Oxidoreductases As A Versatile Biocatalytic

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Received: 16 November 2020 Revised: 26 March 2021 Accepted article published: 29 March 2021 Published online in Wiley Online Library:

(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI 10.1002/jctb.6743

Oxidoreductases as a versatile biocatalytic

tool to tackle pollutants for clean
environment – a review
Muhammad Bilal,a* Ahmad Reza Bagheri,b Débora S Vilar,c
Nahal Aramesh,b Katlin Ivon Barrios Eguiluz,c
Luiz Fernando Romanholo Ferreira,d Syed Salman Ashrafe and
Hafiz M N Iqbalf*

With the growing population and rapid industrial development of the world, various pollutants — explicitly known as emerg-
ing pollutants (EPs) and including micro and nanoplastics, pharmaceuticals, hazardous dyes, steroid estrogen, and organic pol-
lutants — continue to enter into the environment and water sources. These EPs cause a variety of side effects and diseases, such
as cancer, neurotoxic and mutagenic effects, stomach cramps, intestinal disorders, loss of peripheral vision, deteriorated move-
ment coordination, and weakened muscles, even in low concentrations. The presence of EPs in the environment/water sources
affects humans and animals and disturbs ecological integrity. Therefore, removing these EPs from the environment with a
smart, greener, and environmentally competent technology has become a meaningful goal. Most of the EPs are stable in the
media, and their removal is a considerable scientific challenge. Different treatment methods, like adsorption and degradation
processes, have been used to eliminate these pollutants. Enzyme-mediated approaches hold immense prospects in environ-
mental cleanup and have been keenly explored recently. Many efforts have been made to apply biocatalytic-based materials,
like laccases and peroxidases, as unique tools alongside a powerful oxidation approach for the degradation and treatment of
EPs. These enzymes' unique properties in terms of excellent selectivity and exclusive catalytic features make them robust can-
didates for biocatalytic treatment. This work spotlights the biocatalytic properties and application of oxidoreductases to
remove EPs. The challenges, conclusive remarks, and standpoints for robust biocatalysts are also given.
© 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).

Keywords: environmental pollution; bioremediation; oxidoreductases; bio-catalysis; mitigation; pollutants; clean environment

The rapid growth of the human population has introduced vari-
ous ecological impacts and affected water resources, which is * Correspondence to: M Bilal, School of Life Science and Food Engineering,
one of the most important resources for life.1 Due to the unprec- Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China, E-mail:
edented growth of the population, ecological pollution has also bilaluaf@hotmail.com; or HMN Iqbal, Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of
increased. This pollution has not only severe effects on humans Engineering and Sciences, Monterrey, 64849, Mexico. E-mail: hafiz.
but also hazardous side effects on the environment. There are dif-
ferent factors, like human activities and different industries, that a School of Life Science and Food Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology,
have played main roles in causing wastewater pollution. More- Huaian, 223003, China
over, various agricultural and industrial processes produce differ-
b Department of Chemistry, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran
ent types of contaminants and dispose them into the
environment. Some of these contaminants include glyphosate, c Graduate Program in Process Engineering, Tiradentes University (UNIT), Av.
acephate, Deet, Propoxur, Metaldehyde, Boric Acid, Diazinon, Murilo Dantas, 300, Farolândia, Aracaju-Sergipe, 49032-490, Brazil
Dursban, Malathion, heavy metals (e.g., arsenic, and mercury),
d Waste and Effluent Treatment Laboratory, Institute of Technology and
formaldehyde, Bisphenol A, Phthalates, fluoride, etc. The partial
Research (ITP), Tiradentes University (UNIT), Av. Murilo Dantas, 300, Farolân-
or incomplete removal of these pollutants can have different dia, Aracaju-Sergipe, 49032-490, Brazil
effects on human health.2 Emerging Pollutants (EPs) are a sub-
class of organic chemicals that have been detected in water e Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Khalifa University, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
sources.3 They are a huge concern for water quality.4, 5 The pres-
ence of water pollutants, especially EPs, causes many problems f Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Monterrey,
like cancer, stomach cramps, intestinal diseases, loss of peripheral 64849, Mexico

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021 www.soci.org © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).
www.soci.org M Bilal et al.

vision, deteriorated movement coordination, weakened muscles, EPs include three types of compounds: (i) newly developed com-
impaired speech and hearing, endocrine system disruption, and pounds that have entered the environment, (ii) compounds that
liver and nervous system damage and infections.6–8 Based on have been in the environment for a while, but researchers have
advanced analytical technologies, emerging organic micropollu- only recently distinguished them, and (iii) compounds that have
tants are generally defined as non-regulated organic trace pollut- been distinguished, but their effects have only been clarified
ants just recently introduced or newly detected in the recently.34, 36, 37 And now, a different class of EPs has been identi-
environment.9 EPs include different types of compounds and fied and categorized. Depending on the nature of pollutants and
materials.10 For example, micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) are a on the subsequent pollution of environmental components, pol-
kind of EPs detected in water sources. MNPs are a combination lution may be categorized as follows: air pollution, water pollu-
of plastics produced due to photo-oxidation by ultraviolet tion, soil/land pollution, noise pollution, and radioactive
(UV) radiation, physical abrasion by water currents carrying sand pollution. These pollutants can come from various sources.
grains, and biological degradation by organisms that render plas- Among the many different sources of pollutants, wastewater
tics brittle.11 Microplastics are defined as plastics with sizes rang- treatment plants (WWTPs) are the major source. WWTPs cannot
ing from 100 nm to 5 mm, and nanoplastics are materials with completely remove and degrade EPs. Therefore, they can enter dif-
sizes larger than 100 nm.12 This classification is based on the ferent water sources, like rivers and streams.38, 39 Figure 2 represents
European Commission's definition of engineered nanoparticles. different sources of pollutants.35 As can be seen from Fig. 2, EPs can
Due to plastics' broad application in different fields, from consum- be generated by different sources, like agriculture activities, domes-
ables to medical science, global plastic production exceeded tic, hospitals, industries, and spillages. In the following study, EPs are
320 million tons in 2018 and is expected to reach 1800 million collected from landfills, private septic tanks, and sewage treatment
tons in 2050. Only 6–26% of the produced plastics are recycled, plants. So far, different methods have been applied for the treat-
which means that up to 94% ends up in landfills (21–42%) or are ment of different contaminants. These methods include adsorption,
deliberately and/or accidentally released into the environment.13 degradation, and membrane-based methods.23, 24, 40–42 For
The ubiquity of MNPs, which have adverse effects on aquatic spe- instance, Jiang et al. applied the photo-Fenton degradation process
cies, ecosystems, and human health, has given rise to scientific to remove EPs like tetracycline hydrochloride (TCH), atrazin (ATZ),
and public concerns.14 These concerns arise because organisms alachor (ALA), tetrachlorophenol (4-CP), and methyl orange
can ingest MNPs, which causes MNPs to diffuse to cellular bound- (MO).18 They synthesized magnetic composites and applied them
aries and accumulate. These MNPs can then translocate through- for the degradation of pollutants. In the degradation experiment,
out the food chain. MNPs have adverse effects on bacteria, algae, tetracycline hydrochloride (TCH) (20.0 mg/L), atrazin (ATZ)
echinoderms, rotifers, mollusks, and arthropods.15 Pharmaceuti- (5.0 mg/L), alachor (ALA) (10.0 mg/L), tetrachlorophenol (4-CP)
cals are another major category of EPs.10 Pharmaceuticals are sub- (20.0 mg/L), and MO (20.0 mg/L) were selected as model pollutants
stances like antibiotics and disinfectants that have been to represent antibiotic, pharmaceutical, herbicide, industrial, and
discharged from hospitals' effluent into the environment.16 Phar- textile wastewater, respectively. The photo-Fenton degradation effi-
maceutical effluents have hazardous effects on both humans and ciencies of TCH were 52.1%, 60.8%, 85.2%, and 64.0% within 18 min
animals.17 In the case of pharmaceutical residues, it has been for different composites. The mechanism of degradation, the routes,
observed that secondary treatment technologies could degrade and effective factors on the degradation process were investigated.
only 18–32% of the pharmaceutical residues, a percentage that The synthesized photocatalyst improved the reaction rate from
is increased to 30–65% by tertiary treatment. Some of the contam- 0.0950 to 0.1520 min−1. The most important thing about a fabri-
ination effects are unknown, and since they are not monitored, cated catalyst is that it is applicable under visible light irradiation.
they can spread in the environment and water sources.18 Micro- Among the different methods for the removal of pollutants, hybrid
pollutants (MPs) are a kind of pollutant that has garnered much systems are prevalent. These methods are a combination of two
concern recently.19 Some of these pollutants can even enter into strategies that can enhance the efficiency of EPs removal. For
different water matrices of the environment, directly or indi- instance, Pirsaheb and co-workers used the hybrid system as a prac-
rectly.20, 21 These pollutants can form a wide range of compounds, tical way to manage hospital wastewater.43 Due to the low applica-
which can cause harmful side effects.22 These pollutants have bility of traditional systems for EPs treatment, they used a hybrid. In
been found and detected in diverse sources.23, 24 For example, their study, different contaminants, like ceftriaxone (CEF) and amox-
EPs can be found in soil, water, and the atmosphere, and they icillin (AMX), were removed. The removal efficiency was 87.53% (for
cause threats like cancers and chronic diseases.25–28 Based on a AMX) and 93.17% (for CEF). Another method for the removal of EPs
study performed in 2011, perfluorinated compounds can also is photocatalytic degradation. For example, the removal of buspir-
cause hazardous diseases.29 Moreover, pollutants like perfluor- one (anti-anxiety medicine) was performed using TiO2 under a
ooctanoate and perfluorooctane can also reduce humans' repro- xenon lamp.44 As one of the most applicable drugs, diclofenac has
ductive abilities.30 In addition, some pollutants tend to appear in been applied for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Despite
high concentrations.31, 32 Many studies have focused on EPs its applicability, it has been considered an ecological pollutant that
because they can cause hazardous diseases. For instance, studies causes many concerns. This is because diclofenac can accumulate
showed that the nervous system enzyme in insects could be in the food chain in addition to entering water sources. Its concen-
affected by N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), which can inhibit tration in water is up to 1.3 μg/L.45 Advanced Oxidation Process
acetylcholinesterase activity.33 To this end, coping with EPs is a (AOP) is another method for the degradation and removal of pollut-
difficult task that needs hard work and presents a variety of draw- ants. AOPs generally use the hydroxyl radicals, the ultimate oxidant
backs. One of the main limitations is that information about the for the remediation of organic contaminants in wastewater. AOP
properties of different methods for removing these pollutants is can combine with ozone (O3), a catalyst, or ultraviolet (UV) irradia-
incomplete.34 Also, these pollutants have different effects on tion to offer a powerful treatment of wastewater. Indeed, AOP is a
humans and animals, and the differences are hard to specify.2 method (which includes Photo-Fenton and photocatalysis using dif-
Figure 1 represents some of the adverse effects of pollutants.35 ferent catalysts, like TiO2) that can have synergistic effects for

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Figure 1. The side effects of different EPs. Reproduced from Ref. 35 with permission from Elsevier. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. License Number:

degradation and removal of pollutants. Much effort has gone into peroxidase (HRP), are investigated and their application in the
investigating the ability of AOPs in the degradation of diclofenac. removal of EPs is assessed.
This degradation method is cheap and straightforward, while other
methods (like filtration and osmosis) are applicable but expensive.46
Despite the applicability and efficiency of different physical and
chemical methods, they are faced with main drawbacks. For exam-
ple, these methods are expensive and have insufficient affectivity, REMEDIATION — A BETTER STRATEGY FOR
they produce high amounts of sludge and form toxic materials A SAFE ENVIRONMENT
and products. To address these problems, the design and develop- As a new and promising method, the biological process uses dif-
ment of new approaches is vital. One of the most promising ferent enzymes (such as peroxidases) to remove EPs. Many differ-
methods for the degradation of different kinds of EPs is biological ent enzyme systems have been used in recent years and all the
systems, especially systems based on enzymes.21, 47 For the treat- approaches that use enzymes have unique features. One of the
ment and removal of EPs (like pharmaceuticals, Anthraquinone main advantages is that these methods apply to a wide range of
dyes, and organic contaminants) from the environment, and espe- concentrations of pollutants. They are also safe, cheap, easy, and
cially from the water, degradation, or remediation processes based can produce low levels of sludge.21, 52 Despite the unique advan-
on biosystems have been successfully applied. In biosystems, micro- tages of enzymatic remediation, it also has some limitations. For
organisms, such as enzymes, are applied.48–50 In the biodegradation instance, some of the catalysts are expensive and cannot be used
process, the microorganisms use the contaminants as a substrate, for several cycles. Also, enzymes may change under different con-
which can induce enzymes, and then transformed into materials ditions.36 To address these limitations, immobilization of the
with low toxicity.24, 27 Compared to other physiochemical methods, enzymes on various supports is an alternative method.53, 54
biodegradation processes have many unique advantages. For Recently, laccase and peroxidases have been extensively applied
instance, these methods are simple, easy, safe, and considered to to remove different pollutants.55, 56 The main application of these
be green methods.47, 51 Despite the unique advantages of biological enzymes is to catalyze the reactions based on the oxidation–
methods, however, they also have some limitations. For example, reduction process.57 Oxidoreductases include oxidases, peroxi-
dases, dehydrogenases, and oxygenases. Two of the most
they are longer processes, and some of the microorganisms may
important and common enzymes for enzymatic-remediation stud-
not be stable in different conditions.51 This manuscript begins by
ies are peroxidases and laccases due to their excellent ability to
investigating different treatment approaches for the removal of pol-
degrade various contaminants.58 The mechanism of action of these
lutants. In the next step, different oxidoreductases, like laccases, lig-
enzymes involves forming radicals that can degrade pollutants.
nin peroxidase (LiP), soybean peroxidase (SBP), and horseradish

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021 © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI). wileyonlinelibrary.com/jctb
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Figure 2. Various sources of ECs/EPs, whereas ECs and EPs represent the same type of emerging compounds with hazardous concern. Reproduced from
Ref. 35 with permission from Elsevier. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. License Number: 4992070890024.

Lignin peroxidase produced from the fungal isolation of Trichoderma citrinoviride

Lignin peroxidase (LiP EC, also known as diarylpro- AJAC3 from sewage showed high efficiency (99.6%) degradation
pane oxygenase, is a glycoprotein belonging to a group of heme of 17 ⊎-estradiol (E2). In another study, authors reported that LiP
fungal peroxidases.59 White-rot fungi (WRF) are the most effec- could effectively remove E2, and such reactions are significantly
tive for delignification due to ligninolytic extracellular oxidative enhanced in the presence of VA.68, 69 It was also possible to
enzymes' production. Different types of WRF, like Phanerochaete observe the catalytic efficiency of LiP produced by Ganoderma
chrysosporium, Pleurotus ostreatus, Coriolus versicolor, Cyathus applanatum and Laetiporus sulphureus in the removal of cele-
stercoreus, and Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, can degrade lignin. coxib, diclofenac, and ibuprofen. Results indicated a reduction
WRF can also produce monomeric hemoproteins as multiple iso- of approximately 98%, 96%, and 95%, respectively, by combin-
enzymes and isoforms.60 In addition, WRF show higher efficiency ing the fungal intercropping.70, 71
than bacteria due to their strong ability to degrade and remove In another applicability, Shaheen et al.72 reported that Gano-
lignin through the delignification process.61 Figure 3 shows that derma lucidum IBL-05 immobilized LiP has catalytic potential in
this group uses H2O2 as a co-substrate and it catalyzes the oxida- the degradation of effluents (dye molecules). It was also an effi-
tion of veratryl alcohol (VA), which means a low molecular mass cient biocatalyst in the significant reduction of biochemical
redox mediator is generated endogenously.61 During catalysis, oxygen demand (BOD) (66.44–98.22%), chemical oxygen
organic acids can displace electrons from various organic com- demand (COD) (81.34–98.82%), and total organic carbon (TOC)
pounds, such as phenols (e.g., guaiacol, VA, catechol, singaric (80.21–97.77%) values. In general, the immobilized LiP deriva-
acid, and acetosyringone), aromatic amines, sulfur compounds, tives produced by the WRF exhibit higher catalytic efficiencies,
and non-saturated fatty acids. This, in turn, promotes highly term stability, and reusability.73 In another work, Ferreira-Leitao
reactive radicals that facilitate the oxidation of recalcitrant com- et al.74 determined that, although both biocatalysts were able to
pounds.62, 63 Catalytically, fungal peroxidase with higher oxida- oxidize the methylene blue (MB) dye, LiP presented good perfor-
tive potential stands out in its ability to destroy the plant cell mance. In addition, the increased capacity of purified LiP of
wall of lignin (phenolic compounds).62, 64 Its persistence in the Kocuria rosy MTCC 1532 was evident by the discoloration of
environment can promote breast carcinoma in female fish, 11 different dyes.75 LiP crude enzymatic extract contributes to
which propitiates the extermination of these organisms.65, 66 In improving the efficiency for the enhanced biodegradation of
the study conducted by Chatterjee and Abraham,67 crude LiP contaminants.74–76

