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Examination Idea |R)* Physiça-XIl (113)

ElketrO magnciCWaves arethe waves in
wbich clectric
magncttc fhcld voctors are mutually perpcndicular and are Important ormulae
situated n one plane perpendicular to wbich thcsc waves
arc transiuttd.
Vclocity of clcctro magnctic waves
The transimission of clcctrO
1accumalso. In vacuum the magnctic waves is possiblc in
velocity of thesc waves is the C = (in vacuum)
vclocity ot light c=2.998 x10 3x 10 m/s
The transmission of clcctromagnctic waves, clectric ficld
1ctor and magnetic ficld vcctor all thrcc being mutually V= (in medium)
nependicular the nature of thcsewaves is
The nmain parts of the spcctrum of electrotranversc
Relatian of electric field and magnctic field with the
are rad10 waves, micro wavès, infra red waves, visible velocity of light
waves. ultra violet iwaves, X-rays and gamma ravs.
The infra red radiations collide with carbon di Oxide gas
prescnt in the atmosphere and return back to carth due to
iuhcih rise, in the temperature of carth is observed. This Pyonting vector
effect is called green house effect. This namc is given
becausc in colder countries green houses are made to keep Total energy of electro magnetic waves
the green plants alive. This green house is a glass cover in
which the radiations from sun enter and the temperature B
inside the cover (house) is more compared to outside. This
1wav nutrition and growth of plants is possible.

