Ae6601 - Fem
Ae6601 - Fem
Ae6601 - Fem
Total Pages :
Aircraft Structure-II
Paper- AER-307A
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 75
Note: Attempt any five questions, selecting at least one question from each unit.
11. (a) Derive the shape functions of a nine noded quadrilateral isoparametric element and also [16
obtain the Jacobian of transformation of a four node quadrilateral element. ]
(b) Derive the interpolation functions at all nodes for the quadratic serendipity element, [16]
shown in Fig..
12. (a) Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of transverse vibration for a beam [16]
fixed at both ends. The beam may be modeled by two elements, each of length L and
cross-sectional area A.
(b) Determine the natural frequencies of a simply supported beam of length 800 mm with [16]
the cross sectional area of 75 cm × 25 cm. Take E= 200 Gpa and density of 7850
kg/m3. {As shown in the Figure}
13. (a) Find the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes for the longitudinal [16
vibrations for the stepped bar. Assume A1 = 2A and A2 = A ;I1 = I2 = I & ;E1 = E2 = E. ]
(b) Establish Jacobian matrix for a Tetrahedron element [16
14. (a) Consider a brick wall (0.7 W/m K) of thickness 30 cm. The inner surface is at28 0C and [16
the outer surface is exposed to cold air with heat transfer co-efficient of 36 W/m2 K at ]
-150C. Determine the steady state temperature distribution and heat flux through the
(b) A composite wall consists of 4 cm thick wood, 10 cm glass fiber insulation, and 1 cm [16
thick plaster. If the temperature on wood and plaster faces are 20 0C and -200C ]
respectively. Determine the temperature distribution in the wall. Assume the thermal
conductivity of wood, glass fiber and plaster are 0.17,0.035 and 0.5 W/mK respectively
and colder side heat transfer coefficient is 25 W/m2 K.
15. (a) Derive the element conductivity matrix and load vector for solving 1- D heat [16
conduction problems, if one of the surfaces is exposed to a heat transfer co-efficient of ]
{h} and ambient temperature of T∞?
(b) (i) Explain the importance of consideration of weights in one Gaussian quadrature [8]
formula? Explain.
(ii) How to solve the integration over rectangular regions in 2- Dimensional problems [8]
using Gaussian Quadrature numerical integration.