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Safety and Common Symbols
The following safety and common symbols may be used in this manual and on
the equipment:
Symbol Description
Direct current
Alternating current
Symbol Description
On (supply)
Off (supply)
To answer the increasingly diversified needs for training in the wide field of
electrical energy, the Electric Power Technology Training Program was
developed as a modular study program for technical institutes, colleges, and
universities. The program is shown below as a flow chart, with each box in the
flow chart representing a course.
The program starts with a variety of courses providing in-depth coverage of basic
topics related to the field of electrical energy such as ac and dc power circuits,
power transformers, rotating machines, ac power transmission lines, and power
electronics. The program then builds on the knowledge gained by the student
through these basic courses to provide training in more advanced subjects such
as home energy production from renewable resources (wind and sunlight), large-
scale electricity production from hydropower, large-scale electricity production
from wind power (doubly-fed induction generator [DFIG], synchronous generator,
and asynchronous generator technologies), smart-grid technologies (SVC,
STATCOM, HVDC transmission, etc.), storage of electrical energy in batteries,
and drive systems for small electric vehicles and cars.
Permanent magnet dc motors are rotating machines that operate using direct
current (i.e., they are dc powered). They can be used as either generators or
motors. Permanent magnet dc motors are rugged components that are easy to
connect and require little maintenance. They are found in a variety of
applications, such as battery charging, small electric vehicles, windmill
technology, mobility scooters, pumps, machine tools, kitchen appliances, optical
equipment, etc.
The present course introduces the student to permanent magnet dc motors used
as either generators or motors. The course covers the construction, operating
principles, and characteristic curves of permanent magnet dc motors related to
each of these two operating modes.
The equipment for the course mainly consists of the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor and the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply. The operation of
the motor is controlled using the LVDAC-EMS software, which also provides the
instrumentation required to record the experimental data and plot characteristic
Safety considerations
Safety symbols that may be used in this manual and on the equipment are listed
in the Safety Symbols table at the beginning of the manual.
Safety procedures related to the tasks that you will be asked to perform are
indicated in each exercise.
Make sure that you are wearing appropriate protective equipment when
performing the tasks. You should never perform a task if you have any reason to
think that a manipulation could be dangerous for you or your teammates.
As a prerequisite to this course, you should have read the manual titled
DC Power Circuits, p.n. 86350.
Systems of units
Units are expressed using the International System of Units (SI) followed by the
units expressed in the U.S. customary system of units (between parentheses).
MANUAL OBJECTIVE When you have completed this manual, you will be familiar with the construction
and operation of permanent magnet dc motors used as either generators or
motors. You will be familiar with the characteristic curves of permanent magnet
dc motors related to each of these two operating modes.
ܹ ൌܨή݀ (1)
where ܹ is the mechanical work done by the force, expressed in joules (J)
or in pound-force inches (lbf·in).
ܨ is the magnitude of the force moving the object, expressed in
newtons (N) or in pound-forces (lbf).
݀ is the distance over which the force moves the object, expressed
in meters (m) or in inches (in).
ܹ ൌ 1 J (8.85 lbfāin) (39.4 in)
Consider now that the block in Figure 1 is moved over the same distance using a
pulley that has a radius , as shown in Figure 2.
ܶ ൌܨൈݎ
A twisting force must be applied on the pulley shaft to make it rotate so that the
rope wound around the pulley shaft pulls the block with a force ܨ. This twisting
force is known as the torque ܶ and is defined by the following equation:
ܶ ൌܨήݎ (2)
At the end of each complete rotation of the pulley, the block has been pulled a
distance of ሺʹɎ ή ݎሻ m or in, meaning that a work of ሺʹɎ ή ݎή ܨሻ J of lbfāin has been
done. Since ܶ ൌ ܨή ݎ, the amount of work ܹ done in one revolution can be
expressed as ሺʹɎ ή ܶሻ J or lbfāin.
Power ܲ is defined as the rate of doing work, and it is calculated using the
following equation when work ܹ is expressed in joules.
ܲൌ (3)
where ܲ is the power of the device doing the work, expressed in watts (W).
ܹ is the amount of work done, expressed in joules (J).
ݐis the time taken to do the work, expressed in seconds (s).
Since power is work done per unit of time, the power ܲ of a motor turning at a
speed ݊ can be found using the following equation when the torque ܶ is
expressed in newton-meters (Nήm).
ͳ ͳ ͳ ݊ ή ܶ
ܲൌ݊ή ή ʹɎܶ ή ൌ݊ήܶή ൌ (6)
Ͳ ͺǤͺͷ ͺͶǤͷ ͺͶǤͷ
It is possible to obtain the power ܲ, expressed in horsepower (hp), for any given
power ܲ, expressed in watts (W), by dividing the power value in watts by 746.
Electrical power
DC motor
Battery Rotational
െ mechanical power
Figure 3. Operation as a motor: the dc motor converts electrical power into rotational
mechanical power that makes the fan turn.
A dc motor can also perform the opposite action, i.e., convert rotational
mechanical power into electrical power, as Figure 4 shows. When rotational
mechanical power is applied to the shaft of the dc motor, the shaft starts to rotate
and dc voltage appears at the motor terminals. When an electric load is
connected to the motor terminals, current flows through the load and electrical
power is consumed by the load. In this case, the dc motor operates as a
generator since it produces electrical energy from the mechanical energy applied
to its shaft (instead of converting electrical energy applied to its terminals into
mechanical energy).
Electrical power
DC motor
load െ
mechanical power
Figure 4. Operation as a generator: the dc motor converts rotational mechanical power into
electrical power that is consumed by an electric load.
Permanent magnet dc motors are rugged electrical components. They are easy
to connect because they are powered using two electrical wires only.
Furthermore, they require little maintenance since they have very few parts
subjected to wear. The parts that are subjected to wear are carbon fiber
brushes. These brushes wear out with motor usage. They must therefore be
replaced occasionally. The brush replacement interval depends on motor usage.
Figure 6. Permanent magnet dc motors can be used to power electric bicycles and scooters.
Figure 7. Permanent magnet dc motors can be used in mobility scooters and golf carts.
EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the basic
functions of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply used in this manual.
You will also be familiar with the polarity of the speed, torque, and mechanical
power for a machine operating as either a motor or a generator.
a The hands-on exercises in this manual require you to be familiar with the
computer-based instruments in this training system. Refer to user guides Data
Acquisition and Control System, Model 86716-E, and Computer-Based Instruments
for EMS, Model 86718-E, to become familiar with the operation and use of these
computer-based instruments.
DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:
Direction of
Motor torque
When determining the torque produced by the motor to which it is coupled, the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply automatically compensates for its
own friction torque and for the belt friction torque. Thus, the torque indicated by
the torque meter in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window of
the LVDAC-EMS software represents the actual torque produced at the shaft of
the motor under test. Similarly, the mechanical power indicated by the power
meter in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window represents the
corrected mechanical power at the shaft of the motor under test.
prime mover Direction of
Prime mover
Figure 9. Clockwise constant-speed prime mover coupled to a generator.
By convention, the speed of The polarity of the torque and mechanical power measured for the machine
a machine rotating in the connected to the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply depends on the
clockwise direction is of machine’s mode of operation. There are two modes of operation: motor and
positive polarity while the generator.
speed of a machine rotating
in the counterclockwise
direction is of negative
Motor operation
As Figure 8 shows, when a machine operates as a motor, the motor torque is in
the same direction as the motor’s direction of rotation, i.e., the speed at which the
motor rotates is of the same polarity as the torque produced by the motor.
Consequently, the mechanical power produced by the motor, which is
proportional to the product of the motor speed and torque, is always positive,
regardless of the motor’s direction of rotation (i.e., regardless of whether the
motor speed and torque are positive or negative). This is consistent with the
definition of a motor, which states that a motor uses electrical energy to produce
mechanical energy, thus resulting in a positive mechanical power value.
Any load torque applied to the motor (such as the load torque created by the
brake in Figure 8) acts against the torque produced by the motor, and thus has a
polarity that is opposite to the polarity of the motor torque and speed.
Generator operation
The torque produced by the machine driving the generator (such as the prime
mover torque in Figure 9) acts against the generator torque and thus has the
same polarity as the generator speed.
High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise. Do not make or modify any
banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified
a Before performing this exercise, measure the open-circuit voltage across the
Lead-Acid Battery Pack (Model 8802), using a multimeter. If the open-circuit
voltage is lower than 51.2 V, ask your instructor for assistance as the
Lead-Acid Battery Pack is probably not fully charged. Appendix D of this
manual indicates how to fully charge the Lead-Acid Battery Pack before a lab
In this section, you will mechanically couple the Permanent Magnet DC Motor to
the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply. You will then set the equipment
to study the two-quadrant, constant-torque brake operation.
Before coupling rotating machines, make absolutely sure that power is turned off
to prevent any machine from starting inadvertently.
4. On the Permanent Magnet DC Motor, make sure that switch S1 is set to the
O (off) position.
5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 10. The red motor terminal is the
positive terminal.
48 V
Permanent Two-quadrant
Magnet constant-torque
DC Motor brake
a Appendix C shows in more detail the equipment and the connections that are
required for each circuit diagram symbol used in this manual.
7. Turn the host computer on, then start the LVDAC-EMS software.
Set the Pulley Ratio parameter to 24:12. The first and second numbers in
this parameter specify the number of teeth on the pulley of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply and the number of teeth on the
pulley of the machine under test (i.e., the Permanent Magnet DC Motor),
respectively. It is important to ensure that the Pulley Ratio parameter
corresponds to the actual pulley ratio between the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply and the machine under test.
Make sure that the Torque Control parameter is set to Knob. This allows
the torque of the two-quadrant brake to be controlled manually.
Set the Torque parameter to the minimum value (0.0 N·m or 0.0 lbf·in) by
entering this value in the field next to this parameter. This sets the torque
command of the Two-Quadrant, Constant-Torque Brake to 0.0 N·m
(0.0 lbf·in).
a The torque command can also be set by using the Torque control knob in the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window.
In this section, you will make the Permanent Magnet DC Motor rotate in the
clockwise direction and observe what happens to the torque produced by the
motor when you increase the load torque applied to it. You will observe the
polarity of the torque and the mechanical power produced by the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor, and confirm that this machine is operating as a motor. You will
then make the Permanent Magnet DC Motor rotate in the counterclockwise
direction and observe what happens to the torque produced by the motor when
you increase the load torque applied to it. You will observe the polarity of the
torque and mechanical power produced by the Permanent Magnet DC Motor,
and confirm that the machine can operate as a motor, in either direction of
rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise).
Yes No
11. What is the polarity of the torque ܶ produced by the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor?
Yes No
12. Is the polarity of the motor mechanical power ܲெ positive (indicated by the
Power meter in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window)?
Yes No
Does this confirm that the Permanent Magnet DC Motor currently operates
as a motor? Explain.
13. Stop the Permanent Magnet DC Motor by setting its power switch S1 to
the O (off) position.
14. On the Lead-Acid Battery Pack, reverse the battery connections to reverse
the polarity of the voltage applied to the Permanent Magnet DC Motor.
Yes No
16. Is the torque ܶ produced by the Permanent Magnet DC Motor of the same
polarity as the motor speed ݊?
Yes No
Yes No
Does this confirm that the Permanent Magnet DC Motor currently operates
as a motor?
Yes No
18. Stop the Permanent Magnet DC Motor by setting its power switch ͳ to
the O (off) position.
19. From your observations, does the direction of rotation of the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor determine the polarity (positive or negative) of the motor
speed ݊ and torque ܶ? Explain.
In this section, you will set up a circuit containing a prime mover (implemented
using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply) mechanically coupled to
the Permanent Magnet DC Motor. You will make the prime mover rotate in the
clockwise direction and confirm that the Permanent Magnet DC Motor rotates at
the specified speed determined by the prime mover speed and the pulley ratio.
You will also confirm that the torque produced by the machine is virtually zero.
You will make the prime mover rotate in the counterclockwise direction and
confirm that the speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor is negative when it
rotates in the counterclockwise direction. You will also confirm that the torque
produced by the machine is virtually zero.
20. Set up the equipment as shown in Figure 11. In this circuit, no load is
connected to the Permanent Magnet DC Motor output.
Prime Magnet
mover DC Motor
Figure 11. Prime mover coupled to a permanent magnet dc motor (no electrical load
connected to the motor).
Make sure that the Speed Control parameter is set to Knob. This allows
the speed of the clockwise prime/mover brake to be controlled manually.
Set the Speed parameter (i.e., the speed command) to 1000 r/min by
entering 1000 in the field next to this parameter. Notice that the speed
command is the targeted speed at the shaft of the machine coupled to
the prime mover, i.e., the speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor in
the present case.
a The speed command can also be set by using the Speed control knob in the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window.
Observe that the prime mover starts to rotate, thereby driving the shaft of the
Permanent Magnet DC Motor.
Yes No
Yes No
23. Observe the rotation speed indicated on the front panel display of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply module. It corresponds to the rotation
speed of the prime mover. Notice that this speed is approximately half
(؆ 500 r/min) the speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor. This is because
the pulley ratio of 24:12 causes the prime mover to make ½ (ͳʹ ൊ ʹͶ)
revolution for every revolution of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor. Is this
your observation?
Yes No
Yes No
Does the speed ݊ of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor increase with the
Speed parameter of the CW Constant-Speed Prime Mover/Brake?
Yes No
Does the motor torque ܶ remain virtually zero as the speed increases?
Yes No
Make sure that the Speed Control parameter is set to Knob. This allows
the speed of the counterclockwise prime/mover brake to be controlled
28. Wait a few seconds, then observe the Permanent Magnet DC Motor speed
and torque.
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Does the motor torque ܶ remain virtually zero as the speed increases?
Yes No
In this section, you will set up a circuit containing a prime mover (implemented
using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply) mechanically coupled to
the Permanent Magnet DC Motor operating as a generator. The output of the
generator will be short circuited. You will make the generator rotate in the
clockwise direction and confirm that the generator speed and torque are of
opposite polarity, and that the generator mechanical power is negative, thus
indicating that the machine is operating as a generator. You will then make the
generator rotate in the counterclockwise direction and verify that the generator
speed and torque are of opposite polarity, and that the generator mechanical
power is negative. Finally, you will confirm that the machine can operate as a
generator, regardless of the direction of rotation.
