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"Solid Waste Classification and Quantification in Offices in

a State University in Zamboanga City Philippines"

Jami, Zulficar A., Awali, Shanrada A., Casas, Joshua James Benedict C., Real,
Sonwell D., Enolpe, Rafael R., Toribio, Zandara Mae A., Apelacio, Liezel O.
Senior High School Laboratory, Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University,
Zamboanga City Philippines

Classifying waste can help us recognize what waste is more likely to harm
people, reduce it, and recycle it. Quantifying waste: calculate the quantity produced
in Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University’s senior high school offices by
weight in kilograms (kg). In this research study, we analyze the type of waste and
how much quantity was highly produced in each office. To answer this problem, we
first classify the waste into two categories: biodegradable and non-biodegradable,
then quantify using kg in the weighing scale. The results show that the type of waste
highly produced was biodegradable, with 3.8 kg of its quantity. Solid waste
classification and quantification in schools contribute to creating a culture of
environmental responsibility and promoting sustainable habits that students can
carry into their communities and future endeavors. The implications of this study
could be used to reduce waste and promote waste management.

Generation passes by, as population have grown, humans discovered and
create a production of materials that increased because there is also a high demand
in the product. However, the incorrect waste disposal is the big concern here.
According to Tang and Huang (2017), waste is regarded as the domestic and
industrial refuse, garbage, or any disregarded materials produced in pursue of daily
lives and industrial activities; it can be hazardous or non hazardous. According to
Peng et al. (2023), the global amount of solid waste has dramatically increased as a
result of rapid population growth, accelerated urbanization, agricultural demand, and
industrial development. Waste that is non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled is
filling all the landfills as well as the oceans (Downs, Acevedo, 2019). Meaning to say,
the more we consume natural resources, the more we produce waste products that
are triggering our environment’s state and being. According to Kaza et al., (2018),
without urgent and feasible action, there is a big chance that global waste will
increase and grow by 70 percent in the year 2050. We must take actions as soon as
possible for the reason that a single waste product can range a possibility of
destroying the environment and it’s aesthetical natural view. Around 9% of the
generated wastes were recycled, which was a very minute quantity compared to total
production. Approximately 80% of the generated wastes were reported to
accumulate in landfills or in the natural environment (Evode et al., 2021). If we
produce materials, we must observed proper disposal of waste and this enters the
waste management practices.

Waste Management provides sustainable actions in recycling waste products

and creating new materials out of it—more useful (Hoornweg, Bhada-tata, 2013).
This includes the collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste, together
with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process (Ebeid and
Zakaria, 2021). There are different types of waste that are classified into solid, liquid,
and gases and each waste has different type of management disposal. Waste
management should start practicing in school, teachers, faculty and other staff
specially encouraging students. According to (Paghasian, 2017) to achieve effective
and sustainable implementation of the proper waste management practices,
awareness with participation is the key to be involved in the Solid Waste
Management Program of an institution.

Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University is a newly established

university. The canteen was also newly opened, so most of the waste products found
in the offices are food came from the canteen. We chose ZPPSU Senior High School
to conduct our study, “Solid Waste Classification and Quantification in Offices at a
State University in Zamboanga City, Philippines,” to start here in our school helping
with waste problems. To effectively do waste management, solid waste
classification and quantification has a big significant in helping us take actions. The
objective of this study is to classify the waste into Biodegradable and Non-
biodegradable, and to Quantify the waste produce in different offices in Zamboanga
Peninsula Polytechnic State University Senior High School and to achieve proper
waste management within 5 days of waste monitor.

Waste classification has been successfully practiced in developed countries

and is one of the crucial MSW management methods (Kuusiola, 2012), as cited by
(Wang, 2021). Human health will also be affected in these areas. Through solid
waste classification, we will know what waste to reuse, reduce, recover, and recycle.
Practice separation storage for hazardous waste. Classification allows us to manage
waste effectively and manage possible risks in the environment. Quantification of
waste is a model or method that calculates the amount of waste consumed. If that
one waste has the highest consumption in a day, then we can spread awareness
and reduce those.

The objective of this study is to classify the waste into biodegradable and non-
biodegradable, and to quantify the waste using weighing scale (kg) produce in
different offices in Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University Senior High
School and to achieve proper waste management within 5 days of waste monitor.
The researcher will present the data in table form.
For ethical considerations, before the study is conducted, we assure the
confidentiality of the state university senior high school laboratory offices where we
conducted the study, to respect the institutional policies regarding the information we
gathered for research purposes, and protect the reputation and integrity of the


The researcher prepared a letter for the principal of senior high school so that
they can carry out waste classification and after that the researcher will also ask for
permission from the In charge of the faculty office the researcher will conduct an
orientation to the faculty offices on how to carry out of solid waste classification the
time set of conducting solid waste classification is 2:00 to 4:00 PM

1.How to classify solid waste

Classification of solid waste
According to UNICEF, the solid waste can be classified into biodegradable
and non biodegradable waste. Biodegradable waste, that are completely
decomposed by biological processes either in presence or in absence of air are
called biodegradable. E.g. Kitchen waste, animal dung, agricultural waste etc. as
cited by (Bharadwaj., et al 2015). Biodegradable solid waste (also called bio-waste
or compostable waste) are a type of solid waste that can be broken down or
decomposed by bacteria, fungi and/or other micro-organisms. While getting
assimilated into the environment without causing any ecological harm during the

According to Bharadwaj., et al (2015) Non-biodegradable waste, which cannot

be decomposed by biological processes is called non-biodegradable waste. These
are of two types-Recyclable: waste having economic values but destined for disposal
can be recovered and reused along with their energy value. E g. Plastic, paper, old
cloth etc. Non-recyclable: waste which do not have economic value of recovery. E.g.
Carbon paper, thermo coal, tetra packs etc. Non-biodegradable waste remains on
the earth for thousands of years without any degradation and acts as a source of
2.How to quantify solid waste
Quantification of solid waste
The researcher will quantify the solid waste generated by the offices in
Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University (ZPPSU). The researcher will
measure the waste that the offices produce by weight in kilograms (kg) with the
utilisation of a weighing scale. We will first sort through the trash by hand,
segregating the waste into different categories based on the different materials, and
classifications that have been set, we will then measure the weight of each category
of waste with the use of a weighing scale, we will do this at a specific time of day for
a set period of time, after recording all the data that we gather we will then report all
of our findings in this research paper. The procedure of this study is supported by
(Breva, 2020).

In this quantitative data analysis, we allowed waste management systems to
move beyond traditional, time-based collection schedules. Through the implemented
real-time monitoring solutions, waste levels in containers and bins can be assessed,
optimizing collection routes based on actual fill levels. The effectiveness of using
waste classification and quantification products in Senior High School Offices of
Office Room A, Office Room B and principals office showed at a state university. We
Used the weighing scale (kg) to monitor and gathered the data within 5-days. The
waste are classified into two categories: Biodegradable waste, that are completely
decomposed by biological processes either in presence or in absence of air are
called biodegradable. E.g. Kitchen waste, animal dung, agricultural waste etc. and
Non-biodegradable waste, which cannot be decomposed by biological processes is
called non-biodegradable waste. To finally quantify the waste, weighing scale is the
tool we used to measure the total of waste.
Table.1 Definition of Waste

Classification of waste Type of waste Reference

Non- Biodegradable Plastic based Waste Non-biodegradable

waste, according to
Peter 2024 and Breva
2020, refers to any
material that does not
break down or
decompose naturally
over time through
biological processes,
posing long-term
environmental hazards.

Biodegradable Food Waste Biodegradable waste,

according to Themelis
Paper Waste 2021, and European
Commission 2021,
comprises organic
materials that can be
broken down naturally
by microorganisms into
simpler substances,
contributing to the
nutrient cycle and
environmental impact.

