Chemistry 11

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The p-block elements

Elements in which the last electron enters in the any one of the three p- orbital of
their outermost shells – p-block elements

Gen. electronic configuration of outer shell is ns2np1-6

The inner core of e-config.may differ which greatly influences their physical & to
some extent chemical properties.

• The block of elements in the periodic table consisting of the main groups :

• Group 13 (B to Tl)

• Group14 (C to Pb)

• Group15 (N to Bi)

• Group 16 (O to Po)

• Group17 (F to At)

• Group18 (He to Rn)

(1) Members at the top and on the right of the p-block are nonmetals (C, N, P, O,
F, S, Cl, Br, I, At).

(2) Those on the left and at the bottom are metals (Al, Ga, In,Tl, Sn, Pb, Sb Bi, Po).

(3) Between the two, from the top left to bottom right, lie an ill-defined group of
metalloid elements (B, Si, Ge, As, Te)

GROUP 13 : The boron group

Outer Electronic Configuration:-ns2np1

• group members: boron (B), aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In)&
thallium (Tl) . All, except boron, are metals.

• Boron show diagonal relationship with Silicon; both are semiconductors

metalloids & forms covalent compounds.

• Boron compounds are electron deficient, they are lack of an octet of electrons
about the B atom .

• diborane B2H6, is simplest boron hydride

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• Structure: three-center two-electron: the H atoms are simultaneously bonded to
two B atoms the B-H bridging bond lengths are greater than B-H terminal.

• - Boron oxide is acidic (it reacts readily with water to form boric acid)

• aluminium compounds:aluminium oxide is amphoteric

• aluminum halides, e.g., AlCl3 is dimer, an important catalyst in organic

chemistry have anincomplete octet, acts as Lewic acid by accepting lone pairs
from Lewic bases, forming adduct

• aluminum hydride, e.g., LiAlH4, a reducing agent

• Atomic Properties - Electronic Configurations

Element Symbol Atomic Electronic Abundance in Earth’s

No. Configuration Crest (in ppm)
Boron B 5 [He]2s2 2p1 8
Aluminium Al 13 [Ne]3s2 3p1 81,300
Galium Ga 31 [Ar]3d104s2 4p1 15
Indium In 49 [Kr] 4d105s2 5p1 1
Thallium Tl 81 [Xe] 5d106s2 6p1 0.3

. Atomic and ionic radii

• The atomic and ionic radii of group 13 elements are compared to

corresponding elements of group 2. From left to right in the period, the
magnitude of nuclear charge increases but the electrons are added to, the same
shell. These electrons do not screen each other, therefore, the electrons
experience greater nuclear charge.

• In other words, effective nuclear charge increases and thus, size decreases.
Therefore, the elements of this group have smaller size than the corresponding
elements of second group.

• On moving down the group both atomic and ionic radii are expected to
increase due to the addition of new shells. However, the observed atomic
radius of Al (143 pm) is slightly more than that of Ga (l35 pm).

Ionization energies

The first ionization energies of group 13 elements are less than the corresponding
members of the alkaline earths.

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The sharp decrease in I.E. from B to Al is due to increase in size. In case of Ga, there
are ten d-electrons in its inner electronic configuration.

The very high value of 3rd I. E. of thallium indicates that +3 O.N. state is not stable,
rather +1 is more stable for thallium .

Electropositive (or metallic) character

the elements of group 13 are less electropositive as compared to elements of group 2.

On moving down the group the electropositive (metallic) character increases because
ionization energy decreases. For e.g., Boron is a non-metal white the other elements
are typical metals.

