Grade 12 Maths X-Factor
Grade 12 Maths X-Factor
Grade 12 Maths X-Factor
Module 7: Trigonometry........... 77
Sum of:
=a + (k- l)d or
It =a + (n -l)d
. eneral term:
or . r> 1
. r
a:f= a,r:f= a
L Sigma notation .• Sum of
8 8
I(2k -1) ..... 8 terms I(2k - 1) ..... 5 terms
k=l k=4
Number of terms:
L····· n = (t-p) + 1 use sum formula
e.g. T8 = S8 - S7
More series.
Find the qeneral term of:
A. 1; 4i\....J9;'---.--I~6 B. - 7' 19' 37' 61
'-../ ''-----.J G 0
357 12 18 24
<:: \....J ~~
2 2 6 6
2nd difference -7 quadratic 2nd difference -7 quadratic
:. Tn = an2 + bn + c :. Tn = an + bn + c
The questions in the worksheets are very easy at the beginning and can
be used as examples.
nd answers off to 2 decimal olaces,
orksheet 1 A Worksheet 1 D
i,rmd the general term for each of the 3. The first term of an arithmetic
Iifollowing sequences: series is 25 and the 7th term is
3; 8; 13; . 115. Determine the first 3 terms
of the sequence.
1; 5; 9; 13; .
-2; 0; 2; 4; . 4. The 4th term of an arithmetic
-15; -11; -7; . series is -8 and the 8th term
is -24. Determine the first 3
20; 23; 26; . terms of the sequence as well as
" Worksheet 1 B the 11th term.
etermine the 12th term of the 5. Determine the first 3 terms of the
. following: sequence as well as the 15th term
3; 5; 7; . if:
-1; 2; 5; . 5.1 the 11th term = 81 and the
4th term = 25
16; 21; 26; .
5; 7; 9; ..... 5.2 Ts = 17 and TlO = 32.
5. 13; 16; 19; ..... Worksheet 1 E
1. Tk = 16 + (k - 1)(5)
Which term in the sequence
36; 25; 14; ... has a value of -527 1.1 the common difference
Worksheet 1 F Worksheet 1 G
2. x + 4; 2x; x + 8 fo rm an 5. Calculate the 11th term of the
arithmetic sequence. Calculate 1. 2,. 8,. .....
sequence -,
the first 3 terms as well as the 2
12th term.
Worksheet 1 H
3. 2x + 2; 3x - 6 and 5x + 2 form an 1. Which term of the sequence
arithmetic sequence. Determine 2; 4; 8; ... has a value of 5127
the first term and the common
difference. 2. Which term of the sequence
-, .. has a value of--.
1 7
4. Given: T, = 3k - 2. Determine: 4 4 12 324
4.1 the first term
3. Which term of the sequence
the common difference
the twentieth term
32; -16; 8; .. is !?
4.4 which term = 88. 4. Which term of the sequence
1; 3; 9; ... is equal to 729?
5. The fourth and the seventh term
of an arithmetic sequence are -13 S. Which term of the sequence
and -25 respectively. Calculate 1; 0,2; 0,04; ... has a value of
the fortieth term. 0,00032?
I Worksheet 1J Worksheet 1 l
i 2. Determine the geometric 2. Calculate the sum of the series:
I sequence if the first term is 2x
5 + 10 + 15 + ..... + 205.
!-- __ o_f_t_he---'--se-'--!q-'-"u.....::.e_n_ce_.
~ 2.1 L (5 +3k)
Worksheet 1 K k=!
1. Given: SI1 = ~ (511 + 3112).
2.2 ~)2+2k)
Determine the first 3 terms of the
! series.
3. Calculate the value of the
I! 2. Given: S" = 2n + n2. Determine
the values of the 5th and the 6th
I term. 3.1 L(3k-6)
I k;l
Worksheet 1 N Worksheet 1 P
1. In an arithmetic series, the
1. Determine n if: L(2p+1)=288
sixth term is 8 more than the
fourth term. The sum of the
n first 5 terms is 70. Calculate
2. Determine n if: ~:C8p - 6) = 182 the sum to 8 terms.
2. Determine the arithmetic
n series if the 5th term is 15
3. Determine 11 if: l)4p-2)=242 more than the 8th term and
p=I the sum of the first 9 terms
equals O.
4. What is the smallest number of terms
for which : L)14-5k)<-125 3. The first term of an arithmetic
k=l series is 11 and the sum to
15 terms is 690. Determine
5. What is the greatest number of the 20th term.
terms for which :
n 4. The 10th term is 10 times the
L(60 + 20p) < 1440 first term and the sum of the
arithmetic series is 55 times
Worksheet 1 0 the value of the first term.
1. Determine the sum to 15 terms of the Determine the number of
arithmetic series whose 6th term is 29 terms in the series if the first
and whose 10th term is 53. term does not equal O.
Worksheet 10
2. Determine the sum to 50 terms of the
arithmetic series of which the 7th 1. Determine:
term is 33 and the 15th term is 65. 1.1 3 + 6 + 12 + ..... to 10
3. In an arithmetic series, 1.2 -2 + 10 + -50 + ... to 7
T3 = -8 and T12= -35. Determine the terms.
number of terms in the series if its
4 4
sum is -100. 4 + - + - + ..... to 8 terms.
3 9
4. In an arithmetic series,
T7 = 45 and T3 = 17. Determine the 2. Calculate the sum of the
number of terms in the series if series:
SII = 123. 2.1 2 + 4 + 8 + ..... + 256
5. The sum of the first 6 terms of an 2.2 -4 + 2 - 1 ..... + 32
arithmetic series is 90 and the last
4 64
term (6th) is 25. Determine the first 2.3 3+2+-+ ..... +--
term and the common difference. 3 243
; Worksheet 1 R Worksheet 1 T
~1. Calculate the value of: 2. Calculate the following:
2.1 I--
, 1.2
2:8- 43)k
00 (_
, 2.2
i k=O
, 1.3
!t 3. Convert the recurring
decimal fractions to common
Determine the number of terms in fractions:
the following series: • •
3.1 2,31. 3.2 0,23
: 2.1 2:3P = 1092 4. For which values of x will the
following series converge?
1 + (2 + x) + (2 + x)2+ .....
1,2.2 2:2 -- 31)X-1 = 122
x= L
1.2 3+1+- +
Worksheet 1 U Worksheet 1 U
2. Piet starts his career with a salary 6. Calculate Jan's debt if he wants to
of R84 000 per year and it pay it back in one year. He
increases by R16 000 per year. commits himself to pay back
His expenses are R80 000 for the RSOOin the first month, R:250in
first year and every year the second month, R125 in the
thereafter a tenth more than the third month, etc.
previous year. Calculate:
2.1 his annual salary during the 8th 7. An artwork erected in front of the
year. new Municipal building is compiled
of layers of bricks. Each layer has
2.2 his total expenses over the first 8 2 bricks more than the previous
years. one. The bottom layer consists of
58 bricks and the top layer has
3. A ball is dropped from a height of two bricks: Calculate
12 meters and bounces back to
7.1 the number of layers in the
4 of the height of each previous artwork
7.2 the total number of bricks in the
3.1 Calculate the height of the second Worksheet 1 V ( Test 1 )
bounce. 1. Anke collects a certain species of
3.2 Determine the total distance the shells. She thoroughly records
ball travels downwards when it her findings each day. Her
touches the ground for the fifth findings are as follows:
time. Dav number
1 2
3.3 Determine the total distance the 2 5
ball travels from the time it is
3 10
dropped until it comes to a rest.
4 17
5 26
4. Every bacteria in a culture splits
into 2 every minute. How many 1.1 What type of relationship exists
bacteria will be present in the between the days and the number
culture after 0,5 hours? There of shells?
were 8 bacteria present initially. 1.2 How many shells can she expect
to find on day 7 and 8?
5. A school holds a fundraising to be 1.3 Determine an algebraic pattern
able to buy new computers. The between the days and the number
price of the computers is R286 of shells.
160. The school raises R560
during the first month, R1120 2. The third and sixth term of a
during the 2nd month and R2240 convergent geometric sequence
in the third month. Each month are 24 and 6% respectively.
the funds were double the Determine:
amount of the previous month.
How long will it take to raise the 2.1 the common ratio
total amount needed? 2.2 the sum to infinity.
t, Worksheet 1 V ( Test 1 ) Worksheet 1 V( Test 1 )
. 3. The sum of the first k terms of a 9.2 Determine the number of rows in
sequence is 2!? + k, Calculate the the pattern.
value of the 8th term.
j 9.3 Determine the number of black
, 4. The sum of the 3rd and the 6th triangles in the bottom row of this
I terms of an arithmetic sequence is section.
I ..
ratio IS --.
I In the top row is one black
Calculate the sum to infinity of all
the negative terms.
triangle, 2 in the second row, 3
in the 3rd row and so on. The
I total number of black triangles in 2. ~ ; 1; .J2 are the first three
this section of the design is 105.
!! 9.1 Will this series converge? terms of a sequence.
Worksheet 1 X (Test 3) Worksheet 1 Y (Test 4 )
3. and in pattern 3:
3. Calculate L (p +3)k if:
1 3 9 ) sq. units
2 10 50
3.1 p=-- 3.2 p = -6
3.1 Write down the area of the shaded
part in pattern 4.
4. The sum of the third and sixth
3.2 Determine the area of the shaded
term of an arithmetic sequence is
part in the nth pattern in sigma
34. The sum of the first seven
terms is 91. Determine the
sequence. 3.3 If the patterns continue to infinity,
calculate the area in 3.2.
5. Find kif:
Worksheet 1 Z (Test 5 )
k (l)X-l
2:(-9) -
= -4-
1. 3; a; b; are the first three terms of
x=2 3 27 an arithmetic sequence. If the
third term is increased by 3, the
Worksheet 1 Y (Test 4 )
three terms form a geometric
1. Consider the following series of sequence. Calculate the values of
numbers: a and b.
3; 4; 3; 8; 3; 12; 3; 16; .....
1.1 Find the next four terms in the 2. 10 and 2.
are the first and fourth
sequence if the pattern continues. 4
terms respectively of a geometric
1.2 Calculate the sum of the first 120
terms of the series.
2.1 Determine the values of the'
2. Consider the series: second and third terms.
1; 11; 26; 46; 71; ..... 2.2 Determine the sum of the fr st 12
2.1 If the pattern continues, find the terms of the series.
next two terms in the sequence.
3. The 7th term of an arithmetic
2.2 Find the formula for the nth term
series is 13 and the sum of the
of the sequence. first 14 terms is 196. Determine
2.3 Use your formula to find n if the the 16th term.
nth term of the series = 521
4. The nth term of a geometric
3. In a series of patterns, every series is 3(2y-3. Determine:
pattern that follows has more 4.1 the first 3 terms
shaded circles than the previous
one. The pattern continues in the 4.2 which term has a value of 1927
same way.
The area of the shaded circle in 5. Write the following series in sigma
pattern 1 is (..!.. ) sq. units,
2 5.1 2 + 5 + 8 + ..... 68
in pattern2: (~+2)
2 10
sq. units. 5.2 3- 6 + 12 - 24 + ..... to n terms
· Worksheet 1 Z (Test 5 ) Worksheet 1 Z (Test 5 )
l6. Determine: 16. Determine the sum of the
6.1 -1 + - - - ..... + -- log 3 + log27 + log243
2 4 512
10 terms.
( 6.3 ~6(~Jk+l
and colours of beads to make
handbags. He uses black and
k=l 2
white beads.
I 11 On one side of bag 3 he USE~S 15
~7. Find n if LC2p+2) = 990. black and 40 white beads.
l8. Determine the difference between
5 5 888:8888
500 and 55 of 5 + - + - + .....
2 4 000.0000
, .
, 9. For which values of x will the 1.1 Complete the following table.
i following series be convergent?
On one side
s 3(1 - 2x) + 3(1 - 2x)2 + 3(1 - 2x)3 + ...
Handbag 1 2 3 4
! Black beads
t 10 C I I 1 + 5 + 9 + ..... + 61 White beads
I . a cu ate:
2 + 5 + 8 + ..... + 62
1.2 Determine a formula for the
! 11. Determine the sum of of the first number of black beads (on the
300 uneven numbers. one side) in handbag n.
i 1.3 Determine a formula for the
i 12. Write the recurring fraction, number of white beads (on the
3,1 to a common fraction. one side) in handbag n,
Worksheet 1 AA (Test 6 ) Worksheet 1 5B (Test 7 )
5. Given: 1. Given: 5; 9; 15; 23 .
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 ..... 998 + 999 + 1.1 If the pattern continues, find the
1000 next 2 terms of the series.
5.1 Determine the sum of the series. 1.2 Determine the formula for the
nth term of the series
5.2 The powers of 3 are removed
from the set of integers above. 1.3 Calculate n if thg 11 th term := 243
Determine the sum of the
remaining integers. 2. The 2nd term of a geometric
series is 20 and the fourth term is
6. Given: 45. Determine:
3(2)5 + 3(2)4 + 3(2)3 + ..... 2.1 the common ratio
6.1 Will the series converge? (Give a
2.2 the first term
reason for your answer.)
2.3 the sum to infinity.
6.2 Calculate 5 00
3. Given:
6.3 Calculate 57.
-2; 8; -2; 14; -2; 20; -2; 26 .....
6.4 Use the answers in 6.2
3.1 Write down the next 2 terms of
the series.
and 6.3 to determine 2:3(2)6-k
k=8 3.2 Calculate 560
8. Given: 2 - 4 + 8 - 16 + 32 + ...
S. The first term of a geometric
8.1 Decide whether this is an
arithmetic or geometric series. series is 12 and the eighth term
is - ~. Calculate:
8.2 Calculate 520• 729
growth of the previous year. 6.1 the first term and the common
9.1 Determine how much the plant ratio.
grew during the third year.
6.2 Tso
9.2 Prove that the plant will reach a 6.3 SlO
maximum hei ht of 230 mm
I Worksheet 1 BB Worksheet 1 CC (Test 8)
: 7. Calculate kif: 2. Given:
I log
k3p-2 = -435
f;k)+lf;kr +2f; kJ'+...
~ 2.1 For which values of k will the
1 8. The first 4 terms of a series are
series converge?
I 5 x 3; 6 X 32; 7 X 33; 8 X 34.
'8.1 Write down the next 2 terms. 2.2 Determine the 10th term Lt.O. k.
(Leave answer in exponentialform.)
Find the formula for the general
1 3. 5" = ~ [7n + 3]
t 2
: 9. The n-th term in the sequence is:
3n 3.1 Determine the sum to 27 terms.
T = , calculate
n 3n-l 3.2 Determine the 27th term.
3 3k
4. The first two terms of a geometric
sequence are 9 and J2'
. t 10. Given:
~ 16x
Prove that 50. = 9 (2 + J2).
5. Zander weighs 80 kg. He goes on
a diet and loses 800 g on tile first
day. Then he loses 10% less than
the previous day.(Answer to 2 dec.)
Worksheet 1 CC (Test 8) Worksheet 1 CC (Test 8)
7. Biscuits are stored according to a 11.2 Solve for x if:
specific type on different shelves
in a little shop. The total number
1 + 2x + 4x + 8x + ...
= -1
of biscuits on the first n shelves is
11 12. 3; x; y; -27 is of such a nature
given by: L (9p2 - 4) that 3; x; y form an arithmetic
sequence and x; y; -27 a
Show without the use of a geometric sequence.
calculator that ths number of Determine the values of x and y.
biscuits on shelf 3 is 7 x 11
Worksheet 1 DD (Test 9}
8. Given: 7(5)3 + 7(5)2 + ... 1. The quadratic pattern
8.1 Explain why the series -3; 4; x; 30 is given. I
converges. Determine the value of x.
8.2 Calculate Sa. 2. For which values of x willi the
8.3 Calculate the sum of the first series converge?
eight terms. (4 dec.)
Use the answers in 8.2 and 8.3
f 4(3X + lJI1
11=2 2
to calculate the following
(3 dec.): 3. The following pattern of numbers
L 7(S)4-k
is given:
9. The first 10 players in a tennis 9+10+11+12=13+14+15
tournament receive cash prizes 16+17+18+19+20=21+22+23+24
as follows: The player in tenth 25+26+27+28+29+30=31+32+33+34+35
place received R100, the one in 3.1 Determine the first term of the
ninth place, R200 and each expression in the 15th row.
subsequent prize winner gets
twice as much as the one behind 3.2 Determine the term that appears
him. (Show complete calcula- after the equal sign in tile
tions, using formulas.) n-th row.
Worksheet 1 DO (Test 9) -I·
L:(4p-l)n=n2(2n +9)
ninth term is x - 2.
MODULE 2: Functions, Inverses, logarithms
Functions: one corresponding y value for every x value.
Axes of symmetry:
1. v-axis 2. x-axis )Y
• (1 ;2)
• (1 ;2)
e(1 ;-~ )
(x replaces y) ex replaces -y)
(y replaces x) (y replaces -x)
5. Origin (OiO}
I /\ x
(x replaces -x)
, (v replaces -y)
Eksponential and Log functions:
I f: x --7 aX or y = aX a > 0; a =1= 1; X E R
,iReflection about the v - axis ex = 0)
I y
- y=aX -. y=-aX - y replaces y
A Logarithmic function is the inverse of an exsponential funcjtion.
f Reflection about the line y =x
.. ..'.'
11=X •• •••
... .
.. .'.'
x ,.' .'
y = log IX
2. 109a m
= logam - logan
NB logam n
:. ~a~
= Log form -? exponent form
I Bases stay the same
NB Definition:
I_Y__ I_O_Q_a_x
__ a__>_Oi_a_*_l_i _x_>_O_i_X_,_y_E_R ~
More deductions:
logm = = 510g2 = 5
IOQa m = -=-I-=--- e.g. log832 log 32
310g2 3
Oga log 8
log 3 = log 27 - log 3 = 3 log 3 - log 3 = 2 log 3 but
log 27 = 3 log 3 = 3
log 3 log 3
. 2. l092x + 1092x3 = 4
All logs on the LHS = RHS (number)
l 1092 ex. x 3) = 4
< 3. Write as one log (laws)
" 1092 x4 = 4
Write in exponent form and solve. " x4 = 24
Check!! (Definition)
': Examples:
1 Domain and Range
y = logax y = IOQa (x - p) + q
x> 0; a> 0; a::t: 1; yE R
.' q - vertical shift
P - horizontal shift
, Given: y = log3(2x - 3)
'I'; Domain:
2x> 3
It x>
- . XE R
~ 2 I
Range: yE R
2. Exponent form ---+ log form
~. :.10923 = x
t~ 72 7-J
x- +
Y 2 x =2Y +2
:.log2x r: log2x = Y + 2 x- 2 = 2Y~
[, x>O =y
;( :.log2 x - 2 = y; :.1092(- 2)
x>O x>2
How to write the inverse of: y = 2X
1. x replaces y .. x= 2Y
2. Write in log form . . I09~~x= Y
:. 2 3
= 8 x + 1= 1
:.X =0
.4 loq, X =y NB. log x = IOg10 X I
:. 3Y = x I
4. Laws (only when bases are the same)
4.1 log 6 + log 30 - log 9 - log 2 = log --
= log 10 = 1
Worksheet 2 A Worksheet 2 B
1. Draw the graphs on the same 2. Given: g(x) = 3-x
set of axes: (x ,yE R)
2.1 Draw the graph of g.
Give the axes of symmetry in
each case: Hence draw on the same set of
axes the following graphs: and
1.1 (a) y = 2x write down the equation of each:
(b) y = 2-x
2.2 the reflection of 9 about the
1.2 (a) y = 3-x y-axis.
(b) y = 3x
2.3 the reflection of g about the
, 1.3
(a) y =
5 x
, (b) y=- 5x
11.4 (a) y :::::2-x
,i (b) y :::::-2-x
11.5 (a) y = z- 3. Given: hex) = (~J>:
(b) y :::::log2x
I11.6 (a) y = 3x
3.1 Draw the graph of h.
(b) y :::::10g3X 3.2 Hence draw on the same set of
I axes the following graphs and
11.7 (a) Y =
write down the equation of leach:
I (b) y = log lx
2 3.2.1 h-1
1.8 (a) y :::::3-x
3.2.2 f, the reflection of h
(b) y = log lX about the y-axis.
Worksheet 2 C Worksheet 2 C
1. Fit the equations to the correct 1.5
A. y = 2-x x
B. y = 2
C. y = _2x
D. y = IOg2x
E. y = -I092X 1.6
F. y = IOg2( -x)
G. y = -2-X x
x 1.7
Worksheet 2 C Worksheet 2 D
3. 2. Given: g(x) = x2 + 1for x ~ 0
Sketch g and g -1 on the same set
of axes.
Write down the equation of
in the form j-lex) = .
r: 3. x = 3Y - 2
4. x =
p" + 4
1.2 Sketch 1 and 1-1 on the same 5. x = 2y-2 - 1
set of axes.
Worksheet 2 G Worksheet 21
Write the following in exponent form: Solve for x:
1. log28;;::;;3 1. logx32;;::;; 5
2. log327 = x 2. log3x = -3
3. logab ;;::;;
4. log x = 1 4. log (x - 2) = 1
5. log x;;::;; 5
5. log9 = 2
6. log2 x == -1
7. log3 x = -2 6. logxO,49 = 2
8. 1091X=-3 Worksheet 2 J
"2 Solve for x:
Worksheet 2 H
1. Simplify: (simplest log form)
2. 5x+1 = 30
1.1 log8
1.2. log25 3. (O,3Y = 3
1.3. log- 2.10x = 16
2 4.
1.4 210g9
1 5. 2;\: . 3-'+1= 60
1.5. log-
1 6)X
1.6. log- =
g 6. ( 1+ --100 248
2. Simplify:
7. 5x • 2-'+2== 56
2.1 log28
2.2 log327 8. 15x+1 = 30.8x
2.3 109116
9. 55(l,025y-1= 300
2.4 10919 Worksheet 2 K
Give the domain and range of:
2.5 log327 + log28 + log525
1. 10gJX= Y
2.6 2 109216 + log39 - 3 log749
(domain only)
2.9 log 1 81 - log2~ + log3.J3
Worksheet 2 L Worksheet 2 L
1. Given: j(x) = log 1x
5. {-1;3~
1.1 Calculate:
1.1.1 1(1) and/(~J !-.---?-
1 I....
1.1.2 x if I(x) = -1
3.2 For which values of x is log2 512 =x
g -lex) defined?
g (x) > 0
x 3
4.2x+2 - 6= 70
(r 1
2 5
Worksheet 2 M Worksheet 2 M
3.1 Sketch the graph of 5.5 Explain why the inverse of lis not
g(x) = log 1 x. a function.
3 5.6 Write down two ways to restrict
3.2 Determine the domain of g. the domain of f for 1-1 to be a
3.3 Determine the equation of g-l and
draw a sketch of g-l on the same 5.7 Determine the equation of g if g is
set of axes as g. the reflection of h about the
3.4 Determine the equation of j, the
reflection of g-l about the 5.8 Determine the equation of t if
y-axis. t is the reflection of I about the
4.1 Sketch the graph of 5.9 For which values of x is
p(x) = I09a(x) if 0 < a < 1. fix) decreasing?
Show the coordinates of all the 5.10 Determine the equation of kif
intercepts with. the axes. k(x) = fix - 1) -3.
4.2 Determine the equation of the
reflection of p(x) about the 6. Given: j(x) = _x2 + 4 and
x-axis in the form y = ..... g(x) = 2
4.3 Determine the equation of the 6.1 Determine 1-1 in the form y = .....
graph that is symmetrical to p(x)
6.2 Determine g -lex) = .....
with respect to the line y = x.
6.3 Determine the restrictions of the
5. The diagram represents the domain of Iso that the inverse is
2 a function.
graphs of j(x)=ax + bx + c
6.4 Sketchjandj-1 on the same set
and hex) = pX + q. I touches
the x -axis at (-2;0) and the two of axes by using the restric:ted
graphs intersect at (0;3). domain.
A(-1;6) lies on the graph of h. 6.5.1 Hence sketch g on the same set
of axes asj for x 2: O.
6.5.2 Read from the graph for which
value(s) of x is j(x) - 3 = g(x).
Worksheet 2 M Worksheet 2 M
7.1 Determine the value of k. 9.2 Determine the equation of the
inverse of g in the form g-l(x) = ...
7.2 Determine the coordinates of
A. (show all calculations) 9.3 Determine the range of g-l.
Worksheet 2 N (Test 1)
7.3 Determine the coordinates of
the turning point, D. 1. Given: I(x) = 2""
1.1 Describe the transformation of:
7.4 If D is the point (~ ;-1) , show 1.1.1 f leading to k(x) = -IOg2x
that a = 4 and b= - 4. 1.1.2 f leading to hex) = (i)""
"2' + 1
7.5 Write down two ways to restrict
the domain of j for to be ar: 1.2 Determine the range of
y = 2x - 3.
1.3 Determine the equation of g if g is
7.6 Determine the equation of h if h obtained by moving j 2 units to
is the reflection of f about the the right and then reflected about
y-axis. the x-axis.
7.7 Determine the domain of g-l. 1.4 Sketchfex) and j-lex - 2) on the
same set of axes.
7.8 Determine the coordinates of the 1.5 Use the graphs to solve the
turning point of k if following if log2(x - 2) < 1..
, 8.1 Determine the value of k.
Worksheet 2 N (Test 1) Worksheet 2 N(Test 1)
3.2 Determine the coordinates of A, 5.1 Determine the values of a for
the x-intercept of k. which the function is defined?
3.3 Determine the equation of k-1(x). 5.2 Determine the value of a if
3.4 Determine hex) if hex) = k-1( -x). (1196;2) is a point onj.
3.5 Given g(x) = a(2-X) + q,
Determine a and q. 5.3 Determinej-l in the form y = .....
5.4 Determine the equation of the
4. The graphs of reflection j in the y-axis.
j(x) = ax2 + bx + c and
g(x) = 3x - 9 are sketched below
5.5 ABl.x-axisand B(~;O).
A(0;3) is the y-intercept of f.
y Determine die length of AB.
5.6 For which values of x is
I09aX ~ O?
Worksheet 2 N (Test 1) Worksheet 2 0 (Test 2)
8. 1.
Given: g(x) = 2x and
i, a
f j(x) = x + q; x > 0
" I 8.1 Determine the values of a and q. Sketched lex) = -p"~ + q and
! 8.2 Write down the equations for the g(x) = ax2 + bx + c. Determine:
i, following transformations: 1.1 the values of a, band c.
1 8.2.1 k, the inverse of g in the
form k(x) = ..... 1.2 the values of p and q.
'--'- I 8.2.2 p, if it is obtained by moving 1.3 the equation of k, the reflection of
f I 2 units to the right and 4 g in the x-axis,
I units down.
1.4 the equation of t, the reflection of
IS.2.3 t, if it is obtained by reflecting g in the y-axis.
t g in the y-axis.
