Icfes Type Questions Physical Education

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Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,

Recreation and Sports

Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

1. According to Platonov, the "external" aspect of the load can be represented in a general
way by the indices of the total volume of work, which consist of: total volume of work in
hours, volume of cyclic work (running, swimming, rowing, etc. .) in kilometers, number of
training sessions, number of competitions, etc. To fully characterize the "external" aspect
of training loads, particular volumes of the load are highlighted that reflect planning within
the general volume of work performed with high intensity or that which contributes to the
predominant improvement of some aspects of preparation.

From the planning of the training, the dosage of the load that corresponds to external
aspects is:

TO. performing the exercise with an intensity of 70% of the work frequency.

b. exercise intensity at 60% of maximum strength.

c. rest until the resting heart rate recovers.

d. moderate intensity resistance work.

R/: B

Component: Pedagogy, didactics and teaching of motor expressions.

2. A sports teacher is in charge of a basketball team made up of employees of a company,

during an inter-company tournament; With the aim of improving performance in
competitions, he decides to give each team member a non-specifically sports object,
according to their effectiveness in participation.

According to motivational theory, the teacher is using a strategy based on:

TO. cognitive motivation.

b. the reward.

c. the signal stimulus.

d. the incentive.
R/: B

Component: Social and human sciences.

3. A 30-year-old sedentary man, who works six hours a day in a sitting position, presents
in the postural evaluation an increase in lumbar curvature and a decrease in the dorsal
curvature. The physical exercise plan to overcome this problem should be aimed at:

TO. increase the strength of the lower limbs.

b. reduce pain and stiffness in the lower back.

c. balance anterior and posterior muscle chains of the trunk.

d. increase the flexibility of the anterior muscles of the trunk.

R/: C

Component: Biological sciences and physical activity and health.

4. A group of children jump repeatedly and then stop. When they finish, the teacher tells
them to place their hands on the center of their chest and count their heartbeats.
According to the above, the children are working:

TO. gross dynamic coordination.

b. static and dynamic balance.

c. kinesthetic bodily relationships.

d. the knowledge and sense of the body.

A/: D

Component: Fundamentals of physical education.

5. According to the National Recreation Plan, an area of greatest effectiveness for its
development and implementation in the country is research, this orientation being
important for:

TO. develop processes for understanding local cultures in terms of recreation.

b. ensure the management of logistical and financial resources for recreation programs.

c. allow greater participation of the population in recreational activities.

d. improve the training and training of university recreation professionals.

R/: A

Component: Fundamentals of recreation.

6. A sports teacher is in charge of a soccer team made up of students. During training, the
development of basic physical qualities is worked on. According to the concept of physical
qualities, which of the statements is not a physical quality?

TO). The force B). Balance C). Cognitive motivation. D). Speed

7. Which of the following options defines the concept of recreation?

TO). Process that seeks to recover the child's ability to express and communicate.

B). Knowledge of the position our body is in. C). Conformation of the human body exposed
to physical conditions. D). None of the above.

8. The exercise where the eye-foot agents intervene is called:

TO). Body movement. b). Oculo-pedic coordination. C) Fine coordination.

D). Coarse coordination.

9. It is one of the basic components of physical work to achieve and maintain good
physical, physiological and sporting condition, this is called:

TO). Arc of movement .B). Lateral movements C). Dynamic coordination.

D). Endurance.

10. One of the most complete sports where all muscle groups are worked.

TO). Basketball B). Swimming. C). Soccer. D). Volleyball

11. According to your knowledge, what is physical warm-up?

TO). Set of general exercises performed to increase heart rate

B). It is the change in different actions that are produced by a force

C). They are exercises oriented to a specialty as a central theme in each sport.

D). They are exercises that are performed with the arms.

12. Physical stretching is very important for men. One of the following items clearly
mentions when it should be done...

TO). Before doing work. B). After sitting or standing for a long time. C). Before or after
any sports-physical activity. D). when I'm stressed

13. Sport has become an important activity for society. Why do men stretch their muscles?

TO). To reduce muscle tension. (Chill out). B). As a benefit for better coordination. C).
Prevents injuries (muscle strains or tears). D). All of the above.
14. According to your knowledge acquired during your school life, which of the following
statements clearly defines the concept of volleyball.

TO). It is a sport where two teams of six players face each other on a smooth playing
field separated by a central net, trying to pass the ball over the net to the ground of the
opposing field. B). It is a sport made up of two teams of five players each. C). It is a
physical activity that is played with two teams of eight players. D). It is a sporting discipline
that consists of putting the ball into the opponent's basket.

15. Basketball or basketball (from the English basketball; from basket, 'basket', and ball,
'ball'), Note 1: or simply basketball,1 is a team sport that can be played both indoors and
outdoors. , in which two sets of ________ players each try to score points, also called
baskets or doubles and/or triples, by introducing a ball into a hoop placed 3.05 meters
from the ground from which a net hangs, which gives it a basket or basket appearance.

-According to the basketball text it is:

TO). It is a team sport in which a ball is hit with a bat. B). It is a men's and women's sport
recognized by the International Olympic Committee and is played with 8 players per team.
C). It is a sport that is practiced barefoot on a sandy beach. Two teams are formed, each
with four players (including goalkeeper).

