Football - Wikipedia
Football - Wikipedia
Football - Wikipedia
Football is a family of t eam sport s t hat involve, t o varying degrees, kicking a ball t o score a
goal. Unqualified, t he word football normally means t he form of foot ball t hat is t he most
popular where t he word is used. Sport s commonly called football include associat ion foot ball
(known as soccer in Aust ralia, Canada, Sout h Africa, t he Unit ed St at es, and somet imes in
Ireland and New Zealand); Aust ralian rules foot ball; Gaelic foot ball; gridiron foot ball
(specifically American foot ball, Arena foot ball, or Canadian foot ball); Int ernat ional rules
foot ball; rugby league foot ball; and rugby union foot ball.[1] These various forms of foot ball
share, t o varying degrees, common origins and are known as "football codes ".
There are a number of references t o t radit ional, ancient , or prehist oric ball games played in
many different part s of t he world.[2][3][4] Cont emporary codes of foot ball can be t raced back
t o t he codificat ion of t hese games at English public schools during t he 19t h cent ury, it self an
out growt h of medieval foot ball.[5][6] The expansion and cult ural power of t he Brit ish Empire
allowed t hese rules of foot ball t o spread t o areas of Brit ish influence out side t he direct ly
cont rolled Empire.[7] By t he end of t he 19t h cent ury, dist inct regional codes were already
developing: Gaelic foot ball, for example, deliberat ely incorporat ed t he rules of local
t radit ional foot ball games in order t o maint ain t heir herit age.[8] In 1888, t he Foot ball League
was founded in England, becoming t he first of many professional foot ball associat ions. During
t he 20t h cent ury, several of t he various kinds of foot ball grew t o become some of t he most
popular t eam sport s in t he world.[9]
Common elements
The action of kicking in (clockwise from upper left) association, gridiron, rugby, and Australian football
The various codes of foot ball share cert ain common element s and can be grouped int o t wo
main classes of foot ball: carrying codes like American foot ball, Canadian foot ball, Aust ralian
foot ball, rugby union and rugby league, where t he ball is moved about t he field while being
held in t he hands or t hrown, and kicking codes such as associat ion foot ball and Gaelic
foot ball, where t he ball is moved primarily wit h t he feet , and where handling is st rict ly
limit ed.[10]
There are conflict ing explanat ions of t he origin of t he word "foot ball". It is widely assumed
t hat t he word "foot ball" (or t he phrase "foot ball") refers t o t he act ion of t he foot kicking a
ball.[12] There is an alt ernat ive explanat ion, which is t hat foot ball originally referred t o a variet y
of games in medieval Europe t hat were played on foot.[13] There is no conclusive evidence for
eit her explanat ion.
Early history
Ancient games
Ancient China
The Chinese compet it ive game cuju.[14] It exist ed during t he Han dynast y and possibly t he Qin
dynast y, in t he second and t hird cent uries BC, at t est ed by descript ions in a milit ary
manual.[15][16] The game consist ed on passsing t he ball t o each ot her wit hout t ouching t he
floor, in it s compet it ive version t wo t eams had t o pass t he ball wit hout t ouching t o finally kick
t he ball t hrought a circular hole placed in t he middle of t he pit ch but unlike associat ion
foot ball t he t wo t eams didn't int eract wit h each ot her and st ayed in different sides of t he
pit ch like volleyball. [17]. The Japanese version of cuju is kemari ( 蹴鞠), and was developed
during t he Asuka period.[18] This is known t o have been played wit hin t he Japanese imperial
court in Kyot o from about 600 AD. In kemari, several people st and in a circle and kick a ball t o
each ot her, t rying not t o let t he ball drop t o t he ground (much like keepie uppie).
An ancient Roman
tombstone of a boy with a
Harpastum ball from Tilurium
(modern Sinj, Croatia)
Native Americans
There are a number of references t o t radit ional, ancient , or prehist oric ball games, played by
indigenous peoples in many different part s of t he world. For example, in 1586, men from a ship
commanded by an English explorer named John Davis went ashore t o play a form of foot ball
wit h Inuit in Greenland.[30] There are lat er account s of an Inuit game played on ice, called
Aqsaqtuk. Each mat ch began wit h t wo t eams facing each ot her in parallel lines, before
at t empt ing t o kick t he ball t hrough each ot her t eam's line and t hen at a goal. In 1610, William
St rachey, a colonist at Jamest own, Virginia recorded a game played by Nat ive Americans,
called Pahsaheman. Pasuckuakohowog, a game similar t o modern-day associat ion foot ball
played amongst Amerindians, was also report ed as early as t he 17t h cent ury.
Games played in Mesoamerica wit h rubber balls by indigenous peoples are also well-
document ed as exist ing since before t his t ime, but t hese had more similarit ies t o basket ball
or volleyball, and no links have been found bet ween such games and modern foot ball sport s.
Nort heast ern American Indians, especially t he Iroquois Confederat ion, played a game which
made use of net racquet s t o t hrow and cat ch a small ball; however, alt hough it is a ball-goal
foot game, lacrosse (as it s modern descendant is called) is likewise not usually classed as a
form of "foot ball".
On t he Aust ralian cont inent several t ribes of indigenous people played kicking and cat ching
games wit h st uffed balls which have been generalised by hist orians as Marn Grook (Djab
Wurrung for "game ball"). The earliest hist orical account is an anecdot e from t he 1878 book
by Robert Brough-Smyt h, The Aborigines of Victoria , in which a man called Richard Thomas is
quot ed as saying, in about 1841 in Vict oria, Aust ralia, t hat he had wit nessed Aboriginal people
playing t he game: "Mr Thomas describes how t he foremost player will drop kick a ball made
from t he skin of a possum and how ot her players leap int o t he air in order t o cat ch it ." Some
hist orians have t heorised t hat Marn Grook was one of t he origins of Aust ralian rules foot ball.
