Chapter Six
Chapter Six
Chapter Six
Gross appearance
Chemical analysis
Morphological Examination
Microbiological Examination
Serological Examination
Morphological Examination
Microbiological Examination
Serological Examination
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Fluid in the space called sub-arachnoid space between
the arachnoid mater and pia mater
Protects the underlying tissues of the central nervous
system (CNS)
Serve as mechanical buffer to
prevent trauma,
circulate nutrients
Act as lubricant
Permeability barriers
Capillary endothelial cell tight junctions: limit
movement between blood and brain extracellular
Choroid plexus epithelial cells: limits movement
between blood and Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF).
Glial cells
Diffusion Mechanisms
Active Transport
Movement against a concentration gradient
Requires energy
Highly selective
Usually moves substances out of CNS
Uptake and Utilization of
Pentose shunt
Provides source of D-ribose for synthesis of
Produces NADPH required for lipid syntheses
Most active during development
Utilization of Amino Acids
Cell Surface proteins play a role during
development in directing neural connections
Contractile proteins
function in axoplasmic movement
Neurotubular protein
Glial proteins (glial fibrillary protein)
Specific Neural/Glial
phagocytized WBC. WBCs are often pyknotic
and easily confused with NRBC's. Found in all
Erythrophages: Macrophages containing
phagocytized RBC or RBC fragments. May
contain several RBC. Found in all fluids.
Siderophages: Macrophages containing
phagocytized particles of hemosiderin, which
stain a blue-black color.
Hematoidin Crystals
1st - Chemistry
2nd - Microbiology
3rd - Hematology
Physical Examination
Color Xanthochromia
Increased Protein
Increased White Blood Cells (Pleocytosis)
CSF Supernatant
-Physical (volume, viscosity, liquefaction)
-chemical l(eg. ph)
-stained preparation
- wet-mount
Semen analysis
Measure the pH
Using a narrow range pH paper, e.g. pH 6.48.0, spread
a drop of liquefied semen on the paper.
After 30 seconds, record the pH.
pH of normal semen: Should be pH 7.2 7.8
When the pH is over 7.8 this may be due to infection.
When the pH is below 7.0 and the semen is found to
contain no sperm, this may indicate dysgenesis (failure
to develop) of the vas deferens, seminal vesicles or
Microscopic Examination
Mix one drop of semen with 1 drop of 0.5% eosin
solution on a slide.
After 2 minutes examine microscopically.
Use the 40X objective to count the percentage of viable
and non-viable spermatozoa.
Viable spermatozoa remain unstained,
non-viable spermatozoa stain red.
Normal viability: 75% or more of spermatozoa should be
viable (unstained).
Staining procedure Contd
sperm count
Using a graduated tube or small cylinder, dilute the
semen 1 in 20 as follows:
Fill the tube or Thoma pipette to the 1 ml mark with
well-mixed liquefied semen.
Add sodium bicarbonate-formalin diluting fluid to the
20 ml mark, and mix well.
Using a Pasteur pipette or Thoma pipette, fill an
Improved Neubauer ruled chamber .
Staining procedure Contd
Wait 35 minutes for the spermatozoa to settle.
Count the number of spermatozoa in an area of 2 sq
mm, (i.e. any 2 large squares within the 9 squares).
Calculate the number of spermatozoa in 1 ml of fluid by
multiplying the number counted by100, 000.
Normal count: 20 106X106 spermatozoa/ml or more.
Counts less than 20 - 106 X106/ml are associated
with male sterility. total of 100 spermatozoa, and note
out of the hundred how many are motile.
Record the percentage that are motile and non motile.
Staining procedure Contd
Absent or markedly reduced in length.
Double tail.
Bent or coiled tail.
Synovial Fluid
Synovial Fluid
Synovium refers to the tissue lining synovial
tendon sheaths, bursae, and diarthrodial joints
except for the articular surface.
Synovial fluid (synovia, SF) is an imperfect
ultrafiltrate of blood plasma combined with
hyaluronic acid produced by the synovial cells.
