Comparisons of Management Practices and
Comparisons of Management Practices and
Comparisons of Management Practices and
1 Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia,
2 School of Animal and Veterinary Science, Charles Sturt University, Sydney, Australia, 3 Quantitative
a1111111111 Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Canberra, Australia, 4 College of Medicine, Biology and Environment,
a1111111111 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 5 NSW Department of Primary Industries, Sydney,
a1111111111 Australia
Citation: Scott AB, Singh M, Toribio J-A, There are few published studies describing the unique management practices, farm design
Hernandez-Jover M, Barnes B, Glass K, et al. and housing characteristics of commercial meat chicken and layer farms in Australia. In
(2017) Comparisons of management practices and particular, there has been a large expansion of free range poultry production in Australia
farm design on Australian commercial layer and
meat chicken farms: Cage, barn and free range.
in recent years, but limited information about this enterprise exists. This study aimed to
PLoS ONE 12(11): e0188505. describe features of Australian commercial chicken farms, with particular interest in free
10.1371/journal.pone.0188505 range farms, by conducting on-farm interviews of 25 free range layer farms, nine cage layer
Editor: Muna Anjum, Animal and Plant Health farms, nine barn layer farms, six free range meat chicken farms and 15 barn meat chicken
Agency, UNITED KINGDOM farms in the Sydney basin bioregion and South East Queensland. Comparisons between
Received: May 24, 2017 the different enterprises (cage, barn and free range) were explored, including stocking den-
Accepted: November 8, 2017
sities, depopulation procedures, environmental control methods and sources of information
for farmers. Additional information collected for free range farms include range size, range
Published: November 22, 2017
characteristics and range access. The median number of chickens per shed was greatest in
Copyright: © 2017 Scott et al. This is an open free range meat chicken farms (31,058), followed by barn meat chicken (20,817), free range
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
layer (10,713), barn layer (9,300) and cage layer farms (9,000). Sheds had cooling pads
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and and tunnel ventilation in just over half of both barn and free range meat chicken farms (53%,
reproduction in any medium, provided the original n = 8) and was least common in free range layer farms (16%, n = 4). Range access in free
author and source are credited.
range meat chicken farms was from sunrise to dark in the majority (93%, n = 14) of free
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are range meat chicken farms. Over half of free range layer farms (56%, n = 14) granted range
within the paper and its Supporting Information
access at a set time each morning; most commonly between 9:00 to 10.00am (86%, n =
12), and chickens were placed back inside sheds when it was dusk.
Funding: This study was supported by Poultry
Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), http://www. The Poultry CRC
provided the majority of funding for this project
included post-doc activities and a stipend for the
PhD student. This study was also supported by
Woolworths Limited, https://www.woolworths.
A survey was conducted on commercial chicken farms in the Sydney basin and South East
Queensland regions of Australia from June 2015 to February 2016. Commercial layer farms
were defined as those having more than 1,000 birds, and commercial meat chicken farms were
defined as those having more than 25,000 birds. The survey involved farm visits by the
researchers and face-to-face interviews and observations. The experimental procedures used
for this study were approved by the Human Ethics Committee of the University of Sydney,
Australia and all results obtained were kept confidential (ethics reference number: 2015/252).
Questionnaire development
Two questionnaires were created: a main questionnaire and a biosecurity questionnaire, both
written in English. The main questionnaire consisted of six sections: farm information, water,
poultry health, range, wild birds and other wild animals, with a total of 102 questions. It com-
prised short closed, semi-closed and open questions, and was completed during a face-to-face
interview estimated to take one hour. The biosecurity questionnaire consisted of 2 sections:
communication, and biosecurity practices performed on the farm. The communication com-
ponent consisted of questions related to where farmers source information from regarding
poultry health and industry news and also how they receive that information. Examples of
Farm surveys
Each farm survey took one to two hours depending on the size and type of the farm. The farm
survey consisted of a face-to-face interview conducted by the researchers using the main ques-
tionnaire, followed by the farmer filling out the biosecurity questionnaire with assistance avail-
able from the researchers if required. After the interviews, researchers recorded visual
observations including shed design, range design, topography, waterbody locations and biose-
curity practices. Vegetative cover on the range areas was estimated by the researchers as an
estimated percentage of the total range area based on observation during the visit. The stock-
ing density for cage layer farms was calculated by dividing the number of chickens per shed by
the shed area covered by cages multiplied by the number of tiers. This was done to avoid the
falsely high stocking density on multi-tier cage farms which would be obtained when simply
dividing the number of birds with the shed area, as done on all other farm types. For measure-
ments of distances, such as between sheds, these were estimated using Google Maps (2016
Google Inc., California, USA) after the farm visit.
