Prehistoric Period: History

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Inian, a student of standard six

was reading the newspaper. He was
astonished. An amazing discovery! An
animal called Dinosaur lived many
million years ago. The eggs of the
Dinosaur were excavated near Ariyalur.
They belonged to the prehistoric
period. What is 'prehistoric

Can you tell us the history of your The Earlymen

family? From where do we get these old
1. What is your father's name? things? Who has discovered all these?
2. What is your grandfather's Read this news and find out. The
name? archaeological excavation has been
3. What is your great grandfather's going on for 100 years in Athichanallur,
name? which is in Tirunelveli District in Tamil
4. What is your grandfather's Nadu.Recently in 2004,they excavated
grandfather's name? more than 160 burial urns in one place.
5. What is your grandfather's This proved that people lived in that
grandfather's father's name? place long ago.

You can answer the first two The written and archaeological
questions only. But we don't know the evidences that tell us about the period
answers to questions such as the in which people lived, events, food
names of our grandfather's father and habits, customs, culture, forms of
grandfather's grandfather. If this is the government and literature are known
case, what are the evidences to find as historical evidences. History can be
about the people who lived hundred, divided into pre-history and historical
two hundred, five hundred and period. Historical period has proof of
thousand years ago. The sources about written evidences and other
these are known as History. What is evidences. The written evidences are
History? History tells about the people literary work, historical notes, stone
who lived in the past with evidences
edicts, copper plates and palm leaves.
according to the ages.
Evidences to know about pre-historic He ate vegetables, fruits, roots
period: and meat of animals which he gathered
To know about the pre-historic from the jungle. Since he could not find
period, there are evidences such as the food in one place he went from place to
things that belonged to that period, place in search of food.
ruins,fossils, horns and bones of
animals, tools made of stones, skulls
and deposits (impressions) which are
found in different places around the
world as well as in India. With the help of
all these we know about the pre-historic
period of India.
The Pre-historic period can be classified

Social Science
• PalaeolithicAge - Old StoneAge Early men - Making Tools
(BC 10000 years ago)
• Neolithic Age- New StoneAge Words giving the same meaning with
little difference :
(BC 10000 -BC 4000)
• ChalcolithicAge- Copper Stone Age
some years ago, many years ago,
ancient, long long ago, from time
(BC 3000-BC 1500) immemorial, primitive.
• Iron Age - IronAge
(BC 1500-BC600) Era of some important events

With the help of the tools used by Beginning of the Earth -

early man, we can divide the stone age 4.6 Billion years ago
Appearance of man - 4000
into Old stone age and New stone age.
years ago (Homosepians)
1. Old StoneAge: ( PalaeolithicAge )
> Beginning of agriculture-8000
He was a nomad. He lived in the jungle. years ago
He took shelter on the branches of > Beginning of the cities -
trees, in holes and caves. He discovered 4700 years ago
fire by using the flint stone. The primitive
man was scared of thunder and
BC - Before Christ
lightning and worshipped them.
AD -Anno Domini
He had to protect himself from CE - Common Era
cold, Sun and rain. He wore dresses BCE - Before Common Era
made out of leaves, skin of animals and BC 31 - Birth of Thiruvalluvar
barks of trees. He used stones, BT - Before Thiruvalluvar
AT -After Thiruvalluvar
branches of trees, bones and horns of
the animals as weapons.
Places in India where the Old stone
Did the primitive man store the
age tools were found:
Madyapradesh - Soan River bank,
Where and how did he store? Pimpet Ca, Mageshwa.
Rajasthan - Luni Valley.
Did he share? Karnataka - Pagalkhat.
Andhrapradesh - Karnool caves,
Did he preserve the food? Renigunta.
Tamilnadu - Vadamadurai,
Why should the food be Athirambakkam, Pallavaram,
Kanchipuram, Vellur, Thiruvallur.
Name the food items that we
preserve and store nowadays.

When he did not find vegetables,

fruits and roots, he hunted animals. He
used stones, branches, bones, horns of
animals etc. to hunt animals. In the
beginning he hunted small animals all
alone. Then they hunted in groups. 2. New Stone Age: (NeolithicAge)
Both men and women involved Old stone age man went from
in hunting. place to place in search of food and for
hunting animals. Then he learnt to
produce his food. He domesticated
In the Pimpet Ca cave in Madhya
animals like goat, cow and hen.
Pradesh we see a painting. This depicts The first animal he tamed was
a woman with her child tied to her waist dog, which helped him in hunting. He
throwing an arrow. From this we know reared goats and cows and had milk as
his food. The next stage in the evolution
that women were also involved in
of man is known as New Stone Age.
hunting. During this age, he used polished,
carved, sharp stone weapons. In this
What for the early man hunted period, he started to produce food.
the wild animals? Is it to protect himself Wheel was invented. As a result of this,
he was able to transport things from one
from the wild animal orforfood?
place to another easily. With the help of
wheels he made pots. He sharpened the
crude weapons and attached them with
Why did the government amend
handles made up of wood and bones.
laws to protect the wild animals? Metal was in use. Copper was the first
metal used by him.
• They built mud houses with the pots they used. The Harappan
thatched roofs and began to live in culture belonged to this age. Let us learn
groups in small villages. in detail about this in the next lesson.
• The houses were round or oval
shaped. They were built below the
ground level and thatched with wooden
planks. /,(• 1
• Agriculture was their main ChalcolithicAge weapons
• They domesticated and reared 4. Iron Age :
animals. The period when the tools were
• Axes, handles made out of bones, made up of iron was called Iron Age.
fishing hooks, needle and chopper Household articles and agricultural
were in use. implements were made out of iron.
They learnt to melt the metal and make

Social Science
• During the New stone age they had weapons. They were creative. Vedic
the practice of burying the dead. The period belonged to the Iron Age.
dead were buried along with their
tamed animals in the frontyard of their List the tools made out of iron
houses. which are in use now. Compare
them with the tools used before.

Places where New stone age

weapons were found:

Madhyapradesh - Pimpet Ca

Alloys: . ,

Iron + Chromium = steel
Tirunelveli, Thandikkudi, Pudukottai, Copper + Lead = Bronze
Tiruchirapalli and Salem. Copper + Zinc = Brass
Iron + Maganese = Steel
3. CopperAge : (ChalcolithicAge)
At the end of the New stone age, Important words from the lesson:
man came to know the use of copper. • Archaeology • Excavation
He made tools out of copper as well as • Primitive • Stone Age
small stones. So this age is known as •CopperAge • Iron Age
Chalcolithic Age. They drew colourful • Historical evidences • Deposits
pictures with geometrical patterns on • Million • Bronze

I . Choose the correct answer :

1. Pre-history means
a) period having written evidences
b) period having no written evidences
c) period which have all the 3 evidences like time, place and events
2. Old stone age people
a) wore cotton clothes
b) wore leaves, barks of trees and skin of animals
c) wore woollen clothes
3. The first animal tamed by primitive man was
a) cow
b) horse
c) dog

II. Fill in the blanks :

1. The early man. .depending on nature.
2. To know the truths of ancient period, we must read _
3. The Old stone age man used_ stones.
4. The primitive age is _ than the ancient period.
5. We must read _ to know about the primitive age.
6. The period when the tools were made up of Iron was called.
7. New stone age man used _ to make pots.

Match the following :

I.Tamil Nadu Pagalkhat
2.Andra Pradesh Athirampakkam
3. Madhya Pradesh Karnool
4. Karnataka PimpetCa
IV. Answerthe following:
1. What is history?
2. List the evidences to know about history.
3. What do you mean by pre-historic period?
4. What are the four classifications of the pre-historic period?
5. What were the dresses of the early man?
6. Draw and compare any fourtools of Old stone age and New stone age.
7. Write a short note on new stone age.

Prepare a table of details from the informations you have gathered

from this lesson.

Social Science
Period Stages of man/occupation Tools used
Old stone age Primitive man - Crude stones
Gathering food, Hunting
New stone age Stone age man - Rearing Polished and carved stones
of animals, Agriculture

Copper age

Iron age

Write the names of your family members

Write the name Write the name
1. Father Mother :
2. Father's father : (Grandfather) _ Mother's father : (Grandfather) _
Father's mother : (Grandmother). Mother's mother: (Grandmother).
3. Grand father's father : _ Grandmother's mother : _
(Great grandfather) : _ Grandmother's father : _
Grand father's mother :
(Great grandmother) _
( Formative Assesment )

1. Find out whether there are any inscriptions and monuments in your area and
collect information about them.
2. Are stones still used as tools? List them.
3. Collect information and photos from the news paper about the excavations.
4. Howdoyou feel about that ancient man got the idea to invent the wheel.
5. Visit the nearest place where the stonage instruments are found.
6. Mark the places in the India map, from where the stone age instruments were

Why do we call the modern age as Computer age? After the invention
of electricity, computer is regarded as the most important one and so it is
called Computerage.

In the previous lesson, we They took those bricks and constructed

studied about the early man. The period the railway lines. So they destroyed
when early man used stone was known many such walls of the buildings.
as stone age. The first metal known to
man was copper. So he used both In 1921 , archaeologists found out

Social Science
copper and stone. That age was known that it was the ancient city of India.
as Copper Stone Age. During that Harappa in Sindhi means 'Buried City'.
period there existed an ancient The cities discovered after the Indus
civilization in India which was the Indus
Valley Civilization were named as
Valley Civilization. (Harappa)
Harappan Civilization.
This is the beginning of the Indian
This civilization flourished in
India about 4700 years ago. Likewise,
Harappa: the ruins of the cities were found in
In 1856, when the British ruled Mohenjo-daro, Chanhu-daro,
India, they laid railway lines on the Kalibangan and Lothal.
banks of River Ravi, a branch of Indus
river. They found a mound of sand. The Great Bath:
There they saw well- burnt bricks and The most important structure
ruins. found in the citadel was the Great Bath.
It was built of kiln-fired bricks and
sealed with a lining of bitumen.
Indus Valley Civilization

> Bolan
"V R.Sutlei



There were steps on both the Town planning :

sides of the pool. There were rooms on
all the sides of the pool for changing The Indus valley cities were well
clothes. It was fed by water from a well planned. The northern part of the town
and the dirty water was emptied by a was narrow and elevated. The
huge drain. excavators considered that those were
constructed on security basis. The
eastern side was broad and lowered.
Buildings :
We get more information from this town
Houses were built in grid system. planning.
There were houses which had two Mohenjo - daro in Sindhi means
rooms and multistoried houses, public 'Mound of Dead'
hall, granary and public buildings built
The town was built with experts
out of bricks. There were no windows in
who were well versed in the art of town
the houses. Every house had a well and
a bathroom. There were dustbins in
There would have been an
front of the houses.
administrative committee in the city to
administer it.
Houses were built on both the sides
of the broad streets in systematic order. We have an idea about ancient
man from the archaeological
The houses had flat roofs and
evidences. This is the place where you
were many storied.
can write your ideas.

The public drainage system, the
Great Bath, the public hall, street lights
and the provision of dustbins show that
the administrative system was well List the similarities and the
organized. differences between the Great Bath of
Drainage system: the Indus Valley and the ponds that are
seen in the temples of Tamil Nadu.
The drains from the houses were
What types of machinery would they

Social Science
covered. They ran along the sides of
have used to fill the ponds?
the streets which were connected to the
street drains.
Life style of Indus Valley people :
They had manholes at regular
intervals for cleaning. Row houses were built for the
employers of town administration.
People exported and imported things
Applied Science: like metals, precious stones,
ornaments and various useful
The science and technology such as
construction, selections of lands ,
measurement of plots, foundation,
selection of quality building materials
and geometrical figures were in use.

Drainage system - Mohenjo-daro Statue of a man with beard made of limestone
Dancing girl


Pieces of broken pots excavated from Harappa

Pots: They made pots with the help of potter's

wheel. They were polished and coloured.

There would have been workers

like document writers, seal makers,
carpenters, doll makers, masons and
other artisans.

They also found out dolls made

out of terracotta and other playing
articles out of shells, brass, copper,
silverand gold.
They used copper and bronze to
make weapons, household articles and Ornaments found in Harappa
tools. Gold and silver were used to
make ornaments. Weights were made

Social Science
out of a kind of stone.

Terracotta seals:
Hundreds of rectangular seals
were discovered here. Pictographic
writings were written on them. The
script had not been deciphered yet. On
the terracotta seals, bulls, cart, dove,
boats and a figure of a human
meditating are seen. 1
The terracotta planks discovered
here were engraved with letters. The
figures that were engraved on the seals
and the pictorial writing showed their
skill of writing. They were pictographic
Each picture depicts a specific <z. tre SJ
meaning. Each page was written from
right to left and left to right.
L -:J fit
* uf,. m

These writings are related with

the ancient Tamil writings. There are
4. =#rr
varied opinions regarding this. -ÿ11
Pictorial writing
Occupation : Sculpture:
In the Indus Valley there were The statue of a dancing girl
agriculturists, artisans, traders, made out of bronze found in Mohenjo-
weavers, potters and blacksmiths.
daro and the statue of a man with beard
Agriculture was their main occupation,
made out of limestone are examples of
They cultivated wheat and barley.
the excellent sculptures.
They stored the surplus grains in the
The articles excavated in
1. List the various occupations in
Mohenjo-daro tell us about their
your area.
religious Practices and the love
2. Do we store grains? If yes, where towards their religion. They worshipped
and how?
Lord Shiva represented as Pasupathi,
3. Gather evidences to prove that Indus Mother Goddess, Lingam, Trident and
Valley people traded by sea. trees.
They buried the dead in urns
Dress : along with food and ornaments.
People wore cotton and woollen
dresses. Men wore a garment similar to Causes forthe decline of the towns:
the 'dhoti' as lower garment and a shawl 1.Wooden articles would have got
as uppergarment. destroyed by fire.

Ornaments : 2. Rivalry because of the civil war.

To make ornaments they used
gold, silver, ivory, and precious stones.
Poor people wore ornaments made out 3. Natural calamities and the change in
of shells and copper. Both men and the course of River Indus would have
women wore many ornaments. buried things.

Art: 4.The Aryans would have destroyed

They were experts in making these towns in orderto succeed.
pots out of terracotta. The figures of
birds, animals, images of male and
5.The heap of bones discovered in
female, bullock cart driven by a man,
Mohenjo-daro is evidence of the
pots and bowls were discovered. invasion of the foreigners.

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of these help you to know about Indus Valley Civilization?
a. stone inscriptions b. archaeological evidences
c. copperplates
2. Mohenjo-daro means
a. Garden city b. Port city c. Mound of Dead
3. Port Lothal of the Copper Stone Age is in
a. Punjab b.Sindu c.Gujarat
4. Harappan Civilization was
a. Civilization of village b. Civilization of town c. Civilization of

Social Science
5. The metal unknown to Indus Valley people
a. gold b.iron c. copper
6. Harappa in Sindhi means _
a. Buried City b. City of Fort c. City of Rivers
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. The main God of the Harappans was _ .
2. The excavation of the Indus Valley Civilization was done in _
3. The Great Bath is situated at _ .
_ was the writing used bythe Indus Valley people.

III. Match the following:

1. Great Bath - pots
2. Excavation - burnt clay
3. Wheel - Ravi
4. Terracotta - Mohenjo-daro
5. Punjab - 1921

IV. Answer the following:

1. List the occupation of the Flarappans.
2. Write about the Great Bath.
3. What are the causes for the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization?
4. Explain the writings of the Indus Valley people.
( Formative Assesment )

1. Why did civilization orginate at the riverbanks - Discuss.

2. How to you know the cities are planned and constructed?
3. Visit the nearest museum.
4. Mark the following places in the outline map of India. Lothal, Kalibankan, Rupar,
Harappa, Mohenjo-daro.

The Aryans migrated to India Early Vedic Age or Age of Rig Veda:
through the Khyber and Bolan passes (BC 1500 - BC 1000)
from central Asia. Being shepherds,
they moved in search of pastures for When Rig Veda was compiled the
their cattle. They entered about 4000 Aryans lived in Sindu, which is now in
years ago and settled in the entire north Pakistan. They settled in Sabta Sindhu
India. (The Land of Seven Rivers) in Punjab.
We come to know through the Rig
The places where they settled in Veda, the political and social conditions
India was called Arya Vardham. Aryans of the Aryans. O
made their livelihood by herding the z
cattle. They compiled the prayers of O
their ancestors as Vedas. In History, CO
this was called the Vedic Age. The The Social life of Aryans <
Vedic Age was classified into two. They
Family -ÿVillage -ÿVis ->Jana -ÿJanapatha o
were Early Vedic Age and Later Vedic O

Routes of the Aryans

Routes of the Aryans




Mathura« Kusinagar;

Political Life Social Life

The basic unit of the society was The father was the head of the
family. Many families joined and formed family. In the beginning womenwere on a
the village which was headed by the par with men in the field s of education
Grahmini. Many villages formed Visu. and religion. There were women
(Vis) Vishwapathy was the head of the poets like Vishwawara, Abala, Kosa,
Visu. The next higher administrative and Lobamuthra. Caste system was not
unit was Jana. The head of Jana was in existence. Monogamy and Polygamy
Rajan (King). The person who had valour were in practice. Widows' remarriage
and strength became the Rajan. The was permitted.
people lived in a kingdom were called
Prajas. The king was called Prajapathi. Economic Life
Kingship became hereditary.Many
Cattle rearing and agriculture
chieftains formed the Mahajanapadas.
were the main occupations of the
people during Rig Vedic Age. Iron was
Find out: used to make tools and instruments.
Do you have a family name?
With the help of these tools they
Ask and find out the family names of your
destroyed the forests and made them
Which God/Goddess do you worship? into cultivable lands. Carpentry and
weaving were also their occupations.
The Raja (King) was assisted in
his administration by officials called They produced cotton and
Prohit and Senai (Commander). There woollen clothes. Goldsmiths made
were two Assemblies called Saba and ornaments and potters made pots for
Samiti. household use. Barter system was in
Saba - Group of Elders practice. Rivers were used for
transportation. Their unit of currency
Samiti - Representatives of People
Nishka.was made of gold.
Duties of Raja (King)
• He protected his lands from different
• He conducted religious duties
Mention the origin and growth of the
according to the advice of the prohits.
• He protected his people from poverty,
war and enmity. Carpentry, blacksmith, goldsmith,
• During the war he led the people and weaving, agriculture, cattle rearing and
fought with the enemies. making weapons.
• Justice and punishments were given
after trial.
• He extended and strengthened the
Political Life
They had wheat, barley, milk,
The important administrative
curd, ghee, vegetables, fruits and meat
region was the Indus Valley. Kingdoms
as their food. They drank intoxicating
like Kosala, Videham, Kuru, Magadha,
drinks like 'Soma' and 'Sura'.
Kasi, Avanthi and Panchala emerged.
Dresses and ornaments Kingship became hereditary. The duty
The Aryans used clothes made of the king was to defend his country
of cotton and wool. Men wore dhoti and from enemies and to maintain law and
shawl. They also wore turbans. Women order. Since the kingdom expanded, he
wore upper garments and lower had more responsibility. Sacrifices
garments. Both men and women wore such as Rajasuya and Ashvamedha
ornaments. They wore earrings, were performed to establish his
necklaces, bangles, anklets and wore undisputed authority. Saba and
bands on theirforeheads. Samithi declined. LU
Religion z
The Aryans worshipped the Economic Life LU
forces of nature such as Sun, fire, air, The metal widely used was iron. CO
sky and trees. They also worshipped _l
Handicrafts improved because of this.
Indira, Varna, Agni and Yaman. There New tools were made. They grew
was neither temple nor idol worship in paddy, sugarcane, barley and wheat. O
the early vedic age. Religious sacrifices Cow dung was used as manure. Cattle
were practised. They wrote religious wealth developed. According to the
principles and their explanations. They number of cattle owned by a person, his
offered milk, ghee, grains and silk. economic status was estimated.
Yagas like Ashvamedha, Rajasuya and
Vajapaya were conducted during
Broken pots of the
Later Vedic Period: (BC 1000- BC 600) Aryan Period

The period of Sama Veda,

Atharvana Veda, Yajur Veda are called
the Later Vedic Period.

In this period the Aryans

spread overthe eastern side. (Pre Vedic
Aryans spread from Kabul to Upper
Ganges) During this period the
kingdoms emerged. During this period
Brahmanas, Upanishads and
Aranyakas were also written.
There were weavers, tanners, Education
carpenters and goldsmith. Gold and According to the Aryan Dharma,
silver coins like Nishka, Swarna and the Brahmin students stayed in the
Satamana were in use. Gurukul ( home of the teacher) and
learnt. There were highly educated
Caste system became rigid women like Gargi and Maitreyi. In the
which was called Varna Dharma. Those Gurukul, they learnt philosophy, logic,
who performed sacrifices and religious religion, grammar, astrology, medicine,
ceremonies were called Brahmanas. discipline, mathematics, Vedas and
Those who waged war to protect and Upanishads. The royal children alone
rule the country were known as were taught Danur Veda (military
Kshatriyas. The Vaishyas were the strategy).
traders and farmers. The people who
served the three upper caste and did all Religion
the menial works were called Sudras. There were a lot of changes in
the religion according to the Varna
Status of Women Dharma of the Brahmins. The pre-
During the Later Vedic Period vedic Gods lost their importance. In
there was no improvement in the status this period, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra
of women. They were subordinate (Siva) gained importance. Rituals and
to men. They did not inherit property. animal sacrifices gained importance.
They were deprived of administrative People had faith in soul, fate and
power. Child marriage was prevalent. moksha. By the end of this period there
Women who belonged to the royal was opposition for the rule of the
family enjoyed some privileges. Sati, priests, rituals and sacrifices. It was
according to which the widow would against these meaningless rituals and
throw herself into the funeral pyre of her costly sacrifices, Buddhism and
Jainism originated.
husband was in practice.
Qualities of Dravidians and Aryans
S.No. Qualities of Dravidians Qualities of Aryans

1. Dark complexion, medium height, dark Fair, tall and brown hair.
long hair.

2. Main occupation-Trade and agriculture. Main occupation-Cattle rearing

and war.

3. Wore cotton clothes. Wore woollen, cotton and dresses

made out of skin of animals.

4. Important animal bull. Important animal cow.

They worshipped bull. They worshipped cow.

