Type of course unit (compulsory, optional) Compulsory Level of course unit (according to EQF: first cycle Bachelor, Third Cycle Bachelor second cycle Master) Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable) 2021–2022 Semester/trimester when 5th semester the course unit is delivered Number of ECTS credits allocated 4.8 credits 1. Prof. Dr. Muslich Anshori, SE., MSc., Ak. 2. Prof. Dr. Sri Iswati, SE., M.Si., Ak. 3. Noorlailie Soewarno, Dr., SE., MBA., Ak., CMA. Name of lecturer(s) 4. Iman Harymawan, SE., MBA., Ph.D. 5. Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., MBA., Ph.D. 6. Nadia Anridho, S.Ak, MBA. 1. Graduates are able to understand and apply basic concepts of supporting subjects, including business, management, law, and economics. 2. Graduates are able to prepare specific works related to accounting, management, and business decision making 3. Graduates are able to demonstrate information technology Learning outcomes of the skills in the application of knowledge course unit 4. Graduates are able to apply information technology skills in the application of knowledge 5. Graduates are able to implement relevant knowledge and understanding about managing organisation 6. Graduates are able to demonstrate integrity as individuals with humanity values, morality and ethics Mode of delivery (face-to- face, Face-To-Face distance learning) Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable) Introduction of Business 1. Basic concepts of strategic management and global strategic planning. 2. Concepts of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability and types of strategies. 3. Vision and mission analysis; internal and external audit concept Course content 4. Concept of strategy selection and implementation. 5. Concept of strategy execution and monitoring. 6. Blue ocean strategy. 7. Strategy maps. 8. Case studies related to strategic management (aviation, sugar, food and beverage, pharmacy, cement, funeral, and banking industry). 1. David, F.R. and David, F.R., 2017. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach Concepts and Cases. Sixteenth Edition, Essex, England: Pearson. 2. Ireland, R.D., R.E. Hoskisson, and M. Hitt, 2013. The Management of Strategy, 10th Edition, Mason OH: South- Western Cengage Learning. Recommended or required 3. David, R.D., 2011. Strategic Management: Concepts and reading and other learning Cases, Thirteen Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson resources/tools Education, Inc. 4. Kim, W.C. and Mauborgne, R. 2005. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Harvard Business Scool Press. (KM) 5. Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. 2004. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes, Harvard Business School Press 1. Lectures Planned learning activities and 2. Group Assignment (Resume and Presentation) teaching methods
Language of instruction Bilingual, Bahasa Indonesia and English