ALU Online
ALU Online
ALU Online
Time: 30 min
For example, if your roll is 180104200, you should answer the set (200 mod 4) = Set 0.
Please note that you won’t get any marks if you do not answer the correct set.
Please remember that any sort of plagiarism will result in -20 marks without further explanation.
Design the following 4-bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit):
S2 S1 S0 Output Function
1 1 0 Ai + 1 + 1 Transfer A with Carry
0 1 0 Ai - Bi Subtract
1 1 1 Ai + Bi Add
1 0 1 Ai I Bi OR
0 0 0 Ai’ Complement A
Submission Procedure:
S2 S1 S0 Output Function
0 0 0 Ai - Bi - 1 Subtract with Borrow
1 0 1 Ai + 1 + 1 Transfer A with Carry
0 0 1 Ai - 1 Decrement A
0 1 0 Ai’ Complement A
1 1 1 Ai xor Bi XOR
Submission Procedure:
S2 S1 S0 Output Function
0 1 1 Ai + Bi + 1 Add with Carry
0 0 1 Ai Transfer A
0 1 0 Ai - 1 Decrement A
1 1 0 Ai | Bi OR
1 0 0 Ai xor Bi XOR
Submission Procedure:
S2 S1 S0 Output Function
0 0 0 Ai Transfer A
0 0 1 Ai – Bi -1 Subtraction with Borrow
1 0 1 Ai + Bi Add
1 1 0 Ai | Bi OR
0 1 1 Ai . Bi AND
Submission Procedure: