Certificate Practices For PDO NDS Subscribers2.1
Certificate Practices For PDO NDS Subscribers2.1
Certificate Practices For PDO NDS Subscribers2.1
Castle Hills, Road No. 1
Masab Tank, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh – 500057, India
TELE: +91-40-23534981-84 Extn:5217|| FAX: +91-40-23536297
Email: cahelp@idrbt.ac.in
1. Introduction
will provide electronic dealing platform for trading in government securities and
money market instruments and computerization of its Public Debt Offices for
2. Scope
certificates for Banks and Financial Institutions for PDO NDS application. The
certificates are issued for certain period of validity. On reaching the validity
IDRBT CA notifies the subscribers regarding the expiry of the same. Subscribers
should make new certificate request upon the expiry of the existing certificate.
The digital certificate will be issued to the server, which hosts the PDO
NDS application.
NDS Server.
The authorized person will apply for Class 3 Signing certificate along
with the documents mentioned in sections 3.1 and 3.2 given below.
Present himself before the RA Office with duly filled application form (given in
Voter’s ID
PAN Card
Driving License
The procedure for creating request and applying online are described in
detail in Appendix-3.
apply a fresh certificate request along with the duly filled application form as per
procedure for creating request and applying online are described in detail in
The cost of Class 3 PDO NDS Signing Certificate for two years is as given
a. For those who have selected IDRBT RA Office (for Banks/FIs/Govt. Agencies)
as RA: Rs. 20,500/- for two years (Rs. 20,000/- as certificate fee + Rs. 500/- as
RA administrative charges).
b. For those who requests through their own RA Office: Rs. 20,000/- for two
The amount must be paid by means of Demand Draft taken in favour of IDRBT-
CA payable at Hyderabad.
The digital certificate issued for PDO NDS subscribers will be taken on media (on
floppy) after the verification by RA Office and issuance by IDRBT CA. The copies
of the certificate and the private key file will be made in floppies for further use.
be, or suspected be, inaccurate or when the private key associated with the
situations where:
The information provided by the end entity is inaccurate, e.g. when the
Any other reason that may be reasonably expected to affect the integrity,
The Subscriber has breached or failed to meet their obligations under this CPS
to governing law
the IDRBT CA. The revocation request must be in written format as per
NB: If the revocation of the certificate is initiated due to the negligence or any
fault from the user, the certificate fees will be levied for the new certificate
the classes of digital certificates offered by IDRBT CA, general information about
Desk, etc.
i-trust PKI Customer Services team is committed to supporting the users. If you
INTERNET http://www.idrbt.com/
E-mail cahelp@idrbt.ac.in
Fax +91-40-23536297
Confirm Passphrase
Save Private Key as (the file name convention should include name
The applicant will then apply for Class 3 Signing Certificate through IDRBT CA
Certification Services choosing the RA Office and will paste the request
2. Online request
applicant has to login to the IDRBT site through (on INFINET)
Click on “Enter Subscriber Website”, which will direct you to the main page of
Subscriber’s site and select “Get a Digital Certificate” link. Click “Login” button
to enter into the page where you can select the Registration Authority (RA) from
and click “Submit” button. This will guide you to the login page where you are
had already applied for a certificate, the details will be displayed as given in Fig
and also check the “Yes I’ll paste the request” radio button. Fill the details of
your PDO NDS server as in Fig 7 given below and click “Next” to proceed.
You can view all the details, which you have filled as shown in the Fig 8.
format, it will give you a request number as given in Fig 10. You can note down
status of the request by querying your certificate request status by clicking the
You should login to the site by selecting the RA Office and click “View Status”
on the top menu and enter your request number. The status of your request will
download. On clicking the link, it will prompt you to agree with terms and
condition of IDRBT CA. Proceed further by clicking the “I Agree” button. This
Select the second option to download the certificate as a file. You can save the
Assign the name to the file and save it to disk as “Security Certificate” type. This
Keep this file in the specified location on your PDO NDS server along with your
private key file (.pem) generated earlier using the RequestGen tool. Contact NDS
Fax: 040-23536297