Syllabus FY BTech Student10-11-12

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Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas

(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I
FYE221001: Applied Mathematics-I
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory :04hrs/week 04 Continuous Comprehensive
Tutorial:01hr/week 01 Evaluation:: 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
Tutorial / Termwork: 25Marks
Prerequisite Courses: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Interpret the concepts of Jacobians, rank, quadratic form, canonical 2-Understanding
form, transformations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors and probability.
CO2 Solve problems on linear algebra, partial derivatives and probability. 3- Apply
CO3 Apply concepts of linear algebra, differential calculus and probability 3- Apply
to engineering problems.
CO4 Use computational tools for solving mathematical problems. 3- Apply
CO5 Analyze the nature of quadratic forms, extreme values of the 4 -Analyze
function, error and approximations.
Unit I Matrices and Linear System of Equations (07hrs+ COs Mapped -
2hrsTutorial) CO1, CO2, CO3
Rank of a matrix, system of linear Equations, Linear Dependence and Independence of vectors, Linear
and orthogonal transformations, Application to system of linear equations.
Unit II Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors (08hrs+ COs Mapped -
2hrsTutorial) CO1, CO2, CO3,
Eigen values & Eigen vectors, diagonalization, quadratic forms and reduction of quadratic forms to
canonical forms, applications of Eigen values and Eigenvectors.
Unit Partial Differentiation (07hrs+ COs Mapped –
III 2hrsTutorial) CO2, CO3
Introduction to functions of two or more variables, Partial Differentiation, Euler’s Theorem on
Homogeneous Functions, Partial differentiation of Composite and Implicit functions, Total
Unit Application of Partial Differentiation (07hrs+ COs Mapped -
IV 2hrsTutorial) CO1, CO2, CO3,
Jacobians, Functional Dependence & Independence, Errors and Approximation, Maxima and Minima
of Functions of two variables, Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers.
Unit V Introduction to Probability and Counting (07hrs+ COs Mapped -
2hrsTutorial) CO1, CO2, CO3
Interpreting probabilities, Relative frequency and classical definition of probability, sample spaces
and Events, mutually exclusive events, Permutations and Combinations, Axioms of probability,
Addition rule, conditional probability, multiplication rule, Independent Events, Bayes’ Theorem.
1. B.V. Ramana, “ Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. B. S. Grewal, ”Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publication, Delhi.
Reference Books
1. Erwin Kreyszig ,”Advanced Engineering Mathematics” ,Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, ”Applied Mathematics” (Volumes I and II), Pune Vidyarthi
Griha Prakashan, Pune.

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks
1 Assignments 10
( Total 3 Assignment, Unit I and II 20 marks, Unit III and IV 20 marks
and Unit V 10 marks &50 marks will be converted to 10 Marks)
2 Tests on each unit using LearniCo 10
( Each test for 15 M and total will be converted out of 10 M)

List of Tutorial Assignments

Sr. No. Title CO Mapped
1 Examples on rank of a matrix, system of linear Equations CO1, CO2
2 Examples on linear dependence and Independence of vectors, CO1, CO2,
application to system of linear equations. CO3
3 Examples on Eigen values & Eigen Vectors. CO1, CO2,
4 Examples quadratic forms to canonical forms. CO1, CO2,
5 Solve problems on matrices using Matlab. CO1, CO2,
6 Solve system of equations using Matlab. CO1, CO2,
7 Examples on partial differentiation, Euler’s Theorem on CO2, CO3
homogeneous functions
8 Examples on partial differentiation of composite and implicit CO2, CO3
functions, total derivatives.
9 Examples on Jacobians, functional dependence & independence, CO1, CO2,
errors and approximation CO3 , CO5
10 Examples on maxima and minima of functions of two variables, CO1, CO2,
Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers. CO3, CO5
11 Examples on fundamental concepts of probability. CO1, CO2
12 Examples on conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem. CO1, CO2,
Guidelines for Tutorial / Termwork Assessment
Sr. No. Components for Tutorial / Termwork Assessment Marks
1 Assignment on computational software 5
2 Tutorial (Each tutorial carries 15 marks) 15
3 Attendance (Above 95 % : 05 Marks, below 75% : 0 Marks) 5
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: II
FYE 221002: Applied Mathematics-II
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory : 04hrs/week 04 Continuous Comprehensive
Tutorial: 01hr/week 01 Evaluation:: 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
Tutorial / TermWork: 25Marks
Prerequisite Courses: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Explain types of differential equations, finite differences and multiple 2- Understanding
CO2 Solve problems on differential equations and multiple integrals. 3- Apply
CO3 Apply concept of numerical methods, differential and multivariate 3- Apply
calculus to engineering problems.
CO4 Use computational tools for solving mathematical problems. 3- Apply
CO5 Analyze the solution of differential equations, numerical 4- Analyze
differentiation & integration and multiple integrals.
Unit I Differential Equations (DE) 8hrs+ COs Mapped -
2hrsTutorial CO1, CO2, CO3
Formation of differential equations Exact DE, equations reducible to exact form, Linear DE and
Differential equation reducible to linear form.
Unit II Applications of Differential Equations 7hrs+ COs Mapped -
2hrsTutorial CO1, CO2, CO3,
Application of DE to Orthogonal trajectories, Newton’s Law of Cooling, Kirchhoff’s Laws of
Electrical Circuits, Motion under Gravity, Rectilinear Motion, Heat flow.
Unit Finite differences and Interpolation 7hrs+ COs Mapped –
III 2hrsTutorial CO1, CO3 , CO5
Finite differences, differences of polynomials, relations between the operators, Newton’s interpolation
formula, Stirling’s formula, Lagrange’s Interpolation formula.
Unit Numerical Differentiation and Integration 7hrs+2hrsTutorial COs Mapped -
IV CO1, CO3, CO5
Numerical Differentiation:: Euler’s method, Euler’s Modified Method, Runge-
Runge Kutta fourth order,
Predictor- Corrector Method.
Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule.
Unit V Multiple Integrals and their Applications 7hrs+2hrsTutorial COs Mapped -
CO1, CO2,
Double and Triple integrations, applications to area, volume, mean and root mean square values and
Center of Gravity.
1.M.K. Jain, R.K.Jain, Iyengar, “Numerical Methods for scientific and engineering computation”
(New age International)
2. B. S. Grewal ,”Higher Engineering Mathematics” Khanna Publication, Delhi.
Reference Books
1. Erwin Kreyszig ,”Advanced Engineering Mathematics” ,Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar,” Applied Mathematics” (Volume I and II) , Pune Vidyarthi
Griha Prakashan, Pune.

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks
1 Assignments 10
( Total 3 Assignment, Unit I and II 20 marks, Unit III and IV 20 marks
and Unit V 10 marks &50 marks will be converted to 10 Marks)
2 Tests on each unit using LearniCo 10
( Each test for 15 M and total will be converted out of 10 M)

List of Tutorial Assignments

Sr. No. Title COs Mapped
1 Examples on formation of differential equations exact DE. CO1, CO2
2 Examples on linear DE and reducible to linear differential CO1, CO2
3 Examples on application of DE to Orthogonal trajectories, CO1, CO2,
Newton’s Law of cooling. CO3,CO5
4 Examples on Electrical Circuits, motion under gravity, CO1, CO2,
Rectilinear Motion. CO3,CO5
5 Solving differential equation using Matlab. CO1, CO2, CO4
6 Examples on finite differences, differences of polynomials, CO1, CO3
relations between the operators.
7 Examples on Newton’s interpolation formula, Stirling’s formula, CO1, CO3 ,
Lagrange’s Interpolation formula. CO5
8 Solve ordinary differential equations using Numerical Methods. CO1, CO3 ,
9 Solve definite integration using Numerical Methods. CO1, CO3 ,
10 Solving differential equation and definite integrals using Matlab. CO1, CO2, CO4
11 Examples on double and triple integrations. CO1, CO2, CO3
12 Examples on applications of double and triple integration. CO1, CO2,
CO3, CO5
Guidelines for Tutorial / Termwork Assessment
Sr. No. Components for Tutorial / Termwork Assessment Marks Allotted
1 Assignment on computational software 5
2 Tutorial (Each tutorial carries 15 marks) 15
3 Attendance (Above 95 % : 05 Marks, below 75% : 0 Marks) 5
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I / II
FYE221003 Applied Physics (A)
(Group A – Computer, IT, E&TC, AI&DS & CSD)
(Group C - Electrical Engg., Robotics & Automation )
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory :03 hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical : 02 hrs/week 01 Evaluation:: 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
Termwork: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
Describe basics of electromagnetics, advanced materials, wave optics,
CO1 1-Knowledge
wave mechanics and environmental energy
CO2 Classify advanced materials, refracting crystals and solar cell 2-Understand
Explain properties of superconductors, nano-materials and matter
CO3 2-Understand
Calculate characteristics of electromagnetic circuits and optical
CO4 3-Apply
devices, conductivity, efficiency of solar and wind power unit.
Use concepts of electromagnetic effect, semiconductors, wave optics
CO5 3-Apply
and wave equations in real life problems
Unit I Electromagnetism & Electromagnetic Waves (08hrs) COs Mapped -
CO1, CO2
Introduction: Magnetic effect of an electric current, cross and dot conventions, right hand thumb rule,
nature of magnetic field of long straight conductor, solenoid and toroid. Concept of mmf, flux, flux
density, reluctance, permeability and field strength, their units and relationships.
Simple series magnetic circuit, Introduction to parallel magnetic circuit, comparison of electric and
magnetic circuit, force on current carrying conductor placed in magnetic field.
Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction, Fleming right hand rule, staticallystatically and dynamically
induced e.m.f., self and mutual inductance, coefficient of couplings. Energy stored in magnetic field;
Fleming left hand rule.
Electromagnetic Waves
Introduction, Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Wave Equations, Maxwell’s Wave Equations
for Free Space
Unit II Semiconductors, Superconductivity, Nano- (06hrs) COs Mapped -
Material CO1, CO2, CO4,
Types of semiconductor, Conductivity of conductors and semiconductors, temperature dependence of
conductivity, Fermi Dirac distribution function, Position of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, variation with respect to temperature and doping concentration, Hall effect:
Derivation for Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, applications of Hall effect.
Definition, Properties, type of superconductor, Josephson effect and applications
Introduction, quantum confinement effect, surface to volume ratio, properties: Optical, electrical &
Unit Wave Optics (08hrs) COs Mapped -
III CO1, CO2, CO4,
Polarization – Introduction of polarization, law of Malus, double refraction, Huygens theory, LCD.
Diffraction – Introduction of diffraction, types of diffraction, diffraction grating, conditions for
principal maxima and minima, maximum orders of diffraction, Rayleigh’s criterion,
Interference – Introduction, thin film interference, optical flatness testing, antireflection coating,
Rayleigh interferometer and Radio interferometer.
Laser: Basic terms and types of lasers, application (IT, Medical & Industry), laser interferometer and
Hologram Interferometer.
Optical Fibre – Introduction and basic terms, Fibre optic communication with block diagram.
Unit Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Computing (07hrs) COs Mapped -
IV CO1, CO2, CO3,
Basics of Quantum theory, postulates of quantum mechanics, wave nature of particles, wave function,
Schrodinger’s time dependent equation, Stern-Gerlach experiment, electron spin, superposition of
states, Entanglement Bits and Qubits, Implementing a quantum computer : Ion trap, Linear optics,
NMR and superconductors.
Unit V Energy and Environment (07hrs) COs Mapped -
CO1, CO2, CO4
Energy and its Usage:
Overview of World energy scenario, climate change, Engineering for energy conservation, units and
scales of energy.
Solar Energy:
Introduction to solar energy, fundamentals of solar radiation and its measurement aspects, basic
physics of solar cell, carrier transport, generation & recombination in solar cell, semiconductor
junctions: metal-semiconductor junction & p-n junction, essential characteristics of solar photovoltaic
devices, First generation solar cells, Second generations of Solar cells, Third generations of solar
cells-Quantum Dot solar cell, multi junction solar cells
Fluid and Wind Power:
Fluid dynamics and power in the wind, available resources, Wind turbine dynamics, wind farms
Text Books
1. V K Mehta and Rohit Mehta ,”Basic Electrical Engineering”, S Chand Publications.
2. M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar ,”Engineering Physics “, S. Chand Publications
3. Robert L. Jaffe and Washington Tayler, “The Physics of Energy”, Cambridge University Press
Reference Books
1. H.D.Young and R.A.Freedman, “University Physics”, Pearson Publication
2. Resnick and Halliday, “Principles of Physics”, John Wiley and Sons
3. Jenkins and White , “Optics” , Tata McGraw Hill
4. Noson S. Yanofsky and Mirco A. Mannucci, “Quantum computing for computer scientists”.
Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course
Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks Allotted
1 Three Assignments on unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3 & 4 05
2 Group Presentation on Unit-5 10
3 LearniCo Test on Each Unit 05
Total 20

List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments CO Mapped
Experiment based on Newton’s rings (determination of wavelength of
1 monochromatic light, determine radius of curvature of plano-convex CO1, CO5
To determine position of diffraction minima by studying diffraction at a
2 CO4
single slit.
3 To determine unknown wavelength by using plane diffraction grating. CO4
4 To verify Law of Malus. CO4, CO5
Experiment based on Double Refraction (Determination of refractive
5 CO1, CO5
indices / Identification of types of crystal).
6 To determine band gap of given semiconductor. CO4
To study IV characteristics of Solar Cell and determine parameters (fill
7 CO4
factor and efficiency).
8 To determine Hall coefficient and charge carrier density. CO4, CO5
Experiment based on Laser (Determination of thickness of wire /
9 CO4
Number of lines on grating surface).
10 Determination of refractive index using Brewster’s law. CO4
11 To determine magnetic force on a current carrying conductor. CO4, CO5
12 To study magnetic induction due to current carrying conductor CO4, CO5
To study the quantum confinement effect in synthesis of silver nano-
13 CO3, CO5
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction

1. Teacher will brief the given experiment to students its procedure, observations calculation, and
outcome of this experiment.
2. Apparatus and equipments required for the allotted experiment will be provided by the lab
assistants using SOP.
3. Students will perform the allotted experiment in a group (two students in each group) under the
supervision of faculty and lab assistant.
4. After performing the experiment students will check their readings, calculations from the teacher.
5. After checking they have to write the conclusion of the final result.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Write-up should include title, aim, diagram, working principle, procedure, observations, graphs,
calculations, conclusion and questions, if any.
Guidelines for Termwork Assessment
1. Each experiment from lab journal is assessed for thirty marks based on three rubrics.
2. Rubric R-1 for timely completion, R-2 for understanding and R-3 for presentation/journal
writing where each rubric carries ten marks.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I
FYE221004 Applied Physics (B)
(Group B- Mechanical Engg., Civil Engg., Chemical Engg.)
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory :03hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 Evaluation:: 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
TermWork: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s
Describe basics of mechanics, advanced materials, wave optics and
CO1 1-Knowledge
environmental energy
Classify motions is kinematics, advanced materials, refracting crystals
CO2 2-Understand
and solar cell
CO3 Explain properties of superconductors and nano-materials 2-Understand
Calculate parameters in kinematics, conductivity, efficiency of solar and
CO4 3-Apply
wind power unit
Use knowledge of Laws aws of kinematics, semiconductors and wave optics
CO5 3-Apply
in real life problems
Unit I Kinematics of Rectilinear Motion (7hrs) COs Mapped –
CO1, CO2, CO4
Basic concepts, equations of motion for constant acceleration and motion under gravity. Variable
acceleration and motion curves. Relative motion and dependent motion.
Unit II Kinematics of Curvilinear Motion (7hrs) COs Mapped -
Basic concepts, Equation of motion in Cartesian Co-ordinates.
Co Path and polar co--ordinates. Projectile
Unit Semiconductors, Superconductivity, Nano- (7hrs) COs Mapped –
III Material
aterial CO1, CO2, CO4,
Types of semiconductor, Conductivity of conductors and semiconductors, temperature dependence of
conductivity, Fermi Dirac distribution function, Position of Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, variation with respect to temperature and doping concentration, Hal Hall effect:
Derivation for Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, applications of Hall effect.
Superconductivity: Definition, Properties, type of superconductor, Josephson effect and applications
Nano-Materials: Introduction, quantum confinement effect, surface to volume ratio, properties:
Optical, Electrical & Mechanical.
Unit Wave Optics (8hrs) COs Mapped - CO1,
IV CO2, CO4, CO5
Polarization – Introduction of Polarization, Law of Malus, Double Refraction, Huygens Theory,
Diffraction – Introduction of Diffraction, types of diffraction, Diffraction grating, conditions for
principal maxima and minima, Maximum orders of diffraction, Rayleigh’s Criterion,
Interference – Introduction, Thin film Interference, optical flatness testing, Antireflection coating,
Rayleigh Interferometer and Radio Interferometer.
Laser: Basic terms and types of lasers, Application (IT, Medical & Industry), Laser interferometer
and Hologram Interferometer.
Optical Fibre – Introduction and basic terms, Fibre optic communication with block diagram.
Unit V Energy and Environment (7hrs) COs Mapped -
Energy and its Usage
Overview of World Energy scenario, climate change, Engineering for Energy conservation, units and
scales of energy.
Solar Energy:
Introduction to solar energy, fundamentals of solar radiation and its measurement aspects, basic
physics of solar cell, carrier transport, generation & recombination in solar cell, semiconductor
junctions: metal-semiconductor junction & p-n junction, Essential characteristics of solar photovoltaic
devices, First Generation solar cells, Second Generations of Solar cells, Third generations of solar
cells-Quantum Dot solar cell, multi junction solar cells.
Fluid and Wind Power
Fluid dynamics and power in the wind, available resources, Wind turbine dynamics, wind farms
Text Books
1. M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar , “Engineering Physics”, S. Chand Publications
2. R. C. Hibbeler, “Engineering Mechanics”, Pearson Education
3. Robert L. Jaffe and Washington Tayler, “The Physics of Energy”, Cambridge University Press
Reference Books
1. H.D.Young and R.A.Freedman , “University Physics”, Pearson Publication
2 Jenkins and White, “Optics”, Tata Mcgraw Hill
3. S. P. Timoshenko and D. H. Young, “Engineering Mechanics”, McGraw- Hill publication
4. J. L. Meriam and Craige , “Engineering Mechanics”, John Willey

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks Allotted
1 Three Assignments on unit-1, Unit-2, Unit-3 & 4 05
2 Group Presentation on Unit-5 10
3 LearniCo Test on Each Unit 05
Total 20
List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments
Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments COs Mapped
Experiment based on Newton’s rings (determination of wavelength of
1 monochromatic light, determine radius of curvature of plano-convex CO1, CO5
To determine position of diffraction minima by studying diffraction at a
2 CO4
single slit.
3 To determine unknown wavelength by using plane diffraction grating. CO4
4 To verify Law of Malus. CO4, CO5
Experiment based on Double Refraction (Determination of refractive
5 CO1, CO5
indices / Identification of types of crystal).
6 To determine band gap of given semiconductor. CO4
To study IV characteristics of Solar Cell and determine parameters (fill
7 CO4
factor and efficiency).
8 To determine Hall coefficient and charge carrier density. CO4, CO5
Experiment based on Laser (Determination of thickness of wire /
9 CO4
Number of lines on grating surface).
10 Determination of refractive index using Brewster’s law. CO4
11 Draw velocity diagram of four bar mechanism. CO2, CO4
12 To determine the angular acceleration of flywheel CO2, CO4
To study the quantum confinement effect in synthesis of silver nano-
13 CO3, CO5
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1. Teacher will brief the given experiment to students its procedure, observations calculation, and
outcome of this experiment.
2. Apparatus and equipments required for the allotted experiment will be provided by the lab
assistants using SOP.
3. Students will perform the allotted experiment in a group (two students in each group) under the
supervision of faculty and lab assistant.
4. After performing the experiment students will check their readings, calculations from the teacher.
5. After checking they have to write the conclusion of the final result.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Write-up should include title, aim, diagram, working principle, procedure, observations, graphs,
calculations, conclusion and questions, if any.
Guidelines for Termwork Assessment
Each experiment from lab journal is assessed for thirty marks based on three rubrics.
Rubric R-1 for timely completion, R-2 for understanding and R-3 for presentation/journal writing
where each rubric carries ten marks.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I/II
FYE221005 Applied Chemistry
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory : 03hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 Evaluation:: 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
TermWork: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s
CO1 Describe different techniques used for chemical entities present in fluids, 1-Knowledge
fuel, polymer, alloys.
CO2 Select appropriate technology involved in determination of purity and 2- Understand
properties of material.
CO3 Illustrate causes and preventive measures of ill effect of hard water and 3-Apply
CO4 Analyse the fluids, fuels and selection of appropriate purification 3-Apply
CO5 Compare composition of fuels, purity of water and mitigation for 4-Analyze
corrosion control
Unit I Cells, Batteries and Electro analytical (8hrs) COs mapped
Techniques CO1,CO4
Introduction: Dry cell, alkaline battery, Ni
Ni-Cd battery, H2O2 fuel cells, Lithium ion battery. Reference
electrode (calomel electrode), ion selective electrode (combined glass electrode).
Conductometry: Introduction, conductometric titrations of acid versus base with titration curves
pH metry: Introduction, standardization of pH meter, pH metric titration of strong acid versus strong
base with titration curve.
Visible Spectroscopy: Introduction, intera
ction of electromagnetic radiation with matter,
statement of Beer’s law and Lambert’s law, different electronic transitions, terms involved in UVUV-
visible Spectroscopy.
Unit II Fuels (8hrs) COs mapped
CO1, CO4, CO5
Introduction, classification, Calorific value (CV): Gross calorific value (GCV) and Net calorific value
(NCV), Determination of Calorific value: Bomb calorimeter, Solid fuel: Coal: Analysis of Coal
Proximate and Ultimate analysis, Liquid fuel: Petroleum: Refining of petroleum, CNG, HydHydrogen gas
as a fuel. Alternative fuels: Power alcohol, biodiesel and Rocket propellants, Knocking in engines,
octane number and cetane number.
Unit Introduction to Engineering Materials (8hrs) COs mapped
mapped- CO1,

Solid: crystalline and amorphous solids, Polymorphism, unit cell, crystal system-cubic, APF.
Metallurgy-Ores and Minerals, Alloys- classification. Composition, woods metal, brass, Bronze, Ti-
alloys. Preparation of alloys by fusion and powder method. Introduction of polymer: Terms-
Speciality polymers: Introduction, structure, properties and applications of the polymers:
1. Bio-degradable polymers: Poly (hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalanate),
2. Conducting and doped conducting Polymer: Polyacetylene
3.Polymer Composite,
Nanomaterials: Introduction, definition, classification of nanomaterials based on dimensions,
properties and general applications.

Unit Analytical Aspects of Fluids (8hrs) COs mapped-

IV CO1, CO2, CO3,
CO4, CO5

Properties of Fluids-Surface Tension, Capillary action , Viscosity, Vapour Pressure, Types of Fluid
Liquid Fluid- Water and Oil
Water: hardness of water: Types, Determination of hardness by EDTA method, Chloride content in
water by Mohr’s method, Ill effects of hard water in boiler, External Treatment of water i) Zeolite
method ii) Demineralization method. Purification of water: Reverse osmosis.
Oil: Aniline point, Flash Point, Fire point.
Gaseous fluids: Gas Sensors, Types of Gas sensors

Unit V Corrosion Science (8hrs) COs mapped-

CO3, CO5

Introduction, Types of corrosion – Dry and Wet corrosion, mechanism, nature of oxide films and
Pilling-Bedworth’s rule, hydrogen evolution and oxygen absorption, Factors influencing rate of
corrosion. Methods of corrosion control: cathodic protection, Metallic coatings and its types,
Galvanizing and Tinning, Electroplating, Powder coating.

Text Books
1. O .G. Palanna, “Engineering Chemistry”, Tata Magraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
2. Dr. S. S. Dara, Dr. S. S. Umare, “Textbook of Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Reference Books
1. Wiley Editorial, “Engineering Chemistry”, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd
2. Shriver and Atkins, “Inorganic Chemistry”, 5ed, Oxford University Press,
3. S. M. Khopkar, “Basic Concept of Analytical Chemistry”, 2ed, New Age-International Publisher

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks Allotted
1 Assignment on Unit 1 & 2 05
2 Group presentations on Unit 3/4/5 10
3 LearnCo test on each unit 05
List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments
Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments COs
1 Daniel Cell CO1
2 To determine strength of strong acid using conductometer. CO2
To determine maximum wavelength of absorption and find unknown CO4
concentration of given sample by colorimeter.
Determine the calorific value of given solid fuel by using Bomb CO2
5 Proximate analysis of coal. CO5
6 To determine hardness of water by EDTA method CO4
7 Estimation of chloride content by Mohr’s method CO4
8 Estimation of Cu from given brass alloy CO4
9 ECE - To coat copper and zinc on iron plate using electroplating. CO1
10 Preparation of nanomaterials. CO1
11 Preparation of biodiesel from oil. CO1
12 To determine alkalinity of water CO5
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction

1. Teacher will brief the given experiment to students its procedure, observations calculation,
and outcome of this experiment.
2. Apparatus, chemicals, solutions and equipments required for given experiment will be
provided by the lab assistants using SOP.
3. Students will perform the same experiment in a group (two students in each group) under the
supervision of faculty and lab assistant. After performing the experiment students will check
their readings, calculations from respective teacher.

Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal

Write-up should include title, aim, diagram, working principle, procedure, observations, graphs,
calculations, conclusion and questions, if any.
Guidelines for Term work Assessment
Each experiment from lab journal is assessed for thirty marks based on three rubrics.
Rubric R-1 for timely completion, R-2 for understanding and R-3 for presentation/journal
writing where each rubric carries ten marks.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech. (All Branches)

Pattern 2022 Semester: I / II
FYE221006: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory:03hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical: 02hrs/week 01 Evaluation : 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam:60Marks
ork: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Define terminologies and laws related to AC-DC
AC DC circuits, machines 1-Remember
and batteries.
CO2 Demonstrate the need for safety precautions and procedures, 2-Understand
components and instruments in the laboratory.
CO3 Elaborate construction, working and performance characteristics of 2-Understand
electrical machines and protective devices.
CO4 Solve problems on AC-DC
AC circuits, work, power and energy using 3-Apply
relevant laws and theorems.
CO5 Select appropriate machines, protective devices for a given 3-Apply
CO6 Calculate and analyze transformer efficiency, regulation and LT, HT 4-Analyze
electricity bill.
Unit I Work, Power, Energy, Batteries and Supplies (8hrs) COs mapped -
CO1, CO4
Work, Power, Energy: Effect of temperature on resistance, resistance temperature coefficient,
insulation resistance, conversion of energy from one form to another in electrical, mechanical, and
thermal systems.
Batteries and Power Supply:: Charging and discharging of batteri
es, the concept of depth of
charging, maintenance of batteries, series
parallel connection of batteries, Introduction to UPS, SMPS
Unit II DC circuits (8hrs) COs mapped -
CO1, CO4
Types of electrical circuits, KVL and KCL, sources and source transformations, star
star-delta connection,
Superposition, and Thevenin’s theorem
Unit AC Circuits (8hrs) COs mapped -
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and RMS values, Phasor representations, real power,
reactive power, apparent power, power factor, analysis of single-phase
single phase AC circuits consisting of pure
R, L, C, series R-L, R-C, R-L-CC combinations, parallel AC circuit, series, and parallel resonance
Unit Three-phase
phase circuits and Electrical Installations (8hrs) COs mapped -
IV CO3, CO4, CO5
Three-Phase Circuit: Three-phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta
connections, and power calculations.
Electrical Installations: Components of LT Switchgear: fuse MCB, ELCB, types of wiring, earthing.
Unit V Electrical Machines (8hrs) COs mapped -
CO1, CO3, CO5,
Transformers: Construction, principle, e.m.f. equation, ideal and practical transformer, vector
diagram for ideal transformer, losses, regulation and efficiency, Introduction to Auto-transformer.
Electrical machines: Construction, working principle and types of DC generator and motor,
construction, working principle and applications of stepper motor.
Text Books
1. B.L. Theraja, A. K. Theraja, “A Textbook of Electrical Technology” - Volume I: Basic Electrical
Engineering: Part 1 and 2. S Chand Publication.
2. Bharti Dwivedi, Anurag Tripathi, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Wiley
Reference Books
1. D.P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. E. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson, 2010.
3. H. Cotton, “Electrical Technology”, 7th Edition, CBS Publications and distributors.

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks
1 Assignment 1 – (Units 1 to 2, before the in-semester exam) 4 Marks
2 Assignment 2 – (Units 3 to 4, after in-semester exam) 4 Marks
3 Minimum 10 LearniCo sessions (taking best 5) 4 Marks
4 Class Test – (Units 3 to 5, before end-semester exam) 8 Marks

List of Laboratory Experiments

Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments COs Mapped
1 To introduce basic safety precautions, introduction and use of measuring CO2
instruments, like voltmeter, ammeter, multi-meter, oscilloscope, etc., the
practical relevance of resistors, capacitors and inductors.
2 To analyze the effect of temperature on resistance of conducting material CO2
and measure the insulation resistance of cable/equipment using Megger
3 To study LT and HT electricity bills and energy conservation CO6
4 To demonstrate different types of electrical protection equipment such as CO3, CO5
fuses, MCB, MCCB, ELCB
5 To verify Thevenin’s Theorem on DC supply CO1, CO4
6 To analyze series RL and RC circuits on single phase AC supply. CO4
7 To find efficiency and regulation of single-phase transformer at different CO6
loading conditions.
8 To determine the relationship between phase and line quantities for a three- CO4
phase AC circuit when the load is star and delta connected.
9 To demonstrate the construction and working of electrical machines. CO3, CO5
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
In each laboratory session, four to five students will perform the experiment in a group.
Students should do connections under the supervision of the teachers and get the results by
following safety precautions and procedures.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The Student's Lab Journal should contain the following -
Apparatus with their detailed specifications.
Connection diagram /circuit diagram.
Observation table/ simulation waveforms.
Sample calculations for one/two readings.
Result table, Graph and Conclusions.
Few short questions related to the experiment.
Guidelines for Term Work Assessment
1. The student's termwork will be through continuous assessment.
2. Each experiment from lab journal is assessed for thirty marks based on three rubrics.
Rubric R-1 for timely completion, R-2 for understanding and R-3 for presentation/journal
writing where each rubric carries ten marks.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)
F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I / II
FYE221007 Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory :03hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 Evaluation: 20Marks
arks InSem Exam:
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
TermWork: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: Semiconductor Theory, Mathematics
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Describe the working of semiconductor diodes, transistors and 2- Understand
CO2 Explain the basics of number systems, logic gates, Boolean algebra, 2- Understand
electronic communication system, AM, FM, cellular concepts and
GSM system.
CO3 Apply the knowledge of semiconductor diodes, transistors and 3-Apply
OpAmp in realization of basic analog circuits.
CO4 Apply the knowledge of number systems, logic gates and Boolean 3-Apply
algebra in realization of basic digital circuits.
CO5 Analyze the basic analog and digital application circuits. 4-Analyze
Unit I Semiconductor Diodes (08hrs) COs Mapped
CO1, CO3, CO5
PN Junction Diode: Construction, Working and VI Characteristics
Rectifiers: Working and Parameters of Half Wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifiers
Working of Bridge Rectifier with Capacitor Filter
Zener Diode: Working, VI Characteristics, Breakdown Mechanisms, Zener Diode as Voltage
LED and Photodiode: Working, Characteristics and Applications
Unit II Transistors (08hrs) COs Mapped -
CO1, CO3, CO5
Transistors: Introduction and Types
BJT: Construction, Types and Regions of Operations, CB and CE configurations with their
characteristics and current relationships, BJT as Switch, DC Load Line, Voltage Divider Bias Circuit,
Single Stage CE Amplifier
Enhancement MOSFET: Types, Construction, Operation and Characteristics
Unit III Linear Integrated Circuits (08hrs) COs Mapped -
CO1, CO3, CO5
Introduction to OpAmp, Ideal Differential Amplifier, OpAmp Parameters, Introduction to Open Loop
and Closed Loop OpAmp Configurations, Applications of OpAmp: Comparator, Inverting Amplifier,
Non-Inverting Amplifier, Voltage Follower and Summing Amplifier.

Unit Digital Electronics (08hrs) COs Mapped -

IV CO2, CO4, CO5
Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal, their conversion, Binary Arithmetic, Logic Gates, Boolean
Laws, De Morgan’s Theorem, Half Adder, Full Adder, Flip Flops: SR, JK, D and T
Unit V Electronic Communication Systems (08hrs)
COs Mapped -
Block Diagram of Communication System, Communication Media: Wired and Wireless, Modes of
Transmission, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Modulation and It’s Need, AM and FM: Definition,
Modulation Index and Bandwidth, Mobile Communication System: Cellular Concept and Block
Diagram of GSM System
Text Books
1. Thomas. L. Floyd, “Electronics Devices”, 9th Edition, Pearson
2. R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics” , 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
3. George Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books
1. Paul Horowitz, “The Art of Electronics”, 3rdEdition, Cambridge University Press
2. Theodore S. Rappaport , “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice”, 2ndEdition,Pearson

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks Allotted
1 Assignment: 10
Assignment No. 1 - Unit 1, 2 (10 Marks)
Assignment No. 2 - Unit 3, 4, 5 (10 Marks)
2 Quiz (Using Learnico): 10
Unit No. 1 (10 Questions - 10 Marks)
Unit No. 2 (10 Questions - 10 Marks)
Unit No. 3 (10 Questions - 10 Marks)
Unit No. 4 (10 Questions - 10 Marks)
Unit No. 5 (10 Questions - 10 Marks)

List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments CO Mapped
1 Build and demonstrate appropriate AC to DC converter for Mobile CO3, CO5
How to rectify the fault, if the output of your circuit reduces to half of
the required value?
2 Build and demonstrate a circuit to superimpose analog signal with DC CO3, CO5
Hint: Television system.
3 Build and demonstrate basic charging circuit for battery of an electric CO3, CO5
4 Build and demonstrate a simple circuit to control the flashing speed of CO3, CO5
LEDs used in decorative lighting system.
5 Build and demonstrate simple circuit that will convert sine waveform CO3, CO5
into square waveform.
6 Build and demonstrate a simple circuit that will turn off a water pump CO3, CO5
automatically when the water tank is full.
7 Build and demonstrate the simple PUC system which will show green CO4, CO5
light indication if all CO2, SO2, Carbon monoxide levels are less than
threshold value otherwise it should show red light indication.
Hint: MQ series sensors along with comparators cane be used
8 Suggest a simple electronic system for a hearing-impaired person. CO3, CO4,
(Implementation is not expected) CO5
9 Suggest a simple system to transmit your voice signal from a CO3, CO4,
recording room in Nashik to a broadcasting station in Mumbai. CO5
(Implementation is not expected)
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1. Experiments should be performed in a group of two students only.
2. Avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.
3. Double check circuits for proper connections and polarity prior to applying the power.
4. Observe polarity when connecting polarized components or test equipment.
5. Make sure test instruments are set for proper function and range prior to taking a measurement.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Student's lab journal should contain following related things -
Title, Objectives, Hardware/ Software requirement, Theory, Circuit Diagram, Observation table,
Graph, Calculations, Results, Conclusion and Assignment questions
Guidelines for Termwork Assessment
1. R1: Timely completion of experiment (10 Marks)
2. R2: Understanding of experiment (10 Marks)
3. R3: Presentation / clarity of journal writing (10 Marks)
4. Total 30 marks for each experiment and average marks of all experiments will be converted
into 25 marks of term work.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I/II
FYE221008:: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory:03hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
Term Work: 50 Marks
Prerequisite Courses: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to– to
Course Outcomes Bloom’s
Explain the basic concepts of IC engine, thermodynamics and smart
CO1 2- Understand
CO2 Identify various components of electric and hybrid vehicles. 2- Understand
Apply the knowledge of laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer
CO3 3- Apply
to heat engine, heat pump and refrigerator.
CO4 Calculate material parameters for a given application 3- Apply
Select a suitable power transmission element for a required
CO5 3- Apply

Properties of Solid and Power COs Mapped

Unit I (08 hrs)
Transmission Elements – CO4, CO5
a) Properties of Solid: Stress, Tensile, Compressive and Shear Stress, Strain, Elasticity,
Plasticity, Stress-Strain
Strain Diagram and related properties, Proof Stress.
b)Power Transmission Elements: Chain drives, Types of gears and gear drives, Friction
clutch, Brakes.
Basics of Thermodynamics and COs Mapped
Unit II (08 hrs)
Heat Transfer – CO3
a) First Law of Thermodynamics: Application of First law to open system, steady flow and
closed system. Introduction to Heat Engine, Heat Pump and Refrigerator.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin Planck and Clausius Statement, Introduction to
Carnot Heat Engine, Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM) - I and II
b) Heat Transfer: Heat, Modes of heat transfer. Laws of Heat Transfer and applications
Fundamentals of IC Engines and COs Mapped
Unit III (08 hrs)
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles – CO1, CO2
a) Fundamentals of IC Engines:: Classification of Internal Combustion Engines, Working of
2-stroke and 4-Stroke
Stroke engines, Applications of IC Engines.
b) Introduction to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Components of Electric and Hybrid
Vehicles. Advantages and limitations of EVs and Hybrid vehicles.
COs Mapped
Unit IV Manufacturing Processes (08 hrs)
– CO1
Manufacturing Processes: Metal Casting, Forging, Sheet metal Working, Machining and
machine tools, and Metal Joining Processes.
COs Mapped
Unit V Smart Manufacturing (08 hrs)
– CO1
a) Smart Manufacturing: Industrial automation: CNC technology, autonomous robots,
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), Automated Storage (AS)/ Retrieval System (RS), Flexible
b) Manufacturing support systems: Computer integrated manufacturing, computer aided
process planning, machine vision systems for inspection, Lean and agile manufacturing, value
stream mapping
Text Books
1.Iqbal Husain, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, CRC Press, Third Edition
2. Pravin Kumar, “Basic Mechanical Engineering”, Pearson, Second Edition
Reference Books
1.Jonathan Wickert, Kemper Lewis, “An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering”, Cengage
Learning, Fourth Edition
2.Groover M. P. (2016) “Automation, Production Systems, Computer integrated
manufacturing”, Pearson

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks
Peer Supported Independent Study (PSIS) based on one Industrial Visit
Number of Activities: 2
Mark Distribution: 5 marks for each activity
Student will work independently on given topic, (Topic that requires
analysis, application or problem solving using core concepts already
covered in a class)
1 10
Topics: Properties of Solids, Manufacturing Processes, Drives
Input resources will be provided to students
Students are asked to do research for latest articles; study in detail and
carefully observe real life applications of topic during Industrial visit
and present review in 5 minutes or identify/suggest applications of the
One objective test per unit using LearniCo (Total 5 Test)
2 10
(Each test for 10 Marks and average of 5 test will be considered)

List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments

Sr. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments CO Mapped
1 Engine trial for measurement of fuel flow, air flow and brake power CO1, CO3
To determine thermal conductivity using Fourier’s law for a simple
2 CO1, CO3
Calculations of gear ratio and identifying forces on different types
3 CO5
of gears
4 Rockwell Hardness Test CO4
5 Visit to molding and casting industry CO1, CO4
To determine power consumption, refrigerating effect and COP of
6 CO1, CO3
7 Survey of electric vehicles to study its specifications CO2
8 Determination of Stiffness CO4
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1. Measurement of Hardness using Rockwell Hardness Tester for Mild Steel, Aluminium,
Copper and Brass (Experiment 4)
2. Determine stiffness of 2 mm diameter wire (Aluminium or Copper). (Experiment 8)
3. Industrial Visit should be arranged to Molding and Casting Industry. Students will give
presentation based on observations made during Industrial Visit.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The Student's Lab Journal should contain following related to every experiment:
1. Theory related to the experiment
2. Apparatus with their detailed specifications
3. Schematic, Layout/diagram
4. Observation table
5. Sample calculations for Rockwell Hardness Test and Determination of Stiffness.
6. Result table. Graph and Conclusions
7. 3/4 questions related to the experiment
8. Attach Photo of experiment or image related to Experiment
Guidelines for Termwork Assessment
For every Lab Assignment -
Rubric Mode of Assessment Marks
Rubric R1 Timely Completion of Journal Writing Marks 10
Rubric R2 Understanding of Experiments Marks 10
Rubric R3 Presentation / Clarity of journal writing Marks 10
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I/II
FYE221009: Engineering Mechanics
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory : 03hrs/week 03 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 Evaluation:: 20Marks
InSem Exam: 20Marks
EndSem Exam: 60Marks
ork: 25Marks

Prerequisite Courses, if any: -

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Select appropriate method to solve problems on rigid bodies. 1 - Remember
CO2 Extend the concepts of engineering mathematics and trigonometry 2 - Understanding
for analyzing structures.
CO3 Construct the free body diagram and correlate active and reactive 3 - Applying
CO4 Determine centroid and moment of inertia of plane lamina. 3 - Applying
CO5 Apply the concept of work, power, energy and impulse- impulse 3 - Applying
momentum to solve engineering problems.
Unit I Resolution, Composition, Moment of Forces and (10hrs) CO1, CO2, CO3
Equilibrium of particle
a) Resultant of force system: Basic concepts, force system, resolution and composition of forces,
resultant of coplanar forces, moment of a force, Varignon’s theorem, resultant of parallel force
system, couple, equivalent force-couple
couple systems
b) Equilibrium: Free body diagram, conditions
conditions of equilibrium for various force systems, equilibrium
of two, three and more than three forces.
Unit II Analysis of Statically Determinate Beams and Truss (7hrs) CO1, CO2, CO3
a) Types of beams and types of supports
b) Reactions of simple beams and reactions of Cantilever beams.
c) Two force members, analysis of plane truss using method of joints and sections
Unit III Centroid and Moment of Inertia (7hrs) CO1, CO2, CO4
a) Centre of gravity, centre of mass and centroid, centroid of plane laminas. Area moment of inertia.
Unit IV Friction (7hrs) CO1, CO2, CO3
a) Nature and characteristic of friction, static and dynamic friction, laws of friction, angle of friction,
angle of repose, cone of friction.
b) Block friction on horizontal and inclined planes, wedge friction. Ladder friction and Belt friction.
Unit V Kinetics (9hrs) CO1, CO2,CO3,
a) Kinetics of rectilinear and curvilinear motion.
b) Work-energy principle: Work, power and energy, work-energy principle.
c) Collision of elastic bodies: Impact, elastic and inelastic impact, conservation of momentum,
coefficient of restitution, Impulse-momentum principle
Text Books
1. F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnson, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, McGraw-Hill Publication
2. D.S. Kumar, “Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics”, S. K. Kataria and Sons Publication
Reference Books
1. S. P. Timoshenko and D. H. Young, “ Engineering Mechanics”, McGraw- Hill Publication
2. J. L. Meriam and Craige, “Engineering Mechanics”, John Willey Publication

Guidelines for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Theory Course

Sr. No. Components for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation Marks Allotted
1 LearniCo Performance – Weekly 2 lectures and min. 5 questions 5
in each lecture (5marks)
2 Unit Tests with Peer Assessment - 1st test on Unit 1 & 2, 2nd test 15
on Unit 3 & 4 (15marks)

List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments CO Mapped
1 Determine resultant of given force system CO1, CO2,
(a) Experiment on Verification of law of polygon of forces CO3
(b)Practice problems on resultant and equilibrium of forces, moment,
2 Curvilinear motion CO1, CO2,
(a) Experiment on study of rolling motion of a sphere on a curved CO5
surface and trajectory of spinning sphere
(b)Practice problems on Kinetics of curvilinear motion.
3 Belt friction – CO1, CO2,
(a)Experiment on determination of coefficient of friction of flat and CO3, CO4
(b) Practice problems on friction, centroid and moment of inertia.
4 Analysis of Beams and Truss CO1, CO2,
(a) Experiment on determination of support reaction of the given CO3
(b) Practice problems on analysis of beams and truss.
5 Study of impact CO1, CO2,
(a)Experiment on Finding the coefficient of restitution for impact CO3, CO5
between two bodies
(b) Practice problems on impulse – momentum principle,
D’Alembert’s principle and work – energy principle.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1. Experiments should be performed in the group of 4-5 students.
2. Practice problems should be solved in the group of 4-5 students.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Write-up should include title, aim, diagram, working principle, procedure, observations,
graphs, calculations, conclusion and questions, if any.
Practice problems should be written in a separate book.
Guidelines for Termwork Assessment
Practical Assessment – 30 marks each (Rubric R-1 for timely completion, R-2 for
understanding and R-3 for presentation where each rubric carries ten marks.)
Assessment of Practice Problems – 30 marks each
Total Marks of Practical and Practice Problems will be converted to 25 Marks for Term Work.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I/II
FYE221010: Programming in C
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory : 02hrs/week 02 InSem Exam: 25Marks
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 EndSem Exam: 50Marks
Termwork: 50 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Illustrate the concepts of Computational thinking and problem 2-Understand
CO2 Develop flowchart, algorithm and a C Program to solve a given 3-Apply
CO3 Build a solution for a given problem using control structures 3-Apply
CO4 Use arrays, structures and files in developing programs 3-Apply
CO5 Identify logical and syntactical errors 2-Understand
CO6 Develop programs using functions 3-Apply
Unit I Computational Thinking (CT) and Problem 06 hrs COs Mapped –
Solving CO1, CO2

Computational Thinking (CT): What is CT? Purpose of CT, Logical Thinking, CT and Problem
Solving Strategies
Program planning tools- algorithm, flowchart and pseudo code, Introduction to top
top-down structured
programming, Types of programming languages, Introduction to System Software, Types of Program
Errors: Syntax, logical, runtime, Debugging.

Unit II Introduction to C Programming and 05 hrs COs Mapped –

Conditional Algorithmic Constructs
C CO1, CO2, CO3

Identifiers, Data Types, Variables, Constants, Input / Output, Operators(Arithmetic, relational, logical,
bitwise), Expressions, Precedence and Associativity, Type conversions.
Controlling algorithm execution
Conditional algorithmic constructs-
constructs if, if-else, nested if-else, cascaded if-else
else and switch statement
Unit Iterative Algorithmic
lgorithmic Constructs and Arrays 06 hrs COs Mapped –
CO4, CO5
Iterative algorithm constructs: Construction of loops, Establishing initial condition, ‘for’, ‘while’,
‘do-while’ statements, nested loops, Continue, break statements
Arrays: Concept, One- dimensional, multidimensional array, character arrays (Strings).

