Membranes 11 00353 v2
Membranes 11 00353 v2
Membranes 11 00353 v2
Analysis of Concentration Polarisation in Full-Size Spiral
Wound Reverse Osmosis Membranes Using Computational
Fluid Dynamics
Wenshu Wei 1 , Xiang Zou 2 , Xinxiang Ji 2 , Rulin Zhou 1 , Kangkang Zhao 1 and Yuan Wang 2,3, *
1 Beijing Tianma Electro-Hydraulic Control System Company Ltd., Beijing 100013, China; (W.W.); (R.Z.); (K.Z.)
2 UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies, Yixing 214200, China; (X.Z.); (X.J.)
3 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Sydney 2052, Australia
* Correspondence:
discovered that the wall shear stress increased by either decreasing the spacer spacing or
increasing the Reynolds number. At the same Reynolds number, turbulent wakes appeared
more readily by decreasing the critical Reynolds number (ReCR ), which were beneficial for
reducing contaminant accumulation at the membrane surface and for mitigating the CP
phenomenon at a cost of increasing the pressure drop across the membrane module, which
further caused an increase in energy consumption. Ahmad et al. [12] performed CFD simu-
lations of circular, triangular and rectangular spacer filaments at the same cross-membrane
pressure condition and found that in comparison to rectangular filament, circular and
triangular filaments could produce vortices at lower Reynolds numbers. The CP factor of
circular filaments was smaller than that of the rectangular filament at the same Reynolds
number. Cao et al. [13] used CFD to simulate the effect of the spacing of spacers on fluid
flow inside the RO membrane flow channel. The simulation showed that, when the spacer
spacing decreased, the distance between the shear stress peak values at the RO membrane
surface decreases, i.e., the peaks appeared more frequently, which improved the mass
transfer capacity of the membrane. However, this simultaneously increased the pressure
drop, thus increasing the energy consumption. On the other hand, when the spacer spacing
increased, the pressure drops decreased while the distance between the shear stress peak
values at the membrane surface became larger, i.e., the peaks appeared less frequently, thus
aggravating the CP phenomenon. Therefore, the study suggested that the mass transfer
capacity and energy consumption should both be considered in the selection of optimal
spacer spacing. Steady-state laminar and turbulent flow models were used by Ranade
and Kumar [14] to simulate the fluid flow with Reynolds numbers between 50 and 1500.
The k-ε model was used as the turbulent flow model, and the effect of several optimized
spacer designs on fluid flow inside the flow channel was studied in detail; this includes the
cylindrical and curvilinear spacer designs. Koutsou et al. [15,16] used a non-steady-state
laminar flow model to perform CFD simulations of fluid flow and mass transfer with
Reynolds numbers between 70 and 740. The study focused on investigating the effect of
different internal angles and the angle of the filaments on fluid flow in the membrane flow
channel across several spacer designs. Ruiz-García and Pestana developed [17] a 2D model
to simulate the CP of three different Dupont Filmtec RO membrane elements at different
salt concentrations, feed flowrates and feed pressure. This model, however, ignored the
spatial distribution of salts on the membrane surface of the spiral wound module.
Three-dimensional CFD models have been developed to investigate the effect of
geometrical characteristics of spacers on the performance of RO membranes [18]. Abdel-
baky et al. [19] performed CFD analysis on RO membrane modules with feed spacers
having fixed or variable diameter under different inlet salinity and Reynolds number
conditions. The results indicated that the RO membrane modules with variable-diameter
feed spacers can reduce CP. Toh et al. [20] modelled the installed perforations with various
locations, diameters and number of perforations on traditional feed spacers and its impact
on the hydraulic and mass transport. Advanced characterisation techniques such as Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV) [21] and in situ microscopic observations have also been used to
examine the flow behaviour in 3D feed channels incurred by spacers [22].
As the full-size spiral wound RO membrane module has a much more complex
geometry and is several orders of magnitude larger than a crossflow flat sheet flow channel
in size, most simulations have primarily focused on a single feed spacer or a few feed
spacers [23] in order to reduce computational workload. This results in being unable to
reveal the hydraulic performances of the full-scale RO membrane module. Moreover, most
of the studies neglected permeate flow. Although the impact of permeate on CP can be
considered minimal, these models cannot be used to predict the full profile and spatial
distribution of flux along the axial direction of the spiral wound membrane modules.
This paper established a 3D CFD model to simulate a full-scale commercial spiral
wound RO (SWRO) membrane module (Dupont Filmtec-BW30-400). Previous work per-
formed by Gu et al. developed a one-dimensional model capturing the spiral characteristics
of SWRO membranes by coupling values of geometric parameters such as flow path length,
Membranes 2021, 11, 353 3 of 13
variation of the flow channel height and cross-sectional area [24]. The current work further
developed the spiral equation used in the work by Gu et al. by adding the topologies of
the feed spacer to establish a complete 3D geometric model of the spiral wound membrane
module. The effects of the feed spacer on flow distribution, mass transport and CP were
analysed utilizing the comparison of RO modules with a feed spacer and RO modules
without a feed spacer. The spatial distribution of flux along the spiral wound membranes
in the absence and presence of the spacer was calculated.
∇·(ρu) = Sv (1)
J ·a
Sm = − (4)
J · a·v
Sv = − (5)
where a is the effective membrane area for solution passage (m2 ); V denotes the corre-
sponding effective volume in the computational domain (m3 ); v denotes the flow veloc-
ity perpendicular to the membrane surface (m/s); and J represents the permeate flux
of the corresponding solution (m3 /(m2 ·s)), represented by (6) according to the Kedem–
Katchalsky Method:
J = A × (∆P − ∆Π) (6)
where A is the permeability coefficient of water through the RO membrane (m/(s·Pa)), ∆P
denotes the pressure difference between the two sides of the membrane (Pa) and ∆Π is the
osmotic pressure difference caused by the salt concentration difference between both sides
of the membrane.
The transport of inorganic salts within the entire flow field is expressed through the
mass conservation Equation (7):
where c denotes the concentration of the corresponding inorganic salt, u is the velocity of
water flow and D is the diffusion coefficient of the corresponding organic salt. Ss is the
solvent mass source sink term and is calculated as follows:
At the feed channel:
Ss = 0, (8)
On the membrane feed surface:
Js · a
Ss = − (9)
𝑆 0, (8)
(a) (b)
work. Adjacent membrane sheets shared a common feed channel and ran parallel with
one another with some independency; hence, the module’s geometries could be simplified
PA, USA). Looking down from the axial direction, the Archimedean spiral for the single
to possess only a single feed channel for the simulation (Figure 3). The geometry of a single
feed channel rolled up along the length of the membranes had the following equations:
feed channel was created using ANSYS SpaceClaim (2019R3) (Ansys, Inc, USA). Looking
down from the axial direction, thexArchimedean
(θ ) = (α + βθ )spiral
cos(θ )for the single feed channel rolled
up along the length of the membranes had the following equations:
(θ )𝜃 = (α𝛼+ βθ𝛽𝜃 cos
) sin (θ )𝜃 (11)(12)
𝑦 𝜃 𝛼 𝛽𝜃 sin 𝜃 (12)
where x and y are the coordinates of points on the spiral, θ is the angle variable and α and
where 𝑥 and 𝑦 are the coordinates of points on the spiral, 𝜃 is the angle variable and α
β are constants. The constant α is the distance from the start of the spiral to the vertical
and 𝛽 are constants. The constant 𝛼 is the distance from the start of the spiral to the ver‐
axis, i.e., the radius of the tube and the constant β is the ratio between the radial expansion
tical axis, i.e., the radius of the tube and the constant 𝛽 is the ratio between the radial
speed of the spiral to its rotational angular speed, which is dependent on the number
expansion speed of the spiral to its rotational angular speed, which is dependent on the
of wounded membrane sheets, the thickness of the membrane sheets and the thickness
number of wounded membrane sheets, the thickness of the membrane sheets and the
of the corresponding feed channel. For the Dupont Filmtec-BW30-400 RO membranes,
thickness of the corresponding feed channel. For the Dupont Filmtec‐BW30‐400 RO mem‐
the corresponding α and β values were 0.02 m and 0.0062 π m, respectively.
. The measured
thicknesstheofcorresponding 𝛼 and
feed spacers, i.e., 𝛽 values
the feed were
channel 0.02was
width m and
0.86 mm. m, respectively. The
measured thickness of feed spacers, i.e., the feed channel width was 0.86 mm.
Table 1. Comparison of the simulation results with experimentally measured data at three different conditions.