1.5 the new equation of g if it is
-, ! S.3
For which values of x is:
g(x) ~ lex)?
moved 5 units to the left.
k(x) < 07
Calculate the value(s) of x for
1.6 the equation of h if
1. 7
hex) = -/(x) - 3.
the equation of h-1(x).
I -
,I which 2g(x - 2) = fi.
I 2.1 Draw sketch graphs of the
19. Given: lex) = --J32x ;x ~ 0 following on the same set of axes:
y = 2x
I 2.1.1 I(x)
-+-_~~ __ .x 2.1.2 g(x) = 2x-3 - 1
Worksheet 2 0 (Test 2) Worksheet 2 0 (Test 2l
3.1 Calculate the value of g(8). 8. Given: j: y = 2x+l
g(x) = 2 - 2.
7. g(x) = 3x - 2
10.3 Give the equation of r' in the
form y = .....
7.1 Determine the y-intercept of
lOA Determine the values of x if:
10.4.1 j(x) ;::::
g(x); x >0
7.2 Determine the domain of g-l.
10.4.2 g-l(X) > 0
I Worksheet
2 P Worksheet 2 P
11. The graph of g is given: 3.1 Determine whether f is a function.
1 y 3.2 Determine the equation of the
!i inverse of f in the form flex) = ....
= 3.3 Determine the equation of g, the
reflection of f in the y-axis.
+- ~ __~ ~x
4. Given: k(x) = TX +1 and
9 p: x--2x +6
MODULE 3: Financial. Mathematics
Simple interest: IA= P(l + i.n)
AI Fv =
I amount or
Compound interest: I A = P(l + i)"
Future value
P = Principal amount
Once off investment
n = time in years
Inflation 1=-
. r
Compound interest: I A = P(l + i)"
x = instalment
i eff - effective
i (Ill) - nominal
Quarterly: ......... n X 4 Monthly: ........ n X 12
4 12
Daily: ....... n X 365 Semi-anually: - n X 2 or
365 2
Straight-line: A = P(l - i.n)
Reducing balance: I A = P(l - i)" I or
= P (1 - i)n
v I
Remember: Individual savingsplan .... Annuity
Company savingsplan •... Sinking fund
.2 Accumulated amount: I Sn ~ a~n ~1)
'I I r --
, 2. Future value (need money after a certain period)
(sinking fund)
1 p(+ interest) = L:repayments(+ interest)
i 3.
Present-value (Need money now)
I (loans)
p = x[l-(l+it
v i
Payment P.i
n I
I l_'f_ __
log - = 1llog(l + i)
n= p
log 1 +i)
Example 1
.5 = 2000(1,11)[(1,11)4 -1]
•• n ,
= R10 455,60
a =
first term = 2000(1,11)=x = R10 455,60
r = common ratio = 1,11 = (1+0
n = number of terms
Example 2
I buy a car and take out a loan from the bank for Rl15 000. The bank
charges interest at 200/0 p.a. compounded monthly. Calculate my monthly
repayments if the loan is repaid over 4 years. The repayments start one
month after the loan was drawn.
Loan (+ interest) = repayments (+ interest)
12 (1+ 0i~O)-l
X= p(l+i)n.i
[(1+ i)n -1]
1150001+~ ( ° 20)48(0 20) ~
x = [( 1+--
0 20)48
= R3499,49
Example 2 Use the present-value formula to calculate loan repayments
P.i _ 115000 ( ~
x- ( 0 2°)-48
1- 1+12
= R3499,49
Example 3
= R68 758,01
3499,49[1-( 1 +~
or Balance = Balance =
i 0,20
Example 4
I A = P(l + iyl
22 315,60 = 10 000(1 + 0,094Y
:.2,23156 = (1,094Y
:.n log 1,094= log 2,23156
:.n = 8,9347 years
Round answers off to 2 decimal places
Worksheet 3 A Worksheet 3 A
1.1 Leon deposits R1200 every 4.3 Calculate how much money would
month into an account to save be paid in total if the loan is
for his retirement. Calculate repaid over 25 years.
how much money he has paid
into the account if the last 5.1 Zaan buys a car for R122 000.
payment is made one month She pays 10% of the cost in cash
before his 55th birthday. He and takes out a bank loan for the
started the payment on his 25th balance. The bank charges
birthday. The interest paid is interest at 15% p.a. compounded
10,2% p.a. compounded monthly. Calculate the monthly
monthly. repayments on the car if the loan
1.2 How much money will be in the is repaid over 5 years.
account if the last payment is
made on his ss'' birthday? 5.2 How much money would be paid
in total for the car?
2. A building contractor sets up a
Worksheet 3 B
sinking fund to be able to replace
his trucks in 6 years time. The 1. Francois buys a house for
first payment of R2000 is made in R950 000. He pays 20% in cash
one month's time and last pay- and takes out a loan for the
ment is made at the end of the six balance. The loan is repaid over
years. The interest rate is 9,6% 20 years. The interest rate is
p.a. compounded monthly. How 15,5% p.a. compounded monthly.
much money will be in the fund at 1.1 Calculate the monthly repay-
the end of 6 years? ments.
; Worksheet 3 B
, Worksheet 3 C
; 3. Tsheko starts his own business 3.3 Nico decides to buy a
, and takes out a loan of R50 000. 4 x 4 vehicle to the value of
He repays the loan by means of R320 000 in 5 years' time. He
equal quarterly payments, starting sets up a sinking fund to make
three months after the loan was provision for sufficient cash to buy
drawn. The loan is repaid over 5 the vehicle. The account used
years, and the rate of interest is offers 10,1% interest p.a. com-
12% p.a. compounded quarterly. pounded monthly.
Calculate his quarterly payments. (He will trade in the used car)
Work!;heet 3 C Worksheet 3 D (Test 1)
5.4 In order to have enough money to 5.1 Mr De Villiers starts a new
buy a new truck in 6 years' time business and buys electronic
they start a sinking fund. equipment on a hire purchase
Calculate the equal monthly agreement over a 4 year period at
payments that they have to invest a value of R25 000. Interest rate
in this fund. The interest rate is is calculated at 14,9% p.a.
8,7% p.a. compounded monthly. 5.1.1 Determine the total amount that
All the payments are made at the has to be paid back.
end of each month.
5.1.2 Calculate the monthly payment.
Workslheet 3 0 (Test 1)
5.2 Mr De Villiers decides to start a
1. Albert deposits R6000 in a sinking fund in order to replace
savings account and 2 years later the equipment in 5 years' time.
he deposits a further Rl0 000.
The interest rate is 13% p.a. 5.2.1 How much will the equipment
cost in 5 years' time if the yearly
compounded quarterly for the
first year and then 12% p.a. com- inflation rate is 7,5% p.a.?
poundded monthly. The money is 5.2.2 The sinking fund starts in 3
left in the account for 7 years. months time and the last
1.1 Represent the information on a payment is made at the end of
time line.
the 5th year. The interest rate is
10% p.a. compounded quarterly.
1.2 How much money is in the Calculate the quarterly payment
account at the end of 7 years?
Worksheet 3 E (Test 2)
Zanele receives R21 000 on her 1. R22 000 is invested for 14 years.
21st birthday. She invests the The interest rate for the first 4
money on fixed deposit at 16% years is 8,8% p.a. compounded
p.a. compounded monthly. How monthly. The interest rate de-
long will she have to wait for the creases to 7,1% p.a. compounded
investment to grow to Rl million? daily for the next 2 years. There-
after it increases to 11% p.a.
3. Marais invests R30 000, expecting compounded yearly for the rest of
R1 million in 30 years' time. the period. Determine the value
Determine the interest rate per of the investment at the end of
I annum if the interest is: the 14thyear.
i 3.1 . I
2. Convert an effective annual
3.2 compound. interest rate of 9,1% p.a. to a
nominal annual interest rate
14. Coenie invests Rl00 000 for compounded daily.
5 years. The amount in the
I account is R215 000 at the end of
the period. Calculate the effective
3. Renet buys a car for R155 000
and pays a deposit of 18%. The
interest rate that the bank is balance is paid by using a bank
paying per annum if the interest loan. Interest is charged at 16,5%
of the investment is compounded p.a. compounded monthly over
monthly. 4112years.
3.1 Determine the monthly repay-
Worksheet 3 E (Test 2) Worksheet 3 E (Test 2)
3.2 Determine the outstanding 7.1 What is the investment worth at
balance on the loan after 24 the end of 10 years?
months. 7.2 He leaves the money in the
line basis. The value of the car is
R64 500 after 3 years. Calculate
the original value of the car.
8. Thandi's starting salary at her new
I 5. Francois and Suzanne are just
job is R2 000 per month. She
receives an increase of 2%
every 2 months.
I married and want to buy a house.
ii They can afford a monthly 8.1 Determine her salary at the end
of the first year.
payment of R6000. The bank can
i offer them a home loan at 16% 8.2 How much money did she earn in
i p.a. compounded monthly, over a total during the first year?
period of 25 years. Worksheet 3 F (Test 3)
;, 5.1 What is the maximum loan that 1. The cost of a new car is R260 000.
they can afford? The depreciation on the car is
, 5.2 Interest rates are always increa- calculated at 14% p.a. on
sing. They decide to obtain a reducing balance.
home loan for R420 000. Will they 1.1 Calculate how long it will take for
be able to afford the new payment the car to depreciate to 25% of
if the interest rate increases by its original value?
1.2 How much will the car cost in 6
Stefan bought a motorbike for years time if the yearly inflation
R18 000 at the beginning of 2004. rate is 9% p.a.?
Unfortunately he is involved in an
accident at the beginning of 2009. 1.3 I open a savings account to
The insurance company will enable me to buy the car within
replace the bike if the cost to 6 years. I receive a rate of 8%
repair the bike is more than 65% p.a., compounded monthly. How
of the book value of the bike. much should I save monthly to be
able to buy the car cash in 6
6.1 Determine the book value of the years time?
bike if the depreciation rate is
12% p.a. on a reducing balance. 2. Ane negotiates a loan of R300 000
at a bank. She can repay R5000
6.2 Will the insurance company
per month. The final payment will
replace the bike if the cost to
be less than R5000. The repay-
repair the bike is R5 800?
ments start one month after the
granting of the loan. Interest is
Werner opens a savings account
fixed at 18% p.a. compounded
with R750 to pay for his son's
education. Thereafter he deposits
the same amount at the end of 2.1 Determine the number of
each month for a period of 10 payments required to settle the
years. The interest rate is fixed loan.
on 22% p.a. compounded 2.2 Calculate the balance outstanding
monthly. after the last RS 000 was paid.
Wor'ksheet 3 F (Test 3) Worksheet 3 F (Test 3)
2.3 Calculate the value of the last lop 1.1A loan of R80 000 for 5 yea rs at
payment. a simple interest rate of 13%
2.4 Calculate the total amount repaid. p.a. The loan is then paid back in
equal monthly payments over 5
3. years.
IOp2.1A loan of R80 000 which is paid
back in equal monthly payments
over 5 years. Compound interest
of 20% p.a. is charged. The first
payment being made at the end
of the first month.
a 2 4 6 8 10 6.1.1 Calculate the monthly
The graph shows how the value of repayments if he chooses
a car decreases yearly. Calculate option 1?
the rate at which the value of the
6.1.2 Which option is the best for
car decreases as a percentage.
Thabo? Justify your answer
with appropriate calculations.
4. Enje requires a loan to buy a plot
for R250 000. The interest 6.1.3 What interest rate should
charged on the loan is 10% p.a. replace 13% in Option 1 so
compounded monthly. Calculate that there is no difference
his monthly repayments if the loan between the two options?
is amortised over a period of 9
years. 7. Mina invests her inheritance of
R200 000 at 11/5% p.a.
4.1 Calculate the monthly repayments.
compounded quarterly.
4.2 Calculate the balance of the loan at After 10 years she uses the
the end of 8 years. return on her investment to build
4.3 \AJhatpercentage of the 96th a house at a cost of Rl 850 000.
payment wi!1 be used to repay She borrows the balance needed
interest? (2 dec.) from the bank.
A loan for 25 years at an interest
5. Daniel inherits R900 000 and rate of 12% p.a. compounded
invests the money at a rate of monthly was allocated to her.
10/5% p.a., compounded monthly. 7.1 Calculate the effective interest
He withdraws R18 000 at the end rate on the original investment.
of each month, starting at the end (1 dec.)
of the first month. Calculate how
long he will have money in the 7.2 What is her investment worth in
bank. 10 years time?
7.3 How much will she still need to
6. Tabo wants to buy instruments for borrow from the bank to be able
his band. The cost of the to buy the house?
instruments is R80 000. He wants
to borrow the money and plans to 7.4 Calculate her monthly payment.
repay the full amount over a
7.5 Calculate the balance after 15
period of 5 years in monthly
payments. He has two options.
'orksheet 3 F (Test 3) Worksheet 3 G (Test 4)
~fi How much interest did she pay 5. A dealer adds 20% to the
after she had repaid her loan after cost of an item. He then gives
25 ears? discount on the marked price to
. orksheet 3 G (Test 4) his customers. He still makes
a profit of 5%.
Thandi would like Rl 000 000
Determine the discount as a
saved on her 48th birthday. She
percentage of the marked
chooses an annuity that grows at
15% p.a. compounded annually.
Calculate the monthly payments if
she starts saving on her 23rd 6. Peet started saving on his 25th
birthday and would like to stop on birthday by paying R500
her 48th birthday. She withdraws quarterly. Calculate how much
the money a month after her 48th money he had saved the day he
birthday. celebrated his 60th birthday.
He made his first payment on the
day he was 25 and his last
Stephan decided to invest payment three months before his
R600 000 of his retirement 60th birthday. Interest is calcu-
package in a growth fund. lated at 10.4% p.a, compounded
The investment gives him 12% quarterly.
interest p.a., compounded
quarterly. 7. Koos bought a house for R900000.
