conduit.
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature is in degrees Celsius. The temperature of the air surrounding the
area where the tray is to be installed. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is obtained from the
library. The value is usually specified at 40 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is obtained from the library. The value is usually specified at 90 degrees Celsius.
Ampacity Adjustment
Grouped cables operate at higher temperatures than isolated cables. To derate the cable ampacity, the
number of rows and columns of conduit installed next to each other, as well as the total number of
conductors per location (this conduit), can be specified to determine a cable grouping adjustment factor.
Fire Protection
Fire protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection method. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the conduit. The
fire protection data is used to further derate the cable ampacities based on the fire protection material
specifications selected from PowerStation library. The ampacity correction factors applied for fire
protection is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations from which to choose. Each configuration
has an ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire retardant coating is not a standard procedure for A/G conduits.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for conduits
routed through fire stops. Note: there may not be any reason to derate the cable for fire stops since typical
fire stops are constructed with expanded foam depth of 4 inches or less. This is considered to be
insufficient to cause an increase in cable temperature.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it which must be applied whenever the raceway is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
Air Drop
Cables suspended without the use of trays or conduits. No cable grouping for air drop cables is
Ambient air (atmospheric) temperature. The temperature of the air surrounding the area where the tray is
to be installed is in degrees Celsius. Ambient air temperature for the base ampacity is 40 degrees Celsius.
For cables in direct sun, the air temperature may be increased by a typical value of 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum allowable conductor temperature is in degrees Celsius. Conductor temperature for the base
ampacity is 90 degrees Celsius.
Fire Protection
Fire Protection provides optional libraries to choose various fire protection devices. Each of the three
libraries may be selected individually to best describe the fire protection associated with the air drop
cables. The fire protection data is used to further derate the cable based on the fire protection
specifications selected from PowerStation library is based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix R for Fire Wrap, Fire
Stop, and Fire Coating.
Fire Coating
The Fire Coating Library provides a selection of configurations. Each configuration has an ampacity
correction factor (ACF) associated with it, which is applied against the base ampacity.
Fire Stop
The Fire Stop Library provides a selection of configurations with ampacity correction factors for cables
routed through fire stops.
Fire Wrap
The Fire Wrap Library provides a selection of configurations. Each fire barrier configuration has an
ampacity correction factor (ACF) associated with it. The ACF must be applied whenever the cable is
wrapped for a length exceeding 6 feet and whenever the raceway has multiple, wrapped segments whose
combined length exceeds 6 feet and which are spaced less than 10 feet apart.
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) could
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the
user sector information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate
Expected Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Info Page, Rating Page, Schedule Page, Summary Page, Remarks Page, and
Comment Page.
Within the Schedule Page, there are five tabs: Description Tab, Rating Tab,
Loading Tab, Protective Device Tab, and Feeder Tab
For details on Panel Schedule, refer to Chapter 29 of the ETAP PowerStation User Guide.
Info Page
Parameter Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Filter Sizing
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each harmonic filter. The assigned IDs consist of the
default filter ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of filters
increase. The default filter ID (HF) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the
Project View.
This is the ID of the connecting bus for the harmonic filter. If the terminal is not connected to any bus, a
blank entry will be shown for the bus ID. To connect or reconnect a harmonic filter to a bus, select a bus
from the list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on
OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the static load resides,
i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a harmonic filter is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the
harmonic filter to a new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new
bus, as shown below where Load1 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a harmonic filter can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service filter can be edited like an In Service filter.
However, an Out of Service filter will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service filter automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a filter to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of Service
in Revision Data.
Select the operating status of the harmonic filter for the selected configuration status from the list box.
Options for operating status include:
Depending on the demand factor specified for each operating status, the actual loading of the filter is
determined for load flow, motor starting, and transient stability studies.
Note that status is not a part of the harmonic filter engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the
configuration status is shown above the status of the harmonic filter to indicate that this is the harmonic
filter status under the specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different
configurations. In the following example, status of a harmonic filter is shown to be Continuous under
Normal configuration and Spare under Emergency configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Data Type
This field provides a convenient way to track data entry. Select one of the data types (such as Estimate,
Typical, Vendor, Final, etc.) from the list box. As the data is updated, this field can be changed to reflect
the source of the latest data. There are a total of ten load types which can be specified from the Project
Menu under Settings and Data Type.
Select the load priority of the static load from the list box. This field can be used for load priority,
operating priority, load-shedding priority, etc. Ten different priorities are provided to select from. Names
of the priorities can be specified from the Project Menu under Settings and Load Priority.
Specify the grounding connection type of harmonic filter. Y grounded connected filters are considered as
solidly grounded.
