HANDOUT - Linear Algebra - 23GE1303 - ODD 24-25
HANDOUT - Linear Algebra - 23GE1303 - ODD 24-25
HANDOUT - Linear Algebra - 23GE1303 - ODD 24-25
Vision: To become the most preferred institution providing innovative, research and value-based,
professional education for the society at large.
Vision: To be a well-recognized center with strong foundational focus on basic sciences and
humanities to develop budding professionals.
Mission: To develop scientific temperament and mathematical aptitude for solving inter-
disciplinary engineering problems with excellent communication skills and social values in a
vibrant environment.
2. Course Objectives
1) To provide mathematical knowledge required to analyze problems encountered in
2) The students are acquainted with the solution of system of linear equation, eigen values and
eigen vectors.
3) To apply principles of matrix algebra to linear transformations and inner products.
4) Student can apply this course in many areas of engineering such as computer graphics,
cryptography, wire-less communication, signal processing, robotics and animation.
3. Course Outcomes
23GE1303: Linear Algebra (LA)
Session 2024-25
5. Grading: Grading is based on the following components that are weighted as described below
Distribution of
SN Criteria
marks (%)
1 TA1 – Proctored Online Exam [ As per course type] 6
2 TA2 – Activities {Minimum 2 Activities} (Approved by HoD ) 8
3 TA3 - Attendance% [90 to 100 % - 3 Marks, 80 – 89 % - 2 Marks,
75 – 79 % - 1 Mark, <75 % - Detention 0 Mark]
For Eagle Students
[75 to 100 % - 3 Marks & Below 75 % - Detention 0 Mark]
4 TA4 - YCCE VAC or Certificate Course 3
5 Mid Semester Examinations-I 15
Evaluated YCCE VAC orCertificate Course
6 Mid Semester Examinations-II 15
7 End Semester Examination 50
Total 100
15 15 20 50 100 3 Hr
Marks distribution
Unit Syllabus
Unit I: Elementary matrix operations
(6 hours)
Unit II: Matrix Algebra
Rank of a matrix, Gaussian elimination, LU
II Decomposition (Crout’s method), Solving Systems of -- 8 or 9
Linear Equations using the tools of Matrices. (6 hours)
23GE1303: Linear Algebra (LA)
Session 2024-25
7. Teaching plan:
Lect. Remarks
Unit No. Details of the Topics to be Covered
22 Sylvester’s Theorem
23GE1303: Linear Algebra (LA)
Session 2024-25
29 Generators
UNIT-V : Linear transformation, Ranges and Kernel (null space) of linear
30 transformation
31 Transformation Inverse of linear transformation,
37 Examples
8. Examinations:
1. QUIZZES / ONLINE TESTS (6 Marks): There will be a TWO online tests / Quizzes each
of 30 marks. The students remaining absent for ONLINE QUIZ / TEST shall get ZERO
marks and no re-test shall be conducted. An average of all tests shall be considered for final
evaluation i.e. out of 6. The marks obtained in quizzes shall be rounded off to next higher
value if it is ≥ 0.5 and lower value if it is < 0.5. For quizzes & online Tests the syllabus shall
be the topics taught till the day of test.
2. ASSIGNMENTS: The assignment can be in the form of Question Paper, case study,
numerical tasks, innovative teaching method, survey report etc. as decided by the Course
Teacher. The assignments are to be handwritten and to be submitted in PDF format. The
student must write down Name, Section, Roll No and Registration No on each page on
“Right Top Corner”.
23GE1303: Linear Algebra (LA)
Session 2024-25
11 .Text Books
SN Author Name Title
Erwin Kreyzig, Advance Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, INC.
Dr. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40 th edition, Khanna Publisher.
H.K. Dass, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8 th revised edition, S. Chand, Delhi.
Hoffman and Kunze, Linear Algebra, prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Glbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Nelson Engineering (2007)
D. P. Bawane Department of Applied Mathematics & Humanities
(Subject Teacher) YCCE, Nagpur.