Schedule Q
Schedule Q
Schedule Q
1.1. For the purposes of this Schedule “Q”, SAUDI ARAMCO shall have the
same meaning as COMPANY for contracts with Aramco Services
Company and Aramco Overseas Company.
1.4. CONTRACTOR shall inspect, test and accept all parts of the WORK as
defined in Schedule “B”, including its subcontractors' work, in conformance
with all drawings, specifications and standards applicable to the WORK.
1.5. CONTRACTOR shall perform Quality Management functions for all parts
of the WORK, including its subcontractors', vendors', manufacturers' and
suppliers' WORK as specified in the CONTRACTOR's Quality Manual and
approved Quality Plan(s).
3.1. CONTRACTOR shall plan, organize, control and execute all WORK in
accordance with CONTRACTOR’s Quality Plan, Inspection and Test
Plans (ITP) and documented procedures. The Quality Plan must ensure
that quality personnel and processes, including those of subcontractors,
are effective and that the WORK is completed in strict compliance with all
provisions of schedule “B” of this Contract.
3.6. CONTRACTOR shall modify its Quality Plan to reflect any significant
changes identified by CONTRACTOR or SAUDI ARAMCO.
CONTRACTOR’s revised Quality Plan shall then be resubmitted for
SAUDI ARAMCO’s approval.
4.2. Within two (2) weeks after the scheduled review date, CONTRACTOR
shall advise the Company Representative in writing of the results and
recommended actions of such reviews. Changes to the Quality System
that result from CONTRACTOR’s Top Management Reviews shall be
incorporated in the contract Quality Plan, with the approval of the
Company Representative.
5.9.1. all planned quality personnel for the project in accordance with
Attachment VI of this schedule “Q”.
5.9.2. reporting relationships from the inspector through to level above the
CONTRACTOR’s project manager for this contract.
5.10. Planned staffing levels shall comply with SAUDI ARAMCO approved
Quality Plan and Attachment VI of this Schedule “Q”; any reduction from
the required levels must be approved in advance in writing by the
Company Representative.
7.4. Waivers
7.4.2. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain a log detailing all waivers from
SAUDI ARAMCO or CONTRACTOR Quality and inspection
requirements obtained during all WORK phases. This log must
indicate the status of the waiver, a brief description and details of
the applicable purchase order and equipment or construction
7.4.3. The CONTRACTOR shall also maintain a log detailing all waivers
to SAUDI ARAMCO standards obtained during all phases, including
those initiated by SAUDI ARAMCO (during or prior to the start of
WORK) or CONTRACTOR. This log must indicate the status of the
7.6. Improvement
1.2. Quality System Auditors: Shall have 5 years Quality System experience in
auditing activities in the discipline he is working in. Auditors shall be
qualified as stated in ISO-19011 and competent in the discipline being
audited, familiar with Quality System standards and be able to exercise
judgment against the criteria of the standards. Auditors must be able to
communicate clearly in writing and orally. Auditors shall have satisfactorily
completed a training course and passed the course examination. Auditors
shall have participated in a minimum of four audits for a total of at least 20
days including documentation review, actual audit activities and audit
reporting during the past three years.
3.3.17 RTR Installer: Installer shall have completed the vendor training
for RTR installation. Installer shall have a demonstrated
background and thorough knowledge of codes required for the
execution of the WORK.
CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable SAUDI ARAMCO Material System
Specifications (SAMSS), SAUDI ARAMCO Engineering Standards (SAES), and other
SAUDI ARAMCO standards and specifications including, but not limited to the following
procedures relating to Quality requirements:
13. SAEP-1101 through SAEP-1117: Welding and Brazing Test Supplements for
Welder Performance Qualification
2.1. CONTRACTOR shall review and ensure the quality of all requisitions prior
to submittal for Saudi Aramco review, including all technical and quality
requirements specified in Schedule “G”.
2.2. CONTRACTOR shall review its supplier's sub-orders to ensure that all
relevant SAUDI ARAMCO technical and inspection requirements are
passed on to sub-suppliers.
2.5. SAUDI ARAMCO shall have access to all purchase order inspection report
3.2. CONTRACTOR and/or its suppliers shall prepare detailed Inspection and
Test Plans (ITPs) in accordance with paragraph 3.4 of this Attachment for
all equipment and materials assigned a level 2, 3, or 4 in SAER-1972, and
for any other equipment deemed necessary by CONTRACTOR.
3.4. CONTRACTOR shall prepare a Special form 175 for approval by the
Company Representative:
3.7. Supplier and sub supplier personnel for NDT, Positive Material
Identification, and welding shall be qualified as specified by SAUDI
ARAMCO’s Standards and Attachment I of this Schedule “Q”.