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Figure 3. Mechanism of the catalyzing reaction of LiP in the degradation process. The compound undergoes oxidation by hydrogen peroxide to produce
the compound FeIV (Fe4 + − oxo and cationic radical porphyrin). The reduction of FeIV happens in two stages of an electron, which results in the formation
of another compound, FeIV (Fe4+ after the reduction of porphyrin cation radical), which is then converted to the native state of the enzyme. During the
catalytic cycle, two substrate molecules are oxidized by veratryl alcohol.

Horseradish peroxidase
General reaction : 2 Mn2 + +2 H + +H2 O2 →2 Mn3 + +2 H2 O ð1Þ
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP EC is a metalloenzyme
studied extensively in the last several decades. It can be employed
In general, white-rot fungi MnP is considered one of the main
as both a fluid-phase and receptor-mediated probe. It is a
enzymes involved in biotechnology. Its ability to oxidize several
convenient tracer for immunocytochemistry; in situ, HRP
toxic compounds can be used in the biodegradation of lignin
can be detected by reaction with diamino-benzidine. Its concen-
humic acids.87 The ability to synthesize MnP is widespread among
tration can be measured by colorimetric assay using
the different taxonomic groups of WRF basidiomycetes and
O-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide.77, 78 Agostini
their potential interaction with a carbon source.87–89 Table 1
et al. investigated the ability of peroxidases for the effective reme-
represents the removal of EPs by several fungi of the basidiomy-
diation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. A high removal efficiency (93–95%)
cete class.90-96 One study found that MnP of P. Chrysosporium
was observed in a broad pH range of 3.0 to 9.0.79 The ability of
was the main enzyme involved in the discoloration of textile
HRP for the degradation of diclofenac was investigated using
dyes.97 This crude or purified enzyme's potential has also been
stopped-flow spectrometry. Results proved that diclofenac could
reported, mainly to discolor various types of synthetic dyes.93 In
be transformed into the dark, orange-colored product by using
the study directed by Zhang et al.,85 MnP crude and purified from
HRP in the presence of H2O2.80 In another study, Li and co-workers
the fungus Cerrena unicolor BBP6 was used in the discoloration of
immobilized HRP on electrospun magnetic nanofibers and used it
solutions of Congo red dyes, MO, Remazol bright blue R, bromo-
to remove phenols.81 Magnetic nanofibers were constructed
phenol blue, and crystal violet. The results proved that the puri-
using the electrospinning method and used for the immobiliza-
fied enzyme's presence favored the discoloration process
tion of HRP. The obtained nanofibers had a 200–400 nm diameter
(53.9%, 77.6%, 81%, 62.2%, and 80.9% removal efficiency, respec-
with a magnetic strength of 19.03 emu·g−1. The modified HRP
tively). Bilal et al.98 investigated the degradation of endocrine-
represented high catalytic activity. In another work, HRP has
disrupting compounds (EDCs), triclosan (TCS), and nonylphenol
immobilized on an alginate/chitosan/montmorillonite (SA/CS/
(NP). The results indicated that, after 1 h of incubation, the
MON) hybrid microsphere and used to remove Aflatoxin B1
enzyme removed about 70% of NP. From this, it was possible to
(AFB1).82 Figure 4 shows the fabrication process of (SA/CS/MON)
confirm that MnP was the enzyme that presented the highest
hybrid microsphere (a) and AFB1 immobilization (b).82 The immo-
TCS removal effect (94%) after 30 min of incubation.99 The same
bilization of HRP was carried out using covalent interactions. MON
TCS removal rate was achieved in the later study by Melo and
has a negative charge that can adsorb AFB1 along with CS chains.
Dezotti;100 meanwhile for TCS with HRP, about 45% of removal
Recently, Liu et al.83 used nanoencapsulation of HRP to improve
was obtained and, in 1 h, MnP reached 0.5 h (94%). This only
the removal of pollutants.
proves that MnP is promising in the removal of TCS compounds.
In another experiment proposed by Tsutsumi et al.,101 some pol-
Manganese peroxidase
lutants were removed. The results indicated that MnP provided
Manganese peroxidase (MnP) (or oxidoreductases, EC is
the complete removal of both compounds, while the laccase
a glycated heme protein with a high molecular mass (ranges from
could only oxidize 70% and 60% of bisphenol A (BPA) and NP,
40–50 kDa) that has 43% of identity with LiP sequences.84 Its cat-
respectively. MnP was also studied in encapsulated form for the
alytic site promotes the oxidation of Mn2+ ions to Mn3+ (mainly
degradation of bisphenol A. The results indicated that these
chelated by oxalic acid) through the substrate H2O285 (Eqn 1).86
enzymes encapsulated in polyacrylamide hydrogel and pectin

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021 © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI). wileyonlinelibrary.com/jctb
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Figure 4. Fabrication process of (SA/CS/MON) hybrid microsphere (a) and AFB1 immobilization (b). Reproduced from Ref. 82 with permission from Amer-
ican Chemical Society. Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society.