DC Motor
Figure 12. Prime mover coupled to a permanent magnet dc motor operating as a generator
(short-circuited output).
34. What is the polarity of the torque ܶ produced by the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor?
Yes No
Yes No
Does this confirm that the Permanent Magnet DC Motor currently operates
as a generator? Explain.
36. Slowly increase the Speed parameter to 1500 r/min. While you do so,
observe the speed ݊, torque ܶ, and mechanical power ܲெ of the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor on the meters in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power
Describe what happens to the torque and mechanical power as the speed
37. Observe the rotation speed indicated on the front panel display of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply module. It corresponds to the rotation
speed of the prime mover. Notice that this speed is approximately half
(؆ 750 r/min) the generator speed. This is because the pulley ratio of 24:12
causes the prime mover to make ½ (ͳʹ ൊ ʹͶ) revolution for every revolution
of the generator. Is this your observation?
Yes No
Also, observe the torque indicated on the front panel display of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply module. It corresponds to the torque
of the prime mover. Notice that this torque is approximately twice the
generator torque. This is because the pulley ratio of 24:12 causes the prime
mover torque to be 2 times (ʹͶ ൊ ͳʹ) greater than the generator torque. Is
this your observation?
Yes No
39. Slowly increase the Speed parameter to -1500 r/min. Describe what happens
to the torque ܶ as the speed increases.
Yes No
Yes No
Does this confirm that the Permanent Magnet DC Motor currently operates
as a generator?
Yes No
42. From your observations, does the direction of rotation determine the polarity
of the generator speed ݊ and torque ܶ? Explain.
Yes No
43. Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply off by setting the main
power switch to O (off). Close the LVDAC-EMS software. Disconnect all
leads and return them to their storage location.
CONCLUSION In this exercise, you familiarized yourself with the basic functions of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply used in this manual. You observed the
polarity of the speed, torque, and mechanical power for a rotating machine
operating either as a motor or a generator.
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Calculate the power ܲ of a motor rotating at a speed ݊ of 2000 r/min and
producing a torque ܶ of 1.2 N·m (10.6 lbf·in).
EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the construction
of permanent magnet dc motors as well as their operation as generators.
DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:
Permanent magnets
Magnetic field around a conductor
Magnetic field in a loop of wire (electromagnet)
Electromagnetic induction
Construction of a permanent magnet dc motor
Permanent magnet dc motor operating as a generator
Reducing the fluctuations of the generated dc voltage
Characteristic of the generated voltage as a function of the rotation
Torque opposing rotation in a permanent magnet dc motor operating as
a generator
Opposition torque-versus-current characteristic
South (S)
Figure 13. A permanent magnet has two poles called north (N) and south (S).
The direction of the magnetic field is indicated by the line arrows: from north to
south outside the magnet, and from south to north within the magnet.
Like poles on magnets repel each other while unlike poles attract each other, as
Figure 14 shows.
(a) Repulsion
(b) Attraction
Figure 14. Like poles repel each other while opposite poles attract each other.
x The other fingers represent the direction of the magnetic field lines.
Thumb in the direction of current flow. The
other fingers show the direction of the
ܫ magnetic field lines.
Figure 15. When electrical current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is created
around the conductor.
When current flows through a loop of wire, a magnetic field is created in the loop.
As Figure 16 shows, this magnetic field has north and south poles, like a
permanent magnet. In this condition, the loop of wire forms an electromagnet.
Magnetic field
By using the right-hand rule, the direction of the magnetic field inside the loop of
wire and, therefore, the location of the north and south poles can be determined.
The higher the current flowing through the loop, the stronger the magnetic field
produced in the loop. When the current flow is interrupted, the magnetic field
Figure 17. Permanent magnet dc generators can be used for battery charging.
Figure 18. Permanent magnet dc generators can be used in small-scale wind turbines.
Electromagnetic induction
The voltage induced across the terminals of a wire loop when the magnetic flux
passing through the loop varies can be calculated using the following equation:
ȟԄ (7)
ܧൌ ்ܰ௨௦ ή
where ܧ is the voltage induced across the terminals of the wire loop,
expressed in volts (V).
்ܰ௨௦ is the number of turns of wire in the loop.
ȟԄ is the variation in intensity of the magnetic flux passing through
the wire loop, expressed in Webers (Wb).
ȟݐ is the time interval during which the magnetic flux variation
occurs, expressed in seconds (s).
Figure 19 gives an example of the voltage induced across a wire loop that is
exposed to a magnetic flux varying in intensity. Between instants ݐ and ݐଵ , the
intensity of the magnetic flux Ԅremains constant (3 mWb), and thus, the induced
voltage is zero. Between instants ݐଵ and ݐଶ , the intensity of the magnetic flux Ԅ
increases at a constant rate, and thus, a constant voltage is induced in the wire
loop. Between instants ݐଶ and ݐଷ , the intensity of the magnetic Ԅ flux remains
constant (5 mWb), and thus, the induced voltage is zero.
( ݐms)
( ݐms)
Figure 19. Voltage induced in a loop exposed to a magnetic flux varying in intensity.
Using the values given in Figure 19, the voltage ܧinduced across the coil
between instants 1 and 2 can be calculated by using Equation (7):
ܧൌ ்ܰ௨௦ ή ൌ ͳͲͲ ή ൌ ʹͲͲ
ȟݐ ͲǤͲͲͳ
x In Figure 20a, the lines of magnetic field pass from the A side of the wire
loop to the B side of the wire loop, resulting in a magnetic flux Ԅ of
negative polarity through the loop. The voltageܸ induced across the
loop terminals has a negative polarity when the magnetic flux passes
from zero to the negative maximum, because the rate of change of the
magnetic flux has a negative value. The induced voltageܸ is zero
when the magnetic flux Ԅ reaches the negative maximum because the
magnetic flux momentarily stops varying (i.e., the rate of change of the
magnetic flux is zero). The induced voltageܸ reverses polarity (i.e., it
becomes positive) when the magnetic flux passes from the negative
maximum to zero because the rate of change of the magnetic flux has
a positive value.
x In Figure 20b, the same wire loop is moved upward between the two
magnets. However, the loop has been rotated 180° so that the lines of
magnetic field pass from the B side of the loop to the A side of the loop,
resulting in a magnetic flux Ԅ of positive polarity through the loop (i.e.,
the polarity of the magnetic flux is opposite to that in Figure 20a).
Consequently, the magnetic flux Ԅ and the voltageܸ induced across
the loop are similar to those in Figure 20a but are of opposite polarity.
Thus, the voltageܸ induced across the loop terminals has a positive
polarity when the magnetic flux passes from zero to the positive
maximum, because the rate of change of the magnetic flux has a
positive value. The induced voltageܸ is zero when the magnetic flux Ԅ
reaches the positive maximum because the magnetic flux momentarily
stops varying. The induced voltageܸ reverses polarity (i.e., it becomes
negative) when the magnetic flux passes from the positive maximum to
zero because the rate of change of the magnetic flux has a negative
Direction of motion
of the wire loop
field Ԅ in 0 Time
Wire loop
B side of wire loop
voltage 0 Time
( )
(a) The lines of magnetic field pass from the A side to the B side of the wire loop.