Based on the Table 2. The waste collected on the three offices in a state
university senior high school, the total of waste in the 3 offices has a weight in kg of
(1.513) were gathered in 5-days. The most of the waste collected was non-
biodegradable, which included items such as plastic cups, plastic bottles,
cellophanes, plastics, plastic spoons, and plastic food wrappers. Additionally,there
was also biodegradable waste, including paper waste and food waste, tissue, that
contributed to the total amount.
The reliability of our study on “Solid Waste Classification and Quantification in
Offices in a State University in Zamboanga City, Philippines” was ensured through a
systematic and reproducible data collection process using the Waste Analysis and
Characterization Study (WACS) method. Here’s how we ensured the reliability of our
data and methods:

1.Data Collection Methods

- The Researcher’s conducted waste audits in specified offices, namely Office
Room A, Office Room B, and the Office Room C.
- The waste was collected separately from each office and segregated into
biodegradable and non-biodegradable categories.
- Each category was weighed to determine the weight of the waste per
- The total weight of the trash was then calculated by combining the weights of
both classifications.

2.Sampling Period
- The data collection spanned over five consecutive days.
- Each day’s waste was segregated and weighed separately for daily

3.Classification and Quantification

- The Researcher’s employed the WACS method for data analysis, which involves
adding the weights of waste collected over the five days for each classification and
calculated the mean weight for each classification by dividing the total weight
collected over five days by the number of days (5).
- This process was repeated separately for biodegradable and non-biodegradable
waste in each office.

4.Instruments and Tools

- The Researcher’s used a weighing scale to measure the weight of the waste
- Plastic cellophanes were used to collect and segregate the waste.
- Gloves and facemasks were used by the data collectors to ensure safety and
hygiene during the waste handling process.
- The same procedure was consistently applied across all specified offices to
ensure uniformity in data collection.
- By using standardized classification (biodegradable and non-biodegradable) and
consistent measurement methods, we minimized the potential for error or bias.

- Regular cross-checks were performed during data collection to ensure accuracy
in segregation and weighing.

Through these measures, our study maintains a high level of reliability, ensuring that
the findings accurately represent the solid waste composition and quantities
generated in the specified university offices.


In this table, the researcher will discuss the average results of collection of
wastes produced (biodegradable and non-biodegradable) gathered within the
weekdays from April 17,18,19,20,22 2024.. We gathered the data from different
offices of the Senior High School Laboratory, which are the Office Room A, Office
Room B and the Office Room C. Through the process of classification and
quantification, identifying waste into Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable. We
quantify the results using the weighing scale of kilograms(kg).

Table. 1 Waste sources from Specified offices in the Senior high school laboratory

Sources of wastes Numbers of WACS cooperators

Office Room A 22

Office Room B 6

Office Room C 3

Total 31

This table shows the numbers of WACS cooperators that produce waste classified
into biodegradable and non- biodegradable.
Table 2. Amount of waste classified in Office Room A (kg) in a 5 Day WACS

Amount of Waste Collected (kg)

Types of Office Room A

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Total Total
Weight Mean

Biodegradabl 0.79 0.35 0.21 0.11 0.8 2.26 0.452


Non- 0.7 0.4 0.31 0.22 0.2 1.83 0.366


Total 1.49 0.751 0.52 0.33 1 4.91 0.818

The table 2. showed the amount of classified waste in 5-Day WACS each day, where
it was shown that biodegradable is very consistently highest consume waste where
for the last five days with a total weight of 2.26 and a total mean of ( 0.452 ). On the
other hand, non-biodegradable waste has a total mean of ( 0.366) .

Table 3. Amount of waste classified in Office Room B (kg) in a 5 Day WACS

Amount of Waste Collected (kg)

Types of Office Room B

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Total Total
Weight Mean

Biodegradabl 0.15 0.1 0.02 0.1 0.11 0.48 0.096


Non- 0.1 0.2 0.09 0.07 0.145 0.605 0.121


Total 0.25 0.3 0.11 0.17 0.255 1.085 0.217

The table 3. Showed the amount of classified waste in 5-Day WACS each day,
where it was shown that non-biodegradable is very consistently highest consume
waste where for the last five days with a total weight of 0.605 and total mean of
( 0.121 ). On the other hand, biodegradable waste has a total mean of (0.096).

Table 4. Amount of waste classified in Principals Office (kg) in a 5 Day WACS

Amount of Waste Collected (kg)

Types of Office Room C

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Total Total
Weight Mean

Biodegradable 0.65 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.15 1.06 0.212

Non- 0.3 0.28 0.3 0.1 0.35 1.33 0.266


Total 0.95 0.34 0.4 0.2 0.5 2.39 0.478

The table 4. Showed the overall amount of classified waste in 5-Day WACS each
day, where it was shown that non-biodegradable is very consistently highest
consume waste where for the last five days with a total weight of 1.33 and total mean
of ( 0.266 ). On the other hand, biodegradable waste has a total mean of (0. 212).

Table 5. Overall Total Waste

Amount of Waste Collected (kg)

Types of Overall weight from different offices

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Total Total
Weight Mean

Biodegradable 1.59 0.51 0.33 0.31 1.06 3.8 0.76

Non- 1.1 0.88 0.7 0.39 0.695 3.765 0.753


Overall Total 2.69 1.39 1.03 0.7 2.295 7.565 1.513

Based on the Table 5. The waste collected on the three offices in a state university
senior high school, the total of waste in the 3 offices has a weight in kg of (1.513)
were gathered in 5-days. The most of the waste collected was non-biodegradable,
which included items such as plastic cups, plastic bottles, cellophanes, plastics,
plastic spoons, and plastic food wrappers. Additionally, there was also biodegradable
waste, including paper waste and food waste, tissue, that contributed to the total

The most common type of waste In Office Room A is paper, reflecting its
environment as an office full of teachers who extensively use paper for teaching
materials, notes, and administrative tasks. This room has 17 WACS cooperators and
13 trash cans. Despite the availability of trash cans, proper segregation is not
practiced because these are personal trash cans and a few non-personal ones that
are still not segregated properly.

In Office Room B, the most common types of waste are plastic cups and paper-
based packaging. This room, similar to Office Room A, serves as an office for
teachers but has fewer WACS cooperators (6) and no dedicated trash cans. The
lack of proper waste segregation practices here, combined with the absence of trash
cans, contributes to the mixed waste types observe

The Office Room ,Cgenerates a significant amount of plastic bottle waste,

attributable to the office environment where bottled water or beverages are
commonly consumed. This office has 3 WACS cooperators and 5 trash cans. Similar
to the other offices, proper waste segregation is not practiced, leading to mixed
waste disposal.

This study is supported by WACS method of (Hapinat et al., 2023) base on the
results of the study if properly manage, such MSU would provide high opportunities
for the development of socio-economy Municipality (Chung and Poon, 2001). In the
result of the researcher 5-day waste classification and quantification.


In summary, the researchers finding in the conducted 5-Day waste

classification and quantification in Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State
University Senior High School Offices gave an accurate in the types and the total
of waste for each offices. The research study successfully conducted in each
sources of waste, and we are able to separate Biodegradable and Non-
biodegradable then calculated the amount of waste. The Non- biodegradable
showed as the highest consume waste with a total mean of ( 0.753). Our research
finally came to an conclusion that the sources of different waste that we collected are
responsible and throwing their waste in the bin. This study will help now the offices to
know what type of waste and the result of the total waste, and start to improve more
their waste management to help reduce the waste in the environment.


Future research could further delve into the different classifications of solid
waste, such as biodegradable and non biodegradable types of solid waste. It could
help the different offices to have a deeper understanding of the different types of
solid waste that they produce, resulting in a better waste management. Through this
study, the lack of management in the disposal of waste can be attenuated and the
result of this study can help assess and evaluate the offices in accordance to the
waste they produce.


This endeavor could not have been possible without our research teacher,
Mrs. Liezel Apelacio, for her invaluable patience, guidance, and feedback. We would
like to express our deepest appreciation to the assistant principal, Mr. Romenick
Molina, who is an expert in this field, for his assistance and suggestions for our
study. We also wanted to acknowledge Ma’am Marwina Arellano for checking our
research, especially our results and discussion. We would also like to showcase our
gratitude to the teachers who serve as our backbones and consultants and the staff
members of the university for being cooperative with us during our data gathering
process. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge our families and friends for being
supportive all throughout this journey. To the never-ending dedication of the
researchers to fully accomplish the purpose of the study and its goal to help the
target field and population.

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