CONTRACTOR shall review and approve such qualifications prior to the
start of manufacturing.
3.11. CONTRACTOR or its approved third party inspector shall schedule and
perform source inspection at supplier and sub-supplier fabrication sites as
specified in the approved Inspection and Test Plans.
3.15.7. In cases where the supplier is responsible for export packing, the
final disposition report shall be prepared after export packing has
been inspected and accepted by CONTRACTOR.
1.1. Unless submitted with the Project Quality Plan in accordance with
paragraph 3.2 of Schedule Q, one month prior to the start of the applicable
WORK, CONTRACTOR shall submit for review and approval a detailed
Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) along with related procedures/work
instructions for all construction processes to be executed by
CONTRACTOR or subcontractors. CONTRACTOR shall review the
quality requirements in all applicable SAUDI ARAMCO standards and
procedures listed in Attachment II to this Schedule “Q” and include
appropriate Quality requirements in each ITP. Each ITP shall detail all
review, witness, and hold points for SAUDI ARAMCO, CONTRACTOR,
and subcontractors as specified in this Contract. It shall also include the
methods, extent and timing for examinations, measurements or tests.
1.3. Inspection and Test Plans and related procedures shall include provisions
to ensure that test prerequisites have been met, that adequate calibrated
instrumentation is available and used, and that the necessary inspection is
1.4. Revision Control - CONTRACTOR shall revise each ITP and obtain
approval for such revisions from the Company Representative as needed
**Note: Approval of personnel qualification procedure is not required when the work is
subcontracted to an approve NDT contractor.
7.1. CONTRACTOR shall visually inspect all incoming equipment for damage
and for conformance to all applicable requirements, including the supplier
inspection release with verified Material Test Reports (MTR). If the
equipment does not have the required inspection release and MTR,
CONTRACTOR shall verify and document the compliance of the
equipment with applicable standards and specifications prior to release to
be used as part of the WORK. Data concerning receiving inspections shall
be included on the Monthly Materials Procurement Status Report as
specified in Schedule “G”.
7.2. CONTRACTOR shall submit its test reports and its subcontractors test
reports to the Company Representative as specified by the applicable
SAUDI ARAMCO standards. The CONTRACTOR shall review its
subcontractor’s test reports prior to submittal.
1.2. For any equipment items that have no specified inspection levels,
CONTRACTOR shall prepare a special form 175 for approval by the
Company Representative.
1.2. For the following equipment items in Table VI-1, CONTRACTOR shall
provide additional inspection personnel for coverage at the specified
inspection level as indicated:
The QA/QC personnel, as shown in the following table below, should be provided
per Zone (described in Schedule “H”) and shall be capable of sufficiently
covering all assigned Maintain Potential workload for that Zone. The table is a
suggested guideline but modifiable and will be reviewed and approved on a
case-by-case basis within the scope of the Contractor’s Quality Plan and
Organization Chart.
Primary Inspector
Construction Discipline (CONTRACTOR or
Supervising Inspectors
Inspection Discipline: Civil/Structural
Earthwork + Foundations + 1 per 30 workers, 1
Steel Structure minimum 1 per 5 inspectors
Thrust Boring 1 per location, 1 minimum
Inspection Discipline: Mechanical/Welding
Tie-In welding including
1 per crew
temperature tie-ins
Welding at (Fabrication Shop) 1 Minimum
1 per crew
1 per 5 inspectors
1 per 20 workers, 1
Structural Steel
1 per crew supervisor, 1
Pipeline Welding
minimum, per 5 km radius
Flange Assembly 1 per 15 workers
Pipe Stringing 1 Inspector per site
1 Inspector per ten
Beveling 1 Inspector per crew
Primary Inspector
Construction Discipline (CONTRACTOR or
Supervising Inspectors
I Inspector per 2 crews
within a 5 km radius
RTR Installation 1 Inspector per crew
RTP Installation 1 Inspector per crew
Fencing 1 Inspector per site
Hot tapping 1 per crew
1 NDT coordinator per
NDT Coordinator
three sites
One inspector for
Padding, lowering, holiday each (5)
1 per crew
testing and backfilling subcontractor's
inspector, Min 1
1 per crew supervisor,
Pressure Testing
Min 1
Radiographic Test Film
One One
Interpretation (RTFI)
Inspection Discipline: Electrical, Instrumentation,
Communication & Cathodic Protection
Electrical, Instrumentation,
1 per 15 workers 2
Communication , SCADA & 1 per 5 inspector
Cathodic Protection
Inspection Discipline: Coating/Painting
Coating including painting 1 per crew supervisor 1 per 5 inspectors