Questions From Rajasthan Board Examination

Q.1. Write one use of each of the following Ans. Momentum is also associated with electro magnetic
(i) Ultra violet waves (ii) Infra red waves waves. So the surface on which they incident, exert pressure
on it. This pressure is called radiation pressure.
[Raj. Board Supp.2012] Q.5. (i) Write the mathematical form of Amper
Ans. (i) Ultra viloet waves-In the preservation of food Maxwell law.
(i) Write wavelength range of infrared rays. Write
(üi) Infra red waves-In solar cooker and solar water the names of two gaseous molecules which absorb it.
Q.2. Which part of the electro magnetic spectrum has [Raj. Board 2014, Supp. 2013]
Ans. () Equation of Ampere Maxwell law
maximum penetration power? [Raj. Board Supp. 2012 ’ ’
Ans. Gamma rays. do:
Q.3. What are the main sources of electro magnetic dt
waves? |Raj. Board 2012] (ii) The wavelcngth range of infrared rays is from 8 x
Ans. An electric ficld is produced around astcady charge. 10mto l x 10m.
If this charge moves with a constant velocity then it produces CO,and CHË molecules absorb the infrarcd rays.
a magnetic field of constant value. But if thc chargc is Q.6.(a) Write Gauss' law for magnetism in the form
acceleratcd then it produces variable magnctic field with time. of Maxwellequation. (Raj. Board 2013|
If the acceleration of charge depends upon its displacemcnt
then in this condition a wave is produccd. Charge oscillating (b)Write the value of VHoê
periodically is the source of clectro magnetic waves of same
frequency. So an accelerated electric charge is the source of (Raj. Board 2013,Supp. 2017|
electro magnetic waves. It can produce electric and magnctic Ans. (a)Gauss" law for magnetisn1- The sum of total
neid at any point in 3-dimension. These ficlds oscillate with magnctic pole strength in a closcd surface is always zero i.c.,
the frequency same as the frcqucncy of oscillations of =0
oscillating charges. Charge o_cillating with differcnt types'
makes electro magnetic waves of differcnt frequcncies.
Q.4. What do you mean by radiation pressure?
|Raj. Board Supp. 2013] (b) C=
V N4x 10- x8.85 x10-1?
Examination ldea .R} Physics-XII (114)
IRaj. Board Supp. 2y
Ans. In water purificr ultra violct waves arc
of electric
Q.°. (a ln frespace at a pomt magitude killing the micro organ1sms. In the
trcatment of
ficld sectorhism. Find he magnitude of magnetic are iuscd Canc r (-ta
0.J5.Which electromagnetic waves are used .
ficldvector B)t the pomt.
(b) Out of ultra violet, infra red and N-rays whose
remote controller (switches)?
Ans.In the remotc controllers of
[Raj. Board 201
T.V.. sct,
avclength is mainum? |Raj. Board 2013) ctcinfra red tvavcs arc uscd.
Video recordy
Ans (a) GnCn 0.16. What is displacement current? Obtain .
displacement current for åcharged
pression of
Write Ampere Maxwell's law. is (Raj. Board 2014
Ans. Displcement current that current which is
B -3.lx 10 tosla clectric field i.e. in
duced because of the change in
(b) Intra rod rad1ation. flux of any ficld.
Q.8. Write the names of those radiations of electro Expression for displacement current-Ifthe area nf.
magnetic spectrum that are capacitor plates is A andthe total charge on it is q then te
(i)Absorbed by the ozone layer in the atonosphere.
(ii)Produced by bombarding ametal target by high magnitude of clectric ficld E between the plates, E
E, A
speed electrons. This clectric field is perpendicular to the surfac h
(ii) used in satellite communication. tween the two plates. Its magnitude remains the same on
(iv)has wavelength range between 400 nm to 700 area Aof the plates ofthecapacitor but becomes zero oute
nm |Raj. Board 2014] it.
Ans. () Ultraviolet radiation (ii) X-ravs Sothe electric flux passing through the surface in k
(ii) Micro 1ualcs (iv) Visiblc light twcen the plates, from Gauss' law,
Q.9. Give the definition of displacement current.
|Raj. Board Supp. 2015, 2014| O: = EA A=
Ans. The current produccd duc to change in clectric field E, A Eo
ie. clectric flux in anv region is callcd displacement current. Now ifthe charge qon the plates of thecapacitor changs
).10. Write the name of electromagnetic wave
produced by vacuum tube magnetron. [Raj. Board 2015] with time, then one current willbe La= dq
Ans. Microwaves
Q.11. The amplitude of a magnetic field associated So. I dq
with an electro magnetic wave in vacuum is Bo=50x 10 dt E, dt
tesla. Write the value of the amplitude of electric field
associated with the wave in volt/metre. [Raj. Board 2015|
Ans. Given- B, =50 10 tesla d
· E, = cB,, = 3 JG 50 x 10 - 150 volt/m Maxwell's displacement current l is given by the fi.
Q.12. Write any four properties of electromagnetic lowing formula.
waves. |Raj. Board 2015|
Ans. (1) This is a wave of tansversc nature. dt
(2)The velocity of clcctro magnctic wave is cqual to the Where ; is electric flux.
telocits of light. From Ampere-Maxwcll's circuital law.
(3) Atany point on thc path of transmission of clectro
magnclic wavc the ratio of magnitudcs of clectric ficld and
Inagnctic ficld is cqual to the velocity of light. dt
According to this formula an clectric ficld changing wit
or time produces magnetic field. So the laws of electricity ani
|B| magnctism are cxacty symmctric.
(4) In clectromagnctic wave the clcctric ficld and Q.17.Which electromagnetic wave is used to kill germ
magnctic ficld vectors are i the samc phasc but oscillate inwater purifiers? [Raj. Board Supp. 2016
perpcndicular to cach other. Ans. In water purifiers, ultra-violet radiations are ust
Q.13. For the light of wavelength 68 x 10m, x-rays to kill gcrms.
of wavelength 10"m and radio waves of wavelength 5 x Q.18. Which device is used for production 0
10'n, the value of which physical quantity renmains same microwaves. Write the range of frequencies and two use
in vacuum? |Raj. BoardSupp. 2015) of microwaves. [Raj. Board Supp. 20101
Ans. All thc threc arc cloctro mnagnctic wavcs. so their Ans. For the production of microwaves magnetron val
vclocitics in vacuum would be same and it would be thc is uscd. The range of frcquencies of the microwaves is
velocitv of light ic. c=3 10° n/s 10" Hz to l x10' Hz.
0.14. Write the types of electromagnetic waves used Use of microwaves
in water purifier and cancer treatment. () In RADAR and telecommunication (i) In microw:"
Examination Idea (R] Physlcs-XII (115)
OCn for cooking food itens. cquivalcnt to con
Thus displacemcntcurrent in fact is
Q.19. A charged particle oscillates about its duction currcnt.
couilibrium position with a frequency of 100 MHz. What Q.22. Write any two Maxwell's equations.
is the frequency of electromagnetic waves produced by |Raj. Board 2018]
the oscillator? |Raj. Board 2017| Ans.1.Gauss's theorem for staticelectric field: Eloctric
Ans. The frequcncy of clctromagncticwavcs produccd
by the oscillator is 100 MHz.
flux from a closcd surface is cqual to ratio of total cncloscd
Q.20. Write the name of any four waves (radiations) chargo and e
Droduced in electronnagnetic spectrum. [Raj. Board 2017| E
Ans. 1. Gamna ravs 2. X-ravs 3. Utra-violct ravs 4.
Visible liglht. 2. Gauss's theoremn for static magnetic field : Similar
0.21. Write definition of displacement current. Prove to clectric ficld for magnctic ficld Gauss's thcorcm can be
that displacement current is equal to conduction current. written. Since therc is no existancc of frce north polc or south
|Raj. Board Supp. 2018] pole, i.c., magnet always exists in dipole statc. thereforc from
Ans. Displacement current-The current causcd due to a closed surfacc sum of pole strcngth or magnetic flux is
rariable clcctric ficld or clcctric displaccnent, is known as alvays zero.
displaccmcnt current. From thc definition. displaccmcnt cur .(2)
rent l is givcn by.

