Grade 7 Natural Science - Learner Book
Grade 7 Natural Science - Learner Book
Grade 7 Natural Science - Learner Book
Grade 7
Learner's Book
This textbook is a derivative work of the Grade 7 Natural Sciences workbooks originally produced and published by
Siyavula Education with the help of volunteers, academics and students. The original workbooks are available under
a CC-BY 3.0 license at and
The content of this textbook was formatted to combine the two original workbook volumes into a single textbook
Natural Sciences Grade 7 Learner’s Book
First published in 2017
© 2017. Copyright in the work is vested in the publisher.
Copyright in the text remains with the contributors.
This project is funded as an ongoing project of the Sasol Inzalo Foundation, and has been developed with the
participation of Magic Moments Consulting and Services and ACP Project Management and Publishing Services.
© Illustrations and design ACP Project Management and Publishing Services, 2017
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Illustrations by Will Alves, Shameema Dharsey and Nazley Samsodien
Layout and typesetting by Nazley Samsodien in ITC Stone Serif Std 10.5 pt over 13.5 pt
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ISBN: 978-1-4315-2885-1
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Unit 5 94
Unit 6 112
Unit 7 134
Unit 8 148
Glossary 165
Key questions
What is the biosphere?
• What are the coldest or hottest places where life can exist?
• How deep can you go in the sea before you do not find anything living anymore?
• Are there living organisms on top of the world’s highest mountains?
• How can you tell if something is alive or if it was never alive?
• What do organisms need to stay alive?
• Why can some organisms can live in certain places while others cannot.
Let’s start exploring the world around us and how it works! Remember that
Keywords this is your book! You must use it to explore and ask questions about the world
• biosphere around you, and also to learn about yourself and who you are. Do not be afraid
• depend to make notes in the margins of this book – make your own scribbles and notes
• habitat to yourself about points to remember or questions you would like to ask. Be
• hydrosphere curious! Explore and imagine the possibilities of what you can do with science!
• lithosphere
• micro-
1.1 What is the biosphere
• organic Have you heard the word ‘sphere’ before? Do you know what it means? A sphere
organisms is normally used when talking about a round shape (like a ball). Now, what do
we mean when we talk about the biosphere? The prefix ‘bio’ indicates something
to do with life. For example, ‘biology’ is the study of living organisms. So, can
you put these two meanings together to work out what ‘biosphere’ means?
Figure 1.1 The biosphere is where life exists on our planet, including the soil and rocks,
water and air.
• adapted
• aquatic
• atmosphere
• environment
Figure 1.2 A biosphere refers to the living organisms and the environments in which they live.
• The following table contains some photos of different places on Earth. Describe what each photo
is showing.
• Then decide if you think life exists there or not. If you do think so, list some of the organisms
which you think live in this place.
• Many plants, animals and microorganisms have adapted to live in an aquatic habitat.
A place on Earth What is this image showing? Do you think there is life there?
If so, what?
Study the following illustration that shows the components of the biosphere.
Did you
The Earth’s
has changed
overtime. Our
oxygen rich
atmosphere was
formed by algae
millions of years
1. Discuss with your partner whether you think organisms could live on
Earth without the atmosphere. Explain why you think so.
The hydrosphere consists of all water on Earth in all its forms.
Study the following diagram describing the water cycle on Earth.
Answer the questions that follow.
Take note
The word
‘aquatic’ is used
freezing precipitation (rain) to describe
something to
do with water.
Therefore aquatic
animals are
run-off animals that
live in or near
water. The word
evaporation ’marine’ describes
organisms that
live in salt water
or the sea.
So someone
studying the
organisms in the
1. Look at the diagram of the water cycle and identify water in the different
sea is called a
states of matter.
marine biologist.
2. The water cycle shows different sources of fresh water and salt water.
A very small percentage of the world’s water sources are fresh water
and the rest is salt water. Write down as many different types of aquatic
habitats that you can think of where different organisms exist.
1. Below are several photos depicting different ways that organisms depend
on and interact with the lithosphere.
2. Use these images to write a paragraph about how different organisms
depend on the lithosphere in different ways.
Figure 1.6 A termite mound Figure 1.7 A tree growing in the ground
Figure 1.10 The international space station that orbits Earth, seen from above.
• favourable
Figure 1.11 All living things need a source Figure 1.12 All living things need oxygen to
Did you of energy. The grass and trees get their respire, such as this dog, which is breathing air
know? energy from the Sun to photosynthesise. in through its nose.
When The cow gets its energy by eating the
search for life
outside of our WATER is vital to life. Every organism on our planet needs water to live.
solar system,
they search for
planets that
might contain
liquid water,
believing that
where there is
water there is
Figure 1.13 Water is vital for life on Earth. Figure 1.14 Most plants need soil to grow in.
1. Study the photos below showing different organisms in different
2. Answer the questions.
3. You may need to do some extra research in books and on the Internet to
complete your answers.
Look at the photos of a penguin in the water and an eagle flying in the air.
Both of these are birds, but they live in very different environments that
make the penguin adapted for the water and the eagle adapted for flight.
2. How do you think the eagle is adapted to fly and catch its prey?
Hint: Look at its feathers and wings.
South Africa is home to two very skilled predators, the great white shark
and the lion. Both of these animals are very skilled at catching their prey,
but in very different environments.
3. What characteristics does the shark have that makes it adapted to living
and feeding in the sea? Hint: Look at its streamlined body shape and
sharp teeth.
4. What characteristics does a lion have that makes it adapted to living and
hunting in the savanna? Hint: Look at the colour of its fur and the colour
of the grass, and its strong limbs.
Concept map
Do you know what a concept map is? This year in Natural Sciences, we are going to learn more
about how to make our own concept maps.
Above you have the ‘Key concepts’ for this unit. This is a written summary and the information
from this unit is summarised using words. We can also create a concept map of this unit, which
is a map of how all the concepts (ideas and topics) in this unit fit together and are linked to each
other. A concept map gives us a more visual way of summarising information.
Different people like to learn and study in different ways: some people like to make written
summaries, while others like to draw their own concept maps when studying and learning.
These are useful skills to have, especially for later in high school and after school!
lithosphere atmosphere
life exists
dead organic matter
energy such as
adapted to carry out
favourable temperatures
these are
b) Cactus (1)
This cactus is adapted to live in hot
environments. How do you think
it stores water for long periods?
How do you think the cactus has adapted (1)
to prevent other animals from eating it?
7. Think back to the scientific investigation you did in this section. Evaluate how well you
think you followed the scientific method to make your experiment fair or not fair. (2)
Total [25 marks]
Key questions
• How do we group or classify all the living organisms in the world?
• Why do we need to group or classify living things?
• How can we classify all the animals on Earth?
• What is the difference between reptiles and amphibians?
• Are insects and arachnids (spiders) different?
• Is there a way to classify plants?
• What is the diversity of plants and animals in South Africa.
Over millions of years each species living today has changed and adapted
to live in a specific type of environment in order to ensure the survival of
that species. Biodiversity is a term used to describe the great variety of living
organisms on Earth and their varied habitats.
There are just so many types of organisms. How can we make sense of all
the organisms on Earth? We need some way to group them. This is called
classifying. Let’s find out how we do this!
1. Draw a table in the space below and record all the items in your class in
the groups you assigned them to.
2. How did your small group classify your items to begin with? What
features did you use to classify the items?
3. Write three or four sentences about the standard classification method
that you decided to use in your class. What characteristics of the items
did you use to classify and group them? Were these different from what
you used in your small group?
Take note
The kingdom
Bacteria is often
also referred to
as Monera.
Figure 2.7 A human Figure 2.8 Dolphins Figure 2.9 Bats
1. Were there any animals which you battled to classify into one group?
Which ones were these?
2. Do you think Aristotle’s classification system has any problems? Explain
any problems that you might find when using it.
Take note
A mnemonic
takes the first
letters of a group
of terms to make
a funny phrase
that helps us Each kingdom is divided into smaller groups or divisions called phyla.
to remember Organisms with similar traits (characteristics) will occupy a similar phylum.
something. In each phylum, smaller divisions called classes are found and each class is
further divided into orders, families, genera and then species.
Most people will not eat bread covered in bread mould but will eat a plate
of fried mushrooms, truffles and morels. These are all examples of fungi,
including yeast.
Did you
Morels are a
type of edible
They have a
Figure 2.10 Morel Figure 2.11 A truffle Figure 2.12 Bread mould
because of their
caps, which
have pits and
ridges that
resemble a
Figure 2.13 Yeast cells Figure 2.14 A very poisonous Figure 2.15 Button mushroom
mushrooms (like the ones we buy in
Fungi play a very important role in our biosphere since they break down
dead organic material and return nutrients to the soil for plants to use. Some
fungi cause diseases while others, such as penicillin (an antibiotic) are very
useful to us. Yeast is used in many of our products, such as making bread rise
and fermenting wine and beer.
Figure 2.16 Escherichia coli Figure 2.17 Staphylococcus Figure 2.18 Pseudomonas Figure 2.19 Actinomyces
bacteria, commonly found aureus (yellow cells) which aeruginosa found in soil and bacteria cause diseases in
in the intestines of animals often causes skin infections water causes infections in the mouth
and pneumonia animals
Different Protists
Figure 2.20 Phytoplankton Figure 2.21 Asterionella Figure 2.22 Nitzschia Figure 2.23 Different
from the Antarctic sea formosa kerguelensis coloured amoebas
Now we will look at the amazing diversity of animals and plants on Earth,
Did you and especially in South Africa.
You can find out 2.2 Diversity of animals
lots more online
by visiting the Classifying animals
links provided in All the animals in the world form part of the animal kingdom. There are
the Visit boxes. two distinct divisions or groups of animals within the animal kingdom: the
Be curious and vertebrates and the invertebrates. Can you remember what is used to classify
discover the an animal as a vertebrate or invertebrate? Look at these x-rays of animals for
possibilities! a clue.
Animals that have a backbone with a hollow tube inside to hold the nerves
are vertebrates. As we can see in the x-ray images of the dolphin, dog and
goose, we can see the skeletons of these vertebrates. They are made of bone. • diversity
We say that vertebrates have an endoskeleton. • invertebrate
• vertebrate
What about the grasshopper and the crab? Why can we not see their bones?
This is because crabs and grasshoppers are invertabrates and do not have
skeletons. The grasshopper and crab have a hard shell covering on the
outside of their bodies. This supports their soft bodies inside. We say they
have an exoskeleton. But not all invertebrates have an exoskeleton.
What about a jellyfish? It does not have a backbone, so it is not a vertebrate,
so it must be an invertebrate. Does it have a hard, outer covering called an
exoskeleton? Discuss this with your class. Make sure to take note of the third
type of skeleton in your discussion.
Did you
lassifying animals as either vertebrates or in- know?
Almost 98% of
all the animals
Instructions that have been
1. In the table identify the type of skeleton that each animal has and write it discovered
down beneath each picture. on Earth are
2. Write down whether the animal is an invertebrate or a vertebrate. invertebrates.
Figure 2.24 A grasshopper Figure 2.25 A bluebottle Figure 2.26 Cape sparrow
crocodile blue
snake s
re n
ptile po
s s
amphibians jellyfish
fish rms
shark spider
snail flatworm
butterfly octopus
sea urchin
Identify at least one distinguishing characteristic that each class shares or has
in common (that makes that class different from other classes.) Write this on
the line next to the classes that you identified above.
Did you
know? Figure 2.35 Hammerhead shark Figure 2.36 Puffer fish Figure 2.37 Goldfish
The coelacanth
was thought
ACTIVITY Identify defining features of fish
to be extinct
for 65 million Questions
years, but was
1. Carefully study the drawings of the fish shown above. Although they
discovered in
are different shapes, sizes and colours, you should be able to identify
a catch of fish
features common to all fish. List as many of the defining features of fish
in 1938. Since
as you can.
then, more have
2. Some of the features that you listed might apply to other animals that
been found
are not fish. Look at your list again. Make a tick next to any of the
along the coast
features you listed that apply only to fish, or perhaps a combination of
of Southern
characteristics that apply only to fish.
Did you
The male
pregnant! The
female squirts
her eggs into
the male’s
Figure 2.38 A sea horse pouch and he
then fertilises
them and
Did you know that the word ‘Amphibia’ comes from two Greek words, incubates them
‘amphi’ meaning both, and ‘bios’ meaning life? So an amphibian is an animal until they are
that has ‘both lives’. What does this mean? ready to hatch.
Amphibians are animals that include salamanders, newts, caecilians, frogs
and toads. Let’s find out what is meant by amphibians having ‘both lives’.
Did you
can regenerate
(regrow their
limbs and tail)
within a few Questions
weeks if they
are lost due to 1. What do you notice about the habitat of the young amphibians
predator attacks. compared to the adult amphibians?
2. What do you think the larvae need to breathe underwater? What do the
adult amphibians need to breathe when they are on land?
Did you 3. Can you now explain why amphibians have a name which comes from
know? two Greek words and means ‘double life’ or ‘both lives’? Write your
explanation below.
You can tell
4. Amphibians are ectothermic. Explain how an amphibian keeps its
the difference
body warm.
between frog
5. Most amphibians have a slimy, moist skin. Discuss possible reasons why
eggs and toad
they need to have this specific type of skin.
eggs because
6. Is a caecilian a snake, a
frogs lay their
worm or an amphibian? Give
eggs in clumps
distinguishing characteristics
and toads lay
to support your answer.
their eggs in
7. Caecilians lay their eggs in
strings. Have
water, like this frog. Why do
you ever seen
you think they need to do
frog or toad
this? Give two reasons. Figure 39 A caecilian that lays eggs
1. Birds are one of the five classes of vertebrates. Write a sentence to explain
what all vertebrates have in common.
2. Just like mammals, birds are also endothermic. What does this tell us
about their bodies?
3. What type of body covering do all birds have in common?
4. Is it accurate to say that birds have wings and can therefore fly? Explain
your answer. What would be a better way to write this statement?
5. Study the pictures of these flightless birds and compare them with the
flying birds in the next column. Use the pictures to write a paragraph
explaining the observable differences between flightless and flying birds
and why you think these characteristics help some to fly and others not.
Penguins A hummingbird
Did you
Mammals are vertebrates, meaning that have a backbone. Almost all know?
mammals are endothermic. This means they are also able to maintain (keep)
their body temperature at a constant level. The Naked
Mole Rat has
Mammals give birth to live young which are fed milk. The milk is produced lost the ability
by the mother’s mammary glands (in the teats or breasts). Mammals also to regulate
have hair on their bodies. This varies greatly between mammals. Mammals its body
also have teeth that look different in different parts of the mouth. temperature,
while other
mole rats have
abilities to
do this since
they live
underground in
areas where the
are generally
very stable.
Figure 2.41 Kittens drinking milk from the Figure 2.42 A seal pup suckling from its
mother cat. mother.
All mammals breathe using lungs. Many mammals therefore live on land.
Take note Those mammals that do live in water, such as whales and dolphins, have to
‘Thermic’ means come to the surface of the water to breathe.
to do with
and ‘endo’
means inside,
so mammals are
endothermic as
they can regulate
their body
temperature from
the inside.
• antennae
• arthropod
• exoskeleton
• jointed Figure 2.45 Dolphins surfacing to breathe air
(segmented) Now that we have studied the five main classes of vertebrates it is easy to
compare them!
1. Use the table below to compare the vertebrates shown in the photos
based on the features in the first column.
Tortoise Chimpanzee Frog Guinea fowl Goldfish
Skin covering
How babies
are born
Ectothermic or
Now that we have looked at all the classes of vertebrates, let’s have a look at
the invertebrates.
What should you look out for when you have to decide if an animal is an
• All invertebrates do not have a backbone. They either have a hard
outer shell or a fluid-filled structure that acts as a skeleton (for example
jellyfish and slugs).
• All invertebrates are ectothermic.
Did you know that 98% of the animals on Earth are invertebrates? Due to the
huge diversity in the invertebrates, it can sometimes make classifying them
a bit tricky. The invertebrates are divided into several phyla. Some of the
invertebrate phyla are:
1. Molluscs (for example snails and octopuses)
2. Arthropods (for example insects, spiders and crabs)
3. Echinoderms (for example sea urchins and starfish)
4. Cnidaria (for example jellyfish)
5. Porifera (sponges)
6. Annelids (segmented worms)
7. Platyhelminthes (flatworms)
Did you
The mosquito is Figure 2.46 A spider Figure 2.47 A prawn
responsible for
more human
deaths each
year than any
other animal on
earth! Malaria
is carried by
and passed to
humans when Figure 2.48 A butterfly Figure 2.49 A scorpion
an infected
female bites.
Figure 2.58 A sea slug (nudibranch) Figure 2.59 Blue Dragon nudibranch
1. Carefully study the above photos of different animals that form part of
the phylum Mollusca.
2. Answer the following questions.
In this section we will take a closer look at the organisms in the plant
kingdom. So how do we classify plants?
Figure 2.64 A common fern in South Africa Figure 2.65 The structures that produce
and release spores on the underside of a
fern leaf
The photo on the right above shows a close-up of the underside of a fern
leaf. Can you see the clusters of capsule-shaped structures that form the tiny
spores? The close-up photo on the right below shows a moss sporophyte.
This contains the spores of the moss plant.
MFigure 2.66 oss growing on the forest floor Figure 2.67 Close-up of a spore-
producing moss plant
Take note
Alga is singular
and algae is
Figure 2.68 Lichen growing on a tree Figure 2.69 Lichen growing on an old rock
Seed-bearing plants
The other group of plants produces seeds. These plants can either produce
seeds in flowers or they can produce seeds in cones. Most plants that
you see around you produce seeds. Plants that produce seeds in flowers
are called angiosperms and plants that produce seeds in cones are called
Have you ever seen a living prehistoric plant? If you thought about it, you
probably have without even realising it!
In South Africa we have plants called cycads that are often referred to as
‘living fossils’. Cycads grew in great numbers during the Jurassic period. They
have not been around for as long as ferns and algae, but they have been on
Earth for longer than all flowering plants. Flowering plants (angiosperms)
evolved after gymnosperms.
Figure 2.70 A cycad with cones. F igure 2.71 Cycads at Kirstenbosch Figure 2.72 This is a gymnosperm
Gardens in Cape Town. plant as it produces seeds in cones.
Can you see the large cones in the photo of the cycad above? They are in the
centre of the plant. The cones are made up of many individual seeds. Look at
the following close up images of cones.
Figure 2.73 A cycad cone. Figure 2.74 A cone from a pine tree. Figure 2.75 A Mountain Cypress.
• cotyledon
• dicotyledon
• herbaceous
• leaf vein
• monocoty-
• tap root
iscovering the differences between
monocotyledons and dicotyledons
4. Many of the crops that we grow are monocotyledons, such as maize and
sugar cane. Name two others.
1. Describe the leaves of the dicotyledons in the photos. How would you
describe the veins in the leaves? Make a drawing to accompany your
2. Describe the stems. Are they woody stems or green (herbaceous) stems?
3. Look at the following photos of typical dicotyledonous flowers. Count
how many petals are on each flower. What can you generalise about the
number of petals (and other flower parts) in dicotyledonous flowers?
Did you
flowers can
tell us about
the soil acidity!
An acidic soil
(pH below 7)
will normally
Figure 2.88 Geranium flowers Figure 2.89 Plumbago flowers
produce blue
flowers, whereas
an alkaline soil
(pH above 7)
will produce
more pink
Monocotyledons Dicotyledons
no yes
plants seed-bearing plants
cones flowers
number of cotyledons
one two
Come back to complete this diagram once we have learned more about
• All the plants, animals and microorganisms and their habitats make up the total
biodiversity of planet Earth.
• Living organisms are sorted and classified according to their shared characteristics.
• We use a classification system that groups living organisms into five main groups or
kingdoms: Bacteria, Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals.
• All living organisms have to perform the seven life processes and the way in which they
perform these help us to classify them into different groups, putting plants into one group
and animals into another for instance.
• We can divide a kingdom into smaller and smaller groups, in this order: phyla, classes,
orders, families, genera and species.
• Animal kingdom, have get two main groups of animals: those with a backbone, called
vertebrates, and those without a backbone, called invertebrates.
• The vertebrates are divided into five groups: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish and
• The invertebrates make up the largest group of animals and there are many thousands of
species. We also divide the invertebrates into different groups or phyla like the arthropods,
molluscs, sponges and jellyfish, and many others.
• All arthropods have a hard exoskeleton and jointed legs, such as insects, arachnids (spiders)
and crustaceans (crabs).
• Molluscs have a soft body with or without a shell, such as snails and octopuses.
• Plant kingdom has, we also get two main groups: plants that produce seeds and plants that
do not produce seeds, but spores.
• Seedless plants produce spores, such as ferns and some mosses.
• Seed-producing plants can be further divided into angiosperms (seeds in fruit) and
gymnosperms (seeds in cones).
• Angiosperms can be divided into monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
• Monocotyledons have seeds that have only one part or cotyledon. Their stems are
herbaceous. The leaves are simple, long and narrow, and their flower parts are arranged in
multiples of three.
• Dicotyledons have seeds with two parts or cotyledons from which their tap root grows deep
into the soil. Their stems can be woody or herbaceous. The leaves are varied in shape and
size and have a network of leaf veins. Flower parts are usually arranged in multiples of four
or five.
and their
on Earth
in grouped Into
animals five main groups
can be
angiosperms gymnosperms can be these
Kingdoms are
two groups
vertebrates invertebrates divided into
Vertebrates Invertebrates
4. Give one word for the following or complete the sentence required:
a) The existence of a large number of different kinds of plant and animal species which
make a balanced environment. [1]
b) The animal kingdom can be divided into two main groups. [2]
c) The five classes of vertebrates are: [5]
d) The phylum of animals that have a hard exoskeleton. [1]
e) The phylum of animals that have a soft body often protected by a shell. [1]
5. Write true or false next to each of the following sentences. If the sentence is false, rewrite
it so that it is true. [10]
a) A small percentage of the living organisms on Earth are invertebrates.
b) Invertebrate animals do not have a backbone.
c) Spiders are examples of arthropods.
d) All molluscs have exoskeletons in the form of shells.
e) Birds have only feathers as their body covering.
f) Endothermic animals need to keep very still when it is cold.
Key questions
In angiosperms
• How do plants make seeds?
• What is the role of flowers in reproduction?
• Flowers come in so many different colours, shapes and sizes. So, are there some structures that
are common to all flowers?
• What is a ‘pollinator’?
• Why are pollinators also important to humans?
• Is the flower on a rose the same as the flower on a sweet pea or on a daisy bush?
• Why are seeds in different shapes and sizes, or contained in fruits? Does it have something to
do with the way seeds are spread to new areas?
• Does fertilisation mean the same things in plants as it does in animals?
In humans
• Why is your body starting to change?
• What is puberty and what does it mean when we “reach puberty”?
• How is it possible that we all go through puberty at different times and rates?
• What changes take place inside our bodies during puberty?
• What do our reproductive organs look like when they are mature?
• How does reproduction occur?
• What is menstruation and why does it occur once a month?
• How does a baby grow inside a woman’s uterus?
There is a lot of awareness now of HIV/AIDS and STDs, but what exactly can
Keywords we learn in Natural Sciences to help us lead a safe and healthy lifestyle for the
• angiosperm rest of our lives?
• asexual All living organisms on Earth need to be able to reproduce so that their
species does not become extinct. There are two basic ways in which
• cell
reproduction can take place:
• fertilisation
• fuse • asexual reproduction
• genetic infor- • sexual reproduction
mation (DNA) Asexual reproduction occurs when one parent organism makes offspring
• mate which are identical to the parent. The parent organism therefore does not
• pollen
need to mate to produce new organisms. Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi and
• pollination
Protists reproduce asexually. Many plants and algae reproduce asexually and
• pollinator(s)
• sexual also some animals, such as some species of insects, reptiles, sharks, snails
reproduction and crustaceans.
In this unit we are going to learn about sexual reproduction where two
parent organisms mate and their genetic information (DNA) combines
to make offspring which look similar, but they are not identical. Sexual
reproduction takes place in most plants and animals. We will look at
flowering plants (angiosperms) as an example of sexual reproduction in
plants and at human reproduction as an example of reproduction in animals.
External flower structures
Many plants have both the male and female reproductive organs in the same
• anther flower, although some may have male and female structures on different
• component plants altogether.
embryo sac
• filament Flowers come in many different shapes, sizes and colours, as in the
• ovary photographs in the next activity illustrate, but there are components which
• ovule can usually be identified in all flowers. These are:
• peduncle • peducle (or flower stalk)
• petal(s) • receptacle
• pistil (carpel) • petals
• pollen • sepals
• receptacle • the male structures
• sepal(s) • the female structures.
• stamen
• stigma Flowers are typically set on a stem which may be long and rigid like a rose or
• style agapanthus stem, or short and flexible like those on a petunia. The stalk or
stem of a flower is called the peduncle.
Figure 3.4 Rose Figure 3.5 Water lilies Figure 3.6 Petunias
1. What do we call the part of the stalk where the flower petals and sepals
attach to the flower stalk?
2. Explain why the petals on some flowers are brightly coloured, while on
other plants we can hardly see the petals, and sometimes they are absent
3. Study the photos of the different flowers above. Describe the outer
structures of each of these flowers based on their peduncles (stalks) and
receptacles, and their sepals and petals.
The stigma is the structure that receives the pollen during pollination. It
is on top of a long narrow style and when it is ready to receive pollen it
becomes sticky providing a place for the pollen to stick to.
• dissecting needle
• dissecting knife
• petunia or hibiscus flowers
Can you identify the stamens covered in pollen and the stigma in this
hibiscus flower?
Now that we have learnt about the structures of flowers, let us take a look at
how flowers are pollinated.
Figure 3.9 This person’s hand is covered in Figure 3.10 A photograph of a variety of
millions of tiny grains of pollen. pollen grains from different plants taken
under a very strong microscope
Pollen from the stamen needs to be transferred to the stigma of the flower,
on either the same plant or another plant of the same species. This process is
called pollination. If pollination does not occur, there will be no fertilisation
and the plant will not be able to produce seeds or fruit.
Generally, plants produce a large amount of pollen to maximise the chances
of the pollen being transferred to as many different stigmas on as many
different flowers (of the same species) as possible.
Pollination involves the pollen moving from the stamens to the stigma of the
same or another flower. There are different ways that pollination of flowers
can take place. For example, flowers can be pollinated with the help of the
wind, water or animals. Angiosperm flowers have special adaptations which
help a specific type of pollination. Let us look at some of these methods for
pollination and how flowers are adapted to promote pollination.
Pollination by animals
Animals that pollinate flowers are
called pollinators. These animals
come to flowers to feed on the nectar
produced by the flowers. As they are
feeding, pollen sticks to their bodies.
When they move on to the next
flower to feed, some of the pollen
rubs off onto the new flower parts.
Figure 3.11 Can you see this bee has been
We call this process pollination.
covered in pollen as it is feeding on the
Since pollinators feed on specific plants, they usually travel from flower to
flower of the same species, therefore pollinating them effectively.
1. Identify the pollinator in each photo in the table and write the name
2. What do you notice about most of these pollinators? (Which type of
animal is most common?)
3. What do you think these pollinators are getting from the flowers that
they visit?
4. What do you think attracts insects to flowers? In other words, how do
you think flowers are adapted to attract pollinators to them? See if you
can think of three adaptations and list them below.
6. Work in pairs for the next 4 questions. Take a walk around your school
and identify plants that you think are pollinated by pollinators. Make a
drawing of at least 3 of these.
7. Identify the common names of these plants and try to find the correct
scientific name.
8. Explain how each of these plants’ flowers have been adapted to be
pollinated by pollinators.
9. How could you easily distinguish which plants used pollinators to
pollinate them?
Plants that are pollinated with the help of water usually live in water. We say
they are aquatic. When pollen is released it floats on the surface of the water.
The stigmas of the receiving plant are generally close to the water surface.
This is so that they can be pollinated when the pollen in the water washes up
against them.
Figure 3.14 In this grass plant you can see Figure 3.15 These white, feathery ends are
the small yellowish flowers attached to the the flowers of this grass.
green stem.
Figure 3.16 Can you see the small, brown Figure 3.17 This image shows the silky
flowers sticking up from the maize plants? female flower of the maize plant.
These are the male flowers of maize.
9. Do you think plants that are pollinated by the wind or water need
colourful, sweet-smelling flowers with nectar? Why do you think this?
Plants that are pollinated with the help of water usually live in water. We say they
are aquatic. When pollen is released it floats on the surface of the water. The
stigmas of the receiving plant are generally close to the water surface. This is so
that they can be pollinated when the pollen in the water washes up against them.
Pollinators and us
Pollinators play an extremely important role in the life cycle of flowering
plants. These flowering plants include the crops that farmers grow for us to
eat, such as maize and sunflowers. Since angiosperms produce a very large
amount of the world’s food crops, without pollinators, we would be without
most of the food crops produced for us to eat.
1. Find the following words in the article and underline them. Then look
up a definition for each word and write it down. Identify whether the
word is a noun, verb, adverb or adjective. Do not copy the definition
word for word, but write it in your own words.
a) famine:
b) failure:
c) severely:
d) extinct:
e) preserve:
f) remote:
g) diversity:
h) modify:
We have now looked at pollination, but what happens next? What happens
after the pollen lands on the stigma of the flower?
Do you remember that the pollen grains contain the male sex cells, and
Take note the ovary contains the ovules or female sex cells? The male and female sex
An ovary can cells each contain only half of the genetic material (DNA) from the parent
contain more plant. After pollination, the male sex cell in the pollen grain needs to fuse
than one ovule. with a female sex cell in the ovary to produce a fertile seed. This is called
If each ovule is fertilisation.
fertilised, then the In angiosperms, each pollen grain contains two male sex cells. See if you can
fruit will contain identify the reason for this as you read through the steps for fertilisation.
more than
one seed. For The process of fertilisation in plants occurs in clearly defined steps:
example, think of 1. After the pollen grain lands on the mature stigma of a flower from the
an apple which same species, the pollen produces a tube called a pollen tube.
has a few seeds 2. This pollen tube starts to grow from the stigma and down the style. This
inside the fruit. transports the male sex cells to the ovules.
Figure 3.19 The pollen tube growing down the style to the ovary.
Did you
Figure 3.20 Can you see the pollen tubes growing here from individual pollen grains?
After fertilisation, the ovule inside the ovary starts to develop into a seed and
The Coco de
the ovary wall becomes the rest of the fruit. There is huge variety in the types
Mer seed is
of seeds and fruit in the world.
larger than
the size of the
human head!
Figure 3.21 This is one seed Figure 3.22 Seeds from different orchid species. They are
from the Coco de Mer plant, really small – like dust particles. • gravity
and it has been cut in half.
Think about all the different fruits that you can buy in the shops – there are
many different shapes, sizes and colours!
Seed dispersal
Plants use different methods to disperse their seeds as far from the parent
plant as possible. Why do you think seeds need to be dispersed? Discuss this
with your teacher and your class and take some notes.
Different plants have different ways of dispersing the seeds and fruit. Let’s
have a look at some of these.
Gravity: Fruit can fall off a tree and roll as far as possible from the parent
Did you tree. When the fruit has fallen it can be taken further from the parent plant
know? by water, by rolling along the ground, or by animals.
The tiny hooks Animals: Animals may eat the fruit from the plant or the fallen fruit, and
on seeds and carry the seeds in their digestive systems. The seeds have a tough outer
burrs that stick covering so that they are not digested by the animal. Some seeds also have
to fur inspired spiky structures that can stick to the fur of animals. They are then carried
the design of along as the animal walks and drop off later.
Velcro. One part
of Velcro tape
hooks into the
other part of
the Velcro tape
in just the same
way as seeds
hook into fur.
Figure 3.24 Many wild animals love to eat the fruit from the marula tree, such as this
elephant, which has pushed the tree over to get to the fruit. The seeds are dispersed later
far away in the elephant’s dung.
Explosive force: In some plants their seed capsules mature and then
‘explode’, shooting the small, light seeds far away from the parent plant.
Wind: Wind dispersal requires very light, small seeds that can be carried
on the wind. Some seeds have ‘wings’, such as dandelion seeds that can be
carried across great distances by the wind.
1. Look at the following table which contains different kinds of seeds. Each
one is dispersed in a different way.
2. In the second column, state how the seed or seeds are dispersed (for
example, by an animal, by the wind, by water, and so on.)
3. In the third column, write a couple of sentences describing how you
think this seed is adapted for dispersal. You need to think about what
would most help this seed to be dispersed.
Study the images of a girl at 10, 12 and 17, and of a boy at 10, 12 and 17 shown
1. Identify the changes that both go through during puberty and write your
results in a table.
Figure 3.28 Changes in the girl Figure 3.29 Changes in the boy
2. Study the following graph and answer the questions that follow.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18
age (years)
During puberty, many young people have commented that their emotions
are like a roller-coaster. This time in your lives is not only about growing up
and maturing physically, but also emotionally.
Many events are taking place in your life, so let’s draw a timeline to show this!
ACTIVITY Draw a timeline of your life
• fallopian tube A timeline shows us a representation of how time passes and the events
(oviduct) which take place.
• ovary(ovaries)
• ovulation Instructions
• scrotum
• testes 1. Draw a personal timeline of your life so far.
• uterus 2. You can include photos and pictures.
• vagina a) You can possibly include:
• conception b) Your birth – where and when
• ejaculate c) Your first tooth, first word, first step that you took, and so on.
• sexual d) Your different birthdays – perhaps you have some photos you can
intercourse stick on for some of your birthdays
• umbilical cord e) Your first day at school, playing a team sport, on stage as a performer,
and so on.
3. Celebrations and memorable events in your life.
4. Locate puberty on your timeline.
We now know more about the
male and female sexual organs
and how these organs mature
during puberty. vagina
Myth Responses
(tick or cross)
“Women who are menstruating are dirty and unclean.”
“During your period you should never have cold food or
walk with bare feet. If you get cold your period will be worse.”
“Exercise is bad for you when you menstruate.”
“Don’t ever swim when you are having a period!”
1. How many people in the homework survey believed that the comments
were in fact true? Tabulate your results as indicated in the table below
Most believed About half believed they None believed they were
they were true were true and the other half true
believed they were not.
2. Discuss with your class which of the comments were most widely
believed to be true by the people you surveyed. Take some notes on the
following lines.
3. Which of these comments had the strongest reaction from the people Take note
you surveyed? (Either positive or negative reaction.) Discuss their
reactions with your class. Take some notes on the following lines. ‘Contra-’ means
4. Did anyone laugh at any of the comments? Which ones? Did they tell against, so
you why they laughed? Share this with the class. ‘contraception’
means ‘against
Which of these statements do you think are true? Discuss this with your class conception’.
and take some notes on the following lines.
In order for a baby to develop in the mother’s uterus, the egg needs to be
fertilised. During sexual intercourse, the male ejaculates (releases) millions
of sperm into the woman’s vagina. From the vagina, the sperm travel into the
uterus and up into the oviducts and to the egg cell.
one Only
sperm one
willsperm willthe
fertilise fertilise the egg cell.
egg cell.
The other millions willwill
of others notnot
bebe able to to
able enter.
This leads to pregnancy as the foetus starts
to develop.
Once the egg cell is fertilised, it
continues its journey to the uterus.
When it arrives in the uterus, it is
safely attached in the thick lining of
the uterus. The foetus starts to grow
and develop. An umbilical cord grows
between the foetus and the uterus.
A placenta forms to supply food and
oxygen to the developing baby and to
remove waste. The developing foetus
receives food and oxygen from the mother
through the placenta and umbilical cord.
Birth Figure 3.32 A baby developing inside
the mother’s uterus. Can you see the
At the end of pregnancy, the mother
umbilical cord?
gives birth to the baby through the
vagina. Sometimes there are complications and the doctors perform a
Caesarean section. This is a surgical procedure where a cut is made in the
mother’s abdomen and the baby is removed.
As we have seen, if the egg is fertilised after sexual intercourse, the mother
falls pregnant. But what happens to the egg if it is not fertilised?
To avoid falling pregnant, you can use contraceptives. There are different
contraceptives available today. They prevent the sperm from reaching the egg
and thus prevent fertilisation from taking place. Or else, they can prevent the
fertilised egg from implanting in the uterus wall.
Male condoms are rubbery sheaths that are placed over a man’s erect penis
before sex, and are worn during sexual intercourse to prevent the sperm
from entering the woman’s vagina. Condoms also help to prevent the spread
of STDs.
• Sexual reproduction occurs when a sperm and an egg from two people combine to make
offspring which look similar but not identical to the parents.
• In angiosperm plants, seeds are produced in the flowers.
• The male structures of flowers are the anthers and filaments, making up the stamens.
• The female structures of a flower are the stigma, style and ovary, forming the pistil.
• Pollination occurs when pollen is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of
another flower of the same species.
• Pollination is assisted by animals (pollinators), the wind, and/or water.
• Pollinators play an important role in the production of crops for humans.
• The pollen grows a pollen tube down the style to deliver the pollen nucleus to the ovules in
the ovary.
• The fertilised ovules become seeds and the ovary may swell to form a fruit.
• Seeds are dispersed in various ways by animals, the wind, water and explosive force.
• In humans the main purpose of reproduction is for the sperm and egg to fuse and develop
into a baby during pregnancy.
• Puberty is the stage in the human life cycle when sexual organs mature for reproduction.
• During puberty, boys and girls experience physical and emotional changes.
The male reproductive organs include the penis and testes that produce sperm.
• The female reproductive organs include the vagina, uterus, oviducts and the ovaries.
• The ovaries produce one mature egg each month during ovulation which is then
transported to the oviduct.
• If sexual intercourse takes place, the sperm travel to the egg and one will fuse with it in the
process of fertilisation.
• The fertilised egg then moves to the uterus, is embedded in the lining of the uterus, and
grows for approximately 9 months before the baby is born.
• If fertilisation does not take place, the egg moves to the uterus from where it is discarded
in the vagina. The uterus lining is broken up and discarded through the vagina during
• Pregnancy and STDs can be prevented mostly by wearing a male condom
3 11
4 10
2. Copy the table below in your books and describe the function of the following structures: [5]
Structure Function
Pollen grains
3. Look at the following image of a bat busy drinking nectar from the flower. How is this
flower adapted for pollination by the bat? [3]
5. Grade 7 learners were trying to explain the process of the human reproduction cycle, but they
muddled up the order of the cycle. Write numbers 1–6 to place their sentences below into the
correct order. [3]
−− The sperm arrive in the oviduct.
−− During sexual intercourse, the sperm is propelled from the penis.
−− One sperm enters the outer cover of the egg to fertilise it.
−− The fertilised egg is implanted in the uterine lining.
−− The sperm travel from the vagina, through the uterus to the oviduct.
−− The egg is released from the ovaries and travels along the oviduct.
6. Explain the difference between ovulation and menstruation. [2]
7. Once an egg is fertilised, where is it implanted or embedded? [1]
8. The reproductive organs are structured in a very specific way – to make fertilisation and
pregnancy possible. Explain the function of each of these structures in the male and female
bodies. [12]
Key questions
• Are all dogs part of the same species if there are so many different sizes, shapes and colours?
• What about humans? What does it mean that we have different skin colours, heights and other
differences if we are all part of Homo sapiens?
• What does ‘variation’ mean?
• What causes variation?
• Why is it important that we study variation?
mall, big, long-haired, short-haired, black,
white, brown or spotty?!
Do you have a dog, or have you seen some dogs in your neighbourhood?
Think of those dogs, and use the following image to answer the questions.
Figure 4.1 A white horse with a brown foal. Figure 4.2 A donkey
Horses and ponies are from the same species. But what about donkeys?
If a horse and a donkey mate, they are able to produce offspring, but the
offspring are infertile. They are called mules or hinnies. Do you think
donkeys and horses are the same species? Give a reason for your answer.
All living organisms that reproduce sexually produce
offspring that are different from the parent organisms.
Remember that we learnt about sexual reproduction in
angiosperms and humans in the last unit. This allows the
new organisms to be different from other organisms within
the same species. We call this difference, variation. As we
saw in the last activity, all dogs on Earth are actually the
same species, as well as horses, but there are huge differences Figure 4.3 Five kittens from the same litter
between all the individuals. We say there is variation. but they all look different!
Even animals from the same litter or children from the same parents have
differences. Take a look at the kittens in the box below. They are all from the
same litter so they share the same parents, but they all look different.
A correlation is 1. Now use this information to draw a graph to represent the information.
a relationship You will need to draw a bar graph. Think about what must go along the
between two horizontal x-axis and what must go along the vertical y-axis. Remember,
or more sets of the x-axis is for the independent variables and the y-axis is the
measurements or dependent variable. Give your graph a heading.