achieved about 90% BPA degradation after 8 h of the process.102 could degrade SMX.47 Results showed that, in the presence of
In another study, Tran et al.103 studied the degradation of H2O2 and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole, SBP could degrade >80% of
10 selected pharmaceutically active compounds by whole fungal SMX. In other work, Mashhadi and co-workers applied SBP to treat
culture Trametes versicolor. It is vital to track the fungal species and HAs pyridines and quinolines, both of which have nitrogen.105
their variants to select the organisms that produce these lignin- According to mass spectrometry analysis, the obtained products
modifying enzymes. Thus, the use of enzymatic extracts of MnP of the treated process were dimers and trimmers.
in biotechnological processes can be the basis for developing One of the most common EDCs is TCS, which is an antibacterial
more efficient methods when applied in the degradation of recal- agent. Treatment of TCS can be done using the SBP-assisted bio-
citrant compounds, which is of great interest to the biochemical catalytic process.106 Moreover, SBP is useful for several cycles as a
and related industries. catalyst in different pH levels. It is worth mentioning that, from the
catalytic aspect, SBP was more useful than HRP towards TCS,
Soybean peroxidase which can be related to catalytic efficiency. SBP can facilitate the
Peroxidases are useful for the degradation of different EPs because oxidation of TCS using H2O2, which can produce phenoxyl radi-
they can catalyze oxidation–reduction reactions. Fungal laccase, cals. The other application of systems based on SBP is to remove
SBP (EC 1.11. 1.7), and HRP are the three classes of enzymes that various materials in different areas, like refinery and coal tar
have been widely studied. SBP has been extensively studied wastewater.107, 108 In earlier studies, the effects of dissolved
between these enzymes because it can be found in soybean hulls. organic matter (DOM) on removing TCS by SBP have been evalu-
In 2013, the mechanism of degradation of Crystal Ponceau 6R ated.106, 109 In systems that are based on SBP and use DOM, the
(CP6R) using commercially-available SBP enzymes was investigated products of transformation of TCS are not changed. All these com-
by Ali and co-workers.104 According to their results, the degradation pounds can be found in water. As a porotype thiazole pollutant,
of CP6R was based on two different routes: (i) cleavage of the sym- Thioflavin T's degradation was investigated using SBP and chloro-
metric azo bond, and (ii) cleavage of the asymmetric azo bond. peroxidase (CPO) to investigate the mechanism of degradation of
Results showed that SBP was able to complete the degradation of peroxidases.110 Results proved that SBP and CPO showed a high
the azo dye. Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is a drug widely applied to ability to degrade Thioflavin T. 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT)
treat various bacterial infections that can be found in wastewater. is another pollutant present in the environment and water. The
A study conducted by Al-Maqdi and co-workers proved that SBP main application of MBT is by companies in the construction of

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Oxidoreductases as a versatile biocatalytic tool www.soci.org

Table 1. Studies of degradation of several emerging pollutants related to the environment by different basidiomycete fungi of WRF

Basidiomycete Contaminant emerging Treatment conditions Removal (%) Reference

Phanerochaete Imidacloprid (IMI) The degradation system consisted of 97.37%, 82.0% and 73.52% at 90
chrysosporium incubation of the 3-day inoculum the initial IMI
fungus with 500 μM quinine and concentration of 10, 20,
10 mg/L IMI. and 30 mg/L, respectively.
Pleurotus pulmonarius Remazol brilliant blue R The conditions of the degradation 100% of RBBR, 47.3% of 91
(RBBR), Congo red, reaction were 0.5 mL of crude Congo red, 67.9% of
methylene blue, and ethyl enzymatic extract with 0.5 mL of each methylene blue, and
violet dye at pH 4.5. Samples incubated 40° 62.5% of ethyl violet.
C for 2 h.
Irpex lacteus Remazol Brilliant Violet 5R The fungus was grown at 28 °C with 90.06% of RBV5R, 91.82% of 92
(RBV5R), Direct Red 5B shaking at 150 rpm for 5 days. The DR5B, and 68.92% of IC.
(DR5B) and Indigo reaction mixture contained purified
Carmine (IC) CD2-MnP (0.25 U/mL) and dye
(50 mg/L).
Trametes sp. Fluorene (FLR), fluoranthene The fungus was grown at 28 °C with 93% of FLR, 96% of FLA, 98% 93
(FLA), pyrene (PYR), shaking at 150 rpm for 5 days. of PYR, 97% of PHE, and
phenanthrene (PHE), and Enzymatic degradation of PAHs was 98% of ANT.
anthracene (ANT) tested in 10% acetonitrile using a
50 mM malonate buffer (pH 4.5).
Nematoloma Glyphosate in vitro conditions after 24 h of 100% of degradation 94
frowardii incubation at 35 °C and 150 rpm. The
standard reaction mixture (1 mL)
contained 0.06 mM glyphosate,
1 mM MnSO4, 1% v/w Tween 80 and
pure enzyme (0.15 U ml-1) in 50 mM
Na acetate buffer (pH 4.5).
Phanerochaete Phenanthrene (PHE) Flasks containing 100 mL of 2% malt 55% of degradation 95
sordida extract liquid medium amended with
50 mg PHE/L. The flasks were
incubated for 14 days at 30 °C and
150 rpm.
Ganoderma lucidum Bentazon Incubation was carried out at 28°C for 90% of removal 96
7 days. The reaction mixture (2.0 mL)
contained (final concentration) in
acetate buffer 50 mM, pH 4.0, 10 mM