Filter Type
Choose a pre-defined filter type from the dropdown list. Four types of filter structures are available.
A filter type that has by-pass frequency characteristic.
High-Pass (Damped)
A filter type that has high-pass with damped frequency characteristic.
High-Pass (Undamped)
High-pass undamped filter. A filter type that has high-pass with undamped frequency characteristic
A filter type that has a single tuned frequency point.
Capacitor C1
3-phase kvar for capacitor C1.
Rated kV
Rated kV in rms for capacitors C1.
Max. kV
Maximum kV in peak for capacitor C1.
Capacitor C2
3-phase kvar for capacitor C2.
Rated kV
Rated kV in rms for capacitors C2.
Max. kV
Maximum kV in peak for capacitor C2.
Inductor L1
XL1 in ohms for inductor L1.
Q Factor
Q factor (XL1 / RL1) for inductor L1.
Max. I
Maximum I in rms for inductor L1.
Inductor L2
XL2 in ohms for inductor L2.
Q Factor
Q factor (XL2 / RL2) for inductor L2.
Max. I
Maximum I in rms for inductor L2.
Resistor R
External resistance of the filter in ohms.
Sizing Button
When single-tuned is specified as the filter type, click on this button to activate the Harmonic Filter
Sizing editor (see to the Harmonic Filter Sizing section).
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year. The active failure rate is associated with the
component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone around the failed
component and can therefore cause the removal of the other healthy components and branches from
service. After the actively failed component is isolated and the protection breakers are reclosed. This
leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted, however, that the
failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed component) can
be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA ( MTTF = 1.0/λA).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA (FOR =
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Interruption Cost
Load Sector
Select the load sector name (or customer type) for the load. In the reliability calculation, the user sector
information is used to get interruption cost from the Reliability Cost library to calculate Expected
Interruption Cost.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Harmonic Info
Harmonic Order
Specify a harmonic order for sizing the filter.
Harmonic Current
Provide harmonic current for the specified harmonic order in amps.
Sizing Option
Define filter sizing criteria.
PF Correction
Size the filter based on the power factor correction criteria.
Enter the unit cost in $/kvar for the capacitor.
Enter the unit cost in $/kvar for the inductor.
Operating Cost
Specify the operating cost for the capacitor.
PF Correction
Specify system operating conditions. These values are used only if PF Correction is selected as sizing
Existing PF
Enter the existing PF in percent for the load connected to the filter terminal bus.
Desired PF
Enter the desired PF in percent after the filter is installed on the filter terminal bus.
Load MVA
Total load MVA on the filter terminal bus.
Substitute Button
Click on this button to substitute the calculated parameters (results) back to the Harmonic Filter
Parameter page.
Display results from the sizing calculation.
3-Phase kvar
Filter 3-phase capacitor kvar.
Impedance of XL1 in ohm/phase.
Computed capacitor peak kV (ASUM) using the sized filter parameters.
Computed inductor current (rms amps) using the sized filter parameters.
Info Page
Section 8.17.3 illustrates how the Remote Connector is used in the One-Line Diagram.
Remote Connector
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters. PowerStation automatically assigns a unique
ID to each Remote Connector. The assigned IDs consist of the default Remote Connector ID plus an
integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of connectors increase. The default
Remote Connector ID (CL) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project
Protective Device
Displays the ID of the Protective Device connected to each side of the Remote Connector.
Displays the ID of the Element connected to each Side of the Remote Connector.
Info Page
Load Page
The 1-phase Secondary Side of the Phase Adapter cannot be directly connected to a 1-phase load. It must
first be connected to a transformer. The figure in section 8.18.4 illustrates how a Phase Adapter is used in
the One-Line Diagram.
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters. PowerStation automatically assigns a unique
ID to each Phase Adapter. The assigned IDs consist of the default Phase Adapter ID plus an integer,
starting with the number one and increasing as the number of adapters increases. The default Phase
Adapter ID (PA) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a Phase Adapter can be selected by choosing the In Service or Out of Service
option. The properties of an Out of Service Adapter can be edited like an In Service Adapter. However,
an Out of Service Adapter will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service Adapter, and all elements down stream from it are automatically dimmed in
the One-Line diagram.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, an adapter can be set to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Bus ID
Displays the ID and the voltage of the 3-Phase Bus that the Primary Side of the Phase Adapter is
connected to.
Phase Connection
Allows for the selection of a specific phase for the 1-Phase output from the Phase Adapter to the load.
The choices are: Phase A, B, C, AB, AC, BC. Each of these selections is uniquely color-coded.
Element ID
Displays the ID of the element connected to the 1-Phase Secondary Side of the Phase Adapter.
1-Phase Feeder
Allows the user to provide a customized name to the Phase Adapter, which differs from the ID.
