Early Man: Chapter One
Early Man: Chapter One
Early Man: Chapter One
Early Man
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Tools and objects used by man in the food-gathering stage
against them and killing them. But the best means of defence
against the animals was fire.
At night when everyone crowded into a cave, a fire was kept
burning at the entrance and this prevented the wild animals from
entering the cave. In the cold of winter and on stormy nights, it
was the fire again which acted as a source of comfort and protect-
tion. The discovery of fire was accidental. The striking together
of two pieces of .flint produced a spark which, when it_touched dry
leaves and twjgs, burst into a flame. Fire was a thing of wonder to
primitive man, but later it came to be used in a variety of ways and
contributed to many improvements in man’s pattern of living.
Thus the discovery of fire made a significant difference to man and
can be regarded ws a_rnajor discovery.
Tools and Weapons Flint, which is a type of stone, was
used for other things as well, besides producing fire. Flint is hard
but it chips easily. Therefore, it is possible to shape it into various
forms. Flint was used, together with other types of stone, for mak
ing tools and weapons. Some of these were found in the valley of
the Sohan river in the Punjab. In some places, such as the Kashmir
valley, the bones of animals were also used. The larger pieces of
stone, of a size that can be held in a man’s list, were shaped into
hammers and choppers and axe-heads. In the beginning axe-heads
were used without a handle for cutting branches of trees, etc. Later
they were tied to a stick which made it easier to use them. The use
of tools gave man a big advantage. It enabled him to cut down
trees, to kill animals, to dig the earth and to shape wood and stone.
The smaller pieces of stone, usually the chips and flakes from
the larger pieces, were worked very carefully, until there was a thin
edge to the stone, and these pieces were then used as -knives_and scrapers for
finer work , or were given a sharp point and tied to arrows and spears .
Primitive man often lived by the side of river or a stream in order to be near
his water supply . If you walk along a river bed in the foot -hills of the
Himalayas or in certain parts of the Deccan Plateau such as the Narmada
valley , and look carefully along the ground , you may find from time to
time one of these stone implements or artefacts, as archaeologists
" call them
When the weather was warm, little clothing was required. When
it rained or the weather became cold, the skins of the animals which
he had killed as well as the baric of trees and large leaves were used
as clothes. A deer skin or two wrapped round the body was enough
to keep a man warm.
I. To remember
History gives us knowledge of the past. Jt tells us what went
on m the world, and in our own country, long before we were born.
Knowledge of the past improves our knowledge of the present.
We learn of the past from tools, pottery, coins, old buildings, in-
scriptipns and old manuscripts. Some of the buildings, tools, pots
and coins have to be dug out. Some of the languages and scripts in
which manuscripts and inscriptions were written are no longer used.
In the beginning man was a nomad. He lived in caves or
leafy branches of trees and ate roots and fruit. In course of time
_he leawt. tp_jnake_a_fite_and tools and weapons of stone. He hunted
animals, atejheirjlesh,. and in winter wrapped animal skins or leaves
of trees round himself to keep warm. He wandered from place to
place in groups. When he learnt to make his own tools and wea
pons, he took the first step towards civilization.
II. Match the statements given in A and B below.
Column A Column B
1. Manuscripts 1. Things that are dug out of the
2. Inscriptions 2. Buildings belonging to the past,
either dug out of the earth or found
still standing.
3. Monuments 3. Hand-written ancient books.
4. Script 4. Writing that is engraved either on a
stone surface or on metal or on bricks.
5. Archaeological evidence 5. The forms of writing a language.