Ict Assignment 2
Ict Assignment 2
Ict Assignment 2
(SSI 3013)
Experiment on radiation
First of all, thanks to Allah S.W.T for his mercy and guidance in giving us full strength to
complete this assignment titled The Heat Transfer. Even though there are some difficulties while
completing this assignment, we still managed to complete it. Our deep gratitude goes first to
Encik Azmi bin Ibrahim for all his support and guidance in helping us to finish this task. Then,
we would like to thank our parents for supporting us mentally and physically not only during
completing this assignment but our whole studies in order to born as a teacher one day. Last but
not least, we would like to thank all our friends who never give up in giving us advices in all
aspects. Thank you very much for all your kindness.
1.0 Introduction
Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy between physical systems. The rate
of heat transfer is dependent on the temperatures of the systems and the properties of the
intervening medium through which the heat is transferred. The three fundamental modes of heat
transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. Heat transfer, the flow of energy in the form of
heat, is a process by which a system's internal energy is changed, hence is of vital use in
applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Conduction is also known as diffusion, not to
be confused with diffusion related to the mixing of constituents of a fluid.
The direction of heat transfer is from a region of high temperature to another region of lower
temperature, and is governed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Heat transfer changes
the internal energy of the systems from which and to which the energy is transferred. Thermal
equilibrium is reached when all involved bodies and the surroundings reach the same
temperature. Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to change in volume in response to a
change in temperature. Now we are going to discuss further regarding the three modes of heat
transfer that are conduction, convection and radiation.
When a fluid, such as air or a liquid, is heated and then travels away from the source, it
carries the thermal energy along. This type of heat transfer is called convection. The fluid
above a hot surface expands, becomes less dense, and rises. At the molecular level, the
molecules expand upon introduction of thermal energy. As temperature of the given fluid
mass increases, the volume of the fluid must increase by same factor. This effect on the
fluid causes displacement. As the immediate hot air rises, it pushes denser, colder air
down. This series of events represents how convection currents are formed. For example,
convection occurs when you boil water in a pan. The bubbles of water that rise are the
hotter parts of the water rising to the cooler area of water at the top of the pan.
Both conduction and convection require matter to transfer heat. Radiation is a method of
heat transfer that does not rely upon any contact between the heat source and the heated
object. For example, we feel heat from the sun even though we are not touching it as heat
can be transmitted though empty space by thermal radiation. Thermal radiation (often
called infrared radiation) is a type electromagnetic radiation (or light). Radiation is a form
of energy transport consisting of electromagnetic waves traveling at the speed of light.
All objects absorb and emit radiation. Despite that, the type of surfaces affects the
emission of heat via radiation. Matt black surfaces are the best absorber and emitter of
heat while light shiny surfaces are the worst absorber and emitter of heat.
Type of surface
Infrared reading ( oC )
Matt black
Shiny black
Silvered white
For surfaces at the same temperature, dark, matt surfaces are better emitters of thermal radiation
than light, shiny surfaces. This is because, matt black surfaces are the best absorber ( worst
reflector) of thermal radiation. Meanwhile, light shiny surfaces are the worst absorber( best
reflector) of thermal radiation.
Matt black surface are the best thermal radiator while silvered shiny surface are the worst
thermal radiator.
5.0 Conclusion
We have looked at the three modes of heat transfer that are conduction and convection which
rely on temperature differences, so does radiation, but with radiation the absolute temperature is
important. In some cases one method of heat transfer may dominate over the other two, but often
heat transfer occurs via two, or even all three, processes simultaneously. For example, a stove
and an oven are perfect examples of the different kinds of heat transfer. If you boil water in a pot
on the stove, heat is conducted from the hot burner through the base of the pot to the water. Heat
can also be conducted along the handle of the pot, which is why you need to be careful picking
the pot up, and the reason why most pots do not have metal handles. Meanwhile, in the water in
the pot, convection currents are set up, helping to heat the water uniformly. Then, if you cook
something in the oven, on the other hand, heat is transferred from the glowing elements in the
oven to the food via radiation. Therefore, in a conclusion, it is proofed that this concept of heat
transfer is applied at all times in our daily life.
In order for us to complete our assignment, we have been looking for information from various
websites. These are the websites that provide us with the information: