Sample Question Paper For Qualifying Examination (Fluid Dynamics)
Sample Question Paper For Qualifying Examination (Fluid Dynamics)
Sample Question Paper For Qualifying Examination (Fluid Dynamics)
(Note: This question paper is to give an idea of the questions that can be framed. Practicing these questions
will help clear the concepts. The actual question paper may however be very different – for example, short
questions may not be there; and the difficulty level may be higher.)
Closed Notes, Closed Book Examination (One A4 sheet, one side written in your own handwriting allowed)
Q1-14 Select all the statements which are true. Justify your choice. [20 marks]
(Note that more than one statement may be true in a given case. Zero point will be awarded in case all the
correct statements are not selected. Zero point will be awarded if justification for the selected answer is not
2. If vorticity is defined as the curl of velocity, then the relationship between vorticity and angular velocity
(a) angular velocity = vorticity
(b) angular velocity = twice of vorticity
(c) vorticity = twice of angular velocity
(d) no relation between angular velocity and vorticity
7. For steady, uniform flow over a flat plate at high Reynolds number
(a) The boundary layer thickness is small
(b) Different characteristic scales apply along streamwise and cross-stream directions
(c) The two inertial terms are of the same order
(d) Viscous term(s) are of the same order as inertial term(s)
10. For similarity to apply between model aircraft and prototype aircraft:
(a) If the scale factor for length is 1:5, then the scale factor for mass should be 1:125
(b) The magnitude of net force acting on the prototype should be equal to the magnitude of net force
acting on the model
(c) Matching of Froude number is essential
(d) Euler number of model = Euler number of prototype
12. Two long circular pipes of different diameters are connected in series leading to a sudden change
(increase) in the cross-sectional area at the junction of the two pipes (sudden expansion case). Which of the
following statements apply for this system?
(a) The Reynolds number in the smaller diameter tube is larger than the Reynolds number in the larger
diameter tube
(b) The pressure drop in the smaller diameter tube is larger than the pressure drop in the larger diameter
(c) The total pressure drop across the system is more than the sum of the pressure drops in the individual
(d) The flow may separate at the junction of the two pipes
14. Streamlined versus bluff-body
(a) Form drag is relatively high in bluff-bodies
(b) Skin friction is relatively more in streamlined bodies
(c) Pressure recovery is relatively slower in streamlined bodies
(d) There may be a finite circulation around streamlined bodies
15. Consider the boundary layer formed when an incompressible fluid flows over a flat plate. The velocity
profile within boundary layer at any section x is given by Vx V0 f ( ) where y / with as the
boundary layer thickness at that location. Outside the boundary layer the x component of velocity is V 0
everywhere. (a) Using ABCD as the CV, show that mass crosses into the boundary layer at CD. (b) To find
3 1
f ( ) 3
Vy near the edge of the boundary layer, use ABCE as the CV. For 2 2 , determine Vy at 1.
[5 marks]
16. When a jet of air issues from an orifice, it drags the surrounding air along with it due to viscous action as
shown. Thus the mass of air moving downstream increases as we move farther from the orifice. This
phenomenon is called entrainment. Experimentally studies show that the air motion is confined within a
conical region, with the centreline velocity Vc varying inversely with a conical region, location z. The non-
Vz (r , z )
dimensional velocity profile Vc ( z ) is found to be a function of a single composite non-dimensionalvariable
r / R , where R is the radius of jet at z. Since the jet is conical, R =bz, with b constant depending on the
cone angle. By applying the mass balance to the CV of the thickness dz, show that the rate of entrainment
17. Consider laminar flow over a flat plate. Find displacement thickness and momentum thickness for a
sinusoidal velocity profile. [5 marks]
18. 20 m3/s of effluent is discharged from a plant into a 10 m deep river flowing at 0.2 m/s. It is observed
that the fish and other aquatic life in a certain zone of the river die out, whereas those outside it are almost
unaffected. [5 marks]
(a) Explain the observation.
(b) How would you model this problem?
(c) Assuming that the discharge is uniform across the river depth and that the river is sufficiently wide,
calculate the extent of this critical region sufficiently far downstream of the discharge location.
19. A free vortex of strength is placed near a wall, as shown. The coordinate of the vortex is (0, a).
(a) Obtain the pressure distribution at the wall.
(b) Will the pressure distribution be the same along y = 0 in absence of the wall? Justify.
(c) If the vortex is left free and can therefore move, what will be the trajectory of the vortex? Justify.
(Assume that the wall is there.) [7 marks]
20. For turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate, one can derive expression for C D and . We normally
assume that the flow transits from laminar to turbulent at the leading edge of the plate. Here, we want to
relax this assumption; instead we will consider that the transition occurs where Re x = Recrit = 5 x 105. Recall
that for turbulent flow
Vx y 0.045
Vo (Re )1/4
and for laminar flow
x Re x
Apply the momentum integral equation and derive expressions for CD and . [8 marks]