Let's Try This: Incident: Thoughts: Feelings: Behavior: Incident: Thoughts: Feelings: Behavior
Let's Try This: Incident: Thoughts: Feelings: Behavior: Incident: Thoughts: Feelings: Behavior
Let's Try This: Incident: Thoughts: Feelings: Behavior: Incident: Thoughts: Feelings: Behavior
Let’s Try This
Try to remember that last time you felt valued by others and the way you made others
felt valued. Identify the incidents, your thoughts or ideas about the situations, your
feelings and your behavior or action. Use the templates below to encapsulate those
The last time I felt valued The last time I made others felt valued
Incident: Incident:
Thoughts: Thoughts:
Feelings: Feelings:
Behavior: Behavior:
Processing Questions:
1. Did you find it difficult/easy to answer? Why?
2. What do you notice with your answers?
3. What is your reaction upon seeing all your answers?
Instructions: Imagine that you are looking at the mirror, and from the mirror you see
yourself. Please talk to yourself and say that “I am proud of you because you are
______” Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the
mirror), please tell your friends that “You should be happy with me because I’m
_______.” Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers
in the mirror), please tell them that “You should be happy with me because I’m
_______.” Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your
brothers/sisters/cousins), please tell them that “You should be happy with me
because I’m _______.” Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of
your parents/guardian or whom you consider as your parent in the mirror), please tell
them that “You should be proud of me because I’m _______.”
Answer the processing questions on a separate clean paper. Make sure to write
your name, title of the worksheet as the heading of the activity and compile it in your
Processing Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers? Family?
3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk?
4. How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth?
You can do it
Complete the sentences and write it on a one whole sheet of paper with the Self-
affirmation Exercise. Compile it in your portfolio.
Self-affirmation Exercise
1. My proudest moment was _____________________________________.
2. My strengths are________________________________________.
3. My source of joy is __________________________________________.
4. My friends really appreciate me as a ________________________________.
5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because_______________________.
6. I will reach my dreams because_____________________________________.