Synovial Fluid contd
1. Total volume
Recorded at bedside by professional collecting fluid
Normal SF is colorless but is often pale yellow.
Non inflammatory and inflammatory disorders are
usually straw- to yellow-colored (xanthochromia).
Septic fluid may be yellow, brown, or green
Gross Examination of Synovial Fluid
3. Traumatic tap
produces an uneven distribution of blood during
arthrocentesis or streaking in the syringe
pale yellow xanthochromia is difficult to
distinguish from normal, a red-brown color
following centrifugation is good evidence of
pathologic hemarthrosis.
Gross Examination of Synovial Fluid
4. Clarity
relates to number and type of particles within the
Erythrocytes should be routinely counted unless
it is an obvious traumatic tap.
If a large number of red cells interferes with the
leukocyte count, they may be lysed by dilution
with 0.3 normal saline or 1% saponin in saline
If there is the appearance of the fluid as bloody,
count it because it indicates some infectious
Differential Leukocyte Count.
normally constituting about 15% of the SF cells, are
prominent in early RA and other collagen disorders, and
chronic infections.
Reactive forms, including immunoblasts, are also
occasionally present.
over 2% of the leukocyte count, has been reported in
rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, metastatic
carcinoma, Lyme disease, parasitic infections, chronic
urticaria, angioedema, following arthrography (allergic
reaction to dye), and irradiation
Crystal Examination.
Reference interval is 1.0-3.0 g/dL.
With increasing inflammation, larger proteins (e.g.,
fibrinogen) enter the synovial space.
Spontaneous clot formation may be detected in non-
anticoagulated specimen tubes (fibrin clot test
Measurement of SF protein is very nonspecific
The total protein level is not generally useful in patient
diagnosis, treatment, or outcome.
Chemical Analysis contd
enzymes have been studied in SF,
lactate dehydrogenase,
aspartate aminotransferase,
adenosine deaminase,
acid and alkaline phosphatase,
and lysozyme among others
currently not clinically relevant, the measurement of
various hydrolases may have significant predictive
value in joint prognosis, especially RA.
Chemical Analysis contd
Organic Acids.
SF lactic acid levels are usually increased in patients
with septic arthritis .
Levels >30 mg/dL are commonly associated with
septic arthritis due to Gram-positive cocci and Gram-
negative bacilli.
Using gasliquid chromatography, the presence of
other organic acids not normally present in SF may
be very helpful in differentiating septic from non septic
Chemical Analysis contd
Uric Acid.
SF uric acid levels generally parallel serum levels in
gout and noninflammatory arthropathies.
Exception is inflammatory joint disorders other than
gout, where SF urate levels may be significantly lower
than in the paired serum.
normal synovial fluid contains extremely low
concentrations of lipids
quantification of lipids currently has no clinical value
in joint fluid analysis except in cases where
cholesterol crystals may resemble MSU or CPPD
Immunologic studies
Immunologic Studies
Rheumatoid factor (RF) is found in synovia of about 60%
of RA patients, usually at a titer equal to or slightly lower
than the serum titer.
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are found in the SF of
about 70% of patients with SLE and 20% of patients with
Neither is specific enough for practical use. SF
complement levels, normally about 10% of serum levels,
increase to 40-70% of serum activity with inflammation,
proportional to the increase of protein exudation.
Microbiological Examination
Immediate transportation of joint fluid are extremely important
in the rapid identification of an infectious agent
Septic arthritis may be acute or chronic
Gram stain and culture should be performed as part of the
routine synovial fluid evaluation.
Gram stain sensitivity varies from about 75% for staphylococcal
infections, 50% for most Gram-negative organisms, to < 25%
for gonococcal (GC) infections .
Microbiological Examination contd
Culture sensitivity :
75-95% for non gonococcal joint infections in patients
who have not received antibiotics.
For patients with gonorrhea, the sensitivity is only 10-
PCR with universal primers to detect bacterial DNA for
the more fastidious, uncultivable pathogens like:
Borrelia burgdorferi
Chlamydia s
Mycoplasma sp.
Microbiological Examination contd
are usually bilateral owing to systemic conditions
leading to increased capillary hydrostatic pressure or
decreased plasma oncotic pressure
Non-inflammatory condition
No need further investigation
are typically clear, pale yellow to straw-colored,
odorless, and do not clot.
Approximately 15% of transudates are blood tinged.
A bloody pleural effusion (hematocrit > 1%) suggests
trauma, malignancy, or pulmonary infarction
A traumatic tap is suggested by uneven blood
distribution, fluid clearing with continued aspiration, or
formation of small blood clots.
may grossly resemble transudates, but most show
variable degrees of cloudiness or turbidity, and often clot
if not heparinized.
A fecalent odor may be detected in anaerobic infections.
Turbid, milky, and/or bloody specimens should be
centrifuged and the supernatant examined.
If the supernatant is clear, the turbidity is most likely due to
cellular elements or debris.
If the turbidity persists after centrifugation, a chylous or
pseudochylous effusion is likely
Characteristic Features of Chylous and
Pseudochylous Effusions
Feature Chylous Pseudochylous
Pulmonary infarction
Congestive heart failure
Infection (especially parasitic, fungal)
Hypersensitivity syndromes
Drug reaction
Rheumatologic diseases
Hodgkin's disease
Chemical Analysis
The measurement of pleural fluid total protein or
albumin has little clinical value except when combined
with other parameters to differentiate exudates from
Protein electrophoresis shows a pattern similar to
serum except for a higher proportion of albumin; it
has little value for differential diagnosis
The glucose level of normal pleural fluid, transudates,
and most exudates is similar to serum levels.
Decreased pleural fluid glucose, accepted as a level
below 60 mg/dL (3.33 mmol/L) or a pleural
fluid/serum glucose ratio less than 0.5, is most
consistent and dramatic in rheumatoid pleuritis and
grossly purulent parapneumonic exudates ( Sahn,
1982 ). Low pleural fluid glucose may also be present
in malignancy, tuberculosis, nonpurulent bacterial
infections, lupus pleuritis, and esophageal rupture.
Pleural fluid lactate levels can be a useful adjunct in
the rapid diagnosis of infectious pleuritis. Levels are
significantly higher in bacterial and tuberculous
pleural infections than in other pleural effusions.
Moderate elevations are generally observed in
malignant effusions ( Brook, 1980 ). Values greater
than 90 mg/dL (10 mmol/L) have a positive predictive
value for infectious pleuritis of 94% and a negative
predictive value of 100% ( Gastrin,
Enzymatic tests
Amylase elevations
above the serum level (usually 1.5-2.0 or more times greater)
indicate the presence of pancreatitis, esophageal rupture, or
malignant effusion
Elevated amylase derived from esophageal rupture or malignancy
is the salivary isoform, which differentiates it from pancreatic
Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase (LD)
levels rise in proportion to the degree of inflammation.
In addition to its use in separating exudates from transudates,
declining LD levels during the course of an effusion indicate that the
inflammatory process is resolving.
Interferon-gamma (INF-gamma).
Pleural fluid INF-gamma levels are significantly
increased in pleural fluid of patients with tuberculous
The sensitivity of levels 3.7 IU/L or greater is 99% and
the specificity is 98%.
The test sensitivity does not differ in HIV-positive and
HIV-negative patients. Only about 20% of patients with
effusions due to hematologic malignancies have INF-
gamma levels slightly above 3.7 IU/L
Pleural fluid pH measurement has the highest diagnostic
accuracy in assessing the prognosis of parapneumonic
(pneumonia-related) effusions.
A parapneumonic exudate with a pH greater than 7.30
generally resolves with medical therapy alone.
A pH less than 7.20 indicates a complicated
parapneumonic effusion (loculated or associated with
empyema) requiring surgical drainage.
Immunologic Studies
Specimen Collection
Performed by experienced professional
should be delivered within 1 hours if delay is mandatory the
approprate preservative for the desired test should be added
as soon as it reached the lab gross examination should be
Pericardial Fluid contd
Gross Examination
Normal pericardial fluid : pale yellow and clear.
Large effusions (> 350 mL) are most often caused by
malignancy or uremia, or are idiopathic.
Turbid effusions :Infection or malignancy clear and
straw-colored: effusions due to uremia
Microscopic Examination
The hematocrit and red cell count document the
presence of a hemorrhagic effusion
Total leukocyte counts over 10 000/L suggest
bacterial, tuberculous, or malignant pericarditis.
Although formal leukocyte differentials add little
diagnostic information, a stained smear should
always be examined.
Chemical Analysis
A value greater than 3.0 g/dL has a sensitivity of 97%
for exudative effusions
Pericardial glucose levels less than 60 mg/dL have a
diagnostic accuracy of only 36% in identifying
pericardial exudates
Pericardial fluid pH may be markedly decreased
(< 7.10) in rheumatic or purulent pericarditis
Microbiological Examination
Specimen Collection
Done by clilinicians
Collected in in sterile test tube
Delivered to the lab within 1 hour
The test performed in appropriate technique
Sufficient sample is needed( A minimum of 30 m)
Sample of cell count should be placed in an EDTA-
anticoagulated venipuncture tube.
Culture specimens should include blood culture bottles
that have been inoculated at the bedside with ascetic fluid
(10 mL per culture bottle).
Recommended Tests in Peritoneal Effusion
Useful in most patients
Gross examination
Stains and culture for microorganisms
Serumascites albumin concentration gradient
Useful in selected disorders
Total leukocyte and differential cell counts
RBC count (lavage)
Creatinine/urea nitrogen
Enzymes (ADA, ALP, amylase, LD, telomerase)
Cholesterol (malignant ascites)
Peritoneal Fluid contd
Gross Examination
Milkyfluid that does not clear with centrifugation suggests a
chylous or pseudochylous effusion.
True chylous peritoneal effusions are significantly less
common than chylous pleural fluids.
Caused by disruption or blockage of lymphatic flow by
trauma, lymphoma, carcinoma, tuberculosis or other
granulomatous diseases , hepatic cirrhosis, adhesions, or
parasitic infestation.
Peritoneal Fluid contd
Microscopic Examination
The total leukocyte count is useful in distinguishing
ascites due to uncomplicated cirrhosis from spontaneous
bacterial peritonitis (SBP), which is caused by migration
of bacteria from the intestine into the ascetic fluid.
Approximately 90% of patients with SBP will have
leukocyte counts greater than 500/L, over 50% of which
are neutrophils
Neutrophils in a patient with bacterial peritonitis
Peritoneal Fluid contd
most commonly > 10% associated with the chronic
inflammatory process with chronic peritoneal dialysis.
it is also reported in congestive heart failure,
vasculitis, lymphoma, and ruptured hydatid cyst.
Peritoneal Fluid contd
Chemical Analysis
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is commonly associated with
low total protein (< 3.0 g/dL) and a high serumascites albumin
gradient (> 1.1 g/dL), making total protein measurements of little
value in this disorder.
peritoneal fluid glucose levels of 50 mg/dL or less are present in
30-60% of cases of tuberculous peritonitis and about 50% of
patients with abdominal carcinomatosis
Peritoneal Fluid contd
Microbiological Examination
The bacteria in SBP are most often normal intestinal
flora and over 92% are monomicrobial.
The Gram stain has a sensitivity of 25% in SBP and
routine cultures are positive in only about 50% of cases
Ascetic fluid total neutrophils count is the preferred
method for the diagnosis of SBP
Amniotic Fluid
Colorless Normal
Blood-streaked Traumatic tap, abdominal
trauma, intra-amniotic
Yellow Hemolytic Disease of the
Newborn (HDN), Bilirubin
Dark green Meconium (first bowel
Dark red-brown Fetal Death
Amniotic Fluid testing