The Māori in New Zealand played a game called Kī-o-rahi consist ing of t eams of seven
players play on a circular field divided int o zones, and score point s by t ouching t he 'pou'
(boundary markers) and hit t ing a cent ral 't upu' or t arget .
These games and ot hers may well go far back int o ant iquit y. However, t he main sources of
modern foot ball codes appear t o lie in west ern Europe, especially England.
Turkic peoples
Mahmud al-Kashgari in his Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk, described a game called "t epuk" among Turks
in Cent ral and East Asia. In t he game, people t ry t o at t ack each ot her's cast le by kicking a ball
made of sheep leat her.[31]
Ancient Greek athlete balancing a ball on
his thigh, Piraeus, 400–375 BC
The early forms of foot ball played in England, somet imes referred t o as "mob foot ball", would
be played in t owns or bet ween neighbouring villages, involving an unlimit ed number of players
on opposing t eams who would clash en masse,[35] st ruggling t o move an it em, such as inflat ed
animal's bladder[36] t o part icular geographical point s, such as t heir opponent s' church, wit h
play t aking place in t he open space bet ween neighbouring parishes.[37] The game was played
primarily during significant religious fest ivals, such as Shrovet ide, Christ mas, or East er,[36] and
Shrovet ide games have survived int o t he modern era in a number of English t owns (see below).
The first det ailed descript ion of what was almost cert ainly foot ball in England was given by
William Fit zSt ephen in about 1174–1183. He described t he act ivit ies of London yout hs during
t he annual fest ival of Shrove Tuesday:
After lunch all the youth of the city go out into the fields to take part in a ball
game. The students of each school have their own ball; the workers from each
city craft are also carrying their balls. Older citizens, fathers, and wealthy
citizens come on horseback to watch their juniors competing, and to relive their
own youth vicariously: you can see their inner passions aroused as they watch
the action and get caught up in the fun being had by the carefree adolescents.[38]
Most of t he very early references t o t he game speak simply of "ball play" or "playing at ball".
This reinforces t he idea t hat t he games played at t he t ime did not necessarily involve a ball
being kicked.
An early reference t o a ball game t hat was probably foot ball comes from 1280 at Ulgham,
Nort humberland, England: "Henry... while playing at ball.. ran against David".[39] Foot ball was
played in Ireland in 1308, wit h a document ed reference t o John McCrocan, a spect at or at a
"foot ball game" at Newcast le, Count y Down being charged wit h accident ally st abbing a player
named William Bernard.[40] Anot her reference t o a foot ball game comes in 1321 at Shouldham,
Norfolk, England: "[d]uring t he game at ball as he kicked t he ball, a lay friend of his... ran against
him and wounded himself".[39]
In 1314, Nicholas de Farndone, Lord Mayor of t he Cit y of London issued a decree banning
foot ball in t he French used by t he English upper classes at t he t ime. A t ranslat ion reads: "
[f]orasmuch as t here is great noise in t he cit y caused by hust ling over large foot balls [rageries
de grosses pelotes de pee][41] in t he fields of t he public from which many evils might arise
which God forbid: we command and forbid on behalf of t he king, on pain of imprisonment , such
game t o be used in t he cit y in t he fut ure." This is t he earliest reference t o foot ball.
In 1363, King Edward III of England issued a proclamat ion banning "...handball, foot ball, or
hockey; coursing and cock-fight ing, or ot her such idle games",[42] showing t hat "foot ball" –
what ever it s exact form in t his case – was being different iat ed from games involving ot her
part s of t he body, such as handball.
A game known as "foot ball" was played in Scot land as early as t he 15t h cent ury: it was
prohibit ed by t he Foot ball Act 1424 and alt hough t he law fell int o disuse it was not repealed
unt il 1906. There is evidence for schoolboys playing a "foot ball" ball game in Aberdeen in 1633
(some references cit e 1636) which is not able as an early allusion t o what some have
considered t o be passing t he ball. The word "pass" in t he most recent t ranslat ion is derived
from "huc percut e" (st rike it here) and lat er "repercut e pilam" (st rike t he ball again) in t he
original Lat in. It is not cert ain t hat t he ball was being st ruck bet ween members of t he same
t eam. The original word t ranslat ed as "goal" is "met um", lit erally meaning t he "pillar at each end
of t he circus course" in a Roman chariot race. There is a reference t o "get hold of t he ball
before [anot her player] does" (Praeripe illi pilam si possis agere) suggest ing t hat handling of
t he ball was allowed. One sent ence st at es in t he original 1930 t ranslat ion "Throw yourself
against him" (Age, objice t e illi).
King Henry IV of England also present ed one of t he earliest document ed uses of t he English
word "foot ball", in 1409, when he issued a proclamat ion forbidding t he levying of money for
"fot eball".[39][43]
There is also an account in Lat in from t he end of t he 15t h cent ury of foot ball being played at
Caunt on, Not t inghamshire. This is t he first descript ion of a "kicking game" and t he first
descript ion of dribbling: "[t ]he game at which t hey had met for common recreat ion is called by
some t he foot -ball game. It is one in which young men, in count ry sport , propel a huge ball not
by t hrowing it int o t he air but by st riking it and rolling it along t he ground, and t hat not wit h
t heir hands but wit h t heir feet ... kicking in opposit e direct ions." The chronicler gives t he
earliest reference t o a foot ball pit ch, st at ing t hat : "[t ]he boundaries have been marked and
t he game had st art ed.[39]
Calcio Fiorentino
In t he 16t h cent ury, t he cit y of Florence celebrat ed t he period bet ween Epiphany and Lent by
playing a game which t oday is known as "calcio storico" ("hist oric kickball") in t he Piazza Sant a
Croce.[47] The young arist ocrat s of t he cit y would dress up in fine silk cost umes and embroil
t hemselves in a violent form of foot ball. For example, calcio players could punch, shoulder
charge, and kick opponent s. Blows below t he belt were allowed. The game is said t o have
originat ed as a milit ary t raining exercise. In 1580, Count Giovanni de' Bardi di Vernio wrot e
Discorso sopra 'l giuoco del Calcio Fiorentino. This is somet imes said t o be t he earliest code
of rules for any foot ball game. The game was not played aft er January 1739 (unt il it was
revived in May 1930).