5. Built houses out of burnt bricks. Built houses out of bamboo and

6. Worshipped idols, lingam, trident, sakthi No idol worship and temples.

and snake. Worshipped nature and LU
performed yagas and rituals. O
7. Used copper. They did not know the use Used iron.
of iron.
8. Tiger was known. Horse was unknown. Tiger was unknown. Used
9. Agricultural civilization, towns. Cattle rearing civilization,

Choose the correct answer
1. The period of Rig Veda
a. BC 1600- BC 1000 b. BC 1000 - BC 600 c. BC1500 - BC 1000
2. The unit of currency used during Rig Vedic period
a. Nishka b. Rupee c. Dollar
3. The woman who excelled in education in the Later Vedic Period.
a.Gargi b.Abella c. Kosa

Fill in the blanks

1. The head of the village was _ .
2. Widows' _ was in practice during the Early Vedic Period.
3. Assembly that consisted of the Representatives of People was_ .
4- According to _ , the widow would throw herself into the funeral
pyre of her husband.
III. State whether the following statements are True or False
1. Sabta Sindu is called the 'Land of Seven Rivers'
2. The commander- in- chief was the Senai.
3. Widows' remarriage was not allowed in Rig Vedic Age.
4. The basic unit of the society was family.
5. Tiger was unknown to the Dravidians.

IV. Matchthe following

1. Satamana - Shiva
2. Praja - Rajan
3. Rudra - Vishwapathy
4. HeadofJana - coins
5. HeadofVisu - people of the kingdom

V. Answer the following

1 . List the ornaments of the Rig Vedic people.
2 . What did the Brahmin students learn during the Later Vedic Period?
3- Compare and contrast the qualities of the Aryan and the Dravidian


1. Search from the Internet

i. Kaibarand Polen passes.
ii. Know their role in Indian history.
2. Collect various kinds of coins and listoutthe information known from them.
3. Compare the status of women during the Vedic period and the present day.
4. On the outline map of India mark out the route of Aryans to India and the
following places.
i. Kalibangam v. RajaGiraham
ii. Mohenjo-Daro vi. Vaishali
iii. Lothal vii. Mathura
iv. Ujjaini viii. Asthinapuram

The 6th century was a period of "Jina" which means the "Conqueror".
intellectual awakening. During that People also called him as "Mahavira".
period, Jainism and Buddhism arose in Mahavira went to many places
India. These two religions existed to preaching his principles for 30 years.
reformed the s o c i o - re I i g i o u s
organizations. The aim of these
religions is to remove the superstitious 1WI AS X W - .If ÿ
beliefs, unwanted religious rituals and
the caste discrimination. Vardhamana LU
Mahavira was the founder of Jainism. O
Gautama Buddha was the founder of
Buddhism. O

In Jainism, 24 Thirthangaras
were worshipped. The first O
Thirthangara was Adhinathar, who was
known as Rishabadevar. Vardhamana
Mahavira is the last Thirthangara.
(24th) He gave a strong formation to

Vardhamana Mahavira lived

during B.C.534 - B.C.462. He was born
in Kundagramam near Vaishali Nagar, Why are people born? Why do
which is now in Bihar. His father was they die? What are the causes for their
Siddhartha and mother was Trisala. sufferings? - These were the important
His wife was Yasodha and he had a questions that arose in him. He started
daughter called Anoja Priyadharshana. thinking why people are troubling
At the age of 30, he gave up all the others and cheating each other. One
worldly pleasures and became an set of people said that it was because of
ascetic. He performed penance for 12 the sin they did in the previous birth. But
years, seeking answerforthe problems Mahavira never accepted this. He
during these days. He treated both joy thought that how people could not
and sorrow equally. He won in his commit sin in this birth.
search for truth. So he was called
So he said that one should not Contribution of Jains to Tamil Literature:
harm others. Human beings are Epics -
responsible for their own problems. We Sillapathigaram,
should not harm any living being. He Chivgachinthamani,
preached a restricted life. He asked his Vallayapathi and Soodanani.
Literature and Grammar works-
followers to follow his principles of
'Ahimsa' or 'Non-Violence'. To attain the Neminatham,
spiritual goal the Jains starved and Nannool,
subjected themselves to all bodily Agaporulvillakam,
hardships. Naladiar,
Jainism stressed that no one should
Thinaimalai Noorthiyampathu and
kill any living creature. They eliminated
Tamil Nigandu.
clothes. It insisted that they should not
wage war or do agriculture. Trade and Contribution of Jains to architecture:
commerce was their occupation. The Rajasthan - Dilwara temple at
Mount Abu.
religion preached that they should lead
Kajiraho - Chittoor, Ranakpur-
a restricted life. Temples of Jains.

Three Gems orTriratna:

Right Knowledge Right Belief Right Action

The Five Doctrines

1. Ahimsa (Non-Violence)
2. Satya(Truth)
3. Asatya(Non Stealing)
4. Aparigraha(Non-possession)
5. Brahmacharya(Celibacy)
"Kollaan pulaalai marutthaanai kaikoopi
Ella uyirum thozhum"
His principles spread far and wide
- Thirukkural
when superstitious beliefs, quarrels and
fightings prevailed. Sculpture:
• Udaiyagiri
• Hathigumpa
Kings who followed Jainism: • Girnar
Chandragupta Maurya • Saravanabelagola
Kalingathu Karavelen • Kazhugumalai
Koon Pandian
Mahendravarma Pallava I The statue of Gomatheswara at
Saravanabelgola is at Karnataka.

Gautama Buddha was the hunger and thirst. But he never got the
founder of Buddhism. His original name answerfor the question. Since he could
was Siddhartha. He lived during 563 not get an answer, he stopped torturing
B.C.- 483 B.C. He was born at himself and ate food. To find out the
Kapilavastu in Nepal. His father, truth, he started thinking. He was
Siddhodana belonged to the Sakya enlightened.
dynasty. His mother, Mayadevi died at
the seventh day of his birth, so he was Siddhartha, who was
brought up by his step-mother. He got enlightened under a pipal tree at Gaya
married at the age of 16. His wife was became Buddha.
Yasodha and Rahul was his son.
The meaning of the word
Even at his early age, he was 'Buddha' is a person who knows what is
anxious to know about what was good, what is bad and what is LU
suffering. O
happening in the world. He never z
showed any interest in hunting and
luxury. The miseries and poverty of the He preached his first sermon at CO
poor people affected him very much. Deer Park in Sarnath near Banares
in Uttar Pradesh. o
Principles of Bhuddhism

Life is full of miseries. The reasons

for the sufferings are not because of fate
orthe deeds of our previous birth. There
are other reasons for sorrows. We
should strive to overcome the sorrows
by not being greedy, not telling lies and
not harming others. To avoid miseries
one should have right thinking, right
speech and right livelihood. He opposed
caste discrimination. Man need not have
any fear for God, soul and fate. One
should depend and live on his own ideas
and knowledge. We should show
He was disturbed by the luxury compassion towards animals, birds and
on one side, poverty, sickness and old human beings.
age on the other side. He disowned his
parents, wife and son. He went to the
forest and meditated. He controlled his
Buddha's principles on suffering Many kings followed Buddhism
are the Four Noble Truths and the like Jainism. The most important among
principles on conduct are the 'Eight them was King Ashoka. Jainism and
Fold Paths'. Buddhism were at their zenith till the 6th
century. They started to decline when
The Four Noble Truths are: Flinduism regained its earlier position.
1. Life is full of sorrow. Buddhism split into Hinayana and
2. Desire is the cause of sorrow.
3. Sorrow can be ended by giving up desire. Mahayana.
4. The eightfold path is the way to ÿ
end sorrow. ( Mahayana
Accepted Buddha's Worshipped Buddha
principles. as God.
Eight - Fold Paths to overcome desire: No idol worship. Idol worship
V Right belief V Right effort
V _J
S Right speech S Right thought Art and Architecture
V Right living V Right action WRafi
ÿS Right memory •/ Right meditation

In order to spread the truth he

went from place to place. Wherever he
went, he discussed his ideas with
various groups of people. Buddhist
monks came forward to spread the
principles of Buddha. The organization
of the monks was called as 'Sangam'.

The agriculturists, poor people,

women, menial labourers and those
who were affected by the society
accepted the principles of Buddha. The
idea that all are equal was new to them.
So Buddhism spread far and wide.

Sanchi Stupa

Even today Buddhism is followed in Ceylon, Burma, Tibet, China,

Japan and Thailand.
The kings who followed Bhuddism - Ashoka, Kanishka and Flarsha.
Do you Know?
Our National Emblem (The figure Manimekalai and Kundalakesi
of four lions) is taken from the are Buddhist literature.
capital of Ashoka Pillar.
The books written by Jain monks.
• The Chakra in our National Flag
• Sillapathikaram , Nannool
which has 24 spokes is taken
from the 'Dharma Chakra' of the (Grammar)
Ashoka Pillar.
• Chivagacinthamani; Vallayapathi
• Bihar is the place where there are
many Buddha Viharas.
• Religious text: Angas and Purvas .
Historical Monuments
• The Jataka tales describes the
history of Buddhism. The Jataka
To know
Mahavamsam, a book of Sri Lanka
stories are depicted at Gaya,
says that Tripitakas was written during
Sanchi and Burcut. LU
the reign ofVattakkamini Abayan. In Pali O
• Ajantha and Ellora Cave z
paintings which are in language it is called as Tripitakam which LU
Aurangabad at Maharastra means three baskets. O
describe the fame of Buddha. _l
Gandhara art also belongs to <
Buddhism. o
Water cannot enter into a Properly O
• The prayer halls of the Buddhist
constructed house;
monks are called Chaityas and
their monastries are called Evil thoughts cannot enter into the
Viharas. They are of rock cut hearts of those who have
structures. good thoughts.
- Buddha.

• The Buddhist religious texts are
called Tripitakas. They are
Vinaya Pitaka, SuttaPitaka and
Abhidamma Pitaka.

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. The one who laid strong foundation to Jainism
a) Vardhamana Mahavira b) Athinathan c) Rishabadeva
2. The principles stressed by Jainism
a) idol worship b) not to kill c) untouchability
3. A place in Tamil Naduwhere you can see Jain sculptures
a)Girnar b) Kazhugumalai c) Hathigumba
4. The place where Buddha was enlightened
a) Kundagrammam b) Deer Park c)Gaya
5. One of the most important kings who followed Buddhism
a) Chandra Gupta b)Ashoka c) Bindusara

Fill in the blanks.

1. _ was known as Conqueror or Jina.
2. The principles stressed by Jainism are called _
3. is the place where Gomatheswara statue is situated.
4. The principles of Buddha are called _ .
5. The organization of the Buddhist monks is called _
6. The Dharma Chakra in our National Flag is taken from the

State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Mysore is the place where Gomatheswara statue is situated.
2. The son of Buddha was Rahul.
3. The founder of Jainism was Buddha.
4. Mahavira was the 24th Thirthankara.
5. There are 24 spokes in the Ashoka Chakra.

IV. Match the following.

1. Tripitakam - worshipped Buddha as God
2. Hinayana - Buddha's first sermon
3. Sillapathigaram - who accepted Buddha's prinicples
4. Deer Park - Jain literature
5. Mahayana - religious text of Jains
V. Answer in five lines.
1. What are the causes for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism?
2. Describe the Triratnas insisted on by Jainism.
3. Write short notes on the contribution of Jains to Tamil literature.
4. Write the Four Noble Truths of Buddha.
5. Mention the Eight Fold Paths to overcome desire.

VI. Answer in detail.

1. Explain the distinctive features of Jainism.
2. Explain the ideas you like in Buddhism.

1. Which of the principles of Jainism and Buddhism do you like to follow? By

following such principles what are the good changes that can happen? Think
it over and explain.
2. Jainism and Buddhism which originated in India are now being followed only in
the foreign countries. Examine the reasons.
3. Know the special features of Ajanta and Ellora or to visit a library and know
these things through books.
4. On the outline mapof India mark out the following places:
Vaishali LU
MountAbu z
iv. Kabilavasthu O
v. Sanchi _l

vi. Gaya
vii. Ajanta and Ellora O
'I can, I did'
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No. Lesson

The land mass between the

Himalayas and Cape Comorin is hailed
as our Grand Old Country of Bharath by "Senthmizh naadenum poothinilae-inba
Bharathiyar in his "Ode to Child". Thean vandhu paayuthu kathinelae-yengal
(Pappa Pattu) Historians conclude that Thanthaiyar naadenum poothinilae-oru
Sakthi pirakuthu moochinilae."
the land to the south of the Vindhyan
Range is the most ancient in the world .

Social Science
In the southern state there are Tamil Nadu was ruled by the
people who speak different languages descendants of Chera, Chola and
like Tamil, Telugu,Kannada, Malayalam
Pandya who were called Mooventhars
and Tulu. The people who live in the
during the ancient time. The southern
south ofTirupathi speakTamil.
part of south India was ruled by
Bavanandhi Munnivar.the Pandyas, west by Cheras and north¬
author of Nannool describes Tamil east by Cholas.
Nadu as follows.
Venkata hills on the North, Cape The Prehistoric Tamil Nadu :
Comorin on South and the land
between these two isTamil Nadu. Before prehistoric period, the
Indian Ocean on the south of Cape
During the British rule, most of
Comorin was a land mass. It was called
the parts of south India was called
as 'Kumari Kandam'. The river Fahruli
'Madras Presidency'. After
ran on this land mass which was eight
independence, the state which had
to ten times bigger than South India.
Tamil as its language was separated.
There were wide ranges of mountains.
Arignar Anna, the then Chief Minister
It was said that the land had sufficient
in 1967 named the state as Tamil Nadu.
rain, dense forest, civilized people and
The Tamil we speak can be efficient kingdom. That kingdom would
appreciated as Senthamizh, have been the ancient Pandyan
Paeynthamizh and Muthamizh. The Kingdom.
National poet Subramania Bharathiyar
Three Sangams : ancestors of the people of Cape
The capital of Pandyas was Comorin. There was a big land mass
Thenmadurai. Tamizhvalartha Thalai connecting Africa and Australia, which
Sangam assembled there. The was called Lemuria after the name of
Pandyas ruled over the land with the monkey Lemur.
Kapadapuram as its capital. This place
was left over after the tsunami in which It was believed that human
Thenmadurai was taken away by the beings evolved from the Lemurs. The
sea. In Kapadapuram the poets language of the people was ancient
gathered and had the Second Sangam. Tamil. The land where their decendents
That city also became a prey to tsunami lived was called Tamil Nadu.

Historic period:
Then the Pandyas ruled with
Madurai as their capital. The last
The historic period of Tamil
Sangam was held in Madurai Muthoor.
Nadu began from the Sangam age.
It was known as Kudal as the Pandya
Sangam age is the period during which
kings patronized the poets and held
the poets of the Third Sangam joined
research on Tamil. It was believed that
together and did research on Tamil.
the First, Second and Third Sangam
This period lasted for 400 years from
helped in the development of literature
BT 200 - AT 200. Some consider that it
and Tamil flourished under the
was between BT 300 -AT 300.
leadership of Pandyan Kings. These
Sangams would have been for a long
time. Note BT -AT was calculated based on
the birth year of Thiruvalluvar ie 31 B.C.
According to the decision taken by
The Continent Lemuria :
Tamil scholars that time can be
The conditions were favourable
calculated considering that
for the growth of living organisms only Thiruvalluvar was born 31 years before
at Cape Comorin which was Christ. This was accepted and
submerged after the tsunami. Because announced by the Government of Tamil
of this the evolution of man would have Nadu.
taken place then. The language spoken
by those people was the basic of Tamil The Sangam literatures, what
language. The researchers believed we got now are Ettuthogai and
that those were the ancient Tamilians. Pathupattu. The poem in these
literature were written by Kapilar,
People who lived on the southern part
Paranar, Avvayyar, Nakkeerar,
of the land mass are considered as the
and hundreds of poets. With the help of Activity:
these we can understand the
Identify the type of land division that
civilization, customs, culture and
you live in. Write down.
political life of Tamilians.

Tolkappium which was a pride to

Tamil literature originated before the The people who lived in the
Third Sangam. Tamil literature would south which was surrounded by water
have developed a few thousand years on three sides were good sea traders
ago. It was a pride to Tamil, that before the Sangam age as per the
Tirukkural which was hailed by all the proverb, "Tiraikadal oodiyum
religions originated during the Sangam thiraviyam theddu". The language
age. Tamil is abundant with words like Navai,
Kalam, Kappal, Thoni, Odam, Padagu,

Social Science
Our mother tongue Tamil which Theppam and Katamaram which are
is adoptive to grammatical norms and used to denote the mode of travel at
is called Senthamizh. Scholars call sea.
Tamil a classical language, because it This shows their interest in sea
had developed without the help of other trade. There were many ports like
languages. Puhar, (Kaveripoompattinam), Korkai,
Musiri, Thondi and Vanchi. They had
trade contacts with Egypt, Yavanam,
Rome, China and other eastern
countries. They followed the barter
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
excavated in the Northern hemisphere
were examples of town civilization. They

Five division of Lands
examined thousands of things found TheThree Tamil kingdoms :
there . It was proved that it had The Pandyas :
connection with the Southern Tamilians
for more than four- five thousand years
ago. This showed that in those days
Tamilians were not only in the south but
also in the north.

During the Sangam, the poets

divided the lands into five physical
divisions. The mountainous region was The Pandyan king Mudathirumaran and
called Kurinchi, the forested region was Thalaiyalanganathu Cheruvendra
referred as Mullai, the coastal area was Neduncheziyan who defeated the
Neidel and the sandy regions which combined forces of seven kings, lived in
suffered drought were called Palai. The
the Pandya kingdom. The one who
occupation of the people depended on
played an important role in
the region where they lived.
Sillapathigaram by saying, "Yano
Arrasan; Yanae Kalvan" (I am not a king,
In those days, the most
I am the culprit) and established truth was
important duty of the kings
was protecting their subjects. also a renowned Pandya king.
Apart from the kings there were
chieftains and patrons who ruled The Cheras :
smaller regions. Conditions were
favourable for the poets, pannar,
koothar, viraliyar, traders, idayars,
uzhavars, maravars to lead a
comfortable life.

Agriculture was honored as it

provided food to all. Next to agriculture
weaving was given importance.
The famous, Chera kings
Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan and
Sillambu Pugazh Cheran Senguttuvan
reached the Himalayas and hoisted the
Chera flag.
TheCholas : According to the Thirukkural
mentioned above there was a society
without any discrimination.
There were discrimination
according to their occupations. There
was sect system but they were not
discriminated according to their birth.
Untouchability was not in practice. In
due course, caste discrimination and
untouchability came into force.

The famous Chola kings were Karikal Women had the privilege of
Peruvallathan and Killivalavan. choosing their life partners. Parents
agreed to that. The rituals, raising of

Social Science
holy fire and chanting of mantras were
Karikalan who ruled over two
not in vogue. Women were not treated
thousand years ago conquered Eelam.
as perthe Vedas.
He made the captives build the bank of
river Cauvery. Kallanai which exists
even today was built by him. This As building of temples was not
famous king was called as Karikal in practice, the Sangam people
Peruvallathan. worshipped the stones erected in
memory of the dead soldiers which
were known as Hero Stones or
The famous kings of the
medieval period were Rajaraja Chola
Nadukkal and their ancestors.
and Rajendra Chola. They conquered
not only the North but also Java and They celebrated harvest
Kadaram. festival, Pongal festival and the festival
of Spring season. In the capital they
celebrated Indiravizha. They did not
The seven chieftains were
know about the festivals of the
called as Kadaiyelu Vallalgal. The
famous among them were Pari, Ori, Puranas.
Kari, Nalli, Elini, Pegan and Aay.

Social Life :
"Pirrapokkum ella uirukkum -chirappova
Cheithozhil vettrumai yan"
I. Choose the correct answer :

1. The area that was considered as the most ancient one in the world
a) Ganges Valley
b) the area in the south of Vindhyas
c) north west valley

2. The land mass on the South Kanyakumari during pre-historic period

a) Continent of Kumari
b) Continent of Bharath
c) Continent of Africa

3. The place where evolution of man began

a) Mediterranean countries
b) Asyria
c) Lemuria

4. Which year is considered as the birth year of Thiruvalluvar

a) AD 31
b) BC 31
c) AD 13

5. The city where the Second Sangam was held

a) Thenmadurai
b) Kapadapuram
c) Koodal Nagar

Fill in the blanks:

1. was the organisation where the Tamil poets assembled and
did the literary research in Tamil.
2. The _ were the ancestors of the people of Cape Comorin.
3. The historical period of the Tamil began from _ age.
4. The Grammar book, _ originated before the Third Sangam.
5. _ was the most important occupation of the Sangam age.
III. Match the following:

1. Tolkappiam - Yano Arrasan; YanaeKalvan

2. Mullai - Hero Stones

3. PandiyarNeduncheziyan - Ravi

4. Heroic death - coastal area

5. Kurinchi - book before Tamil Sangam

6. Neithel - forest area

IV. Answer the following:

Social Science
1. Why is Tamil known as classical language?

2. Name the Tamil words which are used to denote the mode of travel at sea.

3. Why is Madurai known as Kudal?

4. What are the countries with whom the Tamilians had trade?

5. Mention the physical divisions of the land during the Sangam age.

6. Name the famous Pandya kings.

7. Name the important Chera kings.

8. Write notes on Karikal Peruvallathan.

9. Name the Kadaiyelu Vallalgal.

10. Mention the social status of women during the Sangam age.

V. Answer in detail :

1. Write the characteristic features of the ancient Tamil.

2. Describe the First, Second and Third Sangam.

3. Write about the sea trade of the Sangam Age.
Formative Assessment

1. Prepare and display the models of 5 types of lands.

2. Prepare a tabular column based on the trees, flags and flowers of the three tamil

3. Do the festivals of the present time gives only happiness? Discuss.

4. Who am I?
Land and areas around the land. Who am I?
Mountain and areas around the mountains. Who am I?
Forests and areas around the forests. Who am I?
Sea and areas around the sea. Who am I?
Draught stricken area- Who am I?
'I can, I did'
Student's Activity Record

Sl.No Date Lesson Topic of the Activities Remarks

No. Lesson

Social Science


Mahajanapadas: Mahajanapadas
At the end of the Vedic period, the 1. Anga 7. Kedi 13. Aswakas
Janapadas fought with each other for 2. Magadha 8. Vatsa 14. Avanti
the new fertile lands and mineral wealth
3. Kosala 9. Kuru 15. Gandhara
and for the same reason they tried to
move towards the east. Because of 4. Kasi 10. Panchala 16. Kamboja
this, they had clashes with the non-

