Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Each cell
contains a copy of the genetic information
CHAPTER 3 of the individual.
● Cytoskeleton
- The cytoskeleton supports the cytoplasm
and organelles and is involved with cell
- The cytoskeleton is composed of
microtubules, microfilaments, and
● Secretory Vesicles
intermediate filaments.
- As described in “Endocytosis and
- Membrane-bound sacs that carry
substances from the Golgi apparatus to
the cell membrane, where the vesicle
contents are released.
● Mitochondria
- Major sites for the production of ATP,
which cells use as an energy source. ● Cilia, Flagella, and Microvilli
Mitochondria carry out aerobic respiration - Cilia move substances over the surface of
(requires O2 ). cells.
- Flagella are much longer than cilia and
propel sperm cells.
- Microvilli increase the surface area of cells
and thus aid in absorption.
Whole-Cell Activity
A cell’s characteristics are ultimately determined ● Cell Cycle
by the types of proteins it produces, which are 1. The cell cycle consists of a series of
determined by the genetic information in the events that produce new cells for growth
nucleus. Understanding how genetic information and for tissue repair.
is used in the cell and distributed to daughter cells 2. The two phases of the cell cycle are
is important for understanding basic cellular interphase and cell division.
activity. 3. DNA replicates during the S phase of
● Gene Expression 4. Cell division occurs through mitosis, which
1. Cell activity is regulated by enzymes is divided into four stages:
(proteins), and DNA controls enzyme ● Prophase - each chromosome consists of
production. two chromatids joined at the centromere.
2. During transcription, the sequence of ● Metaphase - chromosomes align at the
nucleotides in DNA (a gene) determines center of the cell.
the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA; the ● Anaphase - chromatids separate at the
mRNA moves through the nuclear pores centromere and migrate to opposite poles.
to ribosomes. ● Telophase - the two new nuclei assume
3. Codons are three nucleotide sequences in their normal structure, and cell division is
mRNA that specify a particular amino acid. completed, producing two new daughter
4. During translation, the sequence of cells.
codons in mRNA is used at ribosomes to
produce proteins. Anticodons of tRNA ● Differentiation
bind to the codons of mRNA, and the - The process by which cells develop
amino acids carried by tRNA are joined to specialized structures and functions,
form a protein. results from the selective activation and
inactivation of DNA sections.
● Apoptosis
- The programmed death of cells. Apoptosis
regulates the number of cells within
various tissues of the body.