American foot ball also faced pressures t o ban t he sport . The game played in t he 19t h
cent ury resembled mob foot ball t hat developed in medieval Europe, including a version
popular on universit y campuses known as old division foot ball, and several municipalit ies
banned it s play in t he mid-19t h cent ury.[49][50] By t he 20t h cent ury, t he game had evolved t o a
more rugby st yle game. In 1905, t here were calls t o ban American foot ball in t he U.S. due t o
it s violence; a meet ing t hat year was host ed by American president Theodore Roosevelt led
t o sweeping rules changes t hat caused t he sport t o diverge significant ly from it s rugby root s
t o become more like t he sport as it is played t oday.[51]
Establishment of modern
The earliest evidence t hat games resembling foot ball were being played at English public
schools – mainly at t ended by boys from t he upper, upper-middle and professional classes –
comes from t he Vulgaria by William Herman in 1519. Herman had been headmast er at Et on
and Winchest er colleges and his Lat in t ext book includes a t ranslat ion exercise wit h t he
phrase "We wyll playe wit h a ball full of wynde".[52]
Richard Mulcast er, a st udent at Et on College in t he early 16t h cent ury and lat er headmast er
at ot her English schools, has been described as "t he great est sixt eent h Cent ury advocat e of
foot ball".[53] Among his cont ribut ions are t he earliest evidence of organised t eam foot ball.
Mulcast er's writ ings refer t o t eams ("sides" and "part ies"), posit ions ("st andings"), a referee
("judge over t he part ies") and a coach "(t rayning maist er)". Mulcast er's "foot eball" had evolved
from t he disordered and violent forms of t radit ional foot ball:
[s]ome smaller number with such overlooking, sorted into sides and standings,
not meeting with their bodies so boisterously to trie their strength: nor
shouldring or shuffing one an other so barbarously ... may use footeball for as
much good to the body, by the chiefe use of the legges.[54]
In 1633, David Wedderburn, a t eacher from Aberdeen, ment ioned element s of modern
foot ball games in a short Lat in t ext book called Vocabula. Wedderburn refers t o what has
been t ranslat ed int o modern English as "keeping goal" and makes an allusion t o passing t he
ball ("st rike it here"). There is a reference t o "get hold of t he ball", suggest ing t hat some
handling was allowed. It is clear t hat t he t ackles allowed included t he charging and holding of
opposing players ("drive t hat man back").[55]
A more det ailed descript ion of foot ball is given in Francis Willughby's Book of Games , writ t en
in about 1660.[56] Willughby, who had st udied at Bishop Vesey's Grammar School, Sut t on
Coldfield, is t he first t o describe goals and a dist inct playing field: "a close t hat has a gat e at
eit her end. The gat es are called Goals." His book includes a diagram illust rat ing a foot ball field.
He also ment ions t act ics ("leaving some of t heir best players t o guard t he goal"); scoring
("t hey t hat can st rike t he ball t hrough t heir opponent s' goal first win") and t he way t eams
were select ed ("t he players being equally divided according t o t heir st rengt h and
nimbleness"). He is t he first t o describe a "law" of foot ball: "t hey must not st rike [an
opponent 's leg] higher t han t he ball".[57][58]
English public schools were t he first t o codify foot ball games. In part icular, t hey devised t he
first offside rules, during t he lat e 18t h cent ury.[59] In t he earliest manifest at ions of t hese
rules, players were "off t heir side" if t hey simply st ood bet ween t he ball and t he goal which
was t heir object ive. Players were not allowed t o pass t he ball forward, eit her by foot or by
hand. They could only dribble wit h t heir feet , or advance t he ball in a scrum or similar
formation . However, offside laws began t o diverge and develop different ly at each school, as
is shown by t he rules of foot ball from Winchest er, Rugby, Harrow and Chelt enham, during
bet ween 1810 and 1850.[59] The first known codes – in t he sense of a set of rules – were
t hose of Et on in 1815[60] and Aldenham in 1825.[60])
During t he early 19t h cent ury, most working-class people in Brit ain had t o work six days a
week, oft en for over t welve hours a day. They had neit her t he t ime nor t he inclinat ion t o
engage in sport for recreat ion and, at t he t ime, many children were part of t he labour force.
Feast day foot ball played on t he st reet s was in decline. Public school boys, who enjoyed
some freedom from work, became t he invent ors of organised foot ball games wit h formal
codes of rules.
William Webb Ellis, a pupil at Rugby School, is said t o have "wit h a fine disregard for t he rules
of foot ball, as played in his time [emphasis added], first t ook t he ball in his arms and ran wit h
it , t hus creat ing t he dist inct ive feat ure of t he rugby game." in 1823. This act is usually said t o
be t he beginning of Rugby foot ball, but t here is lit t le evidence t hat it occurred, and most
sport s hist orians believe t he st ory t o be apocryphal. The act of 't aking t he ball in his arms' is
oft en misint erpret ed as 'picking t he ball up' as it is widely believed t hat Webb Ellis' 'crime' was
handling t he ball, as in modern associat ion foot ball, however handling t he ball at t he t ime was
oft en permit t ed and in some cases compulsory,[61] t he rule for which Webb Ellis showed
disregard was running forward with it as t he rules of his t ime only allowed a player t o ret reat
backwards or kick forwards.
The boom in rail t ransport in Brit ain during t he 1840s meant t hat people were able t o t ravel
fart her and wit h less inconvenience t han t hey ever had before. Int er-school sport ing
compet it ions became possible. However, it was difficult for schools t o play each ot her at
foot ball, as each school played by it s own rules. The solut ion t o t his problem was usually t hat
t he mat ch be divided int o t wo-halves, one half played by t he rules of t he host "home" school,
and t he ot her half by t he visit ing "away" school.
The modern rules of many foot ball codes were formulat ed during t he mid- or lat e- 19t h
cent ury. This also applies t o ot her sport s such as lawn bowls, lawn t ennis, et c. The major
impet us for t his was t he pat ent ing of t he world's first lawnmower in 1830. This allowed for
t he preparat ion of modern ovals, playing fields, pit ches, grass court s, et c.[62]
Apart from Rugby foot ball, t he public school codes have barely been played beyond t he
confines of each school's playing fields. However, many of t hem are st ill played at t he schools
which creat ed t hem (see § Brit ish schools).
A Football Game (1839) by British painter Thomas
Public schools' dominance of sport s in t he UK began t o wane aft er t he Factory Act of 1850,
which significant ly increased t he recreat ion t ime available t o working class children. Before
1850, many Brit ish children had t o work six days a week, for more t han t welve hours a day.
From 1850, t hey could not work before 6 a.m. (7 a.m. in wint er) or aft er 6 p.m. on weekdays
(7 p.m. in wint er); on Sat urdays t hey had t o cease work at 2 pm. These changes meant t hat
working class children had more t ime for games, including various forms of foot ball.
The earliest known mat ches bet ween public schools are as follows:
Sport s clubs dedicat ed t o playing foot ball began in t he 18t h cent ury, for example London's
Gymnast ic Societ y which was founded in t he mid-18t h cent ury and ceased playing mat ches in
The first document ed club t o bear in t he t it le a reference t o being a 'foot ball club' were
called "The Foot -Ball Club" who were locat ed in Edinburgh, Scot land, during t he period 1824–
41.[67][68] The club forbade t ripping but allowed pushing and holding and t he picking up of t he
In 1845, t hree boys at Rugby school were t asked wit h codifying t he rules t hen being used at
t he school. These were t he first set of writ t en rules (or code) for any form of foot ball.[69]
This furt her assist ed t he spread of t he Rugby game.
The earliest known mat ches involving non-public school clubs or inst it ut ions are as follows:
One of t he longest running foot ball fixt ure is t he Cordner-Egglest on Cup, cont est ed bet ween
Melbourne Grammar School and Scot ch College, Melbourne every year since 1858. It is
believed by many t o also be t he first mat ch of Aust ralian rules foot ball, alt hough it was
played under experiment al rules in it s first year. The first foot ball t rophy t ournament was t he
Caledonian Challenge Cup, donat ed by t he Royal Caledonian Societ y of Melbourne, played in
1861 under t he Melbourne Rules.[81] The oldest foot ball league is a rugby foot ball
compet it ion, t he Unit ed Hospit als Challenge Cup (1874), while t he oldest rugby t rophy is t he
Yorkshire Cup, cont est ed since 1878. The Sout h Aust ralian Foot ball Associat ion (30 April
1877) is t he oldest surviving Aust ralian rules foot ball compet it ion. The oldest surviving soccer
t rophy is t he Youdan Cup (1867) and t he oldest nat ional foot ball compet it ion is t he English FA
Cup (1871). The Foot ball League (1888) is recognised as t he longest running associat ion
foot ball league. The first int ernat ional Rugby foot ball mat ch t ook place bet ween Scot land
and England on 27 March 1871 at Raeburn Place, Edinburgh. The first int ernat ional Associat ion
foot ball mat ch officially t ook place bet ween sides represent ing England and Scot land on 30
November 1872 at Hamilt on Crescent , t he West of Scot land Cricket Club's ground in Part ick,
Glasgow under t he aut horit y of t he FA.
Modern balls
In Europe, early foot balls were made out of animal bladders, more specifically pig's bladders,
which were inflat ed. Lat er leat her coverings were int roduced t o allow t he balls t o keep t heir
shape.[82] However, in 1851, Richard Lindon and William Gilbert , bot h shoemakers from t he
t own of Rugby (near t he school), exhibit ed bot h round and oval-shaped balls at t he Great
Exhibit ion in London. Richard Lindon's wife is said t o have died of lung disease caused by
blowing up pig's bladders.[a] Lindon also won medals for t he invent ion of t he "Rubber inflat able
Bladder" and t he "Brass Hand Pump".
In 1855, t he U.S. invent or Charles Goodyear – who had pat ent ed vulcanised rubber – exhibit ed
a spherical foot ball, wit h an ext erior of vulcanised rubber panels, at t he Paris Exhibition
Universelle. The ball was t o prove popular in early forms of foot ball in t he U.S.[83]
The iconic ball wit h a regular pat t ern of hexagons and pent agons (see t runcat ed icosahedron)
did not become popular unt il t he 1960s, and was first used in t he World Cup in 1970.
"Scient ific" foot ball is first recorded in 1839 from Lancashire [86] and in t he modern game in
rugby foot ball from 1862[87] and from Sheffield FC as early as 1865.[88][89] The first side t o
play a passing combinat ion game was t he Royal Engineers AFC in 1869/70.[90][91] By 1869 t hey
were "work[ing] well t oget her", "backing up" and benefit ing from "cooperat ion".[92] By 1870 t he
Engineers were passing t he ball: "Lieut . Creswell, who having brought t he ball up t he side t hen
kicked it int o t he middle t o anot her of his side, who kicked it t hrough t he post s t he minut e
before t ime was called".[93] Passing was a regular feat ure of t heir st yle.[94] By early 1872 t he
Engineers were t he first foot ball t eam renowned for "play[ing] beaut ifully t oget her".[95] A
double pass is first report ed from Derby school against Not t ingham Forest in March 1872, t he
first of which is irrefut ably a short pass: "Mr Absey dribbling t he ball half t he lengt h of t he
field delivered it t o Wallis, who kicking it cleverly in front of t he goal, sent it t o t he capt ain
who drove it at once bet ween t he Not t ingham post s".[96] The first side t o have perfect ed t he
modern format ion was Cambridge Universit y AFC;[97][98][99] t hey also int roduced t he 2–3–5
"pyramid" format ion.[100][101]
Rugby football
Rugby foot ball was t hought t o have been st art ed about 1845 at Rugby School in Rugby,
Warwickshire, England alt hough forms of foot ball in which t he ball was carried and t ossed
dat e t o medieval t imes. In Brit ain, by 1870, t here were 49 clubs playing variat ions of t he
Rugby school game.[102] There were also "rugby" clubs in Ireland, Aust ralia, Canada and New
Zealand. However, t here was no generally accept ed set of rules for rugby unt il 1871, when 21
clubs from London came t oget her t o form t he Rugby Foot ball Union (RFU). The first official
RFU rules were adopt ed in June 1871.[103] These rules allowed passing t he ball. They also
included t he t ry, where t ouching t he ball over t he line allowed an at t empt at goal, t hough
drop-goals from marks and general play, and penalt y conversions were st ill t he main form of
cont est . Regardless of any form of foot ball, t he first int ernat ional mat ch bet ween t he
nat ional t eam of England and Scot land t ook place at Raeburn Place on 27 March 1871.
Rugby foot ball split int o Rugby union, Rugby league, American foot ball, and Canadian foot ball.
Tom Wills played Rugby foot ball in England before founding Aust ralian rules foot ball.
Cambridge rules
During t he ninet eent h cent ury, several codificat ions of t he rules of foot ball were made at t he
Universit y of Cambridge, in order t o enable st udent s from different public schools t o play
each ot her. The Cambridge Rules of 1863 influenced t he decision of t he Foot ball Associat ion
t o ban Rugby-st yle carrying of t he ball in it s own first set of laws.[104]
Sheffield rules
By t he lat e 1850s, many foot ball clubs had been formed t hroughout t he English-speaking
world, t o play various codes of foot ball. Sheffield Foot ball Club, founded in 1857 in t he English
cit y of Sheffield by Nat haniel Creswick and William Prest , was lat er recognised as t he world's
oldest club playing associat ion foot ball.[105] However, t he club init ially played it s own code of
foot ball: t he Sheffield rules . The code was largely independent of t he public school rules, t he
most significant difference being t he lack of an offside rule.
The code was responsible for many innovat ions t hat lat er spread t o associat ion foot ball.
These included free kicks, corner kicks, handball, t hrow-ins and t he crossbar.[106] By t he 1870s
t hey became t he dominant code in t he nort h and midlands of England. At t his t ime, a series of
rule changes by bot h t he London and Sheffield FAs gradually eroded t he differences bet ween
t he t wo games unt il t he adopt ion of a common code in 1877.
Australian rules football
There is archival evidence of "foot -ball" games being played in various part s of Aust ralia
t hroughout t he first half of t he 19t h cent ury. The origins of an organised game of foot ball
known t oday as Aust ralian rules foot ball can be t raced back t o 1858 in Melbourne, t he capit al
cit y of Vict oria.
In July 1858, Tom Wills, an Aust ralian-born cricket er educat ed at Rugby School in England,
wrot e a let t er t o Bell's Life in Victoria & Sporting Chronicle, calling for a "foot -ball club" wit h a
"code of laws" t o keep cricket ers fit during wint er.[107] This is considered by hist orians t o be a
defining moment in t he creat ion of Aust ralian rules foot ball. Through publicit y and personal
cont act s Wills was able t o co-ordinat e foot ball mat ches in Melbourne t hat experiment ed
wit h various rules,[108] t he first of which was played on 31 July 1858. One week lat er, Wills
umpired a schoolboys mat ch bet ween Melbourne Grammar School and Scot ch College.
Following t hese mat ches, organised foot ball in Melbourne rapidly increased in popularit y.
The Melbourne foot ball rules were widely dist ribut ed and gradually adopt ed by t he ot her
Vict orian clubs. The rules were updat ed several t imes during t he 1860s t o accommodat e t he
rules of ot her influent ial Vict orian foot ball clubs. A significant redraft in 1866 by H. C. A.
Harrison's commit t ee accommodat ed t he Geelong Foot ball Club's rules, making t he game
t hen known as "Vict orian Rules" increasingly dist inct from ot her codes. It soon adopt ed
cricket fields and an oval ball, used specialised goal and behind post s, and feat ured bouncing
t he ball while running and spect acular high marking. The game spread quickly t o ot her
Aust ralian colonies. Out side it s heart land in sout hern Aust ralia, t he code experienced a
significant period of decline following World War I but has since grown t hroughout Aust ralia
and in ot her part s of t he world, and t he Aust ralian Foot ball League emerged as t he dominant
professional compet it ion.
During t he early 1860s, t here were increasing at t empt s in England t o unify and reconcile t he
various public school games. In 1862, J. C. Thring, who had been one of t he driving forces
behind t he original Cambridge Rules, was a mast er at Uppingham School, and he issued his own
rules of what he called "The Simplest Game" (t hese are also known as t he Uppingham Rules).
In early Oct ober 1863, anot her new revised version of t he Cambridge Rules was drawn up by a
seven member commit t ee represent ing former pupils from Harrow, Shrewsbury, Et on, Rugby,
Marlborough and West minst er.
At t he Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen St reet , London on t he evening of 26 Oct ober 1863,
represent at ives of several foot ball clubs in t he London Met ropolit an area met for t he
inaugural meet ing of t he Foot ball Associat ion (FA). The aim of t he associat ion was t o
est ablish a single unifying code and regulat e t he playing of t he game among it s members.
