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Phy CH 8 Previous
Phy CH 8 Previous
ElketrO magnciCWaves arethe waves in
wbich clectric
magncttc fhcld voctors are mutually perpcndicular and are Important ormulae
situated n one plane perpendicular to wbich thcsc waves
arc transiuttd.
Vclocity of clcctro magnctic waves
The transimission of clcctrO
1accumalso. In vacuum the magnctic waves is possiblc in
velocity of thesc waves is the C = (in vacuum)
vclocity ot light c=2.998 x10 3x 10 m/s
The transmission of clcctromagnctic waves, clectric ficld
1ctor and magnetic ficld vcctor all thrcc being mutually V= (in medium)
nependicular the nature of thcsewaves is
The nmain parts of the spcctrum of electrotranversc
Relatian of electric field and magnctic field with the
are rad10 waves, micro wavès, infra red waves, visible velocity of light
waves. ultra violet iwaves, X-rays and gamma ravs.
The infra red radiations collide with carbon di Oxide gas
prescnt in the atmosphere and return back to carth due to
iuhcih rise, in the temperature of carth is observed. This Pyonting vector
effect is called green house effect. This namc is given
becausc in colder countries green houses are made to keep Total energy of electro magnetic waves
the green plants alive. This green house is a glass cover in
which the radiations from sun enter and the temperature B
inside the cover (house) is more compared to outside. This
1wav nutrition and growth of plants is possible.