1388653464FIR in RC-01-2024
1388653464FIR in RC-01-2024
1388653464FIR in RC-01-2024
r$r$t r
wm g;*r'r uftrlen ( ERr 1s4 E Erfuqr {F6ilr + srfr?fd ) fr.5.wr.*.-rr
FIRST INFORI4ATION REPORT (Under See. 154 Cr.P.C.) s.P.E.C..il
$*.;i Hq€
Book No. 13$t seria! No.-
- _ 09
1 fqan: qHI qtj t s.qe.H'. f(+iq':
District PS: Year FIR No. Date
Dehradun cBI, ACB, 2024 RC0072024A0001 16t01t2024
2 (1) frqH III{I(:
Act Sections
Act Sections
P.C. Act, 1988 (as amended in 2018) 7
(s) frrrR t]RT(:
Act Sections
Tuesday 16t01t2024
(q) qli qr {rn srH di c'r ffttq,
(c) lnformation received at PS Date
E6rqfr q(ros futn TTTq
Entry No. Date Time
04 16t01t2024 1215Hrs.
4. {i|-flt6.IFE'R: teruanilfuo,
Type of lnformation Written/Oral
5. q.fl tF,I TSIH
Place of Occurrence Railway Station, Haldwani
*e =i. / Beat No
(€) qiil:
(b) Address
6. ofi{*rfr / {+Tr+.d :
Conplainant / lnformant
(q') :IF{
(a) Name
Mohd. lrshad
(q) qErcIr€I
(f) Profession
(B) rlrl -
(g) Address
Lane No. 17, Aazadnagar, Banbhulpura, Haldwani.
shri Dinesh Meena, sub-lnspector, RpF, Railway station, Haldwani.
No Delay
e. 3Tcr(f, i sq-C sq.fu EFi
Tri k{tq : (qft 37Jq{{s a d eroq Tl vqt dfi.{ 6t)
Particulars of propertres Stoler (Attach separate sheet, if necessary)
11 wi I e656 Tq q-lirTrsqis '
lnquest Report r' U.D. case Nc. if any
12. -sw qfii tdd{q '- (qR errqqT+, d A ffirq t rfri ddr16t)
First lnformation contents (Attach separate sheet, if required)
A complaint dated 1610112024 has been received in the office of Supdt. of Police,
CBl, ACB, Dehradun from Mohd. lrshad S/o Shri Jaamil Ahmad, R/o Lane No. 17,
Aazadnagar, Banbhulpura, Haldwani. The allegations in brief are that Shri Dinesh Meena,
Sub-lnspector, RPF, Railway Station, Haldwani, is demanding monthly bribe of Rs.
3000-4000/- fromthe complainant for allowing him to pick up the passengers from railway
parking area, Railway Station, Haldwani. The Complaint has been discreetly verified, which
prima-facie establishes demand of bribe by Shri Dinesh Meena, Sub-lnspector, RPF,
Railway Station, Haldwani, which has been further reduced to Rs. 2000/-. The contents of
the complaint are reproduced as under :-
+ql t
gfurl qfuero
frEq:- fr ft-i{r fivrT R.P,F r+r 66rft €ffi aRr Q-{qn qFTi A fui t t
ftil{q B fu t do wyrc yd afr Gatd 3rr{E a0q0 fl 3{r.ar( ;rR
6r+TaT{T E-€rft or s*i qren ( q tmft q-rdTi an ord znro-r ( t tft gq m1 &ffi B s
6-€ffi H daTq t ig-qft-qT(r +ft qrq e.errfr t-et qtgn t d-qrd R.P.F. E-trT ttr
ft{gr dlsrr av 5_s-d q'futT t lrqffi q-G of \.{q t 3000, 4000 strd ot rTrfu-fr R{q-d fu
qr.r o-s r5r B r kqrfr rs s-q-{ft zozq d fr f6q=, fiqr gm 3{.ri do e78s61osa: r} 5si
tt co e0s865e513 ar-q rnta furr .rq o gd $rsiff Rrqo e-i d ft\ GN-i 3ilhfl g_drqr, fr
sr-d $Ti)-ff Rgqa 1lyft o-q o-{i ,fr ft}fi fuql, fut n-i ftmf-s cD-{ kql t i
ts/t/zoza 6\ 6rpry e {d ffi.q €q fr fuiaT ft."il A 3trfuq t rrlr w-et u=a}-i 5-u-w
+dRT 3000/s R{irf, o1 qt-,T ol q tft roXA qori qq zooo/- Re.r.r +1 qi,r fi f}itl
t-i M-s os fuqr B, q R-oB.f +qtft 6rd t t 'il frrorqo d v+rq B
q*-ds, t g;qr dfqr d - Rr-q-d rfr tT qrf,al E, 3rd: 3ilqr\ ft}-qq
2ooo /
B fu rft ft-ivr fiqT d fu.-dm 3il-q{q6 6Tffi orN ,p1 Eqr oi r
d rqqnE
The above facts and discreet verification of the complaint prrma-facie discloses
commissionof offencepunishableU/s7of P.C.Act, 1988(asamendedin2018) onthepart
of Shri Dinesh [/eena, Sub-lnspector, RPF, Railway Station, Haldwani.
.L ^r,
13 $rffi d s1 'ri ; fr g.lfqr kflq ffiqi+. z d skolicd rrnr( 3fi) + aink sd srA erc{q
ani s-qqrfid +-rn t
Action taken : Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as menlioned al
Item No. 2
3Tfirqifi / Wilsf,i d y q qz T6FF.{ / T6rEr gfl-rrr rrqr, Hii €-O_€-d enfriffifua d-.il
d+.R fr-q r qs*1\1*. cfr srf$rqlrfr / q-d{rfiti +t fr:gq. trqn sl Ti r
FIR read over to the complainanVinformant, admitted to be correctly recorded and a copy given to
the complainanUinformant, free of cost.
1610112024 1240Hrs.
srfi*rfr / q;t'nirili, 6Rr rtlcrq / o{irgffi *' qft i qfi qr e{ftr*. f{drtvr fqq qri qt Ei wi yfqE 61
slfq I
These fields will be entered only if complainanUinformant gives any one or more particulars about the
orc/GtP/RB NO-213-CBt/04 dr. -6-04-000