print mam erni
print mam erni
print mam erni
NPM: A1B020046
Class: 5B
1.1 Background
There are several meanings of language according to experts. In simple terms, language
can be interpreted as the main tool in communication. But to go deeper, language is a means
of communication in society that is spoken and has meaning and articulation that is arbitrary
and conventional. Language is very crucial for human life (Swartini 2019). In learning
language there is a study about the meaning in language, namely semantic 1. In semantic there
is figurative language which is contain the unique content in linguisitic.
According to Gorys Keraf figurative language is the use of language specifically by
showing the soul and personality of the author. Figurative language is a meaningful words or
phrase that contain implied mean. It is very interesting in analyze figurative language in a
song lyric (Swartini, 2021). There are so many text that contain figurative language and also it
can be analyze. for example script of movie, conversation in talk show, speech, short story,
script of drama, song lyric, newspaper, magazine, etc. in this research, song lyric was chosen
as an object. The reason are song lyric was relevant data this research, the writer of the song
usually used figurative language use figurative language to make their song to more
interesting to be sung, the writer usually deliver the meaningof the song in song lyric
There are still small amount of people who understand the true meaning of Adele's songs,
this encourages the writer to write this article. The aim of this article is to educate and lead
readers to review the meaning of the song “Go Easy On Me” carefully. In the other hand this
article written to increase the reader’s knowledge about song and the meaning.
Based on background ebove the question research that must be answer are:
1. What are the forms of figurative language in Adele song “Go Easy On Me”?
2. What is the meaning of the figurative language that appears in the lyric of Adele
song’s “Go Easy On Me”?
This research was compiled using a qualitative method based on library analysis that
examines data in the form of books, articles, journals, and other library documentation regarding
the analysis of figurative language in song lyrics. data is taken from library data processing
which is collected from books, journals, and other documentation related to the theme raised by
the author. processing of the data that has been collected is done by analysis, comparison, and
data coherence, the results of which are written in this article.