Employability Skills Class XII Unit 3 Notes
Employability Skills Class XII Unit 3 Notes
Employability Skills Class XII Unit 3 Notes
A spreadsheet is an electronic document, which has rows and columns. It is used to store data in a
systematic way and do calculations. Example : Microsoft Excel.
Types of spreadsheet
There are many types of spreadsheet available that have been created by different companies. Some of
the most popular ones are Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice Calc, Google sheets, OpenOffice Calc.
Components of a spreadsheet
1. A row is an arrangement of cells in a horizontal manner.
2. A column is an arrangement of cells in a vertical (standing) manner.
A cell is a rectangle shaped box, where the row and column meet. You can enter text, numbers, date,
formula, etc., in a cell. The cell that is selected appears highlighted.
3. The name box shows the location of the selected cell. The location of the cell is a combination of column
and row. For example, A1, where A is the column name and 1 is the row number.
4. A worksheet is a collection of cells in the form of a grid (a network of lines that intersect each other,
making rectangles). When you open a spreadsheet for the first time, you see a blank worksheet with the
name ‘Sheet1’.
5. A workbook is a spreadsheet that has one or more worksheets.
Type of data
There are three main type of data — text, numbers and formula.
Selecting multiple cells
When a single cell is selected it is called active cell.
Sorting data
Arrangement of words or numbers in order can help one find a particular word or name easily. Select all
rows and columns that have to be sorted Click on Data, and then, select Sort
Filtering data
Click on the AutoFilter icon on the Tool Bar. This will put filters at the top of each Column. Click on the
filter for column. The drop-down will show a list of all the values in that column. By default, all values are
checked or selected.
Presentation Software
Presentation software is being widely used to make digital presentations. It has many advantages, which are
as follows.
1. They are interesting as they have features like images, videos, animation and music.
2. Making changes in digital presentations is easy.
3. A digital presentation can be shown to a much larger audience by projecting on a screen.
4. The presentation can be printed and distributed to the audience.