Direction of motion
of the wire loop
field Ԅ in 0 Time
B side of wire loop Lines of magnetic field loop
B Wire loop
A voltage 0 Time
A side of wire loop ( Ǧ )
(b) The lines of magnetic field pass from the B side to the A side of the wire loop.
Figure 20. Voltage induced across a wire loop that is moved in the magnetic field created by
permanent magnets.
x The stator is the fixed part of the motor, in which the rotor turns. The
stator consists of a pair of permanent magnets aligned so that poles of
opposite polarities face each other. Thus, one magnet has its north (N)
pole close to the armature, while the other magnet has its south (S) pole
close to the armature. Therefore, lines of magnetic field pass from one
permanent magnet to the other through the metallic armature.
x The rotor is the rotating part of the motor. It consists of a wire loop
mounted on a rotary metallic armature. The ends of the wire loop are
connected to terminals located on the stator of the motor, via a
commutator and a pair of brushes (usually made of carbon). The
commutator has two segments isolated from one another. Each segment
is connected to one terminal of the wire loop. (The role of the
commutator will be explained later.)
magnets (stator)
Figure 22. In real dc motors, the armature (rotor) is made up of several wire loops and the
commutator has several segments.
Figure 23. Motor stator and rotor. The stator is the fixed part of the motor, in which the rotor
turns. The stator consists of a pair of permanent magnets aligned so that poles of opposite
polarities face each other.
flux passing from the B side to the A side of the loop). During this
180° interval of rotation, the voltage ܧଵ induced across the loop has a
positive polarity because the rate of change of the magnetic flux has a
positive value.
This cycles repeats as long as the rotor continues to rotate, so that the polarity of
the voltage ܧଵ generated across the rotor wire loop continually alternates: it is
positive for half a turn, then negative for the next half turn, then positive for the
next half turn, and so on. Because of this, the voltage ܧଵ generated across the
rotor wire loop is referred to as an alternating-current (ac) voltage. Because the
commutator reverses the connections between the wire loop terminals and the
motor terminals at wire loop positions 0 and 4, the voltage ܧଶ at the motor
terminals always has the same polarity (positive), as is shown in Figure 24. The
voltage ܧଶ at the motor terminals is thus a pulsating positive direct-current (dc)
voltage (two pulses per rotation).
Axis of rotation
Segment 1
of commutator C
Brushes D
B side of wire loop
Bെ B Voltage across
the loop terminals
DC voltmeter
Side view
A-B segment
7 1
N 6 2 S
5 3
Axis of rotation
C-D segment
Wire loop
ͳ Ԅ
Voltage ͳܧgenerated
across the wire loop
(voltage across the Wire loop position
0 (A-B segment of wire loop)
commutator segments) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
and magnetic flux Ԅin
the loop
Figure 24. Permanent magnet dc motor operating as a generator (clockwise rotation).
When the direction of rotation of the wire loop is reversed, the polarity of the
dc voltage ܧଶ at the motor terminals also reverses, as Figure 25 shows. The
voltage ܧଶ at the motor terminals is thus a pulsating negative dc voltage (two
pulses per rotation).
Axis of rotation
A side of wire loop
Segment 1
of commutator C
B side of wire loop
Bെ B
Voltage across
the loop terminals
Segment 2 Motor terminals
of commutator
DC voltmeter
N 6 2 S
5 3
Axis of rotation
C-D segment
Wire loop
Voltage ͳܧgenerated
across the wire loop
(voltage across the Wire loop position
0 (A-B segment of wire loop)
commutator segments) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
and magnetic flux Ԅ in
the loop
Figure 25. Permanent magnet dc motor operating as a generator (counterclockwise rotation).
All permanent magnet dc motors have an armature made of several wire loops
and commutator segments. Increasing the number of wire loops and commutator
segments reduces the fluctuation of the voltage at the dc motor terminals that is
due to the pulsating effect (i.e., the generated voltage is a nearly pure
dc voltage). Figure 26 shows an example of the voltage generated at the
terminals of a dc motor when a second loop of wire is added to the armature.
Two extra segments are also added to the commutator to connect the additional
wire loop of the armature to the motor terminals via the brushes.
As Figure 26 shows:
x Two alternating-current (ac) voltages ܧଵ and ܧଶ are generated, one
across each wire loop.
x However, the voltage ܧଷ at the motor terminals always has the same
polarity. This voltage consists of four pulses per rotation of the armature
instead of only two pulses per rotation. Consequently, the fluctuation of
the generated dc voltage caused by the pulsating effect is reduced.
The higher the number of wire loops at the armature, the higher the number of
segments on the commutator and thus, the higher the number of pulses per
rotation and the lower the voltage fluctuation at the dc motor terminals.
Axis of rotation
Wire loop 1
D Wire loop 2
Motor terminals
DC voltmeter
Side view A-B segment
7 1
N 6 2 S
5 3
Axis of rotation C-D segment
Wire loop 1
Figure 26. Adding loops of wire to the dc motor armature increases the value of the generated
dc voltage and reduces the voltage fluctuation due to the pulsating effect.
a The relationship between the polarity of the generated dc voltage and rotor
direction of rotation is arbitrarily selected. Thus, the polarity of the generated
dc voltage can be considered to be negative when the rotor rotates clockwise
and positive when the rotor rotates counterclockwise.
Rotation speed
0 (r/min)
െ (CCW) (CW)
Figure 27. Generated voltage versus speed characteristic of a permanent magnet dc motor
operating as a generator.
Torque is a force used to make an object rotate or, conversely, a force opposing
the rotation of an object. This object may be, for example, the rotor of a
generator. In that case, torque is applied to the rotor of the generator to make it
turn, and, in reaction, the generator produces torque that opposes rotation.
Conversely, a torque opposes the rotation of the rotor when a load is applied to
the generator.
The location of the poles of the magnetic field produced in the wire loop with
respect to the poles of the permanent magnets on the motor stator creates forces
of attraction and repulsion that oppose armature rotation, as Figure 28 shows.
The combined effect of these forces is to apply torque to the motor shaft that
opposes rotation. The higher the current flowing in the loop, the stronger the
magnetic field produced in the loop and the stronger the torque that opposes
Direction of
and brushes R
Motor terminals
A Attraction force
R Repulsion force
Figure 28. The interaction between the magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets in
a dc motor and the magnetic field produced in the armature wire loop when an electric load is
connected to the dc motor creates attraction and repulsion forces in the motor that result in
torque opposing the armature rotation.
In Figure 28, the magnetic fields produced by the wire loop and the permanent
magnets are shown as two separate fields to make the explanation clearer.
However, since magnetic lines of force cannot intersect each other, the resulting
magnetic field in an actual dc motor operating as a generator resembles that
shown in the cross-sectional view of the motor in Figure 29. However, this does
not change the end result, i.e., the combined effect of the forces of attraction and
repulsion result in a torque that opposes rotation (opposition torque).
the armature rotates counterclockwise (i.e., when the polarity of the rotation
speed is negative), the polarity of the generator torque is positive.
Direction of
N Loop
(N·m or lbf·in)
High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise. Do not make or modify any
banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified.
