XI Arts 1st Unit Test Sept 2023

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CHM College Ulhasnagar- 3

Xl Arts (Aide /Unaided) tst Unit Test September 2023
Sr,No Subjects Page. No.


2 ENGLISH 03-04





7 HINDI 12-L3

8 SINDHI t4-71

9 MARATHI 18-19
Paper / Subject Code: 24211 I Zoology: Taxonomy-lnvertebrates & Type Study

T V,B.SC SQTYQ Sltt l?-D2s

ITimc: 03 Hours.] [Marks:1001

N.B: l. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Draw neat and labelled diagrams whereyer necessary.
4. Ansrver the questions in proper order,

Q.1 Describe A f the following: (20)

a) Levels of ganizatio
b) Types of s metry
c) Six kingd classificatiqn

Q.2 Explain A llorvin g: (20)

a) Distingui ass Calcarea and Demospongiae with suitable example.
b) General ofphyl ur! Cnidaria and dis tinguishing features of class Anthozoa.
c) General chara of phyl rur\Platyhelminthes and description ol Taenia solium

Q.3 Give an account n Any Two of the following: (20)

a) Distinguishing fea of ea with ce to Leech
b) General characters d cla phylum elida
c) Distinguishing fe ofclass hiuroidea reference to Brittle Star
Q.4 Describe Any Two of t h followin (2
a) Respiratory system of Sap
b) Female Reproductive system o ta
c) Extemal characters aud importa nce o tle cavity in Sepia

Q.s Write short notes on: (Any Four) (20)

a) Plasmodium
b) Trichinia worm
c) Millipede
d) Habit and habitat of .lepla
e) Cercaria Iarva
0 Locomotion in .lepra

$'PMo).stzts Page L of I

I CODEO4I CAD9A I 47 A5CD2D19? 68 A7 Egg

First Unit Test Examinati on 2023-24
Day : Monday
Date: I lh 2023 Time : lVz t
Ql A) Choose the correct option: (04)
l. Statements related to Economics :
a) Economics is a social science.
b) Concept of economics is derived from Greek word .Oikonomia,.
c) Economics is related to the study ofhuman economic behaviour.
d) Economics is related to management ofthe household.
Options :
l)a,bandc 2)aandb 3) bandc 4)a,b,chndd

2. Arrange in the order ofevolution ofmoney

a) Metallic money b) Animal money
c) Metallic coins d) Commodity money
Options :
l)cb,c,d 2)b,d,a,c 3)d,c,a, b 4)c,a"b,d

3. Statements related to wealth:

a) Wealth means anything which has market value aad can be exchanged for money.
b) It is extemal to human being.
c) Wealth has no utility.
d) W&lth is scarce and exchangeable.
Options :
l) a, b andd 2)4 c and d 3) b, cand d 4) None ofrhe above

4. Secondary functions ofmoney:

a) Medium ofExchange.
b) Transfer ofvalue
c) Store ofvalue.
d) Standard ofdeferred payments
I ) b,c and d. 2) Only a 3) d,c,b and a. 4) c,b,a and d

Ql B) Complete the Correlation: (04)

I. Natural sciences : Exact sciences : : Social sciences :
: Basis ofcredit :: Secondary iunctions ofmoney : standard of
deferred payments.
3. Free goods : Value-in-use : : Economic goods :
4. Divisibility : Smaller denomination : :_ : Easy to carry from one place
to another.

Ql C) Suggest an economic term

for the given statements:

Want satisfuing power of a commodity.

2) The act ofexchanging goods for goods.

Q2) Identify and explain the concepts from the given illustrations: (Any Three) (06)
l. Karuna's mother saves Rs, 1000/- every month out ofher given salary.
2. Malathi purchased a house through an agent. The agent accepted the commission
amount in cash but did not issue a receipt to her.
3. A study ofthe annual income ofthe family of Ramesh.
4. Charu used her debit card to purchase a shirt for her younger brother,

Q3) Answer the following questions on the basis of the following information: (01)
Ganesh travelled to the mall by bus. He gave the conductor Rs. l0 coin for the ticket.
He purchased many commodities from the mall.
At the billing counter, he gave his credit card for payment but the billing clerk
informed him that only debit cards were accepted. Since Ganesh had forgotten his debit
card at home, he offered to make payment by cash.
l ldentif the types ofmoney used in the information. (02)
2. Explain any two of them. (02)

Q4) Answer in detail. (Any One) (05)

1. Explain the characteristics ofhuman wants.
a Explain the qualities ofmoney.
1 Explain any five concepts of Macro economics.