Experimental Simulated
Experiment Feed Pressure Feed Flowrate Feed Concentration,
Permeate Flowrate Permeate Flowrate Error
Number (MPa) (mL/min) NaCl (mg/L)
(mL/min) (mL/min)
1 1.8 169.68 4509.4 4.67 ± 0.1 4.50 3.58%
2 1.4 177.24 4509.4 3.75 ± 0.08 3.67 2.08%
3 1.7 177.24 2089.6 6.44 ± 0.17 6.16 4.44%
(a) Velocity contour plot with feed spacer. (b) Velocity contour plot without feed spacer.
Figure 4. Velocity contour plot with the feed spacer (a) and without the feed spacer (b).
Figure 4. Velocity contour plot with the feed spacer (a) and without the feed spacer (b).
It is also interesting to observe that, in the presence of the spacer, the salt concentra-
tion in the feed channel was lower in the area that is further away from the spacer fila-
ments while a higher concentration profile appeared over the back side of these filaments
Membranes 2021, 11, 353 7 of 13
It is also interesting to observe that, in the presence of the spacer, the salt concen-
tration in the feed channel was lower in the area that is further away from the spacer
Membranes 2021, 11, x filaments while a higher concentration profile appeared over the back side of these 8 of fila-
ments (Figure 5a). In contrast, salt concentration is uniform across the membrane surface
in the absence of the spacer and increased steadily along the direction of the flow.
(a) Salt concentration distribution in the presence of the spacer on the x-y plane where z = 0.41 mm.
(b) Salt concentration distribution in the absence of the spacer on the x-y plane where z = 0.41 mm.
Figure concentrationdistribution
x-yx-y plane
plane where
where z =z0.41mm
= 0.41 mm inpresence
in the the presence
and and
absence of the feed spacer: (a) with the spacer; (b) without the spacer.
absence of the feed spacer: a) with the spacer; b) without the spacer.
To further
To further investigate
phenomenon,an ananalysis
out on the cross section of the feed channel (the y-z plane). It can be seen that
out on the cross section of the feed channel (the y-z plane). It can be seen that the feed the feed
spacer and the incoming flow created backflow vertically to the membrane surface,
spacer and the incoming flow created backflow vertically to the membrane surface, which which
enhanced the transfer of salt into the feed channel. Consequently, this greatly decreased
enhanced the transfer of salt into the feed channel. Consequently, this greatly decreased
the CP phenomenon at the flow facing side. In contrast, the local stagnant zone at the
the CP phenomenon at the flow facing side. In contrast, the local stagnant zone at the flow
flow leaving side of the spacer increased the local concentration in the boundary layer
leaving side of the spacer increased the local concentration in the boundary layer and a
and a stronger CP phenomenon was observed (Figure 6). This is consistent with the
stronger CP phenomenon was observed (Figure 6). This is consistent with the flow behav-
flow behaviour where higher vortices enhanced the back transport of salt away from the
iour where higher vortices enhanced the back transport of salt away from the membrane
membrane surface.
leaving side of the spacer increased the local concentration in the boundary layer and a
enhanced the transfer of salt into the feed channel. Consequently, this greatly decreased
stronger CP phenomenon was observed (
the CP phenomenon at the flow facing side. In contrast, the local stagnant zone at the flow
Figure 6). This is consistent with the flow behaviour where higher vortices enhanced
leaving side of the spacer increased the local concentration in the boundary layer and a
the back transport of salt away from the membrane surface.
stronger CP phenomenon was observed (
Membranes 2021, 11, 353 8 of 13
Figure 6). This is consistent with the flow behaviour where higher vortices enhanced
the back transport of salt away from the membrane surface.
Figure 6. Salt concentration in the feed channel in the presence of the spacer at y = 1/2 of the width
of the computational domain.
Figure 6. Salt concentration in the feed channel in the presence of the spacer at y = 1/2 of the width of the computational domain.