Data analysis
After each farm visit, data from the questionnaires and observation records were entered in
Microsoft Access (Microsoft, PC/Windows 7, 2010, Redmond, WA, USA) and checked for
data entry errors. The statistical program JMP was used (SAS Institute Inc., 2010, Cary, USA)
for all statistical analyses of the data. One-way analyses of variance were used to determine any
significant statistical differences in farm design factors between the different farm types. P-val-
ues were used to detect any statistical significance between different factors and a p-value of
<0.05 was considered significant.
Farm size
The farms surveyed were all commercially operating farms. The largest farm visited was a cage
layer farm with 467,000 birds and the smallest was a free range layer farm with 1,450 birds.
The median number of chickens was greatest on meat chicken farms (140,600 and 88,000
chickens for free range and barn meat chicken farms respectively). This was then followed by
cage layer, free range layer and barn layer farms (40,000, 32,000 and 17,500 chickens respec-
tively). All meat chicken farms had at least two commercial poultry sheds on the farm whilst
all layer farms had at least one. Meat chicken farms had a greater median number of sheds on
the farm compared to layer farms as shown in Table 1.
Shed information
Shed area and design. The median shed area was largest in free range meat chicken farms
(1,937m2) and smallest in barn layer farms (1,064 m2). The smallest sheds across all farm types was
Table 1. The median and range for the numbers of chicken and shed attributes for barn and free range meat chicken farms, and for cage, barn and
free range layer farms in the Sydney basin bioregion and South East Queensland, Australia, June 2015 until February 2016.
Farm attribute Farm type
Barn meat chicken Free range meat chicken Cage layer (n = 9) Barn layer (n = 9) Free range layer
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 25)
Number of sheds on farm 4 (2–10) 5 (2–12) 2 (1–12) 2 (1–10) 3 (1–16)
Total number of chickens on farm 88,000 (29,000– 140,560 (67,000–271,000) 40,000 (7,500– 17,500 (5,000– 32,000 (1,450–
surveyed 210,000) 467,000) 90,000) 163,000)
Number of chickens per shed 20,817 (14,450– 31,058 (13,400–50,280) 9,000 (3,986– 9,300 (5,000– 10,713 (250–18,000)
32,067) 71,000) 17,500)
Shed area (m2) 1,453 (870–3,142) 1,937 (876–3,145) 1,500 (995–2,500) 1,064 (720–1,750) 1,192 (15a-1,820)
Stocking density inside shed 13.6 (8.1–20.5) 16.0 (15.3–18.6) 8.7 (3.8–11.4) 9.0 (6.7–11.0) 10.2 (1.2–33.3a)
The farm with this shed area and stocking density had mobile caravan type sheds. Details are under ‘shed area and design’.
15 m2 in the form of mobile caravans on one free range layer farm. These are roadworthy and are
moved on to different areas of pasture when pasture is denuded. One mobile caravan type farm
was visited in this study. Features of mobile caravan type farms involve limited space inside the
caravans, but they are kept open for most of the day. In addition, nest boxes are provided inside
but food and water is only available outside of the shed, thereby driving chickens to go outside.
Variation in shed design was greatest amongst the layer farms. Some layer sheds were
divided internally into sections by wire mesh. In this design, groups of chickens were separated
physically in these sections but could still see and interact, to a limited extent, with other
groups. These shed designs were only found in 33% (n = 3) and 16% (n = 4) of barn and free
range layer farms respectively.