Following t he first meet ing, t he public schools were invit ed t o join t he associat ion. All of t hem
declined, except Chart erhouse and Uppingham. In t ot al, six meet ings of t he FA were held
bet ween Oct ober and December 1863. Aft er t he t hird meet ing, a draft set of rules were
published. However, at t he beginning of t he fourt h meet ing, at t ent ion was drawn t o t he
recent ly published Cambridge Rules of 1863. The Cambridge rules differed from t he draft FA
rules in t wo significant areas; namely running wit h (carrying) t he ball and hacking (kicking
opposing players in t he shins). The t wo cont ent ious FA rules were as follows:
IX. A player shall be entitled to run with the ball towards his adversaries' goal if
he makes a fair catch, or catches the ball on the first bound; but in case of a fair
catch, if he makes his mark he shall not run.
X. If any player shall run with the ball towards his adversaries' goal, any player
on the opposite side shall be at liberty to charge, hold, trip or hack him, or to
wrest the ball from him, but no player shall be held and hacked at the same
At t he fift h meet ing it was proposed t hat t hese t wo rules be removed. Most of t he
delegat es support ed t his, but F. M. Campbell, t he represent at ive from Blackheat h and t he
first FA t reasurer, object ed. He said: "hacking is t he t rue foot ball". However, t he mot ion t o ban
running wit h t he ball in hand and hacking was carried and Blackheat h wit hdrew from t he FA.
Aft er t he final meet ing on 8 December, t he FA published t he "Laws of t he Game", t he first
comprehensive set of rules for t he game lat er known as associat ion foot ball. The t erm
"soccer", in use since t he lat e 19t h cent ury, derives from an Oxford Universit y abbreviat ion of
"associat ion".[111]
The first FA rules st ill cont ained element s t hat are no longer part of associat ion foot ball, but
which are st ill recognisable in ot her games (such as Aust ralian foot ball and rugby foot ball): for
inst ance, a player could make a fair cat ch and claim a mark, which ent it led him t o a free kick;
and if a player t ouched t he ball behind t he opponent s' goal line, his side was ent it led t o a free
kick at goal, from 15 yards (13.5 met res) in front of t he goal line.
In Canada, t he first document ed foot ball mat ch was a pract ice game played on 9 November
1861, at Universit y College, Universit y of Toront o (approximat ely 400 yards west of Queen's
Park). One of t he part icipant s in t he game involving Universit y of Toront o st udent s was (Sir)
William Mulock, lat er Chancellor of t he school.[114] In 1864, at Trinit y College, Toront o, F.
Barlow Cumberland, Frederick A. Bet hune, and Christ opher Gwynn, one of t he founders of
Milt on, Massachuset t s, devised rules based on rugby foot ball.[114] A "running game",
resembling rugby foot ball, was t hen t aken up by t he Mont real Foot ball Club in Canada in
On 6 November 1869, Rut gers faced Princet on in a game t hat was played wit h a round ball
and, like all early games, used improvised rules. It is usually regarded as t he first game of
American int ercollegiat e foot ball.[49][116]
The Harvard v McGill game in 1874. It
is considered the first rugby football
game played in the United States.
Modern Nort h American foot ball grew out of a mat ch bet ween McGill Universit y of Mont real
and Harvard Universit y in 1874. During t he game, t he t wo t eams alt ernat ed bet ween t he
rugby-based rules used by McGill and t he Bost on Game rules used by Harvard.[117][118][119]
Wit hin a few years, Harvard had bot h adopt ed McGill's rules and persuaded ot her U.S.
universit y t eams t o do t he same. On 23 November 1876, represent at ives from Harvard, Yale,
Princet on, and Columbia met at t he Massasoit Convent ion in Springfield, Massachuset t s,
agreeing t o adopt most of t he Rugby Foot ball Union rules, wit h some variat ions.[120]
In 1880, Yale coach Walt er Camp, who had become a fixt ure at t he Massasoit House
convent ions where t he rules were debat ed and changed, devised a number of major
innovat ions. Camp's t wo most import ant rule changes t hat diverged t he American game from
rugby were replacing t he scrummage wit h t he line of scrimmage and t he est ablishment of
t he down-and-distance rules.[120] American foot ball st ill however remained a violent sport
where collisions oft en led t o serious injuries and somet imes even deat h.[121] This led U.S.
President Theodore Roosevelt t o hold a meet ing wit h foot ball represent at ives from Harvard,
Yale, and Princet on on 9 Oct ober 1905, urging t hem t o make drast ic changes.[122] One rule
change int roduced in 1906, devised t o open up t he game and reduce injury, was t he
int roduct ion of t he legal forward pass. Though it was underut ilised for years, t his proved t o be
one of t he most import ant rule changes in t he est ablishment of t he modern game.[123]
Over t he years, Canada absorbed some of t he development s in American foot ball in an effort
t o dist inguish it from a more rugby-orient ed game. In 1903, t he Ont ario Rugby Foot ball Union
adopt ed t he Burnside rules, which implement ed t he line of scrimmage and down-and-distance
syst em from American foot ball, among ot hers.[124] Canadian foot ball t hen implement ed t he
legal forward pass in 1929.[125] American and Canadian foot ball remain different codes,
st emming from rule changes t hat t he American side of t he border adopt ed but t he Canadian
side has not .
Gaelic football
In t he mid-19t h cent ury, various t radit ional foot ball games, referred t o collect ively as caid,
remained popular in Ireland, especially in Count y Kerry. One observer, Fat her W. Ferris,
described t wo main forms of caid during t his period: t he "field game" in which t he object was
t o put t he ball t hrough arch-like goals, formed from t he boughs of t wo t rees; and t he epic
"cross-count ry game" which t ook up most of t he daylight hours of a Sunday on which it was
played, and was won by one t eam t aking t he ball across a parish boundary. "Wrest ling",
"holding" opposing players, and carrying t he ball were all allowed.
