Undertaking Form II
Undertaking Form II
Undertaking Form II
I have been issued a warning that my attendance is less than 75% from _________ to _________ in
the subject _________________________________________ and that I should attend regularly and
improve my attendance in the remaining period. I am aware that I should secure not less than 75% in
every course that I have registered in this semester, to appear for the end semester examination in that
I undertake that I will attend the classes regularly and improve my attendance for the course
mentioned above so that the attendance is well above 75%. I also state that if I fail to comply with
this requirement, I am aware that I should redo the course in the subsequent semester when the course
is offered next, as per the norms prescribed. (Regulation 2023: Clause 7.1)
Signature of the student with date Signature of the Parent with date