rubber products, such as tiers. In work performed for the degrada- compounds (i.e., it combines inorganic chloride substrates with
tion of Thioflavin T, results showed that MBT could also be H2O2).113 This versatile enzyme-containing heme at its active site
degraded using SBP and CPO. Recent research also applied SBP secreted by the marine fungus of Caldariomyces fumago (Leptoxy-
to remove 2,4-DCP (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid).111 SBP was phium fumago) is recognized as a versatile catalyst to its catalytic
achieved from a transgenic cultivar, and its purification was done activities, which include sulfoxidation, epoxidation, peroxidation,
with enzymatic characterization using pyrogallol as a standard hydroxylation, dismutation, oxidation, and halogenation of vari-
substrate. Based on the results, the optimum pH and temperature ous organic compounds.114, 115 For example, in the halogenation
for achieving SBP were 6.5 and 71.6 °C, respectively. After 1 and process, the catalytic cycle occurs through the in situ generations
24 h bioconversion, the 2,4-DCP was removed by 80% and 96%, of halogenating species, such as X− (Cl or Br), and/or the forma-
respectively. By applying soybean hulls for 24 h, the removal of tion of the hypohalogenate intermediate (HOX); both act as elec-
SBP was about 30%. In another study, pentachlorophenol (PCP) trophiles and then accept electrons, forming a bond with a
was removed from water using SBP.112 In this work, PCP was nucleophile and, thus, aids the halogenation of metabolites
removed in the presence of hydrogen peroxide at pH range 5–7. through the release of water (Fig. 5).116 The catalytic reaction cycle
Results proved that the addition of Fe(II) to the applied system of chloroperoxidase only involves the ferric and superior oxida-
can improve the removal percentage. tion states of iron. CPO initially reacts with hydrogen peroxide to
form a high-valued iron oxo derivative known in the peroxidase
Chloroperoxidase literature as compound I. This compound attacks aliphatic sub-
Chloroperoxidase (CPO) (EC is part of the family of strates (R - H) and converts them to halogenated products
reducing oxide enzymes that catalyze the chlorination of organic (R - X), and the catalytic cycle returns to the resting state since

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021 © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI). wileyonlinelibrary.com/jctb
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to cleave different substrates without needing any H2O2 sources.

For instance, Fig. 7 shows the hypothetical breakdown of lindane
in the presence of laccase.42 Laccases have been broadly used for
the removal of different EPs. Shao et al. immobilized laccase (Lac)
on hollow mesoporous carbon nanospheres as a noteworthy
immobilization approach and investigated its excellent stability
and efficiency for antibiotic contaminant removal.129 The maxi-
mum loading of Lac on the HMCs materials could reach 835 mg/g.
Figure 5. Catalytic cycle of the enzyme chloroperoxidase. Meanwhile, the immobilized Lac exhibited excellent thermo-sta-
bility, pH stability, storage stability, and reusability. The applied
system showed high efficiency for removing tetracycline hydro-
H2O2 displaces the water molecule.116 Generally, in the literature,
chloride (TCH) and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CPH) in the pres-
it is possible to observe the versatility of CPO enzymes, including:
ence of a redox mediator. The oxidation of the piperazinyl
the oxidation of complex oil fractions;117, 118 the generation of
substituent and its hydroxylation represent the major degrada-
bromohydrin, which is useful in the aroma and fragrance indus-
tion of CPH . In another study, Xu et al. assessed the degradation
try;118 and synthesis based on the free radicals of semiconductor
of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by laccase in
polymers, such as halogenous polyaniline,119 in the enzymatic
a reverse micelle system.130 Reverse micelles were prepared by
oxidation of azo dyes.120 Thus, this wide variety of reactions pro-
using isooctane to simulate oil. In this work, the effects of different
vided by CPO enzymes are of interest to industrial biotransforma-
factors (like pH, temperature, and ionic strength) on the degrada-
tion processes. In addition, its high catalytic activity was noted by
tion rate of PAHs were evaluated. According to the results, the
Li et al.109 Zhang et al.115 achieved high efficiency (98.64%) sulfa-
highest laccase activity was obtained at pH 4.2 and 30 °C with
methoxazole degradation in 20 min. Zhao et al.121 proposed a
60 mmol/L KCl. A facile strategy was performed for the prepara-
promising enzyme-catalyzed degradation of norfloxacin by CPO.
tion of a new class of nanozyme (denoted as CH-Cu) with
The results indicated degradation of 82.18% after 25 min of reac-
laccase-like activity inspired by the structure of the active site
tion at pH 5 and enzymatic concentration of 1.5 × 10−9 mol·L−1.
and the electron transfer pathway of laccase via the coordination
The results showed that all the compounds tested were substrates
of Cu+/Cu2+ with cysteine (Cys)-histidine (His) dipeptide. The pro-
for the oxidation of the enzyme, which was considered catalyti-
posed system represented high efficiency for the degradation of
cally active for transforming pharmaceutical micropollutants with
target pollutants. In other research, Lloret et al.128 investigated
high reaction rates and conversions. Gao et al.122 investigated the
the application of laccase to remove different hormones.
immobilization of CPO with glucose oxidase (GOx) in magnetic
Figure 7 shows the hypothetical breakdown of lindane. Carba-
graphene oxide. Thus, the results showed that immobilized CPO
mazepine (CBZ), as one of the most widely detected materials in
performance was considerably improved by GOx coupling. There-
the environment, is extensively applied in psychiatric medi-
fore, they have shown great potential as biological catalysts that
cine.131 CBZ has hazardous effects on animal and human health.
can be applied in the bioremediation of the emerging organic
The laccase based system was able to transform 95% of CBZ. This
micropollutants present in wastewater. However, additional stud-
process is done under optimum factors (at 35 °C, pH 6, with 60 U/
ies are required to identify the structures of degradation interme-
L).132 Recently, the removal of diclofenac was investigated by
diates produced during the bioremediation of this enzyme and
using laccase from Scytalidium thermophilum.133 Results proved
the approaches involving the use of co-solvents or two-phase sys-
the ability of laccase for the removal of diclofenac for the first time
tems to improve the catalytic reaction from an environmental
under optimum conditions. There are chemical compounds that
point of view.
are regularly used in personal care products and recent studies
are focusing on eco-friendly research for the analysis of these
Laccase compounds.134 Triclosan (TCS) has the main problem of not being
Laccases (Lac) (EC 1.10. 3.2), as a kind of oxidase with different removed using the classical process. regarding other words, when
coppers, are produced from different sources. Laccases are the it is consumed, it enters water sources and has a different concen-
most useful and suitable enzymes for large and industrial scales tration in different effluent (0.027–21.9 μg/L) with a removal per-
due to their unique properties for application in different biotech- centage of 58.0–97.5%.135 It is important to note that the
nological processes.123 The most important property of laccases is proposed wastewater is treated and recycled many times for irri-
that they do not need any nutrient supply while working with oxy- gation applications in arid or semi-arid regions. Therefore, TCS
gen as a co-factor.124 The processes based on the application of can also enter the food chain.136 Many studies have been per-
laccases are fast, and the kinetics of the reaction depends on formed, and the results proved that TCS has hazardous effects
the substrate's affinity. The obtained laccases from wood- due to its potential strength to be endocrine-disrupting.137 BPA
decaying fungi are in the hotspot due to their unique oxidation is a compound that has been extensively applied to different
ability.125 Generally, laccase enzymes can be classified into three industries to produce different products. BPA can enter the envi-
main categories that are based on the copper centers [type ronment from industrial units that produce it or combine it with
1 (blue), type 2 (normal), and type 3 or coupled binuclear]. Type plastics.138, 139 In a study done by Cabana group, NP, TCS, and
1 and type 2 each have only one Cu atom, while type 3 has two BPA were removed using the biocatalytic process based on the
Cu atoms.126 Compared to enzymes based on the plant, the lac- application of the enzyme extracted and obtained from Coriolop-
cases have a higher potential for redox that shows the higher cat- sis polyzona. Based on the statistical analysis, NP and TCS were
alytic efficiency of laccases.127, 128 Atmospheric oxygen can be removed in experimental conditions at 50 °C and the BPA was
applied as electron acceptor and can be used for consumption. removed at 40 °C, while the best removal of these materials
Figure 6 shows some productions of the pollutants after treat- occurred at pH 5.0. In a concentration of 5 mg·L−1 and after the
ment using an enzyme system.42 Laccases have the main property 4-h reaction, the NP and BPA were removed entirely, while