Allows the user to provide a unique description for the Phase Adapter.
Select the operating status of the Phase Adapter from the list below:
• Close Provides a continuous connection between the 3-Phase bus and the 1-Phase Load.
• Open Provides no connection between the 3-Phase bus and the 1-Phase Load.
Note that Status is not a part of the Phase Adapter’s engineering properties. For this reason, the name of
the configuration is shown above the actual status of the Phase Adapter to indicate that this is the Phase
Adapter status under the specific configuration.
Within the Load Page, the following information is displayed: Phase Adapter Primary 3-phase voltage,
Total Connected Load kW and kvar, Total Operating Load kW and kvar. The Loading Category can be
chosen from the Loading Category list box.
3-Phase Voltage
Displays the 3-phase voltage level of the bus that the Phase Adapter Primary Side is connected to.
Loading Category
• Allows the user to select the Loading Category condition for the Total Operating load connected
to the Phase Adapter.
Radial System
In order to sum up load for a top panel, in the current version of PowerStation, It is required that the
system powered by a single-phase feeder must be a radial system. It is not allowed for downstream
elements from a single-phase feeder to form any loops. Furthermore, the single-phase feeder must be the
only source for all the downstream elements. Before carrying out a system study, PowerStation checks if
loops are involved in any single-phase feeders. If a loop is detected, an error message will be displayed
and the calculation is stopped.
The aggregated load values are displayed in the Single-Phase Feeder Editor. Depending on the study case
options, appropriate load diversity factors can also be applied.
Induction Motors
Synchronous Motors
Static Loads
Lumped Loads
Capacitors & Filters
Circuit Breakers (LV & HV), Contactors, Fuses, & ST Switches
Instrument Transformers (Current & Potential)
Relays (Over Current, Frequency, Voltage, Power, Solid State Trip & Motor)
AC Composite Motors
The number of levels that you can nest composite motors inside composite motors is unlimited. Other
than the limitation on the types of elements that you can include inside a composite motor, the user
interface characteristics of composite motors are the same as the one-line diagram.
To change the ID (name) of a composite motor, <Ctrl>+double-click on the composite motor, or open the
composite motor and double-click on the background where there are no elements
DC Motors
DC Loads (Static, Lumped, & Elementary Diagram)
Circuit Breakers, Fuses, & ST Switches
DC Composite Motors
The number of levels that you can nest composite motors inside composite motors is unlimited. Other
than the limitation on the types of elements that you can include inside a composite motor, the user
interface characteristics of composite motors are the same as the one-line diagram.
To change the ID (name) of a composite motor, <Ctrl>+double-click on the composite motor, or open the
composite motor and double-click on the background where there are no elements.
You may place composite networks anywhere on a one-line diagram or within other composite networks.
These nested composite networks are part of the overall one-line diagram of the system. All studies that
are run include all the elements and connections nested within all composite networks and composite
The bus-like element seen in the old composite network is the starting point for the composite network
(internal pin). This element graphically represents the connecting point of the composite network to the
outside system. This connecting point is not considered as a bus for the studies.
When you open an old composite network for the first time, all four pins are shown in their relative
positions. You can move these internal pins anywhere inside the composite network. If there is an
external connection to a pin, the ID of the connected bus is displayed. If there is no external bus
connection, the pins indicate No Ext Bus. If there is an external bus connection, the bus ID is displayed.
Old Composite Network Network1 with top pin connected to bus Sub3
You can hide the unconnected pins inside a composite motor by using the right mouse click as shown
The pins for the new composite motors can be connected to any bus, branch, load, or protective device.
Once a pin is connected internally or externally to an element, it becomes a proxy for that element and all
connection rules for the element apply to the connected pin.
PowerStation does not automatically convert the old composite networks to the new type. This can be
done by first cutting all elements from the old composite network, and then use the “Move From
Dumpster” command to place them in a new composite network.
The number of levels that you can nest composite networks inside composite networks is unlimited.
There is no limitation on the elements that you can include inside a composite network, i.e., the user
interface characteristics of composite networks are the same as the one-line diagram where you can
include both AC and DC elements.
Note that when you are working with a particular one-line diagram presentation, display attributes of
composite networks and composite motors are saved along with the one-line diagram presentations, i.e.,
composite networks are treated the same as the one-line diagram.
The following steps are used to move a subsystem (group of elements and connections) from the one-line
diagram to a composite network:
1) Select the desired elements, including their connections, by rubber-banding, and <Ctrl>+click.
2) Press Delete to cut the elements into a Dumpster Cell.
3) Activate the composite network by double-clicking on it.
4) Right-click inside the composite network and select Move From.