What regular quarterly payments He received a loan from the bank.
may be withdrawn from the fund He agreed to pay monthly
so that the fund will last for 12 instalments of Rll 000 on a loan
years? which incurred interest at a rate of
12% p.a. compounded monthly.
In Sinking fund is set up to replace 7.1 Determine after how many
equipment in 6 years time. months the loan would be paid
Initially R40 000 is invested and off.
then a further R20 000 at the
beginning of each subsequent 7.2 Koos was unable to pay any
year until the equipment is six instalments at the end of the
years old. 100th, 101st, 102nd and 103rd
The interest rate on this account months. At the end of the 104th
is 8% p.a. compounded annually. month he increased his payment
so as to still payoff the loan in
The equipment costs R200 000.
the same period as in 7.1 by 69
How much money is still required
equal monthly payments.
to replace the equipment?
Calculate the value of the new
4. Given: A = PCl - i.n)
P and i are positive constants. 8. How many years will it take for an
.1 State whether the graph of A is article to depreciate to half its
linear or exponential? value according to the reducing
balance method at 8% interest per
~.2 Draw a possible graph of A as a annum?
function of n.
""7.3 What is the effect on A if n
MODUlE 4: Remainder and Factor
• exponents E No
• coefficients E R
Rloots or zeros - values of x such that a(x) = 0
:. 20 = 6 x 3 + 2
l. ~~t· ien t remain. d er
~d en d d ivrsor quo
5x2 -15x
2x -6
2x -6
:. k = -7 = 3-
2 2
4. Solve for x if 4.2 Now factorise the following
x3 + 4x 2 - l1x - 30 = 0
f(x) = x3 + 4X2 - 11x - 30
. 4.1 Find a linear factor. ~
= (x - 3) (x2\'t px + 10)
II Identify potential factors of the
constant term 30.
:. f(x) ,
:. p x2 - 3 x2 = 4x2
I :. ±1 ±2 ±3 ±10 ..... :.p x2 = 7x2
i f( -1)
f(l) = 1 + 4 - 11 - 30
= -1 + 4 + 11 - 30 *0
:.p = 7
!, :. (x - 3) is a factor / :.x = 3 or x = -5 or x = -2
Worksheet 4 A Worksheet 4 C
Divide f(x) by b(x) in order to find the 4. Determine the value of a if
quotient Q(x) and the remainder. ex - 2) is a factor of
2x3 + x2 - ax + 6.
1. f(x) =
2x3- 5x2 + 3x + 8
b(x) = 2x + 1
5. Determine the values of a and b if
2. f(x) = 4
3x - 2x3 - 4x2 + 5x + 1 (x - 1) and (x + 3) are factors of
b(x) =x + 1 ax3 + 3x2 - bx + 3.
Worksheet 4 B
6. Determine the values of a and b if
Use the Remainder Theorem to (x + 2) and (x - 3) are factors of
determine the remainder if p(x) is x3 + ax + b.
divided by hex).
7. Determine the values of a and b if
l. p(x) = x3 + 3x - 8
ax3 - 22x2 + 4x - b has remainders of
hex) =x+3 -3 and -122 when divided by
(3x - 1) and (x + 2).
2. p(x) = x3 - 3x2 - 6
hex) =x- 4
Worksheet 4 D
3. p(x) = 3
3x - 22x2 - 4x - 2 Solve the following equations.
hex) = 3x - 1
1. x3 + 2x2 - 9x - 18 = 0
= 5x2 - 3x - 6
4. p(x) 2x +
hex) = 2x + 1 2. x3 + 8x2 + 11x - 20 = 0
5. p(x) = 2x3 + x2 - 13x + 6
hex) =x- 2 3. 2x3 + 5x2 - 4x - 3 = 0
Worksheet 4 C
l. Determine the value of a if 4. 3x3 + 10x2 - 27 X - 10 = 0
ex - 1) is a factor of
2.,,3 + ax2 - 8x + 3. 5. 5x3 + 4x2 - 31x +6 = 0
MODULE 5: Dinereutiationl Calculus
1. Average gradient CmJ. m == f(a+h)- fraY
between 2 poi nts
2. Gradient of curve
at a point Pea ; f(a» fl(a) == lim f(a + h)- fray
h~O h
(see examples)
= nx n-l
4. Rates of change
Distance Set)
Speed Sl(t)
Acceleration 5" r»
Question: Answer:
••.. , 2
1. I(x) = x2 +X f (x) = x +x
1(4) = (4)2 + 4 = 20
Determine the average f(3) = (3)2 + 3 = 12
gradient of fbetween
:. m = 20 - 12 = 8
x = 3 and x = 4. 4-3
2. •
A body travels Set) metres in Set) = 4t2 + 1
t seconds where s(3) = 4(3)2 + 1 = 37
Set) = 4l + 1. s(2) = 4(2)2 + 1 = 17
:. average speed = ~--=--~~
Determine the average 3-2
speed between t = 3 and
t = 2 seconds. 37-17
= 20 m.5-1
3. Limits . x2-9
Determine: 3.2 I1m --
x-?3 x-3
3.1Iim(2x+4) = lim (x - 3)(x + 3)
x-?3 x - 3
=8 = x-?3
lim (x + 3) = 6
4. Determine the derivative of fix) = _2x2 + x
I from first principles I(x+h) = -2(x+h)2+ (x+h)
= -2(x2 + 2xh + h2) +X + h
f(x) = _2x2 + x.
= _2xz - 4xh - 2hz + x + h
-2x -4xh-2h +x+h-(-2x +x)
= IiIl1
h-~O h
- 4xh - 2h2 + h
= lim
h-?O h
h(-4x - 2h + 1)
=: lim
h-?O h
= lim (-4x - 2h + 1)
5. Determine the derivative of I(x) = 2x2
f(x) = 2x2 at x = 1 from f(l + h) = 2(1 + h)2
= + + h2)
I first principles.
2 (1
2 + 4h + 2h2
f(l) = 2(1)2 = 2
f 2 + 4h + 2h2 - 2
= lim
; h-')O h
J 4h + 2h2
l = lim
h-,>O h
ti h(4 + 2h)
= lim
11-,>0 h
, = lim (4 + 2h)
!J =4
~6. Rules for Differentiation
, NB derivative of a constant = 0
I 6.1
I(x) = 2x3 + 3x
6.3 Dp[ p3 - p~ + p + 1]
! f'(x) = 6x2 + 3
! = o, [p2 _p + 1+p-l]
= 2p - 1 - P -2 = 2p - 1 - ~
--+ 3 2
7. Tangent to a curve f(x) =x - 2x - x + 2
Determine the equation of the 1. fl(x) = 3x2-4x-l
tangent to the curve
2. I 1(1) = 3(1)2 - 4(1) - 1
I (x) = x - 2x2 - x + 2
= -2
at the point x = 1.
.. gradient of tangent to
I (x) =
Point ~ subst. x-value in
I f{l)=O -+ Point(l;O) I
ortclnal equation y = -2x + c
(1;0)/ 0 = -2(1) + c
:. c = +2
:. y = -2x + 2
mtangent = -2
Determine the x-value of the :. f'ex) = -2
point of contact of tangent :.4x - 4 = -2
y = -2x + 5 and the curve 4x = 2
I (x) = 2x2 - 4x + 6 :.x = 112
9. Distance, s that a body travels 9.1 distance set) = St2
in t seconds is given by set) = St2 s(2) = 5(2)2
= 20 m
9.1 Determine the distance
travelled in 2 seconds.
9.2 speed s'{t)= lOt
9.2 Determine the speed at
s'(Z) = 10(2)
t = 2seconds.
= 20 rn.s"
9.3 Determine the acceleration of
the body. 9.3 acceleration s"(t) = 10 m.s ?
.,Agplications of differential calculus
['(x) --7 derivative at a point
--7 rate of change at a point
--7 gradient of tangent to a curve at a point
creasing and decreasing functions
- ['(x) > 0 - function increases ~
fl(x) < 0 - function decreases ~
[(x) =0 ri» = 0
x3 + 3x2 - 9x = 0
Use factor theorem x(x + 3x - 9) = 0
if necessary -3±.J45
x = 0 orx = ---
:. x = 0 or x = -4,9 or x = 1,9 I
(1 ;-5)
Example 2
f ex) = - ex + 3) 3 + 1
I(x) = -x3 - 9x2 - 27x - 26 y
y- intercept = -26
Rates of change
I-Instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x is:
I f'~) or dy
I 2.
! Determine the instantaneous
- x
I rate of change of the T(x) = ---
5 10
I temperature with respect to the
distance at the point where ,
= --- 1
= -0 7°Cjm
I x = 3. 5 10 '
Maximum and Minimum
i Know theory! Determine Maximum or Minimum
Eg: Volume:
Vol = f. .b.H
S.area 3. Determine V'(x)
= 2(i + b)H+2ib 4. Let V'(x) = O.
5. Solve for x.
H~ Vol =
6. Subst. x -value in 2. for
maximum volume.
The capacity of a cylinder I 2.
is one litre. Determine
Ed the minimum surface
area of the closed
1£ = 1000 ern:'
:. Vol = 1000
7tr2H ::: 1000
1000 0( • lP 'I~ 4-
:. H = --2- (one variable)
= 2ttr (1000)+2
2 tir 2 f(x) = -6x2 + 6x + 36 en
nr g(x) = -12x + 36
= 2000 + 21t,-2
Determine the maximum le"lgth of
1.3 A(r) = 20001'-1 + 21tr2
2.1 AB = f(x) - g(x)
= -6x2 + 6x + 36 - (-l2x+36)
A'() r= - 2000
2 +nr4
r 2.2 AB = -6x2 + 18x
:. r = 159,1549
:. r = 5,4 and H = 10,9
2.6 Max. AB = -6m 2
+ 18(~)
Min Surf. Area: = 13l units
= 21t(S,4)(10,9) + 2n(S,4)2
= 553,05 units".
Sketches not to sca e. Round answers off to 2 decimal places.
I Worksheet 5 A Worksheet 5 E
! Determine the limits of the following: 1. Determine:
'1. lim 2x + 1 1.1 f'(x) if f(x) = 5xz - 3x + 1
1.2 f'ex) if f(x) = -3x3 +2x2 - x
! x 2
- 4
j 2. lim 1·3 dY'f 2 1
x-,>2 -I y=x +2-1
x-2 de x
i 3. lim
2(1 + h)2 - 2 1·4 dp'
-- f I P = 3
St - 3t - -
2 1
+ '\jt:t
17-,>0 h dt t3
{ 4. lim
j(2 + h) - j(2)
if f(x) == 2x 1.5 :" C~- 1~ + ~)
! 5. lim
f(x + h) - f(x)
if f(x) = k
1.6 Dp[P4+;2+1]
, h-,>O h
x2 -16 Worksheet 5 F
6. lim
x-,>4 x2 - 4x Determine:
X2 +X - 6 1. g'(x) if g(x) = X4 _ 4
.7. lim x
x-,>-3 x +3
Worksheet 5 B 2. dy if y = (x + 2)(2y + 5)
Determine the gradient of the curve dx
at a specific point from first principles.
c":';;":' ~-,-_
3. dp if p = (3r)2 - ~
1. f'(x) = X2 at (2;4) dr 2r
. 2. f(x) = X2 - 3x + 5 at (1;3)
3. f(x) = _2x2 - 3x at x = 0
4· '( ) of
px= .r;
3Fx - 4
* Worksheet 5 C
5. Dx[(3x - 2)2]
t Determine f 'ex) from first principles.
• 1. f(x) == -3x2
Worksheet 5 G
1. Determine the gradient of the
, 2. fex) = _4X2 + x
tangent to the curve:
3. fex) = 2 x+ 1
1.1 f(x) = x3 - 22 + 2x at x == 2
.. f(x) 6 =
1.2 g(x) = 2X2 - 5x + 6 at x == -3
Worksheet 5 0
etermine the derivative of the
;: lIowing functions at a specific point 2. Determine the equations of the
from first principles. following tangents to:
Worksheet 5 H Worksheet 5 I
1. Determine the point where the 4. Given:
gradient of the tangent to the
curve of: y = - 5x xS
1.1 f(x) = 2X2 + 1 equals 4 ~
1 Determine:
1.2 g(x) = - 2 X2 + 2x equals 0
1.3 f(x) = 3x 2
- 7x equals 11 dx
. Worksheet 5 J Worksheet 5 J
}, 3
ll.-.-The distance, s, that an athlete
." 5. The displacement of a particle is
still has to travel in t seconds is given by:
given by Set) = 15 - 3t m.
set) = -t3 - 3t
3.1 Determine the speed at 3
2 s, 3 sand 4 s.
< Determine the acceleration of
1 3.2 Explain the answer. the particle at t = 3.
; 3.3 How long will it take the athlete to Worksheet 5 K (Testl)
f reach his destiny? 1. If fex) = 2x2, determine the
, 3.4 Determine the speed of the derivative of f(x) from first
athlete when reaching his destiny. principles.
"f 4. A stone is thrown vertically 2. Let f(x) = 2x2.
upwards. Its height, s,(in metres) 2.1 Determine the average gradient
at any given time after t seconds of f between the points x = -2
! is given by Set) = -5t2 + lOt + 75. and x = -2 + h.
2.2 Determine the gradient of the
14.1 Determine the initial height above
tangent to f at the point
the ground.
J (-2;8) and then write down the
14.2 Determine the initial speed at the equation of the tangent.
I moment when the stone is
thrown. 2.3 Determine the point where the
i gradient of the tangent to the
4 Determine the average speed curve equals 4.
1 .3 between t = 2 and t = 3 seconds.
Worksheet 5 l (Test 2) Worksheet 5 M (Test 3)
3. Determine f "(1) if
7. . Determine dy if
f(x) :;;: _4x4 - 2 + 2E. dr
Y = -2 ( 4"\1' r - - I 3X) + 5x 2 .
r 4
4. Determine the equation of the
tangent to
8. Determine f 1(2) if
f(x) = 3x3 - 4x2 - 3x + 1 322
at the point x :;;:1.
f(x) = x +x - x
5. The gradient of the tangent to Worksheet 5 N (Applicatiollls)
f(x) = 2x2 + 2x at the point (p;q) Determine for each of the following:
is 10. Determine the values of
(i) the inflection points
p and q.
(ii) stationary points
Worksheet 5 M (Test 3)
1. Determine: (iii) where function is concave up or
concave down
1.1 li
1m x2 -1 1. p(x) = x3 + 2x2
.\"---71 1- x
2. f(x) = x3 - 6x2 + 9x - 4
1.2 ~(~ _ 3)
dx x
g (x)
= -(x
= - 2x3 +
+ 2)3
+ 4x - 3
eet 5 P Worksheet 5 0
\.-2) = 0, f(l) = 0, f(7) = 0 2.
f'(-l);;; 0, f'(4) = 0
'-:~(x) > 0 if x < -1 orx > 4
. f '(x) < 0 if -1 < x < 4
)= 4 x
Worksheet 5 0 Worksheet 5 R
3.2 Draw a sketch graph of f '(x), 1..
only showing the x-intercepts on
the graph.
Determine the:
3.1 length, width and height i.t10. x
3.2 the value of x for maximurrr
; Worksheet 5 R Worksheet 5 R
14 • * In an experiment, a drop of olive 6.3 What can be deduced from
oil is placed on a water surface 6.1 and 6.27
f and a circular layer of oil is 6.4 Determine the average speed
i formed. The diameter D of the during the 4th second.
I circle t seconds after the drop has
i been placed is directly propor- 6.5 Determine the acceleration at
! tional to t 2. The diameter is
16mm at 2 seconds. 6.6
Determine the distance covered in
5 seconds.
Determine the value of the
constant factor. Worksheet 5 S (Test 4)
4.2 Determine the rate of change of D
1. Given: f(x) = x + "2
with respect to t at 4 seconds.
I Determine f '(x) from first principles.
• I
! 4.3 Determine the average rate of
f· r change during the 2nd second. 2. Determine:
I 2.1 p'(x) if p(x) = 3x5 - 6x3 + lOx - 8
is. The volume of a container with a
'-' .••..
X2 - 4
i 2.4 lim
x~2 2- x
Worksheet 5 5 Worksheet 5 S
5. Given: 6.6.8 h(x).h'(x) 2:: a for x ~ 0
f(x) = 2x3 - 5x2 - 4x +3
7. The capacity of a cylindrical tin is
Determine: 500 ml. The height is hand
5.1.1 the x-and y-intercepts of f radius is r. The material used in
the manufacturing of the tin is
5.1.2 the coordinates of the stationary
such that the cost of the bottom
and the top is 3 times more than
5.1.3 the coordinates of the inflection that of the curved area.
point(s) of f and explain why it is
an inflection point
5.1.4 the intervals where the graph of
f is concave up or concave down.
[2V -3]
RS is a tangent to h at R.
6.3 Determine the coordinates of 5, 2.2 Dx I
the point where the tangent again "I/x
cuts h.
6.4 Determine the length of RS.
2.3 f '(x) if f(x) = (x - 2)(x - 1)2
W,orksheet 5 U (Test 6) Worksheet 5 U (Test 6)
6. Determine:
2.2 6.1 the initial height above the ground
6.2 the initial speed
3Fx - 2x2 -
V; 6.3 the speed at 3 seconds
dx x 6.4 the maximum height reached
6.5 the acceleration at t =1 see
3. Given:
6.6 the average speed during the
p'(x) = 2x3 and f '(x) =x third second
~ksheet 5 V (Test 7) Worksheet 5 V (Test 7)
Determine: 6. The equation of the tangent to
dy . - 3x 13 f(x) = ax + bx + 4 at the point
Ify = ---x
dx ~ (1;-2) is y- 2x = 8 I
x3 - 2x2 - x +2
.1: ....• 1 x - 1
f '(2) if f(x) = x + 2x2 -15x
Given: f(x) = x3 + 5x2 - 8x - 12
Given: f(x) = x3 - 3x - 18 Band D are the turning points.
Show that the graph of f has only Determine the:
ONE real x-intercept. 7.1 coordinates of Band D
Determine the stationary points of 7.2 average rate of change of f from B
f. to D
Sketch the graph of f. Show all 7.3 turning point of g if
the turning points and the g(x) = f(x - 1)
7.4 the value of k for which
Determine the turning points x3 + Sxz - 8x - 12 = k has three
of g if g(x) = f(x) + 1 unequal real roots.
Determine the values of k if 7.5 the equation of the tangent to
x3 - 3x2
has three real
- 18 = k I
f at x = 2.
roots of which two are equal.
7.6 Determine the value of p
for which f(x) - p has only one
A pump is connected to a dam.
real positive root.
The volume of the water is given
by: Vet) = 60 + 8t - 3t2 where 8.
VCt) is the volume in thousands y
of lltres.
Determine the rate of change of
the volume with respect to the
days at t = 3. x
15.2 Did the volume increase or
__p_ty_? ~ turning points of f. ~
Worksheet 5 V (Test 7) Worksheet 5 V (Test 7)
8.3 Determine the x-value of the 12. Given: f '(x) = -x2 +5x + 6
maximum turning point of f. 12.1 Determine the gradient of the
8.4 Determine the gradient of the tangent to fat x=2
tangent to f at x = O. 12.2 Determine the x values for which f
8.5 Determine the values of a, b, c and increases.
d if f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + ex + d Worksheet 5 W (Test 8)
and f(O) = 6. 1.1 Determine:
9. 1.1.1 f'ex) if f(x)
(x - 3)2
\ll\Iorksheet 5 W (Test 8) Worksheet 5 W (Test 8)
4. Given: k(x) = 2x + 6x + 10
8. A particle moves from a point 0
Explain whether it is possible to along a straight line, according to
draw a tangent with a negative the equation of motion:
gradient to the graph of k. Show set) = 2t2 - 13t + 10.
all the calculations. Determine:
5. 8.1 the initial speed
8.2 the rate at which the velocity
Q x changes at t seconds
8.3 after how many seconds will the
particle be closest to the fixed
Worksheet 5 W (Test 8) Worksheet 5 W (Test 8)
13.4 the x-coordinate of the inflection 15.
point off
14. hex) is a cubic expression in x.
The cubic graph j with inflection
Given, the graph of hr(x). point (-3;1). Draw the graph of
the derivitave if it is given that
the gradient of f is -27 if x = a
14.1 the x-coordinate of the Given, the graph of g(x) = 16 - x 2
inflection point of h. PQRSis a rectangle within the
parabola. Points 5 and R lie on the
14.2 the gradient of the graph of h at x -axis, P and Q(x;y) lie on the
the point where x = O. parabola.
14.3 the equation of the parabola. 17.1 the coordinates of P and Q l.t.o. x
MODULE 6: Anaillieal Geomelrv
'l. Gradient:
m= Y2 - Yl
, Inclination of a line: tans =m
I1 (angle between line and positivex-axis)
Collinear points A, Band C: mAB = IDBC
' 7. Parallel lines: ml =m2
1__ -
8 Perpendicular lines: ml XID2 =-1
1 .
19. Circle with centre (0;0): x2 + y2 =r2
110. Circle with centre (a;b):
(x-a)2 +(y-bl =r2
111. Altitude:
Line from vertex perpendicular
to opposite side.
I -...........
112. Median:
Line joining a vertex and the
midpoint of the opposite side. \2>
13. Perpendicular bisector: h
Line through midpoint and perpendicular to
3. eq.AK / y - 6 = 7(x - 1)
:. y = 7x - 1
1. 6-(-4) = 10 == 2
mAB = 1- (-4) 5
1 C(4;2)
2. mcp = - 2
3. eq.cp / y - 2 = - -1(x - 4)
:. y = -x +4
3. Determine a.
1. mAS = -4 = -2 I \
6 3
2 I
:. tan x = -
:. x = 33,69 ... ° •• 7' 4 "" EB \Y! ,X
2. mAC = -5
:. tan e= -5
:. e = 180° - 78,69 ... °
= 101,309 °
4. Given, the equation of the circle.
Find the centre and the radius of the circle.
Given: X2 - 8x + l -lOy - 59 = 0 I
x2 - 8x + 16 + y2 - 10y + 25 = 59 + 16 + 25
:.centre = (4;5)
radius = 10
8 _ 4
2. mradius = "6 - 3 tangent..l radius
m-; x m 2 = -1
3. :. mtangent = - 4
4. :. equationtangent: y-13 = --(x-10)
3 1
y = - -x + 20-
4 2
Sketches not to scale. Answers should be rounded off to 2 decimal places.
,Worksheet 6 A Worksheet 6 A
1. Given: 3.4 What kind of quadrilateral is
PQRS? (reason)
1.1 AB.
1..2 the coordinates of the midpoint of
4.1 Determine the circumference of
AC. L1ABe.
1.3 the gradient of AC. 4.2 Determine the equation of AB.
1.4 the inclination of the line Ae. 4.3 Determine the equation of the
1.5 the equation of line BC. perpendicular bisector of AB.
4.4 Determine angle ABC.
1.6 the equation of the line parallel to
line BC and passing through point 4.5 Determine the equation of the
A. altitude AK.
1.7 the equation of the altitude AK. 4.6 Determine the equation of the
median BP.
1.8 the equation of the median BP.
1..9 the coordinates of the x-intercept 5. Given: A(x;5), B(0;4) and
C(-1;3). Determine the value(s)
of the median.
of x if:
2. Given: P(-1;4), Q(-2; -2) and 5.1 A, Band C are collinear.
R(3;2), the vertices of ~PQR. 5.2 AB = BC
2.1 Determine the equation of the 5.3 AB 1.. BC
median PK.
5.4 AB =
2.2 Determine the coordinates of S, if
PQRSis a parallelogram. Worksheet 6 B
3. Given: P(0;4), Q(6;7), R(3;1)
and S(-3; -2).
3.1 Show that PQRSis a
parallelogram. c x
3.2 Prove that the diagonals of PQRS
bisect each other perpendicular.
3.3 Determine the lengths of PQ and
1.1 Determine the gradient of Be.
1.2 Determine the coordinates of D.
Worksheet 6 B Worksheet 6 C
1.3 Determine the inclination of line 1. Draw rough sketches of the
AB. following circles:
1.4 Show that 8, D and Care 1.1 x2 + / = 16
1.2 / = 7 - x2
y 2. Determine the equations of the
following circles with its centre at
c B the origin and:
WCirksheet 6 D Worksheet 6 D
l. 3.
y y
Worksheet 6 E Worksheet 6 F
2. The line 3y - x + 5 = 0 intersects 3.1 Determine die radius and the
the circle x2 + l -6x + 8y - 25 = 0 coordinates of the centre of
at P and Q. circle A.
2.1 Determine the coordinates of the 3.2 Determine the radius and the
centre M, and the radius of the coordinates of the centre of
circle. circle B.
2.2 Determine the coordinates of P
3.3 Determine whether the two circles
and Q.
touch each other.
2.3 Determine the equations of the
tangents to the circle at P and Q. 3.4 Determine the equation of die
common tangent of the two
2.4 The tangents at P and Q intersect circles.
at R. Determine the coordinates
of R. 4.
2.5 Show that RP = RQ.
2.6 Determine the size of angle PRQ. x
I 4.3 Determine the equation of the
tangent to the circle at point A.
of tangent PQto the circle at the
}l\Iorksheet 6 F
Determine the equation of the
circle that touches the y-axis at
, (0;3) and passes through the 4.1 the equation of the circle
f point (-4;3).
4.2 the equation of tangent PQ
, The line segment joining points 4.3 the coordinates of P and Q
P(3;k) and Q(-2;3) is the
diameter of a circle. M(a;-3) is 4.4 the area of ~POQ
the centre of the circle.
4.5 the size of e
1; 2"1 the values of k and a. 4.6 the equations of any two other
~ tangents to the circle.
I 2,,2 the equation of the circle.
5. Determine the equation of the
Given the 2 circles:
tangent(s) to circle x2 + l
= 16
A: x2 + l + 12x - 16y = - 51 from the point P(-2;6) outside
and B: X2 + y2 = 9 the circle.
Worksheet 6 G (Test 1) Worksheet 6 H (Test 2)
1. The straight line y = +x + 2 1. Y
(-1 ;2)
intersects the circle
x2 + l = 34 at P and Q. P(8\
1.1 Determine the coordinates of P
and Q.
1.2 Determine the equations of the
tangents to the circle at P and Q.
1.3 Determine the coordinates of R,
the point of intersection of the
two tangents.
1.4 Determine the length of cord PQ. R(3;-10)
1.5 Determine the coordinates of M,
PQRSis a quadrilateral with
the midpoint of cord PQ.
vertices P(-1;2), Q(4;-3),
1.6 Prove that OMP = 90°. R(3;-10) and S(-2;-5).
1.1 Determine the equation of PQ.
2. Given: 1.2 Determine the size of 8, the
X2 + 4x + l -10y = -4. inclination angle of PQ.
