Bab I
Bab I
Bab I
This chapter presents the research background, problems, purposes, significance of the
study, scope and limitation, and definition of critical terms. Each section is shown as
unique world perspective. Literature also allows us to criticize the human condition,
including the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and identity. Reading and
analyzing literary works can help us develop critical thinking skills and communicate
more effectively. By learning literature, we can better understand the social, political,
and cultural conditions that have shaped our history. Thus, the meaning of literature in
Despite the numerous benefits of studying literature, students may face difficulties
when learning English literature. One of the most significant difficulties learners face
is the complexity of the language itself. According to Alshammari, Ahmed, and Shouk
(2020), Because English literature contains ambiguous words, phrases, thoughts, and
intricate activities, EFL learners mistakenly believe that studying it is the most difficult
aspect of learning the language. Because each genre has its own norms and strategies
that call for additional interpretative and analytical abilities, learners may find it
students had little interest in studying English literature because the majority of EFL
Shouk, 2020).
complex ideas and emotions creatively and creatively. The strong impact of figurative
Figurative language processing exerts costs relative to the processing of more literally
Hamzah, and Fitrawati (2018), figurative language is the use of words that make a
reader make a reasonable interpretation not only by seeing what the words refer to or
what it is said in the text but also by interpreting it from the context. It allows writers
to use metaphors, similes, personification, and other literary devices to make their
writing evident and engaging. Figurative language enables readers to connect with the
story and its characters on a deeper level, adding depth and complexity to the text.
Through figurative language, writers can paint a picture of the world they have created
and bring it to life in the reader's mind. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and
appreciate figurative language to appreciate the richness and beauty of literature fully.
However, one of the problems in learning literature is that students may find it
challenging to comprehend the figurative language used by writers. But since they both
essentially communicate the same message -that a term or expression is not meant to
expression (Ekasani, 2015). Something that makes figurative hard to understand is
simply it is viewed as a phrase where the words together have a meaning different from
the dictionary definitions of the individual words. Using figurative language requires a
level of critical thinking and creativity that some students may not possess. It can also
be difficult for students who are not native speakers of the language in which the
literature is written to understand the nuances and cultural references inherent in the
text. Teachers need to use effective teaching strategies to help students develop the
them to identify and analyze literary devices, providing contextual information, and
encouraging students to use their creativity to interpret the text. Accordingly, literal
Schumacher, 2014).
(2013), as cited in Nursolihat & Kareviati (2020), stated that literally, meaning
pronunciation alone. According to Fajrin & Parmawati (2021), in the modern period,
people communicate in a variety of ways, including through literary works like novels,
poetry, and song lyrics, which often imply deeper meanings or employ metaphorical
language to convey the true meaning of the songs. It is crucial to study extended
language meanings and kinds. “The communication of ideas, emotions, and desires” is
what language is. He contends that language use reveals a variety of intricate details
about a speaker’s relationships and group affiliations. It implies that language is used
allows us to convey complex ideas and emotions succinctly and powerfully. At the
same time, the literal meaning of words is confined to their dictionary definitions.
vivid and evocative pictures with words. Studying the types and meanings of figurative
language provides a way to convey complex ideas and emotions through metaphors,
similes, personification, hyperbole, and idioms, each of which has unique effects on
more effective communicators and deepen our appreciation and understanding of the
Bruno Mars’s song lyrics, such as Fajrin & Parmawati (2021), Aryawan, Suarnajaya,
& Swandana (2019), Nurcitrawati, Kareviati, & Atmawidjaja (2019). Fajrin &
Parmawati (2021) investigate the figurative language found in the song "Grenade"
lyrics. The “Grenade" song is one of the songs in the "Doo-Wops & Hooligans" album
list. The findings revealed that Bruno Mars’s song entitled “Grenade” uses figurative
the most figurative word in the lyrics. However, in this current study, the researcher
Suarnajaya, & Swandana (2019) examined the figurative language used in different
songs by Eminem and found that 136 symbolic languages are categorized into 12 types
of figurative language. Similes are the most common form of figurative language found
in the songs. The singer or songwriter uses similes in order to create images in listeners’
minds and explain the ideas, emotions, and pictures by comparing a thing or object
with another thing. Besides, Nurcitrawati, Kareviati, & Atmawidjaja (2019), who
focused on analyzing “Let It Go” from the film “Frozen” discovered that the lyrics of
the song contain five different forms of figurative language; personification, idioms,
methodology. The song is a kind of show tune genre music, while in this current study,
Based on the research background above, the problems are stated as follows:
1. What types of figurative language are found in the song lyrics by Bruno Mars?
2. What is the connotative meaning of the figurative language used in the song lyrics
by Bruno Mars?
The purpose of this study is to identify the types of figurative languages and
connotative meanings of figurative language that Bruno Mars uses in his songs.
1.4 Scope and Limitation
This research analyzes the lyrics of the music album "Doo-Woops &
Hooligans" by Bruno Mars, released in September 2010 under Atlantic and Elektra
Records. The data was obtained through an examination of the song lyrics. However,
it is essential to note that this study has a limitation as it solely concentrates on the
The result of this research is expected to provide some benefits for those
studying language.
3. For writers within the same genre or different genres, it offers a comprehensive
1. Song is a musical arrangement that adds lyrics (texts); lyrics express the feelings
and thoughts of the songwriter in specific ways that are generally accepted” (Patria,
composition consisting of vocal melodies or words as well as background music or
have meanings that are not literal. Figurative language obscures a word's true
Norbury, Nærland, and Næss, 2016). In this study, figurative language is a type of
expression and language in which words and phrases are employed in a way that
Bruno Mars.
4. Lyrics are the written words that make up the text of a song. They convey the song's
composition. They play a crucial role in connecting the audience to the song's
theme, helping to evoke emotions, tell a story, express feelings, or convey a specific
message. In essence, lyrics are the poetic and linguistic component of a song that
complements the musical arrangement and enables the listener to engage with the
song's content on a deeper level. In this study, lyrics are the words or text of a song
that are composed to be spoken or sung in the song lyrics by Bruno Mars.