Unit Decomposition using function 05 hrs COs Mapped –

IV CO1, CO2,
CO3, CO5, CO6

Function types: Library functions (math, string), user defined functions: Function definition, function
declaration, arguments, scope rules and lifetime of variables, function calls and return.
Self study: macro

Unit V Structures and File handling 04 hrs COs Mapped –

CO1, CO2,
CO3, CO4, CO5

Defining a structure, accessing members, structure initialization, arrays of structures

Files: Concept of files, records, fields, File Processing - fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), fscanf(), getc(),
putc(), closing files.
Self Study: Enum, Union

Text Books
1.Yashavant Kanetkar, “Let Us C” – Seventh Edition, BPB Publications, 2007
2. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
3.Karl Beecher, “Computational Thinking, A Beginner's guide to Problem solving and Programming”,
BCS Learning & Development Ltd, 2017
Reference Books
1.Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, Pearson Education,
2.Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, B.A.Forouzan and R.F. Gilberg,
Third Edition, Cengage Learning.
List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments
Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments COs Mapped
1 In a departmental store, a customer is offered an x% discount on the CO1,CO2,
printed price of each commodity. The customer needs to pay y% sales CO5
tax on the discounted amount.
Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm / a pseudo-code and write a C
program to calculate the amount to be paid by the customer for a
commodity using above conditions.
Also specify the machine configuration, Name and version of operating
System and Compiler used to compile and execute the program. List
various steps and operating system commands that were used to develop,
compile and execute the program.
2 A type of a triangle (equilateral, isosceles, right angle triangle etc) is CO1,CO2,
decided using the length of its three sides. CO3,CO5
Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm /write a pseudo-code and write a C
program to accept the length of three sides of a triangle and display the
type of triangle. Also Calculate its area and perimeter.
3 After conducting a class test for a course, a teacher wants to record the CO1,CO2,
marks obtained by all the students in the class and find the Minimum CO3,CO4,
and Maximum score obtained. The teacher is also interested in knowing CO5
the number of students who passed in this test
Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm/ a pseudo-code and write a C
program to record the marks and perform above functions.
4 Draw a flowchart/write an algorithm / a pseudo-code and write a menu CO1,CO2,
driven C program to perform following string operations using library CO3,CO4,
and user defined function: CO5
i. Find length of a string
ii. Copy a string
iii. Concatenate the string
iv. Compare two strings
v. Convert to Uppercase and Lowercase
5 Draw a flowchart/write an algorithm / a pseudo-code and write a C CO1,CO2,
program using functions to perform the following operations: CO3,CO4,
i. Addition of Two Matrices CO5,CO6
ii. Multiplication of Two Matrices
iii. Transpose of a given matrix
iv. Compute the saddle point of a given matrix
6 Draw a flowchart, write an algorithm / a pseudo-code and write a C CO1,CO2,
program using a function to test whether the given number is a prime CO3,CO4,
number and also to find smallest divisor, GCD, LCM of the given CO5,CO6
7 A company desires to maintain a database of its customer by recording CO1,CO2,
information about customers such as name, mobile, gender, city etc. The CO3,CO4,
sales department personnel would like to get CO5
i. List of customers with all the details,
ii. List of customers and their mobile numbers,
iii. List of customers from a given city
iv. Number of male and female customers
Draw a flow-chart, write an algorithm / a pseudo-code and develop a
menu driven application to provide above functionalities
8 Write a C program to read a text file and display number of characters, CO1,CO2,
words and lines in the given text file CO3,CO4,
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
Use coding standards such as variable naming conventions, use of constants, proper indentation,
comments and documentation
For each assignment, students should write number of lines of code, various errors encountered and
test cases used to test the program
Students should incorporate functionalities mentioned in boldface in the assignments
In addition to above eight assignments, students may develop an application in consultation with the
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The laboratory assignments are to be submitted by students in the form of a journal. Journal consists
of Certificate, table of contents, and handwritten write-up of each assignment (Title, problem
statement, theory concepts in brief, algorithm, flowchart, test cases and conclusions). Program codes
with sample outputs shall be submitted in soft form.
Guidelines for Term work Assessment
Continuous assessment of laboratory work shall be based on the overall performance of a student.
Assessment of each laboratory assignment shall be based on rubrics that include
R1- timely completion (10) – Full marks if submitted in time, 5 marks otherwise,
R2- understanding of assignment (10) Full marks for accurate flowchart, algorithm / pseudo-code and
working code
R3- Use Coding standards, proper documentation, neatness of writeup (10) – 5 marks for coding
standards and documentation and 5 marks for neatness of write up.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: II
FYE221011: Programming in C++
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory : 03hrs/week 03 InSem Exam: 25 Marks
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 EndSem Exam: 50 Marks
Termwork: 50 Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: Computational Thinking and C Programming
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Illustrate Object Oriented Programming concepts to solve 2-Understand
various computing problems using C++
CO2 Apply the concept of Inheritance for reusability of a class 3-Apply
CO3 Apply Polymorphism to build a solution 3-Apply
CO4 Use template and exception handling in a given problem 3-Apply
CO5 Use files for developing a program 3-Apply
Unit I Fundamentals of Object Oriented (7hrs) COs Mapped –
Programming CO1

Introduction and Need of object

oriented programming (OOP), Fundamentals: objects, classes,
characteristics of OOP, Benefits of OOP, C++ as object oriented programming language.
Abstraction mechanism:: Classes, objects, access specifiers (private, public, protected),
protected), constructors,
destructors, member data, member functions, Static members: variable and functions, inline function,
friend function.
Self Study : C++ as extension of C - Comments, Global scoping operator

Unit II Inheritance (8hrs) COs Mapped –

CO1, CO2

Inheritance:: Class hierarchy, derived classes, types of inheritance , constructor and destructor
execution in inheritance, base initialization using derived class constructors, Ambiguity in Multiple
Inheritance,, Virtual Base Class, Abstract class, Friend Class, Nested Class
Self Study : Class hierarchy with "IS - A" and "Has-a" relationships

Unit Polymorphism (7hrs) COs Mapped –

Introduction to Pointers: Introduction (Basic Concepts)
Polymorphism: Binding, Static binding, Dynamic binding, Static polymorphism: Function
Overloading, Operator Overloading-Overloading Unary, Binary Operators.
Dynamic (Run Time) Polymorphism- Pointers to Base class, virtual function and its significance in
C++, pure virtual function, abstract base class

Unit Generic Programming and Exception handling (7hrs) COs Mapped –


Templates- The Power of Templates, Function template, overloading Function templates, and class
template, Generic Functions.
Exception handling: Fundamentals of error handling, try, catch, throw, Simple exception handling
Self study : STL vector, list

Unit V File handling (7hrs) COs Mapped –

CO1, CO5

Data hierarchy, Stream and files, Stream Classes, Disk File I/O with Streams, File Pointers, File I/O
with Member Functions.
Self Study : Formatted I/O, command line arguments

Text Books
1.Deitel,“C++ How to Program”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN:81-297-0276-2
2.Robert Lafore, “Object-Oriented Programming in C++”, 4th edition, Sams Publishing,
3.E.Balagurusamy, “Object-Oriented Programming with C++”, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill
Publication, ISBN 10: 9352607996
Reference Books
1. Herbert Schildt, “C++-The complete reference”, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Professional, 2011,
2. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, 4th edition, Addison-Wesley ISBN 978-
0321563842. May 2013