Features of shed flooring were similar amongst the meat chicken farms. All meat chicken
farms used litter on the floor of the sheds, most commonly wood shavings (71%), followed by
saw dust (23%) and rice hulls (6%). In contrast, all barn and free range layer farms used slat
type flooring which covered 100% of the flooring in the house for the chickens. The majority
of slats were made out of plastic (94%), followed by wire (6%). The housing of all cage layer
farms used solid flooring.
The median number of tiers or levels on cage farms was three, and this ranged from one to
seven. The median number of rows was six (4–15). All cage rows were ‘back to back’ i.e. each
row had an adjacent row attached before a space in between the rows. The median number of
cages per row, excluding the adjacent row, was 122 (70–164). There was a median of 2,250
cages per shed (840–11,808). The median number of chickens per cage was four (3–7).
Capacity and stocking density. The median number of chickens per shed was greatest in
free range meat chicken farms (31,058), followed by barn meat chicken (20,817), free range
layer (10,713), barn layer (9,300) and cage layer farms (9,000). The number of chickens per
shed ranged up to 71,000 chickens, which was found on a cage layer farm. The smallest capac-
ity sheds were found on a free range layer farm, housing approximately 250 chickens (Table 1).
The median stocking density was greatest in meat chicken farms (13.6 and 16.0 birds/m2
for barn and free range meat chicken farms respectively) compared to layer farms, where it
was smallest in cage layer farms (8.7 birds/m2) (Table 1). A high stocking density of 33.3 birds/
m2 was found on the one mobile caravan farm. As mentioned previously, space is limited
inside the caravans. Perches are placed on multiple levels inside, thereby providing hens with
more roost areas. The caravans are only in full use at night time when the doors are closed for
shelter and protection.
Drinkers, feeders and nests. Nipple type drinkers were used on 97% of farms. They were
present on all barn meat chicken, cage layer and barn layer farms. One free range meat chicken
farm used a combination of nipples and cup type drinkers and one free range layer farm used
large bell type drinkers. Taking all drinker types into account, there was a median of 9 chickens
per drinker overall for all farm types. There was no statistically significant difference in the
number of chickens per drinker between the different farm types (P = 0.2).
Automatic pan type feeders were used on all meat chicken farms. On barn layer farms,
automatic pans were used on 56% (n = 5) and chain feeders were used on 44% (n = 4) of
farms. Travelling hoppers were the most common feeder type on cage layer farms (44%,
n = 4), followed by manual troughs (33%, n = 3). One cage layer farm used a combination of
chain feeders and travelling hoppers, and another used manual troughs with travelling hop-
pers. Chain feeders were most commonly used on free range layer farms (52%, n = 13), fol-
lowed by automatic pans (36%, n = 9), gravity pans, (8%, n = 2) and then a combination of
automatic pans with chain feeders (4%, n = 1). There was a median of 54 chickens per auto-
matic pan and 4 cm of chain feeder per bird overall. There was no statistically significant dif-
ference in the number of automatic pans and length of chain feeder per chicken between the
different farm types (P = 0.07 and P = 0.44 respectively).
Eggs were collected by conveyer belt on 90% of layer farms. Manual egg collection was per-
formed on 10% of layer farms, all of which were cage layer farms. There was a median of 79
chickens per nest across barn and free range layer farms. There was no statistically significant
difference in the number of chickens per nest between the different farm types (P = 0.2).
Environmental control methods. All meat chicken farms had heaters in the shed that
were mainly used for heating brooding areas for new chicks. No layer farms had heaters. A
variety of environmental control methods to cool down birds during hot weather was reported
across all farm types. Cooling pads and tunnel ventilation were reported in just over half of
both barn and free range meat chicken farms (53%, n = 8) and was least common in free range
layer farms (16%, n = 4). Both foggers and stirring fans were reported in over half of every
farm type. Curtains and/or shutters used to block or allow outside breeze was found in over
half of all farm types with the exception of cage layer farms where these were present in only
22% (n = 2). These values are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. A description of the environmental control methods used by cage, barn and free range meat chicken and layer farms inside sheds, in the
Sydney basin bioregion and South East Queensland, Australia, June 2015—February 2016.