By t he 1870s, rugby and associat ion foot ball had st art ed t o become popular in Ireland. Trinit y
College Dublin was an early st ronghold of rugby (see t he Development s in t he 1850s sect ion
above). The rules of t he English FA were being dist ribut ed widely. Tradit ional forms of caid
had begun t o give way t o a "rough-and-t umble game" which allowed t ripping.
There was no serious at t empt t o unify and codify Irish variet ies of foot ball, unt il t he
est ablishment of t he Gaelic At hlet ic Associat ion (GAA) in 1884. The GAA sought t o promot e
t radit ional Irish sport s, such as hurling and t o reject import ed games like rugby and associat ion
foot ball. The first Gaelic foot ball rules were drawn up by Maurice Davin and published in t he
United Ireland magazine on 7 February 1887.[126] Davin's rules showed t he influence of games
such as hurling and a desire t o formalise a dist inct ly Irish code of foot ball. The prime example
of t his different iat ion was t he lack of an offside rule (an at t ribut e which, for many years, was
shared only by ot her Irish games like hurling, and by Aust ralian rules foot ball).
Schism in Rugby football
The Int ernat ional Rugby Foot ball Board (IRFB) was founded in 1886,[127] but rift s were
beginning t o emerge in t he code. Professionalism had already begun t o creep int o t he various
codes of foot ball.
In England, by t he 1890s, a long-st anding Rugby Foot ball Union ban on professional players
was causing regional t ensions wit hin rugby foot ball, as many players in nort hern England were
working class and could not afford t o t ake t ime off t o t rain, t ravel, play and recover from
injuries. This was not very different from what had occurred t en years earlier in soccer in
Nort hern England but t he aut horit ies react ed very different ly in t he RFU, at t empt ing t o
alienat e t he working class support in Nort hern England. In 1895, following a disput e about a
player being paid broken t ime payment s, which replaced wages lost as a result of playing
rugby, represent at ives of t he nort hern clubs met in Huddersfield t o form t he Nort hern Rugby
Foot ball Union (NRFU). The new body init ially permit t ed only various t ypes of player wage
replacement s. However, wit hin t wo years, NRFU players could be paid, but t hey were required
t o have a job out side sport .
The demands of a professional league dict at ed t hat rugby had t o become a bet t er
"spect at or" sport . Wit hin a few years t he NRFU rules had st art ed t o diverge from t he RFU,
most not ably wit h t he abolit ion of t he line-out. This was followed by t he replacement of t he
ruck wit h t he "play-t he-ball ruck", which allowed a t wo-player ruck cont est bet ween t he
t ackler at marker and t he player t ackled. Mauls were st opped once t he ball carrier was held,
being replaced by a play-t he ball-ruck. The separat e Lancashire and Yorkshire compet it ions of
t he NRFU merged in 1901, forming t he Nort hern Rugby League, t he first t ime t he name rugby
league was used officially in England.
Over t ime, t he RFU form of rugby, played by clubs which remained members of nat ional
federat ions affiliat ed t o t he IRFB, became known as rugby union.
During t he second half of t he 20t h cent ury, t he rules changed furt her. In 1966, rugby league
officials borrowed t he American foot ball concept of downs : a t eam was allowed t o ret ain
possession of t he ball for four t ackles (rugby union ret ains t he original rule t hat a player who
is t ackled and brought t o t he ground must release t he ball immediat ely). The maximum
number of t ackles was lat er increased t o six (in 1971), and in rugby league t his became known
as t he six tackle rule.
Wit h t he advent of full-t ime professionals in t he early 1990s, and t he consequent speeding
up of t he game, t he five-met re off-side dist ance bet ween t he t wo t eams became 10 met res,
and t he replacement rule was superseded by various int erchange rules, among ot her changes.
The laws of rugby union also changed during t he 20t h cent ury, alt hough less significant ly t han
t hose of rugby league. In part icular, goals from marks were abolished, kicks direct ly into
touch from out side t he 22-metre line were penalised, new laws were put in place t o det ermine
who had possession following an inconclusive ruck or maul, and t he lift ing of players in line-
outs was legalised.
In 1995, rugby union became an "open" game, t hat is one which allowed professional
players.[129] Alt hough t he original disput e bet ween t he t wo codes has now disappeared – and
despit e t he fact t hat officials from bot h forms of rugby foot ball have somet imes ment ioned
t he possibilit y of re-unificat ion – t he rules of bot h codes and t heir cult ure have diverged t o
such an ext ent t hat such an event is unlikely in t he foreseeable fut ure.
Use of the word "football"
The word football, when used in reference t o a specific game can mean any one of t hose
described above. Because of t his, much cont roversy has occurred over t he t erm football,
primarily because it is used in different ways in different part s of t he English-speaking world.
Most oft en, t he word "foot ball" is used t o refer t o t he code of foot ball t hat is considered
dominant wit hin a part icular region (which is associat ion foot ball in most count ries). So,
effect ively, what t he word "foot ball" means usually depends on where one says it .
In each of t he Unit ed Kingdom, t he Unit ed St at es, and Canada, one foot ball code is known
solely as "foot ball", while t he ot hers generally require a qualifier. In New Zealand, "foot ball"
hist orically referred t o rugby union, but more recent ly may be used unqualified t o refer t o
associat ion foot ball. The sport meant by t he word "foot ball" in Aust ralia is eit her Aust ralian
rules foot ball or rugby league, depending on local popularit y (which largely conforms t o t he
Barassi Line). In francophone Quebec, where Canadian foot ball is more popular, t he Canadian
code is known as le football while American foot ball is known as le football américain and
associat ion foot ball is known as le soccer.[130]
Of t he 45 nat ional FIFA (Fédérat ion Int ernat ionale de Foot ball Associat ion) affiliat es in which
English is an official or primary language, most current ly use Football in t heir organisat ions'
official names; t he FIFA affiliat es in Canada and t he Unit ed St at es use Soccer in t heir names. A
few FIFA affiliat es have recent ly "normalised" t o using "Foot ball", including:
Several of t he foot ball codes are t he most popular t eam sport s in t he world.[9] Globally,
associat ion foot ball is played by over 250 million players in over 200 nat ions,[135] and has t he
highest t elevision audience in sport ,[136] making it t he most popular in t he world.[137] American
foot ball, wit h 1.1 million high school foot ball players and nearly 70,000 college foot ball
players, is t he most popular sport in t he Unit ed St at es,[138][139] wit h t he annual Super Bowl
game account ing for nine of t he t op t en of t he most wat ched broadcast s in U.S. t elevision
hist ory.[140] The NFL has t he highest average at t endance (67,591) of any professional sport s
league in t he world and has t he highest revenue [141] out of any single professional sport s
league.[142] Thus, t he best associat ion foot ball and American foot ball players are among t he
highest paid at hlet es in t he world.[143][144][145]
Aust ralian rules foot ball has t he highest spect at or at t endance of all sport s in
Aust ralia.[146][147] Similarly, Gaelic foot ball is t he most popular sport in Ireland in t erms of
mat ch at t endance,[148] and t he All-Ireland Foot ball Final is t he most wat ched event of t hat
nat ion's sport ing year.[149]
Rugby union is t he most popular sport in New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji.[150] It is also t he
fast est growing sport in t he U.S.,[151][152][153][154] wit h college rugby being t he fast est
growing[155][156] college sport in t hat count ry.[157]
Football codes board
Cambridge Indoor
Associat ion
foot ball St reet
(1863–) Underwat er (1967–),
Sheffield rules
(1857–1877) Rugby union American Indoor, Arena, Sprint ,
wit h minor foot ball Flag, Touch, St reet ,
modificat ions (1869[b]–) Wheelchair (1987–),
Burnside rules foot ball Flag foot ball[e]
Sevens (1883–), Tens, X, Touch,
foot ball
Tag, American flag, Mini, Beach,
Football co
rules (1848–
Rugby union
with minor
Present-day codes and
These codes have in common the ability of players to carry the ball with their hands, and to
throw it to teammates, unlike association football where the use of hands during play is
prohibited by anyone except the goalkeeper. They also feature various methods of scoring
based upon whether the ball is carried into the goal area, or kicked above the goalposts.
Rugby football
Rugby union
Mini rugby a variety for
Rugby sevens and Rugby tens
– variants for teams of
reduced size.
Rugby league – often referred to
simply as "league", and usually
known simply as "football" or
"footy" in the Australian states of
New South Wales and
Rugby league sevens and
Rugby league nines – variants
for teams of reduced size.
Beach rugby – rugby played on
Touch rugby – generic name for
forms of rugby football which do
not feature tackles, one variant
has been formalised
Tag Rugby – non-contact variant in
which a flag attached to a player is
removed to indicate a tackle.
Gridiron football
American football – called
"football" in the United States and
Canada, and "gridiron" in Australia
and New Zealand.
Nine-man football, eight-man
football, six-man football –
variants played primarily by
smaller high schools that lack
enough players to field full
Street football/backyard
football – played without
equipment or official fields
and with simplified rules
Flag football – non-contact
variant in which a flag
attached to a player is
removed to indicate a tackle.
Touch football – non-tackle
Canadian football – called simply
"football" in Canada; "football" in
Canada can mean either Canadian
or American football depending on
context. All of the variants listed
for American football are also
attested for Canadian football.
Indoor football – indoor variants,
particularly arena football
Wheelchair football – variant
adapted to play by athletes with
physical disabilities
These codes have in common the absence of an offside rule, the prohibition of continuous
carrying of the ball (requiring a periodic bounce or solo (toe-kick), depending on the code) while
running, handpassing by punching or tapping the ball rather than throwing it, and other
Australian rules football – officially
known as "Australian football", and
informally as "football", "footy" or
"Aussie rules". In some areas it is
referred to as "AFL", the name of the
main organising body and competition
Auskick – a version of Australian
rules designed by the AFL for
young children
Metro footy (or Metro rules footy)
– a modified version invented by
the USAFL, for use on gridiron
fields in North American cities
(which often lack grounds large
enough for conventional Australian
rules matches)
Kick-to-kick – informal versions of
the game
9-a-side footy – a more open,
running variety of Australian rules,
requiring 18 players in total and a
proportionally smaller playing area
(includes contact and non-contact
Rec footy – "Recreational
Football", a modified non-contact
variation of Australian rules,
created by the AFL, which replaces
tackles with tags
Touch Aussie Rules – a non-tackle
variation of Australian Rules
played only in the United Kingdom
Samoa rules – localised version
adapted to Samoan conditions,
such as the use of rugby football
Masters Australian football (a.k.a.
Superules) – reduced contact
version introduced for
competitions limited to players
over 30 years of age
Women's Australian rules football
– women's competition played
with a smaller ball and
(sometimes) reduced contact
Gaelic football – Played predominantly
in Ireland. Commonly referred to as
"football" or "Gaelic"
Ladies Gaelic football
International rules football – a
compromise code used for
international representative matches
between Australian rules football
players and Gaelic football players
British schools
Blow football
Button football – also known as
Futebol de Mesa, Jogo de Botões
Fantasy football
FIFA Video Games Series
Lego Football
Mario Strikers
Penny football
Pro Evolution Soccer
Table football – also known as
foosball, table soccer, babyfoot, bar
football or gettone
Blood Bowl
Fantasy football (American)
Madden NFL
Paper football
Based on Australian football
See also
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