Oxidation states

The common oxidation states of group 13 elements are +3 and + l .The stability of
the + 1 oxidation state increases in the sequence Al <Ga< In <Tl, Due to Inert pair

Element B Al Ga In Tl
Oxidation state +3 +3 +3, +1 +3, +1 +3, +1

Chemical reactivity of Gr.13 Elements

All elements in their compounds exhibit the oxidation state of + 3 and +1.
• None of the group 13 elements reacts directly with hydrogen. However, a no.
of hydrides of these elements have been prepared by indirect methods. The
boron hydrides are called boranes& classified in two series: (a) BnHn+4
called nidoboranes (b) BnHn+6 called arachnoboranes


2BF3(g) + 6LiH(s) → B2H6(g) + 6LiF(s)

• Laboratory method:

(i) By the reaction of iodine with sodium borohydride in a high boiling

2NaBH4 + I2 → B2H6 + 2NaI + H2
(ii) By reduction of BCl3 with LiAlH4
4BCl3 + 3LiAlH4 → 2 B2H6 + 3AlCl3 + 3 LiCl

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Structure of Diborane, B2H6

Some important characteristics of boranes:

i) Lower boranes are colourless gases while higher boranes are volatile liquids
or solids.

ii) They undergo spontaneous combustion in air due to strong affinity of boron

for oxygen.

B2H6 + 3O2 → B2O3 + 3H2O + Heat

iii) Boranes react with alkali metal hydrides in diethyl ether to form
borohydride complexes.

B2H6 + 2MH →2M+[BH4]- (M= Li or Na)

Metal borohydride

• (iv) Diborane reacts with ammonia to give borazine at 450 K.

B2H6 + 6NH3 → 3B3N3H6 + 12H2

• Borazine has a cyclic structure similar to benzene and thus is called inorganic

• The other elements of this group form only a few stable hydrides. The thermal
stability decreases as we move down the group.

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• AlH3 is a colourless solid polymerized via Al - H - Al bridging units. These
hydrides are weak Lewis acids and readily form adducts with strong Lewis
base (B:) to give compounds of the type MH3 (M = Al or Ga). They also form
complex-tetrahydrido anions, [MH4]-. The most important tetrahydrido
compound is Li[AlH4]
4LiH + AlCl3 ―――→ LiAlH4 + 3LiCl


• M2O3& M(OH)3

HALIDES: Structure of boron trihalides

Dimeric structure of aluminium chloride

– Boron halides do not form dimers because the size of boron

is so small that it is unable to coordinate four large-sized
halide ions.

Anomalous properties of boron

1. Boron is a non-metal & bad conductor of electricity whereas aluminium is a metal

& good conductor. B is hard but Al is a soft metal.
2. Boron exists in two forms-crystalline and amorphous. But Al does not exist in
different forms.

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3. The melting and boiling point of boron are much higher than that of Al .
4. Boron forms only covalent compounds whereas Al forms even some ionic
5. The hydroxides and oxides of boron are acidic in nature whereas those of
aluminium are amphoteric.
6. The trihalides of boron exist as monomers. On the other hand, aluminium halides
exist as dimers .
7. The hydrides of boron are quite stable while those of aluminium are unstable

• Boron and silicon exhibit the typical properties of non-metals. These do not
form cations. Both exist in amorphous as well as crystalline forms.

• Boron oxide (B2O3) and silica (SiO2) both are acidic and dissolve in alkali
solutions to form borates and silicates respectively.

B2O3 + 6NaOH → 2Na2BO3 + 3H2O

SiO2 + 2NaOH → Na2SiO3 + H2O

• The chlorides of both B and Si get hydrolyzed by water to boric acid and
silicic acid respectively.

BCl3 + 3H2O →H3BO3 + 3HCl SiCl4 + 3H2O → H2SiO3 + 4HCl

The hydrides of Boron and Silicon are quite stable. Numerous volatile
hydrides are also known which catch fire on exposure to air and are easily
Both elements are semiconductors.

Behavior in Aqueous Solutions

1 Al, Ga, In and Tl exhibit a well-defined aqueous chemistry in their tripositive

states. Species like [M(OH)4]-, [M(H2O)2(OH)4]-, [M(OH2)6]3+ for M = Al, Ga,
In, exist in aqueous solution.

2. Al, Ga. In and T1 ions exist as octahedral aqua ions, [M(OH2)6]3+ in aqueous
solution and many salts like halides, sulphates, nitrates and perchlorates exist as

3. Aluminiumsulphate forms double salts - called alum, having the general formula

M2SO4. Al2(SO4)3.12H2O, where M=Na+ or K+.


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• Aluminium is used extensively in industry and everyday life. It forms many
useful alloys with Cu. Mn, Mg, Si and Zn. Hence, aluminium and its alloys
find use in packaging, utensil making, construction, aerospace and other
transportation industries. It is used as a conductor for transmission of
electricity. Aluminium is alsoused in the alumino-thermite process for
production of chromium and manganese from their ores.

Group 14 Elements:-The Carbon Family

Group 14 includes carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn) and lead (Pb).

General electronic configuration of carbon family is ns2np2.

Covalent radius:-Covalent radius expected to increase from Cto Si,

From Si to Pb small increase is found.

Ionization Enthalpy:-The first ionization enthalpies of group 14 elements are higher

than those of the corresponding group 13 elements.

Electronegativity:-Group 14 elements are smaller in size as compared to group 13

elements that’s why this group elements are slightly more electronegative than group

Chemical properties:-

Carbon and silicon mostly show +4 oxidation state. Germanium forms stable
compounds in +4 state and only few compounds in +2 state.

Tin forms compounds in both oxidation states. Lead compounds in +2 state are stable
and in +4 state are strong oxidizing agents.

Exception:-Pb4 and SnF4 are ionic in nature.

Except CCl4 other tetrachlorides are easily hydrolysed by water.

Since carbon does not have d-orbitals and hence cannot expand its coordination
number beyond 4

CCl4 +H2O No Reaction

SiCl4+4H2O Si(OH)4+4HCl

Silicic acid

Allotropes of Carbon:-The three types of allotropes are –

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1-Diamond 2-Graphite 3-Fullerence

Diamond:-In diamond each carbon atom undergas SP3hybridisation.

Each carbon is tetrahedrally linked to four other carbon atoms.

Graphite:-In graphite, carbon is SP2-hyberdized graphite has a two-dimensional sheet

like structure consisting of a number of hexagonal rings fused together.

Graphite conducts electricity along the sheet.It is very soft and Slippery

FullerenceFullerence was discovered collectively by three scientists namely R.E

Smalley,R.F Curl and H.W Kroto

SOME Important Compounds Of Carbon and Silicon

Carbon monoxide:-It I prepared by direct oxdisation of C in limited supply of


2C+O2(g) → 2CO(g)

Commercially it is prepared by the passage of steam over hot coke

Carbon Dioxide:-It is prepared by complete combustion of carbon and carbon fuels

in excess of air.

C(s) +O2(g) → CO2(g)

Laboratory method:-

In laboratory it is prepared by the treatment of dilHCl on CaCO3

CaCO3(s) +2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) +CO2(g)+H2O(l)

Silicon dioxide:-Silicon dioxide is a COVALENT THREE DIMENSIONAL


Each silicon atom is covalently bonded in a tetrahedral manner to four oxygen atoms.

Silicones:-Silicones are the synthetic organo-siliconpolymers having general

formulae (R2SiO)n in which R = alkyl (methyl,ethyl or phenyl)

Silicates:-Silicates are exist in nature in the form of feldspar, zeolites,mica and

asbestos etc.

The basic structure of silicates is SiO44-

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Zeolites:-Zeolites is aalumino-silicate of metal. Metal cations participating in
formationof Zeolite are use usually Na+,K+,or Ca2+.

Zeolites are used to remove permanent hardness of water.


1. Why is boron used in nuclear reactions?

Ans:-Because Boron can absorb neutrons.