First Unit Test Examinati on 2023 -24
Day Tuesday XI Arts and Science - English Marks : 25
Date l2th Se t.2023 l/2 Time : I hrs

Ql. Re_ad the extract and complete the activities given betow.
when we reached Kathmandu we discovereJthut
ov"rsy had arisen. we talked i
Colonel Hunt and L We agreed that all the talk was childish.
I I{itlary,

. s9 I. made a pact, and each of us signed it in the office of the Prime Minister of Nepal. Each one
signed his own statement. I have a copy of H ary statement which
I carry ir;;p";k"l.
It reads: "Kathmandu, June 22, 1953.,'
on May 291h, Tenzing Sherpa and_I left our high camp on Moun[ Everest for
our attempt on the
summit. As we climbed upwards to the South Summit, first one and then the
other would take a tum at
leading. we crossed over the South summit and moved along tir" sr..it
.iag"] we reached the
summit almost together. We embraced each other overjoyed at Jur success,
'I'enzing holding trr* l?"t photograph oi
aloft the flags of Great Britain, Nepal, ttre unitea Nations and
India."(Signed:E.P'Hillary) there is another paper like this in English,-signed by
111". frru. we all will
take part in any controversy. As the statement says, Hillary arid I embraced
We did as well as our bulky equipment would let us. I remember saying to tim: ,'we
iufr"n *" reach the top.
haue done it.,' But
rve couldn't hear- We had our oxygen mask on.
First Thought:
Yt Tu thought on reaching the top was sense of gratitude to God that after having failed six times, he
had blessed me with fulfillment of his desire I had held so long.
I placed on the Summit the offerings to God that I had carried with me. This is in accord with
religion. Bot[my wife and I are Buddhist. I could not kneel because of my clothes and
equipment. But
I offered a silent prayer in my heart.
The offerings where biscuits, Candy and a little blue pencil. My youngest daughter,
Nima, had given
me the pencil before I left home. She asked me to put it on the top of the Mountaln
as'a offering. Ii was
an ordinary blue pencil, not even a long one, but it was one ofheiprized possessions,
As I put it down, I pointed out to Hillary. He gave me a big smile, showing that he understood.
Then I got out the flags which I had on a piece of string about four feet long. I fastened one
end to
my ice axe and Hilary took pictures as I held it up.
As I had to bring my ice axe down with me, I buried one end of the string in the ice on top
and the
other is snow on the slope down below. when we left, they were lying flat against the summit.
I was very thirsty. I took out a water tumbler for drink but found the watei in the metal container had
frozen so I couldn't quench my thirst. I ate some biscuits and offered some to Hillary.
I was wearing a red scarf which my great friend Lambert (leader of 1952 Swiss eipedition) had given
me last year. It was just a year ago, on May 28th when we were standing at 28,215 feet, that ir" gur-"
the scarf.
I wore it all the way up the mountain from Darjeeling as I stood at the top,I remembered him, and felt
thnt he was with me. I lblt absolutely fit at the summit. My mind was absoiutely clear. I didnt feel
I felt exhilarated. It was a very clear sensation.
A1) Narne the following:
L Tenzing Norgay's youngest daughter =
2. The place where the author discovered about the controversv =

A2) Complete the foltowing sentences based on the extract3 )
1] the pact was signed by the author and Hillary on
2] the offerings included
A3) Read the passage carefully and say whether the following statements are true or false. )
l) Tenzing, Hunt and Hillary agreed that there was some truth to the controversy.
2) As he stood at the top, the author was sad.
A4) List the ways in which the Tenzing Norgay celebrates on reaching the top: .,
As) Complete the following, highlighting the feelings/emotions of Tenzing after reaching the Summit. ,
Tenzing's feelings emotions after reaching the Summit:
l) 2)
3) 4)
46) Give your opinion on whether we should or should not participate in adventure sports 1

Q2l Read the extract and complete the activities given below:
Cherry Tree

Af ) State whether the following statements are true or false, )

1) Birds and insects were benefitted from the tree.
2) The poem has an underlying message about the importance oftrees.

I went away next year-

Spent a season in Kashmir-
Came back thinner,rather poor,
But richer by a cherry tree at my door.
Six feet high my own dark cherry,
And I could scarcely believe it-a berry.
Ripened and jEweled in the sun,
Hung from a branch- just one!
And next year there were Blossoms small
Pink, fragile, quick to fall
At the merest breath, the sleepiest breeze.
I lay on the grass, at ease,
Looking up through leaves at the blue
Blind sky, at the finches as they flew
And flitted though the dappeled green. While bees in an ecstasy drank
Of nectar from each bloom and the sun sank
Swiftly, and the stars tumed in the sky,
And moon-moths and singing crickets and I Yes I! ----Praised Night and Stars and tree: That
small,Cherry,grown by me. * Ruskin Bond.

A2) List the beneficiaries (those who received benefits) ofthe cherry tree. 1
A3) Have you observed the stars or birds like the poet? Describe your feelings.
A4) Name and explain the figure of speech: )
1) Came back thinner, rather poor, but richer by the Cherry Tree at my door."
2)"Spent a season in Kashmir"
Q3l Expand inl00-150 words, the idea given in the following proverbs:(any one) 5
1l A Bad workman blames his tools.
2l A friend in need is friend indeed.
*'*:f +*{.*:t*'l +**** ALL THE BEST * * * i. it i. * * '} * 't ***
First Unit Test Examinati on 2023_24
Day: Wednesday XI ARTS: PoLITICAL SCIENCE Marks:25
Date: 136 Sept. 2023
Time: I% hours

QI. Choose the orrect alternetive and comphe the following satercres (0S)
l.lhe concent of Swaraj was spelt out by (Maharna Gandhi, Mahatma phule,
Dr.Ambedkar, Dr.Rajendra prasad)
2. The origin of Liberal Ndiormtism is in the revolution (Amerimr, Russian,
3. The book,'On Liberty was written by _ (Robert Nozick, Thomas hobbes,
J.S.Mill, Isiah berlin)
4. The term Nation is derived from the ratin word_(Nasci, Natio, Nataris, Nauto)
5. Part of the Indian constitution deals with Fundamental rights (I, II, m, IV)
Q2. Stde the ryproprirte oucept for the givetr st rtem€rt (os)
I The area of the stde within which it has authority to govem.
2 Rights based on the conscience ofthe individual and the community.
3 Force which holds dre people to a sense ofpolitical loyalty to the country.
4 Fundamental right introduced in constitution oflndia by g6h amendmenr
5 Ty'pe of nationalism that promotes imperialism and colonialism.

Q3. Statc whethcr tle foHmiug strtererts rrr Truc fi

Felsc with rtasors (os)
Human rights are granted by the State.
2. Sovereignty means State hes the Mom to take its own decisions.
3. Expansionist nationalism is a type ofaggressive nationalism.
4. Palestine is a State.
5. Legal rights are not universal.
Q4. Ansrer ir one scnterc od5r. (o5)
1. Name the four elemens of the State?
2. What is National liberty?
3. Write some factors that promote Nationlism?
4. What is the literal meaning of Swaraj?
5. When was the Universal declaration of Human rights made?

Q5. Arsrer the follwing quertiors (ery oue) (0s)

l. Explain Nationalism and its types?
2. Explain the Indian concept ofliberty?

The End------------
FIRST UNIT TEST: 2023-2024
Day: Thurstlay XI ARTS: HISTORY Marks: 25

I)ate: I 4th September,zOz3. Time: 1% hours

P AII the que$tio&s ane compulsory
> Start Neu,question on new page
Ql. (A) Choose the corrtct alternative and completc the sentence: (4)

l) The first excavation at llarappa began in

a) lgil b) 1923 c) 1925 d) 1926

2) The god who pmtected the animals wm known as

a) Indra b) Pushan c) Ashwin d) Varun

3) The Yajurveda crffers explanation of

a) Indian music b) means of llvelihood

c) dir!-tc-day life d) sacrilicial rituals -

4) The Nanda dyriasty wa-s established by
a) Dhanana.nda b) Shishunaga c) Emperor Asholra d) Mahapadma Nanda
Ql" (B) Choose tte correct reason and mmplete the seutmce: (3)

l) 'Ihe evidence of the flrst excavations at Harppan had indicated-

a) b'irst settlement o"f Early Harappan perlod was Btablished round 3300 B.C.E.
b) The city of Harappa was divided into two parts- the 'Citadel' and the 'I-ower Town'.
c) Internal changes begin to appear in Harappan cities.
d) The decline of Harappan civilisation.