List of Laboratory Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Assignments COs
1 Write a C++ Program to display Names, employee_id, salary of 3 employees. CO1
Declare the class of employee. Create an Array of class objects. Read and
display the contents of the array.
2 Write a C++ Program to Create class DM which stores the value of distances CO1
in meters and centimeters. Read values for the class objects and add one
object of DM with another object and find greater distance from two objects.
Use a friend function to carry out the addition operation. The display should
be in the format of meters and centimeters
3 Write a C++ program to develop a program in C++ to create a database of a CO1
student's information system containing the following information: Name,
Roll number, Class, Division, Date of Birth and Telephone number.
Construct the database with suitable member functions. Make use of
constructor, default constructor, copy constructor, destructor, count number
of students
4 Write a C++ program to create a base class Person (name and phone number). CO1,
Derive Academic Performance (Degree, percentage) class from Person class. CO2
Display Biodata of the person.
5 Write a C++ program to implement a class Complex which represents the CO1,
Complex Number data type. Implement the following CO3
1. Constructor (including a default constructor which creates the complex
number 0+0i).
2. Overload operator+ to add two complex numbers.
3. Overload operator* to multiply two complex numbers
6 Write a C++ program to make operations for a publishing company which CO1,
does marketing for book and audio cassette versions. Create a class CO3
publication that stores the title (a string) and price (type float) of publications.
From this class derive two classes: book which adds a page count (type int)
and tape which adds a playing time in minutes (type float).
Write a program that instantiates the book and tape class, allows users to
enter data and displays the data members. If an exception is caught, replace
all the data member values with zero values. Use virtual functions
7 Write a C++ program to Create a class template to represent generic vectors. CO1,
Include following functions: CO4
To create a vector, To modify the value of given vector, Multiply vector by a
scalar value, Display vector
8 Write a C++ program to Create a class of employees (data members name, CO1,
DOB, mobile). Write a function to accept the data and display the CO4,
information. Use exception handling while accepting the data. e.g in DOB CO5
day value should be in between 1 to 31, month value should be in between 1
to 12 etc. Store and retrieve a data from the file.
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
Use of coding standards and Hungarian notation, proper indentation and comments.
Use of open source software is to be encouraged.
Operating System recommended:- Linux or its derivative
Programming tools recommended: - Open Source line g++
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
The laboratory assignments are to be submitted by students in the form of a journal. Journal consists
of Certificate, table of contents, and handwritten write-up of each assignment (Title, problem
statement, theory Concepts in brief, algorithm, flowchart, test cases and conclusions). Program
codes with sample outputs shall be submitted in soft form.
Guidelines for Term work Assessment
Continuous assessment of laboratory work shall be based on overall performance of a student.
Assessment of each laboratory assignment shall be based on rubrics that include R1- timely
completion (10), R2- understanding of assignment (10) and R3- presentation/clarity of journal
writing (10).
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I/II
FYE221012 Engineering Drawing
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory:01hr/week 01 InSem Exam: 25Marks
Practical: 02hrs/week 01 EndSem Exam: 50Marks
Tutorial:01hr/week 01 Term Work: 25 Marks
Tutorial: 25 Marks
Prerequisite Courses: -
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to– to
COs Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Explain the need of engineering drawing and its standards. 2-Understand
CO2 Interpret engineering drawing by visualization. 2-Understand
CO3 Draw projections of 2D and 3D objects. 3-Apply
Apply manual and computerized graphical tools to solve practical
CO4 3-Apply
(03hrs+ COs Mapped –
Unit I Projections of a Point and Line
2hrsTutorial) CO2, CO4
Projections of a point, projections of a line located in first quadrant only.
COs Mapped –
Unit II Projections of Plane (02hrs)
CO2, CO3, CO4
Types of planes, projections of plane inclined to both the reference planes
COs Mapped -
Unit (03hrs+
Orthographic Projections CO1, CO2, CO3,
III 2hrsTutorial)
Principle of projections, types of projections, introduction to first and third angle methods of
projection, basic rules of orthographic projection, orthographic and sectional orthographic projection
of simple objects and machine elements/parts. Applications of orthographic drawing in industries.
Unit (02hrs+ COs Mapped –
Isometric Projections
IV 2hrsTutorial) CO2, CO3, CO4
Introduction to isometric projection and isometric scale. Construction of isometric view from given
orthographic views. Applications of isometric drawing in industries.
COs Mapped -
Projections of Solids and Development of (03hrs+
Unit V CO1, CO2, CO3,
Lateral Surfaces of Solids 4hrsTutorial)
Types of solids, projection of solids resting on HP only. Methods of development: parallel line
development and radial line development. Development of simple solids like cone, cylinder, prism,
tetrahedron and pyramid.
1. Bhatt, N. D. and Panchal, V. M., “Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publication, Anand, India
2.Jolhe, D. A., “Engineering Drawing with introduction to AutoCAD”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books
1. Bhatt, N. D., “Machine Drawing”, Charotar Publishing house, Anand, India.

List of Tutorial Assignments

(Solve assignments related to following topics by using any drafting software.)
Sr. No. Title CO Mapped
1 Projection of line. (One Problem) CO2, CO4
Orthographic Projection of Simple objects from given pictorial CO1, CO2, CO3,
views. (One Problem) CO4
Development of 3D model from the given orthographic views.
3 CO2, CO3, CO4
(One Problem)
4 Projection of solids. (One Problem) CO2, CO3, CO4

List of Laboratory Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Assignments CO Mapped
Engineering drawing standards like types of lines, lettering and
1 CO1
2 Projection of lines. (Two Problems) CO2, CO4
3 Projection of Planes.(Two Problems) CO2, CO3, CO4
Orthographic Projection of given objects including sectional CO1, CO2,
view. (Two Problems) CO3, CO4
Isometric projection for the given set of two-dimensional views.
5 CO2, CO3, CO4
(Two Problems)
Projection of Solids and Development of Lateral Surfaces of CO1, CO2,
solids. (One problem each) CO3, CO4
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
Students will solve six laboratory assignments on A2 size drawing sheet.
Guidelines for Tutorial Conduction
Students will solve four tutorial assignments by using any drafting software.
Drawing limits for all drawings to be made in drafting software should be set to A2 Size.
At the end of semester students shall submit all soft copies of all assignments to a concerned
Guidelines for Termwork and Tutorial Assessment
Each laboratory and tutorial assignments will be assessed for 30 Marks according to following
R1- Timely completion of assignments (10 Marks)
R2- Understanding of assignment (10 Marks)
R3 – Presentation/Clarity of journal writing (10 Marks)
For all six drawing sheets total marks of 180 will be converted into 25 Marks.
For all four tutorial assignments total marks of 120 will be converted into 25 marks.
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I / II
FYE221013: Workshop Practice
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Practical : 02 hrs/week 01 Termwork:
ork: 50Marks

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–

Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Select appropriate machine and cutting tools for a given application 1- Remember
CO2 Describe the process and programming methods for CNC machines 2-Understand
and 3D printing
CO3 Apply the basic knowledge of Shop Floor Safety, Machine tools and 3-Apply
Manufacturing processes.
CO4 Fabricate the simple mechanical parts 3-Apply

List of Laboratory Experiments / Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Assignments COs
1 Workshop safety CO3
Introduction to workshop facilities, workshop safety norms.
2 Fitting shop CO4
Preparation of simple fitting job having sawing, filing, drilling, tapping
operations using different tools/equipments
tools/equipments such as files, hammers, drills &
taps, etc.
3 Tin Smithy shop CO4
Preparation of simple sheet metal job having shearing, bending and joining
operations using different tools/equipments such as hammers, mallet, stake
block, snip, etc. needed for it.
4 Carpentry Shop CO4
Preparation of simple wooden job having marking, sawing, planning,
chiseling operations using different tools/equipmentss such as saws, Jack
plane, chisel, hammer, mallet etc. needed for it.
5 Welding Shop CO1
Demonstration of simple welding job using arc welding process.
6 Demonstration of conventional machine Tools CO1
Demonstration of conventional machine Tools: Lathe and Milling machine
7 Demonstration of CNC machine Tools CO2
Introduction to CNC turning, VMC, plasma arc machining, Laser cutting,
CNC wood router. Detail demonstration of any one process with one
programming assignment.
8 Demonstration of 3D printing CO2
Demonstration of basic steps of 3D printing such as creating a design,
exporting STL file, choosing parameters, creating G code and printing
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
1. Importance of workshop practical and shop floor safety norms should be emphasized in the first
practical session.
2. Students should develop one product/prototype involving operations from Practical 2 to 5.
3. Instructor should demonstrate detailed working of welding and machine tools.
4. Instructor should demonstrate one programming assignment on 3D printing and CNC machine.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
1. Prepare work diary based on practical performed in workshop. Work diary consists of job drawing,
operations to be performed, required raw materials, tools, equipments, date of performance with
instructor signature.
2. Student has to maintain one file for write ups based on safety norms and illustrations/sketches of
demonstrated parts/mechanisms/machine tools etc.
Guidelines for Termwork Assessment
Term work assessment shall be based on the timely completion of jobs, quality of job, skill acquired,
completion of workshop diary and brief write-ups.

Text Books
1. S. K. Hajra Choudhary, Nirjhar Roy, “Element of Workshop Technology: Vol.1 and 2”, Media
Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 15th Edition, 2012
2. H. S. Bawa, “Workshop Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Education (Publisher)
Reference Books
1. John, K. C., “Mechanical Workshop Practice”, Prentice Hall Publication, New Delhi
2. Mikell P. Groover, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, Wiley Publications
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I
FYE221014 Communication Skills
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 1hr/week 01 Continuous Comprehensive
Practical: 02hrs/week 01 Evaluation:: 25Marks
Termwork: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: ----
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Develop effective communication skills including Listening, Reading, 3-Apply
Writing and Speaking
CO2 Practice professional etiquette and present oneself confidently. 3-Apply
CO3 Function effectively in heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of 3-Apply
team work, Inter-personal
personal relationships, conflict management and
leadership quality.
CO4 Evaluate oneself by performing SWOC Analysis to introspect about 4-Evaluate
individual’s goals and aspirations.
CO5 Constructively participate in group discussion, meetings and prepare 4-Evaluate
and deliver Presentations.
Text Books
1. Gajendra Singh Chauhan, Sangeeta Sharma, “Soft Skills – An Integrated Approach to Maximize
Personality”, Wiley India, ISBN:13:9788126556397
2. Simon Sweeney, “English for Business Communication”, Cambridge University Press, ISBN
13:978- 0521754507
Reference Books
1. Indrajit Bhattacharya, “An Approach to Communication Skills”, Delhi, Dhanpat Rai, 2008
2. Sanjay Kumar and Pushpa Lata, “Communication Skills”, Oxford University Press, ISBN
3. Business Communication & Soft Skills, McGraw Hill Education.
4. Atkinson and Hilgard, “Introduction to Psychology”, 14th Edition, Geoffrey Loftus, ISB ISBN-
10:0155050699, 2003.
5. Kenneth G. Mcgee, “Heads Up: How to Anticipate Business Surprises & Seize Opportunities
First”, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 2004, ISBN 10:1591392993
6. Krishnaswami, N. and Sriraman T., “Creative English
Englis for Communication,” Macmillan

