1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of The Study
effective for one to have good skills in speaking, writing, listening, and reading.
People who want to learn a language like to know the rules of using a word in one
language, how to write a sentence for text according to a good pattern, what is the
meaning of a phrase when people are produced occur by learning linguistic study.
shape, meaning, structure, and context. The different branches of linguistics are
concerned with how languages are organized, what they convey, how they are
acquired and used, and how they change. That is one part in the linguistic study
the study that focuses on the meaning of the word. Semantics is also at the center
of the study of the human mind because it is concerned with how the meaning is
by doing semantic analysis, people can focus on the internal meaning of words
and sentences. The meaning of whole sentences involved propositional, and the
meaning of sentences is hard to know there are so many specific since of it, words
in sentences can be useful to show the feeling, one category of semantics studies
words that have a different meaning than their regular meaning to emphasize a
poetry, although it is most commonly seen in poetry and song lyrics. According to
to understand when analyzing the writing to get meaning inside especially in most
of the song lyrics, the composer or the songwriters are usually used figurative
language in showing them feeling in song lyrics with more beautiful, interesting,
and imaginative.
song are related to each other and it is an interesting topic to discuss, based on
Writers experience to learning languages can be used with listening to the music
that native made. Unconsciously, people can learn about another language
quickly, learn new words, understand how sentences are produced, and learn
about the song's deep meaning through song lyrics. Because figurative language is
used in well-written lyric, the song usually contains figurative language. The
meanings, and the words themselves convey precise meaning. When listening to a
song, a person may not pay attention to the lyrics, especially if the song contains a
figurative element. Normally, they liked it because the music was good or because
they liked the singer. Knowing the meaning of a lyric is important because we
The writer was motivated to do this study because many readers, including
the writer himself, have difficulty in understanding the meaning of the song lyrics.
Song lyrics are usually poetic and rhythmic. Because songwriters use figurative
pleasing. This study is different from other studies because the writer chooses to
explain figurative language using songs to more attract readers and in this study,
the writer chooses songs performed by an international pop singer who is very
famous among children in the 2000s, namely Taylor Swift. the willow song and
several other songs on the Evermore album which was released in 2020 were
chosen by the writer because the album which reached the top charts on the UK
Billboard in the first week of its initial release was made to have hidden meanings
from the author's feelings and also good to listen to. To examine what figurative
meanings are in the songs, the writer chooses to use the theory of figurative types
understand and more suitable for use in this study. The writer will conduct a study
1.2 The Problems of the study
1. What types of figurative language are used in the song lyrics entitled
2. What is the Dominant figurative language used in the song Lyrics Entitled
Based on the problems above, the objectives of the study aim to:
1. To find out what types of figurative language are used in song lyric
2. To find out the most dominant figurative language that is used in willow
In this study, the writer focus to find out types of figurative languages
Focuses in this study are to observation and analysis of figurative language that
1.5 The Significances of the Study
1. Theoretically
2. Practically
a For The Writer, This study result will be very useful to develop or
b For English Department Students, the result of this study can add
Language, linguistics, semantics, figurative language, and song lyrics are all
discussed by the author. To convey a clear understanding of the subject, the writer
2.1.1 Language
communicate with one another. People are unable to communicate with one
communicate, interact, and obtain information from others in their daily lives. The
must be able to communicate messages about people, things, concepts, and the
between at least two speaking subjects, one of whom is the addresser or sender,
communicate with others. People can and code against what they want to say
which consists of various components and based on Kristin and Anne (2020:2)
language is what makes people human and all the people seem to be naturally
curious about language, people do much more than just communicate with
Language is the process of thinking to express ideas, emotion, mind, and
intelligence. Kate and Stebbins (2016:2), say that language is a very significant
part of what makes people human and what allows people to communicate with
others as social beings. Language makes the social world go round and for this
reason, it is worth knowing a few things about how it works. Siahaan (2007:1)
states that language is a unique human inheritance that plays a very important role
in human life, such as thinking, communicating ideas, and negotiating with others.
emotions, minds, and intelligence. People do much more than only communicate
2.1.2 Linguistics
refers to a range of disciplines that share the purpose of identifying and studying
the phenomena of language but the study does not end it self, it must benefit
It can be concluded Linguistics discusses many different facets of
concern with how languages are structured, what they have in common, how they
are acquired and used, how they change. it means that linguistics study focused to
language works.
