Dr. Reju J
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Botany
Union Christian College
Genus- Chara
Class- Chlorophyceae
Order- Charales
Family- Characeae
Genus- Chara
Genus- Chara
Chara is commonly called stonewort as the thallus is encrusted with calcium and magnesium carbonate.
It is a freshwater attached forms.
Plant is 6 -10 inches tall .The main axis is differentiated into nodes and internodes.
Each node bears the branches of limited growth ( primary laterals) in whorls which also have nodes and
From the nodes of main axis branches of unlimited growth also arise which are also divided into nodes and
internodes and have whorl of primary laterals on the nodes.
Node consists of a pair of central cells surrounded by a peripheral group of 6-20 cells.
The internode is always composed of a single elongate cell which may be corticated.
Branched multicellular rhizoids with oblique septa are from the lowermost one or two nodes.
The main axis and primary laterals grow by means of a dome-shaped apical cell.
Genus- Chara
Cell Structure
Cells are eukaryotic.
The nodal cells contain dense cytoplasm, a single nucleus and a few discoid or elliptical
In the internodal cells there is a large central vacuole, hundreds of nuclei and many
discoid chloroplasts.
The chloroplast lacks pyrenoid.
Genus- Chara
Vegetative reproduction:
Reproduction in some cases takes place by means of
amylum stars which are stellate aggregates of cells
densely filled with starch grains and produced from the
lower nodes.
Other means of vegetative propagation are by the
formation of bulbils upon rhizoids and on lower nodes of
ceIls, or by the formation of protonemal outgrowths
derived from the nodes.
Genus- Chara
Sexual reproduction:
Highly advanced type of Oogamous sexual reproduction.
Most species are monoecious and protandrous. Some
species are dioecious.
Antheridia is known as globule and oogonia is known as
Nucule and globule are found at the nodes of branches of
limited growth or primary laterals. Stipulodes or secondary
laterals are also present on the nodes.
Genus- Chara
A mature globule is spherical, orangish yellow or red structure whereas nucule is oblong or oval
and greenish in colour.
Globule has a jacket of 8 shield cells, in the centre are present 8 primary capitulum cells which
divide to form secondary capitulum cells.Secondary capitulum cells produce antheridial or
spermatogenous filaments.Each cell of antheridial filament forms a spiral biflagellate
antherozoid. 8 radially elongated manubrial cells join the shield cells to the primary capitulum
The nucule is attached to the node with the help of pedicel cell and consist of five spirally coiled
tube cells which form a sterile envelope around the oogonium and of five corona cells that
project beyond the apex of the oogonium . In the centre is present a large oogonial cell on a stalk
cell. Oogonial cell contains a large uninucleate egg and reserve food in the form of starch and oil.
Genus- Chara
Fertilization and germination of zygote:
In the mature nucule, spiral tube cells separate and the antherozoid finds its way inside the
oogonium and fuses with the ovum.
The wall of the zygote thickens and after perennation the oospore germinates.
A septum is then laid down forming a uninucleate upper cell and a degenerative, trinucleate
lower cell .
The upper cell divides to form protonemal initial and rhizoidal initial. These initials form the
filamentous protonema and the colourless rhizoids respectively. Protonema forms the axis.