Optical Detector
Optical Detector
Optical Detector
I Ph P0
(1 R) 1 e 0 d
where P0 is the optical power, λ is the wavelength of the incident light, h is
the Planck constant, and e is the elementary charge. The term R accounts for
the reflection at the interface of the detector and air, (1-R) is the light
absorbed in the detector and the exponential term considers the absorption
in the medium. d is the thickness of the absorber
The absorption
coefficient strongly
depends on the
wavelength. This is
shown in the figure for
some common
• Based on the absorption coefficient, it is seen what material is
suitable for what kind of wavelength region.
• For example, in the case of silicon, the optical bandgap at room
temperature is 1.14eV, which corresponds to a wavelength of
1100nm. Up to 1100nm silicon is still absorbing even though the
absorption coefficient for wavelength >1000nm is already relatively
low. That means silicon is not suitable as an optical detector for
DWDM system which operates at a wavelength of 1550nm.
• Silicon is transparent for such a wavelength. The behavior of
germanium is different.
• The optical bandgap of germanium is 0.67eV, which corresponds to a
cut-off wavelength of more than 1850nm. However, the absorption
coefficient is already very low for such a high wavelength.
• Germanium detectors are reasonable
sensitive up to a wavelength of 1600nm.
Therefore, germanium can be (theoretically)
used as an optical detector for DWDM
systems. However, due to the small optical
bandgap the leakage current of germanium
diodes is very high.
• Gallium arsenide has an direct optical
bandgap of 1.43eV. It can be used for the
manufacturing of GaAs based LEDs and laser
diodes in the short wave band.
• In order to increase the absorption in the
infrared part of the spectrum, which is
necessary for the optical communication
system, we have to add indium to the
semiconductor. Indium will reduce the optical
bandgap of gallium arsenide.
• An overview of the optical bandgaps at room
temperature is given in the table.
The Quantum efficiency
• The quantum efficiency is defined by:
One of the major factors which influences the quantum efficiency is the
absorption coefficient. The quantum efficiency is generally below unity,
but can be for its maximum very close to unity.
Spectral responsivity
• The quantum efficiency does not take into account the photon energy.
Therefore, the responsibility can be very helpful to describe the spectral
sensitivity of the devices. The spectral responsivity is given by:
I Ph
where IPh it the photocurrent and P0 is the incident optical power. The unit
of the spectral responsivity is A/W.
The spectral sensitivity can be derived from the quantum efficiency by:
Relationship of Quantum efficiency and Responsivity
The relationship for responsivity may be developed to include quantum
efficiency as follows:
Energy of a Photon, E=hf
Thus the incident photon rate rp may be written as,
The electron rate is given by,
Substituting value of rp, we get,