Solaris Unix Operating System - Read Only Document
Solaris Unix Operating System - Read Only Document
Solaris Unix Operating System - Read Only Document
________________________________________________________________ -telnet -------ftp $CC -xhelp=readme this will give you details of CC compiler $CC this will call the cplusplus compiler $man CC this will give you details of CC compiler $CC -flags this will give details of CC compiler options $CC -compat=5 this will compile c++ standard source code $CC -compat[=4] this will compile c++ for standard object code- C++ 4.2 [] shows optional data $CC -o n001 n001.cpp this will name the output executable file name of n001.cpp as n001 only $cc -S this will compile and generate only assembly code with .s extension $man man this will give details of manual commands
$man vi this will give details of vi commands $man ftp this will give details of file transfer commands $cat filename this will display the contenets of the file
_____________________________________________________________ See "$man ftp "of SOLARIS UNIX and " ftp " of WINDOWS See >ftp ? for list of commnads 1. to copy a file from unix to your pc( when unix is accessed by telnet from your pc) a. type "cd /home/yourunixdirectory" on unix terminal accessed by telnet b. run command " ftp " on windows.Then enter login and passwords.Or run open command c. ftp>? <cr> d. ftp>lcd c:\yourdirectory <cr> e. ftp>get myfile.c <cr> f. <cr> g. bye or quit 2. to copy from your pc) a. b. c. a file from your pc to unix ( when unix is accessed by telnet
VI EDITOR commands-I
_______________________________________________________________ a b dd e f h i j k l o p q r s t u w x ESC --enter input mode, appending the entered text --back upto the previous beginning of a word in current line --dd deletes entire line --move forward to end of next word --must be followed by a single character scan the rest ,set cursor to it if found --same as ^H.move cursor one character to left --enter input mode (see a ) --same as ^J. move cursor one line down --same as ^P. move cursor one line up -- <same as space>. move cursor one character right --open a line below the current line and enter input mode --put text after/below the cursor --exit vi editor --the character under the cursor is replaced by the specified character with r --delete the single character under the cursor and enter input mode --scan and moves to the column prior to the character if character is found --reverse the last change made to the current buffer --move forward to the beginning of the cursor --deletes the current character under the cursor --exit editor to command mode
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VI EDITOR commands-II
____________________________________________________________________________ vi, view, vedit - screen oriented ( visual) text editor vi filename -vi COMMAND line options -r --recover the specified files after an editor or system file is printed(or crashed. check) -R --set the read only editor option to prevent overwriting a file inadvertently. -wsize --set the value of the window editor . if size not specified then defult value is 3 -x --set encryption mode -vi INPUT MODE -in input mode ESC is used to leave input mode and go to COMMAND MODE -vi COMMAND MODE unless otherwise specified the commands are interpreted in command mode and have no special effect in input mode. COMMAND MODE is made active by pressing ESC key ^B --scroll backward to display the previous window of text ^D --scroll forward a half window of text. A count gives number of (logical) lines to scroll. ^D --(input mode) Backs up over the indentation provided.-- NOT WORKING ^E --scroll forward one line. ^F --scroll forward to display the window of text following the current one. ^G --print the current file name and other information. ^H --(input mode) move cursor to left. ^J --(input mode) move cursor down one line in the same column. ^M --move to the first nonwhite space character in the next line. ^P --move cursor up one line in the same column. ^R --redraw the current screen.--NOT WORKING ^U --scroll up a half window of text. ^V --in input mode, ^V quotes the next character to permit the insertion of special characters (including ESC ) in to file. ^W --in input mode it backs up one word. ^Y --scroll backward one line. ^[ --cancel a partially formed command(ESC can also do it check) $ --move to the end of current line. ^ --move to the first nonwhitespace position on the same line. ( --move backward to the beginning of a sentence. ) -- move forward to the beginning of a sentence. { -- move back to the beginning of the preceding paragraph. } -- move forward to the beginning of the preceding paragraph. _ -- underscore moves the cursor to the first nonwhitespace character in the current line. A --Append at the end of line. B --Back up one word. C --change the rest of the text on the current line. D --Delete the rest of the text on the current line. E --Move forward to the end of a word. G --Go to the line number given as preceding arguments H --move the cursor to the top line on the screen.
--Insert at the beginning of a line. --move the cursor to the first nonwhitespace character of the last line on the screen --move the cursor to the middle line on screen --open a new line above the current line and enter input mode --restore the current line to its state before the cursor was last moved to it --move forward to beginning of a word in the current line --delete the character before the cursor --exit the editor
_____________________________________________________________ LOGIN PROCEDURE: login : mca3rn30 password: mca2002 ^D or exit to logout Passwd -- for changing password ACCESSING UNIX MANNUAL $man $man commandname $man man ACCESSING pwd ls ls -t ls -l ls -r & HELP : -- tells about the man command
UNIX FACILITIES: -- this says that you are in which current directory(working directory) -- lists the name(not the contents) of files -- lists files in "time" order -- providse detailed listing of files example- ls myfile.c -- list in reverse order
cd directoryname -- changes current directory to named directory cd.. -- changes current directory to parent directory -- NOT WORKING cd -- return to home directory mkdir dirname -- makes a directory rmdir dirname -- removes an empty directory chmod u+x a.outchange acess mode of file a.out cat file1 file2 -- prints the contents of all the files named by its arguments. The named file or files are catenated(hence the name "cat") onto the terminal one after another with nothing between pr pr pr filenames -n filenames -m filenames -- prints contents of named files on printer -- print in n column on printer -- print named files side by side (multiple columns)
cp file1 file2 mv file1 file2 rm filenames ed fileneme wc filenames wc -l filenames grep grep sort tail tail tail
-- copy file1 to file2, overwrite old file2 if it exists -- move file1 to file2 , overwrite old file2 if it exists -- remove named files, irrevocably -- edit named file -- count lines, words and characters for each file -- count lines for each line
pattern filenames -- prints lines matching pattern -v pattern files -- print lines not matching pattern filenames filename -n filename +n filename ----sort files alphabetically by line prints last 10 lines of file print last n lines of file start printing file at line n
cmp file1 file2 -- print location of first difference diff file1 file2 -- print all differences between files ________________________________________________________________________________