...(1) Q. 23. In electromagnetic waves, write the value of

d (A) angle and (B) phase difference, between electric field
Where o: is the flux of clcctric ficld. |Raj. Board 2019|
When acapacitor undergocs in charging or discharging then Eand magnetic field B.
Ans. In electromagnetic waves clectric ficld E and
variable clcctric ficld behwecn its plates can be considered as
associatodwith a current duc to change in the charge on plates, magnetic field p are perpendicular and in same phase so
which is in continuity to the current flowing in the wires. Whcn
the displacement curent givcn by cqn (l) is added with the con angle between these ficlds willbe 90° and phasc difference 0°.
duction current I as given in right hand side of cquation Q.24. The magnitude of electric field at a point in
’ ’ free space is 300V/m. Find the magnitude of magnetic
B.dl =Holr: then complete formula B.d=,(1, +l¡) field X at this point. Velocity of light is 3 x 10 m/s.
becomes true to explain the flow of current through the ca [Raj. Board 2019]
Betwccn theplatcs of capacitor I, = 0, I, exists for flow volt
outside thc platcs in cxternal circuit Ia = 0. 1, flows in thc Ans. Given E, = 300
Connecting wires. metre
c=3x I08
Therefore B.dl =o(l, +l¡) second
Magnitude of magnetic field B, =?
..(2) E
This cquation represents Maxwcll ampere's law. The Bo
dimensions of Eo do: are the dimcnsions of current. There 300
dt = 10-0 tesla
fore for thc continuity of current not only displaccment cur 3x10
rent should exist, but in fact it should also be cquivalent to Q.25.Which region of the electromagnetic radiations has
conduction current. maximum frequency? |Raj. Board Supp. 2019]
If at any instant elcctric ficld bctveen the plates of the Ans. In clectromagnctic radiations Gamma rays has
capacitor is E, then clectric flus o; = EA will pass through maximum frequcncy.
the plate of capacitor of arca A. Ifat this instant thec chargc on 0.26. The correct relationship between the
the plate of a capacitor is Q, then. permittivity of free space (E), the permeability of free
Q space (4o) and the velocity of light in vacuum (c) is
E= |Raj. Board 2022]
Q (a) L, ¬,=c²
A= (b)
Ep A E0
I dQ 1
do: (c) JH, E, =c (d)
dt Eo di
do; dQ dØ -= c
or Ans. (b)
Therefore l-I,
Examination Idea R Physics-XI (116)
Q.27. Communication frequency band range for FM 0.29: The waves used to kill bacteria in a water
broadcast is fier are (Raj. Board
Supp. pur,
(a) 530- 1710 MHz (b) 540 890.MHz
(d) 54 - 85 MHz
(b) microwaves
(d) gamma rays
(c) 88-108 MHz
(Raj. Board 2023) Ans. (c) ultraviolet
Q.30. A charged particle oscillates w
with a
Ans. (c) 88-108 MHz
Q.28. Write the name of electromagnetic wave pro
(Raj. Bòard 2023)
frequency of the
106Hz. What will be the oscillator?
waves generated by the electro frequengi
duced by vacuum tube magnetron. (Raj. Board Supp. 2023
Ans. Microwaves are produced by vacuum tube
magnetron. Ans. The frequencyHz.of electromagnctic waves produc
by the oscillator is 106

Some Important Questionsand Answers

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