2.1 Determine the coordinates of the 1.3 Determine the size of SPQ.
centre and the radius of the
circle. 1.4 Determine the length of PRo
1.5 Determine the coordinates of A,
2.2 Determine the equation of the
the midpoint of SQ.
image of the circle after it has
been rotated clockwise about the 1.6 Show that PRand SQ bisect each
origin through an angle of 90°. other perpendicular.
V\,orksheet 6 H (Test 2) Worksheet 6 I (Test 3)
2.5 Determine the equation of the 1.3 Hence prove that the
tangent to the circle at point coordinates ofT are (5;-7).
1.4 Determine the value(s) of c.
2.6 Determine B', the image of B that
is reflected about the straight line 2.
through M, perpendicular to the y
x -axis.
2.7 Determine K if K is the image of
B that is reflected about the c M(4;2)
straight line through M, •
perpendicular to the y-axis.
~ ~~ ~ __ ~x
3. The tangent y - x = 8 touches
the circle with centre M(l;-l) at
P(x;y). Determine the equation
The circle with centre M(4;2) is
of the radius MP.
given. The points A(O;O) and
I B(2;p) are on the circle Determine:
j 4.1 Determine the coordinates of
point P, the point where the line 2.1 the equation of the circle.
t y = x + 6' touches the 2.2 the equation of the tangent AC.
circle, x2 + l = 18
f 2.3 the value of p.
! 4.2 Determine the equation of the
2.4 the coordinates of point C, the
, radius OP. (0 is the centre of the
point of intersection of the
t circle.)
f Worksheet 6 I (Test 3)
11. M is the centre of the circle. RQ is 3.
~,: a tangent to the circle. The
, equation of the circle is,
1 X2 - 4x + l + 8y + 2 = O.
i The equation of the tangent QR is
y = x + c.
Worksheet 6 I (Test 3) Worksheet 6] (Test 4)
3.5 Make a deduction, considering 3. Given, the circle with centre
the tangents drawn from the
same point outside the circle.
E(-1; -1) and radius 2J5.
GEF = OCB = a. EF II y-axis and
3.6 Determine the coordinates of A, EF = 5. ABC is a tangent to the
the midpoint of cord PQ. circle.
3.7 Prove that OA 1- PQ. y
3.1 the coordinates of F.
Worksheet 6 l (Test 4) Worksheet 6 J (Test 4)
5. A(O;4), Be-4;k), C(O;-6) and D(x;y) 6.4 Determine the coordinates of
are the vertices of rectangle ABCD. point P.
6.5 Determine the lengths of:
6.5.1 BS 6.5.2 PB
6.6 Prove that PRSBis a kite.
7. Given:
5.1 Determine the value of k.
5.2 Determine the coordinates of
point D.
5.3 Is it possible that AC can be the
diameter of the circle if B is a
point on the circle? (Reason)
5.4 Hence determine the equation of
the circle with AC as the ciiameter.
The equation of the circle is
5.5 Hence show that D is a point on (x + 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 20. PAB is a
the circle. tangent to the circle with
equation y = -2x - 11. Given
6. Given:
A(-6;1) and B(-4;p).
7.1 Determine the value of p.
7.2 Prove that Be is a tangent to the
MODULE 1: Triuonomatrv
. e =-0 sin e = y
h r
a x
cos e = - cos e = -
h r
tan e = - tan e = E
a a x
Second quadrant Co-functions
sin(1800- e )=sin 8 sin(90°- e ):=cos e
cos( 180°- 8 ) = -cas 8
tan(1800- e )=-tan 8 cos(900- e )=sin e
(1800- 8) Third quadrant sin(900+ e )=cos8
180 0
S A 00
tan(1800+ )=tan e e cos(900+ e )=-sin e
T C 3600 c05(1800+ 8 )=~C05e
sine180°+ e )=-sin e
(180o+ e) (360 0
- e)
Fourth quadrant
~ ~
270 0
cos(3600- 8 )=cos 8
sin(3600- e )=-sin e
tan(3600- )=-tan 8 e
Special Traingles KNOW! Negative angles
cos (-A) = cos A
sin (-A) = -sin A
General solution
1. sin A = 0,5
If sinx = cosx A = 30° + k.360° or A = 150° + k.3600;
k r= Z
sinx cosx
2. cos 2x = -0,5
cosx cose 2x = 180 -60 +k.360°
0 0
or 2x = 180 +60 +k.360°
0 0
cosx * :. tan x = 1
2x = 120° + k.360° 2x =
240 + k.360° 0
.. x = 45° + k.1800; k E Z
k E Z
3. tan A = -1
A = 180°-
:.A = 135° + k.180o; k E Z
Theory grade 12
Study the following theory well.
Compound-angle identities
cos (A - B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B
cos (A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B
sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B
sin (A - B) = sin A cos B - cos A sin B
Revision- worksheets module 10 (X-FACTOR gr. 11).
Revision: gr. 11 Revision: gr. 11
1. Given: XOB = aand B(3;-3vf3) 5. Solve for x:
5.2 cos (2.;r - 80°) = sin (x + 20°)
x E [0°;90°]
6. Determine the general solution of:
Determine the following:
1.1 OB 6.1 sin ex + 15°) - cos 133,23° = 0
3. If 3 cas A + 2 = 0, sin x 1
A E (180°;360°) and 4 sin B = 3 ; (sin x + l)(cos x) (sin x-I)
tan B < 0, determine without x E [0°; 360°]
using a calculator the value of:
5 7
-~-+--=-- 9. Solve for x if x E [-270°;360°].
tarr' A cos' B
4. Prove the following identities:
tan (x + 20°) = -0 25
1 + cos x - si n2 x 9.2 3 '
4.1 = cas x
1 + cas x
9.3 cos (2.;r - 100) + 0,756 = 0
tan x + 1 sin x + cas x
4.2 = ------- 3 tan x + cos 243° = 0
tan x-I sin x - cos x 9.4
Worksheet 7 C
Simplify: 1 - tan x 1 - 2 slrr' x
3. = -------------
1 + tan x 1 + 2 sin x cos x
cos(90° - x )sin(180° + x )cos(x - 540°)
sinlx - 3600)sin2 (90° - x)
4. 1 t 8J2 1 - sin 8
( cas e- an = 1 + sin e
tan (360° - x) cas (180° + x) sin (x -180°)
sin x tan (180° - x) tan (90° - x) COS x t 1 - 2 sin2 x
5. -- - an x =
sin x cas x sin x
tan x
+ sin x) cos x . tan x
2 COS x . 2
COS x + . tan x + Sin x
sin x
sin (x-90°) [cas (-x) + tan (360°-x) sin (-x)]
Worksheet 7 C
Prove the following identities:
sin x sin x 2 sin x 1.2 cas 105°
1 - sin x 1 + sin x cos/ x
1.3 sin 15°
Worksheet 7 E Worksheet 7 G
2.1 Prove that: cas 13° sin 130
sin(30° + A) + sin(30° - A) =cos A 1.5 cas 300° cas 2440
2.2 Hence determine the value of:
sin 75° - sin 15°
2 sin 400( cas 65° cas 25° + sin 65° sin 25°)
Worksheet 7 F cas 10°
1. Complete:
1.1 sin 2 A = . 2. If cas 20° = p, determine the following
i.t.O. p:
1.2 cas 2 A = .
2.1 cas 160°
2. Simplify without the use of a
calculator: 2.2 cas 40°
2. Simplify:
sin 33° cas 33°
1.3 -
sin 11° cos 11° cas 195° cas 285°
cos(60° - x)cosx - sin(60° - x)sinx
t Worksheet
7 H Worksheet 7 I
~ 3 1. Write the following i.t.O. 8:
.: 3. If sin 8 = - and 8 < 90°,
5 8 8
determine without the use of a 1.7 sin 2 cas 2
calculator the value of:
; 3.1
sin 28 1.8 cos 38
. 3.2 cos 28
1.9 sin(45°-8)
3.3 tan 28
2. Simplify:
4. If 13 sin x + 12 = 0 and
5 sin 98 cos 98
x E [90°' 270°] and cos y = --' 2.1
, 13 r sin 38 cos 38
y > 90°, determine without the use
of a calculator the value of: 1- cas 28
sin ex - y) sin 28
cos (x + y) 2.3 cas49 - sin48
sin 2x
sin 28
tan 2y 2.4
1 + cas 28
If 3 sin A = -1; A E [90°; 270°]
3 sin 28 + sin 8
and ta nB = ~; B E [90°;360°], 2.5
4 cas 28 + 1 + cas e
determine without the use of a Worksheet 7 J
i calculator the value of:
! Prove the following identities:
15.1 cos (A - B)
f 1. (sin x + cas x)2 = 1 + sin 2x
, 5.2 cos 2A - cas 25
cos 2x
i 6. If 3 cos 2A - = 0 andFa 2. ------ = cas x + sin x
1 cas x - sin x
A E [90°;360°], determine
without the use of a calculator the 3.
value of:
cos 2A
! 6.1 sin 2A sin (45° - A) sin (45°+ A) = 2
11.2 sin 28
iI 1.3 tan 29 tan 2x cos 2x + 1
tan x
= cos 2x
! 1.4
! sin 38
! 8
11. 5 1 - 2 sin 2 2
1 - sin 2A
sin A - cos A
= sin A - cos A
1 8
11.6 2 cos" 2 - 1
Worksheet 7 K Worksheet 7 M
Prove the following identities: Prove the following identities:
cas x 2 1. sin 2x - sin x sin x
1. tanx + = --- -----
sin x sin Zx cas 2x + cas x 1 + cas x
(cos? X - strr' x? = cas 2x
cos" x - sin" x cas A + 2 cas 2A - 3 cas A - 1
4. =----
5 sin A + 2 sin 2A sin A
5. cas 4A = 8 cos4A - 8 cos2A + 1
5. cas 6A + cas 2A = 2 cas 2A cas 4A
Worksheet 7 l
Prove the following identities:
1 2 cas 2x
2. tan x - -- =
tan x sin 2x
4. tan(540° + x)cos(180° - x) cos(900+x)+
[ . () = 1
Sin -x
Worksheet 7 N Worksheet 7 N
Prove the following identities: Prove the following identities:
sin x 1 - cas x
1. -------
1 + cas x sin x
sin x
4. (1 - cas 2x)(1 + 1)
tan 2 x
= 2
Worksheet 7 0 Worksheet 7 R (to 2 dec.)
Prove the following identities: Determine the general solution of the
cos 2x 1 - ta n x
1. ==
1 + sin 2x 1 + ta n x 1. 3 ta n 38 + 5 = 0
2 + cas x - cas 2x cas x + 1
2. = 2. 2 sin(2x + 5°) = tan 150"
3 sin x - sin 2x sin x
3. sin(x + 25°) = cas 25°
1. Given:
2. cas (2x - 20 0
) = cas x
J2 sin(90° - x) = 1,
3. sin 2x = -cos (x - 10 0
) x is an acute angle.
1. 3 case = 2
2 sin(2x - 20 0) + cos 44° = 0
sin 314°
2. sinee + 10°) = -0,56
Worksheet 7 T (2 dec.) Worksheet 7 W
; Determine the general solution of: 7. 1 + ta n23x = 3 ta n 3x + 5;
1. sin2x - cas x - 1 = 0 x E [-180°; 180 0
Worksheet 7 V (Test 1) Worksheet 7 V (Test 1)
5. Simplify: (without calculator): 9.2 Determine the values of x if:
~1 Given: OA = 26
Determine the values of:
1.1 sin e
1.2 CDS a as a + e= 180°
1.3 CDS (a - e)
9.1 Determine the coordinates of P, Q
and R, the points where f and 9
1.4 sin (390° + e)
Worksheet 7 Z (Test 2) Worksheet 7 Z (Test 2)
2. 6. Prove:
A(a;6)g sin2A(tan315°+2COS2A) _16 -J2
4sinAcosAcos2Asin75 ° 2
.1 ---.../ 8(4;3)
"€~ ,x
7. Simplify:
cos (8 - x)
AOX = e and BOX = a.
sin ex + 450 0
- e)
MODULE 8: SiDa- Cosine- and Area Rule
1. Area rule (SLS) Examples
In non right-angled L1'S
Area Ll ABC = ! ab sine
2. Area rule: (SLS)
2. Sine rule (SSL), (LLS)
sinA = ----::--
sinB = --sine
a b c
3. Cosine rule (555), (5LS)
a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cos A
and B---~-~C
2 2 b2 4cm
cos B = a +c -
2ac Area Ll ABC = ! ac sin B
~----~------------------~ 2
Examples (Solving ~/s)
1. In right-angled Ll: area. = !x 4 x 6 sin 43°
(use trig. ratios) 2
B 41° C
1.1 .£ = tan 43°
:. c = 5 ta n 43° = 4 f 7 em
Examples Examples
=b 2
+ a2 - 2ba cos C sinA
sinB =--
a b c
3.1 Determine AS (e) 4.1 Determine AC (e)
c a
c2 = b2 + a2 - 2ba cas C sinC
sin A
c2 = 9 + 36 - 2(3)(6) cos 40°
c 2
C2 = 17,42 sin46°
:. C = 4,1
sinA sinB
a b
Problems in different planes
:. ADB =8
Example 1 PS is a tower. Q, Sand R are in the
same horizontal plane. The angle of
p elevation of P from R is 50°. Determine
the height of the tower.
= 10,6048 .... m
llPSR: right-ang led ---7 trig. ratios
NB: Always round PS
answer off in last = tan 50°
10,604 ..
:. PS = 10,604 tan 50° = 12,6 m
Example 2
Determine the length of QR. PS= 14m
p Common sides QS and SR. I
APQS: tan43° = -
:.QS = 14 = 15,01. ....
