Usually, heat flows from a hot to a cold body. You know that heat is a form of energy and a
hot body has energy stored up (in form of potential energy) in it. In order to convert this
potential energy into kinetic energy, heat then passes to another particle which has lower
energy. Therefore, a hot body must lose heat energy to a cooler one.
There are good conductors and bad conductors of heat.
Good conductors of heat are substance s, which conduct heat readily; all metals are good
conductors of heat.
Bad conductors are substances that do not conduct heat readily. Liquids and gases are bad
conductors of heat. Water is an example of a bad conductor of heat. But mercury is a
metallic liquid, hence it conduct heat readily.
Heat transfer in convection is peculiar with liquids. The heat flows from the bottom of a
liquid container to the top by the actual movement of the liquid molecules. This transfer of
heat by the movement of liquid molecules is known as convection
Radiation is a method of heat transfer that does not require material medium for
transmission. Heat energy is transmitted by means of waves. Heat energy from the sun
reaches us by radiation. Heat can travel in invisible waves from hot places to cooler places.
Heat travelling this way does not need any medium (solids, liquids or gases) to travel
through. Heat can travel through a vacuum. A vacuum is a space in which there is nothing
at all, not even air. There is a vacuum in space between the earth and the sun. The heat
from the su travels through this vacuum to the earth and through the earth to other obects.