2.1.3 Semantics
communication becomes more and more a crucial factor in social, they need to
understand it becomes more and more pressing Pardede (2016:12). There are
semantics/meaning) are based on (a) firstly language is the abstract tone that
referred to the existence of certain signs,(b) signs are set of a system which has
certain order and relationship, and (c) a set of sign which has form and relation
According to Bagha ( 2011: 1411) semantics is the level of linguistics
analysis where meaning is analyzed. it is related closely to the way humans think
157) state semantics is also the center of the study of the human mind – thought
which is classify and convey by our experience of the world through language.
semantics has become the meeting place of various cross-currents of thinking, and
deep interest in the subject. semantics has often seemed baffling because there are
many different approaches to it, and how they are related to one another is rarely
Based on all the defenitions by the expert above the writer concludes that
analyze the meaning of sentences and the human mind. Semantic studies can give
more explanations and define any expressions in language and also able to define
their meaning properties and relation. Sometimes people are talking less but they
saying one thing and meaning another). Figurative language was thought of as
being one aspect of what gives a text particularly, a poetic text special esthetic
typically shaping viewpoint on the relevant content as well Dancygier and Eve
the reason is apparently that they reflect patterns of human cognition. According
to Dancygier and Eve (2014:3), Figurative language is a viewpoint for some
language that shows the soul and the writer's personality. Figurative language
refers to words or phrases that do not have the same meaning as their literal
meaning. figurative language was used more often to express intense emotional
states than to express milder ones. According to Deignan et all (2013: 1),
figurative language is often used in speaking and writing to express ideas and
emotions and to affect the views and attitudes of others. When people say
something that appears on the surface to mean one thing but has to be interpreted
vivid, or to achieve some other specific effect, people use expressions that are not
true. People are using figurative language encourages the reader to bridge gaps
between ideas fill in details, make associations, and form mental pictures. all of
these uses of the imagination are highly satisfying, for there is great enjoyment in
a tool that an author uses, to help the reader visualize, or see, what is happening in
literature work .figurative language is a language that means one thing literally
expression has the meaning. Fadaee (2011:19) states that figurative language is an
from the common way.Based on the explanations above, the writer summarizes
that Figurative language is one of part semantics that uses as a tool or a way of
showing the mind through a special language often used in song lyrics because
with song the language user or author can express their mind and their feeling.
sentences,to say something in new way ,to help the reader /listener from a picture
in their mind , and to make song lyric poem intersting and there are many types of
porbole,Understatement,Irony,Alliteration,Allusion,Onomatopoeia. Metaphor
have some features in common. A Simile is the figure of speech that omits the
comparative term ( like, as, than) and implies that one thing is another . for
examples “Faster than the wind ” It means that the men can not accept other's
A Simile is an implied simile, Similes also two different things but it does
not like simile, states one thing is like other acts but takes that for granted and
proceeds as if the two things are were one and it does not use connective words
such as like or as. It does not use connective words such like or as .for example.” Simile
has the same point. According to Perrine ( 2011:61) Simile is used as a means of
expressed by the use of some words or phrase, such as like, as, than, similar to,
resemble or seems, for example, It feels like a perfect night to dress up like
hipsters, it expresses the explicit comparison expressed by the connector and the
word "like" relationship and juxtapose an activity with phrases. As in the phrase
"It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters" meaning that women want to
between two different things using the word like or as. Generally, a simile is
two objects ( in shape, color, and characteristic). for example, “ he’s blind as a bat
12 Symbol
an object, person, situation, or action ) that stands for something else more
represents something beyond it is literal self. Natural symbols like light and
than itself. The symbol is the richness and at the same time the most difficult of
the poetic figures. Both richness and difficulty result from imprecision. Although
the poet may pin down the meaning of a symbol to something fairly definite and
practice, more often the symbol is so general in it is meaning that it can suggest a
great variety of specific meanings. For example: “ he lifted his pinky” the
meaning he makes a promise, “ he writes the letter with red ink “ the meaning is
anger. Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving
them symbolic meaning that is different from their literal sense. In literature, some
symbols have been used so often that they have become accepted as a symbol of
life. Apostrophe
recalling that the punctuation mark apostrophe replaces letters that are missing in
contradiction for example:” take something like a star: the poem begins,” o Synecdoche
whole or in which the whole signifies the part. In short, synecdoche is the use of a
concrete noun, which is usually a part of the larger whole, to substitute for the
larger whole. for example, gray beard, meaning as an old man. all hands on deck
which the part represents the whole or the whole stands for the part. from the
definition above a synecdoche is the figure of speech in which a part is used for
the whole. for example: “all eyes” on me “means that all of the people are looking
at her. “ well, because medicare does not cover old ladies falling off of giant bees.