2. By giving a balanced equation show how B(OH)3 behaves as an acid in water.

Ans:-B(OH)3 +2HOH [B(OH)4]- +H3O+

3.Name the element of group 14 which exhibits maximum tendency for



4. What is the basic building unit of all silicates?

Ans:-SiO44-is the basic unit of all silicates.

5. What happens when NaBH4 reacts with iodine?

Ans:-2NaBH4 +I2 B2H6 +2NaI +H2.

6. What happens when boric acid is heated

Ans:-4H3BO3 4HBO2 H2B4O7.

7. What is producer gas?

Ans:-Producer gas is a mixture of CO and N2 in the ratio of 2:1.

8.Write the state of hybridization of ‘B’ in BF3.

ANS:-Hybridisation of ‘B’ in BF3 is Sp2.

9.Mention the state of hybridization in B in BH4-.


10. Which oxide of carbon is regarded as anhydride of carbonic acid.

Ans:-CO2 is regarded as a hydride of carbonic acid .

Because H2CO3→ H2O + CO2

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1. Give the chemical reaction as an evidence for each of the following
(i) Tin (II) is a reducing agent where as lead (II) is not.

(ii)Gallium (I) undergoes disproportionation reaction.

Ans:- (i) Due to inert pair effect pb2+ is more stable than Pb4+. Whereas Sn4+ is more
stable than Sn2+.

(ii) 3Ga+ → 2Ga +Ga3+

This is because Ga3+ is more stable than Ga+.

2. What happens when

(i) Quick lime is heated with coke?
(ii) Carbon monoxide reacts with Cl2

Ans:- (i) Cao +3C → CaC2 +CO

(iii) CO +Cl2→ COCl2

3.Give reason

(i) C and Si are always tetravalent but Ge,Sn,Pb show divalency.

(ii) Gallium has higher ionization enthalpy than Al. Explain.

Ans:-(i) Ge, Sn, Pb show divalency due to inert pair effect, Pb2+ is more stable than

(ii) Due to poor shielding effect of d-electrons in Ga effective nuclear

charge increases as compared to Al thus the I.E is higher than Al.

4.Give reason why boron and aluminium tend to form covalent compounds.

Ans:-Sumof three ionization of both the element are very high. Thus they have no
tendency to lose electrons to form ionic compound.Instead they form covalent

5.If B-Cl bond has a dipole moment, Explain why BCl3 molecule has zero dipole

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Ans:- B-Cl bond has dipole moment because of polarity.In BCl3 since the molecule is
symmetrical thus the polarities cancel out.

6.Suggest a reason as to why CO is poisonous.

Ans:-CO reacts with haemoglobin to form carboxy-haemoglobin which can destroy

the oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin and the man dies of suffocation.

7.What do you understand by-

(a) Inert pair effect:-The pair of electron in the valence shell does not take part in
bond formation it is called inert pair effect.

(b) Allotropy:-It is the property of the element by which an element can exists in
two forms which have same chemical properties but different physical properties due
to their structures.

8.How is excessive content of CO2 responsible for global warming?

Ans:-Excess of CO2 absorbs heat radiated by the earth.Some of it dissipated into the
atmosphere while the remaining part is radiated back to the earth.Temperature of the
earth increases.

9.Describe two similarities and two dissimilarities between B and Al.


(i) Both have same number of valence electrons.

(ii) Both have similar electronic configuration.


(i) Bis a non- metal where Al is a metal

(ii) B forms acidic oxide whereas Al forms atmospheric oxides.

10.What are fullerene? How they were prepared?

Ans:- Fullerene are the allotropes of carbon.Its structure is like a soccer ball.

They are prepared by heating graphite in electric arc in presence of inert gases
such as helium or argon.


1.What happens when

(a)Borax is heated strongly

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(b)Boric acid is added to water

(c)Aluminium is treated with dilute NaOH

Ans:-(a) Na2B4O7 . 10H20 → Na2B4O7→ 2NaBO2 + B2O3

(b) B(OH)3 +H2O → [B(OH)4]- +H+

(C) 2Al +2NaOH +H2O → 2NaAlO2 + 3H2

2.Explain the following reactions.