APSR: SR :::;-- = 11,747 ...
Round of to two decimal places. Sketches not to scale.
Worksheet 8 A Worksheet 8 A
1. 4.
B o
Determine the:
1.1 size of A
4.1 the height of the tower
PQRS is a parallelogram.
QS = 16 cm, PQ = 14 cm.
RT 1.. QS. Determine:
12.1 51
I2.2 area ~PQS.
B~ __ ~~ __ ~ 4D
os is a building. Q, Rand S are
in the same horizontal plane. Flag pole AE is perpendicular to
the horizontal plane BDe.
Determine the:
AD = 7 m. DEC = 58°. The
1.1 lengths of QS and SR
angle of elevation of A from B is
1.2 length of QR. 24°. The angle of elevation of A
from C is 33°. ADE = 75°.
p Determine:
4.1 the length of BE
c B
1. Determine:
D 1.1 the length of AC
AS is a building. B, C and 0 lie in
1.2 the length of AB
the same horizontal plane.
BD 1. DC. Determine: 1.3 the length of BC
3.1 the length of AB
1.4 the area of ~ABe.
3.2 the length of AC
3.3 ADS
Worksheet 8 C Worksheet 8 C
2. 5.
II sin (a+ e)
p DL--~-----:-I'---U.L.~
Show that:
k sin e tanx
p= .
Slny cas e + casy Sin. e
P\ \ Q 5 R
PQRS is a parallelogram.
SR = 4 and QR = 5. SRQ = e
and e < 90°. Determine:
1.1 the area of the parallelogram a sin C
tan A =
PQRS l.t.o. of e b - a cas C
1.2 the value of B for which the area
of the parallelogram = 10.J3. 5.
1.3 the value of 8 for which the area
B c
of the parallelogram will be a
Prove that:
cas B c - b cas A
cas C b - c cas A
BV £..0 I~C 6.
2.1 Determine:
2.1.1 DC i.t.o, o
2.1.2 C1 i.t.o. e
2.1.3 Be
2.2 prove that BD = 4 cos 28 - 2.
Prove that:
a = b cos C + c cos B.
MODULE 9: Euclidean Geometrv
Revise the theor of module 12 in the rade 11 X-Factor.
Ratio and Proportion
1. Ratio
AB=10:;;1 or AB:BC=1:2
• 10 • e BC 20 2
A B c
AB 10 1
_10 •• 20 -=-:;;- or AB:AC = 1:3
• AC 30 3
:. 3AB = AC
:. AB ;::; -AC
2. Proportion
When 2 or more ratios are equal. ---
1. Midpoint theorem
1.1 If AD = DB 1.2 If AD = DB
and AE = EC and DE II Be
then then
DE II Be and AE = EC
DIE = 1hBC
2. Area of Jl = 1f:z.buh
2.1 ~son the same base or equal bases and between the same
parallel lines are equal in area.
Stud the roves of the followin theorems:
Theorem 1 (a)
A line parallel to one side of a A divides the other 2 sides in the
same proportion.
-=- [DE II BC]
or - =- [DE II BC]
or -=- [DE II BC]
Theorem 1 (bl
If a line divides 2 sides of a A in the same proportion, then the line
ls parallel to the 3rd side.
If ---
BL------~C DE II BC
Theorem 2 (a)
If the corresponding LS of 2 4s are equal, then the corresponding
sides are in proportion, and thus the AS are similar.
Theorem 2 (b)
If the corresponding sides of 2 AS are proportional, then the LS are
equiangular, and thus the as are similar.
.. A K, B E C F
C 5N
= = and =
,orem 3 Pythagoras
any right-angled 4, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to
sum of the squares on the other 2 sides.
2. If you have to proof that polygons are similar then prove that:
1.1 A~~AE I DE II BC
DEY' """EC
:. AD.EC = AE.DB
3.5 = 6.x
B :.6x = 15
:.X = 2,5
2. Prove that:
2.1 .6.ABC III LlAED
A 2.2 AS.ED = AE.BC
2.2 :. A~
BC = (AC) I b.ABC III .6.AED
.--- AD
-------- NB order!
:. AB.ED = AE.BC
If ---
AB KE ..
a --b
then --- .-
BC EF c d
Sketches not to scale. Round answers off to one decimal place. Give reasons
with all answers .
. f ""orksheet 9 A Worksheet 9 A
1. Which of the following pairs of 2.3
polygons are not similar? A
: (b)
0 2.4
Calculate the unknown in the
following figures:
Determine: x
~ y
B 2 C
4. Calculate the length of AC.
Worksheet 9 A Worksheet 9 A
5. 8.
B 4 E 12 C
Prove that: AD = 9, OF = k.
5.1 LlBCA III LlCAD 8.1 Prove that: DE II AC.
5.2 AD II Be
AG 3
8.2 If FG II BC and - = -,
6. GC 4
calculate the length of OF.
Worksheet 9 B
Worksheet 9 B Worksheet 9 B
3. 6.
K'll-...-d T
AE is a tangent. Prove: I
- .....1e A
! AS is a tangent to the bigger
circle. BC is a tangent to the c
smaller circle. Prove that:
I 5.1 BD = BE
Prove that ~CAD III ~CBA.
J 5.3 BC.AE = AB,BE
Worksheet 9 C Worksheet 9 C
2. 4.
x F
1 2Y
B E PQRSis a parallelogram.
BEDF is a rectangle. 4.1 Name 2 angles equal to x,
2.1 Prove that flABC III boAFD. 4.2 Name 2 angles equal to y.
4.3 Determine a triangle similar to
2.2 If BC = 40 units, AS = 20 units boFED.
and AF = k units, show that
4.4 Prove that ED.PQ = QR.DF.
FD = 2k units.
A ~--~:------~
1 Worksheet 9 C Worksheet 9 D
i 6.2 Prove that: 1.3.2 numerical value of:
area van t.AFC
! 6.2.1 -- area van t.CBF
i 2.
)6.2.2 --
I6 3 "
If BDC = 90° and DC = 5,
1 .
BC = 13, calculate the length of
I DB and FB.
I 13
. 17. S B R
.' !
PQRSis a square with length of
I the sides == k units. B1= x
Prove that:
2.2 Determine the area of bASB
l.t.o. k and p if BR == P units.
o is the centre of the smaller 3.
circle. 01 = 2x.
7.1 Prove that:
7.1.1 TS II PQ
BF = 8 cm, AF = 12 cm, ED = 4 cm.
CD:DA==2:1 A
Worksheet 9 0 Worksheet 9 E
5. 1.
AD 2
CG:GB = 4:3, - = - and
DB 1 E
AC = 21 em GCE is a tangent, FE..l FC,
5.1 Calculate the lengths of: BC is a diameter and AD = DF
5.1.1 FC 5.1.2 CE 1.1 Prove that:
1.1.1 AF II GE
5.2 Determine: EH
6. FE FD
1.1.3 ---
Prove that:
h h
6.3 AB == -JDA.AC
I Worksheet 9 E Worksheet 9 E
! 5.
1 .
.I 3.1.3 =---
GH EB 6.
a is the centre of the circle. AB is a tangent to the bigger
OB II ED. AB is a tangent. 63 = x. circle. OF II BC.
'Worksheet 9 E
CK = 8, EK = 4, DC = 6,
DK = 3. BC is the diameter of the
circle. AB is a tangent to the
7.1 Prove that:
7.1.1 82 = A
7.1.2 AEKD a cyclic quadrilateral
7.1.3 CK = CA· OK
7.2 Calculate the length of AE and
MODULE 10: Data
Study and do module 7 in the grade 11 X-Factor.
Ix = Q2 or x - Q2 = 01
(rnean « median z mode)
B. Skewed data
. .
Positive k
sewed to the righ
> Q2 or x - Q2 > 01
to the right
min. Q1 M max.
Q1 M 63 max.
c. Correlation coefficient (rl
Strength of linear relationship between two variables
-l:sr< 1
-1 -0,5 a 05
, 1
strong- moderately- none moderately+ strong+
F. Outliers
G. Make sure that you know how to use your calculator to find
the following:
1. Standard deviation
2. Correlation coefficient
3. Equation of the regression line.
Worksheet 10 A Worksheet 10 A
The test scores of 100 grade 12 3.1 What percentage of the students will
learners of Esangweni Sec. have to supplement their pocket
School are shown in a normal money by doing extra chores?
distribution graph. The average
score was 52% and the 3.2 What percentage of learners receives
standard deviation was 9%. more than R330 per month?
--{] I~-
How many of the marks were
within one standard deviation of
the mean?
Determine x + cr.
How many of the learners
achieved more than 61%?
~ ..
(a) (b)
The ages of a group of 50
friends are investigated.The
information constitutes a 5. Give~n:
normal distribution curve. The
15; 24; 11; 22; 8; 78;
average age is 52 years and the
33; 31; 83; 15; 26; 22;
standard deviation is 2,2 years. 36; 21; 36; 22
What percentage of the ages is
between 49,8 years en 54,2 5.1 Calculate the:
years? 5.1.1 mean
Calculate the number of friends
in this category (2.1). 5.1.2 standard deviation
2.3 Determine the age difference 5.1.3 median
for the middle 96% of the data.
2.4 Determine the number of 5.1.4 lower quartile
friends who are older than 49,8 5.1.5 upper quartile
5.1.6 interquartile range.
3. The pocket money per month
of Grade 12 learners in a 5.2 Determine the outliers, if any;
certain school is investigated. show all calculations.
It is found that the information
collected gives a normal 5.3 Draw a box and whisker
distribution curve. diagram to represent the data.
The average is R300 per month 5.4 Comment on the skewedness of
and the standard deviation is the dlata.
R3a per month.
The learners receiving less than
R24a per month do extra
chores to supplement their
pocket mane .
Worksheet 10 B Worksheet 10 B
1. The table shows the distribution of the 3. The table shows the number of
pocket money a group of grade 4 people visiting a public pool over
learners receive per month: a period of eight days. The
corresponding maximum
Rand f Cum. temperature (DC) is also shown
20 s x < 40 16 for each day.
40 ~ x < 60 44
60::; x < 80 56 Temp.
80 s x < 100 Day Visitors
30 °C
100 S x < 120 10 1 20 280
1.1 Draw a histogram and thereafter a 2 24 360
frequency polygon on the histogram. 3 26 450
4 32 420
1.2 Use the table given to draw a 5 28 400
cumulative frequency graph (ogive) 6 38 500
and then determine the median. 7 34 475
1.3 Determine the estimated mean 8 26 320
amount of pocket money. Show all The results are shown in a scatter
the calculations in a table. plot below.
1.4 Discuss the skewedness or not, of the
data. r
1.5 Determine the modal class. I ~ 500
, .~ 450
1.6 Use the graph to determine the:
1.6.1 upper quartile.
I 400 .... "ll! t-,,· ". ·
1.6.2 the 40th percentile.
2.1 Draw a scatter plot of the data. 3.1 Determine the formula for the
equation of the least squares line
2.2 Discuss the type of relationship drawn.
between x and y.
3.2 Determine the correlation
2.3 Determine, by using your calculator coefficient of the data.
the formula for the equation of the 3.3 Predict the temperature if 600
best fit line (least squares regression people visit the pool on one day.
line) and then draw the line on the
scatter plot. 3.4 Predict the number of visitors if
the temperature is 30°C.
2.4 Determine the correlation coefficient. 3.5 If the number of visitors of day
two changes to 440, determine
2.5 What does the value of r tell you
whether the relationship between
about the fit of the line?
the temperature and the number
of visitors will be stronger or
.cWorksheet 10 B Worksheet 10 C
The table shows the distances per 1.1 Calculate the correlation coefficient
week run by athletes training for for a linear regression line.
the SAFARI Half Marathon race.
It also shows the time in which 1.2 Comment on the correlation, r in
they completed the 21,1 km race 4.1 and draw a valid conclusion.
Worksheet 10 C Worksheet 10 D
3. Thandi buys a new car and does (c) Overweight has a stronger
an experiment to find out how correlation with a non-healthy
the speed with which she drives exercise program than with
affects fuel consumption. She becoming ill.
does the experiment only when
she drives longer distances and 2. The following graph shows the
not in city traffic. number of people in a certain area
who regularly pay their municipal
The following data was obtained. accounts over the first six months.
The cumulative frequencies are
Speed Fuel consumption shown on the vertical axis.
Km/h t'/100km
70 10,6
80 9,6
200C .
110 8,6
75 10
115 8,8 100C
90 9,1 1 2 3 ""4 5 6
120 9,3 Months
100 8,8
2.1 Determine the number of people
60 11,8
who paid their bills on time in
3.1 Draw a scatter plot of the data. January, February and March.
3.2 Which trend will the data 2.2 State whether this graph is a good
follow: linear, quadratic or and fair account of the numbers.
3.3 What can Thandi conclude from 2.3 How could the municipal manager
the data regarding her speed change the graph to be able to
and fuel consumption? draw better conclusions?
MODULE 11: Prababilitv
Do revision of module 13 in the grade 11 X-Factor
:.A. Sinael Events
Probabilitv (P): the chance that an event will occur
Sample Space (S): set of all possible outcomes
1. Mutually exclusive
Events cannot take place simultaneously.
peA and B) 0 =
peA or B) = peA) +P(B)
08 5
3. Exhaustive events
A and B contain all the elements of the sample space.
peA U B) = 1
Exhaustive events can have an intersection.
1 3
2 5
4. Complementary events
N - complement of A.
A and AI are mutually exclusive AND exhaustive.
peA') = 1 - peA)
C;J(J 5
·A and B mutually exclusive but not complementary.