When you open the composite network and it is not connected to any bus in the system, you get a view
that indicates there is no external bus connection. When you open the composite network and it is
connected to a bus, you get a view that indicates the connecting bus for the composite network.
The bus-like element seen in the composite network is the starting point for the composite network. This
element graphically represents the connecting point of the composite network to the outside system. This
connecting point is not considered as a bus for studies.
In order to move elements from one view to another (for example, from OLV1 to Network1), first select
the desired elements, including their connections, from OLV1. Select Delete to cut the elements into the
Dumpster, activate the view you want the elements to be moved into Network1, then click on Move
8.23 Fuse
The properties associated with fuses of the electrical distribution system can be entered in this editor.
Fuse protection devices are available for a full range of voltages.
Info Page
Rating Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each fuse. The assigned IDs consist of the default fuse
ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of fuses increase. The
default fuse ID (Fuse) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a fuse are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal of a fuse
From or To is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. If a terminal of a fuse is
connected to a branch, directly or indirectly, the ID of the branch will be displayed for the terminal
connection. To connect or reconnect a fuse to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram
will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect a fuse
to buses that reside in the same view where the fuse resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides
in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a fuse is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the fuse to a new
bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown below
where Fuse1 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
In/Out of Service
Operating conditions of a fuse can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service options.
The properties of an Out of Service branch can be edited like an In Service branch; however, an Out of
Service branch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an Out of
Service branch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads and branches
energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
You can change the status of a fuse (for the selected configuration) by clicking on the Close or Open
options. Once a configuration status is selected for a one-line presentation, any subsequent manipulation
of the status of an element (circuit breaker, fuse, motor, or static load) will be saved under the specified
Note that status is not a part of the engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the configuration
status is shown above the status of the fuse to indicate that this is the fuse status under the specific
configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different configurations. In the
following example, status of a fuse is shown to be closed under Normal configuration and open under
Open Tie configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Online Data
The data here are associated with the online (real-time) operation of PowerStation (PSMS).
Scanned Status
Displays the scanned status (open or closed) of the switching device.
Click on this button to pin the switching device to either closed or open status. This option is provided to
overwrite the actual status received from the real-time system.
Click on this button to control the status (open or closed) of the device. PSMS will request confirmation.
Specify either the ANSI or IEC standard for this element.
Library Info
To access ANSI standard library data, click on the ANSI option and then click on the Library button. Use
the same procedure for accessing IEC standard library data. As you change the standard from ANSI to
IEC, the data fields change accordingly.
To select a fuse from the Fuse Library, click on the Library button and the Library Quick Pick - Fuse will
appear. From the Library Quick Pick, select a fuse by highlighting the manufacturer name and
model/class ID. Then click on the OK button to retrieve the selected data from the library and transfer it
to the editor. Note that upon selection of library data, the manufacturer name and model ID are displayed
in black at the lower right corner of the editor. Should any changes be made in the retrieved library data,
manufacturer name and model ID will be displayed in blue to indicate that the library data has been
Rated Amp
Enter the current rating of the fuse in amperes or select the rating from the list box.
Rated kV
Enter the rated voltage of the fuse in kV or select the rating from the list box.
Enter the rated interrupting capability of the fuse in symmetrical rms kA or select the rating from the list
Test PF
Enter the power factor of test equipment on which the rating of the fuse has been established.
Rated Amps
Enter the rated normal current in amperes or select the rating from the list box.
Rated kV
Enter the rated voltage of the fuse in kV or select the rating from the list box.
AC Breaking
Enter the rated breaking capacity of the fuse in kA or select the rating from the list box.
Enter the transient recovery voltage of the fuse in kV.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) can be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.24 Contactor
The properties associated with a contactor of the electrical distribution system can be entered in this
editor. The Contactor Editor contains four pages of properties.
Info Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each contactor. The assigned IDs consist of the
default contactor ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
contactors increase. The default contactor ID (CONT) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the
menu bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a contactor are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal of a
contactor (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. If a terminal
of a contactor is connected to a branch (directly or indirectly), the ID of the branch will be displayed for
the terminal connection. To connect or reconnect a contactor to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The
one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can
only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the branch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a
bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a contactor is connected to a bus from this editor through a number of other protective devices,
reconnection of the contactor to a new bus will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new
bus, as shown below where CONT3 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus2.
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a contactor can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service
options. The properties of an Out of Service contactor can be edited like an In Service contactor;
however, an Out of Service contactor will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check
is activated, an Out of Service contactor automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the
loads and branches energized solely through an Out of Service breaker will also be de-energized and
become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Configuration Status
You can change the status of a contactor (for the selected configuration) by clicking on the Close or Open
options. Once a configuration status is selected for a one-line presentation, any subsequent manipulation
of the status of an element (contactor, fuse, motor, or static load) will be saved under the specified
Note that status is not a part of the engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the configuration
status is shown above the status of the contactor to indicate that this is the contactor status under the
specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different configurations. In the
following example, status of a contactor is shown to be closed under Configuration Status Normal and
open under Configuration Status Open Tie.