Get down “the meaning is not always covering all of the old ladies of their
sickness. The word eyes and giant bees are used to designate a part thing for the
whole. Metonymy
the figure of speech in which the name of one object is replaced by another which
closely associated with it. For example, some want your love so open the door “
the meaning is some falling in love and asking a girl for accepting his love. “ The
pen is mightier than the sword “ this sentence describes not only a sword, weapon,
knife that can hurt someone else, but a pen can hurt others as sharp as a sword.
Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one thing is used to stand for itself. it is
a word that is used for something related to that which is usually referred to. For Paradox
The paradox is a statement that seems to contain two opposite facts but is
impossibly but which demands further examination and reveals some truth on a
language, which contains real contradiction thing with the fact. For example,‘he is
rich but also poor “meaning is he has a lot of money but he lacks good morality.’
they just need to move quickly but carefully “.The meaning is they need to move
contains some truth Gans (1997: 37). Paradox is an elusive category in which
attention to something. For example: “ he was dead in the middle of his riches”
The meaning is the man was dead when he was at the top of his riches has much
money. Hyporbole
cases, the literal interpretation of hyperbole could not be true, but the exaggeration
color and depth to characters. sometimes it used for a comic purpose, but more
often it is used seriously .for example: “ I had to walk 15 miles to school in the
snow, uphill” the meaning is he walks to school in the snow it makes like a walk
so far like 15 miles away “ he was so hungry, he ate that whole cornfield for
lunch, stalks and all “ this statement describes that he ate too much because very
add color and depth to the character. Like all figures of speech, overstatement may
restrained, convincing or unconvincing. For example:’ she rushed out the room in Understatement
Understatement can be called as talking less than one means, may exist in
what says or merely in how one says it. Understatement is the deliberate
expression of an idea as less important than it is. For example, “ it rained a bit
more than usual “meaning is an area being flooded after heavy rainfall. “ it is a bit
cold today “ the meaning is the temperature is five degrees below freezing”.
in which the force of a descriptive statement is less than what one would normally
expect. Understatement can be used either to highlight the extreme nature of the
event, or for ironic effect. understatement is the best way to demonstrate how
for example, This looks like a nice snack ( it means that someone is stating less Irony
different, even sometimes contradictious with that said. the definition is given by
Diyanni (2004:933), that irony almost arises from contrast or discrepancy between
what happens and what has been expected to happen. irony refers to words with
which the meaning is contrary to the words and it is inscape of explaining several
types of ironic utterances. For example,” oh, looks how fast you run, do your
thing I still here until tomorrow? it means that her friend is run slowly and one
takes place when the opposite of what a person intended to do, or expected to
17 Alliteration
in the begining of the same sound . alliteration is usually used on rap song, in aim
letters. It’s just about the easiest form of repetition a poet can uuse . for example : Allusion
of independence in 1945. Onomatopoia
refers to “ six burgers were sizzling on the grill .” “ a snake slithered through the
grass.” Personification
,speaking of something that is not human as if it had human abilities and human
2.1.6 Categories of figurative language
and anadiplosis.