In this section of the exercise, you will connect a dc voltmeter across the motor
terminals and observe the voltage developed across these terminals when the
motor shaft is rotated manually.
2. Make the shaft of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor rotate clockwise with
your hands. Notice that a dc voltage of positive polarity appears across the
motor terminals. Explain why a dc voltage is developed at the motor
terminals when its shaft is rotated.
Opposition to rotation
In this section, you will observe the opposition to rotation of the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor when the terminals of the motor are not short-circuited and
when they are.
5. Make the shaft of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor rotate with your hands.
Notice that it is easy to make the motor shaft rotate. Explain why.
Make the motor shaft rotate clockwise with your hands, then make it rotate
counterclockwise. Notice that it is less easy to make the motor shaft rotate
when the motor terminals are short-circuited. Explain why.
In this section, you will use a prime mover to drive the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor and make it operate as a generator. You will vary the rotation speed of
the prime mover by steps and measure the dc voltage generated across the
motor terminals.
Before coupling rotating machines, make absolutely sure that power is turned off
to prevent any machine from starting inadvertently.
9. Make sure that the main power switch on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/
Power Supply is set to the O (off) position, then connect its Power Input to an
ac power wall outlet.
Connect the Power Input of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface
(DACI) to a 24 V ac power supply. Turn the 24 V ac power supply on.
Connect the USB port of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a
USB port of the host computer.
11. On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/ Power Supply, set the Operating Mode
switch to Dynamometer. This setting allows the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply to operate as a prime mover, a brake, or both,
depending on the selected function.
12. Turn the host computer on, then start the LVDAC-EMS software.
In the LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window, make sure that the Data Acquisition
and Control Interface and the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
are detected. Make sure that the Computer-Based Instrumentation function
for the Data Acquisition and Control Interface is selected. Also, select the
network voltage and frequency that correspond to the voltage and frequency
of your local ac power network, then click the OK button to close the
LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window.
13. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 31. In this circuit, the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor is driven, via a belt, by the motor in the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply. E1 is a voltage input of the Data Acquisition
and Control Interface.
a Appendix C shows in more detail the equipment and the connections required
for the circuit diagram below.
Constant-speed Magnet
prime mover DC Motor
Figure 31. Setup used to plot the voltage-versus-speed characteristic of a permanent magnet
dc motor operating as a generator.
Clockwise rotation
Set the Pulley Ratio parameter to 24:12. The first and second numbers in
this parameter specify the number of teeth on the pulley of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply and the number of teeth on the
pulley of the machine under test (i.e., the Permanent Magnet DC Motor),
Make sure that the Speed Control parameter is set to Knob. This allows
the speed of the clockwise prime mover/brake to be controlled manually.
Set the Speed parameter (i.e., the speed command) to 1000 r/min by
entering 1000 in the field next to this parameter. Notice that the speed
command is the targeted speed at the shaft of the machine coupled to
the prime mover, i.e., the speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor in
the present case.
a The speed command can also be set by using the Speed control knob in the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window.
Observe that the prime mover starts to rotate, thereby driving the shaft of the
Permanent Magnet DC Motor.
Yes No
Meter E1 in the Metering window indicates the dc voltage generated across
the Permanent Magnet DC Motor terminals. Record this voltage below.
DC voltage generated ൌ V
17. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Data Table window. Set the Data Table to record
the rotation speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor (indicated by the
Speed meter in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply) and the
dc voltage generated across the motor terminals (indicated by meter E1 in
the Metering window).
a To select the parameters to be recorded in the Data Table, click the Options
menu of the Data Table and then click Record Settings. In the Settings list,
select Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply, then check the Speed box.
In the Settings list, select Metering, then check the box of meter E1. Click OK
to close the Record Settings box.
18. Make the rotation speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor vary from 0 to
4000 r/min in steps of 500 r/min by adjusting the Speed parameter. For each
speed setting, record the motor rotation speed (indicated by the Speed
meter) and the dc voltage (meter E1) generated across the motor terminals
in the Data Table by clicking the Record Data button in this table.
Counterclockwise rotation
20. Make the rotation speed of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor vary from 0 to
-4000 r/min in steps of about -500 r/min by adjusting the Speed parameter in
the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window. For each speed
setting, record the motor rotation speed and the dc voltage (meter E1)
generated across the motor terminals in the Data Table.
22. From the results recorded in the Data Table, plot the curve of the dc voltage
generated across the motor terminals versus the motor rotation speed.
Yes No
Does the polarity of the generated dc voltage depend on the direction of
rotation, thereby confirming what has been observed at the beginning of this
exercise when you turned the motor shaft manually and measured the
generated voltage with a dc voltmeter? Explain.
Save the data recorded in the Data Table, then close this table.
In this section, you will use a prime mover to drive the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor and make it operate as a generator. You will vary the opposition torque
developed at the motor shaft and measure the current flowing through the
generator armature.
23. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 32. Use the high-current (40 A)
terminal of current input I1 on the Data Acquisition and Control Interface.
In the Data Acquisition and Control Settings window of LVDAC-EMS, set the
Range of current input I1 to High.
a Appendix C shows in more detail the equipment and the connections required
for the circuit diagram.
Constant-torque High-current
prime mover range
DC Motor
Figure 32. Setup used to plot the torque-versus-current characteristic of a permanent magnet
dc motor operating as a generator.
Set the Torque parameter to 0.3 N·m (2.7 lbf in) by entering 0.3 (2.7)
in the field next to this parameter.
Observe that the prime mover starts to rotate clockwise, thereby driving the
shaft of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor.
Yes No
Meter I1 in the Metering window indicates the dc current flowing in the
armature of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor. Record this current below.
27. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Data Table and make the settings required to
record the torque developed the shaft of this motor (indicated by the Torque
meter in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply) and the dc current
flowing in the armature of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor (indicated by
meter I1 in the Metering window).
a To select the parameters to be recorded in the Data Table, click the Options
menu of the Data Table and then click Record Settings. In the Settings list,
select Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply, then check the
Torque box. In the Settings list, select Metering, then check the box of
meter I1. Click OK to close the Record Settings box.
28. Make the torque developed at the shaft of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor
vary from 0 to -0.7 N·m (or from 0 to -6.0 lbf·in) in steps of -0.1 N·m
(or -1 lbf·in) by adjusting the Torque parameter. For each torque setting,
record the current flowing in the armature of the dc motor (meter I1) and the
torque developed at the motor shaft (indicated by the Torque meter) in the
Data Table.
Since the output of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor is short circuited by current input I1,
high currents can flow in the motor at low torques and rotation speeds. Make sure not to
exceed the current rating of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor. Perform the remainder of
this manipulation in less than 5 minutes.
30. From the results recorded in the Data Table, plot a curve of the torque
developed at the motor shaft as a function of the current flowing in the
armature of the dc motor.
Yes No
31. Save the data recorded in the Data Table, then close this table. Turn the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply off by setting the main power
switch to O (off). Close the LVDAC-EMS software. Disconnect all leads and
return them to their storage location.
CONCLUSION In this exercise, you familiarized yourself with a permanent magnet dc motor.
