FJMD S 23 00026
FJMD S 23 00026
FJMD S 23 00026
Manuscript Number:
Abstract: Background
There are many literatures that assessed the outcome of extraarticular tibial plafond
fractures following staged minimally invasive osteosynthesis with different locked plate.
This retrospective study was designed to assess the outcome of intraarticular tibial
plafond fractures following staged minimally invasive osteosynthesis with non-
anatomical T-shaped locked plates.
From April 2010 to October 2016, eighteen consecutive patients with intraarticular
fractures of tibial plafond were treated by staged minimally invasive non-anatomical T-
shaped locked plate osteosynthesis. The median patient age of the nine women and
nine men at the time of surgery was 49 (22 to 71). First stage treatment consisted of
radical debridement followed by external skeletal fixation; second stage treatment
consisted of minimally invasive osteosynthesis with non-anatomical T-shaped locked
plates. We also identified factors that were predictive of poor results or delayed
union/nonunion of the fractures. Factors such as age, gender, open fracture, fracture
severity, concomitant injuries, presence of comorbidities and presence of arthrosis
were analyzed.
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We found a high rate of satisfaction and union and few complications with staged
minimally invasive osteosynthesis with locked plates for treatment of patients with
intraarticular tibial plafond fractures. We believe that this technique is an effective and
safe procedure for treatment of tibial plafond fractures.
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Title Page (Author Information, COI, ethical clearance,
Running title: Using Non-anatomical Locked Plates for Intraarticular Tibial Plafond
Siang Hsu, M.D.1, Ching-Hou Ma, M.D.1,2, Yuan-Kun Tu, Ph.D. 1,2,
I-Ming Jou, Ph.D. 1,2, Chin-Hsien Wu, M.D. 1,2
Fax: 886-7-6150913
Declaration of Conflicting Interests: The authors did not have association or financial
involvement with any organization or commercial entity having a financial interest in or
financial conflict with the subject matter or research presented in the manuscript.
Funding: The authors did not receive outside funding or grants in support of their research for
or preparation of this work.
Ethical Approval: This retrospective study was approved by the institutional review board.
The protocol No. was EMRP-103-051.
transfer agreement
conflict of interest
Manuscript (All Manuscript Text Pages in MS Word format,
including References and Figure Legends)