2.1.7 Song’s
The Song is one of the familiar literatur in the listener's ears. Jamalus in
Setiawati and Maryani (2018: 263) reveals that songs can be described as
USA in Setiawati and Maryani (2018: 263) defined a song as a short rhyme or set
of verses in music and aimed to be sung. Based on the above explanation, it can
be concluded that the song is one of the literature in the form of a poem or a group
of short sentences that work together to interpret a theme /title which is showed
2.1.8 Lyirics
printed as a form of communication between the author and the readers”. Mainly
of the times, they carry a message (whatever that might be) with the purpose of
inspiring the listeners, at least, to think about it. Such a purpose and form of
The writer has found some different studies reviewed. The following studies
offer discussion related to the topic discussed in this thesis. They are:
1. Dian Siti Khodjah (2010), Dian was done a study about literature
concludes that there are some kinds of figurative language that are used in
Symbol, Irony and paradox, pun, Hyperbole, etc. She was also explained
words used in figurative language are not the real meaning but it is the
connotative meaning.
identify figurative language in song lyrics of linking park, this study used a
descriptive method to analyze the data. the research data collected from the
linking park album entitled “ One more light”. This research focuses on
nobody can save me, sorry, for now, talking to myself, heavy, and one more
light. The result of this study is indicated that 1. There 7 types of figurative
and simile. In one more light song, there are 4 figurative languages such as
In the sorry for now song there are 3 figurative languages namely
On The Jakarta Post. In this research employs library research in the sense
that the researcher visited the libraries to get a date. there are two kinds of
data in this research 1.primary sources and 2 secondary sources. some of the
language can not be found in all of literature. There are some types mostly
found in the literature, such as simile, personification, hyperbole, Simile,
irony, and meronymy. In this case, the researcher only researched short
stories. the research found some types of figurative language in short stories.
is one of the types of figurative language mostly found in the short posted
4. Thus some previous study from year to year which has the same object of
research like this study, which analyzed a song and figurative language,
the comparison of the previous study with his study, if the first research
Dian Siti Khodijah (2010), the second study conducted by Unpris Yastanti
Park and the third study conducted by Radana and Pratomo (2019), the
On The Jakarta Post, Meanwhile in this study will conduct the study
singer/songwriter. She was born on December 13, 1989. In 2010 at the age of 20
Taylor Swift became the youngest artist in history to win the Grammy Award for
Album of the Year 2010,2016,2021. In 2011 Swift was named Billboard's Woman
of the Year. She also has been named the American Music Awards Artist of the
Year, In 2021 she becomes Brith global icon, as well as the Entertainer of the
Year for both the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music,
among many other accolades. As of this writing, she is also the top-selling digital
Besides the reason above, the researchers picked up the artist because her
songs have many hidden meanings, so the author wants to investigate more deeply
language commonly used in song lyrics and the meaning contained in song lyrics.
As for the aims of this research to know, Types of figurative language are used in
Taylor Swift songs and the contextual meaning of the figurative language used in
language and how to comprehend the meaning. Study about meaning is deeply
litotes, etc. So that helps to apply the meaning and purpose sentences of figurative
illustrates the nature of the reader's need for the meaning and purpose of the
figurative language of the song. This explains the theoretical perspective that
undermines the reader’s need for the meaning and purpose of figurative language
figurative language of a song .so the readers as well the listener do not have the
wrong perception of the song. The study framework is presented in the following
Linguistics Semantics
All study has a research design. This study was conducted by using
ongoing process of proliferation with new approaches and methods appearing and
understanding the result of finding data rather than calculate the result of data.
The data of this study is the song lyrics that underline that contain
figurative language. All study needs a source of data. The Source of the data of
this study is the studio album of Taylor Swift “Evermore” that was released on 11
December 2020. The data of this study is the song lyrics from five songs by
Taylor Swift, are “willow, Tolerate It, Gold Rush, No Body, No Crime, and
Evermore” the writer takes the song lyrics as the data source from a website
grasping the meaning people gives the events in their lives. In this study, the
writer is the main instrument. The writer directly observed song lyrics sung by
Taylor Swift, In this study, the writer analyzed the song lyrics to find the
figurative language used in that song and to find the most dominant of that
The procedure is very important in the study, the main procedure of course
to measure the extent to which the object that the writer’s research understands
and appreciate the song lyrics that would writer use. In this study, the writer uses
Swift’ album
The technique that the writer used is content analysis. The writer was
written all of the findings content analysis that the writer finds in the study and
classify all of the statements included in each type of figurative language. in this
Alliteration, Allusion,personification.