Enter the rated voltage of the contactor in kV or select the rating from the list box.
Cont. Amps
Enter the rated continuous current of the contactor in amperes or select the rating from the list box.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Online Data
The data here are associated with the online (real-time) operation of PowerStation (PSMS).
Scanned Status
Displays the scanned status (open or closed) of the switching device.
Click on this button to pin the switching device to either closed or open status. This option is provided to
overwrite the actual status received from the real-time system.
Click on this button to control the status (open or closed) of the device. PSMS will request confirmation.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) can be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
The High Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor contains five pages of properties.
Info Page
Rating Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each circuit breaker. The assigned IDs consist of the
default circuit breaker ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
circuit breakers increase. The default circuit breaker ID (CB) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in
the menu bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a high voltage circuit breaker are designated as From and To buses. If
a terminal of a breaker (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID.
If a terminal of a breaker is connected to a branch, directly or indirectly, the ID of the branch will be
displayed for the terminal connection. To connect or reconnect a breaker to a bus, select a bus from the
list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note
that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the circuit breaker resides, i.e., you
cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a breaker is connected to a bus through a number of other protective devices, reconnection of the
breaker to a new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as
shown below where CB3 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a circuit breaker can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service breaker can be edited like an In Service breaker.
However, an Out of Service breaker will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check
is activated, an Out of Service breaker automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the
loads and branches energized solely through an Out of Service breaker will also be de-energized and
become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
You can change the status of a circuit breaker (for the selected configuration) by clicking on the Close or
Open options. Once a configuration status is selected for a one-line presentation, any subsequent
manipulation of the status of an element (circuit breaker, fuse, motor, or static load) will be saved under
the specified configuration.
Note that status is not a part of the engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the configuration
status is shown above the status of the circuit breaker to indicate that this is the breaker status under the
specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different configurations. In the
following example, status of a circuit breaker is shown to be closed under Normal configuration and open
under Open Tie configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Online Data
The data here are associated with the online (real-time) operation of PowerStation (PSMS).
Scanned Status
Displays the scanned status (open or closed) of the switching device.
Click on this button to pin the switching device to either closed or open status. This option is provided to
overwrite the actual status received from the real-time system.
Click on this button to control the status (open or closed) of the device. PSMS will request confirmation.
Click on either the ANSI or IEC option to select that standard.
Library Info
To access ANSI standard library data, click on the ANSI selection and then click on the Library button.
Use the same procedure for accessing IEC standard library data. As you change the standard from ANSI
to IEC, the data fields change accordingly.
To select a circuit breaker from the High Voltage Circuit Breaker Library, click on the Library button and
the Library Quick Pick - HV Circuit Breaker will appear. From the Library Quick Pick, select a circuit
breaker by highlighting the manufacturer name and model/class ID. Then click on the OK button to
retrieve the selected data from the library and transfer it to the editor. Note that upon selection of library
data, the manufacturer name and model number are displayed in the fields directly below the Library
Should any changes be made in the retrieved library data, the library manufacturer name and model ID
will be displayed in blue to indicate that the library data has been modified.
Max kV
Enter the rated maximum kV of the high voltage circuit breaker in rms kV or select the rating from the list
Continuous Amp
Enter the continuous current rating of the high voltage circuit breaker in amperes or select the rating from
the list box.
Select the high voltage circuit breaker type as Symmetrical or Total rated from the list box.
• Sym Rated AC high voltage circuit breaker rated on a symmetrical current basis
• Tot Rated AC high voltage circuit breaker rated on a total current basis
Select the rated interrupting time for AC high voltage circuit breakers in cycles from the list box.
CB Cycle Description
2 2-cycle ac high voltage circuit breakers with 1.5-cycle Minimum Contact Parting Time
3 3-cycle ac high voltage circuit breakers with 2-cycle Minimum Contact Parting Time
5 5-cycle ac high voltage circuit breakers with 3-cycle Minimum Contact Parting Time
8 8-cycle ac high voltage circuit breakers with 4-cycle Minimum Contact Parting Time
Rated Interrupting
Enter the rated short-circuit current (rated interrupting capability) at the rated maximum kV in rms kA or
select the rating from the list box.
Maximum Interrupting
Enter the maximum symmetrical interrupting capability in rms kA or select the rating from the list box.