2. Who is the tallest and who is the shortest in your class?
3. What is the average height of all the learners in your class? Use your
books to show your working for this calculation.
4. What is the average height of the boys and what is the average height of
the girls? Use your books to show your working for this calculation.
5. As a homework activity, measure the heights of some of the adult
members in your family. Record these heights in the following space to
discuss with your class the next day.
Vulcan sign
Concept map
This was a short section and so we have a smaller concept map than in the previous sections.
tongue rolling
can such
differences is the Variation in humans inherited height
be as
eye colour
between exists in
of such
individuals species
same as
humans all
Homo sapiens
part of
part of
3. Predict whether you think Munchkin Cats would be able to hunt as well as other cats with
normal-length front legs. [2]
4. Do you think it is correct for humans to breed animals in this way? Explain your answer. [2]
5. Explain in your own words what you understand by the term ‘inherited characteristics’. [2]
6. Why do you think it takes a long time for a species to change and adapt to its changing
environment? [2]
Total [12 marks]
Glossary 89
endothermic relating to animals that have hypothesis/hypotheses a statement that is an
a blood temperature that does not change educated guess about the outcome of the
if the temperature of their surroundings experiment; an idea that is suggested as the
change possible explanation for something that has
environment the external surroundings, not yet been proved to be true or correct
conditions, resources, stimuli, and so on, in
which an organisms lives and interacts independent variables those variables that will
exoskeleton the hard outer covering that be changed one at a time to see what effect
protects the body of certain arthropods they will cause in the dependent variable;
variables that are under the control of the
fair test an experiment where only one investigator
independent variable is changed each time inheritance something that is passed on
the experiment is repeated genetically from one generation to another
fallopian tube (oviduct) a tube lying close to invertebrate an animal without a line of bones
each ovary that receives the mature ovum (backbone) going down its back
(egg) and transports them to the uterus
favourable good, suitable or acceptable jointed (segmented) limbs separate parts
fertilisation the process when a male sex cell of the legs that are covered in a hard
fuses with a female sex cell to make a new, exoskeleton with clear joints between them
unique individual with half the genetic kingdom refers to five major divisions of living
material from the male and half from the organisms: plants, animals, fungi, protists
female parent organisms and bacteria which in turn are composed of
filament the stalk-like structure of the stamen smaller groups called phyla
that holds and supports the anther
fuse to join or blend to form a single entity larva/larvae a stage in the development of
insects and other animals where it has come
genetic information (DNA) the inherited out of the egg and is mainly concerned with
information coded into the cell that consuming food
determines what type of cell it is and what it leaf vein little tubes that branch throughout a
needs to do leaf carrying water and dissolved substances
gill the organ in fish and other water-breathing mammary gland milk producing glands in
animals that allows them to breathe female mammals
underwater marine of or relating to the sea
gravity the force that attracts a body towards mate come together for breeding, copulating
the centre of the Earth or towards any other matter the physical substances from which
physical body having mass all things are made, such as rocks, soil, air,
habitat the natural place where a plant or water, plants and animals
animal lives maturing to become physically mature and
herbaceous a plant that has a non-woody stem fully developed
and which normally dies at the end of the menstruation a recurring monthly event
growing season where the lining of the uterus breaks down
hormone chemical messengers that travel in and is discharged as menstrual blood
the bloodstream to tissues and organs in microorganism an organism that is too small
order to effect many different reactions in the to see without a microscope
body. monocotyledon a plant that has a seed with
hydrosphere the water on the Earth’s surface, one cotyledon, adventitious, generally
including the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and shallow roots and leaves that forms sheaths
dams around the stem; the leaves have a parallel
leaf veins
Glossay 91
shoot a young branch that sprouts from the tap root the main root of a plant that grows
main stem of a plant deep into the soil of a plant that has a single,
sperm the male sex cell produced by the testes dominant main stem
spore the reproductive cell of mosses and ferns testes sperm producing glands of the male
(and other organisms) that under the right body
conditions can develop into a new individual
fern or moss umbilical cord the cord- or tube-like structure
stamen the male reproductive organ of a flower that connects the foetus from its abdomen
containing the filament and anther with the placenta of the mother; it transports
stem the long thin part of a plant that rises nourishment and oxygen to the foetus and
from the ground and from which smaller removes waste
branches can grow; it supports the leaves, uterus the hollow muscular organ in the
flowers and fruit pelvic area of female mammals in which the
stigma the sticky tip of a flower pistil where the fertilised egg implants and develops (also
pollen is deposited during pollination known as the womb)
style the stalk-like slender part of the pistil vagina an elastic muscular tube or canal that
joining the stigma and the ovary, and connects the neck of the uterus (cervix) with
holding the stigma in a favourable position the external sexual opening
to receive pollen; the pollen tube grows variables any factor that can affect the outcome
through the style to deliver the male sex cells of the investigation and can be measured,
to the ovules controlled or varied in some way
sustain to keep things alive or healthy variation differences between living organisms
symbiotic a type of relationship between of the same species
organisms in which one or both organisms vertebrate an animal that has a backbone
benefit (spine) that holds the nerve or spinal column
Key questions
Which properties are important when choosing a material for a particular use?
• How can we measure the strength of a material?
• What does it mean when a liquid boils?
• How can we explain the term ‘boiling point’?
• How can we explain the term ‘melting point’?
• Why should we always think about the impact on the environment when we manufacture or
use a particular material?
Figure 5.1 The walls and roof of this house are made of Figure 5.2 Can you see some parts of a car hanging up
sheets of corrugated metal. inside a car factory? These are made of sheets of metal.
Copy the following table in your exercise books and complete it by adding
the names of different materials that have the properties listed.
Property Materials
Conducts electricity
Conducts heat
Figure 5.3 A metal pot Figure 5.4 These electrical wires carried by
pylons are made of metal.
Figure 5.7 A pelican about to eat a plastic bag Figure 5.8 These plastic rings from soft-
in a river. drink packaging are very dangerous
in the wild as they can entangle an
animal’s neck.
1. Look at the image of a gold car then answer the questions that follow.
2. Discuss some of the questions with your classmates before writing down
your answers.
What are your feelings about the golden car in the picture?
Strength of Materials
How would you test how strong a material
is? Let’s imagine you have different types
of paper. How would you test which paper
is the strongest? Discuss this as a class and
write some notes on the lines provided.
The strength of paper is important because
we use paper for many different things.
In the next activity we are going to
Figure 5.9 All these objects are made from different types of
investigate the tearing strength of different
paper with different properties that suit the function of the
types of paper.
To compare the tearing strengths of different types of paper.
When you write a hypothesis, you must state what you think will happen
in your investigation.
Materials and apparatus
• strips of different types of paper (20 cm x 5 cm)
• hole puncher
• strong paper clips
• yoghurt tub
• marbles
• string
• hand lens (optional)
1. Punch a hole at both ends of each paper strip. This is so that you can
test the paper twice on each side. Make sure that the holes are in the
middle, and also at the same distance from the end of each strip. This
will make it a fair test.
Tip: To calculate the average of a set of numbers, you add all the
numbers together and then divide by how many numbers there were
in the set.
In this investigation, you will add the number
of marbles together for each time you tested
the paper strength (this was twice for each strip
of paper) and then divide by 2 to calculate the
average number of marbles that each piece of
paper can hold before it tears.
For example, if you had 5 marbles in the first
attempt, and 3 marbles in the second attempt,
the average will be calculated as follows:
5 + 3 = 8 marbles
8 ÷ 2 = 4 marbles on average Therefore, the paper type could hold an
average of 4 marbles.
condensation freezing
evaporation melting
gas liquid solid
1. Write a short story to explain what you think happened to the kettle in
the picture.
2. Why do you think the person made the mistake of heating the kettle on
the stove?
3. Do you think plastic is a good choice of material for making a whole
cooking pot? Why do you say so?
4. Why does a plastic kettle not melt when we boil water in it?
5. Sometimes, just the handles of the cooking pot are made from plastic or
wood. Why do you think this is so?
Aim • contract
• expand
To observe boiling and to determine the boiling point of water.
• constant
Hypothesis • independent
What is your hypothesis for this investigation?
• dependent
Materials and apparatus variable
• two glass beakers (or small pot) • altitude
• Bunsen burner (or stove plate)
• tripod with gauze
• tap water
• thermometer
• funnel
• ice blocks
Melting Point
We will learn more about changes of state in Grade 8 Matter and Materials.
In order to melt ice, we need to add energy to it to raise the temperature to
melting point. However, if we want to freeze water, we need to remove (take
out) energy from it until the temperature decreases to freezing point.
process requires energy
process releases energy
Does boiling have a reverse process? Boiling is when liquid water changes to
water vapour or steam. The reverse process, when steam turns back to water,
is called condensation. In order to boil water, we need to add energy to it.
But if we want to condense the water vapour, we need to cool it down (take
energy out of it).
process requires energy
process releases energy
liquid water
Do all liquids boil at 100 °C? No, of course not! Not all substances melt at
0 °C either.
Can you think of a few substances that are solids at low temperatures, but
have low melting points? (Think of things that melt easily when it is hot
outside. Ice cream is an example.)
In the next activity we are going to explore the boiling and melting points of
a few substances other than water.
1. Copy the blank template into your exercise books and record the boiling
and melting points of the substances listed below.
Answer the questions that follow.
2. The boiling point of nitrogen is –200 °C. Draw a 200 ºC 200 ºC
1. What state would nitrogen be in at room temperature? Why do you say so?
2. Suppose you mix some water and some ethanol. They are mixed but
they have not changed into something else. The mixture is at room
temperature to begin with. Now suppose you start heating the mixture.
What temperature would be reached first: 78 °C or 100 °C?
1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions that follow about the
production of different materials in South Africa.
2. You will need to do some extra research for this activity. Some information
about each of the processes has been provided, but you will need to
research them in more detail and answer the questions that follow.
Mining in South Africa has been one of the main reasons for our
development. South Africas still one of the top gold-mining countries in the
world. We also mine and produce other metals such as chromium and
platinum, as well as coal and iron ore. Although this is hugely beneficial for
the economy, it has devastating effects on the environment.
Did you
A major
concern at the
moment is the
Soccer City proposal to
start fracking
in the Karoo.
Fracking is a
process where
water is injected
at very high
pressures into
small fractures
Figure 5.12 An aerial view of the Soccer City Stadium and surrounding area. in underground
rock to crack
2. Coal mining in South Africa also has a major impact on the it further and
environment. Not only the mining, but the use of coal in power stations release gas and
has negative impacts. What are some of these? oil which are
Paper making: used as fuels.
Can you imagine your world without paper? Probably not! We use it every
day of our lives. South Africa has a big paper-making industry. Although
paper is important in our lives today, the production has negative impacts on
the environment.
2. Look at the photo of the paper-making factory. What effects does this
have on the environment?
• The properties of a material determine the purposes for which it can be used.
• Some of the properties of materials include strength, flexibility, heat and electrical
conductivity, and they have specific boiling and melting points.
• Boiling point is the temperature at which a at which a substance changes from liquid
changes to gas when heat is added.
• Melting point is the temperature at which a a substance changes from solid to liquid when
• The suitability of a material for a certain use is also influenced by other factors such as its
cost, its colour and its texture.
• The ways we use materials and the processes we use to produce them always have an impact
on the environment.
Concept map
Below is a concept map for what we have learnt about the properties of materials. We discussed
several properties of materials in this unit. Can you see how we can summarise a lot of
information onto one page?
Properties of determine suitability for use production
include also influenced
strength heat
conductivity materials
flexibility other
factors impacts
boiling melting
point point
such as
cost texture
temperature at which liquid boils colour
temperature (ºc)
0 3 6 9 12 18 21 24 27 33 30 39 42 45 48 51
time (minutes)
d) What was the temperature of the unknown liquid at the start of the experiment? [1]
Total [22 marks]
Key questions
Which properties are important when choosing a material for a particular use?
• How can we explain the term ‘mixture’?
• What types of materials can be mixed?
• What methods can be used to separate a mixture into its original components?
• Which factors are important when choosing a method for separating a mixture into its
• Which materials can be recycled?
• Who is responsible for the disposal of waste materials?
• What are the negative consequences of poor waste management?
6.1 Mixtures
What does it mean to mix something? Can you mime an explanation (that
• mixture means you have to explain without saying a single word)?
• suspension
• opaque Is it possible to mix water? Discuss this with your class.
• solution
• clear One substance alone cannot be a mixture. A mixture is made up of two or
more different substances.
A mixture can contain solids, liquids and/or gases. The components in a
mixture are not chemically joined; they are just mixed. That means we do not
need to use chemical reactions to separate them. Mixtures can be separated
using physical methods alone and that is what this unit is all about: how to
separate mixtures.
There are many different kinds of mixtures. Before we learn how to separate
them, it is worth looking at all the different kinds of mixtures briefly.
suspension of
sand and clay clear solution
in water of sugar in water
Figure 6.2 Can you see the difference between the suspension of sand and clay in water
and a clear solution of sugar in water?
Instructions Keywords
1. Look at the list of mixtures. Discuss in your group, or with your partner, • filtration
what each mixture consists of. • filtrate
2. Identify the type of substances (solid, liquid or gas) that are mixed in • magnetic
each of the examples on the list. • grain
• residue
3. Write the name of each example in the appropriate block on the
• air
• smoke
• hair oil (emulsion of oil and water)
• clear fruit juice (for example, apple juice)
• cloudy apple juice
• salty water
• alloys such as brass (used for coins) and stainless steel (used for rust-
resistant metal items)
• foam plastic (like the material used for making mattresses and pillows)
• spray deodorant
• air freshener (aerosol type)
• paint
• dust cloud gas
• soil
For instance, sugar dissolved in water would
go in the middle block of the bottom row, to solid
show that it is a solid (sugar) mixed with a sugar dissolved
solid in water
liquid (water).
Why do we make mixtures? Mixtures have many uses: perhaps we are
mixing ingredients to bake a cake, or mixing metals to make a really strong
Many things around us occur naturally as
mixtures: salty sea water, moist air, soil, compost,
rocks (mixture of minerals) to name a few. Many
mixtures are man made, for example; Coca Cola,
paint, salad dressing and so on.
Magnetic separation
The following diagram shows how magnetic
separation can be used to separate a mixture of
components. In the example, mineral ore that
contains two compounds (one magnetic, and mineral ore
the other non-magnetic) is being separated.
The ore grains are fed onto a revolving belt.
The roller on the end of the belt is magnetic.
This means that all the magnetic grains in the
ore will stick to the belt when it goes around
the roller, while the non-magnetic grains will
fall off the end. As soon as the magnetic grains magnetic moving
move past the magnetic roller, they will also roller belt
fall down.
In the above diagram, what colour are the
non-magnetic grains and into which container
do they fall? Label this on the diagram. What
colour are the magnetic grains and which container do they fall into?
Do you know where most of the salt that we use in South Africa comes
from? South Africa gets it salt from inland salt pans, coastal salt pans and sea
water. A salt pan is a shallow dam in the ground where salt water evaporates
to leave a layer of dry salt.
When sea water is allowed to stand in shallow pans, the water gets heated by
sunlight and slowly turns into water vapour, through evaporation. Once the
water has evaporated completely, the solid salt is left behind.
Do you think this is a good method for separating salt from water? Do you
think it would work for a sugar and water solution?
hat if we want to keep both the water and
the salt?
Distillation is the separation of one substance from another by evaporation
followed by condensation. The apparatus used in this technique is called a still.
clamp condenser
distillation steam
flask salt water
cold water in
Bunsen flask
Suppose we want to separate the water and salt in sea water. We would place
the sea water in the round flask on the left of the picture (in the distillation
flask). We would then boil the sea water to produce water vapour, or
steam. The salt would not evaporate with the water, because only the water
evaporates. The water vapour rises through the top of the flask and passes
into the Liebig condenser.
ow can we separate two liquids with different
boiling points?
1. Can you remember the temperature at which water boils? Write it down
2. What is this temperature called?
3. Ethanol boils at a temperature lower than the boiling point of water,
namely 78 °C. Suppose you mix some water and some ethanol. The
mixture is at room temperature to begin with. Now suppose you start
heating the mixture. What temperature would be reached first: 78 °C or
100 °C?
4. What do you think will happen when the mixture reaches a temperature
of 78 °C? Do you think the ethanol will start to boil?
5. Will the water boil at the same time?
Most inks are a mixture of different pigments, blended to give them just
the right colour. A pigment is a chemical that gives colour to materials.
To separate the pigment components in ink using different liquids.
Hypothesis Take note
What do you propose the answer to our investigative question is? This is
your hypothesis. A solvent is
a substance
Materials and apparatus that dissolves a
• absorbent paper cut into strips approximately 3 cm wide and 12 cm solute, resulting
long in a solution. A
• clear drinking glass or beaker solvent is usually
• assorted black pens and markers a liquid, but can
• tap water also be a solid or
• pencil a gas.
• paper clip or clothes peg
• filter paper
• dropper
• variety of liquid solvents (ammonia, surgical spirits, methylated
spirits, and nail polish remover)
paper clip
strip of paper
inked line 1 cm
direction above surface
of migration of solvent
1 to 2 cm
of solvent
7. When the migrating pigments approach the top of the strip, near the
paper clip, remove the paper strip and allow it to dry on a flat, non-
porous surface.
8. Make a similar strip chromatogram for each of the black pens you
have collected.
9. Compare the chromatograms. Are they the same or are they
10. When you have finished comparing your chromatogram with those
of the rest of the class, you can either stick your chromatogram in the
following space, or draw a picture of it in the space.
drop solvent
in centre
0,5 to 1 cm
ink spot
filter paper
ACTIVITY Chromatography
2. Name the solids that will not dissolve in the mixture. These are the
undissolved solids.
3. Name the dissolved solids in the mixture.
4. What would be the best method for separating the undissolved solids
from the liquids in the mixture? Write the name of this method in the
block numbered 1 of the flowchart below.
5. Write the names of the undissolved solids in block 2 of the flowchart.
6. What remains after the undissolved solids have been removed from the
mixture? Write the names of these compounds in block 3.
7. How could we separate the undissolved solids?
Hint: Look at the flow chart for some ideas.
Write the name of this process in block 4.
8. Write the names of the two undissolved solids in blocks 6 and 7.
Hint: W
hich liquid has the lowest boiling point?
Write the name of this liquid in block 8.
11. What remains in the solution when the first liquid is removed? Write the
names of these components in block 9.
12. How can we separate the liquid from the dissolved solid?
Hint: This process is the same as the one in block 7.
Write the name of the process in block 10.
13. Write the names of the final two components in blocks 11 and 12.
4 5
Liquids solid
12 13
Figure 6.16 Have you seen colourful bins similar to these Figure 6.17 If you ever need to dispose of objects such as
around your school or in shopping areas? They are for batteries and fluorescent light bulbs that contain harmful
recycling. substances, be sure to use the correct recycling bin.
1. Below is a list of different careers that all use chemistry in some way.
Have a look through the list and then select one that you find most
Some careers involving chemistry:
−− Chemical education/teaching
−− Chemistry researcher
−− Environmental chemistry
−− Mining industry
−− Oil and petroleum industry
−− Pharmaceuticals and drug discovery
−− Space exploration
−− Waste management
Write down your descriptions of the career you are interested in.
2. Do an internet search to find out what the career involves.
3. Write a short description of this career. Find out what level of chemistry
you will need for this particular career.
4. There are many other careers besides the ones listed here which use
chemistry in some way, so if you know of something else which is not
listed here and it interests you, follow your curiosity and discover the
• A mixture consists of two or more components that have different physical properties.
• The components in a mixture are not chemically joined; they do not change their chemical
identities and they retain their physical properties as well.
• When we want to separate a mixture, we can use the differences in the physical properties
of the components of the mixture to separate the components from each other.
• Hand sorting is a suitable separation method for a mixture that contains a relatively small
number of large items.
• Sieving is a suitable separation method when the pieces to be separated are sized differently.
• Filtration is a good method for separating an undissolved solid from a liquid.
• Components with different magnetic properties can be separated using magnetic
• Evaporation is a suitable separation method for removing a liquid from a solid.
• Distillation is a suitable method for separating two liquids with different boiling points.
• Chromatography is a good method for separating coloured pigments from each other.
• Waste disposal should be managed in a responsible way so that the negative impact on the
environment is as small as possible.
• Metals, plastics, paper and glass can be recycled.
• Organic waste can be turned into compost.
• Responsible waste disposal is everyone’s responsibility, but it is usually managed by the
local authorities, who have systems for sorting and recycling waste.
• Poor waste management leads to negative consequences for humans, animals and the
environment. Some of these are:
−− pollution of the soil, water resources and the environment;
−− health hazards and the spread of disease;
−− blockage of sewers and drainage systems;
−− land wasted when it is used to dump or bury garbage (landfills); and
−− materials and other resources wasted when they could have been recycled.
base or chemicals
acid neutral many
of foods
in in household
important group can be
litmus such indicator tested Acids, bases distinguished human can
paper as using and neutrals by tongue taste
properties soaps
fruit juice in in
such bases such bicarbonate
vinegar acids as of soda
tartaric include include
are neither bleach
sour corrosive bitter corrosive
taste rough slippery
feeling feeling
iron + sulphur
3. A vacuum cleaner creates a suspension of dust in air as it sucks up the dust on the floor.
Clean air comes out of the vacuum cleaner. How does the vacuum cleaner separate the
dust from the air? [2]
4. Write a short paragraph (3 sentences) to explain how salt is produced from sea water. [3]
5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence from the following list: colours; boiling
points; tastes. Write the word below. Suppose we want to separate two liquids using distillation
as the separation method. This will only be possible if the two liquids have different... [1]
6. The diagram below shows a strip chromatogram that is being prepared from a spot of black
ink. The strip on the left shows the chromatogram at the start of the experiment, the strip in
the middle shows the chromatogram halfway through the experiment, and the strip on the
right shows the chromatogram at the end of the experiment.
start intermediate finish
1 2 3
Did you Look in the mirror, and stick out your tongue. Look for small, round bumps.
know? These are called papillae. Most of them contain taste buds. The taste buds are
very small structures which have sensitive hairs.
Insects have
the most highly
sense of taste.
They have taste
organs on their
feet, antennae,
and mouth
sweet sweet
The four main tastes that are most common, are sweet, sour, salt and bitter.
These tastes combine to make up the different flavours of our foods.
Figure 6.4 How would you classify the taste Figure 6.5 Many people really enjoy the
of apples? Sweet or sour? Bitter? Perhaps a sour-salty taste of salt and vinegar chips!
There is a good reason for why we like certain tastes, but not others.
Did you
Almond nuts Figure 6.6 Sweet almonds, such as these, Figure 6.7 Cocoa beans come from cocoa
can be sweet are edible as they do not contain toxic pods. Chocolate is made from cocoa, but
or bitter, chemicals, unlike the wild bitter almonds. cocoa is very bitter. Lots of sugar is added to
chocolate to make it sweet.
on the type
of tree they Soon the link between the tongue and chemical substances will become clear.
come from. The
sweet almonds 7.2 Properties of acids, bases and neutral
(which we eat) substances
do not contain
In the previous section you had to imagine what it would feel like if an acid
burned your tongue. In the next section we are going to learn more about
chemicals. Bitter
acids. We will learn that they taste sour (and also why it is not a good idea to
almonds from
taste them!).
another tree
species contain We will also learn about other substances that have a special relationship
chemicals with acids. They are called bases. Finally, we will also learn about substances
which are toxic that are neither acids nor bases, but neutral substances.
to humans.
Do you know the names of any acids? Think about this as a class and make a
Did you list of all the acid names you have heard.
There are many different acids. You may have already tasted an acid in class.
The word Was it the sugar water or the lemon juice?
acid comes
from the Latin
word ‘acidus’,
meaning ‘sour’.
Figure 6.11 This scientist is handling an acid. Can you Figure 6.12 Look out for this label on bottles
see he is wearing protective clothing, gloves, and safety which contain corrosive substances, such as
glasses? strong acids.
Did you
Insects have
the most highly
sense of taste.
They have taste
organs on their Figure 6.15 Broccoli. Figure 6.16 Bell peppers.
feet, antennae,
and mouth
Do you think that it would be possible for acids to lose their strength? There
is one class of compounds that can make acids lose their strength. These
compounds are called bases.
Bases can neutralise acids and vice versa. What does it mean to neutralise
Bases and acids have chemical properties that are the opposite of each other.
We can think of bases as the chemical opposite of acids.
Finally, there is a class of substances that are neither acids nor bases. They are Take note
called neutral substances. We will explore them next.
Bases that can
dissolve in water
Neutral substances are called alkalis.
We have learnt that when an acid and a base are mixed (in the right amounts), For this reason,
they will neutralise each other. That means that, together, they will change into the terms ‘base’
something that is neither an acid nor a base. So the acid will lose its properties and ‘alkali’ are
and so will the base, and the new substance that forms from the two substances sometimes
will be neither an acid nor a base. We call it a neutral substance. considered to
Some neutral substances are formed have the same
when an acid is mixed with a base and meaning. (Words
a neutralisation reaction occurs. Other that have the
substances are neutral to begin with. They same meaning
are not the product of a neutralisation are called
reaction. The neutral substances that are synonyms.)
the best known are: water, table salt, sugar
solution, and cooking oil.
We have learnt about three classes of
substances: acids, bases and neutral
substances. But, we cannot tell whether a
substance is an acid, a base, or a neutral
substance, just by looking at it. We know
that acids taste sour, but we have also
learnt that it is never a good idea to taste
chemicals. Figure 6.20 Cooking oil is a neutral substance.
Figure 6.22 Blue and red litmus paper. Figure 6.1 Litmus comes from pigments in
the lichen which are found growing in many
different places, mostly on rocks.
Litmus solution is most commonly soaked into paper. The paper is then
dried and cut into strips we then call “litmus paper”. Litmus paper is available
in two colours: blue and red.
How does litmus paper indicate whether a substance is an acid or a base? In
the next activity, we will investigate how litmus responds to some household
acids and bases.
1. Test how litmus paper responds to acids and bases (given known
acids and bases).
2. Classifying household substances as acids or bases.
To determine how litmus responds to some household acids and bases.
What is your hypothesis for this investigation?
Materials and apparatus
• small containers (test tubes or yoghurt tubs) filled with the following
−− water
−− soda water
−− vinegar
−− lemon juice
−− sugar water (1 tablespoon dissolved in a cup of water)
−− baking soda (1 tablespoon dissolved in a cup of water)
Let us now have a look at our observations to see what we can conclude.
1. How does the litmus paper indicate when a substance is an acid?
2. Which of the substances you tested are acids?
3. How does the litmus paper indicate when a substance is a base?
• Our tongues can sense four different flavours, namely, sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.
• Our sense of taste protects us from eating foods that are harmful and stimulates us to eat
foods that are nutritious and energy-rich.
• Acids and bases have different chemical properties.
• Though it is not a good idea to taste chemicals, acids have a sour taste and bases taste bitter.
• When they are in solution with water, acids feel rough and bases feel slippery.
• Some acids and bases are present in foods and in household items. These are relatively
safe to handle. Others are often very corrosive and should only be handled when you are
wearing protective clothing.
• Substances which are neither acidic nor basic, are called neutral substances.
• When an acid is mixed with a base in the right quantities, they neutralise each other. That
means they lose their power.
• Some substances change colour when they react with an acid or a base. These substances
are called acid-base indicators.
• Litmus is the best known of all acid-base indicators. It does not change colour in the
presence of a neutral substance, but responds to acids and bases in the following way:
−− litmus is red in the presence of an acid; and
−− litmus is blue in the presence of a base.
base or chemicals
acid neutral many
of foods
in in household
important group can be
litmus such indicator tested Acids, bases distinguished human can
paper as using and neutrals by tongue taste
properties soaps
fruit juice in in
such bases such bicarbonate
vinegar acids as of soda
tartaric include include
are neither bleach
sour corrosive bitter corrosive
taste rough slippery
feeling feeling
• Sour taste • Feels rough • Formic acid
• Bitter taste • Vinegar • Bleach
• Tartaric acid • Soaps • Turns red litmus blue
• Bicarbonate of soda • Lemon juice • Turns blue litmus red
• Feels slippery • Citric acid • Corrosive
You must sort the words into two columns in a table. One column is labelled ‘Acids’ and
the other is labelled ‘Bases’. Write each idea inside the correct column. If an idea fits into
both columns, you must write it in both. [16]
• Indicator
• Sour
• Bitter
• Poisonous
• Corrosive
• Neutralise
• Sweet
• Neutral
• Litmus
• Salty
3. You must use the words to complete the sentences that follow. Write out the sentences
in full. Each word can be used only once. [11]
a) The best known of all acid-base indicators is called. ________
b) A substance that can eat away at other substances is called _________
c) Foods that are ___________ often taste bitter.
d) Some scientists believe the human tongue can taste 4 flavours. These flavours are ______,
_______, _______, and__________
e) An acid-base ___________ is a substance that changes colour when it reacts with an
acid or a base.
f) ___________ substances are neither acids nor bases.
g) An acid will ___________ a base (and vice versa).
4. Give an example of a strong acid and a strong base, commonly used in the laboratory. [2]
5. Write one or two sentences to explain what is meant by the term ’neutralise’. [2]
6. Write a short paragraph to explain how laboratory acids should be handled. Your paragraph
should contain the following words: corrosive; taste; clothes. [3]
7. How does our sense of taste warn us when food is not good to eat? [2]
People have been interested in science from the earliest times. Early man
discovered how to process natural ores into metals for ornaments, weapons
and tools. At least 3 000 years ago, ancient people were already using
embalming fluids (chemicals) obtained from plants to preserve the bodies of
dead people and animals!
Mankind has been studying and experimenting with materials to try to
understand matter for thousands of years. Scientists, especially, wanted
some understanding of all the different substances with which they were
working with.
Figure 8.1 An ancient Egyptian mummy that has been embalmed to preserve it.
Gruppo I. Gruppo II. Gruppo III. Gruppo IV. Gruppo VI. Gruppo VI. Gruppo VII. Gruppo VIII.
1 II = 1
2 Li = 7 Bo = 9,5 B = 11 C = 12 N = 14 O = 16 F = 19
3 Na = 23 Mg = 24 Al = 27,3 Si = 28 P = 31 S = 32 Cl = 35
4 K = 39 Ca = 40 __ = 44 Ti = 48 V = 51 S = 32 Cl = 35,5
9 ( __ ) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
10 __ __ ?Er = 178 ?Ln =180 Ta = 182 W = 184 __ Os = 195, Ir = 197
Pt = 198, Au = 199
11 (Au = 199) Hg = 200 T = 204 Pb = 207 Bi = 208 __ __
12 __ __ __ Th = 231 __ U = 240 __ __ __ __ __
Periodic Table Of The Elements
18 0
1 2
3 4 metal lanthanide 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be metalloid actinide Element B C N O F Ne
11 12 non-metal 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57-71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La-lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89-103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 Fr Ra Ac-Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Fl Uup Lv Uus Uuo
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Atomic numbers
If you look at the Periodic Table, you will see that each element also has a
unique number. This is called the atomic number. To properly understand
what the atomic number is, we need to know what an atom is. We will learn
more about atoms in Grade 8, but for now, let’s briefly go back to our history
1. Clue 1: What is the symbol for carbon (atomic number 6)? Write this
symbol in the first block above.
2. Clue 2: Hydrogen is the lightest element. Can you find it on the Periodic
Table? Write its symbol in the second block.
3. Clue 3: Which element represents the gas that we breathe to stay alive?
Here is a hint: It is represented by atomic number 8. Write its symbol in
the third block and give the name of the element below.
4. Clue 4: This element is in the fourth row and the ninth column of the
Periodic Table. It is a metal that is used in magnets. Write its symbol in
the fourth block. Do you know its name? Write its name below.
Figure 8.11 Bromine in tube Figure 8.12 Chlorine gas Figure 8.13 Calcium crystal
Figure 8.14 Phosphorus Figure 8.15 Potassium Figure 8.16 Nitrogen gas
1. How would you describe the elements that are mostly on the left side of Did you
the Periodic Table? know?
2. How would you describe the elements that are mostly on the right side
of the Periodic Table? Francium (Fr)
is the rarest
element on
You probably saw from the previous activity that there is a difference in the Earth. Only 20
elements on the left and right of the Periodic Table. Were you able to identify to 30 g exists at
what these elements are classified as? You have learnt about them before in any one time on
previous grades. They are metals and non-metals. Earth in nature!
Let’s do a quick revision of what we have already learnt about metals and
non-metals in previous grades.
litz revision of the properties of metals and
Here is a block with different properties of metals and non-metals in it. They
have been jumbled and are not sorted. You need to decide whether these
properties describe metals or non-metals and sort them into the columns
in a table. Make sure that all the properties in the block are in your table. If
you can think of properties that are not listed in the block, you may also add
them to the table.
• shiny • conducts heat
• lustrous • usually a solid
• dull • can be solid/liquid/gas
• brittle • electrical insulator
• malleable • thermal insulator
• ductile • (other)
• conducts electricity
Most elements fall into one of these two categories: metals and non-metals.
We use the properties of an element to categorise it as a metal or a non-
Think of chromium, for example, which is shiny (lustrous), bends easily
(malleable) and conducts heat and electricity well.
1. What are the properties of chromium?
2. Based on these properties, would you categorise chromium as a metal or
a non-metal?
3. Can you find chromium on the Periodic Table?
Hint: It may help to find its symbol first. What is its atomic number?
A piece of chromium.
Hint: It may help to find its symbol first. What is its atomic number?
We have now looked at the properties of metals and non-metals. But, when
scientists were doing their experiments to observe the properties of the
elements, they sometimes found some elements which were difficult to
classify as either a metal or a non-metal.
1. Which of the properties of element X are typical of metals?
2. Which of the properties of element X are typical of non-metals?
3. Would you classify element X as a metal or a non-metal?
Now that we have looked at some of the elements and where they are found
on the Periodic Table, you might have already recognised that there is a
trend in where the metals, semi-metals and non-metals are positioned on the
Periodic Table. We are now going to do a colouring activity to see where on
the Periodic Table we will find each of the categories of elements.
For this activity you will need coloured pencils or kokis or crayons in the
following colours:
• Blue
• Yellow
• Red
We have learnt that the Periodic Table can be divided into regions where
metals, non-metals and semi-metals can be found. This is useful information
because the elements in different regions share similar properties. Their
properties help us to decide what we can use them for. For example, metals
are durable, malleable and shiny so they are suitable for making jewellery,
pots and pans and motor car parts.
Let’s look at some more examples. Where can we find all these elements in
the real world? Where do they occur, and what are they used for?
We all know that oxygen (O) is one of the elements in the air we breathe. Rings
and other jewellery are often made of gold (Au), silver (Ag) or platinum (Pt).
But what do we know about calcium (Ca)? And what is nickel (N) used for?
4. Do you think you could make electrical wires out of a non-metal such as
bromine or phosphorus? Why or why not?
• All the elements that are known, can be arranged in a table called the Periodic Table.
• The discoveries of many scientists over many years contributed to the information in the
Periodic Table, but the version of the table that we use today was originally proposed by
Dmitri Mendeleev in the 1800s.
• Each element has a fixed position on the Periodic Table. The elements are arranged in order of
increasing atomic number, with the lightest element (hydrogen: H) in the top left-hand corner.
• An element’s position on the Periodic Table tells us whether it is a metal, a non-metal or a
−− metals are found on the left hand side of the table;
−− non-metals are found on the far right hand side of the table; and
−− semi-metals are found in the region between the metals and non-metals.
• An element can be identified in 3 different ways:
−− each element has a unique name;
−− each element has a unique chemical symbol; and
−− each element has a unique atomic number.
• Metals are usually shiny, ductile and malleable. Most are solids at room temperature, and
have high melting and boiling points.
• Non-metals can be solids, liquids or gases at room temperature. They have a great variety of
properties that usually depend on the state they are in.
• The semi-metals are all solids at room temperature. They usually have a combination of
metallic and non-metallic properties.
Concept map
We learnt that the elements in the Periodic Table fall into three main categories. What are
these? Copy and complete the concept map by looking at the concepts that come after each
devised by according to of
Periodic Table is
for elements in the world
of Elements system
pure substances
properties in in on
Helium O
8. Write a short paragraph to explain what a semi-metal is. Also give an example of one
semi-metal and say where in the Periodic Table the semi-metals can be found. [3]
9. Name two properties of metals and two properties of non-metals. [4]
9.1 Renewable and non-renewable energy
All living things need energy. We learnt in Life and Living that energy is
• decompose one of the requirements for life. However, it is not only living things which
• renewable need energy to move and carry out various processes. The machines and
• non-renewable appliances in our world around us also need energy to do work. Where does
the energy come from?
Many substances and organisms store energy which can then be used. We
call them energy sources. Energy sources have energy that is stored within
them and can be used to make something happen, for example, energy
stored in petrol can be used to make a car go. In Grade 6 you learnt about the
two main sources of energy: renewable and non-renewable sources. Do you
remember what these terms mean?
Renewable sources are ones which can be recycled or reused. Non-renewable
sources cannot be reused, so there is a limited amount available. When that
Take note runs out there will be none left. Let’s do a quick revision to see how much
Uranium is the you remember from Grade 6.
source of energy
for nuclear Activity Classify sources of energy
power stations
1. Study the following images which show different sources of energy.
2. Use the images to answer the questions that follow.
Figure 9.1 Natural gas – gas burning Figure 9.2 Oil – An oil rig sinks a drill Figure 9.3 Sunlight – The Sun is a
on a stove top. into the ocean floor to reach the oil source of energy.
Figure 9.7 Wind – Wind turns this Figure 9.8 Uranium – Mining for Figure 9.9 Hydropower – A large
windmill. uranium underground. hydroelectric power station.
1. Draw a table in your books to classify the energy sources in the images Keywords
as either renewable or non-renewable. Give your table a heading.
• consistent
2. What do we mean when we say that something is renewable or non- reservoir
renewable? Explain this in your own words • nuclear
3. Why do you think we mostly use non-renewable energy sources? • hydropower
• hydrocarbon
• biofuel
Let’s now have a closer look at some of the most common sources of energy.
• methane
• fossil lfuel
Non-renewable sources • greenhouse
The non-renewable energy sources most commonly used in our world today gases
are fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the non-renewable sources, oil, coal and
natural gas. Why do you think they are called fossil fuels?
Fossil fuels
Where do we most often see fossil fuels in our everyday lives? Look at the
following images for a clue.
Figure 9.10 Putting
petrol into a car
at a petrol station.
Petrol is made from
crude oil.
When talking about the methane component of natural gas, we are talking
Did you about non-renewable resources. Gas formed over thousands of years as
know? organic matter decayed and the gas became trapped in wells which we
now mine. However, as we will see later, methane can also be considered
Coal comes a renewable resource. This is when methane is produced from degrading
from the Old organic matter, such as animal waste, with the help of microorganisms.
English term
’col’, from the Non-renewable energy sources play a huge role in our lives and the way
13th century our world works today. However, there are some major concerns about our
which meant reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Firstly, there is only a limited
‘mineral supply, so these energy sources will run out one day. We will then need to
consisting find alternative energy sources. Currently alternative energy sources are
of fossilised being explored, and used in a small scale in some places.
For Enrichment
Another major disadvantage of burning of fossil fuels is that it releases
greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are present
in our atmosphere and help to control the Earth’s temperature. The Sun’s
radiation enters Earth’s atmosphere. Some of the radiation is reflected by
the atmosphere and Earth’s surface. Most of the solar radiation is absorbed
by the Earth’s surface and converted to heat to warm the Earth. The Earth’s
surface emits heat. Some heat escapes into space, but most is absorbed and
re-emitted by the greenhouse gases to warm the atmosphere and Earth’s
surface further. This natural process is called the greenhouse effect.
Do you know what an actual greenhouse is? It is normally a house made
of glass, used to grow plants in. The glass also traps the Sun’s energy and
keeps the internal environment warm enough for the plants to grow. This
has the same effect as the gases in the atmosphere.
But, our use of fossil fuels has released even more greenhouse gases, such as
carbon dioxide. There is now an excess of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. This reduces the amount of heat which escapes into Space and
traps more heat within the Earth’s atmosphere than before. This is causing
the temperature of the atmosphere to rise, known as global warming.
Figure 9.13 A glass greenhouse traps the Sun’s energy and provides a warm
environment for the plants, just as the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere do.
Find out what else, besides burning fossil fuels, is contributing to an Take note
increase in greenhouse gases, and write it in your exercise book.
When nuclei are
Nuclear fuels broken apart, it
Energy can be produced by nuclear reactions. Do you remember that we spoke is called nuclear
about the atom last term in Matter and Materials? Within the atom, the nucleus fission. When
is held together by very strong forces. When the nucleus is broken apart, a huge two nuclei
amount of energy is released. This energy can be used in nuclear power plants combine to form
to generate electricity. Two different nuclei can also collide at very high speeds one nucleus, it
to form a new atomic nucleus. The energy released is also used in nuclear is called nuclear
power plants, but on a smaller scale than when nuclei are broken apart. fusion.
Explain why you think we can classify wind and hydropower as renewable
energy sources.
There is a lot of energy in sunlight. Solar panels are used to absorb the
radiant energy from the Sun and to transform the energy from the Sun
into stored potential energy. The Sun is a star, and the lifetime of a star is
measured in billions of years. This means that our Sun can provide energy to
the Earth for millions of years to come. Sunlight is considered a renewable
energy source because it will not run out in the foreseeable future.
Unit 9: Renewable and non-renewable energy 173
Take note
You will learn
more about
the Sun and its
relationship to
the Earth later in
the year.
A biofuel is any fuel which is produced from plant or animal waste. Methane
can be produced by decomposing plants and animal waste. This is useful
for farms as they can produce enough methane gas to help run their farms.
The most common biofuels are made from maize, sugarcane and sorghum.
The biofuels that are made can be used in vehicles or heating and cooling
Read the following article about biofuels and answer the questions that
This has been adapted from an article which appeared in the New York Times on 27 March 2013.
Did you
1. What is the name of the farm in the article, and in which country is it
Biofuels have
been around as
2. What made the owners of Fair Oaks Farms decide to use manure as a
long as cars have.
form of energy?
At the beginning
3. In the article, the renewable energy source referred to is an example of
of the 20th
a biofuel. What is this renewable energy source, and why can we call it a
century, Henry
Ford planned to
4. How does the farm harvest methane from manure?
fuel his cars with
5. Why is it a good thing that the farm is taking ‘about half a million litres
ethanol. But then
of diesel off the roads each year’?
the discoveries
6. What is another advantage of using biogas to power the delivery trucks
of huge oil
and tractors?
deposits kept
7. Do you think that South Africa could benefit from a setup such as the
fossil fuels cheap
one at Fair Oaks Farms? Explain your answer.
for decades, and
biofuels were
mostly forgotten.
1. Sit in groups of 3 or 4. Discuss, in your groups, the advantages and
disadvantages of using non-renewable energy sources.
2. Discuss, in your groups, the advantages and disadvantages of using
renewable energy sources.
3. Why do you believe that fossil fuels are still burnt as a source of energy?
Write your own answer in your books.
4. Choose a spokesperson for your group and share your ideas with the rest
of the class. Choose two of the sources of energy discussed so far in this
unit. Use your school library or the internet to find more information
about how they are used to generate electricity in South Africa.
Concept map
This is our first concept map for Energy and Change. Complete it by filling in the three types of
fossil fuels, and give an example of a nuclear fuel which was discussed in this unit.
non-renewable renewable
such as such as
cannot be can be wind
fossil fuels
nuclear fuels biofuels hydro power
e.g. replenished
e.g. sunlight
Key questions
• What is potential energy?
• What is kinetic energy?
• Where do we get energy from?
• How much energy do I need?
• Can energy be created or destroyed?
• What is a system?
Renewable and non-renewable sources are where we get our energy from,
but what forms of energy do we find in the world?
All energy can be placed into two main groups:
1. Potential energy
2. Kinetic energy
So what are these different forms of energy, and what does it mean if an
object has potential energy or kinetic energy? Let’s investigate!
When the marble is released, it rolls down the ramp and transfers some of its
energy to the cup. This transfer of energy is what makes the cup move. But
where did the marble get energy from? Do you think you can make the cup
move more or less depending on how far up the ramp you start the marble?
Let’s do an investigation to find out.
Investigative question
If we roll a marble down a ramp and into a cup, how does the starting
position of the marble affect how far the cup moves?
1. What will we change when performing this investigation?
2. What will we be measuring in this investigation?
3. Which things must stay the same?
Write a hypothesis for this investigation. When you do this, you need
to write what you expect to observe. It does not have to be the correct
answer to the investigative question.
Materials and apparatus
• a styrofoam cup
• a marble
• a pair of scissors
• a ramp (this can be a wooden plank or stiff card)
• books or wooden blocks to prop up the ramp
• rulers
1. Work in groups of 3 or 4.
2. Cut a hole in the lip of the cup so that when you turn it over on a
table, there is a hole which a marble can now fit through, as shown in
the previous diagram.
3. Build the setup as shown in the following diagram. Place the cup
upside down on the table surface. Place the ramp so that it ends at
the hole in the cup. Prop up the ramp with blocks or books. You will
adjust the height of the ramp using different books or wooden
blocks. Otherwise you can just hold the top of the ramp at the
specified height.
in cup
5 cm
5 cm
cardboard ramp
10 cm
5 cm
7. Next adjust the height of the ramp by increasing it by 5 cm each time.
Each time place the marble at the top of the ramp and roll it down,
measuring how far the cup moves.
8. Repeat the measurements until you have at least six recordings.
9. Record your measurements in your books under the headings in the
table below and draw a graph with a line of best fit.
Results and observations
Record your results in a table like the one below.
Height of marble up the ramp (cm) Distance the cup moves (cm)
Use the information in your table to draw a graph of the height of the
marble up the ramp versus the distance the cup moves. Before you draw
the graph, answer the following:
1. Which is the independent variable? This is the value which you
changed in the investigation. The independent variable is written on
the x-axis (horizontal axis).
2. Which is the dependent variable? This is the variable you measured.
The dependent variable is written on the y-axis (vertical axis).
1. Write a conclusion for this investigation. Remember to refer to your
graph and hypothesis when writing your conclusion.
2. Was your hypothesis shown to be true or false?
1. Place the empty matchbox on a desk, and mark the spot with a piece of
2. First, practise shooting the matchbox with the elastic band. Each time,
place the elastic band and matchbox in the same starting position and
distance from each other.
3. Once you feel comfortable doing this, stretch the elastic band by a
different amount each time and measure how far the matchbox moves
with each try.
4. Place a ruler next to your elastic band and first stretch it by a small
amount. For example, if your elastic band is 5 cm long when held pulled
tight, but not stretched, between your fingers, then stretch it to 8 cm.
5. Release the elastic band so that it hits the matchbox across the desk.
6. Measure the distance that the match box moves across the desk.
7. Record the distance in the table below.
8. Put the empty match box back in its original position on the desk.
9. Repeat the experiment several times but stretch the elastic band a bit
more than before each time.
Copy the table below into your exercise books and record your measurements.
1. Does the distance moved by the matchbox increase or decrease as you
stretch the elastic band more? State the relationship between these two
2. What did you have to do in order to stretch the elastic band and keep it
Energy is transferred from the elastic band to the matchbox and the
matchbox moves. But it comes to a stop after a while. Where did the
matchbox transfer its energy to?
So did you notice that both the marble and the elastic band had potential
Did you energy? But we didn’t do the same thing to give them that energy. We lifted
know? the marble but we stretched the elastic. This means that there is more than
The joule was one way to give something potential energy. Potential energy is energy that
named after is stored within a system.
an English Now that you understand a bit more about potential energy, can you think
physicist, James of some more examples of things which contain potential energy? Think in
Prescott Joule terms of things which have the potential or the ability to change something
(1818-1889). or make something move.
What about some of the fossil fuels that we discussed in the last unit, such as
coal and oil? Do you think these have potential energy? Yes, they do. For
example, coal is burned in power stations to generate electricity (you will
learn more about this later on in the term). So, we can say the coal has stored
energy which is used to generate electricity. Coal has potential energy. This is
the same for other fuels as well.
Do you remember making electric circuits in
Grade 6 last year? Do you remember using
batteries? The batteries are the source of energy
for the circuit. The batteries store energy. In
other words, they have potential energy.
1. Read the nutritional information on your cereal box.
2. Answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the amount of energy per 100 g for your cereal? Write your
answer in kilojoules and in joules
2. The cereal boxes often indicate an amount per 100 g and then an amount
per serving, which is normally less. What is the amount of energy per
serving on your cereal box? Remember to include how many grams the
serving is.
3. Look at the following table which gives the recommended daily amount
of energy for an individual depending on your age and level of activity.
This is a guideline as to how much energy you should consume in food in
one day.
1. Think about the definition of kinetic energy
2. Decide which of the objects (a to g) in the following table have kinetic
3. Give a reason for your answer.
a) A lady running.
b) A bird in flight.
d) A roller coaster.
e) Two chairs.
f ) An apple.
• law
• theory
• conservation g) A helicopter.
1. Which bucket has more potential energy, the one sitting on the bottom
step of a ladder, or the one sitting on the top step of the ladder?
2. Does a car travelling at 100 km/h or at 200 km/h have more kinetic energy?
3. When the wind blows, it is actually the air particles moving. What type
of energy do the air particles have? Why?
4. You have a bucket full of water and you are about to tip the water out.
What type of energy does the water have at this point? Explain why.
5. When you tip the water out and it falls to the ground, what type of
energy does it have now?
Mechanical systems
A mechanical system is one which is based on mechanical principles and
the different parts interact in a mechanism. A mechanical system usually
involves movement of some kind. It is often a group of simple machines
working together.
• a piece of wire
We are first going to perform a simple demonstration to identify the energy
transfers within mechanical systems. Take a length of wire and touch it to
your lips. How does it feel?
Then, bend the wire into a U-shape and quickly bend it back and forth 10
times. Now, feel the temperature again at the bend. How does it feel?
This is an example of a mechanical system. We can describe the transfer
of energy as the potential energy within your arms, which is transferred
to kinetic energy as you move them back and forth. This is transferred to
kinetic energy in the wire, which is then transferred to the lips as heat.
1. Look at the following pictures of different mechanical systems.
2. Identify the different parts in the system and then how energy is
transferred from one part to another. Discuss this with your partner.
3. Then write a few sentences to describe the energy transfers within
each system.
1. The girl uses the energy in her muscles and pulls her leg back. When her
leg is at its highest point, what energy does it have?
2. As she swings her leg back down towards the ball, describe the transfer
of energy.
3. When her foot hits the ball, and the ball moves off, describe the transfer
of energy in the system.
4. The muscles in the cricketer’s arm pull the cricket bat upward. Describe
the transfer of energy.
5. Describe the transfer of energy as the bat swings down and then hits the
moving ball.
6. Now that you have had practice with the other examples, use the
following space to describe the transfer of energy within the above
system as a ruler is pulled back and then flicks a pellet across the room.
Thermal systems
Did you know that the particles that make up a substance or object, such
as atoms or molecules, also have kinetic energy? Particles which have more
kinetic energy will move faster than particles which have less kinetic energy.
When the particles are moving very fast, we feel the substance and say ‘That’s
hot!’. This is because the temperature of a substance depends on the kinetic
energy of the particles.
Investigative question
What happens to the temperature of water when it is heated over a flame?
We will be measuring the change in the water temperature over time.
1. Which quantity/variable are you in control of? This is the
independent variable.
2. Which variable are you measuring in response to the independent
variable? This is the dependent variable.
3. Which variable are you keeping constant?
Write a hypothesis for this investigation. (Hint: What do you think will
happen to the temperature of the water. Will it go up or down?)
Materials and apparatus
• 150 ml or 250 ml beaker
• tripod
• gauze
• Bunsen burner
• matches
• thermometer
• stopwatch
• retort stand
• clamp
Safety Precautions
• Do not touch the heated beaker with bare hands.
• Do not play with the matches.
• The person working with the matches should wear safety coat.
• Handle the thermometer with care
1. Pour 200 ml of water into a beaker.
2. Place the beaker onto the wire gauze on the tripod.
3. Carefully place the thermometer into the water. When you take
the readings, the thermometer should not be touching the sides of
the beaker. Alternatively, if you have a retort stand and clamp, the
thermometer can be clamped in the stand with the bulb in the water.
1. In order for the water to boil, the thermal energy of the water must
increase. Where do you think the energy came from to make the
water boil?
2. Describe the transfer of energy within this thermal system as the
water was heated.
3. After the water had boiled, and you turned off the Bunsen burner,
what happened to the water in the beaker?
So, what have we discovered? The temperature of the water increased. This
means that the water particles must have been given more kinetic energy.
The energy must have come from the Bunsen burner flame. The flame is
there because we are burning gas so the energy must have been stored in the
gas. If it is stored energy then it is potential energy.
So, we have discovered that the potential energy stored in the gas has been
transferred to the water particles as kinetic energy. No energy has been
created it has been transferred from the gas to the water. The energy of the
system has been conserved.
Electrical systems
Do you think an electric circuit is a system? Look at the following image and
discuss this with your partner. Write down whether you think it is a system
or not, and why.
_ +
What is the source of energy in this electric circuit? In other words, what is
the input energy in this system?
Unit 10: Potential and kinetic energy 195
What is the result of the energy transfer in the system? In other words, what
is the energy output?
Let’s look at another example of an electric circuit, which makes a motor
turn, to see the different energy transfers within the system.
• small electric fan or motor
• conducting wires
• battery
• switch
1. If possible, make the following circuit in class. However, if you do not
make the actual circuit, study the image and answer the questions.
2. To make the circuit, attach a small fan or motor to a battery using the
conducting wires.
3. Attach a switch in the circuit as shown in the image. You can make your
own switch using a piece of board and pressing two metal pins into it.
Then, bend a metal paper clip and attach it to one of the drawing pins as
shown below.
4. Close the switch and observe what happens to the fan.
_ +
1. What are the parts making up this electrical system?
2. Which part of the system provides the input energy to the system?
3. What happens to the fan or motor when you close the switch?
4. What type of energy does the fan now have?
5. Using your answers to the previous questions, copy and complete the
following flow diagram, which describes the energy transfers within this
electrical system. You need to fill in the type of energy at each step.
Input energy in transferred electrons in transferred fan and
the battery is to the wires as to output is
light energy
carbon dioxide
Figure 10.6 What process is being shown in the diagram? Write a sentence to describe the
requirements for this process.
When an animal eats the plant it uses the potential energy in the food which
is released during respiration. This is then used by the animal to move and
for all its life processes. So the potential energy in the food which the animal
eats is transferred to kinetic energy. Energy has been transferred from the
Sun to the plant to the animal.
When we eat plants or animals we are able to use the stored potential energy
to make our bodies function.
Is the energy conserved in a biological system? Yes, it is! The plants change
the Sun’s energy into potential energy, which it stores inside itself. Animals
then eat the plants and the stored potential energy is transferred to them.
The animals use the stored energy to enable them to move. This means that
the potential energy within the animal has been transferred kinetic energy.
As the animal moves and performs its functions, this kinetic energy is
transferred to the surroundings. No energy has been created or destroyed; it
has just been transferred from the Sun to the plant to the animal.
Let’s revise the energy transfers within some systems by studying and
drawing flow diagrams.
1. Study each of the following diagrams which show different systems.
2. Draw a flow diagram, similar to the one you did for the electric fan in
your exercise book.
3. Then write a few sentences in
your exercise books to describe
how energy is transferred
between the different parts in
each of these systems.
4. The first one has been
done for you.
The tennis player’s arm and raquet have potential energy as they are raised.
As the girl swings her arm, this potential energy is transferred to the tennis
raquet as kinetic energy. The tennis raquet transfers energy to the ball as
kinetic energy which enables the ball to move through the air.
1. This drawing shows a food chain.
_ + We will learn
more about
food chains and
the interactions
organisms next
year in Grade 8
Life and Living.
Draw a diagram showing the energy transfers in this electrical system.
3. Write a description of the energy transfers below.
4. In the previous example showing the berries, the bird and the cat, we
saw an example of a food chain. Do you remember learning about
food chains in Grade 6? A food chain only shows the transfer of energy
between organisms, and does not include the Sun. So, it always starts
with a producer. Is the image below an example of a food chain?
Why or why not?
power lines
dam powerhouse
a) The water in the dam on the left is high up. It has the ability to fall
down. What kind of energy does the water have?
b) As the water flows down the outlet from the dam, describe the
transfer of energy.
Take note c) The flowing water then turns the turbine. This is a mechanical
We will study system. What energy does the turbine have?
the national d) The generator then transfers the energy between two systems. The
electricity grid kinetic energy in the mechanical system is transferred to kinetic
in more detail at energy in the electrical system as it generates electricity. What parts
the end of the make up the electrical system in the diagram?
term. e) What is the output from this whole system? In other words, what
does the city get?
Concept map
Complete the concept map below by filling in some examples of objects with either potential
energy or kinetic energy that you have learnt about in this unit.
to potential kinetic
energy energy set of parts
working together
examples is examples
that is due to
stored movement
Figure 10.9 These skydivers have just jumped out of the back of a plane.
Think about her jumping, from the moment her feet leave the ground. She goes up in the
air, she almost stops as she goes over the bar, and then she comes down again.
a) Where does she have the most potential energy? [1]
b) Where does she have the most kinetic energy? [1]
c) Does she have some potential energy and some kinetic energy at any point in
her jump? If you say yes, name one point where it is true. [2]
8. Which type of energy does each of the following systems contain (kinetic or potential or
both types)? [6]
Key questions
• What is the difference between heat and temperature?
• How does a heater warm up a cold room?
• Why can the Sun make us warm?
• Why does my cold drink become warm?
11.1 Heating as a transfer of energy
In the last chapter we looked at thermal systems. The thermal energy of an
• thermal object is the amount of energy it has inside of it, in other words, its internal
• heat energy. In a thermal system, thermal energy is transferred from one object
• temperature to another. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from a system to its
surroundings or from one object to another. This transfer of energy is from
the object at a higher temperature to the object at a lower temperature.
It is very important to know that, in science, heat and temperature are not
the same thing.
Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from a system to its surroundings or
from one object to another as a result of a difference in temperature. Heat is
measured in joules (J). This is because heat is a transfer of energy.
Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold a substance feels and it is
measured in degrees Celsius (oC). Temperature is a measure of the average
kinetic energy of the particles in an object or system. We use a thermometer
to measure the temperature of an object or substance.
Complete the following table to summarise the differences between heat and
Heat Temperature
Unit of measurement
Symbol for unit
Heat is the transfer of energy. During energy transfer, the energy moves
from the hotter object to the colder object. This means that the hotter object
will cool down and the colder object will warm up. The energy transfer will
continue until both objects are at the same temperature.
There are 3 ways in which thermal energy can be transferred from one
object/substance to another, or from a system to its surroundings:
• Conduction
• Convection
• Radiation
Let’s have a look at these in more detail.
Figure 11.1 How does the handle of the metal teaspoon become hot when in a cup of tea?
1. Your teacher will set up the demonstration as in the diagram below.
2. Observe what happens to the pins or paper clips as the Bunsen burner is
lit and heat is applied to one end of the metal rod.
Let’s think about the teaspoon in the tea again. The tea is hot and the metal
spoon is cold. When you put the metal teaspoon into the hot tea, some of the
thermal energy from the tea is transferred to the metal particles. The metal
particles start to vibrate more quickly and collide with their neighbouring
particles. These collisions spread the thermal energy up through the
teaspoon. This makes the handle of the teaspoon feel hot.
Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy between objects that are
touching. In the teaspoon example, the particles of the tea are touching the
particles of the metal spoon, which in turn are touching each other, and this
is how heat is conducted from one object to the other.
Do all materials conduct heat in the same way? Let’s find out.
So how does this work? This is to do with thermal conductivity, the rate at
which heat is conducted from one object to another.
When you originally felt the blocks, you felt that the plastic block was
warmer. But, what we observed is that the aluminium or metal block melted
the ice cube more quickly. This is because the metal block is conducting the
heat faster to the ice cube more quickly. The plastic block is a worse thermal
conductor, so less heat is being transferred to the ice cube, so it does not melt
as quickly.
Why, then, does the aluminium block feel colder than the plastic block?
This is because the aluminium conducts heat more quickly away from your
hand than the plastic does. Therefore, the aluminium block feels colder
and the plastic block feels warmer. When you touch something, you do not
actually feel the temperature. Rather, you feel the rate at which heat is either
conducted away from or towards you.
Let’s think of another example. Imagine you have just finished baking a cake
in the oven at 180 ˚C.
Take note
just because a
material feels
colder, does
not mean it
Figure 11.2 A cake baking in the oven in a metal tin.
has a lower
temperature. It
When you remove the cake from the oven, which is more likely to burn you more, may just be that
the metal cake tin, or the cake?
it is conducting
Do you think the cake and the tin are at the same temperature when you heat away from
remove them from the oven? Why? your hand more
What we have seen here is another example of thermal conductivity. The tin
will conduct heat to your hand much more quickly than the cake, so the tin
will burn you, but the cake will not, even though the tin and the cake are at
the same temperature.
So what have we learnt? Metals conduct heat better than non-metals.
petroleum drawing
jelly pin
rod ends
touching iron rod
copper rod
brass rod
burner aluminium
Now draw a bar graph to show your results. Do not forget to give your
graph a heading to describe what it represents.
1. Which variable should be on the horizontal x-axis?
2. Which variable should be on the vertical y-axis?
3. Why do you think that a bar graph is suitable for this investigation?
1. Which bar on your graph is the longest?
2. Which bar is the shortest?
3. Write down the materials in order of how fast they conducted heat,
from the quickest to the slowest.
In this section we looked at how heat is conducted through metal rods and
other objects. These were all solid objects. How is energy transferred through
liquids or gases? Let’s find out in the next section.
11.3 Convection
Think of a pot of water on a stove. Only the bottom of the pot touches the
stove plate, but all of the water inside the pot, even the water not touching
the sides, becomes warmer. How does the energy transfer throughout the
water in the pot? The transfer of energy is because of convection.
Let’s do an activity that will help us to visualise how convection occurs.
• 200 ml glass beaker
• potassium permanganate
• Bunsen or spirit burner, tripod stand, wire gauze
Safety precautions
• Use a spatula to add potassium permanganate
• Do not use a Bunsen burner without a teacher's supervision
• o nor play with fire
• Do not touch heated beaker
1. What did you see as the water started to warm up in the beaker that was
heated? Draw a picture to show what you saw. Take note
2. What is happening to the potassium permanganate in this beaker? We then say
3. Can you explain the pattern you saw? that the heated
4. Compare this to the beaker which was not heated. What did you observe liquid or gas is
in this beaker? less dense as the
same particles
Let’s now explain what we observed in the last activity. Convection is the are now taking
transfer of thermal energy from one place to another by the movement of gas up a larger space.
or liquid particles. How does this happen? We will learn
more about
As a gas or liquid is heated, the substance expands. This is because the density next year
particles in liquids and gases gain kinetic energy when they are heated and in Grade 8.
start to move quickly. They therefore take up more space as the particles
move further apart. This causes the heated liquid or gas to move upwards
and the colder liquid or gas moves downwards. When the
warm liquid or gas reaches the top it cools down again and
therefore moves back down again.
In the last activity, the water particles gained kinetic energy
and moved apart from each other, therefore taking up more
space. This water then moves upwards as it is less dense than
the cold water, meaning it is lighter than the cold water. We
were able to observe this as the potassium permanganate
dissolved in the water and moved with the water particles, and
then moved downwards again as the water cooled.
This movement of liquid or gas, is called a convection
current, and energy is transferred from one area in the liquid
or gas to another. Have a look at the illustration which shows a
convection current.
Figure 11.3 Illustration of a
convection current.
1. What happens to the smoke from the paper?
2. Why do you think the smoke moves in this way?
1. Get into groups of 2 or 3.
• radiation
2. Discuss where in your classroom you would place a heater so that it can matt
effectively heat up the room. Draw a diagram to explain your choice. • reflect
3. Discuss where in your classroom you would install the air-conditioner • absorb
so that it can effectively cool the room. Draw a diagram to explain your
We have now looked at how energy is transferred through different Radiation comes
materials, whether they are solids (conduction) or liquids and gases from the Greek
(convection). But, what about if there are no particles to transfer the thermal word radius,
energy? Is there still a way for energy to be transferred? meaning, a beam
of light.
11.4 Radiation
Have you ever wondered how the Sun is able to warm us even though it is
so far away? The energy is transferred from the Sun to everything on the
Earth. The Sun does not need to be touching the Earth for the energy to
be transferred. Also, there is space in between the Earth and the Sun. The
energy from the Sun is able to warm us
without the Sun ever touching us. space
This transfer of energy is called radiation.
It is different from conduction or
convection as it does not require objects to
be touching each other, or the movement Sun radiation
of particles.
We can also see how heat is transferred Earth
by radiation here on Earth, and not just
between the Sun and the Earth. Let’s
demonstrate the difference between
radiation and convection using a candle. Figure 11.6 The Sun radiates heat in all directions. Energy is
transferred through space to Earth.
• candle in a holder
• metal spoon or metal rod
• matches
Safety precautions
• Do not touch the fire
• Do not bring hand too close to the candle flame, it may burn you.
• Do not play with fire or the matches
1. Light a candle and place it in a holder. Your teacher may do this and get
groups of you to come up at a time to the demonstration.
2. First hold your hand above the candle.
3. Then hold your hand on the side of the candle.
4. Answer the following questions.
1. We know now that heat from a candle will be transferred to the air
around it. These will warm up. Where will this air move to?
2. What is this called?
3. So, when you hold your hand above the candle, what do you feel,
and why?
4. But, what about when you hold your hand on the side of the candle?
Could you also feel warmth from the candle?
5. This is not convection, as the air particles do
not travel sideways when they warm up from
the flame. So, how is energy transferred to
your hand when you feel the warmth on the
side of the candle?
6. Lastly, if your teacher placed a metal spoon
in the candle flame and you felt the end, how
would it feel after a little while?
7. How was the energy transferred from the
flame to the end of the spoon?
8. The photo shows different forms of how heat
is transferred.
Did you 6
know? 8
It takes light 10
about 8 minutes 12
to travel from
the Sun to Earth. 14
1. What do you notice about the shapes of the graphs you drew? Are
the graphs straight lines or curves?
2. Which line on your graph is the steepest? What does this tell us?
3. Compare your results for the white paper and the shiny surface.
What does this tell you?
1. Did the investigation run smoothly? Or is there anything you would
2. Did you get any results which did not seem to fit the overall pattern?
Concept map
Below is a concept map showing how the different topics about heat link together. You need to
fill in the three different ways that energy can be transferred, as discussed in this chapter, but
you cannot just put any one into any box. You need to study the concepts which come after each
box and explain each way of transferring energy during heating.
3 ways
insulators by reflected shiny surfaces
is is is is
absorbed dark surfaces
better in some by
materials transfer of energy transfer of energy transfer of energy
between by across
such as called
solid liquid or such sun's
objects gas particles space
good as energy
metals conductors
in that does not require to
a) The heat from the Sun travels to Earth. b) Cooking food on a braai or fire.
2. In each of the following situations, identify the method of energy transfer taking place
(conduction, convection, radiation).
a) A fireplace has a glass screen in front of it. The person sitting in a chair next to the
fireplace chair feels hot due to ___________________. [1]
b) When you stir your tea with a metal spoon the handle gets hot because of ____________ [1]
c) When you are lying on the beach your skin feels hot because of _________________. [1]
3. Draw energy transfer flow charts for the following: You buy a cup of hot chocolate and
hold it in your hands on a cold winter day. [2]
4. Your parents have a metal hot-water cylinder (geyser) and they are complaining about the
amount of energy needed to keep the water hot. What can you recommend your parents
could do to prevent energy loss from the geyser? Explain your answer. [4]
6. Explain why you think the water boils throughout the kettle pot and not just at the bottom? [2]
7. Explain why you think take-away coffee is sold in styrofoam cups rather than ceramic cups. [2]
8. Explain why you think two thin blankets can sometimes be warmer than one thick blanket. [2]
9. Explain why birds fluff up their feathers to stay warm, especially in winter. [2]
10. Why should you place an air conditioner at the top of a room, near the ceiling, rather than
at the bottom near the floor? [2]
11. Imagine you want to build a small enclosure for some chickens on your property. You
have an outside area for them that is made from barbed wire, and you have made a small
covered enclosure for them inside out of bricks and cement which you would like to paint.
You know that it can get quite cold in winter in your area so you want the house to be as
warm as possible for the chickens. What colour paint are you going to choose to paint the
outside of chicken house? Will it be a dark-coloured paint, such as brown or black, or a
light-coloured paint, such as white or yellow? Explain your choice. [4]
1. Study the following diagrams, which show how a solar water system
2. Answer the questions which follow.
There are several different types of solar water heaters. We will be looking at
the most efficient heater, which uses evacuated tubes.
The following diagram shows the different parts of the solar water heater to
which we will be referring. Cold water flows into the cold water intake pipe
and then down the long tubes, called evacuated tubes. The water warms up
due to energy transfer from the Sun and it then flows into the storage tank at
the top. When someone wants hot water in the house, the hot water flows out
of the hot water output and down into the house.
cold water
hot water
evacuated inner
tube tube
1. Is solar power an example of a renewable or non-renewable energy
2. When the cold water flows down the tubes, energy is transferred to the
water from the Sun. What type of heating is this?
3. In the tubes part of the system, we want energy transfer to take place,
so specific materials are used to make energy transfer as efficient as
possible. There is a shiny surface underneath the tubes called a reflector.
How does this help to increase the amount of energy that the water in
the tubes receive?
4. Do you see that there is a tank at the top to store the hot water? In this
part of the system we want to prevent energy transfer to the outside. This
tank consists of an inner tank and an outer case. If there were just these
two layers, made of metal, how could heat loss from the hot water to the
external environment occur?
heat absorber
pipe plate
Can you see that there is an inner and an outer tube? Between these
tubes there is a vacuum. This means that the Sun’s energy can still pass
through to warm the water. However, when the energy is transferred
to the water, and it warms up, the vacuum prevents energy from
transferring back out by conduction or convection. Why is this so?
7. Underneath the heat pipe there is a plate which helps to absorb radiant
energy from the Sun and transfer it to the heat pipe. Why is it made of a
dark material and not a light material?
8. Do you see that the water at the bottom is cooler, indicated by the blue
colour, and the water at the top of the tube is warmer, indicated by the
red colour? When the cooler water moves to the bottom and the warmer
water moves to the top, what is this called?
9. This movement of water helps to move the hot water out of the tubes and
into the tank so that cold water can replace it.
10. Do you think the solar water heater is an energy efficient system? Why?
Now that we have looked at how different materials are used in different
situations depending on whether we want to prevent energy transfer or
allow it to take place, we are going to take a closer look at how we use those
materials that prevent energy transfer.
• kettle
• two identical mugs, metal or ceramic
• tea or coffee
• alcohol thermometer
• various insulating materials
• timer or stopwatch
1. Get into groups of three or four.
2. Design a method to keep a cup of tea warm for as long as possible.
You may use any materials that you have at home or provided by your
3. Make your design.
4. Write a hypothesis for your planned design.
5. Fill your insulated cup with boiling hot tea.
6. Measure the temperature with a thermometer.
7. Keep the thermometer in the cup and time how long it takes to reach
room temperature (approximately 25 °C)
8. Fill the uninsulated cup with boiling hot tea and time how long it takes
to reach room temperature.
9. Repeat this activity using a cold drink in the cups.
1. What materials did you use to keep your tea warm?
2. Why did you choose those particular materials?
3. How did you attach the materials to the mug?
4. Draw a labelled diagram of your design to keep your tea warm.
5. How long did it take your tea to reach room temperature (25 °C)?
6. What materials did you use to keep your cold drink cold?
7. Why did you choose those particular materials?
8. How did you attach the materials to the mug?
9. Draw a labelled diagram of your design to keep your cold drink cold.
10. How long did it take your cold drink to warm up to room temperature
(25 °C))?
11. Why did you also time the uninsulated cups?
12. Was your hypothesis shown to be true or false?
What have you learnt from your attempts at keeping your hot drink warm
and your cold drink cool? Some materials trap heat really well and others
do not. Let’s now do a more formal investigation of some of the different
materials to find out which is the best insulating material.
Draw a line graph for each type of material. You must plot each graph on
the same set of axes.
First, we need to think about which data is put on each axis.
1. What will you plot on the horizontal x-axis? This is the independent
2. What will you plot on the vertical y-axis? This is the dependent variable.
3. How are you going to show a difference between the lines for each
type of material on one graph?
Figure 12.3 Here are some different Figure 12.4 And here is a close up of the
fabrics. fibres making up the fabric
1. Depending on your teacher, he or she will either make a hot box as a
demonstration in class, or else you are required to design and make your
own hot box.
2. The hot box needs to keep a pot of rice and water brought to boiling
point hot enough so it finishes cooking.
3. If you are designing and making the hot box yourself or in a group, you
need to think about which materials will be the best insulators for the
hot box.
1. Draw a labelled diagram of the hot box design that either you, your
group, or your teacher made.
2. Why did you or your teacher use the specific materials to make the hot
3. Why did you put rice with the water boiling, instead of cold water, into
the hotbox?
4. If you had something cold and you wanted to keep it cold, could you use
your hotbox? Explain your answer.
Keeping our homes warm in winter is also very important, and there are
different ways to do this. Let’s look at how our homes are insulated.
1. Your teacher may provide you with a large model house template for
you to cut out. If not, copy the following template onto a large piece of
cardboard or design your own template for making a house.
2. Cut a small hole in the roof using the punch. This is for the thermometer.
3. Choose the number of windows you would like your house to have.
4. Cut out the windows. Use sellotape across the hole to act as glass.
5. Cut out a piece of fabric for the floor.
6. Glue the fabric to the floor of your model house.
7. Fold along the dotted lines and then glue the shaded flaps together to
make the house. Place the roof on top.
8. Insert the thermometer through the roof.
9. Set up the lamp so that it is shining directly onto your model house.
An alternative is to put the houses in a sunny place. This will depend on
the weather.
10. Take temperature readings every 5 minutes for half an hour.
11. Switch off the lamp, or bring your model out of the Sun, and measure the
temperature as the house cools down. Measure every 5 minutes for half
an hour.
1. Why did your model house warm up when the lamp was shining on
it, or when it was placed in the Sun? Use your knowledge of radiation,
conduction and convection in your explanation.
2. Why did your model house cool down when the lamp was switched
off, or you brought your model back inside out of the Sun? Use your
knowledge of radiation, conduction and convection in your explanation.
3. What could you have changed in your model house in order to slow down
the energy transfer so that the house would not be too hot or too cold?
4. Think about your own home. What do you think you could do to
improve the insulation of your home in winter?
5. Will the suggestions you made in the previous question also work for
summer? Explain your answer.
In the previous unit you learnt that dark, matt surfaces are good absorbers of
radiation. Light, shiny surfaces are poor absorbers and they can reflect some
radiation. These properties are very important when choosing an insulating
material. In extremely hot climates, such as Greece, the local people paint
their houses white because the walls do not absorb as much heat during the
day and therefore stay cooler inside. The position of the house in relation
to the rising and setting of the Sun is also considered. For example, people
will build their houses facing away from direct sunlight if they live in very
hot areas.
Let’s look at how some of the indigenous houses in Southern Africa make
use of insulating materials in the house structure.
Indigenous homes
The indigenous people of South Africa have many different ways of
insulating their homes. Here are some pictures of different homes from
different indigenous groups.
Did you notice that the houses do not have windows, or the windows are
very small? Windows allow a lot of heat to escape a building and so these
designs rather leave those out. The roofs are made from thatch, which is
a poor conductor of heat. We know that most of the heat of a home is lost
through the roof and so by using an insulating material in the roof it helps to
minimise the heat loss in cold weather and heat gain in hot weather.
The roofs also extend further over the walls creating an overhang. The
overhang helps to shade the walls in summer but the winter sun can still
reach under the overhang. The walls are also very thick. How do you think
this helps?
We have now seen how our knowledge of insulating materials can be applied
in the world around us to come up with solutions for preventing heat loss.
Remember, be curious to discover the possibilities.
Concept map
Complete the following concept map by identifying the three ways in which energy is
Heat insulation
and energy saving
useful when is
must be
to reduce
heat loss heat gain
indigenous homes buildings
and technologies such as in such as in
electrical geysers cool boxes
Time (minutes) Material A (oC) Material B (oC) Material C (oC) Material D (oC)
0 70 70 70 70
30 34 30 50 48
solar panel
to heat water
1. Look at each of the photos and identify what is useful to use from this
system. Write the answers in your exercise books.
A light bulb.
An electric fan.
An electric iron.
In order to draw a Sankey diagram you need to think carefully about the
input energy and how the input energy is transferred to the surroundings.
Let’s practice this a bit more in the following activity.
1. Look at the following photos of appliances.
2. Copy and complete the table below to show the energy transfers for
each photo.
Figure 13.3 Filament in a light bulb. Figure 13.4 Burning candles. Figure 13.5 An electric beater.
Now that we have identified the energy transfers in each system and the
input and output energy, let’s practise drawing some more Sankey diagrams.
Concept map
Complete the concept map by giving two examples of systems where energy is transferred to
the surroundings and ‘wasted’ as sound and thermal energy, and one example of where the
wasted energy output is light.
appliances machines
such as
Energy transfer
to surroundings from systems
due to
wasted energy useful output energy
a) An electrical torch converts 100 joules (J) of electrical energy to 10 J of light energy
and 90 J of thermal energy. [3]
b) A television has an energy output of 500 J. 400 J is in the form of light. 50 J is in the
form of sound and 50 J is thermal energy. [3]
4. Write a description of the energy transfers in each of the situations in question 2. [6]
5. What is the difference between a filament light bulb and an energy-saving light bulb? [2]
6. Why is an energy-saving light bulb better at saving energy than a filament light bulb? [3]
7. In the last unit we looked at insulating materials and how they help reduce energy
transfer. Use this knowledge, and what you have learned in this unit about input energy, useful
output energy and wasted energy, to explain why an electric geyser should have an insulating
layer on the outside. [4]
8. In the electric geyser, the heating element is placed near the bottom of the geyser.
Why is this? [2]
Total [32 marks]
power station
houses, shops and other buildings
1. Write your own definition of a system.
2. What does the Law of Conservation of Energy tell us about the energy in
a system?
Let’s now take a closer look at the first stage in the national electricity grid,
namely how electricity is generated. Did you
How electricity is generated and supplied The cooling
Do you remember that in Unit 10 we looked at another renewable way that tower on the
electricity is generated using a hydropower plant? The water in the dam was left in the photo
used to turn the turbine to generate electricity. What energy did the water is covered in the
have when it was at the top in the dam? largest mural
painting in
What was this energy transferred to as the water fell and turned the turbine?
South Africa.
In South Africa most of the power stations use coal for fuel. We are therefore
going to learn more about how coal-powered power stations work. The coal
is mined out of the earth. It is then transported to the power station in large
trucks or trains.
power lines
turbine generator
1. The large chunks of coal are first crushed into a fine powder. This is
Take note called pulverisation.
2. The coal is then transported to a furnace, where it is burnt.
We will learn 3. The thermal energy from the burning coal is used to boil water and
about how coal generate steam.
is formed next 4. The steam pushes the blades of the turbine and so the turbine spins.
term in Planet 5. The turbine is connected to the shaft of the generator which then turns
Earth and Beyond. large magnets within wire coils, ad generates electricity.
6. The electric current is sent through the power lines to businesses and
Now that we know the basic process for producing electricity, let’s look more
closely at how energy is transferred from one part to another in the system.
How does the steam make the turbine turn? Let’s make a simple turbine
(pinwheel) and see how it works.
• sheet of A5 paper
• stiff cardboard
• pair of scissors
• straw
• pin
• kettle
1. Start with a piece of paper. Fold the rectangular A5 page into a square.
of paper. Fold
page into a square.
1. What happened to the pinwheel when it was held in the steam from the
boiling kettle?
2. Why did the pinwheel turn? Explain the energy transfers which are
taking place.
The turning turbine is attached to the axle of a generator. The turning Take note
turbine turns the generator. So the turbine transfers its kinetic energy to the
We will learn
more about
A generator consists of a very large solenoid with a large rotating magnet. electromagnets
The solenoid is made up of thousands of coils of conducting wire. When next year in
the magnet is turned inside the coil, the generator produces electricity. The Grade 8.
electricity is then sent to our homes through the national grid power lines.
We use the energy in our homes to make our appliances work.
Figure 14.5 The national power lines transmit electricity across the country from the power
1. Use the information given in this unit about how electricity is produced
to draw a flow diagram of the energy transfers which take place in the
production of electricity in a coal power station.
2. Start with the burning of coal and end with the transmission of
electricity in the power lines.
Do you see the cog which turns at the top as the wheel goes around? This
turns the magnet enclosed in the dynamo. Explain the transfer of energy in
this system.
What is the advantage of having a dynamo on the bicycle, rather than a
battery, for example?
Dynamos are also used in mining helmets and wind-up torches and radios.
If a miner’s light on his helmet goes out, he can just wind up the dynamo
again to generate electricity for the light. This is very useful when miners
are deep underground and they cannot afford to have no light. A battery-
powered light has the risk of running out and there is no way to recharge it
when underground.
Electricity is very expensive to produce and, in South Africa, we rely heavily
on non-renewable sources of energy such as coal. The burning of fossil
fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing damage to our
environment. We therefore need to conserve electricity.
1. Use your knowledge of insulating materials to explain how a
geyser blanket could help reduce energy loss from the water to the
surroundings, and therefore conserve electricity.
2. How does installing a solar geyser contribute to relieving demand placed
on the national grid?
In your exercise books, copy and look at the grid below. If the instruction
helps to SAVE electricity, colour it in BLUE. If the statement WASTES
electricity, colour it in RED.
Turning off Leaving lights on in Using an electric Using fluorescent Using filament
appliances when an empty room blanket light lights
on holiday
Wearing jerseys Leaving outside Using an electric Running full loads Switching off the
and warm clothes lights on during toothbrush in the washing geyser during the
in winter the day machine day
Boiling a full kettle Using a gas heater Hanging clothes Turning the TV off Using a geyser
outside to dry when no one is blanket
Running half-loads Leaving the oven Using an electric Running an air- Using a tumble
in a dishwasher on when nothing is can opener conditioner with dryer
cooking the windows open
Look at all of your red blocks. Rewrite each statement so that it changes from
a waste of electricity to a method of saving electricity.
1. Make a list of the electrical appliances in your home. Walk through your
home and make sure to count every item. What could you do, in your
home, to help your family conserve electricity?
2. Our country relies heavily on fossil fuels for our energy supply. Eskom
power stations use coal, which is a non-renewable energy source. How
can saving electricity in our homes help to reduce our negative impact
on the environment?
3. What renewable energy alternatives could your family use in your house
to reduce your use of electricity supplied by coal-powered stations
through the national electricity grid?
Careers in electricity
There are many different careers in the field of electricity generation.
Engineers, both mechanical and electrical, are needed to help design and run
the processes of electricity generation. Technicians and artisans are needed
to build and maintain the power generators. Research scientists are also
needed to help test and develop new technologies.
Choose an electricity-related career which you find interesting and research
the career. You can do this by searching on the internet or in books. Some
careers to find out about are those in the field of electricity generation,
including engineers, scientists, artisans and technicians.
What does a day in the life of this career involve?
Concept map
Complete the concept map below by filling in some of the ways to save energy.
starts with is
coal, oil, gas,
nuclear fuels from
therefore need to
such as sources
turbines of by
dynamos transferred to
are small
used in
helmets bicycle radios
lights mechanical movement
into electrical
electricity transferred wires transfer
into energy to lights
5. Turbine 7. Substation
4. Boiler
1. Coal mine
2. Pulveriser
3. Container 6. Generator
5. We have mostly looked at coal power stations and how energy from coal is transferred to
the turbine. What other energy sources can be used? [3]
6. The following graph shows the energy supply in South Africa from the various sources of
energy. These percentages include the electricity production, consumption and export for
each source in 2010. Answer the questions that follow.
a) What type of graph is this? [1]
b) What do all the percentages add up to in this type of graph? [1]
c) What percentage of our energy supply comes from coal, as shown in 2010? [1]
d) What percentage of our energy supply came from fossil fuels in total in 2010? [2]
e) Does South Africa rely more on renewable or non-renewable energy supply? [1]
f) What energy source is the smallest supply in South Africa, as in 2010? [1]
g) What is the impact of our country’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources? [3]
7. Use the chart to draw a table showing this data. [6]
oil (19%)
solid biomass
and waste (10%)
Appliance Kilojoules
Coffee machine 2 400
Electric stove 10 800
Electrical frying pan 4 500
Hot plate – large 8 600
Hot plate – small 4 600
Kettle 6 800
Microwave oven 4 400
Toaster 3 600
Snackwich 4 300
Food processor 600
heat heat is the energy transferred between radiation the transfer of energy from a source
two objects as a result of the temperature that does not require physical contact or
difference between them; it also refers to movement of particles
when energy is transferred between a system reflect to throw back heat, light or sound
and the environment as a result of the without absorbing it
temperature difference between them; it is
measured in joules (J).
8 am
6 pm 6 am
Figure 15.2 The Sun is at different positions in the sky during the day. But is it the Sun that
is moving?
• yellow round balloon or ball which can be hung from the ceiling
• string for hanging the ball or balloon
1. Hang up the balloon or ball from the ceiling using the string close to
one of the corners in your classroom. Make sure that the balloon/ball
is high up and visible from the back of the classroom. The balloon/ball
represents the Sun.
2. Stand up in your classroom and face the balloon/ball.
3. Now slowly turn on the spot in a clockwise direction keeping your head
still, completing two or three turns.
4. Repeat the activity but this time turn in an anti-clockwise direction.
1. As you turned clockwise what direction did the hanging balloon/ball
appear to move?
2. As you turned anti-clockwise what direction did the hanging balloon/
ball appear to move?
3. Did the hanging Sun actually move?
4. Why do you think we see the Sun move across the sky?
As you can see the hanging Sun is not really moving, it just appears to move
because you are turning. This is also true for the real Sun in the sky. The Sun
does not really move, it just appears to move because the Earth is turning on
its axis. So, it is the Earth’s rotation that causes the apparent movement of the
Sun across the sky during the day.
• a globe (or a ball/balloon with the shapes of the continents drawn on it)
which can be hung from the ceiling
• string for hanging the globe
• non-permanent marker or sticker
• desk lamp or torch
• black bin bags or curtains to darken the room
It is incorrect to 1. If you do not have a globe, you can make a model of the Earth yourself
talk about the in class. Use any ball. Draw the Equator and mark the North and South
Sun ‘burning’. Poles.
The Sun is not 2. Mark with a dot/sticker your position on the globe.
‘burning’ in the 3. Hang the globe from the ceiling near the middle of the class. It should be
way a fire does. at about eye level height. The globe represents the Earth.
Remember, a fire 4. Darken the room.
burning on Earth 5. Shine a desk lamp or torch on the globe facing Africa and keep the lamp/
requires oxygen torch steady in this position. The torch represents the Sun.
and there is no 6. Walk around the globe so that you can see all of it. Is it all lit up by the
oxygen in space. torch? How much of it is lit and how much is dark?
Rather, the gas 7. The lit area represents daytime and the dark area represents night time.
is very hot and Is your dot/sticker in daytime or night time?
glows as a result. 8. Now turn the globe anti-clockwise, half a turn. Is your dot/sticker in
daytime or night time?
9. Where is it now daytime?
10. Keep turning the globe anti-clockwise until your dot/sticker is back in its
original position and lit again. How long would it take on the real Earth
for the dot to complete one rotation like this?
You now know that the Earth rotates on its axis completing one turn every
24 hours. But which way does it turn? Let’s see if you can figure it out.
• a ball or balloon
• string for hanging the ball
1. Hang up the balloon or ball from the ceiling using the string close to
one of the corners in your classroom. Make sure that the balloon/ball is
high up and visible from the back of the classroom. The ball represents
the Sun.
2. Stand up in your classroom and face the balloon/ball.
3. Now slowly turn on the spot in a clockwise direction keeping your head
still, completing two or three turns. Are you turning to your left or right?
Note what happens to the hanging balloon or ball. Did you
4. Now repeat the activity, but this time turn in an anti-clockwise direction. know?
Are you turning to your left or right? Note what happens to the hanging
The only planet
balloon or ball.
that rotates on
5. What do you notice about the direction that you turn (left or right) and
its side like a
the direction that the hanging Sun appears to move?
barrel is Uranus.
6. Which direction does the Sun appear to move across the sky, east to
The only planet
west or west to east? Given your answer to question 5, which way do you
that spins
think the Earth is really turning?
7. Look at the following picture showing the Earth from space. Using
relative to the
your answer to question 6, is the Earth spinning in a clockwise or anti-
others is Venus.
clockwise direction? Draw the direction on the picture below.
Earth’s revolution
The Earth revolves around the Sun in an almost perfect circle, completing
one revolution (orbit) around the Sun per year (or 36514 days to be precise).
As the Earth revolves around the Sun it also rotates (spins) on its axis at the
same time. Having two words both beginning with ‘r’ relating to movement
can be confusing! Let’s check now that you know what they mean before we
In your own words explain what is meant by the Earth’s rotation.
In your own words explain what is meant by the Earth revolving.
Different planets take different amounts of time to make one complete
revolution around the Sun and so their years have different lengths. The
planets further from the Sun will have bigger orbits, as shown in the
diagram, and therefore take longer to revolve around the Sun.
Jupiter Sun
Earth Saturn
asteroid belt
You may already have some thoughts about why we get different seasons
throughout the year.
Which of the statements in the table do you think are true and which do
you think are false? Copy the table and write your answers in the right-hand
ALL the statements in the ‘What causes the seasons?’ activity are false! The
amount of energy emitted by the Sun is the same all year round. Also the
Earth spins on its axis at the same rate all year. When it is summer in Cape
Town it is winter in Paris, and when it is spring in London it is autumn
in South Africa. The seasons are reversed in the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres. If it can both be winter and summer on different parts of the
Earth at the same time, the seasons cannot be caused by our distance from
the Sun. If that were the case, then the whole of the Earth would experience
summer and winter at the same time.
Figure 15.7 Winter
time in the Northern
Cape. In Sutherland,
temperatures can
go below 0°C and it
often snows.
Let us now find out what causes the seasons. The seasons don’t just divide
up the year into quarters; they tell us where the Earth is in its path around
the Sun. Have a look at the following diagram which shows how the Earth
revolves (orbits) around the Sun and the different seasons experienced by the
Southern Hemisphere.
• globe or ball/balloon
• non-permanent marker or stickers
• card and tinfoil to make a star
• string
• scissors
• glue
1. Mark on the globe the position of the North and South Pole with a
marker or stickers. If using a ball or balloon mark the positions of two
points directly opposite each other on the surface of the ball/balloon
which will be used to represent the North and South Poles of the
2. Using the scissors, cut the card into the shape of a star.
3. Cover the star in foil, using the glue if necessary to stick it to the card.
4. Hang the star up from the ceiling using the string. Make sure it is high
up and clearly visible from the whole of the class.
5. Sit in a circle with the rest of your class, your class teacher should sit or
stand in the middle of the circle representing the Sun.
6. Select one member of your class in the circle to start the activity and pass
the globe to them.
7. Tilt the globe away from the vertical, pointing the North Pole towards
the hanging star.
8. Pass the globe around the circle keeping the North Pole pointed in the
same direction towards the hanging star. Remember to keep the globe
spinning on its axis as it is passed around!
9. Note how as the globe moves around the circle, sometimes the Northern
Hemisphere is tilted more towards the Sun, sometimes the Southern
Hemisphere is pointed more towards the Sun and sometimes neither
hemispheres are tilted towards the Sun.
1. For roughly what fraction of the orbit did the Southern Hemisphere
point towards the Sun?
2. For roughly what fraction of the orbit did the Northern Hemisphere
point towards the Sun?
3. What length of time do these fractions correspond to for the real Earth’s
orbit around the Sun?
Let’s see now what effect this tilt has on the Earth.
• A4-sized or larger piece of black card, one per pair
• torch, one per pair
• bin bags to darken the room if necessary
• pencil or pen, one per pair
1. You will need to work in a pair for this activity.
2. Place the card flat on a desktop or table.
3. Darken the room using curtains or bin bags.
4. One person should hold the torch about 25 cm above the card, pointing
straight down onto the card. Shine the light onto the card.
5. Look at the beam shining on the black card and note its size. The person
in the pair not holding the torch should draw around the edge of the
beam with a pen or pencil.
6. Swap places and point the torch towards the card at an angle of 45°,
keeping it at the same distance from the card as before. Shine the light
onto the card.
7. Look at the beam shining on to the card, draw around the edge of the
beam with a pen or pencil.
1. In which case is the light more concentrated? (direct or indirect)
2. In which case is the light more spread out? (direct or indirect)
3. If the light is more concentrated, does this mean that the energy from
the torch is more concentrated or spread out?
4. In which case did the light look brighter? Why is this?
The energy is spread out over a larger surface area when the light is shone at
a slanting (oblique) angle relative to the card than when it is shone directly
onto the card. Similarly, when light from the Sun hits the Earth directly,
the solar energy is spread over a smaller surface area and is more intense
(concentrated) than when light hits the Earth indirectly. Do you think this
has an effect on the temperature? Let’s investigate.
2. Point one of the desk lamps directly downwards towards the table, at
a height of about 30 cm.
3. Place the black card under the light and label it ‘A’.
4. Place the thermometer strip in the centre of the black card. The light
bulb should be directly above the thermometer strip.
5. Adjust the second desk lamp so that it is at the same height as the
first one, but instead of pointing it directly down at the table, tilt it
slightly to one side (left-right direction).
6. Place the second piece of black card under this lamp and label it ‘B’.
Areas of the Earth that are hit by direct sunlight are therefore warmer than
areas that are hit by indirect sunlight. In the summer, the Sun is high in the
sky and we receive more direct sunlight than in winter when the Sun is lower
in the sky and we receive more indirect sunlight. This explains why summer
is warmer than winter.
sunlight summer winter
direct light indirect light
Take note 1. Does the equator receive more or less direct light than the poles?
2. Which hemisphere receives more direct light in the picture? Why is this?
Another way to
3. Which hemisphere in this diagram receives more indirect light?
say that the light
Why is this?
falls indirectly is
4. Why do you think it is warmer at the equator than at the poles?
to say ‘obliquely’.
5. Is it summer or winter in the Southern Hemisphere in this example?
Oblique means
6. Is it summer or winter in the Northern Hemisphere in this example?
it is not at a right
7. What would happen to the seasons if the Earth was tilted in the opposite
angle (90°), but
direction, with the Northern Hemisphere tilted towards the Sun instead?
The light falling on the Equator always hits at angles very close to 90° (almost
direct), so it stays almost the same temperature all year round.
1. Refer to the previous diagram showing the Earth’s seasons.
2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below.
3. Write out the paragraph in full and underline your answers.
1. At position 1, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun
and experiences summer. This is called the summer ________ in
the Southern Hemisphere and occurs around the date________.
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted ____________ from the Sun and
experiences winter. This is called the winter ________ in the Northern
2. At position 2, ____________ months later, neither hemisphere is tilted
more toward the Sun. Direct sunlight hits the Earth only near the
____________, and indirect sunlight hits nearly everywhere else. This is
called an __________. This causes mild temperatures in the north and
south away from the equator.
3. Six months later, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted _________ from the
Sun and experiences _________. This is called the winter ____________
in the Southern Hemisphere and occurs around the date, ________. The
Northern Hemisphere is tilted ____________ the Sun and experiences
____________. This is called the summer ________ in the Northern
4. Nine months later, neither hemisphere is tilted more toward the Sun.
Direct light hits the Earth only near the _______________, and indirect
light hits nearly everywhere else. This causes mild temperatures in the
north and south away from the equator.
5. The Earth is now back to its starting point again, having completed one
revolution of the Sun in _________ months.
6. Why do you think it is important to know about the seasons? Think
about how people used to use the knowledge of the seasons to organise
their lives and mark the passage of time. Discuss this with your class and
take some notes below.
So you now know that temperatures (and therefore the seasons) on Earth
are determined by the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth. In summer, the
Sun is high in the sky and sunlight hits the Earth directly. In winter, the Sun
is low in the sky and the Sun’s rays strike the Earth indirectly at an oblique
(shallow) angle. The seasons occur because the Earth’s axis is tilted relative to
the path of its orbit around the Sun and not because the distance between the
Earth and the Sun vary as the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Figure 15.10 The apparent path of the Sun across the sky in winter and summer. The Sun
travels higher and further across the sky in summer, and so days are longer.
What do you think would happen to the seasons if the Earth were not tilted
by 23,5o, but instead were pointed straight up relative to the path of its orbit?
The Southern Hemisphere receives the greatest amount of solar energy
around the 21st of December each year. However, the hottest days of the year
are generally a month or so afterwards. Why do you think this is?
face-on 1965
to Sun
1986 2028
Take note
Plants also take
up minerals from
the soil, which
are necessary for
Figure 15.12 The process of photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates which are stored in
their functioning.
the plant.
In photosynthesis the energy from the Sun is used to change carbon dioxide
and water into carbohydrates (for example cellulose, starch or glucose).
The carbohydrates are stored in fruits, leaves, wood or bark. When we eat the
plant, for example an apple, our bodies are able to release the energy stored
in carbohydrates. In the same way animals, for example cows, use the Sun’s
energy when they eat the grass.
A boy says: ‘The energy I get from eating a slice of bread is a result of the Sun
shining on Earth.’ Do you agree with this statement? Use the flow diagram
provided, and write a paragraph to explain why you agree or disagree with
the statement. Use the words in the word bank in your explanation.
Word bank
• capture • photosynthesis
• release • Sun
• store • wheat
• energy • bread
Figure 15.13 An artist’s depiction of the asteroid Figure 15.14 An image of Earth’s largest caldera taken by a crew
impact 65 millions years ago, which scientists member on the International Space Station.
think is the most direct cause of the dinosaur’s
sudden, mass extinction. Visit
Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago. Coal, crude oil and natural
gas are examples of fossil fuels. The different fossil fuels were all formed in
slightly different ways. Let’s look at how they were formed.
Deep in the Earth the peat was subjected to pressure and heat, and turned
into lignite, a porous type of coal. Upon further pressurisation and
heating, more moisture was squeezed out of the lignite until it became soft,
bituminous coal and eventually anthracite, the hardest type of coal available.
1. Read the above section on the formation of coal and summarise it in a
flow diagram.
2. The following tips will help you draw your flow diagram:
a) Underline the most important key words.
b) Write a short sentence on each event.
c) Identify the order in which events took place.
d) Link the sentences using arrows.
ocean sediment
and rock
marine organisms
sediment and rock
Figure 15.17 Crude oil and gas were formed millions of years ago.
1. The following pictures explain the formation of coal. The pictures are not
in the correct order.
2. Study the pictures and list them in the correct order to show how coal is
3. Write a paragraph explaining the formation of coal.
Picture 1 Picture 2
4. Fossil fuels store and transfer solar energy. What type of energy is stored
in fossil fuels?
When we use fossil fuels, the stored energy is transferred to another part
in the system, for example as kinetic energy. We have already seen this in
Energy and Change last term when looking at how a coal-powered power
station works to generate electricity. In a coal-powered station, coal is burned
and used to boil water. The steam produced then turns the turbine, which in
turn causes the generator to turn to produce electricity. In the next activity
we will investigate how the Sun’s energy is transferred through fossil fuels.
Petrol is made from crude oil, a fossil fuel. Use the diagram below to answer
the questions about how the Sun’s energy is captured in petrol and how this
helps life on Earth.
marine plants and animals underground crude oil petrol and movement energy
oil supplies diesel of a car
14. Explain how fossil fuels are able to store the Sun’s energy. [4]
15. The Sun’s energy is essential for life on Earth. Draw a flow diagram to show how the
Sun’s energy is transferred through natural gas and used in gas cooker in a household.
Use appropriate labels to explain the diagram. [4]
Word bank
• rock, soil and water • an
• rock and lunar soil • no
• reflects • larger
• absorbs • smaller
• Sun • 24
• Earth • 27,3
Is visible because it ________ light from the Sun Is visible because it _______ light from the Sun
hitting it. hitting it
Spins on its axis once every _________ hours. Spins on its axis once every _____________ days.
1. Study the images of the Moon.
2. Answer the questions below.
1. Does the Moon’s surface have any oceans or lakes?
2. What do you notice covering much of the Moon’s surface?
3. Some areas look dark and others look lighter, the dark areas are called
‘maria’ (singular mare) meaning ‘seas’, as astronomers initially thought
that these areas were seas on the surface. The bright areas are called
highlands as they are higher than the maria. On what side of the Moon
(near or far) are there more dark areas (maria)?
The following table summarises some useful information about the Sun,
Earth and Moon.
We have now looked at the relative positions and movement of the Earth,
Moon and Sun. Let’s extend this knowledge to learn about a solar eclipse.
Look at the image below. It shows a total solar eclipse which you learnt about
in Grade 6. This happens when the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun
and blocks the Sun’s light. The bright light from the Sun is blocked, allowing
us to see the very faint outer edge of the Sun’s atmosphere, called the corona.
We normally cannot see the corona as it is swamped by the bright light from
the Sun. When you look at the size of the Moon in the sky compared with
the size of the Sun in the sky you see that they are very similar. We call this
the angular size. This is because the Moon is much closer than the Sun. The
Moon appears large enough from Earth to block out the Sun’s light totally.
1. Which is larger in reality, the Moon or the Sun?
2. Which is further away, the Moon or the Sun?
3. How do the angular sizes of the Moon and the Sun compare when
viewed from the Earth’s surface?
4. Why is this the case?
A total solar eclipse occurs when the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned in a
straight line, with the Moon placed in between the Earth and the Sun. Just
by chance, the Sun and Moon are currently at distances where they have
the same angular size viewed from the Earth’s surface. If the angular size of
the Moon were smaller, it would not be large enough to completely block
the Sun and we wouldn’t have a total eclipse! The picture below shows the
relative alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon during a solar eclipse.
The picture below shows the relative alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon
during a solar eclipse.
Figure 16.7 The Sun,
Moon, and Earth all
lined up during a solar
eclipse. The black spot
on Earth shows the
location from where a
total solar eclipse would
be visible. This area is
in the Moon’s shadow.
The grey area on Earth’s
surface indicates the
location from where a
partial eclipse would be
Figure 16.8 A series of images showing the Moon during a full lunar eclipse.
See how a lunar eclipse compares to a solar eclipse in the diagram. In this
case, the Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the Moon’s surface, making
the Moon appear dark in the night sky.
• gravity
• mass
• weight
• acceleration
due to gravity
• gravitational
Figure 16.9 Sun, Earth and Moon line up to form a lunar eclipse.
16.2 Gravity
The word gravity is used to describe the gravitational pull (force) an object
experiences on or near the surface of a planet or moon. The gravitational
force is a force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. Any object
with mass exerts a gravitational force on any other object with mass. So, the
emonstrating the Moon’s orbit around
the Earth
• rope
• ball (tennis balls are ideal)
1. Tie a ball to the end of a piece of rope. You may have to wrap the rope
around the ball a few times to do this.
All the components in our Universe are held together by gravity. In summary
we can say:
• The greater the mass of the objects, the stronger the gravitational pull
between them.
• The closer objects are, the stronger the gravitational pull between them.
The weight of an object is the force acting on it due to gravity. Weight is not
the same as mass although the two words are often confused in everyday
The mass of an object is the amount of matter in the object, it tells you how
many particles you have. Do you remember that we briefly spoke about
atoms in Matter and Materials? So, for example, the mass of a wooden block
tells us how many atoms there are. Mass is measured in kilograms (kg) and is
independent of where you measure it. A wooden block with a mass of 10 kg
on Earth also has a mass of 10 kg on the Moon.
50 500
Check your understanding of mass and weight with the following questions.
1. Lindiwe has a mass of 50 kg on Earth. What is her mass on the Moon? Did you
2. Andrew has a mass of 60 kg on Earth, what is his weight in Newtons on know?
Earth? The Moon’s
3. How much would Andrew weigh on the Moon? gravity affects
4. Would Lindiwe feel heavier or lighter on the Moon? humans on
Earth. The
ACTIVITY How much would you weigh on other planets? tug of the
Moon’s gravity
Materials a person’s
weight by the
• weighing scales
equivalent of a
• calculator
few grams on
the surface of
the Earth!
1. Measure your mass in kilograms using weighing scales. Record the value
in the table below.
2. Look at the table below. It shows how strong the gravity is on each of the
planets in our solar system.
1. On which planets would you feel heavier than you do on Earth?
2. On which planets would you feel lighter than you do on Earth?
Figure 16.14 At low tide, the water is far out and the boats are resting on the sand.
Following low tide, the water gradually comes further up on the beach until
it reaches its highest level. This is called high tide. After high tide the water
level gradually drops again until it goes back to low tide. This pattern repeats
over and over again. You can see an example of low and high tide at the same
beach in the pictures below.
Figure 16.15 The same beach photographed at low tide (top) and high tide (bottom).
In general there are two low and two high tides per day on the sea, which can
be observed on the beaches or even in estuaries. The times of high and low
tides are not exactly the same every day; they occur roughly one hour later
each day.
Figure 16.16 This diagram shows how the sea level differs at low and high tide at a beach.
The vertical difference between low and high tide is called the tidal range.
1. Look at the chart below. It shows the predicted times of low and high
tide for one week in Cape Town.
2. The peaks represent times of high tide and the heights are listed in metres
along with the time of high tide. The troughs represent times of low tide.
3. Answer the following questions.
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed
28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug 01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep 04 Sep
2,0 m
1,0 m
0,0 m
Sunrise 7:08 a.m. 7:07 a.m 7:05 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 7:03 a.m. 7:01 a.m. 7:00 a.m.
Moonrise 6:25 p.m 6:26 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 6:28 p.m. 6:29 p.m. 6:29 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Sunset 1:57 a.m. 2:46 a.m. 3:31 a.m. 4:13 a.m. 4:52 a.m. 5:28 a.m. 6:03 a.m.
Moonset 11:40 a.m. 12:26 p.m. 1:14 p.m. 2:05 p.m. 2:58 p.m 3:53 p.m. 4:48 p.m. 5:45 p.m.
Last quarter/11: 35 a.m.
TFigure 16.17 his graph shows the predicted tides for a period of one week in Cape Town.
Although the graph includes data for only one week, the actual pattern of high and low
tides repeats every day throughout the year.
Figure 16.18 Boulders Beach in Cape Town at low tide. Figure 16.19 The same view of Boulders Beach at high tide.
Figure 16.20 This picture shows a small harbour at low tide. The tide is out and the boats
are stuck on the sand banks. Once the tide comes back in the boats will float on the water
So you now know that all seas have tides, why do you think this is? Let’s do
an activity to find out. ...
Four (ideally blue) scarves or strips of fabric per group. Each one needs to be
about a metre in length.
1. Work in groups of six. One learner represents the Earth, four learners
represent the Earth’s oceans and one learner represents the Moon.
2. The learner representing the Earth: stand in an open space.
3. The four learners representing the oceans: take one scarf each and stand
in a circle around the learner representing Earth. (One behind, one in
front, and one on either side.)
4. The four learners representing the oceans: link scarves with your neighbours.
5. Learner representing the Moon: stand outside the circle of ‘oceans’ about
five steps away from the ‘Earth’, directly in front of one of the learners
representing the ocean.
6. All learners apart from the Moon: turn to face the ‘Moon’. You are now
going to be ‘pulled’ towards the Moon by the Moon’s gravitational
attraction! Remember that the gravitational pull exerted on an object by
the Moon decreases with increasing distance to the Moon.
7. Which part of the Earth and ocean is being pulled the most by the Moon?
8. Which part of the Earth and oceans is being pulled least by the Moon?
9. Ocean learner closest to the Moon: take three large steps towards the Moon.
10. Two ocean learners standing beside the Earth and the Earth learner: take
two large steps toward the Moon.
11. Ocean learner farthest from the Moon: take one large step towards the
Moon. Why have you moved towards the Moon by varying amounts?
12. Note what happens to the shape the ‘oceans’ now make, are you still in a
circle or forming an oval shape?
13. Note which sides of ‘Earth’s’ body is experiencing high tide. (Front and
back or left and right arms.)
14. Earth: spin around on the spot a few times, stopping in a random
position, not directly facing the Moon. Remember that the Earth is
continually spinning on its axis!
15. Note which sides of the ‘Earth’s’ body is experiencing high tide.
16. Now imagine that there is no Moon, but only the Sun to exert a
gravitational pull on the Earth. Because the Sun is much farther than the
Moon, its gravitational pull is only one third of the Moon’s pull. The team
member representing the Moon must now represent the Sun instead.
17. Sun learner: take an additional 10 steps away from the Earth so that you
are 15 steps away in total.
18. Ocean learners return to your starting circle positions.
19. All learners apart from the Sun: turn to face the ‘Sun’. You are now ready
to be pulled towards the Sun.
20. Ocean learner closest to the Sun: take one large step towards the Sun.
low tide
Figure 16.21 This picture shows the Earth and the Moon looking down from above. The
gravitational pull experienced by different parts of the Earth towards the Moon is shown
as arrows. The longer the arrow, the greater the pull. The ocean closest to the Moon
experiences the greatest pull from the Moon, and the ocean farthest from the Moon
experiences the smallest pull towards the Moon. The differences result in the Earth’s
oceans being stretched to an oval shape.
1. Look carefully at the following diagrams. They show the size of the tides
at Full and New Moon (top) and at the first and third quarter phases
2. Answer the following questions.
new full
moon moon
Figure 16.22 Spring tide, showing the size of the tides at New moon and Full moon.
high tide
Figure 16.23 Neap tide, showing the size of the tides at first quarter and third quarter moon.
Figure 16.25 Crabs burrow into the sand to hide during Figure 16.26 This oystercatcher takes advantage of low
low tide. tide to feed.
Figure 16.27 Mussels and barnacles close their shells Figure 16.28 Kelp and other seaweeds are covered with
tightly to avoid drying out. thick slime to prevent them from drying out.
Pictures and texts about shoreline animals. (Can be textbooks, library books,
or online materials, as directed by your teacher).
Figure 16.29 Seaweed, starfish and mussels Figure 16.30 Birds feeding on the rocks.
in a rock pool.
Figure 16.31 Eggs on some seaweed. Figure 16.32 Green anemones in a rock pool.
Figure 16.33 Mussels growing on the rocks. Figure 16.34 A crab in the sand.
Figure 16.35 A mother seal and pup in the Figure 16.36 Mudskippers – fish that can
waves in the intertidal zone. walk on land!
Figure 16.37 Fishermen looking for big catches time Figure 16.38 Harvesting seaweed during low tide.
their fishing activities according to the tides too. Let’s
investigate this further.
Marine life in the intertidal zone has to adapt to the rise and fall of sea
Did you levels at the beach. But marine life is not the only kind of life that has to
know? take note of the tides. Many people also use the low tide to collect seaweed.
Sea anemones Seaweed has many uses, including being a food source for people. In some
look like plants cultures seaweed is used for medicinal purposes and to make various woven
with flowers, products, such as rope, baskets and mats.
but they are
actually animals. ACTIVITY How good a fisherman are you?
Their tentacles
contain a
poison which Background
paralyses their Fish are easier to catch at times when they are feeding. The tides determine
food (small fish when most fish feed. When the tide is coming in or going out, the moving
and shrimps) water stimulates feeding. The fastest part of the tide is normally around two
when touched. hours before and after low and high tides. These times are the best times to
go fishing.
2. Thembela wants to go fishing at the best time around the first low tide of
the day. What times could she go fishing?
3. Josh wants to go fishing when the Sun has set. What would be the best
possible times for him to choose from?
4. Faried wants to go fishing while the Sun is up. What would be the best
possible times for him to choose from?
9. What kind of tides occur when the Moon is in line with the Sun? [1]
10. What kind of tides occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon are at right angles to each other? [1]
11. At what phases of the Moon do spring tides occur? [2]
12. At what phases of the Moon do neap tides occur? [2]
a) Do you think it is low or high tide? Give a reason for your answer. [2]
b) What is the name given to this zone on the shoreline where the tides move back
and forth? [1]
c) What are the main risks to marine life living in this region? [2]
d) How is the seaweed adapted so that it does not dry out? [1]
e) What other types of animals do you think you would find in this region?
Give 4 examples. [2]
Total [33 marks]
Southern Cross
Figure 17.1 This pattern of stars is the Southern Cross. Figure 17.2 The white lines show you how to view the
Southern Cross.
Take note The Southern Cross, Crux, and the two bright Pointer stars were used by
farmers to mark the beginning of the planting season. According to Sotho,
To find south
Tswana and Venda traditions, these stars were called Dithutlwa, meaning
using the
‘The Giraffes’. The bright stars of Crux are male giraffes, and the two Pointers
Southern Cross
are female giraffes.
extend the long Another example is the constellation Orion. It is named after Orion,
axis of the cross a supernaturally, strong hunter in Greek mythology. This is one of the
four times and most recognised constellations around the world and many cultures have
go straight down identified with it, each forming their own myths, many around a strong man
to the horizon. or hunter.
Take note
In a lunar
calendar the
time between
one New Moon
and the next is
called a synodic
month and it is
29,5 days. Figure 17.7 Ancient manuscripts from Timbuktu in Mali in central Africa, documenting
astronomical observations.
Early cultures also used the observed changes in the sky for timekeeping.
A day was marked by the time between one sunrise and the next, just as it is
today. The Moon’s regular phases made it a very convenient ‘clock’, and the
time period between one New Moon and the next formed the basis of many
of the oldest calendars.
The lunar cycle was useful because it was predictable in the same way as day
and night. However, each Moon cycle was also connected to a slightly
Figure 17.8 The Lebombo Bone was discovered in the Lebombo mountains between
South Africa and Swaziland in the 1970s. It is a bone from a baboon used as a Tally Stick.
It is roughly 35 000 years old. It is thought to have been used for tracking lunar cycles,
because of the 29 marks on it.
The Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters, form a bright cluster of stars.
Traditional farming communities in South Africa used the Pleiades to help
them plan their planting. Once the constellation was visible in the early
morning in June they knew it was time to start planting their crops. The
Khoikhoi call the Pleiades Khuseti or Khunuseh, meaning ‘rain stars’. They are
called Selemela in Sotho and Tswana, Shirimela in Tsonga, Tshilimela in Venda,
and isiLimela in Xhosa and Zulu. In Xhosa the stars are called the ‘digging stars’.
In East Africa and Zanzibar the Pleiades are called Kilimia, which also means
‘ploughing stars’ or ‘ digging stars’. Not only were the Pleiades used in Africa to
mark planting season; they were also used by the ancient Mayans in Mexico and
Central America to mark the start of their rainy season.
Figure 17.9 The Pleiades or Seven Sisters star cluster. Although the constellation is
known as the Seven Sisters, the star cluster actually contains hundreds of stars,
although only about seven are easily visible to the human eye.
1. Do you see that the modern Xhosa names are derived from the English
names? The traditional names for the months mostly come from the
names of plants and flowers. Why do you think certain months are given
specific plant or flower names?
Take note
2. Why do you think August is called EyeThupha, the month of the buds?
You do not need 3. Why is June called Isilimela? Hint: Read the preceding text in your
to know the workbook.
names of the 4. What time of year does Isilimela correspond to? What does this signal to
months in Xhosa. traditional farmers?
This activity is for 5. What month were you born in? Write down the traditional Xhosa name
interest. below.
1. Around the world, and within South Africa, there are different calendars
which are in use. Do you think it would just be easier to have one
2. Discuss this as a class.
3. You could do this as a class debate with teams debating the pros and
cons of the concept.
The Moon is a man who has made the Sun angry. The Sun’s sharp light
cuts off pieces of the Moon until almost the whole of the Moon is gone,
leaving only one small piece. The Moon then pleads for mercy and the
Sun lets him go. From this small piece, the Moon gradually grows again
until it becomes a Full Moon.
What do you think the San were observing which they explained with this
Take note
We will learn
more about our
galaxy, the Milky
Way, and other
galaxies, next
year in Grade 8.
Figure 17.10 The Milky Way seen from Sutherland, Northern Cape, by Janus Brink
Meteors (also called shooting stars) and comets also feature heavily in
starlore around the world. In most cultures meteors and comets were
regarded as signs of important events. In Tswana star lore, a very bright
meteor is an indication of a good season ahead. However, the .Xu San saw a
meteor as an evil spirit racing across the sky to cause mischief among people.
The /Xam San, thought that a meteor announced the death of one of them.
In Xhosa star lore, a comet, Uzatshoba, is associated with bad luck, wars
and death. There was also a strong belief that comets predicted the death of
a chief. The Sothos called comets ‘naledi tsha mesela’, and the Zulus called
them ‘inkanyezi enomsile’, which means ‘stars with tails’.
• pictures of famous constellations for inspiration
1. Make up your own pattern of stars and draw them in your exercise book.
2. Make up a legend (story) to go along with your new constellation.
Figure 17.12 The Southern African Large Figure 17.13 SALT’s huge mirror collects light from faint distant objects.
Telescope (SALT).
South Africa will also be hosting part of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA),
the world’s largest radio telescope, scheduled to be completed in 2024. The
SKA will be located in the Karoo near the town of Carnarvon, far away from
big towns and cities where there is little radio interference. When complete,
the telescope array will be 50 times more sensitive than any other radio
telescope to date. The array will contain 3 000 radio dishes as well as other
types of radio detectors.
Astronomers plan to use the giant telescope to test the laws of gravity using
black holes. They will also peer at some of the most distant clouds of gas
in the Universe, which formed before the first stars. Astronomers will also
study how galaxies form, and change over time, and perhaps also detect life
elsewhere in the Universe. Take note
We still have so much to learn about our Universe. We understand only An array means a
about 5% of the content of our Universe presently. SALT and SKA will help large number of
us understand far more about our Universe, so much is still to be discovered. the same items.
For example,
Let’s look at some of the highlights in our journey of scientific discovery so far. when the desks
in your classroom
The discovery that the Sun is at the centre of the solar system are all lined up
and not the Earth neatly, we can
Early astronomers such as the ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was call that an array
at the centre of the Universe, with the stars and planets orbiting around of desks.
the Earth.
Figure 17.15 The ancient Greeks thought that the Earth was at the centre of the universe
and believed that the planets, Sun and background stars all orbited around the Earth.
• pencil/pen
• ruler
Figure 17.16 Note that the inner orbit is that of Earth (green) and the outer is that of Mars
(red). The dashed line indicate the background stars.
e d c
f b
g a
Earth Mars
inner planets
Figure 17.19 The Earth and the other planets in our solar system orbit around the Sun in an
Galileo discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter (which are now called
the Galilean moons). Over several nights he watched them move and
realised that they were actually orbiting around Jupiter.
Take note
Heresy is having
a belief or
opinion that
is against the
official teachings
of the church at
the time.
Figure 17.21 The four largest moons of Jupiter, left to right in increasing distance from
Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
He also found that Venus has phases just like the Moon (and just like all
planets). He discovered that the Moon has craters and that the Sun has dark
spots which are called sunspots. These imperfections on the Moon and
Sun discredited the belief held by the Catholic Church at the time that the
heavens were perfect and unchanging.
The Catholic Church allowed Galileo to conduct his research, as long as he
did not openly publicise his findings. In 1632 Galileo angered the head of the
Catholic Church (the Pope) when he published a book in which he stated
that the Earth was moving around the Sun. He was put on trial and found
guilty of heresy. He was first imprisoned and later placed under house arrest.
Did you
know? Materials
1. Research either a recent discovery made in astronomy, or an invention
used in astronomy, or about a famous astronomer.
2. You can choose to write about one of the examples provided in the text
below, or you can choose your own example.
3. Your teacher will inform you how you must present your work.
Some example discoveries: See Visit boxes in margin.
Figure 17.23 This image compares the smallest known exoplanets orbiting outside the
solar system, to our own planets Mars and Earth.
Black holes: Black holes are super-dense regions in space which have very
strong gravity, so strong that not even light can escape from them. Although
you cannot see a black hole directly, astronomers know they exist because of
their pull on objects close to them. If you were to fall into a black hole feet
first, you would be pulled apart like a piece of spaghetti.
Figure 17.24 An artist’s drawing concept. On the left, the yellow, sun-like star comes too
close to the black hole, and is stretched (middle yellow blob), until it is ripped apart. Some
of the remains of the star swirl into the black hole (blue-white cloudy ring on the right). A
black hole in the universe.
Figure 17.25 As the Universe expands,
galaxies move further and further apart.
Look at the photographs below and match the face to the description of the
Stephen Hawking, a famous British physicist diagnosed with ALS, a form of
Motor Neuron Disease, shortly after his 21st birthday. He is famous for his
work on black holes.
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, the astronomer responsible for discovering that
stars are made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.
Albert Einstein, a German physicist famous for his work on gravity and the
nature of space and time.
Concept map
Throughout this year we have been looking at how to produce concept maps after each unit.
This is now your chance to make your own concept map. The concepts in this unit about the
development of astronomy can easily be divided into two main themes: firstly, about ‘early
indigenous knowledge’, and then about the ‘modern developments’ that people have made and
are still making. The concept map has been started for you. Copy this into your notebook to
first practice drawing your concept map. With the help of your teacher, complete your concept
map, which will summarise this chapter.