(a)Silicon is heated with methyl chloride at high temperature in the presence of


(b)Silicon dioxide is treated with hydrogen fluoride.

(c) CO is heated with ZnO.

Ans:- (a) A mixture of mono-,di- and trimethylchlorosilianes along with a small

amount of tetramethylsilane is formed.

CH3Cl +Si → CH3SiCl3 + (CH3)2 SiCl2+(CH3)3SiCl +(CH3)4 Si

(b) The initially formed silicon tetrafluroide dissolves in HF to form

hydrofluorosilicic acid

SiO2 +2HF → SiF4 +2H2O

SiF4 + 2HF → H2SiF6

(c) ZnO is reduced to zinc metal

ZnO + CO → Zn +CO2

3.Give reasons:-

(a)Diamond is used as an abrasive.

(b) Aluminium alloys are used to make aircraft body.

(c) Aluminium utensils should not be kept in water overnight.

Ans:- (a)
Diamond is used as an abrasive because it is an extremely hard substance.
(b)Alloys of alumimium likeduralium is used to make aircraft body due to
Someof its property .

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(c)Generally aluminium metal does not react with water quickly but when it is
kept overnight.It reacts slowly with water in presence of air.

2Al(s) +O2(g) +H2O(l) → Al2O3(s) +H2(g)

4.A certain salt X,gives the following results.

(i)Its aqueous solution is alkaline to litmus.

(ii)It swells up to a glassy material Y on strong heating.

(iii)when conc.H2SO4 is added to a hot solution of X,whitecrystalof an acid Z

separates out.

Ans:- (i) Na2B4O7 +10H2O → 2NaOH +H2B4O7+8H2O

(ii) Na2B4O7 → 2NaBO2 +B203

(iii)Na2B4O7.10H2O +H2SO4 → 4H3BO3 +Na2SO4 +5H2O

5. draw structure of diborane .



1 Explain the formation of (i) Water gas (ii) Producer gas. Give their uses. What
happens when CO2 is passed through lime water (i) for short duration (ii)
folong duration.

Ans:-(i)C(s) + H2O(g) → CO(g) +H2(g)

(Water gas)
(ii) 2C(s) + O2 +4N2(g) → 2CO(g) +4N2(g)
(Producer gas)
Water gas and Producer gas are used as fuel.
Ca(OH)2 +CO2→ CaCO3 + H2O

(White ppt.)

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(i) CaCO3 +CO2 +H2O →Ca(HCO3)2

2 (a) Why do Boron halides from addition compound with NH3 ?

(b) Assign appropriate reason for each of the following observations :-

(i) Anhydrous AlCl3 is used as a catalyst in many organic reactions.

(ii) No form of elemental silicon is comparable to graphite.

Ans:- (a) It is because BX3 is electron deficient whereas NH3 is electron rich.

(b) (i) It is Lewis acid.

(ii) It cannot form pπ – pπ bond due to large size.

3. (i) Give reason for the following observations:-

(a) The tendency for catenation decreases down the group in Group 14.
(b) The decreasing stability of +3 oxidations state with increasing atomic
number in group 13.
(c) PbO2 is a stronger oxidizing agent than SnO2.
(d) Molten aluminium bromide is a poor conductor of electricity.

Ans:- (i)(a) It is due to decrease in bond dissociation energy which is due to increase
in atomic size.

C-C > Si-Si >Ge-Ge>Sn-Sn>Pb-Pb.

(b) It is due to inert pair effect.

(c) PbO2 is stronger oxidizing agent than SnO2 because Pb2+ is more
stable than Pb4+ whereas Sn4+ is more stable than Sn2+.

(d) Molten AlBr3 is poor conductor of electricity because it is covalent


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