2) Panis were looked up.on as l'nemies by the Vedic people because -

a) I{ey belonged to a different tribe"
b) Their language was inrpure
c) f'anis used to steal tht: cade of the Vedic people
d) Panis did not obey the orders of the Vedic people.
3) Rise of Magadha -

a) Fertile and Iictr land b) Snong Fort

c) King's position d) Political Stability

Ql, (C) Write the Names: (3)

l) A branch of linguistics-
2) MohenJodaro was built on the banks of the river -
3) Lothal was excavated from 1955to 1960 under the supervision of-
Q2. (A) Wrtte sho* note: (Ary 3) (6)

l) Lothal 2) Kalibangan 3) Vedlc Literature

,l) Emperor Ashoka 5) Nanda Dynasty

Q2. (B) State your oplnlonr (Any 2) (4)

l) Chandragupta Maurya is the first Chakravarti emperor in the history of India.

2) The R@edic people subsisted on agriculture.
3) The Harappan cities seem to have a well-organised administrative system.

Q3. Answer the following questions wfth the help of gtven pohts (Any f) (5)

l) Explain Ashrama System:

a) Brahmacharyashram
b) Grihasthashram
c) Vanaprasthashram
d) Sanyasastram
2) Write about the characteristics of Harappan citles with the help of given poins.
a) Town Planning
b) Socia] organisation
c) Adminisfation
d) Economy
* +*,t * 't ++ +*,1)*:l* )t + {. ,* :l * *:t *,* *

- 3.
First Unit Test Examination 2023-24
Day : Friday
Date : I 5'r' Sept. 2023
Time: l% hours r\
Note : l) All Questions are Compulsory.
2) Draw relevant Diagrams u,herever necessary.
3) Use of Colour Pencil is allowed.
4) Use of Map Stencil is allowed.
s) Figures to the right indicate f,'ull Marks.

Q.l A) Com lete the chain. (0s)

l) Igneous 1) Intensity 1) Chemical

2) Mercalli scale 2) Zone5 2) I to XII

3) Philippines 3) Granite 3) Mayon

4) Sedimentary 4) Circum Pacific 4) Physical
Belt Weathering
5) Andaman and 5) Limestone 5) Very high
I Nicobar Islands selsmlc

B) Identify the correct correlation. (0s)

A : Assertion; R : Reasoning
1) A : Folding results into formation of fold mountains.
R : Folding occurs when compressional forces are applied.
1) Only A is correct
2) Only R is correct
3) Both A and R.are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation ofA.

2) A : When the molten rock material is below the earth surface it is called
R : When it appears on the surface it is called lava.
l) Only A is correct
2) Only R is correct
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the colrect explanation of A.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation ofA.

PAGE _ 2

) A : Freeze and thaw weathering is common in desert areas.

R : Water gets into cracks and breaks the rocks.
l) Only A is conect
2) Only R is correct
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation ofA

4) A : South-East Asia, Japan and islands in the Pacific Ocean are most
vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanic eruption.
R : They are located in 'Ring of Fire'.
1) Only A is correct
2) Only R is correct
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
4) Both A and R are conect but R is not the correct explanation ofA.

5) A : The rocks are weathered physically or chemically

R : Factors such as water, heat and pressure which affect weathering can
cause both the type of weathering
1) Only A is correct
2) Only R is conect
3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation ofA.
4) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation ofA.

Q.2 GlVe geographical reasons (Any Three). (06)

l) People living in the Himalayas aro more wlnerable to earthquakes.
2) Soft rocks form folds while hard rocks form faults.
3) Folds depend on the strength ofrocks and intensity offorces.
4) Temperatue is the main factor behind granular weathering.
s) Oxidation changes the size and colour of the rocks.

Q.3 A) Draw neat and labelled diagram (Any One). (03)

r) Block disintegration.
2) Shadow zone.

B) Answer the following question (Any One). (06)

I) Explain different types of faults.
z',) Explain with examples the process of weathering happening in Konkan

,(*:r**BEST OF LUCK****i


Date: I 5thseptember, 2023 Time: I % h

Q1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate words given in the bracket.

