Foundation Project Proposal 1
Foundation Project Proposal 1
Foundation Project Proposal 1
Question 1
Reflect on your work you've created so far and consider on how your use of materials,
tools, techniques and processes reflect the broader ideas and message that you are interested to
What materials, tools, techniques and processes have you used and how can you employ a broader
range of materials and techniques to explore your theme in Module 3?
Question 2
Reflect upon the audience and method of dissemination for your work.
What does it communicate and who is it communicating to? What does it offer to the
viewer/customer/client and their lifestyle? Where will the work be situated? How can you market
your work?
I’m basing my piece on a quote by Kahlil Grabran from his poem called pain. I wanted to
try a cyberpunk style drawing of a woman who has cybernetically enhanced herself laying
down reaching up and the background is going to be a city inspired by cowboy Bebop. The
message of the piece would be about how we are always striving to attain peace and
happiness and the only way to heal as said in the poem is trust oneself, the character is
covered in tattoos and augmentations showing evidence of pain. The background is to
show the beauty of the world and there will be the quote added to the buildings in Arabic
and Japanese
Question 3
We make, design, and produce work to be shared, and to elicit a reaction or provoke a response.
What response would you like to provoke in your Audience/Client/Viewer/User? Are you the kind of
designer/artist/producer who aims to disrupt - to entertain or to question? Is your work ironic,
playful, educational or political? Use this space to think about the response of your target audience
on viewing your work - how do you want them to react? What is an ideal response?
I like leaving a narrative for the audience to follow ad create the message as answered in
question 2 is meant to be relatable to all.
Task 1 – Part 1
I went to the British museum to look for inspiration on creating a narrative , Ill be
investigating research on the meaning and artsyle . In terms of the artstyle Im going for
80’s style anime art and for the meaning Im going to look through my own experience and
Ill look into Mary curey also looking at the history behind cyberpunk style
A cyberpunk woman laying down reaching up against the large city behind
What skills will you need to develop in order to complete the work?
What will you need to learn? What existing strengths do you have that can help you to succeed?
I would need to work on my digital medium skills to add colour to my work, My anatomy
skills need improvement aswell and character design too. I would also need to work on my
perspective as I like playing around with the scale of my pieces
What will you do to sustain your practice and to develop your motivation,
understanding and confidence?
This focus of this question is your research practice - what has already inspired, informed and
influenced you? How can you push yourself beyond your comfort zone here?
Actively look at different shots of the shows that inspired me to create this piece and
continue my research on the history and the meaning of the piece
Task 1 – Part 2
This is a short module - and scheduling your activity and planning out your production arc will
help to ensure that you keep the project on track, with time to make a quality artefact for the
exhibition. The best project concept in the world will not lead to a successful outcome without
good, pragmatic planning. Remember, gathering or "procuring" materials will take time - and
supplier availability and high costs will slow you down and impact on your ability to make work.
You must factor this into your schedule. A prohibitively high cost on a particular material or item
may prompt you to investigate a more easily sourced and cheaper alternative, which can
improve your carbon footprint - and improve the "sustainability" of the project.
Resources, Services and Tools - What will I need and what steps
must be taken to ensure access and availability?
What do you think you will need to complete the project? How can you begin to negotiate access
and co-ordinate your making with availability?
Pens My own
Im keeping my materials simple just pen and paper .Id try keep the paper waste to a
minimum and recycle the paper that is not used.
Task 1 – Part 2
Project Budget
Please list below any cost or expenditure associated with your project. The aim here is to identify
the actual cost of the work you have made, rather than the projected cost of a proposed
outcome. You do not need to list those materials that are freely available in the studios
(paper/pencils/acrylic paint etc) but do include more specific materials such as fabric, wood,
superglue, neoprene etc. You can add to this list as you progress through the project.
Installation piece X
A 2D piece of work fixed to a flat wall.
What will need to be in place in order for you to complete your final
piece and to achieve your ambition and aims?
Project Plan (What will you Project Resources Project Milestones (Targets
work on this week?) (What will you need that you will need to hit to
to Prepare/Learn or stay on track.)
complete in order to
achieve each
Week 1
w/c 18.3.24
Module Launch
Week 2
w/c 25.03.24
Week 5
w/c 15.4.24
Week 6
w/c 22.4.24
Week 7
w/c 29.5.24
Review week:
Mandatory Pass/Fail
Update Project planning
document to reflect feedback
given during this session.
Week 8
w/c 06.5.24
Final project proposal
complete 6th May latest
Week 9
w/c 13.5.24
Week 10
w/c 20.5.24
Week 11
w/c 27.5.24
Exhibition Prep
Week 12
w/c 03.6.24
Install deadline:
7th June 2pm
Week 13
w/c 10.6.24
Exhibition open to public,
Students all take turns
Week 14
w/c 17.6.24
Pack down / all work
removed from studio
Please note that while some substances may not be toxic or harmful, they may still have an
adverse impact on your peers. You will need to discuss any materials not already in regular
use in the studio with your tutor.
List of possible What is the risk in the context of my What steps can I take to manage
risks. project? the risk and reduce the hazard?
Slips, Trips and In the classroom Having awareness in the
Falls classroom
Working at NA NA
Working with NA NA
Using electrical Use of the digital pad Be careful around the ipad and
equipment take things slow
Working with NA NA
Toxic, Harmful
or impactful
Working in the NA NA
Handling heavy
or unwieldy
outdoors or in
Working with
Specialist tools
or equipment.
The methods
by which I am
presenting my
work during
the exhibition