Complement of A also includes the number 5. A' = {3;S}
c. Independent events (Product-rule)
The outcome of one event will NOT have an influence on the outcome of
another event.
peA and B) := peA) x 1'(13)
Do Not- independent events
The outcome of one event will have an effect on the outcome of the other
Question Answer
• With a tree diagram:
~y.z~ GYT GYF
yellow G~. /T GRT
Black Flip-flops
Red R<--F GRf
trousers shirt shoes
• With fundamental counting
2 x 3 x 2 = 12 options
~ ~
Trousers shirts
I This method much quicker!
F. Factorial (nO
The product 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 can be written as 7!.
(read: seven factorial)
n! =n X (n - 1) X (n - 2) X 0.8 X 2X 1 Note: O! =1
Factorial notation is used for the number of arrangements possible of one
group of distinguishable objects.
Repition of objects nl
The number of ways n objects of which pare tdentlcal, can be
arranged is -
Example Answer
How many letter arrangements are 6! = 120
possible with the word BAFANA ? 31
6 letters, 3 AS
(b) 8!
How many letter arrangements can be -- = 3360
made with the word EENDIEDAM?
8 letters, 3 ES , 2 DS
I. Permutations I1p
1. Probability
It is still defined by the number of total possible outcomes devide by
the number of total possibilities
Example Answer
2520+840 .
= = 01 = -1
30 240 ' 9
Example Answer
= 1 x 26 x 8 x 7 x 4 = 5824
= 5824 = 0,017
340 704
Sea) In how many ways can ABC (a) AB ... BA... CB.•. BC... AC ... CA
be arranged in groups of 2
letters if order does matter?
3! = 3x 2x 1 = 6
(b) If order does not matter. (b) AB... CB...AC (divide by 2!)
3! = 6 =3
2! 2
Worksheet 11 A (Revision) Worksheet 11 B (Tree diagram)
1. A and C are mutually exclusive 1. Two coins are cast. One of the
events. If peA) = 0,24 and coins has been weighed to one
peA or C) = 0,43, determine peC). side, such that the probability to
2. If peA) = 0;36, PCB) = 0,24 and have heads is, 4 . The other coin is
peA or B) = 0,52, determine:
just a normal coin.
2.1 peA and B)
2.2 peA') 1.1 Draw a tree diagram to show all
possible outcomes.
3. In an experiment it was found 1.2 Will the casting of the two coins be
that peA) = 0,6, PCB) = 0,35 dependent or independent?
and peA or B) = 0,75. ( Motivate)
1.3 Determine the probability of
3.1 P(AandB). getting heads on both coins.
3.2 Determine whether the events A
and Bare independent.( show 2. A bag contains 6 white marbles and
caleulations) 4 blue marbles. Three marbles are
3.3 Determine, stating reasons taken consecutively out of the bag.
whether A and B are mutually Each time that a white marble is
exclusive. found, it is put back in the bag.
When a blue marble is selected, it
3.4 Why will events A and B NOT be is Not put back.
complementary events?
2.1 Draw a tree diagram to show all
4. For a certain sample set, the possible outcomes.
following results were measured 2.2 Calculate the following
regarding events K and l : probabilities:
P(K) = 0,45, P(K or l.) = 0,74, 2.2.1 that all 3 marbles selected are
pel) = x. blue
4.1 For which value(s) of x will K and 2.2.2 P(two blue marbles)
l be mutually exclusive? 2.2.3 peat least one of the marbles
selected is blue)
4.2 For which value(s) of x will K and
L be independent? The following probabilities
regarding a certain race-horse,
5. The probability that a person is Lightning, were calculated from
bilingual is 0,65. The probability past experience during the Durban
that a person has a musical July racehorsing events:
talent is 0,15. Determine the
The probability that Lightning win
probability that:
in dry weather is three times more
5.1 a person is bilingual and has a than in wet weather. The
musical talent if the two events probability that Lightning will win in
are independent. wet weather was estimated as
5.2 a person has none of the two 0,31. Die probability that it will
characteristics. rain on any given day of the
Durban July is 35%. Calculate the
5.3 a person is either bilingual or has probability that Lightning will win.
a musical talent.
(Use a tree diagram)
Worksheet 11 C (Venn-diagrams) Worksheet 11 C
1. Consider the set (5) of natural 2.3 Which product was the most
numbers smaller or equal to 20. popular one?
A is the event that a multiple
2.4 What is the probability that a
of 5 is randomly selected.
person will NOT buy product A?
B is the event that a prime
number is selected. 3. During a survey at a certain school,
€: is the event that an uneven 180 grade 12-learners were asked
number is selected. to indicate which sports they would
like to take part in after they leave
1.1 Present the above mentioned school.
situation in a Venn-diagram
Learners identified the following
illustrating events A, Band C in
three sport activities:
the sample set, S.
• Tennis (T)
1.2 Calculate the following • Cycling (C)
• Running - long and short
1.2.1 peA) distance marathons (R)
1.2.2 PCB')
1.2.3 peA and B) The data collected is shown in the
1.2.4 PCB or C) Venn-diagram.
1.2.5 peA' and B and C)
Worksheet 11 C Worksheet 11 D
4. 120 learners preferred the 1.2 Calculate the probability that a
Blackberry. person who was randomly chosen
56 learners preferred Nokia. will be a woman between 20 and
25 years.
90 learners preferred the
Samsung. 1.3 Determine the probability that a
18 learners liked all three randomly chosen person will be
brands. younger than 20 years
24 learners only preferred
1.4 Given that the person is male,
Blackberry and Nokia.
determine the probability that a
34 learners only preferred Nokia randomly chosen male is younger
and Samsung. than 20 years.
17 learners did not like any of
these cell phones. 2. Research was done by a student in
4.1 Represent the data using a genetics regarding the relation-
Venn-diagram. ship between the colour of a
person's hair and eyes. The two-
4.2 Calculate the number of learners way table below shows the data
who preferred Blackberry and that was collected. I
Samsung, but not Nokia.
4.3 Determine the probability that a Colour of Eyes
learner who is chosen at random Colour/hair Blue Brown Grey Tot
from this group: (answers to 3 brown/black 215 327 158
decimal numbers) Blond/light 452 137 201
Red 141 172 58
4.3.1 only prefers the Samsung.
4.3.2 do not like Nokia. 2.1 How many people participate in
4.3.3would be able to choose from this survey?
at least two brands.
2.2 How many people have brown or
Worksheet 11 D (2-way tables)
black hair?
1. From a group of people eating at
a certain restaurant, the following 2.3 What is the probability that
information was gathered. There someone chosen randomly from
were 15 women in the age this group will have red hair?
category 20 to 25 years and 13
men in the age group 20 to 25 2.4 What is the probability that
years. There were 26 people someone chosen randomly from
younger than 20 years, of which this group will have blond hair and
11 were men. There were also blue eyes?
7 men and 3 women older than 2.5 What is the probability that
25 years.
someone chosen randomly from
1.1 Represent this information in a this group, given that the person
two-way table and determine has red hair will also have grey
how many people were visiting eyes?
the resta urant
2.6 Will the probability for having
1.2 Calculate the probability that a
brown/black hair, be independent
person who was randomly
or not from having brown eyes
chosen will be a woman between
20 and 25 years.
Worksheet 11 D Worksheet 11 E
3. A car-insurance company is 2.
interested in the relationship Starters Main Pudding
between the age of drivers and SouP Chickenpie Chocolatemousse
the number of accidents that Fish Venison Ice cream
they have made over a period of Salad Lambshank Tiramisu
10 years. Cray-fish Pork Ribs Cheesecake
The results of a survey of 1000 Beeffillet Malva-pudding
drivers is shown in the two-way Bobotie
table below:
a la King
Age of
Number of accidents
5 or less MorethanS Tot
'I I
28 years 2.1 In how many ways can a person
or older (a) 125 (e) choose a meal at this reastaurant?'
Younger 2.2 In how many ways can a meal be
than 28 500 (b) 750 made up if a person does not eat
years chicken and he/she is allergic to
Total (c) d) (f) cray-fish? (the person may still
3.1 Calculate the values of (a) to (f). only select one of each course)
(Not necessarily in this particular
order) 3. In how many ways can 5 different
books be arranged on a book shelf?
3.2 Determine whether the number
of accidents made by a person, 4. In how many ways can 8 learners
is independent or not of that arrange themselves in a line?
person's age. ( show calculations
to explain your answer)
5. In how many ways can six people
Worksheet 11 E be seated at a round table?
(Fundamental Counting Principal> I
1.1 How many different outfits are 6. In how many ways can 3 English
possible from the items in my and 5 Afrikaans novels be arrange9
closet? on a shelve if:
Trousers Shirts Shoes 6.1 any book can take up any position
Blue White Black 6.2 if the Afrikaans books and the
Brown Blue Brown English books must be arranged
Black Red together in any order?
7. A library buys an encyclopedic set, I
1.2 What is the probability that a consisting of 12 volumes. The
person will walk out of his house books are numbered from 1 to 12.
wearing a blue shirt?
7.1 In how many ways can the books
be arranged if the books can be
2. At a popular restaurant people
placed in any order?
can choose from a set menu to
make up their meals. Sherry is 7.2 In how many ways can the books
served at the start and coffee or be arranged if number 1 and
tea at the end of the meal. A number 12 must be the first and
person may choose one starter, last books respectively. ( the other
one main course and one of the books may be arranged in any
puddings on the menu. order) I
Worksheet 11 E Worksheet 11 F (FCP)
7.3 In how many ways can the books 4. How many 4-digit codes are
be arranged if numbers 9{ 10 and possible when using the numbers
11 should always be next to one O{ 1{ 2, 3, 4 and 57 Codes may
another, but in any order? not start with 0 and numbers may
be repeated.
Worksheet 11 F (FCP)
1. Given the numbers: 5. Passwords for a certain website
1{ 2{ 3{ 4{ 5{ 6{ 7, 8, 9 can be chosen as follows;
1.1 How many two-digit numbers can The password must consists of at
be formed using the numbers least 6 characters and at most 8
above? (numbers may be used characters.
repeatedly.) Letters from which to choose:
1.2 How many 4-digit pin codes can A-L
be formed using the numbers Numbers from which to choose:
above? (numbers may only be 0-9
used once). Symbols: # and *
1.3 How many 4-digit pin codes are Passwords should start with 3
possible if the code has to start letters, then numbers and end
with 3 and numbers may be used with one of the symbols.
repeatedly? 5.1 How many 7-character passwords
1.4 How many 4-digit codes are are possible if characters may not
be used more than once?
possible if the code has to start
with 1 and end with 9? (Numbers 5.2 How many 7-character passwords
may not be used more than once) are possible if letters may not be
repeated, but numbers may be
1.5 How many 4-digit codes are
used more than once?
possible if the code should at
least have one 5 and numbers 5.3 What is the probability that a
may be repeated? 7- character password will start
with ABC in the letter part? (no
2. How many 3-character codes can repetition allowed)
be formed if the first character 5.4 What is the probability that a
should be a letter and the next two 7- character password code has at
characters have to be numbers. All least one 3 as part of the code?
the characters should differ from (repetition not allowed)
one another.
5.5 What is the probability that a
3. Given the numbers: 7- character password code has
exactly one 27 (repetition not
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
How many 5-digit codes can be
5.6 If repetition of characters is NOT
formed with these numbers if:
allowed, calculate the probability
3.1 numbers may be repeated? that a website user has a
3.2 numbers may not be repeated? password consisiting of 6
3.3 How many 3-digit codes are characters.
possible if numbers may be
repeated and the code that is
formed should be greater than
400 and less than 600 and
divisible by 5?
--rWorksheet 11 F Worksheet 11 G
5.7 The website changes the format 4. Given the word MISSISIPPI.
of the passwords and decided that What is the probability that a
any character may be chosen at random selection of a letter
any position. Repetition of combination made with the letters,
characters is allowed. Determine will begin and end with the same
the probability that a randomly letter?
chosen person will have a
7-character password. 5. Mari randomly chooses 3 numbers
-" ! Worksheet 11 G from the numbers 2 to 8. She asks
Gerhard to guess the numbers
; 1.1 How many different "words" can
chosen. What is the probability
be formed using the letters of the that he will guess the numbers
word GEOMETRY? correctly the first time? It does not
1.2 Assuming that the word has to matter in which order the numbers
begin with R, in how many ways are given.
can the letters be arranged to
form words? 6. In a lotto-game, 6 numbers are
selected from the numbers 1 to
1.3 Assuming that the word has to
49. In how many ways can the
begin with G and end with Y, how
numbers be selected if:
many possible "words" can be
formed? 6.1 selection of the numbers
1.4 What is the probability that an happens without returning the
arrangement chosen randomly, selected number to the pool of
will begin with G and end with Y? numbers and the order in which
they are selected is important to
2.1 In how many ways can the letters be able to win.
of the word KAAPSTAD , be
6.2 selection of the numbers
arranged to form words?
happens without returning the
2.2 What is the probability that one of selected number, but the order
the "words", if randomly chosen in which they are drawn, is not
from the pool of all possible words important to win.
2.2.1 begin with D 6.3 What is the probability for a
person who bought one lotto
2.2.2 begin with A
ticket to win the lotto, if the
2.2.3 begin and end with A. procedure is done as described in
3.1 How many 6-letter combinations
of "words" can be formed with 6.4 Henro decides to buy tickets for
letters A, S, K, D, E, T if each all the possible outcomes
letter may only be used once? determined in 6.2 to ensure that
he wins the LOTIO-jackpot. If
3.2 Assuming that the probability to the cost of a lotto ticket is R3,50
have a meaningful word from all each, how much money will he
the possible combinations is 0,05, have to spend?
how many of the possibilities will
be meaningful?