(1) _ psychology is concerned with diagnosis and treatment ofpsychological disorders.

(a) Counselling (b) Cognitive (c) Clinicat
(2) The study ofhuman behaviour at work place is the concem of psychology.
(a) Sooial Industrial
(b) (c) Experimental
(3) Wilhelm Wundt suggested the method of _
(a) Psychotherapy (b) Introspection (c) Hypnosis

(4) Psychology is a study of _.

(a) Mind (b) Behaviour (c) Soul
(B) Match the following pairs. (04)

1) Sigmund Freud a) Perception,thinking,memory etc.
2) Cognitive processes b) Studies howpeople become who they
are from conception to death
3) Social psychology c) Study ofunconscious
4) Developmentalpsychology d) Studies the influence of other people
upon an individual's behaviour.
e) First laboratory ofpsychology

(C) State whether the following statements are true or false. (04)
(l) Control is one ofthe objectives ofpsychology.
(2) Behaviour includes overt and covert activities.
(3) Consumer psychology is included in social psychology.
(4) Experiments in psychology are conducted in the laboratory.

(D) Answer in one sentence. (03)

(l) What does the term'conscious' experience means according to Wilhelm Wundt?
(2) Name the three doshas?
(3) From which two Greek words is the word psychology derived?

Q.2) Explain the following concepts. (Any Two) (04)

(l) Overt Behaviour (2) Stimulus (3) Psychology (4) Behaviour

Q.3) Write short notes. (Any Two) (06)

(l) Sports Psychology (2) Child Psychology
(3) Social psychology (4) CounsellingPsychology.

-..--.--ALL THE BEST --..._-


Date: l6s

First Unit Test Examinati on 2023 -24

Time: tyz h ours

,tq_qfuIr4 10
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Accountant 2.Session
3.Deduction 4.Draft
5.Gazette 6.Cheque
T.Advance 8.ValiditY
FIRST Ull-IT TEST, 2023-2024
Day: Saturday XI Arts/Science/Commerce Marks: 25
Date: 16 Sept.2023 Sindhi Time: 1 % ho


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rf< ft{a vftvi 'ilFt< qufu{ + s-d {c-*} E s Eqfr d {S qfA q?if 3r+' rr{i{c e
3{c.s-f, 3rg q;drs'

6toa dfu rrcq q'{ol oe ufi+ as+r. tfrc 5r cM qrdl1 Elt 3i-fr It.$ 3IF|qi {fui} t +{ + dtsft
qt e ft.flrq m-ds(iltl sq ffFr{dftqr6 qro *tqnqqqr. yfrrm viv-*r m sTIffqtt+q{si

ffi {a d 3{Rs sff fi s} tfrrh ssfr fiGs d rn+l cra! tFa + m6{r dfr rc d lqsfr sI6 ritiE!

er€ fiFkl qt tsa qrsor q. {frtqtui3Tfid{i$ }1 t =9fr :


I fr-*- Fd-{ dFft t q-*rs ftrd :- (2)

t.ftgffiHsg 2. qqrqonftti+qt
a ti;Eri;Gdqd3nt? (2)

1. ",frH(l *ffor +tcqltffi aqvEihe-t cfr dfi.-


2. "*t! Erff fr-* q*t{ilctcrufrsr fu{rd4fu. "

J G-68{gr'nft {wqreftrd:- (2)

l. *X gi'm*-. ** q6 $ otot ezn]
2. eRftk6tFF*eatgert?
P"T c)
Po3e 5[o: 02-
4 qfr+ tR ql RAftT C orBsr€ awrtsr ut gftr E-6ur Er$ n€t Er iii<r? (2)

9.2 fu.rfrerr-d*nTtq'fufr:- (8)

{Bnorcmzn69, ES u-{ar et erfid ftV,
gr&vfrmrd6qr, ft-6a, sftft, st6 ft snfu{ M q.ffi gd-{
fi-dft-€4trtrfrFfii, v* vr t ng gM on fr*' frq arr s{tr+.
I Bo, Eq.dft iiqsrqftrcil:- (2)
1. driift 4fr si tsqq-s srG? 2. fr<fu+enorq+o eTrt?

