Black Body
Black Body
Black Body
• The black body is importance in
thermal radiation theory and practice.
• The ideal black body notion is
importance in studying thermal
radiation and electromagnetic
radiation transfer in all wavelength
• The black body is used as a standard
with which the absorption of real
bodies is compared.
A black body is an ideal body
which allows the whole of the
incident radiation to pass into
itself ( without reflecting the
energy ) and absorbs within itself
this whole incident radiation
(without passing on the energy).
This propety is valid for radiation
corresponding to all wavelengths
and to all angels of incidence.
Therefore, the black body is an
ideal absorber of incident
1- The Rayleigh-Jeans Law. 2ckT
I ( , T )
* It agrees with experimental 4
measurements for long
* It predicts an energy output
that diverges towards infinity
as wavelengths grow smaller.
* The failure has become known
as the ultraviolet catastrophe.
I ( , T )
This formula also had a
problem. The problem
was the term in the
For large wavelengths it
fitted the experimental
data but it had major
problems at shorter
2- Planck Law
- We have two forms. As a
function of wavelength.
2hc 2 1
I ( , T )
5 hc
e kT 1
3- Wein Displacement Law
- It tells us as we heat an object
up, its color changes from red
to orange to white hot.
- You can use this to calculate the
temperature of stars.
The surface temperature of the
Sun is 5778 K, this temperature
corresponds to a peak emission
= 502 nm = about 5000 Å.
- b is a constant of proportionality,
called Wien's displacement
constant and equals 2.897 768
5(51) × 10–3 m K = 2.897768
5(51) × 106 nm K.
j T 4
4- The Stefan-Boltzmann
* Gives the total energy
being emitted at all
wavelengths by the
blackbody (which is the
area under the Planck
Law curve).
* Explains the growth in the
height of the curve as the
temperature increases.
Notice that this growth is
very abrupt.
* Sigma = 5.67 * 10-8 J s-1 m-2
K-4, Known as the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant.
As the temperature
increases, the peak
wavelength emitted by
the black body
As temperature
increases, the total
energy emitted
increases, because the
total area under the
curve increases.
The curve gets infinitely
close to the x-axis but
never touches it.
- A black body is a theoretical object that absorbs
100% of the radiation that hits it. Therefore it reflects
no radiation and appears perfectly black.
- Roughly we can say that the stars radiate like
blackbody radiators. This is important because it
means that we can use the theory for blackbody
radiators to infer things about stars.
- At a particular temperature the black body would
emit the maximum amount of energy possible for that
- Blackbody radiation does not depend on the type of
object emitting it. Entire spectrum of blackbody
radiation depends on only one parameter, the
temperature, T.
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