11,300 Without feed spacer
NaCl Concentration in bounadry layer
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
10,500 Distance from inlet (m)
Figure 7. Salt concentration profiles in the boundary layer of the crossflow flat sheet module in the
absence and presence of the feed spacer.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Although the spacer enhances mass transfer and creates higher turbulence, it also
Distance from inlet (m)
causes higher pressure drops, which is adverse to the filtration process. With the feed
pressure of 1.55 MPa in the simulated conditions, the total pressure loss was approximately
369.75 Pa in the presence of the spacer compared to the total pressure loss of 56.5 Pa in the
absence of the spacer (Figure 8). Taking into consideration the effects of mass transfer and
pressure loss, total flux was 27.03 L/(m2 h) (LMH) in the presence of the spacer compared
to 25.23 LMH in the absence of the spacer (Figure 9).
causes higher pressure drops, which is adverse to the filtration process. With the feed
Although the spacer enhances mass transfer and creates higher turbulence, it also
pressure of 1.55 MPa in the simulated conditions, the total pressure loss was approxi‐
causes higher pressure drops, which is adverse to the filtration process. With the feed
mately 369.75 Pa inMPa
pressure of 1.55 the in
presence of the spacer
the simulated compared
conditions, the totaltopressure
the totalloss
pressure loss of 56.5
was approxi‐
Pa mately
in the absence
369.75 Paof
in the spacer (Figure
the presence 8). Taking
of the spacer into to
compared consideration the loss
the total pressure effects of mass
of 56.5
Membranes 2021, 11, and
353 pressure loss, total flux was 27.03 L/(m 2 h) (LMH) in the presence of the spacer
Pa in the absence of the spacer (Figure 8). Taking into consideration the effects of mass 9 of 13
compared to 25.23
transfer and LMH
pressure in total
loss, the absence of theL/(m
flux was 27.03 spacer (Figure
2 h) (LMH) in9).
the presence of the spacer
compared to 25.23 LMH in the absence of the spacer (Figure 9).
Without feed spacer
Without feed spacer
300 With feed spacer
300 With feed spacer
0 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016
0 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016
Distance from inlet (m)
Distance from inlet (m)
Figure 8. Pressure loss along the crossflow flat sheet module in the absence and presence of the
Figure 8. Pressure loss 8. Pressure
along loss along
the crossflow the crossflow
feed sheet moduleflat
insheet moduleand
the absence in the absenceof
presence and
thepresence of the
feed spacer. feed spacer.
Without feed spacer
With feed spacer
Without feed spacer
28 With feed spacer
Water flux (LMH)
Water flux (LMH)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Figure 9. PermeateFigure
flux of9.thePermeate
flat of themodule
0.01in the
crossflow 0.015
sheet module in the of
and presence absence
the feedand presence of the
feed spacer. Distance from inlet(m)
Figure 10. Permeate flux contour plot of the full-size spiral wound RO membrane module.
It can
Figure observed
Permeate that,
flux for theplot
contour full-size
of the module, feed spacers
full‐size spiral wound played a more important
RO membrane module.
role mitigating CP. Under the same feed concentration conditions (feed pressure of 1.09 MPa
and saltIt concentration of 10,000
can be observed that,ppm),
for thea severe concentration
full‐size increase
module, feed was played
spacers observed a (the
more im‐
outlet concentration increased by 84.67% compared to the inlet concentration) in the absence
portant role mitigating CP. Under the same feed concentration conditions (feed pressure
of the spacer while, in the presence of the spacer, the increase was only 15.30% (Figure 11).
nes 2021, 11, x
of 1.09 MPa and salt concentration of 10,000 ppm), a severe concentration increase
11 of 14 in
The corresponding fluxes decreased from 27.6 LMH at the inlet to 24.1 LMH at the outlet
observed (the outlet concentration increased by 84.67% compared to the inlet concentra‐
the absence of the spacer while there was only a minor drop to 26.5 LMH in the presence
oftion) in the(Figure
the spacer absence
12).of the spacer while, in the presence of the spacer, the increase was
only 15.30% (Figure 11). The corresponding fluxes decreased from 27.6 LMH at the inlet
to 24.1
LMH at the outlet in the absence of the spacer while there was only a minor drop
to 26.5 LMH in the presence of the spacer (Figure 12).
RO module with spacer
NaCl equivalent Concentration(ppm)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Membranes 2021, 11.
11, 353Salt concentration distribution of the spiral wound RO module along the feed direction
11 of 13
in the absence and presence of the feed spacer.
Water flux(LMH) 26
RO module with feed spacer
RO module without feed spacer
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Appendix A A
Figure A1. A1. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram of the
of the crossflow
crossflow RO RO
testtest apparatus
apparatus for for model
model validation.
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