Environmental control method Farm type
Barn meat chicken Free range meat chicken Cage layer Barn layer Free range layer
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 9) (n = 9) (n = 25)
Cooling pads/ tunnel ventilation (% 53 (n = 8) 53 (n = 8) 33 (n = 3) 33 (n = 3) 16 (n = 4)
Foggers (% farms) 60 (n = 9) 80 (n = 12) 67 (n = 6) 78 (n = 7) 84 (n = 21)
Curtains/ shutters (% farms) 67 (n = 10) 100 22 (n = 2) 78 (n = 7) 84 (n = 21)
Sprinklers on roof (% farms) 7 (n = 1) 0 56 (n = 5) 11 (n = 1) 44 (n = 11)
Stirring fans(% farms) 93 (n = 14) 100 56 (n = 5) 100 88 (n = 22)
section was a different age group but each group could see and interact through the wire mesh.
It was found that 78% (n = 7) of cage layer farms had multiple age groups in one shed, with a
median number of four age groups per shed.
The median number of age groups per farm was one for all meat chicken farms. The maxi-
mum number of age groups was ten on one barn meat chicken farm, due to the large size of
the farm. For cage, barn and free range layer farms, the median number of age groups per
farm was five, three and four respectively.
Chicken breed and rearing. Meat chicken farms most commonly used a combination of
the Ross and Cobb chicken breed on the one farm (53%, n = 16), followed by exclusive use of
the Cobb breed (27%, n = 8) and then the Ross breed (20%, n = 6). The ISA Brown breed was
the most common breed on the layer farms (77%, n = 33) and was the most common breed
per layer farm type. Other layer breeds used were the Hyline (30%, n = 13), Lohmann (7%,
n = 3), Leghorn (5%, n = 2), Hisex (2%, n = 1) and Heritage breeds (2%, n = 1), and some
farms used a combination of different breeds on the one farm. A minority (14%, n = 7) of layer
farms had a rearing shed on the farm in which they rear their own birds. Therefore most layer
farms relied on outside rearing farms for production layers. All meat chicken farms received
new birds at one day old from the hatcheries.
Health records and vaccinations. All meat chicken farms kept written health records
documenting aspects such as the number of mortalities per day. Written health records were
kept on 89% (n = 8), 67% (n = 6) and 96% (n = 24) of layer barn, cage and free range farms
All farms vaccinated chickens against Newcastle disease virus and Infectious Bronchitis
virus. Half (50%, n = 15) of meat chicken farms vaccinate against Marek’s disease (MD). Infec-
tious laryngotracheitis (ILT) was only vaccinated when needed in meat chicken farms and had
been performed in 17% (n = 5) of farms at the time of the visits. In contrast, all layer farms
were vaccinated routinely against ILT, as well as Egg drop syndrome (EDS). Different vaccina-
tion protocols existed across the layer farms dependent on factors such as the company of the
farm, the source of chickens and/or the veterinarian associated with the farm. Vaccinations are
also performed at various stages of the commercial layer lifetime, including during the rearing
stage. Vaccination percentages in layer farms against the following diseases were: IBD 24%
(n = 24), Fowl pox 93% (n = 39), Mycoplasma gallisepticum 62% (n = 26), Mycoplasma synoviae
40% (n = 17), MD 83% (n = 35), coccidiosis 12% (n = 5), infectious coryza 26% (n = 11), avian
encephalomyelitis 93% (n = 39) and Salmonella Typhimurium 14% (n = 6).
Veterinarian contact. Veterinarian visits for advice on farm improvements were de-
scribed to occur at least annually and occurred in addition to disease investigation. These were
reported to occur in more than half (57%, n = 17) of meat chicken farms and in less than half
(42%) of layer farms. Other farms reported that they contact the veterinarian only on the occa-
sion of a health issue or disease investigation.
Depopulation, dead bird and manure management. A thinning out procedure occurs
on 90% (n = 27) of meat chicken farms surveyed. The process of thinning out generally
involves a third of birds being removed at around 30 days of age, with a second pick up a week
after and a final third pick up a week after that. However, this varied considerably depending
on what orders are made further in the production chain. Some birds were picked up as early
as 21 days for spatchcock, or small bird, orders and some birds were left as late as 55 days for
large piece orders. Ninety-two percent (n = 23) of free range and 89% (n = 8) of both, cage and
barn layer farms removed all chickens of the same age group on one day during depopulation.
In the case of multiage cage layer farms, each row or tier was one age group and so only that
age group was removed during depopulation. In the case of barn and free range layer farms
with sheds that have multiple age groups in one shed separated by wire mesh, one age group
i.e. one section of the shed, would be depopulated at the appropriate times. Of those farms that
do not depopulate a whole age group at one time, it either occurred over two to three days
because of the volume of birds, birds are kept until they die naturally or were sold individually
to different customers for meat.
Dead birds were most commonly placed in dead bird freezers across all farm types (44%,
n = 32). Dead bird collectors emptied these freezers once full. Freezing dead birds was followed
by composting dead birds on or nearby the farm (32%, n = 23) and burial on farm (12%, n = 9).
Less common answers included incineration, placing dead birds in bio-bins and sending dead
birds to the tip. Some farms performed a combination of methods. Manure was most com-
monly removed and given to an off-site user across all chicken farms (86%, n = 63). Less com-
mon answers included composting on farm, stockpiling on farm and spreading on paddocks.
The removal of dead birds and manure was usually performed by private contractors for all
farm types. There were a relatively large number of different contractors for manure and dead
bird removal across all farm types. These contractors tended to work in small local areas,
where it was common to only collect from one or two farms.
Table 3. The median and range number of stocking density on the range area and range-related attri-
butes for free range meat chicken and layer farms in the Sydney basin bioregion and South East
Queensland, Australia, June 2015 until February 2016.
Range attribute Farm type
Free range meat chicken Free range layer
(n = 15) (n = 25)
Range area (m2) 2,476.5 (1170–5503.75) 18,000 (525–53,000)
Stocking density on range area (birds/m2) 12.8 (9.1–16) 0.7 (0.025–6.7)
Stocking density on range area (birds/ha) 127,692 (91,355–159,972) 6590.9 (250–
Farmer reported proportion of birds in shed that 40 (14.3–50) 50 (12.5–100)
use range (%)
Farmer reported proportion of range used by birds 100 (50–100) 40 (10–100)
Shed wall covered by pop-holes (%) 50 (15–100) 60 (15–100)
Pop-holes per wall 7 (1–14) 5.5 (1–19)
Walls with pop-holes 1 (1–2) 1.5 (1–2)
Grass-cover on range (%) 80 (30–100) 60 (0–100)
median number of pop-holes per wall on free range meat chicken farms (7) exceeded that of
free range layer farms (5.5). Pop-holes were present on either one or two sides of the length of
the shed for both farm types. The median number of walls covered by pop-holes for meat
chicken and layer free range farms was 1 and 1.5 respectively (Table 3).
Range access. The majority (93%, n = 14) of free range meat chicken farms granted access
for the birds to the range from sunrise to dusk. Total time allowed outside therefore varies
between seasons where sundown times can vary from 5pm to 8pm in winter and summer,
respectively [17]. Only one free range meat chicken farm opened pop-holes at a set time each
morning (7:30am) and chickens were put back at dusk. Over half of free range layer farms
(56%, n = 14) opened pop-holes at a set time each morning; most commonly between 9:00 to
10.00am (86%, n = 12) with one opening at 7.30am and another one at 10:30am. On all of
these farms, chickens were placed back inside sheds when it was dusk. There were no specific
times for bird range access on 28% (n = 7) of free range layer farms; farmers simply stated the
birds were let out when it was light to dusk. Only four free range layer farms had specific times
when birds were placed back inside, with this being between 5:30 to 8:00pm.
Access to the range for both farm types was restricted in certain weather conditions. Of the
free range meat chicken farms, approximately half (53%, n = 8) did not allow birds outside when
conditions were too cold, 87% when conditions were too hot and all of them when conditions
were too wet. Wet conditions were defined as conditions in which pooling water was found on
the range. For 40% (n = 6) of free range meat chicken farms, birds the temperature range which
defined too cold or hot conditions was 17 to 28˚C. Other farmers would allow birds outside
depending on their own judgment about whether or not birds could tolerate the conditions.
Ninety-two percent (n = 23) of free range layer farms did not allow birds outside during severe
weather; the rest of farms reported chickens being allowed outside regardless of weather condi-
tions. Severe weather included descriptions such as strong winds, thunderstorms and hail. While
all free range layer farms allowed chickens out during cold conditions, two farms did not allow
birds outside in hot conditions and 44% did not allow birds outside in wet conditions. Another
factor to consider for birds being allowed outside is the age of the birds, with a median age at
which meat chickens and layers being granted range access of 21 days and 22 weeks, respectively,
limited to overall time birds have access to the range during their production cycle.
Waterbodies on range. All free range farms except one layer farm did not have waterbo-
dies present on the range, with ranges being usually fenced off from waterbodies. Forty percent
(n = 6) of free range meat chicken farms, the edge of the range was reported to be 50 to 250m
from a waterbody. In the majority of free range layer farms (60%, n = 15), the edge of the
range was <50m from a waterbody. Holes and drains on the range that fill up with water were
reported by farmers in 47% (n = 7) and 96% (n = 24) of free range meat chicken and layer
farms respectively.
Vegetation. Vegetative cover on the range was referred to as ‘high’ if the range had at least
50% of the area covered by grass or trees. Based on researcher observation on the day of visit,
this was found on 60% of free range meat chicken farms (n = 9) and 68% of layer farms
(n = 17). No vegetative cover was found on one free range layer farm. Range was bare next to
the shed in 92% of free range layer farms (n = 23). The bareness usually extended to a distance
that was similar to the width of the shed. Grass was uniformly distributed in 67% of free range
meat chicken farms (n = 10). The median percentage of range covered by grass in free range
meat chicken and layer farms was 80% and 60% respectively (Table 3).
Trees were scattered in 60% of free range layer farms (n = 15) and 87% of meat chicken
farms (n = 13). Thirty-two percent of free range layer farms (n = 8) had trees surrounding the
edge of the range only and no trees at all were seen on 13% free range meat chicken farms
(n = 2).
This paper improves knowledge of commercial chicken farms in Australia by documenting
management practices, farm design and housing characteristics based on interviews and
observation conducted on-farm, and including all types of farm enterprises in the layer sector
and the chicken meat sector of the commercial chicken industry today. The sample of farms
surveyed is likely representative of the commercial chicken egg and meat farms across Austra-
lia, given that NSW is the leading state in both the number of farms and volume of product
produced for meat chicken and egg farms in Australia [14, 18, 19], and that the surveyed farms
included a large range of farm sizes and a range of companies. However, farms located in the
Sydney basin region are generally older with not as many tunnel ventilated sheds compared to
farms located in other states in Australia. This must be considered in this study as most farms
interviewed were located in the Sydney basin region.
For the layer industry in Australia, the total number of commercial farms has notably
reduced in the last decade with approximately 600 farms recorded in 2007 compared to 252
farms at the time of writing; and some further reduction is expected. The on-farm interviews
were conducted on layer farms ranging from small, independently operated farms to farms
owned by the largest egg producing company in Australia, which produces 20% of the national
market [20]. For meat chicken farms, permission for on-farm interviews was granted by three
of seven Australian meat chicken processing companies, with two included being the largest
companies in Australia that together supply more than 70% of Australia’s meat chicken [6].
This study focused on collecting information about commercially-operating farms as these
produce the vast majority of chicken eggs and meat in Australia compared to backyard flocks.