The limit for this calculated interrupting capability is the rated maximum interrupting capability of the
circuit breaker. This value is then used to compare with the calculated short-circuit duty of the breaker.
Note that the value of the prefault voltage is not used in determining the interrupting capability, i.e., if Vf
= 105 percent, the short-circuit duty is increased by 5 percent; however the interrupting capability is not
decreased by 5 percent.
Enter the closing and latching capability of the high voltage circuit breaker in asymmetrical rms kA. This
value is equal to 1.6 times the maximum interrupting capability.
C & L Crest
Enter the closing and latching capability of the high voltage circuit breaker in crest kA. This value is
equal to 2.7 times the maximum interrupting capability.
Clicking on the TRV button will open the Transient Recovery Voltage Editor. The following variables
can be entered in this editor:
Rated Amps
Enter the rated normal current of the circuit breaker in amperes or select the rating from the list box.
Rated kV
Enter the rated voltage of the circuit breaker in kV or select the rating from the list box.
FPC Factor
Select the first-pole-to-clear factor of the circuit breaker from the list box.
Min Delay
Enter the minimum time delay, including the circuit breaker and relays, in seconds, or select the rating
from the list box.
Enter the rated making capacity of the circuit breaker in peak kA or select the rating from the list box.
The rated making capacity for a circuit breaker is determined by evaluating the maximum possible peak
value of the short-circuit current at the point of application of the circuit breaker.
Enter the transient recovery voltage of the circuit breaker in kV.
AC Breaking
Enter the AC component of the rated short-circuit breaking current in kA or select the rating from the list
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points.
It should be noted, however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly
connected to this failed component) can be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
The Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Editor contains five pages of properties.
Info Page
Rating Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each circuit breaker. The assigned IDs consist of the
default circuit breaker ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of
circuit breakers increase. The default circuit breaker ID (CB) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in
the menu bar or from the Project View.
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a low voltage circuit breaker are designated as From and To buses. If
a terminal of a breaker (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID.
If a terminal of a breaker is connected to a branch (directly or indirectly), the ID of the branch will be
displayed for the terminal connection. To connect or reconnect a breaker to a bus, select a bus from the
list box. The one-line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note
that you can only connect to buses that reside in the same view where the circuit breaker resides, i.e., you
cannot connect to a bus that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a breaker is connected to a bus through a number of protective devices, reconnection of the breaker to a
new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown below
where CB2 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus4.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
In/Out of Service
Operating condition of a circuit breaker can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of
Service options. The properties of an Out of Service breaker can be edited like an In Service breaker.
However, an Out of Service breaker will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check
is activated, an Out of Service breaker automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the
loads and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and
become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
You can change the status of a circuit breaker (for the selected configuration) by clicking on the Close or
Open options. Once a configuration status is selected for a one-line presentation, any subsequent
manipulation of the status of an element (circuit breaker, fuse, motor, or static load) will be saved under
the specified configuration.
Note that status is not a part of the engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the configuration
status is shown above the status of the circuit breaker to indicate that this is the breaker status under the
specific configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different configurations. In the
following example, status of a circuit breaker is shown to be closed under Normal configuration and open
under Open Tie configuration.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Online Data
The data here are associated with the online (real-time) operation of PowerStation (PSMS).
Scanned Status
Displays the scanned status (open or closed) of the switching device.
Click on this button to pin the switching device to either closed or open status. This option is provided to
overwrite the actual status received from the real-time system.
Click on this button to control the status (open or closed) of the device. PSMS will request confirmation.
Click on either the ANSI or IEC option to select that standard.
Library Info
To access ANSI standard library data, click on the ANSI selection and then click on the Library button.
Use the same procedure for accessing IEC standard library data. As you change the standard from ANSI
to IEC, the data fields change accordingly.
To select a circuit breaker from the Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Library click on the Library button and
the Library Quick Pick - LV Circuit Breaker will appear. From the Library Quick Pick, select a circuit
breaker by highlighting the manufacturer name and model/class ID. Then click on the OK button to
retrieve the selected data from the library and transfer it to the editor.
Note that upon selection of library data, the manufacturer name and model number are displayed directly
below the Library button. Should any changes be made in the retrieved library data, the library
manufacturer name and model ID will be displayed in blue to indicate that the substituted library data has
been modified.
Trip Device
Select the trip device from the dropdown box.
Select the low voltage circuit breaker type from the list box. The available circuit breaker types are:
• Molded Case
• Power CB
• Insulated Case
Continuous Amp
Enter the continuous current rating of the low voltage circuit breaker in amperes or select the rating from
the list box.
Rated kV
Enter the rated voltage of the low voltage circuit breaker in kV or select the rating from the list box.
