IT Holiday Homework
IT Holiday Homework
IT Holiday Homework
It is a computer-generated
simulation of an environment
For example, VR goggles or
or 3-dimensional image where
other mobile devices.
people can interact in a
seemingly real or physical way.
Types of Virtual Reality
Non-immersive Semi-immersive Fully-immersive
simulations simulations simulations
Non- • The least immersive applications of
virtual reality technology. In a non-
immersive immersive simulation, only a limited
simulations number of users’ senses are stimulated,
allowing peripheral awareness of the
reality outside the virtual reality
Semi-immersive experiences provide
users with a partially virtual environment
Semi- to interact with. This type of VR is mainly
immersive used for educational and training
purposes and the experience is made
simulations possible with graphical computing and
large projector systems.
• Fully-immersive simulations give users
the most realistic simulation experience,
Fully- complete with sight and sound. To
experience and interact with fully-
immersive immersive virtual reality, the user needs
simulations the proper VR glasses or a head mount
display (HMD). VR headsets provide
high-resolution content with a wide field
of view
Augmented reality (AR) Examples of augmented
adds digital elements to a reality experiences It is an interactive
It involves overlaying
Here the objects that
visual, auditory, or other
reside in the real world
sensory information onto
are enhanced by
the world in order to
enhance one's
perceptual information.
Types of Augmented Reality Superimposition
Marker-Based Marker-less Projection
Based Augmented
Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality.
Marker • Maker-based AR works by scanning a
marker which triggers an augmented
Based experience (whether an object, text,
Augmented video or animation) to appear on the
device. It usually requires software in the
Reality form of an app, which enables users to
scan markers from their device using its
camera feed.
Marker-less • Marker-less augmented reality (AR)
Augmented refers to a software application that
doesn't require prior knowledge of a
Reality user's environment to overlay virtual 3D
content into a scene and hold it to a fixed
point in space
Projection • A projection augmented model (PA
model) is an element sometimes
Augmented employed in virtual reality systems. It
Reality consists of a physical three-dimensional
model onto which a computer image is
projected to create a realistic looking
• Superimposition-based augmented
reality uses object recognition. The
Based augmented image replaces the original
Augmented image either partially or fully. This type of
Reality AR is commonly used in the medical field
to superimpose an X-ray onto a patient's
body. It can also be used to enhance a
historical tour.
Submitted To: Ms. Jyotsna Pant Mam
Submitted By: Mahaveer Gupta
Class: IX
Section: E
Subject: Information and
School: The Asian School