b. Maked a percentage table of the nine types of figurative languages that are
determined to find out which one is more dominant which is used in the
c. Maked conclusion
3.6 Triangulation
The data that has been collected needs to be checked to recognize its
validity. Check data to gain confidence in the correctness of the data in qualitative
that makes use of something else, beyond that for checking purposes or a
Therefore, in this study, the writer will use data triangulation. This means
that this research needs to include some more complete data to examine the results
This chapter presents the data, data analysis, findings, and discussion that
writer found in 5 song in Taylor Swift album evermore , that can help the readers
released in 2020 after folklore album and become topped the UK Billboard
charts. The data in this study were underlined song lyrics which contained
including Willow songs as the main data, Tolerate it, Gold Rush, No Body, No
Crime, and Evermore songs. The writer found 160 sentences in 5 song lyrics,
and 5 as hyperbole. The data can be seen in the following table below!
4.1.1 Table Of Data
1 I’m like the water when your ship rolled in that night
rough on the surface but you cut trough like knife
2 Lost in Your current like a priceless wine
3 The more that you say the less I know
4 Whereever you stray, I follow
5 Life was a willow And it bent right to your wind
6 As if you were a mythical thing
7 Like your were a thropy or a champion ring
8 You know that My train could take you home
9 They count me out time and time again
10 Every bait and switch was a work of art
11 I’am begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans
that’s my man
12 Use my best colors for your portrait
13 I know my love should be celebrated
but you tolerate it
14 I greet you with a battle hero’s welcome
15 Take your indiscreations all in good fun
16 I polish plates until they gleam and glisten
17 I made you my temple ,my mural,my sky
18 Drawing hearts in the byline
19 Eye Like sinking ships
20 I don’t like anticipating my face in a red flush
21 I dont like a gold rush
22 With your hair falling into the place like dominos
23 I see me padding cross your wooden floors
24 I call you out on your contrarian shit
25 it fades into the gray of my day old tea
26 It smeels like infidelity
27 No body,no crime
28 Gray november Motion capture put me in a bad light
29 Catching my death
30 Barefoot in the wildest winter
31 Whether weather be the frost
32 I was shipwrecked
4.2 Analysis of Data
From the data above,the writer describes the analysis of some of data
4.2.1 Symbol
stands for something else more abstract. A symbol can be defined simply as an
Data 5.
The phrase "life is a willow" does not refer to the literal meaning of "life
as a willow." Willow is a tree with hard roots in the ground, sluggish branches,
connection to the roots, despite its shaky appearance on the surface. So, the
4.2.2 Simile
have some features in common. A Simile is a figure of speech that omits the
comparative term ( like, as, than) and implies that one thing is another.
Data 1.
I’m l i ke t he wate r when your ship rolled in that night rough
on the surface but you cut trough like knife
The sentences I’m like the water when your ship rolled in that night rough
on the surface but you cut trough-like a knife means seems looks difficult to pass
but manages to calm. this parable comparing the story of lovers who complement
each other. the sentence is a Similee becouse compering a moment of something
Data 2
The sentence lost in current like priceless wine consist of lost in your
current as adjective and priceless wine is noun. like a priceless wine refered to
something that is expensive and can be intoxicating, which means a person can
forget himself if he drinks it. lost in the current like a priceless wine This sentence
implies a very deep feeling for the person you love so you forget yourself. So the
Data 7.
winning prizes/something you'd really like to have. It feels proud to get it and here
words like trophy or championship ring are meant to presuppose his lover as his
pride. So, the sentence above is a Simile because it presupposes between two
Data 19.
The sentence "eyes like a sinking ship" is not interpreted with the true
meaning of my eyes like a sinking ship but can be interpreted as pouring out a
situation where when people feel the feeling of liking something passionately
which makes them unable to think clearly about other things after being with