List of Laboratory Experiments / Class Assignments

Sr. No. Laboratory Experiments / Class Assignments COs
1 English Language Basics – Class Assignments CO1
Fundamentals of English grammar, Vocabulary Building, Developing
eveloping basic
writing skills and Identifying Common Errors in Writing
2 Listening and Reading Skills CO1
a. Listening Worksheets using Language Lab Software
Each student will be given specifically designed worksheets that contain
blanks / matching / MCQs that are designed to an audio (chosen by the
faculty). Students have to listen to the audio (only once) and complete the
worksheet as the audio plays. This will help reiterate active listening as well as
deriving information (listening to information between the lines)
b. Reading Comprehension Worksheets to be distributed/displayed to students.
– Class Assignments
Teacher will choose reading passages from non-technical domains, design
worksheets with questions for students to answer. This will enhance student’s
reading skills by learning how to skim and scan for information.
3 Writing Skills CO1
a. Letter / Email Writing – Lab Experiment
After explaining to the students the highlights of effective writing, students
can be asked to write (using digital platforms / paper-based) letter to an
organization with the following subject matter,
i. Requesting opportunity to present his/her product.
ii. Complaining about a faulty product / service.
iii. Apologizing on behalf of one’s team for the error that occurred.
iv. Providing explanation for a false accusation by a client.

b. Abstract Writing – Class Assignment

Teacher will choose a newspaper article / short stories and ask students to
write an abstract.
4 Speaking Skills / Oral Communication – Part A CO5,
a. One minute Self Introduction – Class Assignment CO2
Explain how to introduce oneself in a professional manner and presenting
oneself positively Name, Academic Profile, Achievements, Career
Aspirations, Personal Information (hobbies, family, social).
b. Presentations – Lab Experiment
Every student will have to choose a topic of his/her choice and make a 5-
minute presentation using audio-video aids / PPT. Every student will make
two presentations on – one technical and other non-technical topic. Focus and
evaluation of each presentation should be the depth of knowledge about the
topic, originality of perspective on the topic, well-researched or not, verbal
and non-verbal skills and ability to answer questions effectively. Plagiarism
should be discredit and students should be instructed about it.
5 Speaking Skills / Oral Communication – Part B CO1,
a. Group Discussion – Lab Experiment / Class Assignment CO5,
The class will be divided into groups of 5-6 students for a discussion lasting CO2,
15 minutes. Topics should be provided by teachers. After each group finishes CO3
its discussion, the teacher will give critical feedback including areas of
improvement. The teacher should act as a moderator / observer only
6 Extempore CO1,
Various topics will be laid out in front of the audience and each student is to CO2
pick one topic and speak about the topic for 5 minutes followed by Q&A from
audience. Teacher will evaluate each student based on thinking ability,
content, communication skills, logical and cohesive presentation of topic,
perspective of student, ability to handle questions and respond positively
7 SWOC Analysis CO4
a. Focus on introspection and become aware of one’s Strengths, Weakness,
Opportunities and Challenges. Students can write down their SWOC in a
matrix and the teacher can discuss the gist personally.
b. Resume Writing
The teacher should conduct a brief session outlining the importance of a CV /
Resume and students can write / type out their own resumes
i. Share various professional formats.
ii. Focus on highlighting individual strengths.
iii. Develop personalized professional goals / statement at the beginning of the
Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction
The teacher may design specific assignments that can highlight the learning outcomes of each unit.
Each activity conducted in the lab should begin with a brief introduction of the topic, purpose of the
activity from a professional point of view and end with the learning outcomes as feedback from
students. Most of the lab sessions can be designed to be inclusive; allowing students to learn skills
experientially; which will benefit them in the professional environment. Every student must be given
sufficient opportunity to participate in each activity and constructive feedback from the instructor /
facilitator at the end of the activity should learn towards encouraging students to work on improving
their skills. Activities should be designed to respect cultural, emotional and social standing of
students. Some of the activities can be designed to cater to enhancement of multiple skills – e.g. Team
Building Activity can highlight ‘open communication’, ‘group discussion’, ‘respecting perspectives’,
‘leadership skills’, ‘focus on goals’ which can help students improve their inherent interpersonal
At least one session should be dedicated to an interactive session that will be delivered by an expert
from the industry; giving the students an exposure to professional expectations.
Guidelines for Student's Lab Journal
Each student should have a Lab Workbook (sample workbook attached) which outlines each lab
activity conducted. The student must respond by writing out their learning outcomes and elaborating
the activities performed in the lab., group discussion, group exercises and interpersonal skills and
similar other activities/assignments.
Guidelines for Term work Assessment
Continuous Assessment of laboratory work is to be done based on overall performance and lab
assignments and performance of student. Each lab assignment assessment will be assigned
grade/marks based on parameters with appropriate weightage. Suggested parameters for overall
assessment as well as each lab assignment assessment include- timely completion, performance,
punctuality, neatness, enthusiasm, participation and contribution in various activities-SWOC analysis,
presentations, team activity, event management
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: II
FYE221015 Engineering Explorations
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Practical : 02hrs/week 01 Term Work: 50Marks
Prerequisite Courses, if any: ----
Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Apply principles from several disciplines. 3-Apply
CO2 Demonstrate long-term
term retention of knowledge and skills acquired. 3-Apply
CO3 Function effectively as a team to accomplish a desired goal. 3-Apply
CO4 Explore an Engineering Product and prepare its Mind map 4-Analysis
CO5 Enhance their learning ability to solve practical problems.
problems 4-Synthesis


Experiential learning involves a number of steps that offer student a hands-on,

hands on, collaborative and
reflective learning experience which helps them to “fully learn new skills and knowledge”. During
each step of the experience, students will engage with the content, the instructor, each other as well
as self–reflect
reflect and apply what they have learned in another situation.
Students undergo the Experiential Learning through following phases of Engineering Exploration,
Engineering Design and Product Realization. Students will undertake mini projects to acquaint with
knowledge in the various domains of Engineering.
The course introduces students to analyzing, designing, developing, testing, report writing and
project presentations that demonstrate understanding. Students will be asked to observe, document,
raise questions and draw conclusions. Teachers rely on a variety
variety of resources to enrich students’
studies that may include meeting experts and hands
hands-on experimentation.
Reference Books
1. Project-Based
Based Learning, Edutopia, March 14, 2016.
2. What is PBL? Buck Institute for Education.
Guidelines for Course Conduction

• There should be a group of 44-5 students.

• Groups will be monitored by the Course teacher.
• Following two assignments will be completed by all groups
A) Exploration of an Engineering product like Electronic Voting Machine, Car, Mobile
handset, Elevator / Escalator, Operation Table, Solar water heater. The exploration will be
based on working principle, specifications, material used, manufacturing proces
process, technology
used, operations (observable and controllable), ergonomics, extent of automation, safety
features, environmental issues, maintenance and costing.
B) Teachers will identify 12-15 mini project ideas.
• Every group will undertake a mini project in consultation with the Course teacher.
• Project ideas will be common to all first year divisions but the implementation might be
• The students will plan, manage and complete the associated tasks.
Guidelines for Course Completion

Students will present/submit the Mind Map of the Engineering product chosen for exploration.
Students will exhibit/demonstrate the completed project at the end of the semester along with a brief
report in a recommended format as term work submission.

Guidelines for Term work Assessment

The Course teacher is committed to assess and evaluate the students’ performance. Progress of work
done will be monitored on weekly basis.
During process of monitoring and continuous assessment, the individual and team performance is to
be measured.
• Individual assessment for each student should be based on understanding individual capacity,
role and involvement in the Engineering Product Exploration/project.
• Group assessment should be based on roles defined, distribution of work, intra-team
communication and togetherness.
• Documentation and Demonstration.
It is recommended that all activities are to be recorded regularly and proper documents are to be
maintained by both students as well as the course teacher.
Continuous Assessment Sheet (CAS) is to be maintained by the Course teacher.
A) Recommended parameters for assessment of Engineering Product Exploration: (25marks)
Working principle, specifications, material used, manufacturing process, technology used,
operations (observable and controllable), ergonomics, extent of automation, safety features,
environmental issues, maintenance and costing.
B) Recommended parameters for assessment of Project: (25marks)
• Outcomes of Mini Project / Problem Solving Skills / Solution provided / Final product (50%)
(Individual assessment and team assessment)
• Documentation (Gathering requirements, design & modeling, implementation/execution, use
of technology and final report, other documents) (25%)
• Demonstration (Presentation, User Interface, Usability, Participation in Exhibition/Contest
etc) (15%)
• Awareness / Consideration of – Environmental / Social / Ethical / Safety / Legal aspects
K.K.Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nas
(Autonomous from Academic Year 2022-23)

F. Y. B. Tech.
Pattern 2022 Semester: I/II
FYE22016 Democracy, Election and Governance
Teaching Scheme: Credit Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory : 02hrs/week 02 InSem Exam: 25Marks
EndSem Exam: 25

Prerequisite Courses, if any:

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, students will be able to–
Course Outcomes Bloom’s Level
CO1 Understand and practice key principles of Democracy 2-Understand
CO2 Identify how different
ferent rights are protected in Democratic
D systems 2-Understand
CO3 Understand various approaches for Governance 2-Understand
CO4 Reflect on the various threats and challenges to Democracy 3-Apply
Unit I Democracy- Foundation and Dimensions (8hrs) COs Mapped –
CO1, CO2,CO4
Constitution of India, Evolution of Democracy
Democracy- Different Models, Dimensions of Democracy
Democracy- Social,
Economic, and Political
Unit II Decentralization (8hrs) COs Mapped –
CO1, CO2,CO3,
Indian tradition of decentralization, History of Panchayat Raj institution in the lost independence
period 73rd and 74thamendments, Challenges of caste, gender, class, democracy and ethnicity
Unit III Governance (8hrs) COs Mapped –
CO2, CO3, CO4
Meaning and concepts, Government and governance, Inclusion and exclusion
Text Books
1. Basu, D. D. (1982), “Introduction
Introduction to the Constitution of India”,
India Prentice Hall of India.
2. Chandra, B. (1999), “Essays
Essays on contemporary India”,
India Har-Anand Publications.

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