The estimated population of egg laying chickens in commercially operated farms in Australia
is over 23 million and there is an estimated 512 million meat chickens slaughtered in Australia
each year [6, 13]. The large majority of both chicken eggs and meat is purchased and con-
sumed within Australia with minimal exports [12]. The last census of backyard poultry owner-
ship occurred in 1992 in Australia and it was estimated that 7% of all households keep
backyard poultry; with an estimated population of 1 million birds [12]. This figure is likely to
be higher now with the increasing popularity of organic and free-range products [2, 6]. How-
ever, the majority of birds in backyard flocks are used to produce eggs for the owner’s personal
consumption and the number of backyard chickens used for poultry meat at home is insignif-
icantly small in Australia. Information on management practices and design of backyard poul-
try production is also lacking in the literature but is likely to vary greatly due to private
ownership. There are concerns from the industry that the rise in backyard poultry production
could lead to more disease introductions in commercial poultry farms. However, there is little
contact between commercial poultry operations and backyard poultry production [12]. The
national farm biosecurity manual for poultry production states that farm workers must not
have any contact with avian species or pigs outside of the farm. If this occurs then workers
must shower and change into new protective clothing prior to entering the farm [21].
In general, management practices and farm design were found to be more similar across
the individual meat chicken farms compared to the layer farms in this study. This is considered
to be due to the high level of private ownership amongst layer farms, the greater number of
layer farm types, and the vertically integrated nature of the meat chicken industry. Companies
in the meat chicken industry own or control most aspects of the supply and production chain,
including genetic breeding stock, parent breeders, hatcheries, grow outs, processing plants and
feed mills [6, 12]. This is comparable to the EU and USA, where the top ten companies
together supply almost 30% and over 60% of the domestic markets respectively [22].
The median stocking density inside sheds for non-free range meat chicken and free range meat
chicken was 13.6 and 16.0 birds/m2 respectively. One study assessed the performance of meat
chickens at varying stocking densities in New Zealand; at 5, 10, 15 and 20 birds/m2. It was found
that there was no linear relationship between stocking density and productivity per bird basis in
terms of feed/weight gain, mortality or carcass characteristics [23], in accordance with other stud-
ies [24, 25]. There are however some welfare implications at high stocking densities, such as over
20 birds/ birds/m2, related to litter quality leading to poor gait and hock and foot pad burns [23].
All meat chicken farms had one age group per shed and 90% (n = 27) of farms performed
thinning out compared to all-in-all-out during depopulation. Thinning out is performed to
satisfy market demand for light and heavy meat chickens, improve space utilization and
increase profits for the producer. However, risks associated with thinning out include biosecu-
rity breaches, gut problems after fasting the whole shed followed by re-feeding remaining
birds, and detrimental effects on meat quality. Biosecurity breaches can occur when bird-
catcher crew members fail to follow biosecurity protocols when visiting multiple farms [12, 26,
27]. Nervousness in chickens leading to excess wing flapping can also occur after thinning out,
which would lead to deep pectoral myopathy in the breast tissue can result, leading to a reduc-
tion in meat quality. There is a fine balance that must be achieved in order to optimize the ben-
efits of thinning out procedures [26].
As well as concerns regarding biosecurity breaches for bird-catcher crew members, there
are concerns for many other farm contacts. This study revealed there are a large number of dif-
ferent contacts for all farm types, including new bird deliverers, dead bird pick-up crews and
tradesmen that visit other farms. Such contacts can introduce and spread poultry diseases
between sheds and between farms, especially if biosecurity protocols are not followed. It is pru-
dent all farms ensure visitors follow appropriate biosecurity practices to minimize the potential
biosecurity breaches [12, 28].
There were multiple age groups in a shed on some layer farms; particularly those sheds that
were divided internally by wire mesh and in cage layer farms. There are health concerns associ-
ated with multiple age groups per shed as certain diseases are able to transfer from old to new
age groups. Similarly, pathogens can persist inside sheds if complete depopulation of sheds
does not occur, where there is continuous replacement of old groups with new groups. Such
pathogens include (MD) and avian influenza (AI). One of the highest concern in relation to AI
is increased chance of mutating from low pathogenic AI to highly pathogenic AI when allowed
to persist in a population [29].
There are challenges associated with the increase in popularity of free range poultry produc-
tion; such as the greater production losses experienced compared to other farm types. A study
in Australia found free range meat chicken performance had slower growth, higher mortalities
and deteriorating feed conversion efficiency over time compared to non-free range chickens
[30]. Similarly, a study that reviewed the levels of mortality in hens in different farm types in
Great Britain found that the average on-farm mortalities during the laying period were 5.4%,
8.6% and 9.5% in cage, barn and free range layer farms respectively [31]. Further research on
free range chicken farms in general needs to be performed in order to find ways to counteract
these production issues, especially given the growing significance of this type of production in
Farmers in this study reported a lower proportion of birds using the range in meat chicken
free range farms compared to layer free range farms. A higher variability was observed in
responses from layer farms, with some indicating that 100% of birds use the range, when com-
pared to meat chicken farms, with no one reporting a proportion of birds using the range
higher than 50%. This lower proportion of birds that use the range in meat chicken farms may
be in part due to the health related problems associated with a rapid growth rate of meat chick-
ens, which cause birds to spend more time sitting on the floor and less time walking [32]. Such
health conditions are caused by the large body weights and include increased heart abnormali-
ties, tendon degeneration, varus/valgus deformations and femoral head necrosis [22, 27, 32].
Range use by birds has also been shown to be affected by outside temperature, flock size,
precipitation and season. Few studies have reported the proportion of birds accessing the
range in commercial-sized flocks, although it is generally agreed that larger flock sizes have a
lower use of the range [33]. One study in Australia reported only 4% of layer hens in free range
layer farms use the range in a flock of 16,000 hens [1], a much lower proportion than those
reported by participant farms in this study. Certainly management practices limit range use by
chickens on Australian meat chicken farms, as birds are not granted access until 21 days of
age, and then access only permitted when climatic conditions are favorable, and depopulation
begins roughly at 30 days of age. The limited time allowed outside with the rapid growth rates
potentially poses a welfare problem. To counteract this welfare issue, slower-growing meat
chicken breeds such as the Ross Rowan and Cobb-Sasso, have been developed and started
to be used in the EU and USA. Such breeds take 50 to 100% longer to reach target weights
compared to the fast-growing counterparts [22]. It is difficult to predict whether or not the
development and use of slower-growing meat chicken breeds will become popular among pro-
ducers in the Australian industry.
Another aspect investigated in this study was the percentage of the range being used by
birds, with meat chicken farms reporting a higher percentage of the range being used com-
pared to layer farms. One reason of this difference could be the smaller size of ranges in meat
chicken farms when compared to those on layer farms, with meat chickens being able to easily
disperse over the whole range area. Another reason may be a greater uniform spread of shade
on the ranges of meat chicken farms compared to layer farms, reported in this study. The
results in this study revealed trees and artificial shade structures being scattered and uniformly
Supporting information
S1 Text. Avian influenza risk mitigation project in Australian commercial chicken farms—
main questionnaire.
S2 Text. Avian influenza risk mitigation project in Australian commercial chicken farms—
biosecurity questionnaire.
The authors extend thanks to the egg and chicken meat companies and producers for their
participation. This research was conducted within the Poultry Cooperative Research Centre
(CRC) with support from the CRC and Woolworths Limited. The first author is also a recipi-
ent of a Post-graduate Scholarship from the Poultry CRC.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jenny-Ann Toribio, Marta Hernandez-Jover, Belinda Barnes, Kathryn
Glass, Barbara Moloney, Amanda Lee, Peter Groves.
Formal analysis: Jenny-Ann Toribio.
Funding acquisition: Peter Groves.
Investigation: Angela Bullanday Scott, Mini Singh.
Methodology: Angela Bullanday Scott, Mini Singh, Jenny-Ann Toribio, Peter Groves.
Project administration: Mini Singh, Jenny-Ann Toribio, Barbara Moloney, Peter Groves.
Supervision: Mini Singh, Jenny-Ann Toribio, Marta Hernandez-Jover, Peter Groves.
Visualization: Peter Groves.
Writing – original draft: Angela Bullanday Scott.
Writing – review & editing: Angela Bullanday Scott, Mini Singh, Jenny-Ann Toribio, Marta
Hernandez-Jover, Belinda Barnes, Kathryn Glass, Barbara Moloney, Amanda Lee, Peter
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