D). It is a sport that is played on a rectangular field between two teams of five players
who, using only their hands, try to get the ball into the opponent's goal.

16. It is an effective instrument of pedagogy, as it helps to develop the basic qualities of

man as a bio-psycho-social unit. It contributes to educational action with its scientific
foundations and its interdisciplinary links, then relying on philosophy, psychology, biology,
etc. This is:

TO). The philosophy

B). Physical

C) Physical Education

D) Psychology

17). It requires the exchange of oxygen in the blood to a greater degree than other
activities, such as running versus strength training. Being able to sustain aerobic activity
for longer periods of time depends on the body's ability to transport oxygen to the body's
tissues and muscles and then use them efficiently once it gets there. You can say that this

TO). Anaerobic Power

B). Aerobic Power

C) Anaerobic Capacity

D). Aerobic Capacity

18). It is known as that physical activity of short duration but high intensity, in which the
metabolism of the muscles does not use oxygen in the exchange of energy. With this in
mind, we can indicate that this is the power of the human being to perform intense and
brief physical activity. What does this short paragraph refer to?

A).Anaerobic Power

B).Vascular Resistance

C).Aerobic Capacity

D). Physical Intensity

19).It is the basic physical quality that allows us to achieve the maximum degree of
possible movement of a joint. It depends on many variables such as the compliance of the
joint capsule, muscle quality, as well as the stretching capacity of tendons and ligaments
but also on external factors such as temperature, we can define this as: ?

TO). Aerobic resistance

B). Flexibility

C). Lung capacity

D). Stretching

20) These are all those activities and situations in which fun is implemented, as well as
relaxation and training through it. The recreation possibilities that exist today are almost
infinite, especially because each person can discover and develop interests, different
forms of recreation and entertainment.

TO). Recreation

B). Collective Sport

C). Individual sport

D). Collective sports and recreation

Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,

Recreation and Sports
Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

Sixth and Seventh Grades.


The warm-up is a set of activities carried out in the initial part of a session, so that the body
goes from a state of rest relative to a state of specific activity, and prepares the body for
later more demanding efforts, promotes performance and avoids possible injuries, thus
having maximum energy for full use and enjoyment of the activity. The central objective of
the warm-up is to incorporate the athlete or student into the activity to be carried out,
progressively and at a desired level, allowing the adaptation of the heart, blood circulation,
respiratory system, as well as work at the tendon and muscular. With warming up, by
raising the temperature of the muscles and tendons, we improve the neuromuscular unit,
increase local blood flow, metabolic exchange, improve enzymatic activity and reduce
muscle viscosity. Taking into account the previous text, answer questions 1 to 9:

1. What physical warm-up is for: *

a) To improve performance in physical activity, reduce the risk of injury and prepare the
body psychologically for physical activity.

b) To play and prepare the body for an activity.

c) To warm up the bones and muscles

d) To be faster when we exercise.

2. What are the parts of the warm-up:

a) Joint mobility and stretching

b) Stretching and general dynamic activation

c) Joint mobility, general dynamic activation and stretching

d) Stretching and general dynamic activation

3. One of the primary objectives of the warm-up is:

a) Warm up the bones

b) Motivate the athlete or student to play

c) Prepare the heart

d) Incorporate the athlete or student in the activity to be carried out

4. What you are looking for when warming up is:

a) raise the temperature of the muscles

b) warm the bones and joints.

c) Activate the heart so that it does not have a heart attack.

d) Warm the blood

5. When we talk about joint mobility we refer to:

a) Movements in the tendons

b) Bone movement

c) Movement in the joints

d) Movement in the muscles

6. Which of the following joints performs the least number of movements:

a) the hip

b) The elbow

c) The doll

of the ankle

7. The movements that occur most in the joints are:

a) Flexion – Circumduction ( is the circular movement that combines flexion, extension,

abduction and adduction, so that the movement of a portion of the body describes the
shape of a cone. The disc end of the limb moves in a circle while the proximal end remains

b) Anteroversion ( inclination of an organ forward, rotating around a transverse axis. ) and

retroversion (movement or backward deviation of some organ of the body).

c) Plantiflexion ( movement of the foot that increases its angle of 90 degrees with respect
to the tibia.) – Dorsiflexion ( movement that reduces the angle between the foot and the
leg in which the toes approach the shin.)

d) Flexion and extension

8. The joint that presents the most movements is:

a) The elbow

b) The hip

c) The doll

d) The knee

9. joint movements are less:

a) flexion, extension, circumduction and manipulation

b) Antero version, Plantiflexion,

c) Flexion, Circumduction, anteversion

d) Extension, locomotion, manipulation.

10. According to the graph, the largest bone in the human body is:

TO. The hip

b. The femur

c. The Tibia

d. The radio

11. The human body is made up of:

TO. Muscles, bones, and roots

b. Muscles, bones, joints and tendons

c. Muscles, Joints and Systems

d. Muscles, pits, fingers

12. In the warm-up one of the parts is stretching, this exercise is performed on which parts
of the body:

TO. the joints

b. The bones

c. The muscles

d. The tendons

13. The bones of the arm are called:

TO. Radius and femur

b. Radio and cubit

c. Ulna and femur

d. femur and humerus

According to the following text, answer questions 14 to 20

Physical education is the discipline that covers everything related to the use of the body.
From a pedagogical point of view, it helps the integral formation of the human being. That
is, its practice promotes creative and intentional movements, the manifestation of
corporeality through higher-order affective and cognitive processes. Likewise, the
enjoyment of bodily movement is promoted and participation in activities characterized by
motor tasks is encouraged. In the same way, coexistence, friendship and enjoyment are
sought, as well as appreciation of the activities of the community. Its objective is to
promote the physical and mental health of human beings; Likewise, the efficiency of
movement, the development of motor skills from the simplest to the most complicated, that
is why it is recommended that people: take care of their diet, their rest, exercise and/or
sport frequently, sleep well, do not consume liquor or other substances harmful to your
body, value your body and give it all the care it deserves. To achieve these goals, it uses
certain sources and means that, depending on its approach, have varied their conception
and emphasis over time. However, what is unquestionable are the contributions that the
practice of physical education offers to society: it contributes to the care and preservation
of health, the promotion of tolerance and respect for human rights, the occupation of free
time , promotes an active life against a sedentary lifestyle, etc. The means used are motor
play, sports initiation, educational sports, recreation, etc. The current trend in physical
education is the development of Competencies that allow the best possible adaptability to
changing situations in the environment and reality. In this way, physical education aims to
develop the following skills: the integration of corporeality, expression and realization of
simple and complex motor performances and the mastery and control of motor skills to
pose and solve problems.

14. Physical education can contribute to the learning of norms or civic coexistence

TO. Fair play

b. Individual work

c. Developing projects

d. Participating in physical education classes

15. Physical education aims to:

TO. Promote the physical and mental health of human beings.

b. Turn him into an athlete.

c. Induce him to rest 8 hours a day.

d. Motivate women to take care of their silhouette.

16. Physical education guides and recommends the human being:

TO. Have fun at the movies, theater, parties and parks.

b. Take care of your diet, rest, exercise, sleep well, avoid liquor and other substances
harmful to your health, and have healthy lifestyle habits.

C Consume food without considering consequences.

D Walking with bad posture.

17. Physical education guides the understanding and importance of regular exercise and
thus people will avoid:

Clumsy movements.

B Work and stress.

C Diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle: degenerative (Cancer, diabetes, sclerosis,

Alzheimer's, different syndromes, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis among many others)

D Practice soccer constantly.

18. From the pedagogical point of view, education aims to:

To help the integral formation of the human being.

B Contribute to bone formation.

C Contribute to the social formation of human beings.

D Help the psychological formation of the human being.

19. Physical education aims to develop the skills:

TO. the integration of corporeality

b. Expression and performance of simple and complex motor performances

c. The mastery and control of motor skills to pose and solve problems.

d. All of the above

20. some topics of physical education are:

TO. Global warming

b. The body scheme

c. The paragraph

d. The bones
Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,
Recreation and Sports
Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

Seventh grade

The initial part of the training is called Warm-up, which is characterized by having an
intensity below the average of the training and which aims to prepare the body for an
overload. This is divided into three parts: joint mobility, general dynamic activation and

1. Warming up serves to:

TO. Increase heart rate and body temperature

b. Activate neurons

c. Socialize with colleagues

d. Increase speed and strength

2. Joint mobility is performed with what part of the human body specifically?

TO. The bones

b. The muscles

c. The joints

d. The tendons

3. General dynamic activation aims

TO. Start the game

b. Increase body temperature and heart rate

c. Increase the abilities and skills of athletes

d. Avoid physical injuries

4. The stretches are done to what part of the body specifically?

TO. The bones

b. The muscles

c. The tendons

d. The joints

5. The objective of the warm-up is:

TO. Prevent injuries and increase heart rate as well as body temperature

b. Prevent sports injuries and improve basic motor skills

c. Improve oxygen consumption

d. Play faster.

Answer questions from 6 to 9 taking into account the following text

The game is a recreational activity, where one or more players participate per team,
beyond competition, the main function of the games is to provide fun and entertainment,
while providing mental and physical stimulation, contributing to the development of
practical skills and psychological.

6. The different games played in physical education class help students:

TO. Development of techniques and tactics in sport

b. Improve mental and physical skills

c. Spend free time

d. Do something in physical education class

7. Recreational games are those where players?

TO. They compete for a prize

b. They seek fun and recreation

c. They have no rules or regulations

d. There is no time limit

8. Competitive games are those that seek participants?

TO. Be the best

b. Follow the rules and regulations

c. Win no matter how

d. They attack their opponents

9. Ruled games are those games in which the players?

TO. They are just looking for fun and recreation.

b. They must fully comply with the rules and regulations of each game

c. They require a referee

d. They use skills and abilities to win.

Answer questions 10 to 14 taking into account the following text

Johan Huizinga, in his text ¨Homo Ludens¨ defines play as a voluntary human activity or
action that is carried out within certain limits set in space and time that follow freely
accepted rules, which has its objective in itself and They are accompanied by a feeling of
tension and joy and an awareness of being something different from what ordinary life is
and which is an eminently cultural phenomenon.

10. According to this author and the definition he gives of the game, this is an element of:

TO. Culture

b. Biology

c. psychology
d. Physical education

11. Among the essential characteristics that the game must have are:

TO. You must be free, separate, uncertain, regulated and fictitious.

b. Happy, lively and bustling

c. Normative and coercive

d. Normative, harmful and creative

12. Games can be:

TO. Wild

b. of vertigo

c. Aggressive

d. Passives

13. A classic classification of games says that they can be:

TO. Of competition and imitation

b. Of competition and aggression

c. Of aggression and imitation

d. Of aggression and will

14. There are games of:

TO. Symbolic, chance and rules

b. Symbolic, without rules and aggressive

c. Of prowess, collectives and dissociators

d. Fiction, fabrication and material

Based on the following definition, answer questions 15 to 20

Pre-sports games are those games that require skills and abilities typical of sports. Their
practice is recommended as preparation for people who begin to practice any sport since it
provides them with a series of physical and technical resources.

15. Do pre-sports games serve as?

TO. Introduction to sports

b. Medium of socialization

c. Improve sports technique and tactics

d. Energy channeling

16. The fundamental objective of pre-sports games is?

TO. Learn the rules and regulations of the games

b. Acquire motor responses to put into practice in each sport.

c. Learn to socialize.

d. Share with classmates through the game.

17. The application of pre-sports games is related to?

TO. The norms and rules

b. The social sciences

c. Physical education, recreation and sports

d. The arts

According to the following paragraph one could think that:

Another definition of pre-sports games says that these are an essentially agonistic motor
form of play, of an intermediate type between the game and the sport, which contains
elements related to some sporting modality and which are the result of the adaptation of
sports games with a Much lower structural and functional complexity and that serve as a
basis for the development of sports skills since they contain elements of some sports.

18. With this type of games, are students prepared for?

TO. To learn to play

b. Fully comply with the rules

c. The transition from game to sport

d. To win the game

19. These types of games contribute to the student's improvement?

TO. Socialization

b. Learning norms and rules

c. Basic skills and physical abilities typical of sports

d. Speed

20. Pre-sports games contribute to sports initiation with the learning of?

TO. Socialization

b. The rules, global and specific technical skills

c. The tactical principles

d. The organization of the game

Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,

Recreation and Sports
Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

Eighth Grade

Answer questions 1 to 4 taking into account the following statement

There are two versions of the origin of futsal; The first says that this sport began in Sao
Paulo and the second version emerged in 1931 in Montevideo, both with the Christian
Association of Young Men. The first official entity was the Metropolitan Indoor Football
Federation, which emerged in July 1954 and in 1971, the International Indoor Football
Federation was founded, which had 32 affiliated countries that practiced the sport
according to Brazilian rules. . According to the history of Indoor Soccer we can infer that:

1. Futsal is a sport that began in:

TO. Colombia and Venezuela

b. Brazil and Uruguay

c. Argentina and Brazil

d. Uruguay and Argentina

2. The first sports entity to be created was:

TO. The Paulista Federation

b. The International Indoor Football Federation

c. The Metropolitan Indoor Football Federation


3. The acronym FIFUSA means:

TO. National Futsal Federation

b. International Football Federation

c. International Indoor Football Federation

d. Metropolitan Indoor Soccer Federation

4. The association that promoted this sport was called:

TO. National Indoor Soccer Association

b. Christian Footballers Association

c. Christian Association of Young Men

d. Christian Players Association

Answer questions 5 and 6 taking into account the following statement

The main objective of the International Indoor Soccer Federation is to ensure the correct
execution of each of the tournaments and events to be held in each country, taking into
account the rules and parameters established by the main commission. It was founded in
1971 in Brazil with at least 10 affiliated teams.

5. The International Indoor Football Federation, in its beginnings, had how many
associated countries:

TO. 24 countries

b. 10 countries

c. 32 countries

d. 40 countries
6. In what year was FIFUSA founded?

TO. 1931

b. 1971

c. 1956

d. 1987

Answer questions 7 and 9 taking into account the following statement

The Indoor Soccer field has a rectangular shape, its measurements are 42 Mt, long by 22
Mt wide, the official terrain on which it can be played in official tournaments must be made
of special material or in special coliseums; The goals are 2 Mt high by 3 Mt wide; The ball
has different measurements depending on the category and ranges between 40 to 64
centimeters and 400 to 250 grams in weight, data that must be taken into account when
being played in official tournaments. Based on the previous paragraph we can deduce

7. Indoor soccer is played on fields such as:

TO. grass field

b. Soccer field

c. Covered Coliseums

d. Street

8. The ball used in an official tournament for each category must have regulatory
measurements in:

TO. Length and width

b. Weight and width

c. Centimeters and grams

d. Weight and height

9. The different categories of Indoor Soccer, when playing an official match, present
differences in:

TO. Court

b. The ball

c. The arc

d. The number of players

Answer questions 10 to 13 taking into account the following paragraph

In the different official and unofficial tournaments the number of players per team should
not vary, the only way it can vary is because the terrain or playing space does not allow all
athletes to participate. Just as the terrain can vary, so can the playing time and the weight
of the ball ranges between 400 and 500 grams.

10. Indoor soccer is played with how many players per team:

TO. 4 players

b. 5 players

c. 6 players

d. 7 players

11. The weight of the microsoccer ball is:

TO. 470 GR

b. 650GR

c. 560GR

d. 311GR

12. In the under 16 categories, a micro-football match lasts:

TO. 40 min with 10 min rest

b. 45 min with 10 min break

c. 45 min with 15 min break

d. 40 min with 15 min rest

13. In the senior category, an official match has a duration in each half of:

TO. 20 min

b. 15 min

c. 30 min

d. 25 min

Answer questions 14 to 16 taking into account the following text

The refereeing team that this sport has is made up of 4 judges who each have a very
important but different function. There is a referee, who is in charge of calling the match,
sanctioning each of the fouls and decreeing whether it is charged or not; The assistant
judge is in charge of helping the main judge and calling fouls that the main judge does not
see; The timekeeper judge is the one in charge of keeping time and giving it to the
captains and main judge, and the scoring judge is the one who writes down each of the
events (fouls, goals and cautions).

14. The judge provides the times to:

TO. Team captain

b. Technical assistant

c. Technical director

d. Timekeeper

15. The judge who takes the time is called:

TO. referee

b. assistant judge

c. Scheduler judge

d. tax judge

This question is mandatory.

16. THE Judge in charge of sanctioning serious fouls during a match is called:

TO. assistant judge

b. Referee Judge

c. Timekeeper judge

d. Scheduler judge

Answer questions 17 to 20 taking into account the following text

Physical education is the discipline that aims to promote the physical and mental health of
human beings; Likewise, the efficiency of movement, the development of motor skills from
the simplest to the most complicated, that is why it is recommended that people: take care
of their diet, their rest, exercise and/or sport frequently, sleep well, do not consume liquor
or other substances harmful to your body, value your body and give it all the care it

17. Physical education can contribute to the learning of norms or civic coexistence

TO. Fair play

b. Individual work

c. Developing projects

d. Participating in physical education classes

18. Physical education aims to:

TO. Promote the physical and mental health of human beings.

b. Turn him into an athlete.

c. Induce him to rest 8 hours a day.

d. Motivate women to take care of their silhouette.

19. Physical education guides and recommends the human being:

TO. Have fun at the movies, theater, parties and parks

b. Take care of your diet, rest, exercise, sleep well, avoid liquor and other substances that
are harmful to your body.

c. Consume food without considering consequences.

d. Walking with bad posture.

20. Physical education guides the understanding and importance of regular exercise and
thus people will avoid:

Clumsy movements.

B Work and stress.

C Diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle: obesity, heart problems, and degenerative

damage to our body.

D Practice soccer constantly.

Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,
Recreation and Sports
Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

Ninth grade

Taking into account the text, answer the following questions.

Physical education is the discipline that aims to promote the physical and mental health of
human beings; Likewise, the efficiency of movement, the development of motor skills from
the simplest to the most complicated, that is why it is recommended that people: take care
of their diet, their rest, exercise and/or sport frequently, sleep well, do not consume liquor
or other substances harmful to your body, value your body and give it all the care it

1. Physical education can contribute to the learning of norms or civic coexistence through:

TO. Fair play

b. Individual work

c. Developing projects

d. Participating in physical education classes

2. Physical education aims to:

TO. Promote the physical and mental health of human beings.

b. Turn him into an athlete.

c. Induce him to rest 8 hours a day.

d. Motivate women to take care of their silhouette.

3. Physical education guides and recommends the human being:

TO. Have fun at the movies, theater, parties and parks

b. Take care of your diet, rest, exercise, sleep well, avoid liquor and other substances that
are harmful to your body.

c. Consume food without considering consequences.

d. Walking with bad posture.

4. Physical education guides the understanding and importance of regular exercise and
thus people will avoid:

TO. Clumsy movements.

b. Work and stress.

c. Diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle: obesity, heart problems, and degenerative

damage to our body.

d. Practice soccer constantly.

5. What are natural physical abilities?

A. Strength, endurance, speed, flexibility.

B. Strength, balance, speed, flexibility.

C. Endurance, speed, balance, strength.

D. Balance, speed, resistance, strength.

6. It is the ability to carry out physical activity for a prolonged period of time.

A. Speed.

B. Force.

C. Endurance.

D. Flexibility.
7. Physical capacity that requires physical effort in a short time and for a short duration.

A. Force.

B. Speed.

C. Endurance.

D. Flexibility.

8. Physical condition that is lost over time, which makes the individual more rigid.

A. Speed.

B. Force.

C. Flexibility.

D. Endurance.

9. Physical capacity that is capable of moving or stopping a body by applying explosive


A. Speed.

B. Endurance.

C. Flexibility.

D. Force.

10. For a stretch to be effective and to break the muscular unions between the joints, its
duration must be:

A. Between 1 to 5 seconds.
B. Between 5 to 10 seconds
C. Between 10 to 15 seconds
D. Between 15 to 20 seconds.

11. It can be defined as physical condition:

A. The responsiveness of bones to a stimulus.

b. It is the way a person's body responds when performing any physical activity.

c. The ability of muscles to do work. (Skill)

d. None of the above.

12. The assessment of physical condition can be defined as:

TO. It is the state of health of a person.

b. It is an evaluation (test) of a person's abilities and state of health when doing physical

c. It is our body's response in opposition to sleep.

d. It is the ability to overcome adversity.

13. Physical activity can be defined as:

TO. The set of actions that human beings perform in their work or profession.

b. An organized sport, a recreational activity, a game or when we practice an exercise in

physical education class.

c. The tasks, occupations or chores of human beings throughout their lives.

d. All of the above

Motor abilities are those that allow precise, agile and balanced movements.

14. According to the above we can deduce that the motor abilities are the following, minus

TO. COORDINATION: allows us to make movements with precision and in a

synchronized manner.

b. AGILITY: we use the possibilities of movement of the body in space, quickly and

c. BALANCE: they allow us to move the body with control and maintain any position
against gravity.

d. STRENGTH: It is the ability to interact with any object in a space.

15. Physical condition is made up of the following types or abilities, minus one.

TO. Physical abilities: they have to do with the amount of movement we can do

b. Motor abilities: they have to do with the quality of movements.

c. Psychological abilities: they have to do with the personal attitudes of the previous two.
d. Intellectual or cognitive abilities: they have to do with the way in which knowledge and
reasoning about the world that surrounds the being is acquired.

16. According to the description and definition of physical abilities and motor abilities (point
15), it is correct to deduce that:

TO. Physical abilities are what make possible the correct execution of movements and
motor abilities are the basis of human movement.

b. Strength is a motor ability to interact with any object in space and agility is a physical
ability associated with rapid and harmonious movements.

c. Physical abilities are the basis of movements and motor abilities are what make the
correct execution of movements possible.

d. all of the above.

17. Complete the statement according to the meaning and logic of the missing words in
the underlined space and choose the correct option.

Recreation is understood as all _______ physical activities that are carried out in a
planned manner during free time and that become therapy for _______.

TO. aerobics - man

b. anaerobic - child

c. playful – body

d. playful – adolescent

18. Choose the actions to be taken in the event of an arm fracture and organize them
according to the steps to follow:

1. Ask about the symptoms that affect the injured person

2. Massage the area where the fracture occurred

3. Place the fractured limb in the normal position

4. Immobilize the affected part by splinting it

5. If there is a wound, place sterile gauze or a clean tissue

6. Transport the injured person, avoiding sudden movements

TO. 1, 2, 3, 6

b. 1, 4, 5, 6

c. 2, 3, 4, 5
d. 2, 3, 5, 6

19. Select the measures to be taken in case of a closed injury (no wound).

1. Apply local cold using wet compresses

2. Inject medications to reduce inflammation of the bump

3. Elevate the affected area and keep it at complete rest

4. Apply heat directly to the affected area

5. Place a compressive bandage on the affected area

TO. 1, 2, 4

b. 1, 3, 5

c. 2, 3, 4

d. 3, 4, 5

20. Choose the first-line activities that should be considered after a moderate or severe
contusion suffered by an athlete. (D)

1. Apply heat to the affected area

2. Place an ointment on the bruise

3. Maintain rest

4. Apply local cold

TO. 1, 2

b. 1, 4

c. 2, 3

d. 3, 4
Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,
Recreation and Sports
Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

Tenth grade


Aerobics is a sports discipline in which aerobic work is performed to the rhythm of music,
where the intensity is moderate and the duration of the effort is prolonged. It is a sport that
offers many advantages for the body; On a physical level, it improves cardiovascular
capacity and maximum oxygen consumption, contributes to the reduction of body fat,
delays bone decalcification, and on a psychological level, tension is relieved and safety is

1. Based on the previous text, what can be inferred? *

TO. Aerobics serve as physical and mental exercise

b. Aerobics increase cardiopulmonary capacity

c. Aerobics improve oxygen consumption

d. Aerobics provide energy

2. To have a better effect on the body, aerobic work must be accompanied with:

TO. weight work

b. Abs work

c. Good nutrition

d. Suitable sports clothing


Tae bo is an exercise routine mainly associated with boxing and taekwondo, it is an
activity where music is combined with training exercises, developing an intensive work
regimen. The beginnings of this sport modality arose when martial arts techniques done to
the rhythm of music known as musical katas were combined; However, musical katas did
not have the popularity that Tae bo has. At the same time, this sport includes Karate
strikes; it is more of a health exercise than a self-defense weapon. There is no throwing,
grappling or ground combat.

3. Tae bo is a sports modality derived from:

TO. Aerobics and Weights

b. judo and karate

c. taekwondo and karate

d. Katas and Karate

This question is mandatory.