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Figure 6. Some productions of the pollutants after treatment using enzyme system. Reprinted from Ref. 42 with permission under Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Copyright (2019) the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

complete removal of TCS occurred after either 4 or 8 h by laccase- complexes were able to remove 99% and 93.3% of
assisted treatment.140 The removal of NP and TCS as two EDCs was 2,4-dinitrophenol, respectively. To date, different reports have
investigated using the biotechnological aptitude of different lac- focused on the degradation of alkylphenols. There are a few stud-
cases that were thermally stable. Their names were LacI and LacII. ies about the scrutinization of transformation products like oligo-
Based on the HPLC analysis, NP and TCS were degraded using LacI mers and polymers. Molecular docking was employed to provide
and LacII more than 95%. Also, compared to LacII, LacI repre- an insight into the detailed interaction mechanism between these
sented more biocatalyst activity for the oxidation target com- isomers and laccase. Results revealed that the interactions
pound.141 In a study that was carried out by Saito and co- between laccase and isomers were affected by structural charac-
workers, NP was removed completely.142 By applying ABTS as a teristics of the alkyl chain (position and branching degree). The
mediator and laccase as a catalytic agent, TCS was obliterated binding affinities between linear isomers and laccase were para-
after 30 min at pH 5.0 and 25 °C.143 Moreover, results proved that position < meta-position < ortho-position. In addition, hydropho-
the application of different ions could decrease the removal per- bic contacts between laccase and NP or OP isomers were found to
centage. Tsutsumi et al. investigated removing BPA and NP be necessary, while H-bonds were optional.146 Table 2 shows stud-
(5 ppm), and results showed that they can both be removed ies aimed at using bioassays with different test organisms that
completely.101 NPs and Ops as alkylphenols are distinctive EDCs have already been performed in several chemical compounds pre-
that are extensively present in the environment. Dubroca and sent in wastewater after synthesis with oxidoreductases
co-workers proved that T. versicolor laccase could degrade NP into enzymes.99,100,115,121,133,147-149
CO2 in an oxidation-dependent process.144 In another study,
2,4-dinitrophenol was removed from water using free and immo- ANALYTICAL CONSIDERATIONS –
bilized laccases.145 2,4-dinitrophenol is very toxic and shows high
resistance to degradation. Laccase enzyme can decompose phe- QUANTIFICATION AND TOXICITY
nolic compounds. Laccase complexes with montmorillonite K10 EVALUATION MEASURES
and zeolite were used for the decomposition of Different techniques can investigate the performance of the degra-
2,4-dinitrophenol. Figure 8 represents the immobilization process dation of the polymer that is catalyzed by microorganisms. These
of laccase.145 Laccase-zeolite and laccase-montmorillonite techniques can evaluate various aspects of the formation of products

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021 © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI). wileyonlinelibrary.com/jctb
www.soci.org M Bilal et al.

Figure 7. The hypothetical breakdown of lindane in the presence of laccase. Reprinted from Ref. 42 with permission under Creative Commons Attribu-
tion (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Copyright (2019) the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

and can alter the properties (thermodynamics, rheological, and CHALLENGES AND STANDPOINTS FOR
mechanical) of microorganisms' growth on the chemical com-
pound.150 However, few reports exist regarding the follow-up of bio-
The degradation of organic pollutants by enzymes is a versatile
logical degradation because this process depends on external factors
method. However, the application of oxidoreductase enzymes
(oxygen, temperature, pH, and inoculum) that will dictate aerobiosis
has not been carried out on a large scale. It is essential to direct
conditions. In this sense, several traditional techniques (such as
future studies for alternative biodegradation processes or to
chemical and physical methods) are used to analyze the degradation
improve existing treatment approaches to enhance mineraliza-
by-products catalyzed by oxidoreductase enzymes.151, 152 It is indis-
tion.154 Significant bottlenecks in protein engineering include
pensable for economically viable production on a large scale to eval- increased operational stability, (explicitly, H2O2 stability in the
uate the toxic by-products generated or the remnants of the case of peroxidases), expansion of the variety of substrates by
biological process because of various chemicals. In this case, it is nec- increasing the enzyme's redox potential, and the constitution of
essary to employ bioassays using test organisms to monitor the con- a heterologous expression system for large-scale production.36
taminants' toxic levels. Since toxicity tests assess toxic substances' This last prerequisite is also used in the heterologous production
effect on biological systems, chemical analyses identify and quantify of recombinant enzymes that can maintain adequate folding of
these substances. Several aquatic biota representatives must evalu- proteins and increase their commercial production and applica-
ate toxicity tests, mostly when chosen from different trophic levels tion in enzyme engineering.155 Enzymes can also be isolated from
of the food chain.153 Thus, it is necessary to use more than one extremophiles obtained by classical protein engineering.156
aquatic biota species in toxicological tests so that the results Robust and highly efficient biocatalysts were designed for aug-
obtained with a more sensitive organism are compared and mented biocatalytic degradation of a range of different harmful
provide the toxicity levels of contaminants accumulated in the water pollutants. Molecular engineering approaches performed mainly

in the enzyme's catalytic regions can reduce redox limitations,

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Figure 8. The immobilization process of laccase on montmorillonite K10 and zeolite minerals. Reproduced from Ref. 145 with permission from Elsevier.
Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. License Number: 4992071323669.

Table 2. Application of bioassays in the evaluation of different chemical compounds treated with peroxidase enzymes

Enzyme Composite Response Reference

HRP Reactive Blue 19 and After enzymatic discoloration, they showed higher toxicity against D. magna 147
Reactive Black dyes (toxicity factor 16) and V. fischeri (toxicity factor 32)
TCS 95% reduction of both the growth of E. coli K12 cultures and TCS concentration. 100
Laccase BPA The initial toxicity expressed as inhibition of V. fischeri bioluminescence was 148
reduced from 85 to 4.65%.
DCF Biomass of D. salina was reduced by 63% and 72% using 100 and 200 mg/L of 133
DCF solution, respectively, before the laccase treatment.
MnP TCS Removal rate of 94% in 30 min and complete loss of growth inhibition of bacteria 99
(E. coli and B. subtilis) and algae (P. subcapitata)
Tween 8 24-h treatment the Tween 80 system resulted in a complete loss of B. subtilis 149
growth inhibition by MCZ and decreased 78% growth inhibition of the P.
subcapitata by SER.
CPO Sulfamethoxazole Enzymatic treatment increased the concentration of sulfamethoxazole (went 115
from 0.142 to 0.221 mg/L) at the end of the degradation, i.e., it increased about
56% of EC50 in 72 h with algae Chlorella Pyrenoidosis.
Norfloxacin Chlorella pyrenoidosa indicated that the measured 72-h EC50 value increased 121
from 0.0293 to 0.3668 mg/L with the increase of degradation efficiency of

Abbreviations: HRP - horseradish peroxidase, TCS - triclosan, BPA - bisphenol A, DCF - diclofenac, MnP - manganese peroxidase, CPO - chloroperox-
idase, MCZ - miconazole, SER - sertraline.

leading to increased varieties of substrates. The efficient regula- reaction conditions and are often inactivated in non-aqueous
tion of oxidoreductase enzymes can be achieved by optimizing solutions.159 Thus, it is necessary to improve protein stability
a culture medium's composition with the supplementation of and enzyme activity because this can increase the enzyme chyme
specific stimulating components of the strain, such as salts, low combinations of bio or inorganic catalysts. Thereafter, stabiliza-
molecular weight phenolic compounds, and nutrition sources.157 tion mutations occur based on the structure of the enzyme and
The inclusion of redox mediators can expand the substrates are produced through directed evolution. This engineering
range. These low molecular weight molecules are not regener- approach promotes the improvement of enzyme activity, stability,
ated and are non-recyclable during biocatalysis, resulting in toxic and specificity.160 Besides, the immobilization of enzymes
substances.158 Furthermore, compared to inorganic catalysts, bio- appears as an alternative to promote operational stability, ease
catalysts can be much more selective and be able to distinguish of storage, handling, reusability, recycling, and continuous pro-
cessing.161–167 Therefore, these new possibilities for catalyst

between functional groups. However, they require moderate

J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2021 © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry (SCI). wileyonlinelibrary.com/jctb
www.soci.org M Bilal et al.

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