Axial Turbines Slides
Axial Turbines Slides
Axial Turbines Slides
§ Radial flow turbines are only used for very low power engines,
to handle low mass flow rates. Other applications are in
turbochargers and cryogenic turbo-expanders.
§ Axial flow turbines are normally more efficient , and even on
small gas turbine engines they are mounted back-to-back with
a centrifugal compressor. This is also the case in APU units
generation up to 3MW and in mobile power plant applications.
§ Micro-gas turbines, typically of < 200 kW power output employ
radial turbines together with radial compressors as radial
turbines can handle low mass flow rates more effectively.
Axial turbine stages
Trent XWB
Turbine cooling – internal air system
Blade cooling
Factors affecting the number of turbines stages
C: Absolute velocity
U: Blade velocity = ωr, where ω is rotational speed
V: Relative air velocity
In the first stage, usually α1=0 (flow is axial)
Useful work
It is usually useful to assume that axial velocity remains constant throughout
the turbine. Thus velocity triangles can be superimposed:
There is no need for work done factor here as the flow is not against
adverse pressure gradient here, and growth of boundary layer is
much less than the case in compressors.
T-S Diagram
Using the steady energy equation, the work
done can be obtained in terms of stagnation
temperature drop across the stage:
Ws = c p DT0 s
c p DT0 s = UCa (tan b 2 + tan b 3 )
Defining the total to total stage efficiency as:
T -T
h s = 01 03
T01 - T03¢
An expression for stage
" pressure ratio:
✓ ◆ 1#
To = ⌘t To1 1
Velocity triangles
U Ca
To = (tan 2 + tan 3)
" ✓ ◆ 1 #
To = ⌘t To1 1
Example - I
A single stage axial flow turbine has a mean radius of 28 cm. The hot gases enter the
turbine stage at 1800 kPa and 1250 K and the absolute velocity leaving the stator is
c2=590 m/s and inclined at an angle α2= 60o to the axial direction. The relative
angles at inlet and outlet of the rotor blade are β2= 26o and β3= 58o respectively. The
turbine efficiency is 0.86. Assume that the absolute velocity at the inlet and exit of the
stage to be equal (C1=C3). Also assume that ϕ=Ca/U to be constant through the
stage and take R=290 J/kg K and γ=1.33.
2cp To
U Ca
From To = (tan 2 + tan 3)
2cp To
= = 2 (tan 2 + tan 3)
(T2 - T3 )
T1 - T3
L= (tan b 3 - tan b 2 )
⇤= (tan 3 tan 2)
We attempt to keep it close to 0.5
Nozzle guide vane (NGV)
T2 - T2¢
lN = 2
C 2 /( 2c p )
Po1 P2
Yn =
Po2 P2
Gas flow angles
✓ ◆
tan 2 = 2⇤
2 2
✓ ◆
tan 3 = + 2⇤
2 2
tan ↵2 = tan 2+
tan ↵3 = tan 3
The Smith Chart
50% reaction
0.5 = tan !! − tan !! !
= tan !! − tan !!
! 1
= = tan !! − tan !! = tan !! − tan !!
!! !
!! = !!
!! = !! !
50% reaction
= 4 tan 3 2 = 4 tan↵2 2
= 4 tan 2 2 = 4 tan↵3 2
50% reaction designs
Total-to-static efficiency
Shape of the blade and velocity triangle may vary from root
to tip because:
• Increase in speed U with radius
• Whirl component of the flow causes static pressure
and temperature to vary along the radius (Radial
equilibrium was analysed for compressors)
With a uniform pressure at inlet, it is obvious that the
because of the whirl component downstream, the pressure
drop will vary along radius, giving rise to variation in
velocity C and thus leading to the need for the design of
twisted blades
Sources of friction losses
Hub surface
Tip surface
tan b 2 = (0.5Y - 2 L )
tan a 3 = tan b 3 -
tan a 2 = tan b 2 +
a) the power output
b) the temperature drop coefficient, Y
c) the total to total isentropic efficiency,
d) the rotor relative outlet gas angle, b3
e) the stage reaction, L
f) the relative inlet angle to the rotor, b2, and the gas absolute inlet
angle to the rotor (the NGV outlet angle), a2
g) sketch the velocity triangles
h) the NGV exit (rotor inlet) blade height