For power and insulated case circuit breakers, select fused or unfused by clicking on the provided
selection box. The value of Test PF will change appropriately for fused or unfused type breakers.
Enter the rated interrupting capability in rms kA, or select the rating from the list box.
Test PF
This is the power factor of test equipment on which the rating of the circuit breaker has been established.
Based on the type and rating of the low voltage circuit breaker, PowerStation displays the applicable
ANSI/IEEE test power factor.
Select the low voltage circuit breaker type from the list box. The available types are:
• Molded Case
• Power CB
• Insulated Case
Rated Amps
Enter the rated normal current of the low voltage circuit breaker in amperes or select the rating from the
list box.
Rated kV
Enter the rated voltage of the low voltage circuit breaker in kV or select the rating from the list box.
Min. Delay
Enter the minimum time delay, including the circuit breaker and relays, in seconds, or select the rating
from the list box.
AC Breaking
Enter the rated breaking capacity of the low voltage circuit breaker in kA or select the rating from the list
Enter the rated making capacity of the low voltage circuit breaker in peak kA or select the rating from the
list box. The rated making capacity for a circuit breaker is determined by evaluation of the maximum
possible peak value of the short-circuit current at the point of application of the circuit breaker.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) can be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
8.27 Switch
The properties associated with a single-throw switch of the electrical distribution system can be entered in
this editor.
Info Page
Remarks Page
Reliability Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each switch. The assigned IDs consist of the default
switch ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of switches increase.
The default switch ID (SW) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of a switch are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal of a
switch (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. If a terminal of
a switch is connected to a branch (directly or indirectly), the ID of the branch will be displayed for the
terminal connection. To connect or reconnect a switch to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-
line diagram will be updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only
connect to buses that reside in the same view where the switch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus
that resides in the Dumpster or in another composite network.
If a switch is connected to a bus through a number of other protective devices, reconnection of the switch
to a new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as shown
below where SPST10 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus2.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a switch can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out of Service
options. The properties of an Out of Service switch can be edited like an In Service switch; however, an
Out of Service switch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is activated, an
Out of Service switch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads and branches
energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become dimmed.
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
You can change the status of a switch (for the selected configuration) by clicking on Closed or Open
options. Once a configuration status is selected for a one-line presentation, any subsequent manipulation
of the status of an element (switch, fuse, motor, or static load) will be saved under the specified
Note that status is not a part of the engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the configuration
status is shown above the status of the switch to indicate that this is the switch status under the specific
configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different configurations.
In the following example, status of a switch is shown to be closed under Configuration Status Normal
and open under Configuration Status Open Tie.
Enter the rated voltage of the switch in kV or select the rating from the list box.
Cont. Amp
Enter the rated continuous current of the switch in amperes or select the rating from the list box.
Enter the basic impulse level in kV.
Enter the momentary (bracing) short-circuit rating of the switch in kA.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Online Data
The data here are associated with the online (real-time) operation of PowerStation (PSMS).
Scanned Status
Displays the scanned status (open or closed) of the switching device.
Click on this button to pin the switching device to either closed or open status. This option is provided to
overwrite the actual status received from the real-time system.
Click on this button to control the status (open or closed) of the device. PSMS will request confirmation.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) could be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
Enter any extra data or comments regarding condition, maintenance, tests, or studies, associated with this
element. This field can be up to 64kb with a default size of 4kb. To increase the size of this field, refer to
the entries in the ETAPS.INI file.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
Info Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page
Enter a unique ID with up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
PowerStation automatically assigns a unique ID to each switch. The assigned IDs consist of the default
switch ID plus an integer, starting with the number one and increasing as the number of switches increase.
The default switch ID (2SW) can be changed from the Defaults Menu in the menu bar or from the Project
From & To
Bus IDs for the connecting buses of an SPDT switch are designated as From and To buses. If a terminal
of a switch (From or To) is not connected to any bus, a blank entry will be shown for bus ID. If a
terminal of a switch is connected to a branch (directly or indirectly), the ID of the branch will be
displayed for the terminal connection.
To connect or reconnect a switch to a bus, select a bus from the list box. The one-line diagram will be
updated to show the new connection after you click on OK. Note that you can only connect to buses that
reside in the same view where the switch resides, i.e., you cannot connect to a bus that resides in the
Dumpster or in another composite network.
If an SPDT switch is connected to a bus through a number of other protective devices, reconnection of the
switch to a new bus from this editor will reconnect the last existing protective device to the new bus, as
shown below where SPDT10 is reconnected from Bus10 to Bus2.
Unlike SPST switch, the SPDT switch has to be connected to a bus before being connected to loads and
branch elements.
