MIDTERM CE 362 - 2022 - 2023 Spring - Online
MIDTERM CE 362 - 2022 - 2023 Spring - Online
MIDTERM CE 362 - 2022 - 2023 Spring - Online
1) The examination consists of four questions. The grades assigned for each question are shown.
2) This is a closed book exam.
3) Calculators are permitted. But no IPODs and similar devices, PDAs, laptop computers or cell phones
are allowed. Disciplinary action will be taken for violation of these restrictions.
4) SHOW YOUR WORK AND ANSWERS CLEARLY. Never omit stating the units of anything you
write in answer sheet.
Question 1 (25p)
a) The weight of a 6 story + 2 basement residential structure with preliminary foundation dimensions
of 24 m x 30 m is estimated 8640 tons. It was agreed that the depth of the mat foundation will be
located at 6 m depth. If water table is observed to be below the mat foundation level, estimate the
net foundation pressure due to the residential structure (Note: assume that the unit weight of soil
is 18 kN/m3 (10p)
b) At 3 m depth, a silt sand layer was encountered and a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was
performed. The blowcounts for the first, second and third 15 cm increments were reported as 3,5,6
blows respectively. For the test, a safety hammer of an energy ratio of 67 % was used. The borehole
diameter was measured as 110 mm and the SPT sampler used was a standard sampler with constant
inside diameter (no room for liners). The length of the rod from the bottom of the safety hammer to
the sampler at 3 m depth was measured as 5.2 m
Estimate the overburden and procedure corrected SPT blowcounts, as N1,60 for 30 cm penetration
of the sampler (water table depth is at 3 m depth and the moist unit weight of soil in the upper 3 m
can be assumed as 18 kN/m3) (10p)
c) Classify the silty sand layer based on N1,60 value you have calculated in part (b) by using the
information provided in the table given below (5p)
Factor Term Equipment Variable Correction
Overburden CN (100/v)0.5
Pressure CN 2
CE Safety Hammer 0.60-1.17
Energy Ratio
Donut Hammer 0.45-1.00
CB 65-115 mm 1.00
150 mm 1.05
200 mm 1.15
3-4 m 0.75
4-6 m 0.85
Rod Length CR 6-10 m 0.95
10-30 m 1.0
> 30 m < 1.0
CS Standard Sampler 1.0
Sampling Method
Sampler without liners 1.15-1.30
Question 2 (20 p)
A strip footing, which is 3 m wide, is to be constructed on a layered sand profile as shown in the
figure below. The measured cone penetration tip resistances for the sand layers are provided in the
figure. Using Schmertmann’s strain distribution method, calculate the settlement of the footing
under a net foundation pressure of 180 kPa. Disregard the creep effects (c2 = 1).
S = c1 c2 qnet ∑ (Iz / Es) Δz
Where; c1 = 1 - 0.5(σ'v0 / qnet)
Iz = 0.2 at z = 0; Iz = 0.5 at z = B; Iz = 0.0 at z = 4B
Es = 2 qc
Question 3 (25p)
A uniform pressure (q) of 74 kPa is applied to the flexible foundation shown in the figure below.
Determine the
a) Immediate settlement (10p)
b) Consolidation settlement (15p)
Loaded Area (A) = B x L = 3 m x 6 m
𝒔 𝒊 = 𝝁𝟎 𝝁𝟏
Question 4 (30p)
b) If the same mat foundation as in part (a) would be constructed on a clayey deposit with c′=10
kPa and φ ′=20°, cu = 60 kPa φ u=0°, what would be the allowable load Q (including the weight
of the mat foundation) that would satisfy a factor of safety of 3.0 against bearing capacity.
(Assume that the water level will not be changed before, during and after construction) (12p)
1. In sandy soils, settlement governs the design of foundation, instead of bearing capacity.
2. Footings located near the top of a slope, have a lower bearing capacity than footings on
level ground, in same soil.
3. To calculate “Allowable bearing capacity”, we have to do only bearing capacity
calculations, not the settlement.
4. If water table is at a distance B below the base of the foundation, the bearing capacity will
be higher, as compared to the case of having water table at the level of the base of
𝑞𝑓 = 2 ∙ 𝛾 ∙ 𝐵 ∙ 𝑁𝛾 ∙ 𝑠𝛾 + 𝑐 ∙ 𝑁𝑐 ∙ 𝑠𝑐 + 𝛾 ∙ 𝐷 ∙ 𝑁𝑞 ∙ 𝑠𝑞 (for rectangular footing)
qf = cu Nc + γD