Google Keep Document
Google Keep Document
Google Keep Document
#### Overview
The testing section of your project report should cover the strategies, methodologies, and tools
used to ensure the library management system functions as expected. This section can be
divided into several subsections: testing strategy, types of testing performed, testing tools used,
test cases, and results.
**Objective**: To ensure that all features of the library management system work correctly, meet
the specified requirements, and are free of bugs.
- **Unit Testing**: To verify that individual components (e.g., controllers, models) function
correctly in isolation.
- **Integration Testing**: To ensure that different components of the application work together as
- **System Testing**: To validate the complete and integrated software product to ensure it
meets the specified requirements.
- **User Acceptance Testing (UAT)**: To ensure that the system meets the end-users'
expectations and requirements.
- **Regression Testing**: To ensure that new code changes do not adversely affect the existing
functionalities of the system.
**Unit Testing**
- **Tools Used**: NUnit, MSTest
- **Scope**: Testing individual methods in the controllers, models, and other classes to ensure
they work as intended.
**Integration Testing**
- **Tools Used**: NUnit, MSTest
- **Scope**: Testing the interaction between different components such as the interaction
between controllers and the database.
**System Testing**
- **Tools Used**: Manual testing, Selenium for automated end-to-end testing
- **Scope**: Testing the entire application for functionalities like managing books, managing
members, borrowing and returning books, and viewing borrowing history.
**Regression Testing**
- **Tools Used**: Automated testing tools like Selenium
- **Scope**: Re-running previously conducted tests on the modified application to ensure that
the changes have not introduced new faults.
1. **Create Book**
- **Test Case ID**: UT001
- **Description**: Verify that a book is created successfully.
- **Preconditions**: The book data is valid.
- **Test Steps**: Call the Create method in the BooksController with valid book data.
- **Expected Result**: The book is added to the database, and the user is redirected to the
book list.
2. **Edit Member**
- **Test Case ID**: UT002
- **Description**: Verify that a member's details are updated correctly.
- **Preconditions**: The member exists in the database.
- **Test Steps**: Call the Edit method in the MembersController with updated member data.
- **Expected Result**: The member's details are updated in the database.
1. **Borrow Book**
- **Test Case ID**: IT001
- **Description**: Verify that a book borrowing transaction is processed correctly.
- **Preconditions**: The book is available, and the member exists.
- **Test Steps**: Call the Borrow method in the BorrowController with valid book and member
- **Expected Result**: The book's status is updated to borrowed, and a new entry is created in
the borrowing history.
2. **Return Book**
- **Test Case ID**: IT002
- **Description**: Verify that a book return transaction is processed correctly.
- **Preconditions**: The book is currently borrowed.
- **Test Steps**: Call the Return method in the BorrowController with valid book and member
- **Expected Result**: The book's status is updated to available, and the return date is
recorded in the borrowing history.
1. **Manage Books**
- **Test Case ID**: ST001
- **Description**: Verify that the librarian can create, view, edit, and delete books.
- **Preconditions**: The librarian is logged in.
- **Test Steps**: Perform all CRUD operations on the books section.
- **Expected Result**: All operations are completed successfully without errors.
2. **Manage Members**
- **Test Case ID**: ST002
- **Description**: Verify that the librarian can create, view, edit, and delete members.
- **Preconditions**: The librarian is logged in.
- **Test Steps**: Perform all CRUD operations on the members section.
- **Expected Result**: All operations are completed successfully without errors.
#### 5. Results
- **Unit Testing**: All unit tests passed, confirming that individual components work correctly in
- **Integration Testing**: All integration tests passed, ensuring that components interact
- **System Testing**: All system tests passed, verifying that the complete system meets the
- **User Acceptance Testing (UAT)**: UAT was conducted with a group of librarians, and
feedback was positive, indicating that the system is user-friendly and meets their needs.
- **Regression Testing**: All regression tests passed, ensuring that recent changes did not
break existing functionality.
### Conclusion
In the testing phase, rigorous testing was performed using a combination of unit, integration,
system, user acceptance, and regression testing. The successful passing of all tests ensures
that the library management system is robust, reliable, and ready for deployment.