Local Earth Day
Local Earth Day
Local Earth Day
Help us plant trees in the Philippines and engage youth in all
81 provinces! International Association of Youth and Students
for Peace (IAYSP) of the Philippines is helping to support the
Every Earth Day, government agencies, NGOs, schools, and Philippines' government initiative to plant 1 billion trees in
communities hold numerous events to celebrate the occasion. their country.
clean-up drives
By actively participating in these activities, students develop
a strong sense of ownership, realizing that they have a role
to play in maintaining a clean and inviting environment.
Furthermore, clean-up drives promote a sense of discipline
and organization among students.
Filipinos also come up with creative ways to celebrate Philippine
Earth Day. From awareness campaigns to art exhibitions and
cultural performances, there is no shortage of ways to promote
sustainability and a better environment for all.
planet v.s
This year, the theme of the annual celebration focuses on ''Planet vs
Plastics,'' which emphasizes the goal to achieve a 60% reduction in
plastic by 2040, educate the public on its negative effect on
biodiversity, and demand policies and technologies that correspond to a
plastic-free world.
The Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR)