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1.1 Background
works, including poetry, short stories, song lyrics, and more (Purba et al.,
using words that cannot be understood just by hearing the original word but
in high school and college. It is very helpful for students to improve their
are often used as more interesting material to make students learn English
and enjoy the lesson. In addition, using figurative language through songs
their knowledge of language and culture, training them to think critically, and
a mood simple message to the reader (Santika & Syafryadin, 2023). Many
musicians write lyrics using figurative language to make the lyrics more
interesting, unique and aesthetic. This is when the author conveys his
emotions through figurative language in the lyrics, which can have many
Music can be a part of many people’s daily life. Music can accompany
when during activities such as studying, exercising, cleaning the house, and
taking a walk. Music can make someone immersed in the lyrics, so the
listener can feel what the singer trying to say. But sometimes, the lyrics in a
song have hidden meanings and are different from what is conveyed, so it
find out the meaning in song lyrics, so the researcher is interested in taking
this title because many people listen to songs but do not understand the
meaning conveyed. Music is a communication medium that many people
listeners. So, the song became the material in this research, because it is
His song Scars went viral on TikTok which made his name increasingly
recognized by many people. Keenan Te's songs are mostly aimed at young
people, it is related to young people's love stories and romance. So the song
to listeners through song lyrics. One example is found in the lyrics "Trying
to break you like you're a bad habit" in Unlearn You song. The lyric uses
simile where the author wants to compare the words “you” and “bad habit”
by using the conjunction like. In addition to Unlearn You song, the other
seven of Keenan Te’s songs also contain unique words that can be analyzed
analysis of the lyrics of songs. Because each of songs has a meaning that
the author wants to convey. Therefore, the researcher wants to analyze the
1.2 Statements of the Problems
discussed are:
by Keenan Te?
The scope of this research is to analyze the type and to explain the
research used theory from Leech (1969) to examine the type of figurative
are eight songs used in this research, namely: Dependent, Forever with you,
Never let you go, Forgot about us, Mine, Scars, Unlearn you, and
1. To analyze the types of figurative language used in the selected song by
Keenan Te.
1. Theoretical Significances
can look for research updates on figurative language for future research.
2. Practical Significances
Songs can help someone who wants to learn English, so this research can
be useful for teachers to teach the students and make the class atmosphere
more interesting.
identify types of figurative language in Shawn Mendes’s lyrics song and the
messages. In a final result, this study found the dominant type of figurative
language was hyperbole. The similarity with this study is both looking for
lyric songs, and the difference is the data in this research was taken from
lyrics songs by Keenan Te selected song. The theory used is also different,
“30”. This study aims to identify types of figurative language used in the
song lyrics of Adele's album "30" and meaning of figurative language found
in the song lyrics of Adele's album “30”. The result of their study shows that
there are seven types of figurative language found in song lyrics. They were
relevance of this study is both looking to analyze the types and the
meanings of figurative language in song lyrics, but the data used is different.
The research by Mahendra et al. (2023) used data from Adele’s song,
whereas this research used data from Keenan Te’s song. The theory used
theory from Knickerbocker and Reninger (1974), meanwhile this study used
Her study has two aims, namely to describe the types of figurative language
and frequency of each type of figurative language used in the album of Made
method to classify and analyze the data based on the theory of figurative
that she found in her study were 23 of alliteration (6 lyrics), allusion (2 lyrics),
figurative language that is used in One Direction’s songs in the album Made
in the A.M. is hyperbola. The similarity with this research is that the
researcher used song lyrics as data, and equally research the types of
is also focused on describing the frequency of the lyric song, whereas this
research is also focused on the meaning of lyrics songs by Keenan Te. The
theory that used is also different, Aziza’s research used theory from Keraf
Figurative Languages Used in Novel John Green “The Fault in Our Stars”.
identify the contextual meaning of figurative language in John Green’s Novel
“The Fault in our Star”. He used theory from Leech (1969), and descriptive
figurative language used in “The Fault in Our Stars” novel, there are
The most dominant figurative language found is Simile as many as 17. The
relevance of this research is in the theory and the focus of research, the
difference is the data used, Ersyadi used the novel as data whereas this
Afifah & Irawan (2022) conducted an analysis with the title “Figurative
descriptive qualitative method. The theory from Keraf (2009) is used in this
research. The similarity with this research is the focus and method. The
difference with this study is the data and theory used in the research.
a. Figurative Language
that have meanings other than the literal interpretation. Figurative language
is rarely used in our everyday conversations. Figurative language is often
song lyrics, etc. When a writer uses literal language, they are simply stating
language that are different from what they want to convey so that it has an
often shows the author's thoughts and personality. The use of figurative
Figurative language is words and groups of words that have the effect
word components. It can be said that rhetoric can occur whenever a speaker
or writer, for the sake of novelty or emphasis, deviates from the usual
denotations of words (Kennedy, 1983). Beckson & Gans (1975) stated that
different audiences, aiming to achieve effects beyond the scope of literal
because if one does not clearly understand the meaning of words, even the
people read newspapers, magazines or novels and ignore them, take things
that are not literal expressions and read them literally. The meaning of the
1) Personification
dying king”. That makes authority can forget something as a human being.
2) Pleonasm
the idea of what comes before or after it (Leech, 1969). For example: “My
3) Rhetorical Question
“Who cares?”, “Aren’t they wonderful dresses?”, and “Do you call that
4) Hyperbole
Like the other figures, hyperbole often deals with sentimentality and
verify unless we could somehow enter the person’s head (Leech, 1969). For
5) Simile
then compared to another thing by using a function word, such as like or as.
According to Leech (1969), for each metaphor, we can construct
approximately equivalent similes by writing down the tenor and vehicle side
by side and indicating the similarity between them (by like or some other
formal indicator). For example: “The sky looks bright at dawn, like someone
6) Metaphor
as. Metaphors are generally more concise and immediate than their literal
language (Leech, 1969). For example: “The ship ploughs the waves”,
7) Metonymy
one thing as the name of another thing with which it is associated (Leech,
1969). For example: “Ogling the heavily mascaraed skirt at the next table.
The metonymy in this phrase is skirt, and a skirt is an item that is used by
the person.
8) Litotes
positive expression would be more forceful and direct. The impact of litotes
1969). For example: “It’s not bad”. It containes litotes because have a
c. Types of Meaning
1) Conceptual Meaning
2) Connotative Meaning
of the "real world" when examining the link between conceptual and
meaning, it is possible to view connotative meaning as an unstable and
3) Affective Meaning
d. Song
create music with lyrical rhythm. Songs are used to awaken one's spirit or
passion (Antika et al., 2020). So that people who listen to songs will be
carried away by the atmosphere conveyed by the singer through the lyrics.
Songs are part of literary works that writers use to convey and
express their thoughts, ideas and feelings through words called lyrics
(Mahendra et al., 2023). Songs can be a mood or a situation that the author
lyrics that are written implicitly and explicitly. Songs can be a means to
Lyrics are a part of the song that contains a word. Lyrics are defined
as a group of verses and choruses that together form a full song or a brief,
feelings or ideas that are unique to them. It's easy to set poetry to music,
and lyrical poems are popular because of their pleasing rhythm and musical
played when reading poetry, is where the word "lyric" first appeared. Lyrical
poets use words to convey particular feelings and moods (Muzzaqi, 2020).
Such moods convey a variety of feelings about life, love, death, or other life
1.8 Conceptual Framework
1.9 Method and Technique
1) Research Design
themes, and the researcher’s interpretation of the data’s meaning are all
on understanding the results of the data found, rather than calculating the
provide the most valid answer for each given problem so that conclusions
obtain all of the information, the writer identifies the word, phrase, or
that are related to the primary issue, which is the use of figurative language
2) Data Sources
This research uses two data sources, there are primary data and
secondary data.
1. Primary Data
object and primary data to analyze. There are eight songs that the
researcher chose, namely: Dependent, Forever with you, Never let you go,
Forgot about us, Mine, Scars, Unlearn you, and Overthinking about you.
2. Secondary Data
scripts, and some information on the internet that helps this research.
3) Collecting Data
or all of the data components needed to support the study. In this study,
and other materials for information about variables or objects. This indicates
that all available data sources, including official websites and helpful
songs from YouTube and Spotify can be obtained. Some of the methods
selects the popular songs by Keenan Te that have more than 1 million
Dependent, Forever with you, Never let you go, Forgot about us,
c. Typing and printing the lyrics song by Keenan Te. To get the lyrics,
d. Reading and noting. In this step, the researcher carefully read the
4) Analyzing Data
subsection. The data analysis process involved three steps, there are
a. Identification
The figurative language used in the lyrics of a few of Keenan Te’s songs
Leech’s (1981) to identify the meaning. Every figurative language that the
b. Classification
At this stage, the researcher will classify the data that has been
find out what types of figurative language are found in Keenan Te’s songs
by using the theory of Leech (1969). According to Leech (1969), there are
c. Interpretation
5) Data Presentation
In presenting the data, the researcher will use tables to present the
data that has been obtained from the lyrics of Keenan Te's songs. The table
data, where the first column will be filled with numbers, then the second
column with song titles, the third column is song lyrics, and the last is