Olodi Apapa Adex
Olodi Apapa Adex
Olodi Apapa Adex
Using the Electrical Resistivity Method of
Geophysical Investigation at Kingdom Hall of
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 15, Mustapha Street, Olodi
– Apapa, Lagos State.
1.1 General
Equipment and Personnel were mobilized to site on Friday, 28th of June, 2024
and the field work was conducted on same day.
The site is located on Mustapha Street in Olodi Apapa area of Lagos State. It
falls on approximate geographical coordinates Latitude N 06.444470; Longitude
E 003.340780 with an average elevation of 4m above the mean sea level.
Figure 1: Map showing the location of the site (Source: Google Earth).
The following equipment were mobilised to site to execute the above works:
The fieldwork was conducted on Friday, 28th of June, 2024 employing the
electrical resistivity method of geophysical prospecting.
• Vertical Electrical Sounding: It finds its principal use in areas where the
geological structure can be approximated by layers which are horizontal or
nearly so and its goal is to determine from surface measurement the depths
to the subsurface layers together with their electrical resistivities. The current
and potential electrodes are maintained at the same relative spacing and the
whole spread is progressively expanded about a fixed central point. Thus, as
the distance between the current electrodes is increased, so the depth to
which the current penetrates is increased. The depth of investigation is
generally 20% to 40% of the current electrode spacing, depending on the earth
resistivity structure. This technique was employed for determination of the drill
depth beneath the site.
3.3.2 Vertical Electrical Sounding
In this method, one pair; the current electrodes (C1 & C2), serves to introduce
an electric current (I) into the ground and the other pair; potential electrodes
(P1 & P2), to measure the potential difference (V) produced as a result of the
current flow. The apparent resistivity value is then obtained using the
Data Acquisition
Instrumentation: For the purpose of this study, the PASI 16GL-N Earth
Resistivity along with the power pack was used for the data acquisition. This
instrument measures and displays the current that is passed into the ground,
the potential difference and resistance of the subsurface averaged over a
number of cycles. Other accessories used are stainless steel electrodes,
portable Garmin Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, connecting
cables, hammers and tapes.
Data Interpretation
The obtained apparent resistivities were interpreted via partial curve matching,
by employing the use of master and auxiliary curves produced by Mooney and
Orellana. The interpretation obtained was compared to interpretation by model
calculation using the WingLink software. Finally, the quantitative
interpretations were used to generate sounding curves and 1-D resistivity
model of the subsurface.
A VES was conducted at the study area while varying current electrode
separation between 2m and 280m. The curve obtained from the sounding
exercise is as shown in figure 5.
Apparent Resistivity (ohm-m)
1 10 100 1000
Electrode Spacing (m)
The profile indicates the presence of alternating sand and clay layers to a depth
of over 100m and a summary of the interpretation of VES data acquired at the
site is presented in table 1 while the model curve and parameters are presented
in the appendix.
Table 1: Summary of VES interpretation
Depth Inferred
Resistivity Thickness
Layer to base Inferred Lithology Quality
(Ωm) (m)
A simple lithological sequence was inferred beneath the site. The first and
second layer is characterized by the topsoil with resistivity value of 55 ohm-m
to 10 ohm-m and it extends to a depth of about 1.2m.
Beyond 66m, a rise in resistivity value was recorded for the fifth layer. With
resistivity value of 73 ohm-m, the horizon is here inferred as being composed
of essentially sandy materials. It marks the third aquifer horizon beneath the
site and is interpreted as hosting the best quality of groundwater beneath the
site as inferred from its resistivity value. Sounding terminated within this
Consequently, from ground surface to the terminal depth of the probe, two
probable fresh water aquifer horizons were inferred, the first from near ground
surface to a depth of about 8m and the second beyond 66m depth.
On the ADMT profile, sandy (and good water quality) horizons are identified as
having yellow to red colour while clayey layers are identified with blue
Thus, the MT profile and VES interpretation correlate well with delineation of
two aquifer horizons beneath the site. From the MT profile, it is observed that
the last layer delineated from the VES exercise extends to a depth of about
Figure 6: Correlation of VES and ADMT profiles beneath the site
5.1 Conclusion
The site falls within a region underlain by Alluvial deposits which is a member
of the Dahomey Basin underlying Lagos State in its entirety.
From interpretation of the data acquired at the site, multi aquifer units are
delineated beneath the site from ground surface to a depth of about 150m.
Correlating results of the VES and MT surveys, three aquifer regimes are
inferred. The first regime, which was delineated from near ground surface to a
depth of about 8m. The second aquifer horizon was delineated between depth
intervals of 45m and 66m. This horizon is prone to contamination from the
overlying very low resistivity horizon.
The third aquifer horizon was delineated between depth intervals of 66m and
150m. This horizon is expected to host the best groundwater quality beneath
the site from both VES and ADMT results; particularly from about 90m depth.
5.2 Recommendations
1 34
2 23
3 25
3 24
4 30
6 37
8 36
10 39
10 36
15 31
20 23
25 17
25 13
30 10
40 8
50 7
50 6
60 5
80 4.6
100 5.9
140 8.9