Characteristics Importance and Objectives of Resea
Characteristics Importance and Objectives of Resea
Characteristics Importance and Objectives of Resea
ISSN 2250-3153
* PhD candidate, Department of Qur’an & Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic
University Malaysia, 53100 Jalan Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
** Department of Qur’an & Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science, International Islamic University
DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.05.2020.p10138
Abstract- This study focuses on Characteristics, Importance and its meanings and definitions. Nevertheless, it is essential for
Objectives (CIO) of research. The main aim of this article is to researchers understanding the particularly characteristics,
emphasize on research ethics. Knowledge in characteristics, importance and objectives of research in the light of reliable
importance and objectives of research motivate to be ethical in scholars’ opinion. These motivate a researcher to be a skilful and
research. It is the utmost importance knowing these three basic an ethical researcher by following relevant research methodology
subjects of research for researchers specially for novice and research ethics as though they do not ignore CIO of research
researchers. These improve research mentality, academic attitude which lead researcher to find appropriate answer of research
and way of thinking that enable researcher to choose research area, questions that is expected objectives of each research forever.
generate constructive potential research title. In addition, motivate Usually, any type of research cannot be conducted without some
to know what the problem is and cause of problem and how to basic characteristics of research. Nevertheless, few characteristics
solve the recognized valid problem. In fact, an outstanding unique of research are depends on type, area and subject of research. For
contribution of a research depends on applying research ethics. A example, characteristics of disability research2, characteristics of
profound understanding the (CIO) of research reinforce research social research3, characteristics of biological research4,5,. Each
motive and enable to follow research ethics that is core research has a particular importance6 and objective7. On the one
requirement in each research activities. hand, objectiveless research is a vain effort; on the other hand, evil
objective of a research is unethical effort. An ethical and skilful
Index Terms- characteristics of research, importance of research, researcher is very conscious about valid and permissible objective
objectives of research, research problem, research ethics, basic of research.
research, applied research.
1 6
Guillemin, M., & Gillam, L. (2004). Ethics, reflexivity, and Arnold, C., & Voigt, K. I. (2017). Ecosystem Effects of the
“ethically important moments” in research. Qualitative inquiry, Industrial Internet of Things on Manufacturing Companies. Acta
10(2), 261-280. Infologica, 1(2), 99-108.
2 7
Blume, S., & Hiddinga, A. (2010). Disability studies as an Guil, J. M., Masiá, A. P., Paniego, A. R., & Menayo, J. T.
academic field. Med. Anthropol, 22(2), 225-36. (1998). Energetics of H2 and O2 adsorption on Ir/γ-Al2O3 and
Blaikie, N., & Priest, J. (2017). Social research: Paradigms in Ir/SiO2 catalysts. Dependence on support and on metal particle
action. John Wiley & Sons. size. Thermochimica acta, 312(1-2), 115-124.
4 8
Galas, D. J., Patrinos, A., & DeLisi, C. (2017). Notes from a Shamoo, A. E., & Dunigani, C. D. (2000). Ethics in Research2
Revolution Lessons from the Human Genome Project. Issues in (44535B). Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology
Science and Technology, 33(3), 57-62. and Medicine, 224(4), 205-210.
5 9
Iyama, S. (2004). The USPTO's proposal of a biological Mujtaba, B. G. (1997, March). Corporate Ethics Training
research tool patent pool doesn't hold water. Stan. L. Rev., 57, Programs. In Developments in Business Simulation and
1223. Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL
conference (Vol. 24).
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2020 332
ISSN 2250-3153
"command the good and forbid the evil10" (Qur’an 9:112, 22:41, III. CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCH
3:104) in all spheres of life (Qur’an 3:110)11. Commonly researcher has to adopt few essential characters
to be a good researcher. By applying these characters research
Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible conduct work will be progressed with systematically. I have mentioned
of research to ensure all research is conducted at a high ethical some fundamental characteristics of research. Each researcher has
standard12. It educates and monitors as well as enables responsible to be attentive on these following characteristics:
scientists to confirm a high ethical standard in conducting Uses Scientific Methods: Research uses scientific methods
research13. It is worthwhile mentioning that the research ethics is to discover facts and tries to give solutions to specified problems.
a key part of advanced academic learning in all academic Researchers follow organised procedure to carry out research. To
disciplines, as it prevents different forms of misconduct and receive better results, scientific method is used for carrying out
fraud14. Therefore, scientists have become increasingly aware of investigation21.
the importance of ethics in research and have contributed a great Continuous Process: It is a continuous process as it studies
lot towards ethics discourse15. existing facts and also develops new facts. Research also tries to
There are at least two major dimensions of ethics in all distinguish relationship among variables22.
research. These are (a) procedural ethics, which usually involves Multipurpose Activity: Research is a multipurpose activity
seeking approval from a relevant ethics committee to undertake as it not only includes collection of data but also includes
research involving humans; and (b) “ethics in practice” or the predicting future, establishing relationship between variables,
everyday ethical issues that arise in the doing of research. It could finding solutions to problems, and developing new theories, tools,
be argued that there is another dimension—research ethics as and concepts23.
articulated in professional codes of ethics or conduct. Most Maintains Objectivity and Eliminates Impartiality:
professions and organizations have professional codes of conduct Research is based on suitable procedures. It collects appropriate,
(Bulmer,1982;16 Coady & Bloch, 1996;17 Homan, 1991)18. precise and objective data to understand research problem. After
In fact, truth and trustworthy results are ‘flesh and bones’ of data collection, researcher process data, analyse it and arrive at
scientific research. To have trustworthy results and to avoid appropriate solutions24.
misconduct, researchers should use optimal study designs and Empirical Nature: Empirical research can be undertaken to
follow ethical standards19. In the fight against intellectual study situations where methods such as observation,
dishonesty on ethics education in science has a significant place. experimentation or survey can be used for conducting research25.
A general understanding of ethics in scientific research work in all Empirical approach used to contribute towards enhancing our
its stages had to be acquired during the undergraduate course20. understanding of what the main research problems26.
Definitely, the main motivation of research ethics is CIO; it is a Generalisation: Research conclusions can be applied to a
basis of all other structures, frameworks and ethical paradigm of large population. Research can be carried on sample of
research. Hence, profound understanding CIO of research is vital respondents that represents the universe where the conclusions
subject for all researchers.
10 19
Ismail, A. M., Mujani, W. K., Hussain, W. M. H. W., & Masic, I. (2012). Plagiarism in scientific publishing. Acta
Ya'akub, N. I. (2012). The missing of moral entity in modern Informatica Medica, 20(4), 208.
civilization: values and social aspects. Advances in Natural and Masic, I. (2012). Plagiarism in scientific publishing. Acta
Applied Sciences, 6(6), 985-995. Informatica Medica, 20(4), 208.
11 21Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A.
Khan, A. A. (2012). Islamic Society: Ethics, Human Rights,
Adornments & Recreation. Defence Journal, 15(10), B1. (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis),
12 McKellar, K., & Toth, N. (2016). Ethical Considerations in Himalaya Publishing House.
Face-to-Face and Internet-Mediated Research with Teenage 22Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A.
Populations. In Perspectives on HCI Research with Teenagers (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis),
(pp. 29-59). Springer, Cham. Himalaya Publishing House.
13 Kiulah, B. M. (2013). A Discussion On The Ethical Issues 23Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A.
Encountered In The Process Of Carrying Out Research. (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis),
14 Kruk, J. (2013). Good scientific practice and ethical Himalaya Publishing House.
principles in scientific research and higher education. Central 24Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A.
European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine, 1(1), 25- (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis),
29. Himalaya Publishing House.
15 25Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A.
Master, Z. (2011). The responsible conduct of bioethics
research. Accountability in Research, 18(2), 102-119. (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis),
Bulmer, M. (Ed.). (1982). Social research ethics. London: Himalaya Publishing House.
Macmillan. 26
Giaglis, G. M. (2008). Directions and trends in knowledge
Coady, M., & Bloch, S. (Eds.). (1996). Codes of ethics and the management research: Results from an empirical analysis of
professions. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne University Press. European projects. In Knowledge Management: Concepts,
Guillemin, M., & Gillam, L. (2004). Ethics, reflexivity, and Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1438-1449). IGI
“ethically important moments” in research. Qualitative inquiry, Global.
10(2), 261-280.
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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2020 333
ISSN 2250-3153
generated through research can be applied to the complete practical situation. It calls for a systematic understanding and
universe27. possible solution35. (2). Research on existing theories and concepts
Researchers Controlled Movement of the Research help us recognise their range and applications36. (3). It is the bank
Procedure: In social research, there are many factors that have an of knowledge and provides strategy for solving problems37. (4). It
effect on result. Due to various factors, some of them can be is important in industry and business for higher profits, output, and
considered as controlled factors while others can be tested for efficiency and to improve the quality of products38. (5).
possible consequences. But, it is difficult to execute controlled Mathematical and logical research on business and industry
experiments in social researches, whereas it is easy to perform reduces the problems in them39. (6). It leads to the identification
controlled experiments in pure sciences28. and categorisation of new materials, new living things, new stars,
Development of Concepts and Theories: Research helps to etc40. (7). Inventions can be done through research41. (8). Social
develop new concepts and theories where these innovations can be research helps find answers to social problems. They explain
useful for the betterment of society at a large scale29. These social phenomena and try to find solution to social problems42.
characters are useful for all type of research. Moreover, each type Thus, research is the fountain of knowledge for the sake of
of research has individual specific character. knowledge and an important source of providing guidelines for
solving different business, governmental and social problems. It is
a category of formal training which enables one to understand the
IV. IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH new developments in one’s field in a better way43.
Research is an essential and powerful tool in leading man
towards progress. Without systematic research there would have
been very little progress30. Hudson Maxim31 (1853-1927) said “All V. OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH
progress is born of inquiry32. Doubt is often better than In my opinion, if we want to know objectives, type and
overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to method of research we have to focus on meaning and definitions
invention”. Increased amounts of research make progress of research. Really, there have main objectives of research in
possible33. Research is significant both in scientific and non- meaning and definitions of research. Nevertheless, the researcher
scientific fields34. Research is important for the following reasons: presented distinctly objectives of research from research
(1) A research problem refers to a complexity which a researcher methodology literatures.
or a scientific community or an industry or a government The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions
organisation or a society experiences. It may be a theoretical or a through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of
27Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A. Also see: Bambale, A. (2014). Facilitating the PhD research
(2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis), process: Guides for identifying research problem and
Himalaya Publishing House. establishing research gap'. International Journal of Business,
28Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, A. Humanities and Technology, 4(1), 116-124.
(2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis), 37 Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh,
techniques. New Age International. A. (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis),
34 Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh, Himalaya Publishing House.
A. (2015). Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis), 42 Bhome, S. M., Prajapati, N., Deshmukh-Ghate, D., & Ghosh,
research is to find out the truth (information, causes, purposes, of research. Fundamental CIO of research generally for all type
facts, knowledge, philosophy and so on) which is hidden and and area of research have been presented in this article. In fact,
which has not been discovered as yet. Though each research study each researcher has to know these CIO, and endeavour first of all
has its own specific purpose, we may think of research objectives what are academically approvals CIO of his research. Also, have
might be into a number of vital objectives44. For example, (1) To to be determined on legal CIO of his research from beginning to
portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, conclusion. Should be strictly determined on that should not be
situation or a group (studies with this object in view are known as moved away from research ethics by any interfering, unethical
descriptive research studies)45. (2) To determine the frequency influence, political force, secularism notion as well as unethical
with which something occurs or with which it is associated with personal interest that is anti-religious, and harmful for social and
something else (studies with this object in view are known as natural environment and so on. Unfortunately, few so-called
diagnostic research studies)46. (3) To test a hypothesis of a causal researchers who give priority unethical interest on research ethics;
relationship between variables (such studies are known as consequently they underestimate the CIO of their research.
hypothesis-testing research studies)47. (4) To understand clearly an Therefore, in this case we ethical researchers, scholars and
observed phenomenon and explain its logic and reason for scientists do not allow this is an acceptable research. Unethical
happening. (5) To get insights about problem. (6) To find solutions research is poison in research resources. Apparently, such
for a problem. (7) To test existing laws or theories. (8) To develop researches have been polluting the research environment as well
new ideas, concepts and theories. (9) To identify areas where as research world for a long period. Hence, appreciation
research could make the difference. (10) To predict future of characteristics, importance and objectives of research are keys for
events48. Additionally, (11) To interpret theory. (12) To develop ethical, acceptable and fruitful research for ever.
research methodology from the divine perspective. (13) To
interpret the divine knowledge (14) To derive philosophy,
principle and solution of problem from the Holy Qur’an (15) To REFERENCES
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Recreation. Defence Journal, 15(10), B1. AUTHORS
[20] Kiulah, B. M. (2013). A Discussion On The Ethical Issues Encountered In First Author – Md. Sirajul Islam ibn Sultan Ahmad, PhD
The Process Of Carrying Out Research.
candidate, Department of Qur’an & Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of
[21] Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New
Age International. Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International
[22] Kruk, J. (2013). Good scientific practice and ethical principles in scientific
Islamic University Malaysia, 53100 Jalan Gombak, Kuala
research and higher education. Central European Journal of Sport Sciences Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail:
and Medicine, 1(1), 25-29. Second Author – Assistant Prof. Dr. Sofiah Bt. Samsudin,
[23] Masic, I. (2012). Plagiarism in scientific publishing. Acta Informatica Department of Qur’an & Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic
Medica, 20(4), 208. Revealed Knowledge and Human Science, International Islamic
[24] Master, Z. (2011). The responsible conduct of bioethics research. University Malaysia, 53100 Jalan Gombak, Selangor, Kuala
Accountability in Research, 18(2), 102-119.
Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail: