PLT Lag g04 TG Eng Na
PLT Lag g04 TG Eng Na
PLT Lag g04 TG Eng Na
Te a
e r ’s G
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Topic 3: Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
The work has been spread over the year according to the number of periods allocated to
English in the syllabus (8 per week for Grade 4). A complete Grade 4 Year Plan, provided
on the CD, indicates how each period in the year can best be utilised to complete the
whole course. (Note that a lesson does not necessarily take up only one period – often it
takes up two, sometimes more.)
One period per week is dedicated to literature – this is separate from the reading
comprehension activities provided in the Learner’s Book, and learners will use
prescribed texts, for example the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader.
Integration of texts
Each topic focuses on one or more genres. For example, if in a particular topic the genre
focus is a news report, learners will first listen to and discuss a news report. Then they
read a news report and do a comprehension on it. Next they focus on a language
structure that relates to news reports. Finally, they write their own news report.
Introduction 1
Assessment in the Senior Primary phase is both formal and informal. There are 36
formal Continuous Assessment Tasks that need to be completed over the year (12 per
term). Learners’ marks for these tasks are recorded per term. Besides these short formal
assessment tasks, an end-of-year examination takes place.
2 Introduction
Learners write a range of creative, procedural and informational texts. They learn to use
the five-step writing process to produce these texts:
•• Step 1: Planning (brainstorming, mindmaps, flowcharts, etc.)
•• Step 2: Writing a first draft
•• Step 3: Revising (getting feedback, improving the content/ideas)
•• Step 4: Editing and proofreading (checking grammar, spelling and punctuation)
•• Step 5: Presenting the completed work neatly.
Introduction 3
Vocabulary in context
Learners are encouraged to enter new words and meanings in their personal
dictionaries as they come across them, and to use these words in their own speaking
and writing. At the back of the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Learner’s
Book there is a description of how to make and use a personal dictionary.
Grammar teaching
Each topic includes one or more formal Grammar lesson. The Grammar lessons focus on
one or more of the language structures or concepts that need to be covered as per
syllabus requirements, and specific pages in the Learner’s Book are dedicated to this.
Explanations of the relevant structures and concepts are highlighted in light blue boxes,
followed by activities that develop the theory. In all topics, other language structures
are integrated in the Listen, Speak and Read sections.
The curriculum states that well-developed reading and viewing skills are central to
successful learning across the syllabus.
It is advisable to use shared reading at the beginning of Grade 4, together with paired
and group reading, and to guide learners gradually towards reading independently.
Each learner should have their own copy of the text that is being read. Use the texts in
the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Learner’s Book and Reader. Use any
other resources that you have available.
The three-step process outlined below is essential to the development of both reading
and viewing. In this Platinum English Second Language course, we have built this
methodology into the reading comprehension activities.
•• Before you read (pre-reading): activate prior knowledge; look at details such as
source, authors, publication dates; read the first and last paragraph of a section, use
phonic and visual cues to make predictions.
•• While you read (reading): compare content to predictions, visualise, use context to
work out meanings of unfamiliar words, use a dictionary where necessary, reflect on
what you read.
•• After you read (post-reading): recall literal information (Level 1), summarise, analyse,
classify (Level 2), infer, draw conclusions, relate to own experience (Level 3), evaluate,
express opinions (Level 4), appreciate and extend (Level 5).
4 Introduction
Independent reading
Independent reading sessions have been built into the lesson plans, with clear
guidelines in the relevant lessons. Do not limit independent reading to these sessions.
When learners finish an activity ahead of their peers, tell them to read. Encourage them
to read at home. Try to get your learners into the habit of reading something (even one
or two sentences) every day. There will be some learners who struggle to read
independently. Let them work in pairs with another more skilled reader. They can take
turns with the more skilled reader to read a sentence or short piece of text. They can tell
each other what they read. Learners who are on similar levels can also work in pairs to
discuss what they read, and help one another with parts they find tricky.
Introduction 5
The Reader
The texts in the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader complement those
found in the Learner’s Book, and can be used as prescribed reading texts or for
additional independent reading. Texts have been chosen that relate to the topics on the
Learner’s Book, as well as other cross-curricular themes, thereby reinforcing vocabulary
and concepts. Text types do not necessarily follow the same genre as the topics. They
include stories, drama (dialogue) and poetry. There are questions after each text that
encourage learners to reflect on what they have read, and can be used to assess their
The Wallcharts
The following four Wallcharts form the phase pack:
•• Poster 1 – What are the people doing?
•• Poster 2 – Words for a busy world
•• Poster 3 – Parts of speech
•• Poster 4 – Practise your tenses
These posters can be put up in the classroom for references and as conversation posters
for remedial or extension learning.
6 Introduction
Introduction 7
Speaking skills
Learning objectives Competencies Learner’s Book reference
Learners will: By the end of Grade 4 learners should be able to:
1. Speak with accurate pronunciation and pronounce one syllable words, e.g. pot, pen, etc.; two Topic 1, LB page 3
appropriate intonation. syllable words, e.g. teacher (teacher), table, (table) Topic 8, LB page 67
etc. Topic 10, LB page 86
begin using clear voice qualities e.g. volume, Topic 3, LB page 23
intonation/pitch (high, low or hushed) Topic 3, LB page 25
Topic 4, LB page 32
Topic 4, LB page 34
Topic 9, LB pages 74 and 75
Topic 9, LB page 76
Topic 9, LB page 77
speak with clarity to be understood by teachers and Topic 2, LB page 12
peers e.g. when explaining or describing simple Topic 3, LB page 23
familiar topics, etc. Topic 4, LB page 34
Topic 5, LB page 39
Topic 7, LB page 58
Topic 8, LB page 66
Topic 8, LB page 67
Topic 11, LB page 95
Topic 12, LB page 105
demonstrate understanding of blends: Topic 2, LB page 14
• sh- shoes, sheep, shirt, etc. Topic 5, LB page 38
• ch- chair, church, charity, etc.
8 Introduction
Introduction 9
10 Introduction
Learning objectives Competencies Learner’s Book reference
Learners will: By the end of Grade 4 learners should be able to:
1. Read a poem, short stories, drama and read short poems and simple stories for pleasure Topic 6, LB pages 48 and 49
novels, and demonstrate Topic 6, LB page 50
understanding of various elements of Topic 6, LB pages 51 and 52
literature. Topic 9, LB pages 78 and 79
Topic 9, LB page 80
read and identify title and main ideas key features of Topic 6, LB page 50
a poem e.g. title, poet/poetess, lines, stanzas/verses Topic 6, LB pages 51 and 52
Topic 9, LB page 80
read simple and short poems aloud with appropriate Reader
expression and understanding
read and identify similes and metaphors Topic 6, LB page 50
Topic 6, LB pages 51 and 52
Topic 9, LB page 80
read short poems and identify feelings e.g. happiness Topic 9, LB page 80
and sorrow
identify and discuss the title and the role players Topic 1, LB page 4
(characters) in the story Topic 6, LB pages 48 and 49
Topic 9, LB pages 78 and 79
read simple stories to complete tasks Topic 1, LB page 4
Topic 6, LB pages 48 and 49
Introduction 11
12 Introduction
Introduction 13
Writing skills
Directed writing
Learning objectives Competencies Learner’s Book reference
Learners will: By the end of Grade 4 learners should be able to:
1. Write in a variety of contexts using copy chalkboard notes and text accurately; Topic 3, LB page 23
English structures. apply knowledge of basic writing rules/conventions: Topic 2, LB page 20
punctuation e.g. full stop, commas and apostrophe, Topic 3, LB page 23
spelling, capitalisation Topic 3, LB page 27
Topic 3, LB page 28
Topic 4, LB page 36
Topic 5, LB page 44
Topic 6, LB page 54
Topic 7, LB page 56
Topic 7, LB page 64
Topic 8, LB page 72
Topic 9, LB page 81
Topic 10, LB page 92
Topic 11, LB page 102
Topic 12, LB page 112
apply knowledge of concord (subject–verb Topic 1, LB page 8
agreement) correctly, e.g. I like pizza, Mark likes Topic 3, LB page 23
pizza, My dog is clever, It was cold yesterday. Topic 3, LB page 27
2. Write short sentences accurately. write simple sentences using visual stimuli, e.g. Topic 1, LB page 8
pictures, diagrams, etc. (Note: A simple sentence Topic 3, LB page 29
describes only one thing, idea or question, and has Topic 10, LB page 92
only one verb, e.g. Our school soccer team lost their
last game of the season.)
3. Write long sentences. join sentences using conjunctions, e.g. and, but, Topic 4, LB page 35
because; Topic 4, LB page 36
write simple sentences using pictures Topic 6, LB page 55
Topic 9, LB page 82
4. Organise sentences and paragraphs organise jumbled short sentences into paragraphs Topic 2, LB page 20
into whole texts. (maximum 5 sentences); Topic 4, LB page 37
organise and sequence ideas Topic 6, LB page 54
Topic 9, LB page 83
5. Write short texts. apply knowledge of punctuation, capitalisation, etc. Topic 1, LB page 7
use verb tenses appropriately; Topic 2, LB page 14
write simple texts for a variety of purposes Topic 5, LB page 43
e.g. descriptions, narratives, fill in forms, messages, Topic 9, LB page 82
designing posters Topic 11, LB page 100
Topic 12, LB pages 110 and 114
14 Introduction
Grammar usage
Learning objectives Competencies Learner’s Book reference
Learners will: By the end of Grade 4 learners should be able to:
1. Apply knowledge of grammatical identify and use different types of nouns: Topic 2, LB page 16
structures and conventions at • common and countable nouns e.g. table, chair Topic 2, LB page 21
word and phrase levels. • uncountable nouns e.g. hair, furniture Topic 4, LB page 35
• plural form with -s or -es e.g. house – houses; bus – Topic 4, LB page 37
buses, church – churches Topic 10, LB pages 90 and 91
• proper nouns used correctly with a capital e.g. Namibia, Topic 10, LB page 93
• possessive form e.g. the child’s book, the children’s
• gender e.g. boy – girl, ram – ewe
• diminutives e.g. pig – piglet, dog – puppy
identify and use different types of pronouns: Topic 10, LB pages 90 and 91
• personal pronouns singular (I, he. she, you, it) and plural Topic 10, LB page 93
(you, we, they) e.g. I live in Windhoek. You eat an apple. Topic 12, LB pages 110 and 111
• reflexive pronouns (singular) myself, yourself, himself,
herself, itself; (plural) ourselves, themselves, yourselves
e.g. They themselves told me, I wash myself
Apply knowledge of grammatical identify and use different types of adjectives: Topic 9, LB page 81
structures and conventions at word • words that describe the noun or pronoun: Topic 9, LB page 83
and phrase levels. • opinion e.g. ugly girl, beautiful voice
• fact – if listed always in this order: size, age,
temperature, shape, colour e.g. it is a is a big/new/cold/
round/red ball
Introduction 15
16 Introduction
Introduction 17
18 Introduction
Lessons 1 to 11
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to and talk about a story
Listen to a story
Answer questions
Retell the story
Baseline assessment: Listening comprehension
Speaking Lesson 2 Activity 2 Present a personal story
Baseline assessment: Speaking skills
Lesson 3 Activity 3 Pronounce words
Read words out loud.
Reading Lesson 4 Activity 4 Read a story
Read a story
Answer questions
Lesson 6 Activity 5 Create a personal dictionary
Lesson 9 Reading/Literature
Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English Second Language
Grade 4 Reader:
Home from School (poem)
Our House and Home (poem)
Good morning! Good morning! (play)
Writing Lesson 5 Dictation
Baseline assessment: Speaking skills, directed writing skills
Lesson 8 Activity 7 Write sentences about pictures
Follow the stages of planning, drafting and editing.
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Task: Writing composition.
Grammar usage Lesson 7 Activity 6 Work with verbs
Simple present, past and future tenses, regular and irregular verbs
Grammar and vocabulary integrated in other lessons
Consolidation Lesson 10 Self-assessment
Period 2
•• Find out what learners can remember about the story they listened to in Period 1. Ask: What is the name
of the girl in the story? How many people are there in her family? Who are they?
•• Play or read the listening text again.
•• Go through the questions with the class. If you have taken in the comprehensions for assessment, they
can answer the questions orally. If you have not, learners can check their own answers.
•• Organise learners into pairs. They take turns to tell each other the story.
Ask for individuals to volunteer to tell the story to the class.
Baseline assessment
If you are using this activity to do a baseline assessment of listening skills, take in the written
comprehensions at the end of the lesson and mark them. Use the memo and baseline assessment rubric
below. Identify any learners who struggled and suggest suitable remedial listening activities. See the activity
under Compensatory teaching at the end of the lesson for one suggestion.
Baseline assessment rating scale for Question 1 in Listening comprehension: Marks out of 10
Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
9 – 10 7–8 5–6 3–4 1–2
Compensatory teaching
Repeat the activity for any learners who do not have the listening comprehension skill required for Grade 4.
Learners can listen to the story on the CD again, or you can read it to them in the listening text section of
this Teacher’s Guide. Pause after each sentence and ask learners to repeat the sentence back to you, and to
explain what it means. Then they answer the questions again, orally or in writing.
❍❍ Hold your head up and look at the people you are talking to.
Ask for volunteers to tell the class their stories.
Baseline assessment
Circulate while learners are telling their stories. Offer help where necessary. Make a note of which learners
struggle. They might need help with speaking activities during the year.
•• Once the class has had enough time to do this, ask for volunteers to say the words. They must first say the
word and then say how many syllables are in the word. Correct them where necessary.
•• Ask the class to read the words out loud together.
Write these words on the board and ask learners to copy them into their exercise books. For homework,
they must identify the number of syllables in each word.
•• Grade •• ruler
•• Science •• bag
•• pencil •• classroom
•• Maths •• shoe
•• four •• language
•• easy
Period 2
•• Read the story to the class again.
Period 3
•• If you did not take in the work at the end of Lesson 7, go through the answers to the questions with the
•• Then ask them to work in pairs and do the reading aloud and retelling activities.
•• Make sure learners have A5 exercise books as they will need them to make personal dictionaries in the
next lesson.
Ask learners to volunteer to read the story out loud.
For homework, learners can answer Question 4 of Activity 4 on page 4.
Compensatory teaching
Identify any learners who struggle to read with comprehension. Discuss the answers with them orally.
Then they can consolidate this by writing the answers themselves as homework.
Baseline assessment
Use learner’s answers to Questions 1 and 3 to do a baseline assessment of reading comprehension skills.
Use the memo and rubric below to determine levels.
Do a dictation
In my family we get on well, but we are all different. Sometimes we get cross with each other. Last
Saturday my mother asked me to clear the table. I cleared away most of the things but I left the books.
I wanted Unathi to clear the books away because they were hers. Unathi never tidies up her things.
You can take the books in and use this activity to do a baseline assessment of directed writing skills, or you
can write the story on the board and ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work.
Baseline assessment
If you are using the activity to do a baseline assessment of directed writing skills, use the Assessment grid
for Dictation. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the CD.
Extension teaching
Teach this poem to the class. Write it on the board. Say it together for fun, or sing it to a well-known tune.
Extension teaching
Use the household activities in the theme to play a language game. One learner gives an instruction, for
example ‘wash the dishes’. The other learner mimes the action, and gives a new instruction, for example,
sweep the floor. Continue like this. The game can be done as a class, or in groups.
Period 2
•• Use the table to explain the simple future tense. Follow the same process as you did for the simple
present and past tenses.
•• Use the information in the language box to discuss the difference between regular and irregular verbs.
Turn to the table of irregular verbs on page 7. Point out some of the most commonly used examples, for
example eat – ate, run – ran, find – found, speak – spoke. Remind learners to use the table during the year
to check their verbs and tenses during writing activities.
For homework, select 10 verbs from this list and ask learners to learn the present and past simple forms.
Baseline assessment
To do a baseline assessment, use the rubric below to assess the learners’ understanding of the simple
Compensatory teaching
Provide extra examples of the simple present and past tenses for reinforcement. Use regular verbs and the
irregular verb “to be” (am, is, are). For example:
There (am/is/are) ________ learners in our class.
Last year, there (was/were) ________ learners in our class.
Our teacher’s name (am/is/are) ________ . Last year, our teacher’s name (was/were) ________ .
We (write/writes) in our books.
Yesterday, we (write/wrote) ________ a story.
My father (read/reads) the newspaper. Yesterday, he (read/reads) ________ a magazine.
Lesson 8 Write
Learner’s Book page 8 Time: 2 × 40-minute periods
birthday party.
❍❍ that you can use words like Last week, first, then, next, after that to show the order in which things
happen in a story.
•• Now read through the rules in the checklist.
Period 2
•• Learners complete Questions 2 and 3. Remind them to follow the writing process: rough work, checklist,
neat work.
•• Encourage them to make their stories interesting and write two or three sentences for each picture. They
can add details that are not in the pictures, for example: They ate the cake. Point out that they must write
between 60 and 80 words.
•• During the checking process, learners can work in pairs to read each other’s stories and edit and improve
them before handing them in to you. Remind them to use the checklist. They must either add or remove
sentences to meet the 60 to 80 word requirement.
•• Allow about 15 minutes at the end of the lesson for learners to write the neat stories in their exercise
books, implementing all the corrections and improvements that their partners have suggested.
•• Take in the exercise books for marking.
Remind learners to write new words and meanings in their personal dictionaries. They can use the
sentences from the story as examples.
Formal assessment
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Task: Writing composition
Use the Assessment grid for writing composition to reach a mark out of 10. It is included in the Assessment
section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English
Second Language Grade 4 CD. Record the marks in your continuous assessment record sheet.
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this
Teacher’s Guide.
•• Home from School (poem)
•• Our House and Home (poem)
•• Good morning! Good morning! (play)
Lesson 10 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 9 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
•• Learners mark their own work using the copies of model answers from the CD, or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
1. a) Grandmother plays with the baby.
b) Okeri’s father washes the dishes
c) Okeri’s mother carries bags.
d) Okeri sets the table.
e) Okeri’s brother cooks the food.
f) They share the housework. (6)
2. a) He lives with his cousins.
b) How many brothers and sisters do you have?
c) My friend has two grandfathers and one grandmother.
d) Her grandmother is very kind.
e) My aunt stays at home to look after her baby. (5)
3. Kaheke loved to play the drums. She played in a band. Her brother was also in the band. There were
five people altogether. They enjoyed playing together. Okeri often watched them play. (6)
4. Accept any answers that make sense.
a) I live with my aunt/mother and sisters/family.
b) To help at home I sweep/wash up/look after my sister.
c) Last year, I was in Grade 3. This year I am in Grade 4. Next year, I will be in Grade 5.(3)
5. Ask the students to write down five words to check spelling. (5)
Total: 25 marks
Worksheets 1A, 1B and 1C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 1B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 1C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will enjoy
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on the
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or for
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 15
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to a news report
Answer questions
Activity 2 Say words and sentences
Lesson 2 Activity 3 Listen to street directions
Answer questions
Speaking Lesson 3 Activity 4 Label a map
Term 1 Continuous Activity 5 Ask for and give directions
Assessment Task 2:
Prepared speaking
Reading Lesson 5 Activity 7 Read a news report
Term 1 Continuous Answer a comprehension on the report
Assessment Task 3: Analyse features of a news report
Reading comprehension Lesson 6 Activity 8 Use correct spelling and punctuation
Hard and soft c sounds, -ch blends, punctuation
Lesson 7 Activity 9 Read a map and describe a route
Follow and describe a route
Feedback on Continuous Assessment Task 3: Reading comprehension
Lesson 4 Reading/Literature
Lesson 8 Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English Second Language
Lesson 11 Reader:
Running from the Rooster (story)
The Great Warrior (poem)
❍❍ The second and third time, learners listen for information to answers the questions.
Period 2
•• Learners listen to the news report again. This time they can make notes about the dates and numbers.
•• Discuss the answers for Question 1 in After you listen as a class.
•• Question 2 is done in pairs. Learners take turns to tell each other about the race. The questions in
Question 1 will help them remember the important details and tell them in the correct order.
•• Question 3 is done in pairs. Learners give their own opinions about running long races, and in the process
they evaluate whether it is a good thing to do or not.
Ask for volunteers to share their opinions on running long races with the class.
Learners do Activity 2 for homework. They do this in writing in their exercise books. The vocabulary focuses
on verbs that describe physical actions. They match the verbs with words that are commonly associated
with them, which is a useful way of remembering the meaning of new words.
Ask for volunteers to describe the directions to the class.
Activity 2 Say words and sentences
a) run a race
b) climb a mountain
c) cycle on a bicycle
d) swim in the sea
e) jump over a rock
f) kick a ball
Compensatory teaching
•• Ask learners to stand. Call out action verbs and ask learners to do the actions. For example: jump, bend,
stand on your toes, shake your hands, nod your head, touch your toes, etc.
•• Teach learners the words for this poem. They can mime the actions on the spot while they say the words.
Turn to the right
here we go
not too fast
and not too slow.
Turn to the left
Walk along
And while we go
Let’s sing a song!
If learners are unable to do the actions in the activities above due to illness or disability, ask them to assist
you in giving instructions, for example calling out action verbs, so they also play an active role.
❍❍ Show that you have prepared well and feel confident about what you are saying.
❍❍ Stand in a comfortable position and look at your partner while you are talking.
•• Give learners time to prepare their dialogues. They can do this in writing, but point out that they may not
use notes when they act out the dialogue.
Period 2
•• Call up learners to act out the dialogues in their pairs.
•• The rest of the class can do Activity 6 Work with words on page 12. They do this in writing in their
exercise books. The vocabulary reinforces the direction words they have learnt in this topic. They match
If there is time, ask pairs to volunteer to act out the dialogues.
Formal assessment
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Task 2: Prepared speaking
Use the Assessment grid for Speaking. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is
also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language CD.
Lesson 4 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Running from the Rooster (story)
•• The Great Warrior (poem)
Period 2
•• Read through the questions in After you read.
•• Ask learners to read the report quietly on their own.
•• Learners answer the questions in writing in their exercise books.
•• Take in the books for marking. Use the memo in the answer section below.
Formal assessment
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Task 3: Reading comprehension
Mark the answers using the memorandum provided below. Give a mark out of 10. Check that the mark
achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the Assessment grid for reading comprehension. It is
included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the Assessment tools folder
on the Platinum English Second Language CD. Record the marks in your continuous assessment record
Learners enter new words they have learnt in this topic so far in their personal dictionaries. This includes
words from the listening and speaking activities. Remind them to write sentences to show the meaning of
the words.
I think it is a good project because it gives people an opportunity to take part in a group sport and do
exercise which is good for them. I do not think it is a good project because bicycles are expensive and they
often get stolen. It is better to do exercise that does not need expensive equipment. (4)
Total: 10 marks
Learners work in their pairs and read the newspaper report again out loud to each other in their pairs. They
must pay attention to the words that begin with a soft or hard c sound.
Compensatory teaching
Revise the basic spelling and punctuation rules with the learners.
Take into account learners who may have problems pronouncing words because of physical reasons.
Encourage them to say the words as best they can. Do not try to correct them.
Period 2
•• Ask for volunteers to read out the alternative routes they wrote. See how many different routes they
managed to find.
•• Learners do the vocabulary exercise in writing in their exercise books. Ask them to first find the direction
words in the text, and then to write words that mean the opposite.
•• Discuss that many dictionaries include words with opposite meanings. They are called antonyms. If your
class has dictionaries with antonyms, ask them to look up words and find the antonym for each word.
Otherwise call out words from your dictionary, for example hot, cold, and ask them to give antonyms for
the words.
•• Remind learners to enter new words from this lesson in their personal dictionaries.
Compensatory teaching
If learners need more practise with antonyms, they can do the following activity.
Match each word in the first list below with a word from the second list that means the opposite.
1. finish a) long
2. slow b) fit
3. short c) fast
4. unfit d) start
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Running from the Rooster (story)
•• The Great Warrior (poem)
Period 2
•• Read through the information about vowels and consonants in the language box.
•• Learners do Activity 11 Question 2 in writing in their exercise books.
•• Go through the answers as a class and ask learners to correct their own work.
•• Read through the information about countable and uncountable nouns in the language box.
•• Learners do Activity 12 Question 1 in writing in their exercise books.
Period 3
•• Read through the information about using “a”, “an” and “the” with nouns.
•• Learners do Question 2 orally as a class.
•• Learners do Questions 3 to 5 in writing in their exercise books. Ask them to read through the rules again
and to check their work carefully before they hand their work in.
Take in the books for marking.
Lesson 10 Dictation
Learner’s Book page 15 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Learners write the final version of their dictations out neatly. Take in their exercise books for marking.
Lesson 11 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Running from the Rooster (story)
•• The Great Warrior (poem)
Period 2
•• Ask for volunteers to read their correct version of the report.
•• Learners check their work and make corrections.
•• Learners copy the mind map and fill in answers to the questions.
•• Go through the answers with the class.
Explain to learners that a news report must always answer the questions: what, who, when, where (and
sometimes how). If there is time, turn back to the news report in Activity 13 of the Learner’s Book and ask
learners to answer the questions about the report.
Period 2
•• Hand back the exercise books with the marked Continuous Assessment Task 4. Tell the class that you are
going to go through the work together as a class.
•• Give learners time to look at their marks and to go through their work on their own to see where they
made mistakes.
•• Work through the exercises orally as a class. Ask for volunteers to explain the rules behind the correct
words used. For example: An athlete is someone who does sports. Use “an” instead of “a” before a noun
beginning with a vowel.
Learners do their corrections in writing.
Compensatory teaching
•• Continuous Assessment Task 3: For learners who only manage to achieve Levels 1 and 2, ask them to do
the whole comprehension again for homework. Check their work.
•• Continuous Assessment Task 4: For learners who achieved Level 1 and 2, go through the rules again and
give them additional exercises to do for homework. Here are some examples that can be used:
1. The underlined words in the sentences are incorrect. Rewrite the sentences correctly. In some
sentences you need to write the correct word, and in others you need to leave out the word.
a) There is an weather map in the newspaper. (a weather map)
Lesson 14 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 21 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
❍❍ directions on a map
Period 2
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD. Or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Self-assessment: Learners add their marks up out of a total of 25.
1. choice, sandwich, stitches, cheer, itch (5)
Worksheets 2A, 2B and 2C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 2B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 2C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will enjoy
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or
for homework.
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lesson 1 to 16
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to a play
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 6: Listening comprehension Answer questions
Lesson 14 Feedback on Continuous Assessment Task 6: Listening
Speaking Lesson 2 Activity 2 Act out the play
Show feelings and emotions
Lesson 3 Activity 3 Role play a school situation
Lesson 4 Activity 4 Work with words and sentences
Sentences: order words
Reading Lesson 6 Activity 5 Read a play
Make predictions
Analyse features of a play
Answer a comprehension on the play
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Lesson 7 Activity 7 Practise reading
Task 7: Reading aloud Read aloud
Lesson 5 Activity 6 Use your vocabulary
Lesson 9 Stems, prefixes, suffixes
Lesson 13 Reader/Prescribed literature
Bob’s Best Friend (story)
54 Topic 3: Friends
Topic 3: Friends 55
❍❍ Talk about the predictions they made. How were they correct? How were they different?
❍❍ Discuss words that they find difficult, and that do not appear in the Word list. Ask them to look up
Period 2
•• Play the play a fourth time.
•• Learners complete Questions 1, 2 and 3 in writing in their exercise books. The questions focus on literal
answers using information from the play, and higher order answers, for example the analysis of
characters and personal response to the story. Before they start, give learners the marks for each question
so they know how much information they need to supply. Explain that they must write each answer in a
full sentence, starting with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. Give them an example without
actually giving the answer. Question: Name the three boys in the play. Answer: The three boys in the play
are (full stop).
56 Topic 3: Friends
Learners enter new words and meanings in their personal dictionaries. They write a sentence for each word.
Formal assessment
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Task 6: Listening comprehension
Mark the answers using the memo provided below. Divide it by 2 to give you a mark out of …
Mark half marks up, for example 5 = 6.
Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the Assessment grid for Listening
comprehension. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the CD.
(8 – mark allocation indicated in answer. 2 marks per sentence – 1 mark for correct content, 1 mark for
full sentence construction.)
Total: 20 marks
Topic 3: Friends 57
Ask for volunteers to act out some of the dialogues.
Compensatory teaching
Circulate while learners are preparing. Work with groups who are struggling to express themselves
in English.
If learners are unable to express themselves clearly due to speech disabilities, take this into account. Their
use of gestures can indicate that they understand the emotions of the character they are playing.
58 Topic 3: Friends
10 minutes before the end of the lesson, ask for volunteers to do their role plays in front of the class.
Lesson 4 Write
Learner’s Book page 23 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
❍❍ spelling
❍❍ capitalisation
❍❍ starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark
•• Change the subject of the example sentence to illustrate how the subject and verb must agree. Write the
sentences below on the board. Leave the verb out and ask learners to supply the correct form.
❍❍ I/You/we/they walk into the room.
•• Write another sentence on the board, this time in the present continuous tense, for example: Tom is
eating sweets. Go through the same process as described above, including changing the subject of the
sentence. Discuss how the first part of the verb changes, but the second part stays the same. They have
learnt about this in Topic 1. Then write the sentence as a question: Is Tom eating sweets? Talk about how
the word order changes in a question.
•• Ask learners to do Activity 4 in the Learner’s Book.
Topic 3: Friends 59
Lesson 5 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Bob’s Best Friend (story)
60 Topic 3: Friends
Period 2
•• Find out what learners can remember about the play from the previous lesson. Ask: How many characters
are there? What are their names? Who has a fight? Why? etc.
•• Read the play again.
•• Ask learners to read it quietly on their own.
•• Organise learners into groups of four.
Topic 3: Friends 61
Period 3
•• Ask learners to read the play again quietly on their own
•• Ask them write answers to the questions. Remind them to use full sentences.
Go through the answers to the questions as a class.
Lesson 7 Read
Learner’s Book page 25 Time: 2 × 40-minute periods
62 Topic 3: Friends
❍❍ reading smoothly, pausing only when there are commas, full stops, question and exclamation marks
❍❍ reading with expression: changing voices to show the emotions of the characters.
•• The groups spend the rest of the lesson preparing their readings.
Period 2
•• Learners do the vocabulary exercises in writing in their exercise books. The exercises reinforce
vocabulary learnt in the topic. Before they start, read what the children are saying to each other on
page 24. It is important that learners grasp the concept first, and are not put off by unfamiliar vocabulary.
•• When they have finished Activity 6 they can read from their prescribed books.
•• Call up groups to read the play for formal assessment. If you do not complete this, you can continue in
Lesson 14 during the self-assessment.
10 minutes before the lesson, go over the answers for Activity 6 Use your vocabulary.
Formal assessment
Continuous Assessment Task 7: Reading aloud
Use the Assessment grid for Reading aloud. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide.
It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the CD.
Take into account learners who may have problems pronouncing words because of physical reasons. Be
lenient in your assessment – assess how well they have prepared and the effort they are making to read with
expression. Do not take off marks for words that are not correctly pronounced or clear.
Topic 3: Friends 63
Period 2
•• Go through the answers for the exercises on adverbs. Learners mark their own work and do corrections.
•• Write this sentences on the board: Annike is an honest friend. See if learners can identify the adjective
(honest). Discuss how the adjective describes the noun (Annike).
•• Explain that you can change adjectives into adverbs. Write this sentence on the board, under Annike is an
honest friend: Annike behaves honestly. Discuss how you can add –ly to the adjective to make it an
adverb, and how now it describes the verb behave, not Annike. Point out that some adjectives do not
follow the –ly rule.
•• Read the information in the Language box. Make sure learners understand all the spelling rules for
changing adjectives into adverbs.
•• Learners do Question 4 in writing in their exercise books. They can complete it for homework.
Period 3
•• Find out what learners can remember about the spelling rules for changing adjectives into adverbs.
•• Go through the answers for Question 4 with the class.
•• Explain that although most adverbs describe verbs, some adverbs do not work like this. They describe
•• Write this sentence on the board: Leena is really cross. See if they can identify the adverb (really), and
that cross is an adjective. Explain that the adverb tells you about “cross”, not the verb “is”.
•• Read through the information in the language box.
•• Ask learners to do Question 5 in writing in their exercise books.
•• Go through the answers with the class.
64 Topic 3: Friends
Lesson 9 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Bob’s Best Friend (story)
Topic 3: Friends 65
❍❍ salutation
❍❍ signing off
Period 2
•• Learners complete the writing process described in the Learner’s Book. Remind them to use the checklist
to check their rough drafts before they write the neat version in their exercise books.
•• Take in the books for marking.
Learners are to enter new words from this lesson in their personal dictionaries. Remind them to write
meanings and example sentences for each word. They can complete this for homework.
Formal assessment
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Task 8: Write short tasks
66 Topic 3: Friends
Lesson 11 Dictation
Learner’s Book page 28 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Do a dictation
Learners write the final version of the dictations neatly in their exercise books.
Peer assessment
Learners swap books. They open the Learner’s Books to page 28 and mark each other’s work. They must
take off a mark for each word spelt incorrectly and each incorrect or missing and punctuation. Write the
marking scheme below on the board. They count the mistakes in the dictation and allocate a mark out of 10.
9–10: between 0 and 2 mistakes
7–8: between 3 and 4 mistakes
5–6: between 5 and 6 mistakes
3–4: between 7 and 8 mistakes
1–2: more than 9 mistakes.
Topic 3: Friends 67
68 Topic 3: Friends
Lesson 13 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Bob’s Best Friend (story)
Topic 3: Friends 69
Learners do their corrections in writing.
Compensatory teaching
Continuous Assessment Task 6: For learners who only manage to achieve Levels 1 and 2, ask them to listen
to the play again and then do the whole comprehension again for homework. Check their work.
Lesson 15 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 29 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Period 2
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD, or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Self-assessment: Learners add their marks up out of a total of 20.
70 Topic 3: Friends
Total: 20 marks
Worksheets 3A, 3B and 3C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 3B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 3C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or
for homework.
Topic 3: Friends 71
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lesson 1 to 16
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to a story
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 9: Listening comprehension Answer questions Retell the story
Lesson 14 Activity 2 Practise new vocabulary
Feedback on Continuous Assessment Task 9: Listening
Speaking Lesson 3 Activity 4 Do a role play
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Act out a dialogue
Task 11: Unprepared speaking Make requests
Lesson 10 Unprepared speaking
Reading Lesson 2 Activity 3 Read a dialogue
Answer a comprehension on the dialogue
Lesson 5 Activity 5 Talk about road safety
Identify road signs
Read road safety rules
Poems related to road safety
Term 1 Continuous Assessment Lesson 4 Reader/Prescribed literature
Task 10: Prescribed literature Lesson 9 Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English
Lesson 12 Second Language Grade 4 Reader:
The Busy, Busy Bus Stop (poem)
Writing Lesson 13 Activity 8 Write a report, a letter and identify
Term 1 Continuous Assessment traffic rules
Task 12: Directed writing Use own words to complete a report
Use provided words to complete a letter
Write sentences using visual stimuli
Dictation Lesson 11 Do a dictation
Period 2
•• Asks learners to read Question 1 in After you listen.
•• Play the story a third time. Ask learners to listen for answers to the questions.
•• Learners write answers for the questions in their exercise books.
•• Ask them to check their work.
•• Take in the books for marking.
Ask for volunteers to share their experiences about accidents.
Learners do Activity 2 on page 31 for homework. It reinforces vocabulary they have learnt in this lesson.
Formal assessment
Continuous Assessment Task 9: Listening comprehension
Mark the answers using the memorandum provided above. Give a mark out of 10.
Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the Assessment grid for listening
comprehension. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Extended teaching
Use the picture to discuss in more depth the work that people do, for example: There is a nurse. She works in
a clinic. She helps sick people get better. There is a hawker. He …
Period 2
•• Discuss the different kinds of punctuation in the dialogue.
•• Discuss how to change your voice when you read:
❍❍ Questions – your tone raises towards the end of the sentence and your voice changes
❍❍ Exclamations – your voice is a bit louder than for a question or a statement, and you show what you
Period 3
•• Read through the questions in After you read. They include literal questions and higher order questions in
which learners express their own opinions about the accident.
•• Learners write answers to the questions in their exercise books.
Go through the answers to questions with the class. See how many points of view were expressed for
Question 3.
Ask pairs to volunteer to act out the dialogues.
Take into account learners who may have problems with pitch and intonation because of physical reasons.
Encourage them to say the words as best they can. Do not try to correct them.
Use this lesson to do the Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 10: Literature. A template for this task, as well
as a template for the memorandum, appears on the CD that accompanies this Teacher’s Guide. Answers will
be determined by the prescribed story chosen.
Go through the traffic rules that have been learnt in this lesson again. Emphasise the importance of obeying
these rules when you are on the road, as a driver or as a pedestrian.
Learners enter new words they have learnt in this topic so far in their personal dictionaries. This includes
words from the listening and speaking activities. Remind them to write sentences to show the meaning of
the words.
Extension teaching
Here is another poem you can teach the class. Ask them identify the rhyming pairs.
Big blue bike
I like to ride
On my bike outside
Up and down the street I pedal my feet
On my big blue bike
That’s what I like.
Go through the answers with the class. Make sure they know that the first word in the second sentence does
not start with a capital letter when you use the conjunction.
Activity 6 Use connecting words
1. a) There was a stop street but the taxi driver did not see it.
b) Mr Mbumba was worried because he was late.
c) The taxi bumped into him and he fell of his bike.
d) You can cause an accident if you talk on your cell phone while you drive.
e) Mr Mbumba was not going fast however he could not see where he was going.
Compensatory teaching
Revise the connecting words “and”, “but”, “because”, “so” and “that”. Write them on the board. Make up
sentences leaving out the connecting words. Ask learners to choose the correct word. Do this orally. Here
are some sentences you can use:
Drivers must stop at stop streets _______ they don’t cause accidents. (so)
The shopkeeper sells sweets _______ fruit at his shop. (and)
The police officer wants to buy some of his fruit _______ it is too expensive. (but)
The shopkeeper says it is expensive _______ it is very good. (because)
Go through the answers with the class.
Go through the answers with the class.
•• Accept any endings that make sense, for example:
❍❍ I was on my way to school and I saw an accident.
❍❍ I think the taxi stopped at the stop street but I am not sure.
❍❍ I was sorry for the delivery man on the bicycle because he was badly hurt.
❍❍ The delivery man will get better, however he will not be able to work for a long time.
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Busy, Busy Bus Stop (poem)
Lesson 10 Speak
Time: 2 × 40-minute period
You can, of course, supplement these topics with topics that you choose based on what is happening in your
school or area. Choose simple topics that learners will have some experience of, for example, a sports day at
your school, or an event in the community.
❍❍ how they speak: Do they read word for word or are they able to speak while referring to their notes
Formal assessment
Continuous Assessment Task 11: Unprepared speaking
Your approach to this assessment will depend on the class size. If you have more learners than can
complete speaking in two periods, then we recommend that you listen to some learners speak while the rest
of the class complete activities from the textbook. It is not advisable to allocate more than two lessons for
this assessment.
Use the Assessment grid for Speaking to assess each learner’s speaking skills. It is included in the
Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the
Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD. Record the marks as they will be used towards the
Continuous Assessment mark for Term 1.
Lesson 11 Dictation
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Do a dictation
Write the dictation on the board. Learners swap books and mark each other’s work.
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Busy, Busy Bus Stop (poem)
Lesson 13 Write
Learner’s Book page 36 Time: 2 × 40-minute periods
Use the Assessment grid for Shorter writing pieces. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s
Guide to assess each learner’s writing skills out of a total of 10 marks. It is also included in the Assessment
tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD. Record the marks as they will be used
towards the Continuous Assessment mark for Term 1.
Compensatory teaching
If learners are still struggling with basic writing skills such as punctuation, give them this exercise to do. It
reinforces using commas in lists.
Learners do their corrections in writing.
Compensatory teaching
For learners who only manage to achieve Levels 1 and 2, give them a copy of the story and ask them to do
the whole comprehension again for homework. Check their work.
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD. Or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Self-assessment: Learners add their marks up out of a total of 20.
1. I was in the taxi and we had an accident. There was a stop sign but the taxi driver did not see it. The
taxi knocked a man off his bicycle and he was badly hurt. I felt sorry for him because he was in a lot
of pain. He wanted to get back on his bicycle, but he could not because his arm was broken. (5)
2. a) The pen belongs to the police officer. It is the police officer’s pen.
b) The taxi belongs to the taxi driver. It is the taxi driver’s taxi.
c) The bicycle belongs to Mr Mbumba. It is Mr Mbumba’s bicycle.(3)
3. Kanune is walking on the pavement. She is on her way to the post office to post a parcel. She is
talking on her cell phone. She comes to a pedestrian crossing. She steps into the road without
looking left or right. A taxi does not stop and there is an accident. Kanune is hurt and an ambulance
takes her to hospital. (8)
4. The bike and the taxi driver got to the stop street at the same time.
Mr Mbumba did not stop at the stop street. The taxi driver also did not stop.
The taxi driver knocked Mr Mbumba off his bicycle. (4)
Total: 20 marks
Worksheets 4A, 4B and 4C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 4B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 4C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will enjoy
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or for
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lesson 1 to 11
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Talk about a disease
Activity 2 Listen to a medical report
Answer questions
Speaking Lesson 2 Activity 3 Practise giving advice
Term 2 Continuous Lesson 3 Activity 4 Talk about healthy food
Assessment Task 1: Prepared speaking Activity 5 Work with words
Syllables, root words, prefixes, suffixes
Reading Lesson 4 Activity 6 Read a poster
Term 2 Continuous Answer a comprehension on the poster
Assessment Task 2: Reading aloud Analyse features of a poster
Lesson 5 Activity 7 Match words and sounds
Lesson 6 Activity 8 Use your vocabulary
Activity 12 Write new words
Spelling: Hard and soft g sounds, abbreviations,
idioms, word game, develop your vocabulary: enter new
words in personal dictionary
Reader/prescribed literature
Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English
Second Language Grade 4 Reader:
Be Careful When You Cross the Road (play)
The B-A-B-Y (story)
❍❍ Play it a second time. Before you start, ask learners to look at the Word list again.
❍❍ Before you play it a third time, read through the questions in After you listen, so learners know what
Period 2
•• Play the listening text a fourth time.
•• Ask learners to write answers for the question in their exercise books.
Go through the answers to the questions with the class.
Extended teaching
Write the word “medicine” on the board. See how many smaller words learners can make from it. They
should call out the words orally and you write them on the board. For example: me, dice, need, nice, mice,
mend, dine, den, etc.
Divide the class into groups. Ask them to take turns to sing the song while the rest of the class watches
and listens.
Ask learners to copy the words of the song and learn them.
If there are learners who are wheelchair bound, encourage them to do the actions. You do not need to be
standing to do them.
Period 1
•• Organise learners into small groups.
•• Ask them to do the activity. They name the food in the posters and discuss the sentences in their groups,
but they must prepare their talks individually. They can write down key words to help them while they
speak, but they may not read notes. They must look at the audience.
•• Let them start presenting their talks to their groups. Remind them to speak slowly and clearly, and to say
your words correctly. Circulate from group to group, assessing learners individually.
Period 2
•• Learners continue presenting their talks in their groups. Continue the assessment.
•• Once a group has been assessed, they can do the exercises in the Work with words vocabulary section.
Question 1 can be done orally in pairs. It revises syllables. Question 2 is done in writing. It revises root
words, prefixes and suffixes. They have not used the terminology “root words” yet. Use the heading in the
table to explain it.
Ask for volunteers to present their talks to the class.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 1: Prepared speaking
Use the Assessment grid for Speaking. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is
also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD. If you do
not have enough time to assess the whole class, continue the assessment during the Self-assessment,
Compensatory and extension learning periods.
Learners can complete the questions in Activity 5 Work with words.
Compensatory learning
If learners are shy and struggle to present their talks to their peers, call them up and ask them to present the
talk to you. They might feel more at ease with you.
Extension learning
Write the letters of the alphabet on the board. Learners must think of names of food that begin with each
letter. They must say whether they are unhealthy or not.
Period 2
•• Learners answer the questions in After you read in writing in their exercise books.
Go through the answers with the class.
Period 2
•• Write this idiom on the board: Learn this song off by heart. See if learners can identify the meaning: to
learn something very well so you know it without having to look at notes. It does not mean that your
heart is doing the learning. Explain that in most languages you have sayings that have a different
meaning from the actual words in the sentence.
•• Do Question 1 as a class.
•• Organise learners into pairs.
•• Explain the word game in Question 2 where learners must match beginnings and endings.
•• Learners complete the game in writing in their exercise books. It revises new words they have learnt in
this topic.
Go through the answers for Question 2 with the class.
Compensatory teaching
Turn to the back of the Learner’s Book and revise the basic spelling and punctuation rules.
Lesson 6 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Be Careful When You Cross the Road (play)
•• The B-A-B-Y (story)
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 2: Reading aloud
Take into account learners who may have problems pronouncing words because of physical reasons. Be
lenient in your assessment – assess how well they have prepared and the effort they are making to read with
expression. Do not take off marks for words that are not correctly pronounced or clear.
Go through the answers of the two exercises that learners wrote in their exercise books. Ask learners to
correct their own work.
Lesson 8 Dictation
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Do a dictation
Write the paragraph on the board. Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work.
Ask learners to bring old newspapers and magazines to school for the poster writing activity in the next
lesson. They must also make sure that they have the following: coloured pencils, glue and scissors. You will
need to provide sheets of clean paper, A3 if possible.
Period 2
•• Learners complete their posters.
•• Display the posters on the walls of the classroom.
•• Start the peer assessment process outlined below. This can continue during Lessons 10 and 11, once
learners have completed the tasks they must do in those lessons.
Peer assessment
Learners work in their pairs. Ask them to copy the checklist below. They must choose three of the displayed
posters and use the checklist to assess them. They could do this from their desks if the posters have been
done on big sheets of paper. If not, they might have to move closer, in which case you will need to move
desks to make room for this.
•• Is the poster interesting and colourful?
•• Is there one heading that is bigger and brighter than the other words in the poster?
•• Do the pictures go well with the words?
Lesson 10 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 45 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD, or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Learners add their marks up out of a total of 25.
1. a) What time does the clinic open?
b) Don’t be late!
c) Bananas are good for you.
d) Has the doctor seen the patient yet?
e) I have a terrible headache!
f) Try to do some exercise every day. (6)
Worksheets 5A, 5B and 5C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 5B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 5C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lesson 1 to 18
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to a story
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 3: Listening comprehension Answer questions
Lesson 3 Activity 2 Work with sounds
Lesson 12 Activity 3 Listen to a poem
Answer questions
Feedback on Continuous Assessment Task 3: Listening
Speaking Lesson 2 Act out a story
Lesson 18 Say rhymes and sing songs
Reading Lesson 5 Activity 6 Read a story
Do a comprehension
Lesson 7 Activity 7 Work with sounds
Lesson 8 Activity 8 Read a poem
Lesson 6 Activity 9 Read another poem
Lesson 9 Activity 10 Work with words
Lesson 14 Reading/Literature
Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English
Second Language Grade 4 Reader:
The Jungle in My Dreams (poem)
Then talk about the guesses they made about the story before they heard it. How are they the same?
How are they different? Also talk about how it feels when the wind blows (cool, fresh, cold, chilly)
❍❍ The second time, ask learners to listen and note down unfamiliar words. Learners can use a dictionary
Period 2
•• Play the story a third time. Then read through the questions in After you listen. Question 1 requires literal
answers using information from the story. Question 2 asks learners to identify the message of the story.
•• Play it a fourth time. Learners can listen for details to help answer the questions.
•• Learners answer the questions in writing in their exercise books.
Extended teaching
There are many folk tales about the sun and the moon. Ask learners to share stories they know with the
Learners can do Activity 2 Work with sounds for homework. They use mind maps to classify words
according to the letters they start with. Read through the activity before the end of the lesson so that they
understand what they need to do.
Ask for volunteers to act out their stories in front of the class.
Extension teaching
Play the classification game. Write the seasons on the board: winter, summer, autumn, spring. Write each
word as a mind map with a circle around it and branches. Ask learners for words that tell you what the
weather is like during that season. This will depend on which part of the country you live in. They can use
these words: hot/warm/cold/freezing/dry/wet/windy/sunny/cloudy/rain/snow/hail/storm/drought, etc.
Write the words into the correct mind map on the board.
Compensatory teaching
If learners still struggle to grasp the concept of personification, give them a copy of the poem and ask them
to circle the words that would normally be associated with a person.
Lesson 4 Write
Learner’s Book page 47 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Ask for volunteers to read their poems to the class.
Compensatory teaching
For learners who struggle with the concept of rhyme, write these words on the board. See how many words
learners can make up to rhyme with each word. Do this orally. Sun (fun, run, begun, etc.); land (and, hand,
and etc.); best (rest, pest, guest, etc.); sky (my, fly, why, etc.); crown (down, frown, noun, etc.); time (mine,
line, fine, etc.).
Period 2
•• Read through the questions in After you read.
•• Question 1 requires learners to identify the process of cause and effect in the story.
•• Questions 2 and 3 develop metacognitive skills: learners analyse a character and make a judgement about
his behaviour. They also interpret the message in the story. They are well prepared for this as they have
identified the message in the sun and wind story. This time they do not choose an option, they use their
own words to complete a sentence that gives the message.
•• Ask learners to do Questions 1 to 3 in writing in their exercise books. They can finish them for homework.
Discuss Question 4 with the class. Find out what they know about the solar system. Show them diagrams
and talk about them. Here are some interesting facts:
•• Our earth is a planet that forms part of the universe. There are eight other planets and millions of stars.
•• The eight planets move around the sun in a system called the solar system. Solar means sun.
•• The eight planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. (Pluto, a smaller
planet, was once classified as a ninth planet, but it is no longer considered a planet.)
•• Some planets have moons that move around them. Earth has one moon.
Learners complete the comprehension questions and do Activity 7 Work with sounds, which revises the
spelling rule for the soft and hard c sound.
Extension teaching
Encourage learners to read other myths or folk tales (including African) about how things came to be.
Give them copies of stories you have managed to find, ask them to look for stories in the library or on
the internet. If there is time available in future lessons, ask them to share the stories they have read with
the class.
Lesson 6 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Jungle in My Dreams (poem)
Period 2
•• Read the questions in After you read.
•• Ask learners to do the answers to Questions 1 to 3 in writing in their exercise books.
Discuss Question 4. Ask learners what other pictures they have seen in the moon. See how many images
they come up with. Then ask for volunteers to read the poem out loud to the class.
Learners complete the questions in After you read.
Activity 8 Read a poem
1. a) The person in the poem compares the moon to a cradle, a granny’s round face, a banana and a cake.
2. b) When you grow up, you start seeing things as they really are.
3. Accept any answers that are backed by good reasons, for example: I like the picture of the cake best
because when it is big and round it reminds me of a cake and I love eating cake.
Period 2
•• Learners continue to discuss the questions.
•• Go through the questions as a class.
•• Do Activity 10 Work with words. Question 1 extends the learner’s knowledge of syllables by showing how
syllables create rhythm in poems. The word “Africa” might pose a challenge.
•• Question 2 is a word game. Write the word “monkey” on the board and ask learners to call out words.
They will probably be able to make more than six words!
Ask learners to take turns to read the poem out loud in pairs.
Learners write down new words they have learnt in their personal dictionaries. They write a sentence to
show the meaning of each word.
Lesson 9 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Jungle in My Dreams (poem)
Ask learners to check their work. Then take in the books for marking.
Compensatory teaching
To reinforce knowledge of irregular verbs, select sentences with irregular verbs in the simple past tense
from The sun chariot story again. For example: Phaeton’s father drove the chariot across the sky every day.
After each paragraph, ask learners to find the verbs and say what tense they are in. See if they can give that
same verb in the simple present tense. (drove/drive)
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 4: Grammar
Mark the answers using the memo provided below. Give a mark out of 10. Record these marks in your
continuous assessment sheet.
Lesson 11 Dictation
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Do a dictation
Ask learners to swap books and mark each other’s work, using the text from the Learner’s book.
Give learners a list of 10 irregular verbs to learn off by heart (in their present and past forms). You can find
this in the verb section of the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Grammar Book, or you can draw
up your own list of irregular verbs.
Extension teaching
Write the words in the left column of the table below on the board. They are all words from the texts in this
topic. Ask for volunteers to write a word with the opposite meaning next to each word. For a challenge you
could also ask them to write a word with the same meaning. They can use their dictionaries to find words.
Learners do their corrections in writing.
Compensatory teaching
Give learners who only manage to achieve Levels 1 and 2 a copy of the story and ask them to do the whole
comprehension again for homework. Check their work.
Period 2
•• Learners complete their first draft of the story.
•• Once they have checked the first draft, they can write the story neatly in their exercise books.
Take in the books for marking.
Give learners another 10 irregular verbs to learn off by heart by the next lesson.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 5: Writing composition
Use the Assessment grid for Writing composition to assess the stories. It is included in the Assessment
section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English
Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Lesson 14 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Jungle in My Dreams (poem)
Learners do their corrections in writing.
Provide learners with 10 irregular verbs to learn off by heart. You can refer to the section on verbs in the
Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Grammar Book, or draw up your own list.
Compensatory teaching
Ask learners who only manage to achieve Levels 1 and 2 to do the exercise again.
Lesson 16 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 55 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Learners add their marks up out of a total of 20.
1. a) I slept well last night.
b) We found the lost keys in the box.
c) She gave him the book, but then he lost it.
d) They woke up early this morning.
e) I drank a glass of milk for breakfast. (5)
2. a) Sun said she could dry up the clouds.
b) Wind saw a man with a coat.
c) He was walking along the road.
d) Wind blew but the coat did not come off the man.
e) Wind went to another part of the sky. (5)
3. a) 5
b) 1
c) 4
d) 3
e) 2
4. a) Yes, bright and light rhyme. (5)
b) The second line has 7 beats. (5)
Total: 20 marks
Worksheets 6A, 6B and 6C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 6B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 6C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will enjoy
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 15
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to a weather report
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 6: Dictation Answer questions Develop your vocabulary
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 6: Dictation
Lesson 2 Activity 2 Listen to directions
Answer questions
Develop your vocabulary
Speaking Lesson 3 Activity 3 Present a weather report
Lesson 4 Atlas: Find features on a map of Namibia
Reading Lesson 6 Activity 4 Read a weather chart
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Do a comprehension
Task 7: Reading comprehension Lesson 7 Activity 9 Work with words and sentences
Activity 5 Read an experiment
Activity 6 Work with words
Activity 7 Use your vocabulary
Lesson 13 Feedback on Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 7: Reading
Lesson 15 Do the experiment
Lesson 5 Reader/Prescribed literature
Lesson 9 Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English
Lesson 14 Second Language Grade 4 Reader:
Too Close to the Sun (story)
Fun in the sun (poem)
Rainy days and Mondays (poem)
Period 2
•• Play the weather report again. Learners check the notes they made.
•• Learners can do the After you listen activities in pairs, using their notes that they made. They can take
turns to ask and answer the questions.
•• Make sure they understand that in Question 3 they must use the details from report about the place that
is the nearest to where they live. (They identified this in Before you listen.)
Go through the answers to the questions with the class.
Ask learners to check their dictations. Then take them in for marking.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 6: Dictation
Mark the dictation using the Assessment grid for dictation. It is included in the Assessment section of this
Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language
Grade 4 CD.
Ask for a volunteer to draw the labelled compass on the board.
Extended teaching
Play the antonym game. Call out words to do with the weather and ask learners to say words that mean the
opposite. For example: cloudy/sunny, hot/cold, warm/cool, dry/wet, windy/still, quiet, drought/flood, etc.
Period 2
•• Learners take turns to present their reports to each other. Read through the guidelines of how to do this.
•• Remind them that they are presenting a report on television, so they need to look at their ‘audience’.
Ask for volunteers to present their reports to the class.
Compensatory teaching
If learners struggle to say the words “maximum” and “minimum”, work with them individually. Break up the
words into syllables. Learners say the syllables separately and then put them together again to form the
whole word. For example: max/i/mum – maximum.
❍❍ Name the countries that border on Namibia (South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola).
❍❍ Name the national road that runs from the south to the north of Namibia.
❍❍ Follow the route from south to north, naming the big towns it passes through.
❍❍ Name the five big roads that branch off this central road. Which of these roads head east? Which head
❍❍ Name the rivers that run along the Namibian borders (north and south): Orange River, Kunene River,
If learners worked in groups, have a class feedback session.
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Too Close to the Sun (story)
•• Fun in the Sun (poem)
•• Rainy Days and Mondays (poem)
Period 2
•• Ask learners to write answers to the questions in their exercise books.
•• Go through the questions with the class.
•• Ask them to answer the questions in Work with words and sentences in writing in their exercise books.
They revise prepositions and antonyms.
Learners complete Activity 9 Work with words and sentences.
Compensatory teaching
If learners struggle to say the words “horizontal” and “vertical”, break the words up into syllables; let them
say the syllables separately and then put them together to say the whole word. For example: ho/ri/zon/tal.
Use classroom situations to practise the prepositions. For example, walk towards me, sit with a partner,
play games during break, put your books on the table.
Extension teaching
Teach learners these short poems.
Listen can you hear the rain? See the lightning flash.
Now it’s thundering again.
Can you hear the crash?
Red sky
Red sky in the morning
Farmers warning
Red sky at night
Farmers delight.
Discuss the meaning of this poem – some people think that if there is a lovely red sunrise the weather will be
good that day. But if there is a lovely red sunset, the weather is often bad the next day.
Period 2
•• Ask learners to read the experiment on their own.
•• Learners to do Question 1 in writing in their exercise books. Remind them to use full sentences.
•• Take the books in for marking.
•• Let them work in pairs and take turns to tell each other the Follow these steps part of the experiment.
•• Tell learners you will be doing the experiment next week. Once they have done the experiment, they will
complete the sentence in Question 4.
•• Ask them to start collecting as many of the following items as they can: apples, paper or polystyrene cups,
sticky tape, tin foil.
Learners do the exercises in Activity 6 and Activity 7. Read through the rule about long and short vowels
and make sure they understand what they must do. They also add words to their personal dictionaries.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 7: Reading comprehension
Mark the answers using the memo provided here. Give a mark out of 10.
Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the Assessment grid for Reading
comprehension. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Period 2
•• Go through the answers with the class. Learners swap books and mark each other’s work.
•• Write this paragraph on the board, but leave gaps for the underlined verbs. Write the list of verbs at the
side. Ask learners to copy and complete the paragraph using the verbs supplied. Go through the
completed paragraph with the class:
We have been enjoying sunshine for the last two months, but a cold front is heading towards Windhoek.
There will be thunderstorms this weekend. Temperatures below 10 degrees are expected. Farmers are
being warned that their crops could be damaged.
Extension teaching
Ask learners to read the cartoon. Find out what learners know about using solar power to generate
Lesson 9 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Too Close to the Sun (story)
•• Fun in the Sun (poem)
•• Rainy Days and Mondays (poem)
Lesson 10 Dictation
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Lesson 11 Write
Learner’s Book page 64 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Ask for volunteers to draw the column onto the chart on the board.
Learners check their own graphs against this.
Lesson 12 Write
Learner’s Book page 64 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Ask learners to check their work. Take in their books for marking.
The chart tells us about when the sun sets. It gives the time on the vertical side and the months on the
horizontal side. The information in the chart tells us that in the middle of winter, the sun sets the earliest.
Formal assessment
Use the Assessment grid for Shorter writing pieces to assess the reports for Term 2 Continuous Assessment
Task 8: Writing shorter pieces. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also
included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Compensatory teaching:
Ask learners who only manage to achieve Levels 1 and 2 to do the whole comprehension again for
homework. Check their work.
Lesson 14 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Too Close to the Sun (story)
•• Fun in the Sun (poem)
•• Rainy Days and Mondays (poem)
Ask learners to bring as many as they can of the following items to school: apples, paper or polystyrene
cups, sticky tape, tin foil. They will be doing the sun experiment in the next lesson. If necessary, you will
need to provide these items. Leaners will do the experiment in pairs so assess how many of each item you
need. You will also need to bring a cutting board and a knife to cut the apple into sections.
Do an experiment
Discuss the results with the class. Ask for volunteers to read the paragraph. Make sure they understand
what ‘reflect’ means. Talk about how we can use the power of the sun to generate electricity.
Learners with co-ordination problems may need extra help with setting up the experiment.
Lesson 16 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 65 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
•• Learners mark their own work as you go through the questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
1. The weather will be good tomorrow so we are going to visit my aunt. She is my mother’s sister.
She has been ill for a while. (4)
a) 1. Draw the shape of the sun on some cardboard.
2. Cut out the shape.
3. Draw a face on the shape. Use colour.
4. Fix the head onto the stick with sticky tape.
b) See underlined verbs above. (8)
2. a) – 2
b) – 3
c) – 4
d) – 1
3. Long vowel sounds: blade, mine, pole, rise (4)
Short vowel sounds: hat, hot, set, wind (8)
Total: 20 marks
Worksheets 7A, 7B and 7C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 7B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 7C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will enjoy
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or
for homework.
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 17
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 2 Activity 2 Listen to a radio broadcast
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 9: Listening comprehension Lesson 14 Answer questions
Activity 4 Work with words
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 9: Listening
Feedback on Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 9: Listening
Speaking Lesson 1 Activity 1 Talk about a photograph
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Lesson 3 Activity 3 Say what you think
Task 12: Unprepared speaking Lesson 12 Activity 4 Work with words
Unprepared speech
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 12: Unprepared speaking
Reading Lesson 4 Activity 5 Read an article
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Do a comprehension
Task 10: Literature Lesson 10 Activity 6 Use your vocabulary
Lesson 5 Activity 7 Work with words and sentences
Lesson 9 Activity 10 Read and write a review
Lesson 13 Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 10: Literature
Reader/prescribed literature
Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English
Second Language Grade 4 Reader:
Silas Stephanus Superstar (story)
Let learners contribute what they know of Namibian music – they can name other Namibian bands or
musicians or singers, and discuss the music they enjoy listening to. Much of the music they will enjoy will be
produced by America or Britain; share ideas about why we don’t listen to local music as much as
international music.
❍❍ The second time, learners should listen for the answers to the questions.
Period 2
•• Play the text a third time.
•• Learners answer the questions in their exercise books.
•• Take in their books for marking.
If there is time left, they can start on Question 2 of Activity 4 Work with words. Learners work individually
to copy and complete the wheel on page 67. This tests their ability to use the words they have learnt, in
Learners complete Activity 4 Work with words.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 9: Listening comprehension
Mark the answers using the memo provided below. Give a mark out of 5. Double it to get a total out of 10.
Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the Assessment grid for listening
comprehension. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
❍❍ Show learners how to complete a word wheel, on the board. Choose a word such as ‘classroom’ and
add spokes with words that are related (such as ‘desk’, ‘books’, ‘blackboard’ etc.). Learners complete a
word wheel on music, in pairs.
❍❍ Walk around checking that learners understand the concepts of syllable and word wheel and that they
Ask for volunteers to draw their completed word wheel on the board.
Period 2
•• Read through the questions in After you read.
•• Ask the learners to read the article once more, silently.
•• Learners write the answers to the questions in After you read in their exercise books.
•• Learners can do Activity 6 in pairs.
❍❍ Learners write the answers to Question 1 in their exercise books and swap books with a partner to
another pair’s.
•• In Activity 7, read the explanation and words (silent ‘b’ at the end of words that end in ‘mb’) with the
class. Make sure the learners understand the words.
Let learners mark their own answers to the questions in After you read. Ask a few learners to read out their
answers to 3 b), and write some of the answers on the board as model answers.
Let the learners complete Question 2 of Activity 7 at home.
Activity 5 Read an article
After you read
1. She has enjoyed the theatre for more than fifty years.
2. Sandy acted as a bee in a pantomime, and she saw ‘Aladdin’ when she was five years old.
3. Learners’ own response.
4. It is hard work to get the play ready for an audience, but it is rewarding when you get to that point.
Lesson 5 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Use this lesson to do the Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 10: Literature. A template for this task, as
well as a template for the memorandum, appears on the CD that accompanies this TG. Answers will be
determined by the prescribed story chosen.
Lesson 6 Write
Learner’s Book page 72 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
❍❍ The second time, stop at the end of each sentence while learners write it in their exercise books
❍❍ The third time they check their work for spelling and punctuation.
Ask learner to swap books and correct each other’s work, using the text on page 68.
Learners rewrite the dictation correctly.
When they have completed the activity, learners swap books and mark each other’s work.
Compensatory teaching
Helping verbs in English can be very confusing. Give learners as much practice as possible. Start by
practising the present tense until learners are confident; then add in the past tense and the future tense.
Read out the answers and let learners mark their work.
2. a) If you don’t do your homework, you will have to face the music.
Lesson 9 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Silas Stephanus Superstar (story)
Period 2
•• Ask learners to write answers for the questions in their exercise books.
Work through the questions on the review with the class.
Lesson 11 Write
Learner’s Book page 72 Time: 2 × 40-minute periods
❍❍ What is it about?
Period 2
Learners complete their first drafts and check them. They write their neat reviews in their exercise books.
Take learners’ work in for assessment.
Learners write new words learnt in the lessons in this topic in their personal dictionaries, together with
sentences to show the meaning of each word.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 11: Directed writing
Mark the answers using the memo for directed writing provided below. Give a mark out of 10.
Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected in the Assessment grid for Shorter
writing tasks. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD. Record the marks in your
continuous assessment record sheet.
Period 2
Call learners up in their pairs to present their speeches.
Formal assessment
Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 12: Speaking unprepared
Give a mark out of 10. Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the
Assessment grid for Speaking. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also
included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD. Record the
marks in your continuous assessment record sheet.
Lesson 13 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Silas Stephanus Superstar (story)
Ask learners to do their corrections in writing in their exercise books.
Lesson 15 Write
Learner’s Book page 68 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Ask learners to do their corrections in writing in their exercise books.
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Learners add their marks up out of a total of 25.
1. a) I have done my homework, so now we can play a game on the computer.
b) Ben wished he could show his father how good he was at soccer.
c) They will get into trouble if they do that.
d) Please tell me what time I should arrive at your house. (7)
2. a) performance
b) production
c) pantomime
d) audience
e) enthusiastic
f) energetic
g) spotlight
h) popular
i) album
j) idiom
k) children
l) paintbrush(12)
3. Learners choose three words and use each in a sentence. (6)
Total: 25 marks
Worksheets 8A, 8B and 8C (available on the Platinum English Second language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 8B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 8C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will enjoy
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or
for homework.
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 12
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to a traditional story
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 1: Listening comprehension Lesson 3 Answer questions
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 1: Listening
Activity 3 Listen to poem
Answer questions
Listening and Speaking Lesson 2 Activity 2 Act out a story
Lesson 4 Activity 4 Listen to a rhyming poem
Reading Term 3 Continuous Lesson 5 Activity 5 Read a traditional story
Assessment Task 2: Reading aloud Do a comprehension
Lesson 6 Activity 6 Work with words
Lesson 10 Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 2: Reading aloud
Activity 7 Read animal poems
Reader/Prescribed literature
Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English
Second Language Grade 4 Reader:
Bird Brain (poem)
Period 2
•• Read through Questions 1 to 6 in After you listen.
•• Play the story again.
•• Ask learners to write answers for Questions 1 to 4 in their exercise books. They can use a dictionary to
look up the adjectives if they are not familiar with them.
Ask learners to check their work. Take their books in.
Ask for volunteers to act out the story to the class.
Extension teaching
Encourage learners to give opinions about the story, and to give personal responses. For example, ask these
•• Do you think that Zebra was right to fight with baboon, or should he have walked away?
Zebra was right to fight because baboon was being unfair. He had no right to stop him from drinking.
Zebra should have walked away because it is not good to fight; fighting does not make things better.
•• Think of a time when someone did something to you that was unfair. What did you do?
•• Write the poem on the board.
Extension teaching
Practise breaking up words from the poem into syllables to work out the number of beats (rhythm) in each
line. Then ask the class to clap the rhythm of each line.
Line 1: 6 beats: Two /tin/y /tor/toi/ses/
Line 2: 6 beats: Try/ing /to /cross /the /road /
Line 3: 7 beats: A /long /comes /a /ten /ton /truck/
Line 4: 5 or 6 beats: Carr/ying /a /big/ load/ or Carr/y/ing /a /big/ load/.
Sing the song together as a class, with actions.
Compensatory teaching
If learners are still struggling to identify rhyming words and words that begin with the same sound, here are
some activities you can do with them.
•• Practise rhyming words. Learners must make up lists of words that rhyme. There must be at least one
animal in the list, for example, fly, sky, why, cry.
•• See if learners can use these words to make up short rhyming sentences, for example:
Why does the bird cry/While it flies in the sky? Why can we not fly/like birds do in the sky.
•• Practise words that start with the same letter: fly, fox, finch. Try to include as many animal names
as possible.
❍❍ Reading smoothly, pausing only when there are commas, full stops, question and exclamation marks.
❍❍ Reading with expression: changing voices to show the emotions of the characters. Remember,
exclamations show that a character feels strongly about the words he or she is saying.
Period 2
•• Read through Questions 1 to 5 in After you read.
•• Read through Questions 2 and 3 in the Activity 6 Work with words. Make sure learners know what to do.
•• Ask them to do the questions and exercises in writing in their exercise books.
•• Call up learners to read aloud while they are doing this work.
Period 3
•• Continue the reading aloud assessments while the rest of the class completes their written tasks. When
they finish, they can read traditional animal stories from books you have available, or they can read from
their prescribed books. Select a text, or part of a text, for them to read.
•• About fifteen minutes into the lesson, stop the assessments. You can complete them during the next few
lessons. If learners have not finished the written work, they can complete it for homework.
•• Organise learners into pairs. They take turns to read the story to each other.
•• Organise learners into groups. Let them play the word games in Activity 6 Work with words.
Ask learners to complete their written work and to add new words and their meanings to their personal
dictionaries. They must write a sentence to show the meaning of each word.
Formal assessment
Continuous Assessment Task 2: Reading aloud
Use the Assessment grid for Reading aloud. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide.
It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Take into account learners who may have problems pronouncing words because of physical reasons. Be
lenient in your assessment – assess how well they have prepared and the effort they are making to read with
expression. Do not take off marks for words that are not correctly pronounced or clear.
Ask for volunteers to read the two poems out loud.
Lesson 8 Write
Learner’s Book page 82 Time: 2 × 40-minute periods
Ask learners to check their final stories a last time. Then take the books in for marking.
Formal assessment
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 3: Composition
Use the Assessment grid for Shorter writing tasks to assess the compositions. It is included in the
Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the Assessment tools folder on the
Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD. Record the marks in your continuous assessment
record sheet.
Lesson 9 Write
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Porcupine took off his coat and walked into the bush. The next moment he was covered with long black and
white thorns. He cried with pain and ran around in circles. He was angry with Jackal because he had tricked
him. Jackal laughed and told him that he was very stupid and very ugly. To this day Porcupine has a spiky coat.
•• Read the dictation a third time. Stop at the end of each sentence and pause while learners write the
•• Read the dictation again. Ask learners to check their writing.
•• Ask for volunteers to write the dictation on the board, one sentence at a time.
•• Learners mark their own work.
•• Hand out the listening comprehensions.
•• Give learners time to look at their marks and see where they have made mistakes.
•• Go through the answers with the class. (The answers are provided in Lesson 1).
Ask learners to rewrite the dictation correctly in their exercise books.
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• Bird Brain (poem)
Lesson 11 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 83 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
•• Learners mark their own work as you go through the questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
1. a) Porcupine thinks he has a beautiful coat of smooth fur.
b) He says that Jackal has a horrible coat of brown fur.
c) Porcupine walked into a thorny bush.
d) The next moment he was covered with long black and white thorns.
e) To this day porcupine has a spiky coat. (8)
2. An eagle has big round golden eyes. (3)
3. early – late
horrible – nice
cross – pleased
cried – laughed
stupid – clever
spiky – smooth
hot – cold (7)
4. d, g, a, f, b, e, c. (7)
Total: 25 marks
Worksheets 9A, 9B and 9C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 9B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 9C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on the
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or for
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 17
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to an information text
Record information in a mind map
Listening and Lesson 7 Activity 2 Listen to instructions
Speaking Lesson 6 Activity 5 Give instructions
Lesson 15 Activity 6 Play a word game
Activity 7 Use your vocabulary
Poems and games
Reading Lesson 2 Activity 3 Read an information text
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Lesson 3 Do a comprehension
Task 4: Reading comprehension Lesson 5 Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 4: Reading comprehension
Lesson 4 Activity 4 Read main ideas in paragraphs
Lesson 9 Develop your vocabulary
Lesson 14 Activity 8 Read instructions Reader/prescribed literature
Lesson 11 Prescribed literature, e.g. text from the Platinum English Second
Language Grade 4 Reader:
The Terrible Tiger (story)
Feedback on Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 4: Reading
Writing Lesson 12 Activity 12 Write instructions
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 6: Directed writing
Task 6: Directed writing
Dictation Lesson 10 Do a dictation
❍❍ itchy bite remedy in Activity 8: clean water, soap, a cloth, a small cup and teaspoon, baking soda.
Period 2
•• Play the listening text a third time.
•• Learners check their notes and make changes.
•• Ask them to copy their completed mind maps into their exercise books.
Work as a class. See how many examples of animals for each group the class can come up with. Write the
animal names on the board.
Compensatory teaching
If learners struggle to classify information, play this classification game with words from the same lexical
field. Ask learners to call out names of parts of animals, for example: head, tails, legs, ears, eyes, feet, horns,
hooves, claws, beaks, paws, trunk, wings, tusks, scales, fur, feathers. Write these words on the board. Call
out names of animals, for example: “elephant”. Learners must name the parts of this animal (trunk, tusks,
ears, eyes, legs, tail, feet).
•• All have two legs
•• All have two wings.
•• All have feathers.
As a class, discuss Questions 2 and 3. They include learners’ own experiences of illnesses.
Formal assessment
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 4: Reading comprehension
Mark the answers using the memo provided here. Give a mark out of 10.
Check that the mark achieved reflects the learner’s ability as reflected on the Assessment grid for Reading
comprehension. It is included in the Assessment section of the Teacher’s Guide. It is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Learners do Question 2, individually, in writing in their exercise books.
Learners complete Question 2.
Compensatory teaching
If learners struggle to make the connection between the main sentence and supporting sentences, work
through all the paragraphs in the text in the same way as they did in Question 1.
Lesson 4 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Terrible Tiger (story)
Period 2
•• Ask learners to do Questions 1 and 2 in After you read in writing in their exercise books.
•• About ten minutes before the end of the lesson, ask them to stop, and do the activity under
Consolidation. They can complete the comprehension for homework.
Ask learners to work in pairs. They must close their books and take turns to tell each other the instructions.
Remind them to use the headings: You will need/Follow these steps. Remind them to list the ingredients
and to start sentences under Follow these steps with a verb.
Complete the comprehension questions.
About ten minutes before the lesson ends, ask learners to stop writing. Read the instructions in Activity 6
for how to do the word puzzle. Make sure learners are clear about what to do.
Ask learners to complete the questions for homework.
Activity 6 Play a word game
1. clean, put, add, mix, rub, leave, wash
2. Words with one syllable: soap, bites, cup, paste, hours
3. Words with two syllables: water, soda, teaspoon
4. soap, paste, time, sweat
Period 2
Read through the information about pronouns.
Ask learners to do Activity 11, Questions 1 and 2 in writing in their exercise books.
Ask learners to check their exercises. Then take in the books.
Formal assessment
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 5: Grammar
Use the memo provided below to mark the exercises in Activity 9 out of a total of 10. Record the marks in
the continuous assessment record sheet.
Lesson 9 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Terrible Tiger (story)
Ask learners to rewrite the dictation correctly in their exercise books.
Ask learners to do their corrections in writing in their exercise books.
Ask learners to add new words from this topic to their personal dictionaries. They must write sentences to
show the meaning of each word.
Lesson 12 Write
Learner’s Book page 92 Time: 2 × 40-minute period
Period 2
•• Learners complete the writing process. They write their neat instructions in their exercise books.
Write this checklist on the board. Ask learners to use it to check their work. Then take the books in.
Ask learners to do their corrections in writing in their exercise books.
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and the suggested answers are at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Terrible Tiger (story)
❍❍ Clue: It has sharp teeth. It has a long tail. It has a long snout (crocodile) and a long tail.
❍❍ Each person in the group gets a chance to give clues. The rest of the group must try to guess the animal.
For example:
– It has sharp teeth.
– Is it a lion?
– No. It has a long tail.
– Is it a crocodile?
– Yes.
Lesson 16 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 93 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
•• Learners mark their own work as you go through the questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Learners add their marks up out of a total of 30.
Worksheets 10A, 10B and 10C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 10B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 10C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or
for homework.
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 15
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to an interview
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Listen
Task 7: Listening comprehension Do a comprehension
Lesson 12 Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 7: Listening comprehension
Feedback on Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 7: Listening comprehension
Speaking Lesson 2 Activity 2 Talk about children’s rights
Listening and Speaking Term 3 Lesson 3 Activity 9 Listen to and give cell phone messages
Continuous Assessment Task 8: Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 8: Prepared speaking
Prepared speaking
Reading Lesson 5 Activity 4 Read a poster
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Do a comprehension
Task 9: Literature Lesson 6 Activity 5 Read an e-mail message
Lesson 4 Activity 6 Read an information text
Lesson 7 Activity 7 Work with idioms
Lesson 13 Activity 3 Build new words
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 9: Literature Reader/prescribed literature
Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English Second Language
Grade 4 Reader:
The B-A-B-Y (story)
The Litter Monster (story)
Period 2
•• Read though the questions in After you listen.
•• Play the interview a fourth time. Ask learners to listen for details that will answer the questions.
•• Learners write answers in their exercise books.
Ask learners to check their work. Then take the books in.
Formal assessment
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 7: Listening comprehension
Mark the answers for After you listen using the memo provided below. Give a mark out of 10.
Extension teaching
Teach learners this song. Sing it as a class to a well-known tune.
Let’s work together
If we all work well together It’s my work, it’s your work.
If we all work well together It’s hard work, it’s good work.
If we all work well together If we all work well together
How much better the world will be. How much better the world will be.
Period 2
•• Give learners 10 minutes to practise their conversations.
•• Explain that you will start calling them up in their pairs for the assessment. The class will do the
comprehension in writing in their exercise book while this is happening.
•• Read through the questions in Activity 9. Question 2. a) to g) focuses on literal answers using information
from the message. Question g) develops higher order thinking skills: inferring what Tom’s reaction might
be to the message.
•• Play the message again, reminding learners to listen for details in the questions.
•• Start the assessments. You will probably not be able to assess the whole class within the lesson.
•• Continue the assessments in Lesson 14 and 15, when learners do their self- assessments and worksheets.
Ask for volunteers to present their conversations to the class.
Formal assessment
Use the Assessment grid for Speaking. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s Guide. It is
also included in the Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Learners can complete the comprehension questions in 2. a) to g).
Compensatory teaching
To reinforce the use of conjunctions, write this exercise on the board. Leave out the conjunctions in bold
and ask for volunteers to fill them in.
1. Turimuje is jealous because Tom has new glasses.
2. She teased Tom but/and now she is sorry.
3. She still has her old glasses but/and she wants new ones.
4. She wants them to get together so that they can finish their project.
Use this lesson to do the Term 2 Continuous Assessment Task 10: Literature. A template for this task, as well
as a template for the memorandum, appears on the CD that accompanies this TG. Answers will be
determined by the prescribed story chosen.
Period 2
•• Organise learners into pairs.
•• Read through Questions 1 to 3 in After you read.
•• Ask learners to discuss them in their pairs.
•• Question 4 should be done individually in their exercise books.
•• About 15 minutes before the end of the lesson, ask learners to stop.
•• Begin Activity 5. Discuss how we can send messages to our friends. (Sms/e-mail/telephone. Remind
learners that you are not allowed to use Twitter, Facebook and other social networks until you are 13.)
•• Talk about e-mail messages and sms messages – messages that you send from a computer to computer,
sms – messages that you send from cell phone to cell phone.)
•• Find out if anyone sometimes sends letters or postcards. Discuss why people do not do this much
anymore. (It is quicker and easier to use technology.)
•• Read the e-mail in Activity 5, and the notes around it.
•• Let them practise writing e-mail addresses using the @ sign. Point out that there is no space between
the letters.
•• Learners answer the questions on it in writing in their exercise books for homework.
•• Learners complete Activity 4 Question 4 and Activity 5 Question 1 for homework.
Compensatory teaching
To reinforce writing the format of letters and messages, remind learners that they wrote a message in Topic
3 (a thank you letter). Turn back to the letter on page 28. Ask them to point out what is the same about a
letter that is written by hand, and a message that is written on a computer (address/greeting/paragraphs/
ending). What is different? (In an e-mail message, the address is on the left; it uses e-mail style addresses; it
includes the words From, To, Subject.)
Period 2
•• Read the text again.
•• Ask learners to read it quietly on their own.
•• Discuss Question 1 and 2 in After you read.
•• Ask learners to answer the questions in writing in their exercise books.
Period 3
•• Discuss Question 3 as a class.
•• Organise the class into pairs.
•• Read Question 3.
•• Ask learners to retell the information. It challenges them to convert direct speech into indirect speech.
See if they can work this out themselves.
•• Read through the questions in Activity 7 Work with idioms. They revise idioms, stem words, prefixes and
suffixes, based on the vocabulary in the topic.
•• Ask learners to do Activity 7 questions in writing in their exercise books.
Compensatory teaching
•• Play a game with prefixes and suffixes.
•• Write these word stems on the board: agree, patient, music, comfort, obey, popular, lock, correct, tidy,
hope. Also write a list of prefixes (un, im, in) and suffixes (ful, al, able, ly, ment).
•• Organise the class into pairs. Ask learners to make words by adding parts before or after the stem:
disagree/ment, impatient/ly, comfortable/discomfort, disobey, unpopular, unlock, incorrect/correctly,
untidy, hopeful.
•• The first pair that finishes comes up to the board and writes the words. The rest of the class corrects them
if necessary.
•• Learners can do Activity 3 Build new words.
1. Martin Luther King was born in 1929 in Atlanta, North America. He was famous for helping black
people have better lives. He said that we must not judge people by the colour of their skins. He
believed in peace, not violence. He died in 1968.
2. a) The Nobel Peace prize.
b) He made life better for black people. He did not think people should be judged by the colour of
their skin.
c) They thought that black people should be judged by the colour of their skin./They did not think
that black people should have the same rights as white people.
3. Possible answers: Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, etc.
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The B-A-B-Y (story)
•• The Litter Monster (story)
Period 2
•• Read through the information about indirect and direct speech again.
•• Learners do Question 2 in writing in their exercise books.
•• Go through the answers with the class.
For more practice of direct speech, refer back to texts in previous topics where this device has been used,
for example, Topic 6 (the story of Phaeton and Helios), and Topic 9 (the story of Porcupine and Jackal).
Ask learners to identify the sentences in direct speech. See if they can change them into indirect speech.
Go through the answers with the class.
Ask learners to rewrite the dictation correctly in their exercise books.
Ask learners to add new words from this topic to their personal dictionaries. They must write sentences to
show the meaning of each word.
Formal assessment
❍❍ Shapes of letters: Use different shapes. Which words will have the most interesting shapes?
❍❍ Words: Keep your headings and sentences simple. Try to start with a verb.
Period 2
•• Read through the writing process again.
•• Ask learners to continue with their first drafts.
•• Hand out the sheets of clean paper. Ask them to start on their neat posters.
Period 3
•• Learners complete their posters
•• Ask learners to do their corrections in writing in their exercise books.
Lesson 13 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following texts from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader support this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The B-A-B-Y (story)
•• The Litter Monster (story)
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD, or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Learners add their marks up out of a total of 30.
1. a) “Can I help you?” asked Olga.
b) “Yes, that would be nice thank you,” answered Andimba. (2)
2. The teacher said, “Open your book to page 65.”
b) “Have you done your homework?” asked the mother.
c) “Give me your sweets!” shouted the bully. (3)
3. a) The principal told us that we must not bully others.
b) Olga asked Andimba if she could help him.
c) Kaveto asked the matron if she wanted the pictures.
d) I told the teacher that I had finished my homework.
e) My friend said that she could help me. (5)
Worksheets 11A, 11B and 11C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 11B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 11C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets. This can be done in class or
for homework.
Please note: Questions and assessment memoranda for these tasks appear on the CD that accompanies
this TG.
Lessons 1 to 15
Topic overview
Listening Lesson 1 Activity 1 Listen to an information text
Do a comprehension
Speaking Lesson 2 Activity 2 Give a short talk
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Lesson 11 Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 12: Unprepared speaking
Task 12: Unprepared speaking
Reading Lesson 3 Activity 3 Read a poster
Activity 4 Read and sing a poem
Activity 5 Work with words
Lesson 5 Activity 6 Read an article
Do a comprehension
Lesson 4 Reading/Literature
Lesson 6 Prescribed literature, e.g. texts from the Platinum English Second
Lesson 12 Language Grade 4 Reader:
The B-A-B-Y (story)
The Litter Monster (story)
Writing Lesson 10 Activity 8 Write a descriptive paragraph
Term 3 Continuous Assessment
Task 11: Dictation
Dictation Lesson 7 Do a dictation
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 11: Dictation
Lesson 13 Feedback on Continuous Assessment Task 11: Dictation
Grammar Lesson 8 Activity 7 Work with parts of a sentence
Activity 8 Work with reflexive pronouns
Lesson 9 Activity 9 Work with words
Play a word game
Self-assessment Lesson 14 Words and meanings, complete sentences and a paragraph, identify
/consolidation subject, verb and object, enter new words in personal dictionary
Period 2
•• Read through the activities in After you listen.
•• Play the text a third time. Ask learners to listen for the information in the activities.
•• Organise learners into pairs.
•• Ask them to discuss the activities. They can copy the table and complete it in writing in their exercise
books, but the other activities should be done orally.
•• Activity 1 requires a literal answer using information from the text. They identify the main message in the
talk: Recycle where you can; don’t just throw away. In the other activities, learners interpret this message
in terms of their own lives. They think of ideas of how to recycle the kind of food containers they have
at home.
Go through the answers with the class.
Extended teaching
Write this word on the board. See how many smaller words learners can make from it. Pollution: tin, no, on,
pot, lot, in, not, pill, to, not, top etc.
10 minutes before the lesson, a person from each group presents their information.
Activity 3 Read a poster, Activity 4 Read and sing a poem, Activity 5 Work with words
Period 2
•• Ask learners to identify the forms of litter in the picture in Activity 4.
•• Play the poem/song. Ask learners to close their books and just listen.
•• Play it again. This time learners can open their books and read the poem while they listen. They must
think about the missing words.
•• Ask them to do Question 1 in After you read. They copy the poem and fill in the missing words.
Period 3
•• Read through Questions 2 to 4 in After you read.
•• Play the song a third time. Ask learners to listen for the answers and discuss the questions.
Sing the song together as a class.
Learners do Activity 5. Read through the questions so they are clear about what they need to do.
Extension teaching
Play this language game with compound words.
Write these word parts on the board. See how many compound words learners can make with them. Write
down the words as they call them out: stand, every, book, card, fly, tea, play, pea, word, one, nut, ground,
under, board, cool, drink, spoon, text, search, butter.
Activity 3 Read a poster
1. Litter is another word for waste.
2. Don’t litter! – The bin with the red line through it/litter on the ground.
Put it in the bin! The bin with the lid on – no litter, sun.
3. They are circles, they have red around the outside of the circle, the one with a line through it tells
you what not to do.
4. It is reminding us not to litter.
Lesson 4 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Litter Monster (story)
Period 2
•• Ask learners to read the text quietly on their own.
•• Read through Questions 1, 2 and 3. Ask learners to do them in writing in their exercise books. These
activities require literal answers based on information from the text.
•• Discuss the questions once they have finished.
•• Organise learners into pairs. Read through Questions 4, 5 and 6. Ask them to discuss the activities in
their pairs. These activities develop metacognitive skills. The information needed is not given in the text.
Learners need to analyse what they have read, and make suggestions based on background knowledge
and their own ideas.
Lesson 6 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Litter Monster (story)
Read the dictation again. Ask learners to check their writing. Take in the books.
Formal assessment
Term 3 Continuous Assessment Task 11: Dictation
Use the Assessment grid for Shorter writing tasks. It is included in the Assessment section of this Teacher’s
Guide to mark the dictations and record the marks on your record sheet. The grid is also included in the
Assessment tools folder on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 CD.
Period 2
•• Read through the information about subject and predicate again.
•• Write these sentences on the board.
❍❍ The sun makes plants grow.
❍❍ I ate an apple.
❍❍ We picked up litter.
•• Ask leaners to copy them. They must draw a straight line under the subject, circle the verb, and draw a
wavy line under the object.
•• Go through the sentences with the class. Ask for volunteers to draw the necessary marks into the
sentences on the board.
Period 3
•• Do Activity 8. Turn back to page 91 to revise pronouns.
•• Read through the information about reflexive pronouns in the language box.
•• Learners do Question 1 in writing in their exercise books.
•• Go through the answers with the class.
•• Do Activity 9 with the class. It revises parts of speech, and also develops the skills of categorising.
to do this. Monitor the time. Tell them when the five minutes starts and stops.
❍❍ After five minutes, Person A closes his/her book. Person B reads each word, and Person A writes the
❍❍ Topic 2: This time Person B learns the words, and Person A gives the test.
❍❍ They continue swopping until ten minutes before the end of the lesson.
Discuss he words they have written. See if they can identify, in some of the words, the spelling rules they
have learnt this year. For example:
•• Soft g: message, giraffe, germs, energy
•• Hard g: getting, ingredients,
•• Soft c before I or y: medicine, recycle, electricity
•• Hard c: crash, climate
•• Short vowel: fit, tin
•• Long vowel: stripe, cone
Period 2
•• Learners follow the writing process. They check their drafts and then write them neatly into their
exercise books.
Ask for volunteers to read the completed paragraphs.
Picture 1
This picture shows a healthy environment.
The sky is clear/blue and the sun is shining. The trees and the grass are growing well/healthy/long/yellow.
There are animals, for example birds and goats. There are people living in huts/small houses. Under the tree
some children are playing. I feel happy when I look at this picture because the environment looks healthy,
the people and animals look healthy, it is a place I would like to live in, etc.
Extension teaching
Continue the spelling game from the previous lesson. If learners did not manage to complete all 11 topics,
they can pick up where they left off, but this time they include the words in Topic 12 as well.
Explain to learners that you will assess their speech looking at the following criteria:
•• the content of what they say: whether it is interesting, whether it is presented logically
•• their vocabulary and pronunciation
•• how they speak: do they read word for word or are they able to speak while referring to their notes
occasionally? Is their voice audible?
Explain that you will give them this lesson to prepare, and you will start assessing them at the beginning of
the next period.
Lesson 12 Literature
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
The following text from the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader supports this topic.
Activities appear at the back of the Reader and suggested answers at the back of this Teacher’s Guide.
•• The Litter Monster (story)
Lesson 13 Write
Time: 1 × 40-minute period
Lesson 14 Self-assessment
Learner’s Book page 113 Time: 1 × 40-minute period
•• Learners mark their own work, using the copies of model answers from the CD, or you go through the
questions with the class using the answers below.
•• Learners check that they have entered all new words learnt in their personal dictionaries.
Learners add their marks up out of a total of 25.
1. a) environment – the world around us
b) pollution – things that harm the earth, air and soil
c) recycle – to use something again
d) climate – the type of weather a place has
e) fuels – substances that you burn to produce heat or power (5)
Worksheets 12A, 12B and 12C (available on the Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 text CD)
❍❍ Use Worksheet 12B for extra practice for learners who have managed this work adequately.
❍❍ Use Worksheet 12C for more challenging work for learners who have understood this fully and will
•• The answers for this activity are on the CD. Provide copies of the answers, or write the answers on
the board.
•• Learners can swap their work with a partner and mark each other’s work.
•• Learners must do corrections once they have marked the worksheets.
Continuous assessment will count 50% towards the final year grade (promotion) and an internally set
end-of-year examination will count 50% [50 marks + 50 marks = 100].
Learners’ listening comprehension should be assessed formally at least twice per term. The marks are
recorded in the column for Listening comprehension on the continuous assessment record sheet. An
assessment grid for Listening follows at the back of this section.
Learners’ speaking proficiency should be graded at least twice per term: once for a prepared speech and
once unprepared. The marks are recorded in the appropriate columns on the continuous assessment record
sheet. An assessment grid for Speaking follows at the back of this section.
Grammar and vocabulary are the building blocks of language and therefore learners must acquire a sound
knowledge of the sounds, words and grammar of the language in order to be able to communicate
effectively. Therefore the assessment of grammar has now been included pertinently in the continuous
assessment schedule as well as in the end-of-year examination paper. Despite the fact that Reading and
Directed writing tasks may include grammar questions, at least one comprehensive grammar test should be
written per term and the marks entered on the continuous assessment record sheet. Also in this case it is
important to note that grammar should be assessed within context.
Although the continuous assessment record sheet makes provision for only one Reading and Directed
writing task per trimester, tasks containing reading texts on which various question types are set should be
taught and assessed regularly throughout the term. These questions may include questions testing
knowledge of grammar. It is, however, important to note that knowledge of grammar should be assessed
within context. Questions should also assess reading comprehension. At least one task should be marked by
the teacher and entered on the continuous assessment record sheet.
Continuous writing
At least one essay and one shorter piece of writing should be marked per term and the marks recorded on
the continuous assessment record sheet. In Grade 4, learners will be expected to write essays of
approximately the following length:
•• Compositions/essays: 60–80 words
•• Shorter tasks: 40–60 words
Directed writing
Continuous Writing
Short task
TOTAL (20 ÷ 2)
Term Mark
Examination Mark
Promotion Mark
Task 2
Use the memo below to give a mark out of 5.
•• Cut off the top half of a plastic bottle.
•• Put some cotton wool in the neck of the bottle.
•• Put some sand on top of the cotton wool. (1)
•• Put some small stones on top of the sand. (1)
•• Put some big stones on top of the small stones. (1)
•• Hold the bottle over a glass bowl. (1)
•• Pour some dirty water into the bottle. (1)
Task 2
Learners choose one of the three topics. Use the assessment grid for shorter writing tasks on page 239 of
this Teacher’s Guide to give a mark out of 10. Check that the extent is within the 60–80/40–60 words.
Deduct a mark if it is much less, or much more.
5 Listening Text: The Sam Nujoma (nu-YO-ma) half marathon will take place in Windhoek
Topic 2 (VINT-hoek) on Sunday the 8th of June.
(News Report) The race begins and ends at the Doc Jubber (jubb-ah) Hockey Fields in Olympia.
LB page 10 The route is 21 kilometres long.
The race starts at 07:00 in the morning.
More than 400 runners will take part in the race.
6 Listening Text: A good place to watch the marathon runners go by is Zoo Park.
Topic 2 (Directions) Start from the train station.
LB page 11 Turn right and walk down Mandume Ndemufayo (mun-doo-may deh- moo-ie-oh) Avenue until
you get to Frans (france) Indongo Street.
Turn left and walk up to Werner (Verner) List Street.
Turn right and walk until you get to Fidel Castro Street.
Turn left and walk up to Independence Avenue.
Cross over Independence Avenue.
Zoo Park is on your left.
15 Listening Text: Hello listeners. Today the news is about the talented musician Elemotho, whose beautiful song,
Topic 8 (Radio “Kgala! Namib” you just heard.
broadcast) Elemotho Elemotho Mosimane was born in the Kalahari. He plays a guitar and sings in Setswana, English
Mosimane and other Namibian languages.
LB page 66 When he was growing up, he used to listen to storytelling around the fire.
Music, like stories, can have a message for the person who hears it.
Elemotho says he likes to play music that can make you dance as well as listen, and can make
you smile as well as cry.
Elemotho loves Namibia and the people who live here. As the line in his song goes: “It’s the
land of wide open spaces, so many beautiful faces.”
This popular musician has played his music in South Africa, the United Kingdom and many
European countries, as well as in Namibia.
We will now play the track “Free” on the album “Ke Nako (It’s time)”. Enjoy it!
22 Listening Text: Phone message voice – The person you have just dialled is unavailable.
Topic 11 (Telephone Please leave a message
conversation) Hello Sam, it’s Turimuje (too-rih-moo-yeah) speaking.
LB page 101 I’m phoning to find out how you are.
You didn’t come to school today.
I hope you are not cross with me.
Hey, ummm… listen, I’m sorry I teased you about your new glasses. Umm … uh… You know I
was just jealous because I still have my old glasses and I also want new ones.
So, hey, we need to present our project next week.
Maybe this weekend we can get together so that we can finish it?
I’ll phone again later. Bye Sam!
Page 4
3. watches clocks dresses shirts boxes bags bushes flowers shops trees branches
ticks crosses smiles chairs couches books atlases cats buses
4. a) benches, trees b) sandwiches, apples (not lunches) c) dogs, cats, gardens
d) shirts, hats, dresses, suitcases e) plates, dishes, cups
5. bench, tree, bus, aunt, packet, box, phone, handbag, call, friend
6. a) teacher, bag, box b) a broom, a brush, a duster, room c) cow tree
d) a doctor, a nurse, clinic e) a bird, bush
Page 5
7. Countable: cups bags cars story spoons houses road
Uncountable: sugar rice hair sand tea
8. a) petrol b) milk tea c) rain d) rice e) water
9. a) some milk b) spaghetti c) hair d) grass e) tea
f) oil g) rice h) soup i) petrol j) furniture
Page 6
10. Proper nouns: Otjiwarongo, Kunene, Jonas, Utetza, English, Portugal Common nouns: boy, girl,
town, river, language, football
11. a) Namibia, Angola, Atlantic Ocean b) English, Portuguese, Oshikananwa, Herero
c) Lulu, Wolfgang d) Tokyo, Japan e) Park Primary School, Monday, January
12. Learners write own information.
Surname: Kloppers First names: Herman
Date of birth: 20 March 2009 Place of birth: Windhoek
Address: 20 Flower Street, Oranjemund My school: Park Primary School
My country: Namibia
Page 7
1. Pronouns: she, he, her, him
2. a) cock/cockerel b) uncle c) daughters d) cow e) prince
f) Queens g) lioness h) nephew i) husband j) He
Page 9
1. a) dog’s b) brother’s c) Mwale’s d) teacher’s e) Kamwi’s
f) cat’s g) friend’s h) giraffe’s i) man’s j) country’s
2. Accept any suitable sentences. Examples:
a) Tuafini’s school is big. b) Rauna’s brother is ten years old. c) My sister’s uniform is clean.
d) The cow’s horns are long. e) My father’s hat is brown. f) The juices’ flavours were delicious.
g) The pupils’ low grades showed an improvement. h) The clocks’ hands all show 12.
i) The girls’ sports in our school are netball and football.
j) Ten owls’ eyes shone when the headlights lit up the trees.
Page 10
1. a) She b) He c) He d) She e) It
f) They g) They h) they i) They j) We
Page 11
3. a) It (accept he or she) b) They c) We d) She e) We
f) He g) she h) He i) It j) They
4. a) It b) She c) He d) They e) They
Page 12
6. a) myself b) yourself c) herself d) ourselves
e) themselves f) yourselves g) himself
h) herself i) himself j) ourselves
7. a) themselves b) ourselves c) myself d) herself e) himself
8. a) herself b) itself c) themselves d) herself e) himself
Page 13
1. Accept any suitable words. Examples are: a big building, a small puppy, a tiny ant, a little boy, a huge
elephant, a happy day, a strong ox, a bad smell, a naughty child, a beautiful tree, a red pen, a blue sky, a
white cloud, a round ball, a square table, two horses, ten fingers, more food, less energy, enough money
2. big, happy, sick, blue, small, sad, healthy, grey, huge, angry, wide, square, tiny, naughty, narrow, round
3. brown soil, green leaf, pink flowers, while snow, blue sky, orange carrots, red blood, yellow lemon
Page 14
1. a) ripe yellow b) hot dry c) excited cold d) pink long blue e) short blunt
f) hungry big g) tall high h) left right i) useful top j) brown white
2. a) old b) cold c) difficult d) sour e) sweet
f) round g) hot h) fast i) straight j) long
3. a) small round yellow b) big old square c) thin tiny green
d) long ripe yellow e) large young brown
Page 15
1. a) jump b) run c) walk d) wait e) turns f) cross h) wave h) come
Page 16
1. a) talks b) looks c) work d) drives e) run
f) lives g) cooks h) walk i) help j) wear
2. a) looks b) was c) is d) Is e) are
f) are g) has h) obeys i) is j) were
Page 17
1. a) are learning b) are singing c) do not sing d) did not sing
e) were drawing f) have put g) likes
2. a) rises b) sets c) have d) don’t e) wake
f) don’t g) doesn’t h) boils i) does j) read
Page 18
1. a) play, play, practise, go, enjoy b) is, flies, goes, does not come, enjoys
Page 19
1. walk – walked, do not arrive – did not arrive, do – did
2. a) opened closed b) played talked laughed c) stroked jumped
d) cooked washed e) stayed watched
3. a) did not stay, did not watch b) did not play, did not have
c) did not turn on, did not work d) did not make, did not know e) did not rain, did not see
4. a) Did you like … b) Did she enjoy … c) … did you want …
d) … did you buy … e) … did it get …
5. lived, started, ended, stopped, needed, arrived, greeted, played, did not cook, watched
Page 20
8. a) did you get b) got c) did not get d) did she drink e) drank
f) did not drink g) did he wear h) wore i) did not wear j) did they go
k) went l) did not go
Page 21
9. built, bought, put, had, got, painted, did not use, liked, looked, came, said, wanted
10. a) will open b) will catch c) will watch d) will learn e) will buy
f) will live g) will rain h) will be i) will get j) will take
Page 22
11. a) won’t be ready b) won’t catch c) won’t worry d) won’t leave e) won’t miss
12. a) won’t play/will not play b) won’t be happy c) won’t be staying
d) won’t happen e) won’t bake
13. played, did not play, did – play? play, plays, do not play, does not play, do – walk? does –walk?
Will walk, wont/will not walk, will—walk?
Page 23
14. a) do b) do c) does d) did e) will
f) did g) does h) will i) did j) will
15. lived, made, got, did not want, wanted did not have, decided, will make, will get, will stick, will fly
Page 26
1. A: doctor, farmer, teacher, scientist, nurse, bus driver, pilot, fire fighter
An: author, actor, electrician, artist
2. Any suitable words. Examples:
a table, chair, desk, clock, book, bag, calculator, drawer, cupboard, shelf, picture an assignment,
artwork, envelope, exam paper, ornament, umbrella
3. a) an b) a c) an a d) an, a e) a, an
4. a) the, an b) the c) the, the d) a e) a , an
f) the g) an h) an i) the, a j) a
Page 27
1. Prepositions of place: from at, in, in. Prepositions of time: in, during
2. a) in b) under c) next to/beside d) before e) over
f) next to/beside/behind g) up down h) up/down i) from j) behind
Page 28
3. a) A b) C c) B d) C e) A f) C g) A h) B
4. a) on b) during c) In d) after e) at f) for g) under
h) down i) on j) in
Page 29
1. a) … a burger and she is … b) … an ice-cream if I behave …
c) … my dinner but I still … d) … sick because I forgot …
e) … town and we bought … f) … can’t fly because they don’t …
g) … beautiful but I am … h) … go if it does not rain
2. a) if b) because c) before/after d) because/when
e) but f) and g) because/as h) if
3. He fell over so/but/and we helped him up. I’ve got a pencil but I don’t have paper. You can go home
when/if you finish your work. I would like a cheese sandwich and (I would like) a glass of water.
Page 30
4. a) while b) because c) but d) but e) although/but
f) although g) because h) but i) if j) so
Page 32
1. a) command/order/request/exclamation b) question c) statement
d) statement e) request f) question g) command/order
h) command/order/request
2. a) Who are you? (question) b) He likes bananas and apples /apples and bananas. (statement)
c) That is amazing! (exclamation) d) Write your name on the book. (command)
e) What is the matter? (question)
3. Any suitable sentences. Examples:
Page 33
4. a) Ndeshi /baked /a cake. b) The dog /chased /the rat. c) I /caught /a cold.
d) The old man /bought /a hat. e) She /has /a new pencil.
5. Any suitable sentences. Examples:
a) biscuits b) my grandmother c) his phone
d) our homework e) stories
6. a) The cat /eats fish. b) She /walks home.
c) My mother /drives a blue car. d) My friends /enjoy games. e) The girls /ran to the station.
Page 34
7. The birds fly very high.
The fireman puts out the fire.
The teacher shows us how to do maths.
I write about sentences.
She likes her new dress.
8. Any suitable sentences. Examples:
a) The man swims well. b) The teachers like the children.
c) Monkeys climb trees. d) Many children enjoy maths.
e) The gate is open. f) My grandmother lives with us.
g) The big cow is eating grass. h) Mbeumuna lives next door to me.
i) The tall trees give us shade. j) The new learner feels shy.
9. Any suitable sentences. Examples:
a) My uncle lit a fire. b) Plants need water.
c) My little brother goes to bed early. d) My parents go to bed late.
e) I fell out of bed. f) My friends slept late.
g) We ran away. h) The women will open a new shop.
i) My cousin gave me a present. j) The thirsty animals drank water.
Page 36
1. a) Chicco Windhoek b) Sea View Mansions c) I Moses
d) Park Primary e) Saturdays Sundays
2. a) Who lives next door to you? b) The Smith family.
c) There is a mother, a father, a daughter and two sons. e) What is your address?
f) It is 43 Milton Street. g) Do you like living there? h) Yes, it is a friendly place.
i) Can I come and visit you? j) Yes, I would like that. k) Yay! See you tomorrow.
3. a) I live in Botswana. b) My birthday is on Tuesday. c) She speaks German.
d) There is a red car outside. e) Ruth has lost her keys.
Page 37
1. a) “Hi. How are you?” he asked. b) “I’m fine thanks, and you?” she said.
Page 38
1. a) 6 b) 3 c) 5 d) 1 e) 4 f) 2
2. Note: the word ‘that’ may be left out.
a) The girl says that she likes ice cream.
b) The boy says that he does not/doesn’t like ice cream.
c) My brother says that he wants to study.
d) My sister says that she does not/doesn’t want to watch TV.
e) My mother says that she is at the shop.
f) My father says that he is not at work.
g) Mr Jones says that he buys the Saturday newspaper.
h) Mrs Jones says that she buys the Sunday newspaper.
i) My grandmother says that she eats meat.
j) My grandfather says that he does not/doesn’t eat meat.
Page 39
1. a) chief b) piece c) niece d) ceiling e) receive f) deceive
Page 40
1. a) sh wh bl gr gr b) th th br c) pr sch ch pr st
2. Any suitable words. Examples: sheep ship shade; white when whether; black blue blend; green grey,
great; this thin thing; brick brown bright; prize pretty proud; school schedule scholar; cheap teacher
beach; best sting fast
Page 41
1. a) cold feet b) a piece of cake c) raining cats and dogs
d) as cool as a cucumber e) spill the beans f) like two peas in a pod
g) broken heart h) having second thoughts i) feeling blue
Page 42
2. a) huge b) paste/stick c) starts d) cold e) mistake
f) hurry g) courageous h) cried i) keep j) ending
Page 43
1. Information given
2. a) cold b) last c) sour d) dry e) strong f) false
Page 44
3. a) sweet b) won c) high d) laughed e) yes
f) enemy g) cold h) easy i) old j) fast
no, strong, low, cold, cry, lose, dry
4. Synonyms: big enormous, unhappy sad, hope wish, end finish, pick choose
Antonyms: old new, true false, yes no, early late, friend enemy
258 Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader suggested answers to activities
The B-A-B-Y
1. a) He is LONELY – he says “Nobody asked me to play” and “I sat alone” and “I was lonely” and we
see that he is alone when he opens the door.
b) He is SAD – when no-one plays with you, you feel sad. He wanted to go home.
c) ANGRY – he says “what is THIS” crossly. We read that “he was feeling angry” and he “has no time
for a baby”.
d) SAD – he “wanted to cry too”; SCARED – maybe he did not think he could care for a baby on his own.
e) TIRED – he could not sleep; SAD – he felt unhappy at home and unhappy at school.
3. a) Allow general discussion on the difficulties and pleasure on having a baby at home.
b) You could allow the class to vote for a name for the B-A-B-Y.
Bird Brain
1. Allow general discussion but make sure the point is that different people have different skills
and talents.
2. We are all talented (good at) at different things.
3. It means that we all have different skills and talents and if we judge people on ONE thing only,
and they are not good at that thing, they will always feel bad about themselves.
Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader suggested answers to activities 259
e) The girl in the pink shirt who looks sad. f) Cold – rain, boots, warm clothes.
260 Platinum English Second Language Grade 4 Reader suggested answers to activities