5. Vajji 11. Matsya
Aryans who came from the east and
6. Malla 12. Surasena
south of the Indus Valley. Ultimately, the \ X
small Janapadas either defeated or
joined themselves with the today's Bihar is called Magadha. It's
Mahajanapadas. first capital was Siravasthi, the second
capital was Rajgir and lastly
Many Janapadas joined to form Pataliputra. Bimbisara belonged to
the Mahajanapadas. They depended Haryanka Dynasty. He expanded the
more on the types of lands than on the kingdom of Magadha by conquests and
clans. There are sources to prove that by marriage alliances. His son
during the period of Buddha there were Ajatasatru imprisoned his father and
16 powerful Mahajanapadas in North succeeded the throne. He waged war
India. Some of them were ruled by for a long period with Kosala, Avanti,
hereditary kings. The rest were ruled by Vaishali and extended his empire. The
elected kings. There were 18 groups fort of Pataliputra was laid by
together in the Vajjian confederacy Ajatasatru.
which had Vaishali as their capital.
Kosala, Avanti, Vatsa and Magadha Sisunaga-Mahapadma Nanda
were some of the powerful monarchies Sisunaga defeated the Haryanka
of this period. They fought with each Dynasty. The Nanda Dynasty who
other and other republics.Ultimately, succeeded Sisunga Dynasty spread
Magadha defeated others and the rule of Magadha throughout north
became the most powerful India. Mahapadmananda, the first
Mahajanapada. Nanda king crossed the Vindhyas and
annexed Deccan. He extended the
Rise of Magadha : Magadha Empire beyond Vindhyas to
Bimbisara - Ajatasatru Deccan.
The area around Patna in
Though Sisunaga and He invaded parts of West India
Mahapadmananda, were Sudras they which were annexed by the Greeks
became the kings. It was a great under the leadership of Alexander and
change. The Nandas patronized extended the Mauryan Dynasty. He
Jainism.The Macedonian king defeated the Greek General Selecus
Alexander came with his troops Nikator and he annexed Afghanistan
through the West of India. He had to and Gandnara with his empire.
return since he was aware of the Nanda
warfare and his soldiers were tired after Megasthenese,the ambassador
a longjourney. of Selecus stayed at Pataliputra for
many years and wrote about India in his
MAURYAN EMPIRE book 'Indica'. The Jain religious text
says that Chandragupta Maurya
Chandragupta Maurya :
became a monk leaving his throne and
Chandragupta of Mauryan went with the Jain monk, Bhadrabagu
Dynasty revolted against the last to south India. He ended his life by fast
Nanda king Dhanananda, defeated him unto death as a devout follower of
and took over the Magadha Dynasty Jainism at Saravanabelagola.
(BC 324-299).
Chandragupta was succeeded
by his son Bindusara, who ruled for 25
years. He was succeeded by one of his
sons Ashoka. (BC 273-236) For the first
four years, he spent his time to
suppress his brothers who were his
rivals. After the eighth year, he waged a
terrible war against Kalinga which was
separated and annexed with the
Megasthenese Mauryan empire. Ashoka was so upset
and grief stricken at the sight of the war
that he took a pledge that he would
never wage war again.

Chandragupta Maurya
Ashoka's Dharma Vijaya: Ashoka and Buddhism:

Ashoka declared that helping Ashoka embraced Buddhism

his subjects and leading them in the which insisted love, knowledge and
righteous way is the duty of a king. He discipline. Eventhough he was a
spent the rest of his life, meeting people Buddhist, he was kind to Brahmins and
and helping them. He hated 'Dig Vijaya' Agivagirs. He took maximum effort to
(Conquest of the World). In order to spread Buddhism. He renovated and
spread Dharma, he undertook a expanded the monuments at
journey which was called 'Dharma Kapillavastu, Saranath and
Vijaya'. He constructed inns and Buddhagaya.He constructed hundreds
hospitals for everyone irrespective of of stupas and pillars. He organized the
caste and creed. Medical assistance Third Buddhist Council at Pataliputra.
was given to cattle. Sacrifices were In order to spread Buddhism, he sent
banned. The laws were altered on Buddhist monks to different parts of his
humanitarian basis. Death sentence empire and also to foreign countries.
was reduced. He spread Dharma Mahendra, the one who spread
Buddhism in Ceylon was believed to be
among people through rock edicts
his son. Buddhism became a world
which were inscribed on regional
religion by the efforts of Ashoka.
languages. He appointed
Dharmamahamatras to help the
Ashoka's contribution to art and
people. Ashoka was the first emperor
architecture :
who established the welfare state for
people. Ashoka's stupas and pillars are
considered to be the oldest after the
monuments of the Indus Valley
Civilization. Buddhist stupas at Sarnath
and Lumbini are marvellous.The
Ashoka's pillar cannot be compared
with any other art. The structure of
Ashoka's pillar, the bell shaped capital
resembling an inverted lotus shows the
influence of the Persian architecture.

Ashoka Sarnath Pillar
Ashoka's Stone Edicts: Mauryan Administration:

For the convenience of

Ashoka's royal proclamations
administration, the empire was divided
and messages are inscribed on the
into five provinces. Taxilla was the
walls of the caves, stone pillars and
capital of North province, Ujjaini was the
rocks that are kept all through his
capital of West province, Swarnagiri
empire. Most of them are written in
was the capital of South province and
Prakrit, Kharoshti in north western
Dosali was the capital of East province.
India, Greek in Afghanistan. These
The main province, Magadha was ruled
edicts depict Ashoka's humanitarian
by the king himself with Pataliputra as
love and non-violence.
its capital.
A council of ministers and army
chiefs were appointed to help the king
in his administration. They were



W* '
'• J ÿ

appointed without the discrimination of
caste.The higher officials called
Mahamatras were appointed as
) WM
. a, . & &A
*ur- ÿ4 superintendents and governors of the
'f'ijjf <rj* ,-ft'X '4 >5 r iy big provinces. Princes were also
;?z. : '/-! Cw ,i :, < . -Jim
appointed as Mahamatras. There were
other officers like Yuktas, Pradeshikas,
Ashoka's Ambassdors and Spies. Those who
Stone Edict protected the frontier were known as
'Andamahamatras' . Dharma
The Stone Edict of Ashoka: mahamatras looked after the moral life
of the public. There were local self
"I captured Kalinga after eight government in the cities.
years of war. In the war, one lakh Megasthenese described in his Indica
people died and one and a half lakh that the administration of the city of
people left the country. Pataliputra was maintained by a set of
It made me very sad when more 30 officers who belonged to 6
than a lakh of my people were killed committees. Each committee had a
and captured during the war of specific duty. The strong army of
Janapata. The war separated loved Mauryas was administered by a set of
ones. 30 officers. Infantry, cavalry, elephants,
The ruins of the war affected all chariots and navy were controlled by 5
the people. It troubled me. So I committees. The sixth committee
accepted Dharma more than war." looked after the transport, food,
-Ashoka medical facility and production of
weapons for the army.
The Mauryan Empire
during Ashoka's period

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Chola o
The Mauryan Empire during Ashoka's period
« 'Pandya: C.


The judicial administration was Kings and ministers went on tours to
very strict. Ashoka brought some solve the problems of the people.
changes on humanitarian grounds.
Torture was banned. He introduced Brihadratha, the last king of the
new methods to console the people Maurya Dynasty was assassinated by
who were given death sentence. The Pushyamitra. After this, the Magadha
tenure of petty cases were reduced. lost its power for more than 500 years.


I. Choose the correct answer

1. The one who built fort Pataliputra
a. Ashoka b. Bimbisara c. Ajathasatra
2. The book written by Megasthenese
a. Arthasasthra b. Indica c. Mudra-rakshasa
3. Ashoka ascended the throne in
a. BC232 b. BC273 c. BC255
4. The place where the Third Buddhist Council was held
a. Pataliputra b. Kashmir c. Kapilavastu

II . True or false
1. Selecus Nikator was the ambassador of Megasthenese.
2. Mahapadmananda was the first king of Nanda Dynasty.
3. Ashoka refused Dharma Vijaya and accepted Dig Vijaya.
4. Ashoka was the first one to establish a welfare state for people.
5. Mahendra spread Buddhism at Ceylon.

III. Answer the following

1. How did the Mahajanapadas establish themselves?
2. To whom does the credit go in establishing the first empire in India? - Explain.
3. Ashoka was the one who established an empire for the welfare of the people-
4. What are the causes for the change in Ashoka's life?
5. Explain the inscriptions used in the stone edicts of Ashoka.
1. The common people were much affected during the wars between kings of the
older days. Enumerate how the people are affected today.
2. Visit a nearby stone edict and try to read the letters on it.
3. Draw a picture of Saranath pillar or Write the details you learnt from the picture of
the pillar.
4. Draw the boundaries of Mauryan Empire during Ashoka's period and mark the
following places in the given map.
· Thatsaseelam
· Indra prartham
· Pataliputram
· Saranath
· Gaya
· Kalingam
· Girinagar


The powerful empire which was The new division of Buddhism,

established in India after the decline of Mahayana originated in this council.
the Mauryans were the Kushans. The Groups of monks were sent to Tibet and
Kushans were the people who China to spread Mahayana.
belonged to the Yueh-chi tribe. During
the 1st century AD Kadphises I
established the kingdom of Kushana in
the North west part of India. Kadphises
II (AD 65-75) who succeeded
Kadphises I conquered Punjab and
Indus Valley. S3?
Kanishka: I ii
After the death of Kadphises II, Ashvaghosha, who was the
Kanishka (AD 78-101) captured the Mahayana Buddhist scholar wrote
throne. He was considered as the most large volumes of Sanskrit literature like
powerful king of Kushans. He marched Buddhacharita, Sutralankar.
to Pataliputra and subdued Saka Vasumithra compiled Mahavibhasa.
Satraps. He fought with the Chinese Nagarjuna wrote books on philosophy.
twice. He was defeated by the Chinese Charaka, a famous physician and the
commander-in-chief Panchao in the great builder Ajilasim were in
first expedition. In the second war, he Kanishka's Empire.
won and annexed Kashgar, Yarqand,
Khotan and the parts of central Asia
The Gandhara art which
with his Empire. He created a new
combined the Indo-Greek style made
capital called Purushapuram.
new statues of Buddha and
Bodhisatvas. Kanishka was called
Asoka II because of the involvement
He was impressed by and the steps he took for the spread of
Buddhism. He organized the Fourth Buddhism. The year that Kanishka
Buddhist Council at Kashmir. The ascended the throne was the beginning
famous Buddhist philosophers like of the Saka era. He met a violent death
Vasupandu, Ashvaghosa and in his tent. Thus the Kushan Empire
Nagarjuna participated in the Fourth declined.
Buddhist Council.

After the Kushansthe next empire The epics like Ramayana,

to arise in north India was that of the Mahabharatha, 18 Puranas and
Guptas with Pataliputra as it's capital. Panchathanthiras were compiled during
Gupta's period. They patronized Sanskrit
Chandragupta I was the first important
scholars like Kalidasa, Pasar and
king of the Gupta dynasty(AD319-335).
Visagathatha. Sanskrit was the official
The year of his coronation was
language. They built small temples for
considered as the beginning of the
Gods and Goddess like Vishnu, Shiva
Gupta Era. The Allahabad inscription and Durga. The Ajanta cave paintings
describes the conquests and the and sculptures belonged to the Gupta
victories of Samudragupta (AD 335- age.
375) who succeeded Chandragupta I.
The Gupta empire extended from The famous astrologer and
Bengal to Indus and the Himalayas to mathematician, Aryabhatta,
Vindhyas. The Allahabad inscription Varahamihira, the famous physicians
describes that he conquered 9 North Saragar, Susurudar and Dhanvantari
Indian kings, 11 Republicans and 12 belonged to the Gupta age. The iron
South Indian kings. The Allahabad pillar pillar at Mehrauli which is 1500 years
inscription was inscribed by his minister old is a specimen of the art of
Harisena. After Samudra Gupta, metallurgy that flourished during the
Gupta age. Nalanda University was
Chandragupta II (AD 380 - 414) was
founded by Kumara Gupta. Caste
considered as a famous king.
system was worse. The sacrifices
He defeated Sakas, the foreign which were banned during the period of
invaders and captured Ujjain. Ashoka revived. They worshipped
Shiva, Sakthi, Vishnu, Kumaran
(Murugan) and temples were built for
Hindu Gods.

Gupta period was considered

the Golden Age. The Gupta empire

declined because of the invasion of

r Pushyamithra and Huns. The Chinese
traveller Fahien visited the Buddhist
pilgrim centres during the period of
Chandragupta II. (Vikramaditya)

Ajanta Cave Painting Mehrauli Iron Pillar
Nalanda University

to the monks, scholars and public. The
HARSHA DYNASTY Nalanda University was the great seat
Harshavardhana, the King of of learning which came to limelight
Thaneshwar created an empire in north under Harsha's patronage. It attracted
India which was already defeated by not only Indians but also foreigners.
the Huns after the downfall of the
Guptas. (AD 606 - 647) Harsha fought Harsha went on frequent tours
for a long time with Sasanka, the one to find out the problems and fulfil the
who killed his brother. In this war, the needs of his subjects during his
king of Kamarubha, (Assam) administration. He patronized art and
Bhaskaravarma helped him. After the architecture. His minister Bana was a
death of Sasanka, he annexed most of Sanskrit scholar.
the parts of the kingdom of Bengal. As HARSHA'S EMPIRE
per his sister's request, he became the
king of Kanauj, which became his
Purushapuram i
capital. He conquered Malwa, Sind Himalayas
and Orissa. He also tried to conquer
south India which was a failure Kanauj.
because Pulikesin II defeated Harsha. •Pataliputra


Because of the influence of his

sister and Hieun Tsang, the Chinese
scholar, Harsha embraced Buddhism. Arabian Sea R. Krishna; Bay of Bengal

He held religious councils at Kanauj

Extent of Harsha's Empire
and Prayag. In this, most of the
Buddhist and other religious scholars
participated. At the end of the council,
Indian Ocean
he generously distributed all his wealth
He wrote the book called Kanchipuram. He stayed in
'Harshacharita'. Harsa, who was a Harsha's court for sometimes.
scholar wrote Nagananda, Ratnavali Si-Yu-Ki, a book on tours tells about
and Priyadarshika. The Chinese Buddhism and about India on those
Buddhist monk Hieun Tsang visited
days. Harsha's Empire was the last
India during his reign. He visited
Kanauj, Prayag, Nalanda and Empire in north India before the Islamic

I. Fill in the blanks
1. - established the Kushana Dynasty.
2. The book Buddha Charita was written by-
3. - was the physician of the Gupta period.
4. - was the king ofThaneshwar.
5. The period of Gupta was called the- ÿof India.

II. State whether true or false

1. Peshawar was the capital of Kanishka.
2. Si-yu-ki was written by Hieun Tsang.
3. Ajilasim was the Greek architect.
4. Mehruali pillar belongs to the age of the Guptas.
5. Ashvaghosha wrote Sutralankar.

III. Match the following

1. Fourth Buddhist Council estabilished Kushan Empire
2. Samudra Gupta's period Kumara Gupta
3. Kanishka's period Kanishka
4. Pannar Yueh-Chi tribe
5. Harsha AD 335 -AD 375
6. Kushan AD 78-AD 101
7. Ashokall Harshacharita
8. Nalanda University Kashmir
9. Kadphisesl Priyadharshika
IV. Answer the following
1. Explain the background of Gandhara art.
2. Why Gupta's period is known as the 'Golden Age' of India?
3. Mention the foreign invaders who were responsible for the decline of
4. Explain -Saka period and Gupta period.
5. Discuss about Fahien and Hieun Tsang.
Scholars lip
1. Fill in the blanks

Buddhism Victories


Art Buddhist

Religious Capital

2. Write the names of the books and authors that you have read in the library.
3. How was it possible for Hieun Tsang to come to India when there was no transport
facilities during those days? Know such travel experience by when reading or
4. What was the main interest of the kings?
I. War
II. Social service – discuss.



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