) fr-iqft{t6M:-
._-*r.-::_::__ (2)
l. fu6a,sFrft 2. q$sct
J ur+1$t,firil:- (2)

4. vrr$ ae a-S sftft if crqsT d ft ' *ag gft+ ? (2)


g:3 (er)tuftfrEftvrftqM:- e)
(i)"sm (ii) nwp (iii) q-€-64 (iv) qg
(a) ftftfr!ft{ftnn(ftrd:- e)
(i)r<< (ii)ww (iii)@ (iv)ffi
(gBftfrEfr*ftqrrard:- ?I
(i) tr{ (ii) {m (iii) ffr (iv) vrmd
(v) fuRftQfrgwor5hfiur+rfrrdEFrtitorr silurd :- (2)
(i) R-crnft trg (ii)T<Rtffise (iii)ygqsqg (iv)surfrqFrq{

(u) *t ft F* -qcm ft€rm t$ qc-{rd :- (1)

(i) venem (ii) vqrrm*
FIRST UNrT TEST, 2023-2024
Day: Saturday XI Arts/Science/Commerce Marks: 25
Date: 16 Sept.2023 Sindhi Time: 1 % hours

PfaosE sEc-rloh,

(8) -:rAP € ,* c+l J<-, ,-ilIl Jlr*

,{ aB =rri. \5+ Jrs&l \frjJ
nrd trerl oi lS ,,Se3t" .*+ 1SP )l t:f
l5ft f .i ts, ,!r'JF
q, ott !r, d-snJ \\-o?.ir. I .511Q:t -"*l+!,od .v.:-{rl d: C €
'7r1 Y--l- tgt{ t 4 e:J,) fr , r*Y -on-t*r u$r ssqst rq
lr+.r *F (+f+
*+ r..,rr 1\r-,, , iSli dB-, ,)* ,* / tt*-{rirrfl 'bf r',.
"r. -.5-7 ;1 5fl ,, eli"s n or I .gra:.En .r',,t-t \F!
.d dr. o" Ui '" S-qr,f $rs
a"-e ,;s-u.nttf ,+19 rlr .,;ro '*'' J'J JisJ i \F+
,Jtr orr.Fr? ,s= .o*S blt6r o.Er,5rr!
'rrl!,+ F'."Jt I orP ,5b ,e dB
ttt' cl+f j 95-S .Js:t sl.S 5' Jisi' "r4'
yS ; y"la: t)r,,r"t" Oi++ # O. ,rfl
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G4l ,t) bF -r:. 9.+J ,P*,2 f'1) ' 's+l
*r- .r+, .,# r*r. bl+ o- r.rsd 'Qjr+ r-rt" .r++ .t!- ..1.+J t* ,rr -:o ro-.r
\F+s 4 \ru a4 .5+ oP c dt atWt 2-:Jt_,r+ $+ 9f i oL .5&l r.:rr of rrt-l
.\t Gb *P ot2ttl s { fu it^- ',.:osts,;r '* c t+t ,g.P srJ tll, o(r "-{t' ".Oi r"+
.,rG \5x- r'+,'! ,rs6 "rP .sg olr-+r.
gto' eS .*rl,.r
,5"e ,t+, p er{T c;6 .j ,.+ 9L
..,rrt #, Jk *r= #r ,ror *e+!r XL;r,' .ooJk+ ,,;+l gh{l #* ,,i * .s-,
"'- f-s \r-Ld P
ips+ or1+ J si+ *Ft ; ,stsf e'+ r rt+ ,e\ d \€& rt{i ,-r (,,j J{& .js,+
,.t4 tPr+ E,+Ft tf\ Fq J "+f \5.v ,+ eq dr- .s:g 2 (Jr5 'rs' grlj .t> r."lQ .g+:
, p !Jr+ lJ+f ,-,r l.+f .-rr ..J' .n 6.- -gs.;r- .lt.:, ..:5 .+ O-+Ji5.+ t ,'JrD :rrl *dt'
f++ i or.d, G,odT a:{t l,rr+&'(P tFQ ; t"? r*le qlt rrF ) )6'.l5t5144 ,r"
\'.r, t.lld-ls t_r+,- fi!,-"

