In the remeasurement a somewhat better accuracy was ob- "Number of counters activated in tray T" should read 2, 3,
tained for the HC"N" lines; the new B0 value is 44315.97 instead of &~ 2, &~ 3.
+0.10 Mc (with the same Dz value as was used previously).
The frequencies for the deuterated isotopic forms are correct Thermoelectric Power of Carbons and Graphite, E(;oN E.
as given, but a small numerical error was detected in the LOEBNER j.
t Phys. Rev. 84, 153 (1951) A regrettable mistake
structural calculations. With these corrections, the inter- has been made in the sign of the thermoelectric power of
atomic distances are determined as follows: carbons versus platinum. All values are positive and not
negative as reported in the letter.
CH or CD
distance CN distance
Molecular pair used (10 8 cm) (10 8 cm) Semiconductivity and Diamagnetism of Polycrystalline
D —D C13N14
C12N 14 1.0658 1.1555 Graphite and Condensed Ring Systems, S. MRozowsKI I Phys.
HC»N14 —HC13N14 1.0674 1.1557 Rev. 85, 609 (1952)j. As a consequence of the unfortunate
DC»N14 H C"N'4 1.0625
DC»N14 HC12N14 1.0623 1.1567 mixup in the sign of the thermoelectric power of carbons in
H( 13N14 —D( 13N14 1.0624 1.1563 the work of Loebner (see the preceding erratum) the general
H C12N14 —D
C13N14 1.0619 1,1568
picture of the electronic processes in carbons has to be in-
Av. 1.0637 +0.004 1.1563 +0.001 verted, that is, all through the paper "excess electrons"
should read "excess holes" ("traps" instead of "donors").
The average values for the two interatomic distances are very Excess holes are created in the filled band by trapping of
resonance electrons on surface sites. The nature of these
close to the original values quoted. However, the spread in
the values obtained with the different isotopic combinations surface traps can be described in the following way (the follow-
is significantly narrowed. As a result, a much smaller probable ing should be substituted for lines 15 to 1 from the bottom on
error in the determination of the interatomic distances is p. 617 in the right-hand column): "When the atom attached
indicated. to the peripheral carbon is removed, the carbon orbital corre-
We are indebted to Dr. A. E. Douglas, of the National sponding to the free valence can now accommodate two
Research Council of Canada, and to Professor D. H. Rank, electrons. A resonance electron jumps into the planar valence
of Pennsylvania State College, for calling to our attention orbital, if the activation energy necessary for the change of
the probability of the mistake in frequencies. We are indebted the configuration happens to be supplied by the heat vibration;
due to the pairing of spins this configuration is the more
to Dr. Ralph Trambarulo and to Mr. W. C. King for assisting
with the remeasurement and the recalculation.
stable of the two. The hole created in the band of resonace
electrons is almost free; a very small amount e of kinetic
energy will suffice to tear it away from the negative ion left
Multiple Events Produced in Hydrogen by Very High behind. Consequently, this hole will. . . . "
Energy Cosmic-Ray Particles at an Altitude of 90,000 Feet, The-negative sign of the Hall coefficient for baked carbons
M. L. VIDALE AND MARcEL ScHEIN LPhys. Rev. 84, 593 does fit well into the general picture; this point will be dis-
(1951}g. The. first column of Table I,
under the heading cussed in subsequent publications from our laboratory.