4. In tae bo we work specifically *

TO. Launch

b. Grips

c. Kicks

d. karate chops


The Pilates method is a physical and mental training system created at the beginning of
the 20th century, which is based on different specialties such as gymnastics, traumatology
and yoga, uniting dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and
relaxation. In its beginnings it was called ¨Contrologia¨ , by Pilates himself, since he took
into account the use of the mind to control the body, but seeking balance and unity
between both. The method focuses on the development of internal muscles to maintain
body balance and give stability and firmness to the spine.

5. The term “Controlology”, which appears underlined in the previous text, refers to:

TO. control the mind

b. Control people

c. Control the body

d. Control the body and mind

6. Taking into account the previous text we could deduce that the internal muscles tell us

TO. To the thigh muscles

b. To the abdominal muscles

c. To the muscles of the face

d. To the leg muscles

7. One of the objectives of the Pilates method is:

TO. Mental control

b. The breathing

c. relaxation

d. Internal muscle development

In a Physical Education class, the teacher asks his students to move in different directions
on the basketball court, emphasizing that for this they will have a guide and that they must
take different rhythms into account. After the explanation, students perform the basic
motor skills of walking and running.

8. Based on the previous text, identify the basic skills of displacement.

TO. Locomotives

b. Not locomotives

c. Of stability

d. Manipulative


In the different official and unofficial tournaments the number of players per team should
not vary, the only way it can vary is because the terrain or playing space does not allow all
athletes to participate. Just as the terrain can vary, so can the playing time. The weight of
the ball can range between 400 and 500 grams.

9. Indoor soccer is played with how many players per team:

TO. 4 players

b. 5 players

c. 6 players
d. 7 players

10. The weight of the microsoccer ball is:

TO. 470 GR

b. 650GR

c. 560GR

d. 311GR

11. In the under 16 categories, a micro-football match lasts:

TO. 40 min with 10 min rest

b. 45 min with 10 min break

c. 45 min with 15 min break

d. 40 min with 15 min rest

12. In the senior category, an official match has a duration in each half of:

TO. 20 min

b. 15 min

c. 30 min

d. 25 min

13. They are types of skills with their respective examples, except one:

TO. Simple: walk and sit.

b. Basics: throws and hits.

c. Complexes: football and basketball.

d. Very Complex: raise knees and flex elbows.

14. The following are the basic motor tasks, minus one:

TO. Movements, Jumps and Turns.

b. Hits and receptions of sports objects.

c. Throws: consists of sending an object beyond where we are.

d. The accuracy of the arrow in archery shooting.

15. Complete the statement.

Traditional games should help the student understand education as a gift and should
encourage _______ in common tasks and in this way achieve _______ when forming
groups, where the rules emerge by mutual agreement and, therefore, Therefore, they are
variable and flexible.

TO. differentiation - heterogeneity

b. differentiation - homogeneity

c. cooperation - heterogeneity

d. cooperation – homogeneity

16. What traditional game does the statement refer to?

It is a round in which the participants interact and sing with a single voice until the leader
gives the order to form groups with a different number of members.

TO. Let's play in the forest

b. Lemon water

c. Tingo tango

d. I'll catch you mouse

5. Complete the statement.

_______ games are inclusive, have open _______ and do not involve the use of _______

TO. big - laws - small

b. popular - norms – complex

c. traditional - rules - technological

d. small - norms – large

17. Order the correct sequence, from start to finish, of the technique in the long jump.

1. Momentum

2. Suspension

3. Landing

4. Career

A) 1, 3, 4, 2

B) 2, 1, 3, 4
C) 3, 2, 4, 1

D) 4, 1, 2, 3

18. Relate the game to its rating.

Ranking Game

1. Ball game a) Sensory

2. Chess b) Intellectual

3. Whistles c) Engines

A) 1a, 2b, 3c

B) 1a, 2c, 3b

C) 1b, 2a, 3c

D) 1c, 2b, 3a

19. Based on the case, choose the maintenance actions that the students should

In a Physical Education class with seventh-year Basic General Education students, the
teacher indicates some of the actions that should be taken into account to preserve and
maintain the campus's recreational and sports facilities in good condition.

1. Do not throw waste or garbage in sports and recreational areas

2. Organize groups of students to paint the court

3. Delegate daily cleaning of the bathrooms in the sports areas

4. Organize a club for the protection and conservation of sports areas

5. Prepare posters referring to the maintenance and conservation of sports areas

6. Fund personnel to be responsible for the maintenance of these areas

A) 1, 3, 6

B) 1, 4, 5

C) 2, 3, 5

D) 2, 4, 6

20. Physical exercise programs to improve cardiorespiratory resistance are based on

carrying out sports-type activities, which include the mobilization of large muscle groups
for prolonged periods.
All are exercises suitable for this type of programs, except:

To walk

B) swim

C) dance zumba

D) do push-ups
Knowledge Type Evaluation of Physical Education,
Recreation and Sports
Hernán Toro Agudelo Educational Institution
Prepared by: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Posada Rodríguez

this type consist of a statement and four answer options, among which you must choose
the one you consider correct.

Eleventh grade


Massage is a scientific, systematic manipulation, it is a mechanical stimulus to the soft

tissues of the body, especially through the application of stretches and rhythmic
compressions in a therapeutic manner. With massage, every athlete can have at their
disposal a natural method to take care of themselves, recover from effort and increase
work capacity. Warming up is essential in preventing injuries and improving the athlete's
performance, but other complementary means can also be used such as massage, whose
objective focuses on increasing circulation.

1. According to the previous paragraph, the objective of the massage is:

TO. Improve blood flow

b. Effort recovery

c. Avoid cramps

d. Maintain a pretty figure

2. When in a competition one of the athletes presents a muscular overload, the following
should be done:

TO. Perform a warm-up

b. Perform a stretch

c. Perform a body massage

d. Put ice on the muscles

3. The massage can be performed in which areas of the body?

TO. Muscles and Tendons

b. Muscles and Joints

c. Muscles and Bones

d. Tendons and Joints

4. Sports massage is a complement to:

TO. Stretching

b. Heating

c. General dynamic activity

d. Joint mobility

5. In a joint sprain sports injury, the coach or physical therapist should do:

TO. To do a massage

b. Put ice

c. put a bandage

d. Apply an injection

6. When a weightlifting athlete has a competition in a few seconds and presents a physical
overload, his coach must apply:

TO. Ice

b. Stretching

c. Psychological work

d. Massage

7. In which of the following sports practiced by a high-performance athlete can a sports

massage be applied before the competition?

TO. Wrestling, weights and karate

b. Swimming, gymnastics, skating

c. Chess, table tennis

d. Wrestling, gymnastics and chess


There are two categories of massages, one with devices and the other manual. Manual
massage can be classified into: sports, aesthetic, hygienic, therapeutic massage, among
others. In competition, sports massage is a recognized method of eliminating fatigue and
preventing injuries. Its objective is to increase the athlete's work capacity, make their
preparation more effective and help in the recovery processes.

8. Based on the text and remembering the class notes we can think that there are different
types of sports massages such as:

TO. Pre- or warm-up massage, training and recovery

b. Hygienic and erotic massage

c. Aesthetic and reduction massage

d. Therapeutic and aesthetic massage

9. The techniques that we can use to perform a sports massage are based on *

TO. Tapping and puncture

b. Puncture and pressure

c. Kneading and percussion

d. Percussion and Tapping

10. The primary objective of sports massage is:

TO. Avoid fatigue

b. Injury prevention

c. Increase work capacity

d. Improve performance

11. The time that a leg massage should be performed on an athlete is:

TO. 5 minutes on both legs

b. 10 minutes on each leg

c. 15 minutes on both legs

d. 20 minutes on each leg



Aerobics is a sports discipline in which aerobic work is performed to the rhythm of music,
where the intensity is moderate and the duration of the effort is prolonged. It is a sport that
offers many advantages for the body; On a physical level, it improves cardiovascular
capacity and maximum oxygen consumption, contributes to the reduction of body fat,
delays bone decalcification, and on a psychological level, tension is relieved and safety is

12. Based on the previous text, information can be obtained Erir what?

TO. Aerobics serve as physical and mental exercise

b. Aerobics increase cardiopulmonary capacity

c. Aerobics improve oxygen consumption

d. aerobics are a source of energy

13. To have a better effect on the body, aerobic work must be accompanied with:

TO. weight work

b. Abs work

c. Good nutrition

d. Suitable sports clothing


Tae bo is an exercise routine mainly associated with boxing and taekwondo, it is an

activity where music is combined with training exercises, developing an intensive work
regimen. The beginnings of this sport modality arose when martial arts techniques done to
the rhythm of music known as musical katas were combined; However, musical katas did
not have the popularity that Tae bo has. At the same time, this sport includes Karate
strikes; it is more of a health exercise than a self-defense weapon. There is no throwing,
grappling or ground combat.

14. Tae bo is a sports modality derived from:

TO. Aerobics and Weights

b. judo and karate

c. taekwondo and karate

d. Katas and Karate

This question is mandatory.

15. In tae bo we work specifically *

TO. Launch

b. Grips
c. Kicks

d. karate chops


The Pilates method is a physical and mental training system created at the beginning of
the 20th century, which is based on different specialties such as gymnastics, traumatology
and yoga, uniting dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and
relaxation. In its beginnings it was called "Contrologia", by Pilates himself, since he had in
mind the use of the mind to control the body, but seeking balance and unity between both.
The method focuses on the development of internal muscles to maintain body balance and
give stability and firmness to the spine.

16. The term “Controlology”, which appears underlined in the previous text, refers to:

TO. control the mind

b. Control people

c. Control the body

d. Control the body and mind

17. Taking into account the previous text we could deduce that the internal muscles tell us

TO. To the thigh muscles

b. To the abdominal muscles

c. To the muscles of the face

d. To the leg muscles

18. One of the objectives of the Pilates method is:

TO. Mental control

b. The breathing

c. relaxation

d. Internal muscle development

19. The Pilates method derives from:

TO. Karate and Taaekwondo

b. Taekwondo and Katas

c. Yoga and Gymnastics

d. Yoga and Karate

20. When we do a Pilates class at the Institution, do we specifically do what exercises?

TO. Aerobics

b. Stretches

c. Physical activity

d. Physical and mental exercises.

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