Next to the From and To bus IDs, PowerStation displays the nominal kV of the buses for your
In/Out of Service
The operating condition of a double-throw switch can be selected by choosing either the In Service or Out
of Service options. The properties of an Out of Service switch can be edited like an In Service switch;
however, an Out of Service switch will not be included in any system studies. When Continuity Check is
activated, an Out of Service switch automatically becomes dimmed in the one-line diagram. All the loads
and branches energized solely through an Out of Service branch will also be de-energized and become
Note that the In / Out of Service option is an engineering property which is independent of the
configuration status. Therefore, you can set a branch to be In Service for the Base Data and Out of
Service in Revision Data.
Status is not a part of the engineering properties. For this reason, the name of the configuration status is
shown above the status of the switch to indicate that this is the switch status under the specific
configuration, i.e., you can have different operating status under different configurations. In the
following example, status of a switch is shown to be in position A under Configuration Status Switch A
and position B under Configuration Status Switch B.
You can change the status of an SPDT switch (for the selected configuration) by clicking on the Position
A or Position B. Once a configuration status is selected for a one-line presentation, any subsequent
manipulation of the status of an element (switch, fuse, motor, or static load) will be saved under the
specified configuration.
Enter the rated voltage of the SPDT switch in kV or select the rating from the list box.
Cont. Amps
Enter the rated continuous current of the SPDT switch in amperes or select the rating from the list box.
Enter the basic impulse level in kV.
Enter the momentary (bracing) short-circuit rating of the switch in kA.
Enter the feeder tag in this field, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Enter equipment description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Online Data
The data here are associated with the online (real-time) operation of PowerStation (PSMS).
Scanned Status
Displays the scanned status (Position A or Position B) of the switching device.
Click on this button to pin the switching device to either Position A or Position B status. This option is
provided to overwrite the actual status received from the real-time system.
Click on this button to control the status (Position A or Position B) of the device. PSMS will request
Reliability Parameters
It is the active failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The active failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that causes the operation of the primary protection zone
around the failed component and can therefore cause the removal of other healthy components and
branches from service. After the actively failed component is isolated, the protection breakers are
reclosed. This leads to service being restored to some or all of the load points. It should be noted,
however, that the failed component itself (and those components that are directly connected to this failed
component) can be restored to service only after repair or replacement.
It is the passive failure rate in number of failures per year per unit length. The passive failure rate is
associated with the component failure mode that does not cause the operation of protection breakers and
therefore does not have an impact on the remaining healthy components. Repairing or replacing the failed
component will restore service. Examples of passive failures include opening circuits and inadvertent
opening of breakers.
It is the Mean Time To Repair in hours. It is the expected time for a crew to repair a component outage
and/or restore the system to its normal operating state.
It is the mean repair rate in number of repairs per year, calculated automatically based on MTTR (µ =
It is the Mean Time To Failure in years calculated automatically based on λA and λP ( MTTF =
1.0/(λA+λP) ).
It is the Forced Outage Rate (i.e., unavailability) calculated based on MTTR, λA and λP (FOR =
Alternative Supply
Switching Time
Switching time is the time in hours for isolating a failure. It is the period starting from the time a
switching operation is requested due to a forced outage until that the operation is completed.
Check this box to enable rP
It is the replacement time in hours for replacing a failed element by a spare one.
Click on the Library button to bring up the Library Quick Pick Editor for reliability data.
User-Defined Info
These fields allow you to keep track of extra data associated with this component. The names of the
User-Defined (UD) fields can be changed from the Settings option in the Project menu in the Menu bar.
UD Field A5
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A5. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A6
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A6. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
UD Field A7
This is an alphanumeric field with the default name UD Field A7. You can change the name of this field
and enter any extra data for this element here, up to 18 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the name or ID of a one-line drawing or diagram associated with this element, up to 50
alphanumeric characters. An example is the manufacturer diagram or specifications for this element.
Enter the name or ID of a reference drawing or document for this element, up to 50 alphanumeric
Enter the manufacturer’s name for this element here, up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
Purchase Date
Enter the date of purchase for this element here, up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
When entering information in the page, use Ctrl+Enter to start a new paragraph. Standard keys such as
Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V can be used to cut, copy, and paste information.
To create a GGS presentation, a ground grid must first be added to the One-Line Diagram. Click on the
Ground Grid component located on the AC toolbar, and drop the GGS symbol anywhere on the One-
Line Diagram.
Right-click on any location inside the ground grid box, and select Properties to bring up the Grid Editor.
The Grid Editor dialog box is used to specify grid information, grid styles, equipment information, and to
view calculation results. Click on the Grid Presentation button to bring up a GGS presentation.
For details on Ground Grid Systems, refer to Chapter 28 of the ETAP PowerStation User Guide.