(2) -:J$ crlJ+ G Oliit Ct

*'^ .1

l+r rl -r-.t+ tie( .Z .Lil gsr =a . I

ri:-ts \r>1r- -!-' o-E^_si. .2

(2) -

-o# r+ -}.*.,E-r* h 0i 6 oL,*-i t i!r-,:;= ,se.,t t+-6.t

.r-r,$-r. ct Q *4 OU iP a -y-! lg.rlr ./

@ -:Jsl .rlJ+61 Cl";LBl=t .3

\: *, e:r=t:!
fUa .2 96 iP -e= ol3 ol3 rr+ .+-6 -,! * 1

(2) fl.rjlrt.r Otlsi t) dis- J^h lU qfe Ll"t ,.rl ,JS ,3j+L* tr'"'rJr rtd+ 4

oEl RY SEcTroN
(8) 'xF f ,.rri ri., -.* -2Jt*
11.ri5,r 94b,.- JE \rs.Ll&
.*$ro fru+.+ *-J )r)
,ra^- ltf* \5, c^r- s...
.3Jj9,s gg.rtllt (J,[+ i il.:.o O.b;*S
\r$w 1,i$ie+ ,t{ fl ; Ff ,-! rl:^-s..a
.r!.,*t .g ..rti 'g- 7 rots ,3-r J... €5r
(2) -:JSl slJr: e sLr+ ha 1

IcAi .J+ b ty ,:.:. AJa .2 toal 1!= CX Or*.,Oe.is. .,1 Op,3 1

(2) -;jgJE= Oy.J.lts OJL .2

d)&q j 2 -----------jy.' '- I

(2) -;+;rE= .L.E 3Eati ..,



(2) 9.5+j*r \rgt , }bjL p >-:.s5,
Cr1.:+ etrr:€ {.!

(2) $SJ:*t7c4aob sill
:t 4 ,.^e 3. Jr,.A. .2 ,t* .1

a) -3j61 +fii,a irJ+ c,i + CF= LJ

.,,-j ,4 €ri+' .3 ;i 2 ,:.f, ,I

(2) -;3rli.cr.ir eolqtF

Jln t.
)of<.q i*t .z fs2

(2) -:si" I #. ft,J"+ esl iru.l e+ 0.)l'h'^'al ct + Cf=

.rS.+tL! .4 i"" e*F 3 Jllt" .2 .);3 gllrJ: .l

(1) -:Jitt+4..,, s4i dtU Otej ,9'a t.r. 39=

en L Ot-.i 2 dt OLj I
FIRST UNIT TEST: 2023-2024
Day : Saturday XI ARTS/SCVCOM : MARATHI Marks : 2
Date : 16th Septembe12023
Time : 11 hours

Tffi{ffi {tr;n:

trt ezsar, ffiwn s *€;r A-{qia-sR ie-d qi6} sru?W6- drJ Eqri

q;fi t.eOqFdcrdrfi onwfros-fl qrafl -dq[-ff +s{r 8

qddqs-d< I
0 urqalg6qrem-d'( 2

clwr {drall trfrrd] sntr{rsrtq
c{M ., ERrdR qrid efd-a, qgqq-sR ened , -

crwT rr0-drqr .... qi{Er rird ETFq .rrsr . Ermr frtrdr A-ftr . em sr{rrfl n qi6fi grfrfr
q-sn6 Ttrfr . ffi Eiffi enrm m-6 qrf6. urd tsmr .

'ffiefiHqIs*d-r vrt ennrrTrurqtencrgvftlwrsRme oG r' oRkdrut-$Tqer

qrTaT +{.sT sqr qn-qqr$r crdrqrfr Rr€-dr siq-€r Uqifi \ry . Cs . S . qrs {rdr . A
qls +dTs qr-Fi qTwrqTri ffing drrrei, " sr, sn-q$r
F6E-fr fus--dr

1)srtrdr+qi6frSTd-fr - 7

ItqqqT+f,.qT{aT 1

xt q-{rd-o E-qn qisam ql{qr g?{6unqr l{rfir -- 1

' qqcrulsEqF 6-sr 3{re, t wgon. 3

p-ff t.om qfud CI,rqqRiw .vrufrc ?fi *trr. 6

s)TrTd-&qr*dlrfrffi r IrfrFtmsfrEf$'t- I 2


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E .E
EIt t-l
E E Y €EY*o Ef
'ftr N

;.8*P.EE* 1;FF.E
ll ll EE E E
Es E E E E
;E,E#. E E E R E E H'B €

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