You learned that this motor consists of a rotor (armature) made of several loops
of wire, and a stator made of permanent magnets that produce a fixed magnetic
field. When the rotor is rotated by a prime mover, it cuts the lines of force of the
stator magnetic field, which produces a dc voltage across the motor terminals:
the dc motor operates as a dc generator. The magnitude of the generated
voltage is proportional to the rotation speed, while the polarity of this voltage
depends on the direction of rotation. For instance, when the rotor rotates
clockwise, the dc voltage is positive, and vice-versa. You learned that when a
load is connected across the motor terminals, a force (torque) opposing rotor
rotation is produced. This torque is in the direction opposite to the direction of
rotation. The higher the current supplied to the load, the stronger the torque
opposing rotation.
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. By referring to Figure 21, describe the construction of a simple permanent
magnet dc motor.
3. What effect does increasing the number of wire loops and commutator
segments have on the voltage generated by a permanent magnet dc motor
operating as a generator? Explain.
EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the operation of
permanent magnet dc motors used as motors.
DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:
(iron cylinder)
Figure 34 and Figure 35 show what happens to the polarity of the magnetic field
produced in the armature wire loops when the rotor of the simple permanent
magnet dc motor of Figure 33 rotates. In Figure 34a, the brushes make contact
with commutator segments A and B. Therefore, current flows from the dc power
source to wire loop A-B via the brushes. No current flows in wire loop C-D. This
creates an electromagnet A-B with north and south poles, as shown in
Figure 34a. When the rotor is rotated clockwise a little as in Figure 34b, current
still flows in wire loop A-B, and the north and south poles of the electromagnet
are rotated clockwise.
Loop C-D
A S Loop A-B
(a) D
N Loop C-D
(b) Loop A-B
Loop C-D
(c) A
Loop A-B
Figure 34. Magnetic field produced at the armature when the rotor rotates clockwise (part I).
As the rotor continues to rotate clockwise, the commutator slots pass by the
brushes and a commutation occurs, i.e., the brushes stop making contact with
commutator segments A and B and make contact with commutator segments C
and D instead, as shown in Figure 34c. Consequently, current stops flowing in
wire loop A-B and starts to flow in wire loop C-D. This creates an
electromagnet C-D with north and south poles, as shown in Figure 34c.
A comparison of Figure 34b and Figure 34c shows that, at commutation, the
north and south poles of the electromagnet are rotated 90° counterclockwise. As
the rotor continues to rotate clockwise, the same phenomenon repeats every
90° rotation (i.e., at every commutation), as shown in Figure 35.
Loop A-B
C Loop C-D
Loop A-B
(b) Loop C-D
Loop A-B
(c) C
Loop C-D
Figure 35. Magnetic field produced at the armature when the rotor rotates clockwise (part II).
In summary, as the rotor rotates, the north and south poles of the electromagnet
go back and forth (oscillate) over a 90° angle, as Figure 36 shows. In other
words, the north and south poles can be considered as stationary, i.e., they do
not rotate as the rotor rotates. This is equivalent to having an electromagnet in
the rotor that rotates at the same speed as the rotor, but in the opposite direction.
Rotor is rotating
Figure 36. The north and south poles of the electromagnet at the armature oscillate around a
fixed position.
The higher the number of segments on the commutator, the lower the angle of
rotation between each commutation, and thus, the lower the angle over which the
north and south poles of the electromagnet oscillate. For example, if the
commutator shown in Figure 33, Figure 34, and Figure 35 were having
32 segments instead of 4, the north and south poles would oscillate over an
angle of only 11.25° instead of 90°.
The rotor discussed in the previous section is placed within permanent magnets
in a permanent magnet dc motor, as shown in Figure 37. This causes the
magnetic field produced by the armature electromagnet to interact with the
magnetic field of the permanent magnets. Consequently, the poles of opposite
polarities attract each other (in order to align), while the poles of the same
polarity repel each other, so the rotor starts to rotate (clockwise in the present
case). Once the rotor has rotated by a certain angle (90° in the present case), a
commutation occurs, and the north and south poles of the armature
electromagnet instantly return to their initial location. Once again, the poles of
opposite polarities attract each other (in order to align), while the poles of the
same polarity repel each other, so the rotor continues to rotate in the same
direction. Once the rotor has rotated by a certain angle (90° in the present case),
another commutation occurs and the north and south poles of the armature
electromagnet instantly return to their initial location once again. This cycle
repeats over and over. The forces resulting from the interaction of the magnetic
field produced by the armature electromagnet and the magnetic field of the
permanent magnets always act in the same direction (clockwise in the present
case), and the rotor rotates continually. Thus, a rotating machine converting
electrical energy into mechanical energy, i.e., an electric motor, is achieved.
Direction of rotation
Permanent magnets (stator) (rotor) R A
DC power
source Legend
Attraction force
Repulsion force
Figure 37. Clockwise rotation resulting from the interaction between the magnetic field
produced by the armature electromagnet and the magnetic field of the permanent magnets.
The direction of rotation of the rotor depends on the polarity of the voltage
applied to the brushes. When the dc power source connections are reversed, as
shown in Figure 38, the polarity of the voltage applied to the brushes is reversed.
This reverses the direction of the current flowing in the armature wire loops, and
thus, the location of the north and south poles of the magnetic field produced by
the armature electromagnet. Consequently, this reverses the direction of the
forces resulting from the interaction of the magnetic field produced by the
armature electromagnet and the magnetic field of the permanent magnets,
thereby reversing the armature’s direction of rotation.
Direction of rotation
Permanent magnets (stator) A R
DC power R A
source Legend
Attraction force
Repulsion force
Figure 38. When the polarity of the voltage applied to the brushes is reversed, the direction of
rotation of the armature is also reversed.
ܫ ܴܣ
ܣܧ ܨܯܧܥܧ
In this circuit, ܧ is the voltage applied to the motor brushes, ܫ is the current
flowing in the armature through the brushes, and ܴ is the total resistance of the
wire loops at the armature. Note that ܧ , ܫ , and ܴ are usually referred to as the
armature voltage, current, and resistance, respectively. ܧோ is the voltage drop
across the armature resistor. The dc source ܧாெி in the equivalent diagram
represents the voltage generated at the armature when the motor rotates,
i.e., the voltage due to the counter-electromotive force (CEMF). Voltage ܧாெி is
proportional to the motor speed. Notice that the polarity of voltage ܧாெி is such
that it opposes the voltage ܧ applied to the armature, thereby limiting the
armature current ܫ . Although not indicated in the equivalent diagram of
Figure 39, the motor also develops a torque proportional to the current ܫ
flowing in its armature.
The motor operation is governed by the two following equations. Equation (8)
states the relationship between the motor speed ݊ and the induced
voltage ܧாெி . Equation (9) states the relationship between the motor torque
and the armature current ܫ .
݊ ൌ ଵ ή ܧாெி (8)
ܶ ൌ ଶ ή ܫ
Slope ൌ ͳ
voltage ( ܣܧV)
Figure 40. Relationship between the motor rotation speed and the armature voltage.
Since the relationship between the voltage ܧ and the motor rotation speed ݊ is
linear, a dc motor can be considered a linear voltage-to-speed converter, as
Figure 41 shows.
The same type of relationship exists between the motor torque ܶ and the
armature current ܫ . Thus, the relationship between the motor torque ܶ and the
armature current ܫ is a straight line, as Figure 42 shows. The slope of the
straight line equals constant ʹ.
Motor torque ܶ
(N·m or lbf·in)
Slope ൌ ʹ
current ܫ (A)
Figure 42. Relationship between the motor torque and the armature current.
When the motor torque ܶ increases, the armature current increases, and thus,
the voltage drop ܧோ (ܴ ή ܫ ) across the armature resistor also increases and can
no longer be neglected. As a result, the armature voltage ܧ is no longer equal
to ܧாெி , it is rather the sum of ܧாெி and ܧோ , as Equation (10) shows:
Therefore, when a fixed armature voltage ܧ is applied to a dc motor, the voltage
drop ܧோ across the armature resistor increases as the motor torque ܶ increases
(i.e., as the armature current ܫ increases), and thereby, causes ܧாெி to
decrease. Consequently, the motor rotation speed ݊ decreases because it is
proportional to ܧாெி . This is shown in Figure 44, which is a graph of the motor
rotation speed ݊ versus the motor torque ܶ for a fixed armature voltage ܧ .
Motor torque ܶ
(N·m or lbf·in)
Figure 44. The motor rotation speed decreases as the motor torque increases for a fixed
armature voltage ࡱ .
High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise. Do not make or modify any
banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified.
a Before performing this exercise, measure the open-circuit voltage across the
Lead-Acid Battery Pack (Model 8802), using a multimeter. If the open-circuit
voltage is lower than 51.2 V, ask your instructor for assistance as the
Lead-Acid Battery Pack is probably not fully charged. Appendix D of this
manual indicates how to fully charge the Lead-Acid Battery Pack before a lab
In this part of the exercise, you will set up and connect the equipment.
Before coupling rotating machines, make absolutely sure that power is turned off
to prevent any machine from starting inadvertently.
Connect the Power Input of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a
24 V ac power supply. Turn the 24 V ac power supply on.
Connect the USB port of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a
USB port of the host computer.
5. Turn the host computer on, then start the LVDAC-EMS software.
In the LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window, make sure that the Data Acquisition
and Control Interface and the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
are detected. Make sure that the Computer-Based Instrumentation function
for the Data Acquisition and Control Interface is selected. Also, select the
network voltage and frequency that correspond to the voltage and frequency
of your local ac power network, then click the OK button to close the
LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window.
In this part of the exercise, you will connect a variable-voltage, dc power source
to the Permanent Magnet DC Motor terminals to make the motor rotate. You will
vary the voltage applied to the motor armature and measure the rotation speed at
the motor shaft.
a Appendix C shows in more detail the equipment and the connections required
for the circuit diagram below.
A/B Shaft Encoder
Permanent of the Four-
Magnet Quadrant
DC Motor Dynamometer/
Power Supply
Figure 45. Setup used to plot the speed-versus-voltage characteristic of a permanent magnet
dc motor operating as a motor.
Clockwise rotation
Make sure that the Voltage Control parameter is set to Knob. This allows
the dc source voltage to be controlled manually.
a The dc source voltage can also be set by using the Voltage control knob in the
Four-Quadrant Dynamomemeter/Power Supply window.
10. In the Data Acquisition and Control Settings window of LVDAC-EMS, set the
Digital Input A/B Encoder parameter to 180 PPR (pulses per revolution). This
setting allows the Speed meter in the Metering window (set in the previous
manipulation) to measure the rotation speed of the Permanent Magnet
DC Motor.
Armature voltage = V
Meter Encoder AB in the Metering window indicates the rotation speed of the
Permanent Magnet DC Motor. Record this rotation speed below.
12. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Data Table window. Set the Data Table to record
the armature voltage of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor (indicated by
meter E1 in the Metering window) and the rotation speed of the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor (indicated by meter Encoder AB in the Metering window).
a To select the parameters to be recorded in the Data Table, open the Record
Settings dialog box then select meter E1 and meter Encoder AB. Click OK to
close the Record Settings dialog box.
13. Make the armature voltage of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor vary from 0
to +48 V in about 8 to 10 steps by adjusting the Voltage parameter in the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window. For each voltage
setting, record the motor armature voltage and the motor rotation speed of
the Permanent Magnet DC Motor in the Data Table by clicking the
Record Data button in this table.
Counterclockwise rotation
Make the armature voltage of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor vary from 0
to -48 V in about 8 to 10 steps by adjusting the Voltage parameter in the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window. For each voltage
setting, record the motor armature voltage and the rotation speed of the
Permanent Magnet DC Motor in the Data Table by clicking the Record Data
button in this table.
16. From the results recorded in the Data Table, plot the curve of the rotation
speed at the shaft of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor as a function of the
motor armature voltage.
Yes No
Does the direction of rotation of the permanent magnet dc motor depend on
the polarity of the voltage applied to the motor armature? Explain.
In this section of the exercise, you will use a battery to make the Permanent
Magnet DC Motor rotate. You will vary the opposition (load) torque applied to the
shaft of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor and measure the armature voltage and
current, as well as the rotation speed and torque at the motor shaft.
18. On the Permanent Magnet DC Motor, make sure that switch S1 is set to the
O (off) position.
19. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 46. Use the high-
current (40 A) terminal of input I1 on the Data Acquisition and Control
Interface (DACI).
In the Data Acquisition and Control Settings window of LVDAC-EMS, set the
Range of current input I1 to High.
prime mover/brake
48 V
DC Motor
Clockwise rotation
Set the Pulley Ratio parameter to 24:12. The first and second numbers in
this parameter specify the number of teeth on the pulley of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply and the number of teeth on the
pulley of the machine under test (i.e., the Permanent Magnet DC Motor),
Make sure that the Torque Control parameter is set to Knob. This allows
the torque of the Negative Constant-Torque Prime Mover/Brake to be
controlled manually.
Set the Torque parameter to -0.1 N·m (or -0.9 lbf·in) by entering this
value in the field next to this parameter. This sets the torque command of
the Negative Constant-Torque Prime Mover/Brake to -0.1 N·m
(or -0.9 lbf·in).
22. In LVDAC-EMS, open the Data Table window. Set the Data Table to record
the motor rotation speed and torque (indicated by the Speed and Torque
meters in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply window), as well
as the motor armature voltage and current (indicated by meters E1 and I1 in
the Metering window).
record the motor armature voltage and current, as well as the motor rotation
speed and torque in the Data Table.
Make sure not to exceed the current rating of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor for
extended periods of time. Perform this manipulation in less than 5 minutes.
Counterclockwise rotation
Set the Torque parameter to the minimum value (0.0 N·m or 0.0 lbf·in).
This sets the torque command of the Positive Constant-Torque Prime
Mover/Brake to 0.0 N·m (0.0 lbf·in).
26. Start the Permanent Magnet DC Motor by setting its power switch S1 to
the I (on) position.
Make sure not to exceed the current rating of the Permanent Magnet DC Motor for
extended periods of time. Perform this manipulation in less than 5 minutes.
28. From the results recorded in the Data Table, plot the curve of the motor
torque as a function of the motor armature current.
Yes No
Does the direction of the torque developed at the shaft of the motor reverse
when the polarity of the armature current is reversed? Explain.
29. From the results recorded in the Data Table, plot the curve of the motor
rotation speed as a function of the motor torque.
According to the obtained curve, does the motor speed decrease as the
torque developed at the motor shaft increases? Explain why.
30. Close the Data Table. Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
off by setting the main power switch to O (off). Close the LVDAC-EMS
software. Disconnect all leads and return them to their storage location.
CONCLUSION In this exercise, you familiarized yourself with the operation of a permanent
magnet dc motor used as a motor. You learned that when a dc power source is
connected to the motor terminals, current flows in the wire loops of the armature
and a magnetic field is produced in the wire loops. The interaction between the
magnetic field produced in the armature wire loops and the magnetic field of the
stator permanent magnets results in forces that produce torque that makes the
rotor rotates continually in the same direction. The rotation speed of the rotor is
proportional to the voltage applied to the motor armature, while the direction of
rotation depends on the polarity of this voltage. For instance, when the voltage
applied is of positive polarity, the rotor rotates clockwise, and vice-versa. When a
load (opposition) torque is applied to the dc motor, a torque is developed at the
shaft of the motor. This torque is in the same direction as the direction of rotation.
When the load torque applied increases, the current flowing in the motor
armature increases and, thus, the torque developed at the motor shaft increases.
For a fixed armature voltage, the motor rotation speed decreases as the torque
developed at the motor shaft increases.
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. By referring to Figure 34, Figure 35, and Figure 36, briefly describe the
magnetic field produced by the armature of a dc motor when the rotor
2. Refer to Figure 37. Explain why the rotor starts to rotate when it is placed
within the permanent magnets at the stator of a dc motor.
3. Refer to Figure 37. Explain why the rotor rotates continually in the same
Equipment Exercise
Model Description 1 2 3
8131 Workstation 1 1 1
8213 Permanent Magnet DC Motor 1 1 1
8802 Lead-Acid Battery Pack 1 1 1
8942 Timing Belt 1 1 1
8946-2 Multimeter 1 1 1
8951-L Connection Leads and Accessories 1 1 1
8960-C(2) Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply 1 1 1
8990 Host Computer 1 1 1
9063-B Data Acquisition and Control Interface 1 1 1
30004-2 24 V AC Power Supply 1 1 1
The Workstation, Model 8134-2, or the Mobile Workstation, Model 8110-2, can also be used.
Model 8960-C consists of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply, Model 8960-2, with control
Function sets 8968-1 and 8968-2.
torque The torque ܶ produced by a rotating machine indicates the magnitude of the twisting
force that the machine applies to an object in rotation. Torque can be expressed in
newton-meters (N·m) or in pound-force inches (lbfήin). A motor rotates due to the
torque produced by the motor when electrical power is supplied to it, while a
generator rotates due to the torque applied to the generator shaft by an external
force (e.g., a prime mover).
Various symbols are used in the circuit diagrams of this manual. Each symbol is
a functional representation of a particular electrical device that can be
implemented using the equipment. The use of these symbols greatly simplifies
the number of interconnections that need to be shown on the circuit diagram, and
thus, makes it easier to understand the circuit operation.
For each symbol other than those of power sources, resistors, inductors, and
capacitors, this appendix gives the name of the device which the symbol
represents, as well as the equipment and the connections required to properly
connect the device to a circuit. Notice that the terminals of each symbol are
identified using circled letters. The same circled letters identify the corresponding
terminals in the Equipment and Connections diagram. Also notice that the
numbers (when present) in the Equipment and Connections diagrams
correspond to terminal numbering used on the actual equipment.
Voltage Current
inputs inputs
Three-phase induction
Three-Phase Induction
Machine (8221-2)
Three-phase induction
Motor / Generator (8241-2)
Three-phase synchronous
Motor / Generator (8241-2)
Three-phase synchronous
Three-Phase Wound-Rotor
Induction Machine (8231-B)
Three-phase wound-rotor
induction machine
Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Machine
Rectifier and Filtering
Capacitors (8842-A)
Power Thyristors
Power thyristor
three-phase bridge
Three-phase inverter
This appendix explains how to prepare (fully charge) each Lead-Acid Battery
Pack, Model 8802, before a laboratory period. The Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply, Model 8960, is used to charge either a single
battery pack or several battery packs (connected in parallel) at a time.
Charging procedure
The charging procedure below can be performed overnight so that the equipment
is ready to be used by another group of students the following day.
2. Connect the positive (red) terminal of the Lead-Acid Battery Pack to the
yellow Power Supply terminal of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power
Supply. Connect the negative (black) terminal of the Lead-Acid Battery Pack
to the white Power Supply terminal of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/
Power Supply. Go to step 4.
3. Connect the Parallel Charging Input (red) terminal of each Lead-Acid Battery
Pack to the yellow Power Supply terminal of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply. Connect the negative (black) terminal of each
Lead-Acid Battery Pack to the white Power Supply terminal of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply. Go to the next step.
8. Start battery charging by depressing the Start/Stop push button. The display
indicates Started, signifying that battery charging has begun.
9. Once battery charging is completed, stop the Pb-Acid Battery Float Charger
by depressing the Start/Stop push button, then turn the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply off. Disconnect each Lead-Acid Battery Pack
from the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply. Test each Lead-Acid
Battery Pack for sulfation as described in the Sulfation test section of this
Sulfation test
1. Connect the positive (red) terminal of the Lead-Acid Battery Pack to the
Power Supply (yellow) terminal of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power
Supply. Connect the negative (black) terminal of the Lead-Acid Battery Pack
to the Power Supply (white) terminal of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer/Power Supply.
4. Set the current command to -4 A, then start the negative current source.
5. Observe the battery pack voltage. If the battery pack is unable to maintain its
voltage above 48 V for one minute, it may be sulfated.
7. Repeat the sulfation test if you have other battery packs to test.
Battery maintenance
In order to optimize the cycle life of the batteries in the Lead-Acid Battery Pack
and to prevent sulfation, the battery pack should be charged as soon as possible
after a discharge cycle (e.g., after completion of a laboratory exercise). The
Lead-Acid Battery Pack should never be stored with the batteries discharged for
an extended period of time.
a The bold page number indicates the main entry. Refer to the Glossary of
New Terms for definitions of new terms.
alternating-current (ac) ................................................................................... 35, 38
armature ............................................ 33, 38, 40, 41, 42, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
attraction and repulsion .................................................................................. 41, 55
brushes ............................................................5, 33, 34, 35, 38, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60
commutator ......................................................................33, 34, 35, 38, 56, 57, 58
counter-electromotive force (CEMF) .................................................................... 60
direct-current (dc) ................................................................................................. 35
dynamometer ......................................................................................................... 7
electromagnet ..............................................................................27, 56, 57, 58, 59
electromagnetic induction .............................................................................. 29, 30
permanent magnet ................................................................... 5, 25, 27, 30, 33, 58
permanent magnet dc motor .............................................. 5, 33, 34, 40, 42, 55, 60
power ................................................................................................... 2, 7, 8, 9, 10
prime mover ............................................................................................. 7, 8, 9, 10
rotor ............................................................................33, 34, 35, 40, 56, 57, 58, 59
stator .................................................................................................. 33, 34, 41, 55
torque .......... 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 40, 41, 42, 60, 62, 78
work ................................................................................................................ 1, 2, 3